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Blind Lust Impregnating



Bob and I have been the closest of friends since we served together in the Air Force in Korea. We saved each other’s butts against commanders trying to hang us with Article 15s too many times to keep count. That’s a special kind of friendship which has nothing to do with being gay, which we are not. For a long time we lives apart from each other, but we stayed in contact through letters, telephone calls and more recently, Email. But we’ve always shared everything. We even work for the same company now.

Bob saw an advertisement in the paper recently in a help wanted column, applied for it and came to work here, not knowing that I was also working at this company. I work in the acquisitions department while Mike is in charge of shipping and receiving so we only see each other on lunch breaks and after work. But we have begun a routine where we almost always spend weekends together and a lot of evenings as well.

So when I found myself becoming strongly attracted to my best friend’s wife it really created a dilemma for me. If I just kept quiet about it he knew me well enough that he would sooner or later sense that something was wrong. On the other hand if I just came out and told him that Chee was giving me a raging hard on every time she blinked at me or walked by while we were watching a football game, could he blame me?

Chee is mouth-watering gorgeous, five foot six inches of exquisite curves with long shining ash-blonde hair and a face that could do competition with Helen of Troy for instigating naval operations based on a bloodline of mixed Japanese/Caucasian bloodline that offers “American breasts, tummy and thighs” that is backed up by Asian facial features and olive skin.

That’s not even mentioning her delectable bosom. No bra devised by man can disguise the incredible combination of size and shape of those wonderful orbs. It had become impossible for me to keep my eyes off of her every slightest move. Of course she had noticed this and now and again had given me a glance in response that was anything but offended.

My own wife Virginia had noticed too. She wasn’t confrontational about it though knowing that I wouldn’t dream of doing anything that would hurt my best buddy. She’s as different from Chee as two beautiful women can be. Where Chee is voluptuous and blonde Virginia is slender and dark haired with small but very sensitive breasts just right for sucking. Chee is a muscular athletic type like an Amazon porn star while Debbie is a business executive type built like a delicate fashion model. Both women are as stunningly attractive as they are different.

I finally decided when this had become unbearable that the only fair thing to do was to be straight up and honest with Bob. I hadn’t decided on when and how to lay my cards on the table nor did I have any idea how to deal with the problem.

As she often does in such situations Lady Fate took a hand in the matter. The day I decided that I must talk with Bob about my feelings for Chee there was a minor crisis in his department so I didn’t get to see him at lunch. Since we live quite close naturally we car pool and that evening it was my turn to drive home.

When Bob met me on the way to my car in the parking lot he was in a great mood. He had been confronted with a difficult and complicated situation that day and had resolved it successfully. He had every reason to feel upbeat and proud of himself. He was still telling me about what had happened as I guided the car onto the freeway. My mind was whirling with the effort of trying to decide how to broach the subject of my problem with Chee.

“By the way,” Bob spontaneously shifted direction in conversation, “Chee and I have been noticing that you’ve been a little uncomfortable around her lately.”

A flash of sheer panic burst in my brain and I feared I was about to crash the car.

“Well, I wanted to tell you not to worry about it,” he continued calmly as if reading my mind from my pale expression, “She’s a real turn-on for any man so I can’t blame you a bit. To tell the truth she admitted to me that she’s rather flattered.”

I let go a heavy sigh of relief, “Bob, you don’t know how afraid I was that you’d be upset.”

“Not at all,” he laughed, “and I have to admit that I’ve had similar feelings about Virginia, too.”

“Really?” I blurted in astonishment. Had I been so blinded by my lust for Chee that I was oblivious to everything else going on around me? Apparently so.

“She’s so different from Chee. I guess it’s the old thing about the grass always being greener on the other side or something like that.”

The traffic had become especially heavy and we had come to a complete halt. I was still sorting out my bewilderment at the way my whole world had just changed.

“Chee and I often share our fantasies,” Bob went on, “and to be honest a lot of mine have involved your wife. Does that bother you?”

“Not if my doing the same about your wife doesn’t bother you,” I laughed becoming more at ease.

“Well, in response Chee has told me about her fantasies about you.”

My cock literally jumped in my pants making the operation of a motor vehicle even more hazardous. A million erotic images suddenly flooded my electrified brain. It was almost beyond belief that the blonde goddess who had so tormented my dreams also harbored such feelings for me.

My best friend chuckled pukishly, “Listen, if you’re game for something wild and kinky I have an idea that might be a lot of fun for all of us.”

Bob’s suggestion was stimulating in the extreme and we decided to begin persuading our respective wives right away. That night as Virginia and I were engaged in nothing inconsequential I made my first move.

“Do you remember that fantasy you told me about,” I whispered as I passed my thrusts, “the one about the blindfold?”

I occasionally broke my steady rhythm with a punctuating hard thrust. She was making her soft little cry each time I pushed into her. Her hands were clasped tightly about my buttocks urging me on.

“Oh yes,” she sighed nearing her climax, “being blindfolded and made love to by a man I could not see.”

“Do you think you could tell if it was me or not?” I asked.

“Oh yes, do it just like that, a little harder!” she moaned, “I think I could up to a point. After that I probably wouldn’t care!” Her orgasm was approaching quickly. She began to undulate beneath me like a dancer. I accelerated my movements.

“How about if we do it? I’ll take you somewhere, undress you and blindfold you, then leave. A man will then come and make love to you. You won’t know if it’s me or not.”

“Uhm, I like that! Oh yes! I’m coming!” she wailed writhing under me in delight, the intensity of her climax enhanced by the spiciness of her fantasy as I felt her cream beginning to coat my nuts pressed against her anal cavity. She slowly calmed and regained her breathing. “You can talk me into anything when I’m coming. But listen, if it isn’t you then you had better make damn sure it’s someone you really trust with me.”

“Like who?” I teased.

“Oh,” she paused to consider, “maybe like Bob.”

The next morning when I picked up Bob at his place he fairly leapt into the car. He quickly revealed the cause of his excitement.

“It worked perfectly!” he chimed happily, “Chee’s always been pretty adventurous and a little kinky too, so when I suggested the blindfold scenario she jumped for it. She said it would be fun imagining while being taken that it wasn’t me doing to it her but someone else, like you!”

So I told him about Virginia and he fell back into the car seat laughing.

“Okay, so now how exactly are we going to do this?” I asked.

We made our plans with careful coordination. Bob and I usually went bowling every Friday night, something Virginia had never developed any interest in. So she had no reason to suspect anything when I kissed her goodbye and hurried out the door.

Near our community is a back road that is almost always deserted with lots of tree grooves. I drove to the one we had pre-arranged and parked between two trees out of sight from the road. Getting out stopped among the bushes near a grassy area and waited.

I didn’t have to wait very long. Soon a pair of headlights turned onto the road and approached the groove. Bob’s van pulled up beside the trees and the lights went out. From where I watched I could just make out the two figures of Mike and Chee embracing and kissing in the front seat. I waited, my pulse pounding in my ears like a jack hammer.

Both of them disappeared into the back of the van. Several minutes passed with my tension growing with every passing second. Then the panel door slid open and both of them stepped into the bright moonlight. Chee was naked, her tall deliciously shaped body gleaming like the ivory statue in the dark, of a mythical goddess.

My desperate organ swelled to full hardness instantly. Bob was dressed and carrying a blanket. They walked slowly to the middle of the grassy clearing where he spread the blanket on the soft grass. Chee then embraced him excitedly and they went to their knees in a deep kiss. Then he broke the kiss and pulled a long piece of black cloth from his pocket. He looped it around her face and tied it behind her head across her eyes. I could hear her panting in excitement. Then Bob fondled her heaving breasts.

“I’m going to leave you now,” I heard him whisper to her, “and a man is going to come and enjoy you. It may be me or it may be someone else. But you must not take the blindfold off.”

Bob kissed her again before he stood and hurried back to the van. Chee sat there with her legs to one side shivering from the night air and anticipation. I stripped quickly and quietly, leaving my clothes in a pile where I could find them in the dark. My cock was raging hard and straight up as I stepped towards her on bare feet. Looking down on her indescribably body I could barely control myself. She could hear me approaching and was visibly trembling with both fear and arousal.

I knelt and touched her face with my hands before kissing her gently but heatedly. She jumped at my first touch then accepted my kiss and let my tongue pursue hers into her mouth. My arms went around her as my hands explored every curve and detail of her divine body. She was trembling. Breaking our kiss I brought my lips to one breast where I feasted on her erect nipple while my free hand cupped and squeezed the other perfect globe.

“That feels so good, just a little harder,” she cooed, “Please Bob, or whoever you are I don’t care, take me now!”

She lay back on the blanket and extended her arms over her head making her look even longer and more languorous than ever. My hands were on both of her breasts squeezing them firmly then I reached with my right hand to cup her blonde mound. She was steaming hot to my touch.

“No more!” she whimpered pitifully, “Take me, please!”

Nor could I wait another second. My raging organ was about to bust with excitement at entering her hot wet cave before moving over her. She opened her long strong legs and clasped them about my hips as if to eventually lock her ankles across my bare ass as I guided my cock into her opening. The instant the head touched her wetness it seemed to suck me inside hungrily. She arched her back instinctively and cried out as I had slid all the way into her with one push. Somehow the hot tightness of her vaginal flesh grasping my organ felt subtly different from Virginia’s. As she clawed at the blanket with both hands I pulled back just a little and then plunged back into her.

Unable to restrain myself any longer I moved faster plunging into her eagerly accepting femaleness. I gripped her hips with my hands as she braced herself on the ground with both arms and raised her writhing hips her body moving in perfect harmony to my thrusts. She made love as if it were an athletic performance. The lean strong muscles of her thighs and the concave belly rippled as they suctioned me deeper into her with every movement. Both of our bodies were gleaming with perspiration inspite of the night coolness.

“Oh God, Don! Jim! I don’t care! Just fuck me, harder! Harder!” she shrieked in agonized ecstasy bucking and twisting violently. My own juices were boiling up from every gland with irresistible pressure. I fell forward over her feeling her orbs pillowing against my chest. Our bodies slid together on the dampness of our flesh. Her fingers dug savagely into my shoulders as I started to come, shooting my baby-makers in a surge after surge erupting into her womb.

As the last spasm escaped my embedded organ I lay panting and almost unconscious over her. She lay almost limp making soft moans and sighs. Slowly and awkwardly I raised myself on my arms and sat back. I looked towards the van. The panel door was open but I couldn’t see anyone. I tried to stand and almost staggered. Somehow I made my way back to where I had hidden my clothes.

“Exactly where are we going?” Virginia asked me the following evening after I picked her up following an important business meeting. She was dressed in an elegant wool skirt and business jacket with a crisp white blouse that complimented her long silky dark hair perfectly.

“Does it matter?” I asked with a smile, “How about a damp, dangerous old warehouse down by the waterfront?” I was changing lanes after getting onto the freeway heading towards the suburbs. To the west the sun was clearing the horizon turning the ocean into a carpet of deep blue fringed with gold and crimson. By the time we reached the offramp to our suburb it was already dark.

As we drove I had been fondling her thigh and caressing her hand as I often do in the car. She sat silently, icy elegant in her perfect makeup and a glazed look in her large dark eyes that told me she was aroused but apprehensive. I turned off the main road and followed the dirt road around behind the grove to where Bob’s van had been parked the night before. I halted the car and switched off the engine.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked.

She turned towards me, eyes flashing, “Are you ready for it?”

Then she opened the door and stepped out. As I got the blanket from the back seat she unbuttoned her jacket and laid it on the front car seat. I came around the car and met her lusty gaze calmly. Laying the blanket on the hood for the moment I drew her towards me and unbuttoned her blouse. Her bra had a snap in the front which I undid and pulled it away to expose her perfectly shaped breasts to the night air. She was gasping, her lips slightly parted.

Reaching down I undid her skirt and drew it down about her ankles. Her panties had two little bows on either side of her hips which I undid and drew them away leaving her wearing only her open blouse, her black garter belt and her stockings and shoes. Taking the blanket again I led her by the hand out to the grassy clearing.

Once there I spread the blanket over the soft grass and she knelt on it extending those long slender legs to one side. Even in the moonlight she looked as if she were posing for a fashion ad. I knelt before her and offered her a kiss to which she responded intensely. Then I pulled the black cloth strip from my pocket and secured it around her eyes.

“Are you frightened?” I asked noticing that she was shivering.

“Yes,” she sighed, “I love to be frightened.”

“I’m going to leave now. A man will come and make love to you. It may be me, it may be someone else, that’s the fantasy.”

“If it is someone else!” she hesitated.


“Tell him not to be too gentle, I want to come, and I want to feel his come as he shoots it into me!”

With that I stood and moved away back to the car. I waited for some time and was beginning to fear that Bob had been unable to get away from Chee as we had planned. Then I saw a movement on the other side of the clearing. Bob appeared stepping into the moonlight naked. He moved quickly across the grass on bare feet. Virginia apparently heard him approach and she straightened tensely.

He knelt over her from behind reaching around her to cup her breasts with both hands. I could hear her moan and whimper. She turned her head and accepted his kiss as he caressed her breasts with growing ardor. Then he was kissing and nipping at her rounded shoulders with his lips as he urged her onto her hands and knees.

I had my own organ free of my jeans by now and was stroking it quickly. On the blanket Bob had positioned himself behind Virginia and was fondling the cheeks of her ass. Then he lunged while grasping her hips and she cried in joy. He must have heard what she had said about not being gentle because he was pistoning into her with machine-like energy.

“That’s it! Do it to me, harder! Do it harder!” she cried and blurted between gasps.

So he did, accelerating his thrusts making loud fleshy slapping sounds punctuated with sighs and moans. Virginia reared upright reaching behind her to dig her fingernails into his flanks as she went over the edge into orgasmic nirvana. Bob’s powerful arms encircled her as he tensed and shot her full of his cream, cumming furiously inside her. Finally she collapsed forward onto the blanket. Bob stood slowly, looking understandably dazed, his cum continuing to seep from the end of his cock as it stringed from her hot wetness that now housed millions of his baby-makers.

I had by now spewed my load into the grass near the car. I had never imagined it would be such a strong vicarious turn-on to watch another man enjoying my wife. As I leaned back against the car trying to regain my composure Bob rushed back across the clearing. After a few minutes I crossed from my side to Virginia and knelt over her.

She stirred to semi-consciousness as I touched her shoulder. I lifted both her and the blanket in my arms and carried her back to the car.

“Uhm, that was fun,” she purred as I carried her.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I answered, “but you’ll never know if it was me or not.”

“Oh yes I will,” she assured me as I placed her in the car.

When I got to my side I asked, “How will you know?”

“Well, when you suggested this fantasy,” she began cuddling next to me, “I talked with Chee and she told me that Bob had suggested the same thing to her. The idea that you two were conspiring to actually do such a thing got us both turned on as we talked about it. So we agreed we’d go along with it but each of us would mark the man we were with.”

I gulped feeling a slight sting from the scratches on the back of my shoulders.

“When we get home,” Virginia continued, “I’m going to see if you’ve got scratch marks on your shoulders from Chee or on your hips from me. Chee’s going to do the same with Bob.”

Then she leaned over and kissed my cheek, “They’ll be coming over in about an hour so we can compare notes. Then we’ll just see where this little game of yours is going to take us.”

When they came over, the cats were out of the bag. We all got undressed and once again Virginia and Bob were almost immediately into each other’s arms and I saw Bob slip his uncovered cock into her folds at the top of her thighs. Chee almost immediately sat down next to me and began milking my cock to its extreme hardness, before sitting on my lap and sliding her hot wetness down onto my pole of lust. I felt an immediate desire to cum and as I shot into her tummy, I glanced over and could see Bob’s body going through a series of twinges as he shot his wad into my wife’s belly

After we finished out lovemaking that afternoon we all decided that our homes were too big for just the 4 of us, so Bob and Chee helped us to move into their home. We got two large King-sized bed mattresses to put on the floor in their previous master bedroom and the women sewed a set of large double-King sized sheets and blankets to fit and accomodate us.

A couple of months later Chee’s tummy began to swell and Bob and I compared notes… it was obvious that she was growing my baby inside her belly as he had not fucked her since our original times together. The next month, Virginia missed her monthly period. Bob and I took both the women to the local OB-GYN who confirmed that he and I were both going to be Daddy(s).

We no longer make love with blindfolds on and the women know when they are being fucked. Yes, now that they are both pregnant, sometimes we go back and fuck our original mates, just for old times’ sake. Our OB-GYN has advised that both babies are girls, so maybe when the time comes our blindfolding experience can continue…