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The Nympho Stepmom 1.



Janet Green stood by her kitchen door and smiled out into the warm morning sunshine. She was standing in the shade of the deep back porch but she could already feel the warmth of the day creeping in on her. A tall hedge enclosed the large back yard and several cheerful birds perched there, singing among themselves.

From the far corner of the yard the beautiful blonde heard the dull thunk, then the heavy vibrating sound as the diving board tossed a body high into the air. Her blue eyes flicked in that direction but were too late. All she saw was the bright sparkle of pool water as it fell back toward the hidden pool.

“Ohhh, I’ll bet that water is nice this morning,” she said to herself, and her full, high-breasted body tingled as she wished she could push aside her housework and dive in there herself. There was another reason she wished that she was in the pool-Tommy was there!

An unusual sensation trickled through her and Janet found herself smiling as she thought of two new additions to their family. Tommy, fifteen years old, was lean, dark and strangely handsome. Mia, thirteen, was small, slender, and had long dark hair and dark, almond eyes. Her “children” were beautiful!

“But Jan, darling, Chinese orphans?”

The lovely housewife remembered a sharp sting of anger whenever she thought of her friends’ coy comments and questions. She remembered the sudden, protective anger that rose up in her as she came to Tommy’s and Mia’s defense.

“Firstly, they aren’t Chinese! Tommy and Mia are Vietnamese, and only half that! We’ve known about these two for months. They’ve been in an orphanage over there for a year, their father was an American. They’re lovely, well-behaved kids and I’m so happy they’ve come to us!”

It hadn’t been easy. She was aware that some of her former friends had stayed away since the children had arrived, but lhat was all right with her! Dave and I need time to get acquainted with them. We can find new friends. Right now we’ve got enough to do right here at home-more than enough!

Just thinking about her husband forced a change in Jan’s expression. She frowned slightly and felt a small puff of irritation blow like a dust devil in her mind. What was happening to them? No matter what she tried it didn’t seem to help, and she knew they were drifting apart! A mental picture of her tall, broad-shouldered husband snapped in place in her head and she felt an ache when she imagined losing him. What does he want? The fierce question rattled around in her head and she tried to dismiss it, but it wouldn’t go away because she knew the answer, she just wouldn’t admit it!

The lush-bodied blonde shivered slightly as her relentless thoughts marched on and on. She imagined the feel of Dave’s hard body next to her, felt his broad chest mashing her full, firm breasts against him and felt the heavy pressure as the blunt tip of his penis forced into her. For a moment she surrendered to the thoughts and excitement began to bubble in her soft, rounded belly. She had to shake her head and change position as an unwelcome tingle of sexual arousal began to seethe between her rounded thighs.

He wants me to he his whore! It isn’t enough that I cook for him, that I keep his home clean and attractive for him. Oh no, I’ve got to give myself to him and let him use my body in his dirty little games! For a brief instant she felt relieved but then the worry began to seep back in, because his sexual drives weren’t the only problem and she knew it! She shook her head again and uncomfortably shifted her weight to her other foot.

Thinking about sex always made her uncomfortable. Jan flushed. It wasn’t fair! All her life she’d been taught to shy away from sex, to be a virgin, a “good girl”. Then, when she got married, she was just supposed to toss all that aside and jump in and wallow in it! Well, she wasn’t going to do it, she wasn’t going to allow him to twist and pervert her into his personal whore!

“For Christ’s sake, Jan, we’ve been married almost ten years! When are you going to snap out of this priggish, old maid crap?” Dave’s angry question had hurt her when he asked it, and it still hurt!

Dave Green had always been honest with her, Jan had to admit that. He’d made it plain from the first that he would find satisfaction somewhere else if he didn’t find it at home, but his honesty didn’t erase the pain or the humiliation she felt whenever she found other women’s hairs and lipstick on his clothes, or smelled their perfumes on him when he came home!

She had tried to allow him that freedom, had tried to ignore his outside interest in the type of whores who’d let him use them, just as her mother had ignored the same thing for her father. But it was getting harder. She didn’t want to share him with other women, but the nasty, perverted things he wanted her to do frightened and angered her and she still refused him. She knew Dave loved her and was waiting for her, but she just couldn’t respond, not that way! Lately he was home less and less. Advertising was a long-day job, she knew, but it was getting worse-especially since he’d been assigned the Verna Fields account.

The image of the sleek, well-kept brunette leapt into Jan’s mind before she could censor it. Verna Fields had everything, damn her! Jan tried not to think about the wealthy divorcee, tried not to imagine Dave in bed with her. She truly tried to push the awful thoughts away but failed. An image of Dave on top of Verna slipped into her tortured brain, and the blonde saw the woman’s sleek thighs clamped around her husband’s naked back, saw his thick, heavy penis slipping in and out of the black-fringed labia. She could hear the woman’s groans and Dave’s hot whispers, and she wanted to cry!

A loud splashing sound in the pool distracted Jan and the mental image of Tommy swept in on her. She imagined him in his tight swim trunks and saw the impressive lump of his prick plainly outlined.

The blonde housewife felt the hot flush of shame on her cheeks and looked around to make sure she was alone. Despite the shame she felt, the mental image of her “son” stayed in place and some hidden need in her heart kept her focusing on the boy’s maturing body. She couldn’t stop the thoughts that were wiggling and pressing at the corners of her mind, trying to get in.

“Stop it, stop it right now,” she hissed at herself, but the thoughts wouldn’t stop. “He’s your child now, your son! You can’t think things like that about your own son!”

Despite her best efforts Janet couldn’t force herself back inside the house. She knew she could cleanse her mind of all the filth if she could busy herself with cleaning, but her legs felt weak and refused to carry her away.

Slowly, the beautiful blonde slipped into a lawn chair beside the door. She relaxed slightly but the vulgar thoughts were still there. She closed her eyes and leaned back as an image of Dave slipped back into the confused whirl of her brain. She could almost feel his hands touching her, rousing her, and the thought made goose-flesh pop out on her smooth, silky skin.

“Touch it. That’s right, see? It won’t bite you, baby.”

The housewife felt her pulse quicken in spite of her disgusted reaction to the emory of how he’d coaxed her to touch and fondle his thick, pulsating cock. Without her realizing what was happening, her fingers curled into an imitation of a hand clutching at the fat shaft of an organ. She remembered his pleased groans as he guided her hand up and down the frightening length of his erection, then remembered how he’d whispered in her ear as her hand jerked up and down on him, “Kiss it. Please, baby, just kiss it! Try!”

Janet’s lids squeezed even tighter as she remembered how she’d jerked her hand away from him and slipped out from under the hand that was pressing her face down in his lap.

It had been terrible. They’d fought that night. Angry words were traded and they’d finally gone to sleep unsatisfied and tense. Janet wished she had the answer but she just didn’t! She couldn’t do the things Dave wanted her to do, and yet she knew she’d lose him if things didn’t change, and soon!

Janet heard loud laughter from the pool and knew Tommy and his new friends were having a good time. That pleased her. She wanted him to be happy and fit in. She wanted that for both of the children. There was an ulterior motive in wanting them to be happy here-their being here might just calm Dave and cement their shaky marriage. It might, but she wasn’t certain.

Thoughts of Tommy crept back into her brain as she pressed her worries about her marriage away from her. This time the tall boy wore nothing and she found herself staring in unconcealed interest at a long, limber penis. He would have only a few hairs and she was sure she could see all of his privates. The excited buzzing between her plump labia startled Jan and she slapped her thighs together, but that made the flesh there press and squeeze the growing bud of her clitoris. She knew it was wrong and that she shouldn’t be thinking of things like this, but the excitement she felt pushed her strict morals into a corner for a few moments. Tommy’s dream-prick grew as she stared at it and she found herself reaching out for it, eager to feel the warmth of him, to slip her slender fingers around him and feel the hardness of his erection under the velvety flesh that covered it. The daydream was so vivid that she could almost feel the pulsating shaft against her sweaty palm. In her dream, she moaned and snuggled closer to the exciting boy. Even as her lewd thoughts swirled and echoed inside her, another part of her brain was trying to understand what was happening. Why was she so excited at the thought of doing that for Tommy, when doing it for Dave sickened her?

Jan tried to ignore the questions that pressed in on her. She felt her clitoris swell and grow hard. It felt like a small marble between the folds of her vulva and there was an overpowering need for her to touch it, to sooth its insistent demands.

The beautiful blonde kept her eyes tightly shut as she allowed one hand to drift down over her body until her slender fingers could press firmly against the up-thrust outline of her sex. All she wore was a light summer dress and, under that, a filmy pair of panties. The touch of her fingers caused the bud-like seat of her pleasure to throb, setting off little explosions of delight inside of her. Janet gasped and pressed again, this time letting her forefinger wiggle against the closed folds, making them part under the pressure. The slick material of her panties brushed across the tip of her love knot and she could feel the shock all the way to her toes!

Janet opened her eyes for a second to make sure she was still alone, then she pressed again, allowing her long, full thighs to part slightly, opening herself to her invading finger. Deep inside, Jan knew it was wrong. She always felt ashamed of herself whenever she surrendered to the need to masturbate, but sometimes she just couldn’t resist. The need would become too great, and she would have to do it!

Each stroke of her finger felt nicer. Janet sighed and allowed her swelling hips to squirm a little on the cushion. She felt her juices spreading inside of her tight vagina and knew she was messing her dainty panties! The slick, light oil of her body’s secretions made the pressure against her clit feel even nicer than before and the wiggle of her firm buttocks became more pronounced.

“Ooooo, this is filthy,” the blonde housewife whispered to herself, but that didn’t stop her. Her free hand crept down and lifted the hem of her dress, and she quickly slipped her hand under the fabric. This time she didn’t bother pressing the panties back between the folds of her labia. Her forefinger wiggled in under the tight elastic of her panties at the leg and dipped directly into her wet, steamy pussy. “Agghhh, pussy, what a nasty word,” she murmured, but that didn’t detract from the wonderful sensations her finger whipped up around her pulsating love bud! As she stroked and played with her tingling little nubbin of pleasure, she allowed her mind to wander and almost instantly she thought of Tommy again, as he moaned, “Ohhhhh, Mom, that feels nice! Do it harder!”

Janet shuddered as the erotic daydream spun on. She imagined his lean, firm young body pressing against her. She dreamt that his handsome face was pressed tight against her swollen breasts and gasped aloud when she thought of how lovely it would be if he sucked at her stiff, thick nipples.

In the background there was a thumping noise, followed by the low murmur of someone talking. Janet finally heard the sounds, jerked her hand away, and quickly leapt to her feet. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as she darted nervous glances around her. What if someone was here? What if someone had caught her doing that to herself? Slowly the fear and the nervous jerking of her eyes slowed. There was no one in the yard. No one had caught her.

She was so engrossed in her own self-criticism that she almost didn’t respond when the sounds came again. As it was, it took her a few seconds to realize that the sounds were close by and the only place they could be coming from was the garage.

For a few more moments Janet stood staring at the garage. Everything looked normal-the door was closed and there was no sign of someone having broken in, but even as she stared at the low, white structure the murmur of voices rose again, clearer this time.

Some native cunning she wasn’t even aware she possessed guided the attractive blonde around to the sheltered side of the garage. There were bushes there that covered the small window. She could look in and no one would see her doing it.

Moving quietly so that she wouldn’t make any sound, Jan slipped into the thick clump of bushes. Somehow the young housewife knew that it wasn’t burglars or someone trying to steal. Somehow she knew that what was happening in the garage was far more important than that. At last she was inside the bushes and close to the small window. One of the four panes had been broken and she could hear as well as see what was happening. The moment that her eyes adjusted to the dim light inside, she froze in place and her heart seemed to have forgotten how to beat. Her lungs had stopped working and she was totally frozen in a state of horrified shock! ‘-

“I … I didn’t know they got so … big,” Mia whispered as she knelt before the boy.

Jan’s lungs were aching and her ears were buzzing before she remembered to start breathing again. She watched with disbelieving eyes as her delicate adopted daughter shyly ran her slim little hand up and down the thick, erect shaft of the boy’s penis. Janet struggled with herself before she could tear her eyes away from the throbbing cock that looked so white and huge enclosed in the child’s little fist.

It’s Jimmy Williams! Oh god, I’ve known him for years! Jan almost refused to believe what her eyes told her. She stared at the handsome neighbor boy and shuddered. Jimmy was a nice kid. He wouldn’t take a little girl like Mia in the garage and teach her things like this. And he was just a kid, so he couldn’t have a big, thick, man-sized cock like that!

“How do I do it? You said you’d teach me how,” Mia said, as she inched a little closer to the boy.

Jimmy was sitting on an old bench. His trousers and undershorts lay at his feet, and he was naked from the waist down. Jan was pressed hard against the side of the garage, her eyes nearly popping out of her head as they took in the boy’s erection. They drifted down from the fat, purple knob of his circumcised cock to the swollen, hard-looking shaft and finally to the heavy, bouncing sac that held his testicles. The housewife saw that he had little hair around his groin and realized that he was still just a boy, regardless of how large an organ he had. Then another thought struck her, a thought that made her whole body begin to tingle-if Jimmy was this large now, what would he be like when he was a man?

“You sure you want to do it?” Jimmy asked as he stared down at the slim little girl who knelt before him.

Jan followed his gaze and saw Mia’s dark eyes dance and sparkle as she nodded. Her long dark hair snapped around her shoulders, and her fingers seemed to tighten around the boy’s thick column.

“Sure. You said it was one of the things that American girls do, and I want to learn everything. I want to be just like the American girls, so show me.” The trim little girl pressed even closer to him. Jan saw her small, apple-sized breasts flatten as they pressed against his knees.

Without another word, Jimmy reached out and slipped a hand behind Mia’s slender neck, right at the base of the skull, and began to gently pull her head forward.

The housewife shivered and pressed even harder against the wall of the garage as she stared at the incredible tableau before her. She felt her frustrated desires flame up again and remembered that she’d been interrupted and hadn’t been able to relieve the tensions of her body. Now the hunger and lustful need was even stronger inside her as she watched her lovely daughter’s face being drawn closer and closer to the boy’s thick penis.

The pressure of Jimmy’s hand had drawn Mia up on her knees. Her slender torso was pressed tight against the boy’s legs as she craned her head toward the fat prong still clutched in her tiny fist.

“Just suck the head first, till you get used to it,” Jimmy whispered, his bright eyes never leaving her as she came closer.

Jan was ashamed of the sudden gush of her fluids as she understood fully just what it was that he was teaching her daughter.

Don’t let her do it! She’s so innocent, she doesn’t know how nasty that is, her mind screamed, but Janet was paralyzed and couldn’t make herself move to stop them. She stood petrified and helpless as Mia’s lips pressed against the swollen, dripping glans, then parted. Her own lips tingled as she saw the fat, plum-shaped tip slowly disappear inside the stretched oval of her daughter’s mouth. “Oh god, she’s sucking it,” the lovely blonde whimpered to herself. “She’s got it in her mouth and she’s sucking on it!”

She was so distracted she didn’t realize that her own hand had slipped back under her skirt and inside of her wet, sticky panties. She had to grit her teeth to keep from making a sound as her forefinger dipped into the fine oil that surrounded her clit, then lightly strummed back and forth over it.

“Suck it hard. Run your tongue around the underside,” Jimmy panted, his young body jerking excitedly as Mia obeyed and sucked noisily at him, her cheeks hollowing beneath her high cheekbones. The tall boy groaned and pulled her closer, forcing another wet inch of his excited flesh into her yielding mouth.

Jan listened to the wet smacking sounds and watched the sticky pre-cum and saliva trickle down the shaft and over Mia’s clenched fingers. Her own mouth hung open in a perfect oval as her finger flashed up and down the wet furrow between her quivering thighs, and she could imagine what it felt like to have that bar of warm flesh slipping in and out over her own tongue. She was near her climax. She could feel the sensations swirling and boiling inside of her and increased her pace.

“Am I doing it right, Jimmy?” Mia’s smile was beautiful when she pulled her dripping lips away from the prick.

Jan was so ashamed of her excitement that she could have cried, but she still couldn’t fight back the first wave that struck her as she gazed at the boy’s glistening knob and watched the thin strand of fluid that dangled between it and Mia’s sweet lower lip.

“Am I sucking it like an American girl?”

She’s innocent. She doesn’t know what she’s doing! She doesn’t know how obscene and nasty it is!

Jimmy sighed and pressed the little girl’s lovely face toward him again. “Ooohhh, yeah! You’re going it great, Mia! Now lick it all over. Lick it real hard!”

Jan bit down hard on her lip as she saw Mia’s pink little tongue dart out in response to the boy’s demand. Her mature hips made quick, circular motions, and her finger slipped up into the firm grip of her vagina and wiggled frantically as her eyes devoured the obscene act taking place before her.

Jimmy’s fingers were still gripping Mia tightly. He made grunting and moaning sounds as the girl’s tongue lapped at his rigid prong.

Jan saw the excited wiggle of Mia’s slim bottom and knew the child was rubbing her sex against his leg as she bathed him with her tongue. Jan’s own hips jerked in a rapid imitation of intercourse as her finger stabbed deep into her steaming vagina. She was sure she’d never been so terribly excited in her life!

“Oh Christ!” Jimmy moaned, his pelvis jerking up and down, rubbing the dripping glans in Mia’s dark, shiny hair as she licked gently at his swollen balls. “Christ, put it back in your mouth!”

Jimmy’s excited growl startled Jan, and it was a few more seconds before the full impact of what was happening hit her. Jimmy groaned as Mia’s pink lips slipped back over the swollen purple glans. His powerful fingers gripped the dark hair and guided her. In seconds the little girl’s head was bobbing rapidly over him, with almost half of his jerking prick crammed into her dripping mouth.

Janet almost screamed. She saw Mia’s head jerk back before the boy’s fingers pulled her forward, and Jan could see the white froth of the boy’s cum seeping out from around the clamped pink lips. At that same strange, wild moment, her own orgasm welled up in her and shook her until she almost fell in the dirt beside the garage.

“Unnggghhh, damn!” Jimmy’s agonized groan made Jan’s tingling body jerk and writhe, and she watched helplessly as her poor little daughter gulped and swallowed the thick cum from his squirting stem. The housewife’s thighs were shaking badly but she still couldn’t stop her finger as it flicked and rubbed at her tortured clitoris.

“Ohhhhh man, that was great!” Jimmy’s hands trembled as he pushed Mia’s dripping, drooling lips away from his wilting penis. Suddenly Jan realized she had to get away before the two in the garage calmed down and caught her at the window.

Forcing her shaking legs to move, Janet slowly backed out of the bushes. She looked around to make sure no one had seen her in there, then she hurried back to the porch.

The lovely blonde had to force herself to be calm as she called out, “Tommy, Mia! Time for lunch kids! Come on in!” She turned and hurried inside, not wanting to see Jimmy Williams when he slipped out of the garage.

Tommy was the first inside. He flashed Jan a happy white-toothed smile as he toweled himself dry. She tried not to do it but she couldn’t keep her eyes from creeping down over his damp, olive-hued flesh until they fastened on the tight, full crotch of his swim trunks.

“Hi! I’m hungry,” Mia called out as she dashed in and sat at the table. Jan’s eyes darted to her new daughter’s pretty face and searched the bland, innocent expression. She tried to find some trace of guilt but found none. For a moment she could almost believe it had all been an awful dream, but then she saw a tiny drop of milky fluid in the corner of the child’s mouth and shuddered!

Jan leaned over Tommy’s shoulder and, as she set the plate on the table, she stared down at the clear outline of his penis. Just looking at him made the heat between her shapely thighs leap and flame again. She only looked for a second but that was all it took.

“Did you have a nice morning, kids?” She felt foolish trying to make casual conversation with them while her poor pussy burned and twitched, filling her with strange and uncomfortable yearnings.

Tommy answered her with a happy grin and an enthusiastic nod. But it was Mia’s answer that shook Janet and made her shudder and twist inside.

“I had a wonderful time. I’ve met some new people and have learned so many new things,” Mia said. She smiled to herself for a moment before she went on, the pink tip of her tongue tracing the outline of her little mouth. “I’m going to love learning to be a real American girl, Mother. It’s wonderful!”


Janet lay stiffly in bed, pretending to read the book she was holding, but in reality she was watching Dave as he hung up his clothes and got ready for bed. There had been a strained, silent tension between them since he had come home-late, as usual!

The lovely blonde watched her well-built husband strip down his briefs, and for an instant she stared at his long, limp penis. But old habits die hard, and she quickly looked away. She knew he was headed for the bed and shifted uncomfortably, wishing he would wear pajamas.

Janet knew that it was prudish and Victorian of her to be uncomfortable because her husband slept in the nude, but she couldn’t help it, that was the way it made her feel.

The wide bed creaked and shifted slightly as

Dave slipped under the covers. She felt his leg brush against hers and ignored it. Jan waited uncomfortably for a few seconds to see if he would speak to her. When he didn’t, she tried to interest herself in the book, but trying to take her mind off of her problems by reading was hopeless. She was still irritated with him. Tonight, of all nights, he’d come home very late, just when she needed him!

Just thinking about it made a lewd pleasure sizzle deep in her belly. The afternoon and the evening had been terrible for her. No matter what she’d tried to do to distract herself, she would end up thinking about the terrible thing she’d seen in the garage, and then thinking about Tommy. Jan was terribly ashamed of herself, ashamed of using the boy, her son, as the object of her masturbation fantasy. She’d needed Dave today, needed his support and his presence, but he’d been out with Verna Fields!

Jan realized she had just read the same paragraph for the fifth time and she still didn’t know what it said. The beautiful wife petulantly snapped the book shut and threw it on the night stand, then she shut off the reading lamp, plunging the bedroom into total darkness. There was a heavy silence in the room but Janet knew that Dave was awake. He was lying there waiting, just as she was!

Finally Dave broke the silence. His deep baritone shocked her and made her heart flutter in the darkness. “Are you all right, honey?” For an instant Jan stiffened and refused to answer him, but she knew that was the action of a child.

“I’m … fine, Dave, but I do wish you would … try to get home earlier … for the children’s sake,” she added lamely.

Dave’s low chuckle stung her and she would have rolled away from him if his hand hadn’t found hers in the dark and held it.

“You mean you wish I wouldn’t see so much of Verna, don’t you?” When Jan refused to answer that, he went on again, but this time she heard the faint edge of anger in his voice. “It’s part of my business, Jan. You know that as well as I do. I have to keep an important client like Verna Fields happy, you know.”

Jan tried not to say it, but the words snapped out of her mouth before she could catch them. “Please, Dave, don’t play games with me. Is it really your job to be with her all the time? To … to do it to her so often?”

Dave snapped back at her, not giving her a chance to get set. “Damn it, Jan, say what you mean! If you mean fuck, say fuck! Sometimes you sound like a prissy little girl!” He didn’t give her a chance to reply, he just slapped and punched at her with more words. “Yes! Yes it is my job to fuck Verna all she wants! Besides, my dear sweet wife, it’s not just a job!”

Jan tried to pull away from him but he still held her wrist, and instead of letting her go, he began to pull her toward him. “It’s not all job, honey. Fucking and sucking with a woman like Verna could hardly be classed as hard labor!”

Before she realized what was happening, Jan found herself lying close to Dave’s naked body. Even through the fabric of her nightgown she could feel his body heat. It seemed to surround her and envelop her with its steamy musk.

“Pl-please Dave … don’t talk to me about that! You know it upsets me.” The words sounded dull, like a tired ritual chant. She couldn’t put any real outrage or anger behind them, and it sounded as if she were just protesting out of habit.

“Baby, listen to me,” Dave whispered. His hand left her wrist and slipped around her smooth shoulders. Jan heard the serious tone in his voice and stopped trying to pull away. “We’ve got to settle this thing. We can’t keep pushing the problem away and pretending it isn’t there! I love you so much, Jan, but you’re driving me away from you with this shy virgin queen routine!”

Jan felt the solid strength of his arm surrounding her .and admitted that she loved it, but at the same time she felt his penis stir and begin to grow against her silky belly. She wanted to react to the love in his voice but didn’t know how.

“I suppose that Verna doesn’t give you any problems,” Jan said. She heard the catty malice in her voice but still she couldn’t stop herself. “I’m sure that black-haired bitch lets you have anything you want, doesn’t she? Does she give you good blow-jobs, Dave? Is she the best cocksucker in your stable?” She could see the cold anger that her jabs sparked in him and shivered. She’d never used terms like that in her life!

For a moment they both paused. Both were shocked by the bitter foul words that had spilled out of her mouth. Dave recovered first and Jan was more than a little shocked to feel his organ snap to full erection. She heard the brittle excitement in his voice, and felt herself drawn forward until her breasts were mashed against him.

“Verna is a sexy lady, Jan. You couldn’t begin to understand what it is that makes her tick. I know her pretty damn well by now, and I’m not sure I know.” His hand slid down her back until it found the firm cheeks of her bottom. She shivered again and tried to ignore the sparks of obscene pleasure that began to float up her spine as his strong fingers kneaded and petted her there. “Sure, she gives good blow jobs, Jan! The woman has a great mouth and she loves to suck-can you believe that? Can you believe a woman honest enough to admit that she-likes sex as much as a man?”

Jan wanted to answer him. She felt the anger boil up in her, but Dave’s fingers seemed to be drawing the anger from her and squeezing and mauling it until it became something else, something uncomfortably like deep sexual desire.

“Verna loved being fucked, too, Jan. Just think, she-likes it!” Dave seemed to enjoy talking to her like this. His hips began to move, pressing his pelvis upward, making his heavy prick rub against her belly. “She loves it any way she can get it, too, baby-on top, on the bottom, on her back or on her belly! She loves cock, baby. Isn’t that just terrible?”

The biting sarcasm in his voice nipped at Jan but she still couldn’t fight back. Dave’s fingers had worked in between the smooth cheeks of her buttocks and had managed to slip into her fringed love slot from the rear. The beautiful blonde couldn’t control her body’s reaction and she felt her hips begin to slowly revolve and force her pelvis up against her husband’s heavy slab of meat.

“Verna even-likes it in the ass, Janet. Are you listening to me? Verna likes being fucked in the ass!” The litany of dirty words and images spewed out of Dave’s mouth and wormed and wiggled into her defenseless ear as his fingers turned and twisted between the wet folds of her sex. She shuddered and moaned as her excitement went higher, burning past barriers that had been built in her mind for most of a lifetime! “Verna Fields even-likes big fat cocks shoved up inside her hot, tight little ass-hole, baby. Think about it! Think about how you’d like that!” Dave had managed to tug her gown up until it was wadded under her armpits, leaving her lush body open to his touch. Jan squirmed as the coarse hairs of his chest teased and scratched at her sensitive nipples, scrubbing them until they stood hard and pointed against him.

“Think about the difference between the two of you, baby,” Dave whispered as he began slowly pushing her back. Jan felt herself being pressed flat. His hand moved down between her thighs, spreading them, stroking the tender flesh. “Think of the difference. Verna loves being balled any way she can get it and you scream if I try anything but the good old missionary style!”

Dave was on his knees, sliding in between her parted thighs. Jan heard his voice hissing and echoing in her ears but for some strange reason his vulgar language and obscene thoughts didn’t upset her as much as they should have. Instead of being revolted, Jan found her excitement climbing notch by notch with each verbal slap at her dignity. This had never happened to her before-never!

“Oh baby, oh sweet baby,” Dave murmured as his solid weight descended on “her. Jan tried to speak but when she opened her mouth all that came out was a deep, gushing sigh! She felt the broad glans find the center of her slit and thrust in. Another groaning sigh escaped her as he pressed forward, his thick cock spreading the slick, lubricated walls of her vagina. His hands caught her behind the knees and began to lift.

Jan knew that she should protest, but as her smooth thighs were being pressed back, she felt herself opening to him, allowing more of him into her, and she felt the thick column of his cock rubbing deliciously against her swelling clitty.

“Ooooo, that’s so nice,” Jan was forced to whimper, and she wondered why she’d always refused him this before. It was lovely, it was exciting!

“Aggghhh, you feel so tight,” Dave whispered as he slowly began to thrust, then retreat in her. Jan gasped and felt her fingers digging into the firm muscles of his arms. “Move, honey, wiggle your pretty bottom. Make it nice for both of us!”

Normally she would have been offended by that crude request but tonight a new hunger was stirring inside of her, a puzzling and somewhat frightening hunger, and she felt her sleek hips begin to squirm and roll under him as he plunged in and out of her delightfully stretched and filled pussy.

“I’ll tell you more about Verna if you want me to,” Dave said. His voice sounded harsh and ragged as the pace increased. Jan didn’t want to hear any more but she didn’t trust herself to speak; and he took her silence as agreement. He pressed his wet lips close against her ear and began to whisper in a low, dirty tone.

“Verna likes girl, too! I watched her with a friend one night. Oooo, you just wouldn’t believe what that woman can do to another lady!” Jan felt her heart begin to hammer at her rib cage as if it was trying to tear loose from the rest of her body! Why was this filth he was telling her so exciting?

“She sucks and nibbles between a woman’s legs until she screams for mercy. I watched her bring that woman off four times before she stopped that night!”

Jan felt a deep, guttural moan rising up in her throat, and it was out of her mouth and echoing in the darkness before she could stop it. She felt the lewd excitement bubbling inside of her as a mental image of Verna Fields crouched between another woman’s splayed thighs popped into her brain. She imagined the woman’s red tongue buried in a thick blonde patch of pubic curls and shuddered uncontrollably. The image was so clear, so perfect in every detail, that it was hard not to believe she hadn’t actually witnessed it. As Dave’s wide, firm cock moved faster and faster in her clamping, gripping love sheath, she watched the full, busy blonde pubis jerk and writhe under the last flicks of her rival’s tongue. The bubbling passions seethed in her and she clung to her groaning, panting husband’s shoulders. She’d never been so excited in her life!

“Ohhh … aggghhh!! ! ” Dave’s rapid, sledgehammer strokes jolted her body, making her fine, firm breasts bounce and sway as his groans told her he was cumming, even before she felt the first hot gush of his essence inside her cunt.

Jan whimpered and bucked under the overpowering thrusts of Dave’s spouting prick. His thick cum oiled her, making the fat stalk glide so beautifully in her, but her bewildered mind was still caught in the obscene dream of one woman sucking and loving another. She allowed her eyes to creep up the image of the other woman’s body, the pitch of her excitement growing with each passing moment. Jan knew it was wrong and dirty to think about things like this, knew she shouldn’t do it, but there was something so familiar, so real about the jerking, humping body that she couldn’t stop. She had to know. It wasn’t until she managed to see the contorted, lust-filled face and shrieked a panicked denial that she understood.

“Ohhhh no, it’s not, no!” But there was no mistake, Jan saw her own face as the shadow image of Verna gobbled and sucked between her spraddled thighs! She was going to cry out again, but instead of words she heard her voice moan and squeal as the first ripping shock of orgasm swept over her.

“Aaaaiiieeee!! ! ”

A single ray of sunshine filtered in through the shade tree outside and played across her closed eyelids. Jan murmured sleepily and rolled over to cuddle up against Dave’s warm body, but the other side of the bed was empty. The lovely blonde sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her thick hair was tousled and she had to brush it back so she could see. She glanced quickly at the clock. It was almost nine! Dave had left the house almost an hour ago. Why hadn’t he called her to make his breakfast?

Jan turned her head and saw the note pinned to Dave’s pillow.

“Good morning, sleepy! You looked so comfortable that I didn’t want to wake you. Regarding to last night-WOW!”

Even as she smiled at the cheerful note, Jan felt the warm flush of embarrassment cover her face. “Last night”-those two simple words brought back everything that had happened yesterday! For a few moments the beautiful blonde sat still in the rumpled bed, allowing her memory to race back over the exciting, furious act of love she had shared with her husband. Then she sighed and allowed herself to slump back, letting the thick sensuous memory wash over her. She was aware of the tiny flame that flickered to life deep in her vagina and for the first time in her life she enjoyed it. Before this moment Janet had always been ashamed of her body and its needs and had always tried to supporess them and will them to go away. Now she simply lay still and enjoyed the sensation of her healthy, lush body coming to life!

“. . . she sucks and nibbles between a woman’s legs until she screams for mercy.”

Dave’s torrid whispers had inflamed her then, and they did the same for her now! Jan couldn’t lay still as the lewd memories flashed and darted through her mind. She felt the plump lips of her vulva swell and grow hot with blood as her excitement grew, and the swelling, tingling little knot of her love bud drew her fingers down against it just as surely as a magnet attracts steel. Jan was laying back, propped up against a pillow, when her rounded bottom began to make tiny motions. She enjoyed the feel of her silky, naked buttocks rubbing against the smooth sheet. A slow, warm smile spread across her lovely face as she savored the delicious sensation of her finger vibrating against her clitoris. It was lewd and naughty to do this to herself, but it felt so good!

Everything was wonderful until Tommy’s handsome young body slipped into view before she could censor it! In her aroused mind’s eye she moved toward him. Neither of them would have to say a word-they would know! Jan shuddered and felt her dark pink nipples grow into throbbing spikes as she imagined her fingers curling around her son’s prick. The flame between her thighs became an inferno!

For a full moment she lay there like that, her smooth thighs splayed wide as her finger worked in and out of her dripping, coral-hued slot, her blue eyes wide and staring at the ceiling as she dreamt of the lewd, obscene things she could do with her Tommy!” Then she shuddered and stared down at her hand, as if it was the first time she actually realized she was masturbating, and she jerked it away as she jumped up from the bed!

“Ohhhhhh my god!” It wasn’t until she heard her hoarse words that she realized that she had spoken out loud. She whirled away from the bed and hurried toward her closet but was stopped in mid-stride by her image in the full-length mirror by the door.

“Slut! Mindless, vile whore,” she said to herself in a low, deliberate voice. The image of herself didn’t answer, just stared back at her with deep, dilated blue eyes. She was naked and there was nothing she could hide from her searching gaze. She saw her darkened and erect nipples, saw the swollen look of her full breasts and stared with shock at the tangled, wet mass of her thick blonde pubic fur! She had never looked so wild in her life, she’d never felt so wild in her life!

“Stop it, oh please God, let me stop it now,” she whimpered as she tore herself away from the wild vision of her body and hurried into the bathroom. Moving as quickly as she could she turned on the shower and slipped under it. The jets of hot water stung and burned her excited flesh. She scrubbed at herself roughly, trying to hurt the aroused feeling away, but the rough treatment didn’t stop the insistent ache in her belly nor the itching, crawling need she felt in the depths of her wet, lubricated vagina. Even as she toweled herself dry and ripped at her tangled hair with a brush, the raw animal hunger worked and gnawed in her and the intensity of her feelings terrified her.

“Routine, that’s what will help. Do the things you always do, that will stop this.” Jan told herself that over and over, but it didn’t help much. She hurried down the hall and into the kitchen. Working swiftly she prepared the pancake batter and laid out the bacon. She was just heating up the frying pan when she heard footsteps behind her. Her frayed nerves twanged and she turned around so quickly that she startled Mia as she walked into the kitchen.

“Ohhh … it is just I. . . me, Mother,” the little girl said quickly. Jan saw the nervous look on the girl’s face and was ashamed. She moved quickly to Mia and hugged her hard, far harder and longer than she’d intended.

“I’m sorry, honey, you just startled me, that’s all. I’m sorry.” She impulsively kissed Mia on the lips, then remembered how the lovely child had sucked at Jimmy’s fat cock just the day before!

Jan had to fight herself to keep from jerking her arms away from Mia. She tried to appear calm and under control as she went back to the stove. She doesn’t know what she did. She’s so young that she didn’t know, she told herself. She dripped some butter onto the hot pan and tried to sound normal. “Are you very hungry this morning, dear? I’ll have breakfast ready in just a few minutes.”

“Oh, I have already eaten with Daddy,” Mia said brightly, a wide smile lighting up her face. “But Tommy was not up. I think that he will require breakfast.” Mia was moving to the door when she spoke again. “I must hurry. Some of the girls I met the other day are going to teach me the game of tennis. Is that not wonderful?”

Before Jan could reply, Mia was gone. Only the faintly stilted phrases of her English hung in the air where she’d been standing.

Jan stood by the stove, her fork still poised in mid-air as she stared at the empty doorway. One thing was on her mind, an idea that she couldn’t banish. She and Tommy were alone in the house!

Jan stood in the hallway outside his door for a long time. She nervously clutched at the dressing gown she wore, hugging it close to her, aware of its silky fabric rubbing across her naked flesh. After what seemed like an eternity, she moved to the door and pressed her ear against it, listening for sounds of movement on the other side, but there were none. She considered calling out to him but for some reason she couldn’t solve her problem that simply. She knew she had to go into his room. Something inside her was making her go in there.

The latch clicked and she stepped noiselessly into the darkened room. There was a little light filtering in through the closed drapes but it still took her a few moments to adjust her eyes. She stood motionless, not five feet from Tommy’s bed. As her sight sharpened, she felt as if a giant fist had closed around her throat and her lungs! She wanted to scream, wanted to run away, but she was rooted on the spot and couldn’t move a muscle!

Tommy lay sprawled on his back. The light covers had been kicked aside and for the first time Jan realized that her adopted son slept in the nude! Jan still felt frozen. Only her eyes could move and she didn’t seem to have any control over them. She focused on his lean, handsome face, the dark black hair, the high cheekbones, then his full, sensuous lips.

She tried to shut her eyes but they wouldn’t close as they slid away from Tommy’s face, down over his smooth hairless chest, and across his lean, flat stomach. The beautiful housewife felt the muscles in her belly and her long thighs shake, and that awful flame was burning brightly in her damp vagina! One last time, she tried to tear herself away from there. She felt as if she were drowning, and that this was her last chance to save herself!

“Ohhhhh, it’s beautiful,” Jan whispered deep in her soul as her shameless eyes moved slowly, lovingly over her son’s erect phallus. She’d heard that men often awoke with an erection but had never believed it until now. Even in the dim light of the room, Tommy’s thick, pulpy glans seemed to glow a dull, fiery red. She stared intently at his prick, as if she were trying to memorize each round, swollen curve. After the cap came the shaft. It reminded her of fine old ivory. Not a hair marred its firm contours. Tommy wasn’t as thick and big as Dave but he looked so terribly long! Jan felt her belly tremble as she stared at him but she realized that it didn’t frighten her nearly as much as Dave’s adult spear did!

Suddenly Jan felt herself moving forward. She didn’t want to do it, all of her moral sense screamed for her to stop before it was too late, but it was useless. Her body was deaf to her morality. Her entire being was focused on the long, hard penis that stood tall and seemed to be calling out to her.

Jan’s knees made a thumping sound as she knelt beside the bed. Her robe fell open and her conical breasts felt hard and swollen as they mashed up against the side of the boy’s bed. You shouldn’t do this-you know how wrong it is, the voice of reason murmured in her ear. But the words were dull and meaningless up against the allure of Tommy’s firm flesh. Ohhhh, for god’s sake be careful, the voice pleaded. Don’t wake him-he must never know about this, never!

Jan’s fingers trembled as her hand crept forward. It was just the way she’d imagined it. Finger by finger she cautiously fitted her hand to him, thrilling at the heat of his swollen rod of flesh. Her vagina was streaming fresh warm lubrication now, and the shapely blonde felt the excess running down the tender flesh of her inner thighs as her hand moved slowly up and down the exciting length of the sleeping boy’s penis.

Tommy stirred and mumbled something. A soft smile played at the corners of his mouth but he didn’t wake. For seconds that felt like eons, Jan crouched there. Despite her fright she didn’t take her hand away from him. Even knowing how close she was to being caught, she couldn’t make herself stop.

“Slowly, do it slowly,” the beautiful woman told herself as she gently began to frig her sleeping son’s erection. He sighed again and the smile grew wider. She saw a shining drop of his lubricating juice well up in the swollen slit of the glans, then run down the silky cap and onto the shaft. Jan bent her head down so she could follow the drop’s progress, until she realized that her lips were only inches away from him.

Suddenly brilliant flashes went off in Jan’s mind and she saw disjointed images of little Mia crouching before Jimmy Williams. She moaned softly as she remembered her daughter’s delighted grunts and sights of pleasure as she ate the boy, and her own lips were parting to form an oval as she descended the last inch to the delicious-looking glans!

Jan felt an electric shock snap along her spine as her opened lips pressed against the damp crown of Tommy’s cock. It felt so strange, but not strange enough to stop her, and the last frail threads of her self-control snapped as she pressed forward, allowing the satiny knob to invade her mouth and lie hot and pulsating against her tongue. The movement of his silky flesh across her lips made the nerve endings there tingle, and that sensation made the hairs at the back of her neck crawl with excitement.

For a long moment Jan didn’t move. She was so shocked at the enormity of what she was doing that she was paralyzed. But Tommy’s sweet prick called out to her and she couldn’t resist. Once, then once again, she lovingly sucked at it. She felt the excited gush of her own juices wetting her vulva and she sucked again, trying to imitate the slow, bobbing motion that Jimmy had taught Mia. She gulped and then swallowed and was shocked when she felt the slightly thickened fluid slipping down her throat. She knew it contained some of Tommy’s lube and was surprised that the idea didn’t make her ill.

Jan sucked a little harder, enjoying the feel of his firm meat filling her mouth, making her feel complete and contented. But then Tommy groaned and lifted his pelvis, and Jan was shocked to feel his hand drop down on the back of her head!

She pulled her dripping lips away from him and leapt to her feet. Her heart was thundering in her chest as she whirled and dashed from the room. The terror of being caught drove her down the hall and didn’t leave her until she was in her room, with the door safely shut behind her.

Jan pressed her fevered flesh against the cold wood of the door as she scrubbed at her wet lips with the back of her hand, trying to wipe away the shame with the dampness!


Jan’s well cared for hands shook slightly as she placed the covered serving dishes on the table. She was trying to concentrate but Tommy stood by the porch steps and watched her. Knowing that his dark eyes were following her every move made her nervous. Tommy had been giving her that same intense stare ever since he got out of bed yesterday, after … it had happened, and the lovely blonde’s nerves were worn raw as she waited for him to say something.

It’s the waiting, that’s the worst part, she thought as she strode back into the kitchen. It’s not knowing if he was awake when I did that to him or not! Not knowing what he’s thinking is driving me crazy! She picked up another pair of dishes, then sat them down again. She wasn’t ready to face her beautiful, seductive son. She wasn’t ready to run the gauntlet, not yet anyway!

Why did you do it? Why did you … suck it like that? The question fastened itself in her brain and ate its way deep into the primitive center of her! Jan stiffened and pulled upright. Despite her shame, despite her surging self-hate, she felt the sharp electric jolt of sensual arousal as she remembered how slick and wonderful Tommy’s hard young cock had been when she sucked on it. The beautiful housewife could almost imagine that she could still taste that strange tang at the back of her tongue, even after she’d brushed her teeth at least ten times! “Ohhhhh my god,” she murmured as another delicious chill raced down her spine. She remembered how smooth and exciting her son’s flesh had been as it pressed down on her tongue, how it had made her love-sheath drip and convulse with pleasure each time she applied that lovely suction.

Her sudden, powerful reaction to the memory startled her and Jan had to lean against the table to help her shaking knees keep her upright. How could just thinking about something as dirty and as obscene as that excite her? She was a healthy, sane woman and dirty things like this should sicken her, not excite her!

“Can I help you with anything?” Mia was suddenly standing by her side and Jan’s taut nerves vibrated as she stared down at the beautiful girl. For an instant she couldn’t speak, then she forced the taut muscles of her throat to move. Her voice sounded strained and shaky to her ear.

“Y-yes, baby, would you take these out and set them on the table? Our guests will be here any moment and I still have to change.” Mia smiled and nodded as she scooped up the two dishes and started for the door. Jan stared after her, watching her pert little bottom twitch and roll as she walked.

She’s lovely too. They’re both beautiful, Jan thought, and as she watched, memories of Mia and Jimmy Williams flashed and flicked through her mind. Jan gave up trying to make the filthy thoughts go away. She knew it was hopeless! She saw Mia’s tiny lips clamped tight around the boy’s glistening stem and heard the wet sucking sounds that were sprinkled in between the little girl’s pleased grunts and gurgles!

Jan suddenly shook herself as if she’d been asleep and turned away from the table. She shuddered violently as she paced toward the bedroom. She could feel the damp folds of her labia softly kissing each other, spreading the fresh drops of her warm vaginal secretion over her flesh, making her feel slick and oily down there between her thighs.

As she quickly slipped into a lacy party dress, Jan’s mind rebelled again, but this time she didn’t think of Tommy, she thought of the vile things that Dave had whispered in her ear. She thought of Verna Fields and what it would be like to have another woman’s face pressed tight against her wet, slippery slot. Jan knew it was filthy and wrong to think about these things and it was even worse to be excited by them, but wrong or not, the lovely blonde felt her long nipples grow hard and pointed and press against the stiff material of her bra, sending ripples of her pleasure racing along her nerves, making them crawl with delight!

“Ohhhh, what a filthy thing to do,” Jan whispered as she imagined, just for a second, running her own wet tongue along a watering female gash. She shuddered and tried to feel disgusted but somehow she couldn’t force her feelings in that direction. Without any warning the startled housewife found her daydream had changed focus, and she imagined herself sucking and carefully kissing a fresh, dewy little vulva! Not a single hair marred the smooth ivory flesh. Nothing stood between her searching tongue and the sweet drops of excitement that seeped out of the tight virginal folds. Jan didn’t have to look up in her daydreams, she knew who it was that she was so lovingly servicing-she knew it was Mia!

The moment she fully realized what she was fantasizing, Jan felt the blood draining from her face and knew it would be easier to faint than face the truth about her twisted inner drives-drives she had never known she, possessed!

For a few moments Jan was tempted to turn away from herself, to ignore her feelings and sweep them under the rug, but she was honest-far too honest to lie to herself! She shuddered and roughly pulled up her zipper as she tried to understand this sudden blaze of sexual excitement that had been creeping in on her for the past few days. The excitement was so unusual, so unlike her, that it bewildered her. She’d never been like this before! She had always been embarrassed and uncomfortable when any of her married friends had discussed their sex lives, and had just assumed that things like this were unnatural and degenerate. But now, now she wasn’t sure, wasn’t so comfortable about herself and her place in the world.

Her fumbling self-analysis was interrupted by the doorbell. The chimes announced the arrival of the first of their guests. Janet felt the sharp twinge of repressed anger when she thought of the lawn party they were hosting this afternoon.

“Look, Jan, it’s my job! It’s my business to promote my clients privately as well as publicly, and no matter how you feel about her, Verna

Fields is my biggest client!”

The anger snapped in her eyes as Jan checked her image in the mirror. “Client! Damn you, Dave Green, you’re throwing this party to show off your new private whore, and you’re making me be the hostess!”

The party was going well. Jan stood by the pool listening to the contented laughter and talk of a group that had been well fed and entertained. Despite her continued anger about the reason for the party she was pleased that everything had gone so smoothly. Regardless of her personal feelings it pleased her to be a good hostess.

“This is a most pleasant party … Mother,” Tommy said as he laid a hand on her arm.

Jan heard the hesitation before he could bring himself to call her mother, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it-she was too busy fighting for self-control the moment his flesh pressed against hers! Tommy had been very attentive toward her all afternoon. This was the third or fourth time he had touched her, and with each touch it was becoming harder and harder for her to ignore the lewd thoughts that threatened to creep in on her! She was sure that the touches and the brushings were innocent but she was still upset by them and by the uncomfortable feeling that he was following her with his dark eyes, staring intently at her.

“Th-thank you, dear,” Jan stammered. She couldn’t meet his eyes as she forced herself to smile calmly at the handsome boy beside her. She couldn’t control her own eyes, and they slipped down the front of his close-fitting slacks. Jan felt her cheeks blazing with embarrassment as she found herself staring at the outline of a half-erect penis. Thank god it was almost dark, and none of the guests could see her confusion as she pulled away from the warm grip on her trembling arm. “Why … why don’t you join the other young people in the pool, Tommy,” she murmured as she turned away from the powerful temptation that stood before her.

Janet wasn’t aware of the direction she’d taken until she almost stumbled on the steps that led to the porch. She decided to go into the house for a few minutes. She needed the time to get a firmer grip on herself, needed a few minutes alone before she went back out there to her guests.

It was quiet in the house. Closing the back door had shut off the party sounds, and suddenly Jan felt uncomfortably alone. She was just about to turn around and leave when she heard a faint sound. For a long moment the lovely housewife stood very still, her ears straining to hear the sound again. There had been something so strange about it, she wasn’t sure what she thought she’d heard, but she was certain she’d heard it! “Oww wuuuggghhh!! ! ”

That time Jan was sure she had heard it! It was a woman’s voice, and that woman was in pain! A surprising flutter of excitement grew in her as she began to move slowly toward the groaning sound, which rose again and again. Jan was barely aware of what she was doing as she tiptoed down the hall. She was almost certain the sounds were coming from the den but she didn’t know what she was going to do about them when she got there.

The blonde’s lush body was shaking as she leaned toward the door to the den. There was something so throaty, so primitive about the tone of the grunting woman’s voice that it made the flesh at the base of her skull crawl with sick excitement. The door wasn’t completely closed and she found that she could see into the den through the open crack. All the lights were on in the room and Jan felt as if she’d been struck in the solar plexus the moment her eyes focused on the terrible scene inside the room!

“Auuuggghhh!! ! Ooooo, it feels so big!” The woman’s voice was so hoarse, so strained that Jan couldn’t place it at first, but then the woman who lay face down across her husband’s desk turned her head and she could see the beautiful features of he rival, Verna Fields!!

Jan was stunned. She was frozen in place as her eyes slowly took in each lewd detail of the situation. Verna lay sprawled on the desk, the skirt of her lovely cocktail dress thrown up over her shoulders, baring the lower half of her body. Even in her emotional state, Jan had to admit that Verna had a beautiful body, and she felt a trickle of liquid excitement running through her as she stared at the alabaster flesh, the proud sweep of the hips, the full halves of her buttocks.

Dave stood behind the writhing woman. His jacket had been thrown aside, his slacks lay in a puddle at his feet, and he was naked from the waist down as he slowly pressed forward, the solid bar of his thick penis disappearing between the white cheeks of Verna’s bottom. As he thrust forward, Verna’s body vibrated and her head rose up until she looked as if she was baying at the moon.

“Owwwwggghhhh, baby, go slow! Please don’t tear me!” The pain was obvious in her voice, and Jan felt a fierce joy. Just knowing that her husband was hurting’ the whore pleased her! Verna’s supple body jerked and twisted as Dave ignored the pleading and continued to press forward. Jan felt a thick surge of desire moving in her belly as she watched. But there was something wrong-she wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something wrong with the way Dave was standing. The young housewife wished she could run into the room and confront her husband and the other woman, but something held her back and she couldn’t move from the spot, she was so hypnotized by what she was watching. The feeling persisted that there was something wrong with what she was watching, and she tried to concentrate more closely.

“Goddamn but you’re tight, Verna,” Dave muttered as he gripped her full buttocks and leaned forward, spreading the white cheeks wide. It wasn’t until the moment he did that, that Jan realized what had been bothering her. Dave wasn’t having normal intercourse with Verna-he was sodomizing her! The lovely blonde stared with unbelieving eyes as her husband slowly but determinedly fed inch after thick inch of his wide column into the stretched ring of the woman’s anus.

“That’s right, baby, hump and wiggle all you want. It just makes it nicer for old Dave, makes his big cock twirl and move in your tight little ass-hole!”

The vulgar words and obscene unnatural act were almost more than Jan could stand. She felt her head spinning and had to choke back the need to scream and run away from what was happening before her. Some terrible need inside of her held

Janet Green where she was and forced her to watch, forced her to see how the other woman groaned and wiggled as she was being taken in the rectum! The longer she watched the more she came to realize that Verna was enjoying herself! The pain and humiliation seemed to spur the luscious woman into more degrading hunchings and wigglings. Despite her shock, Jan felt the thick syrup of desire stirring between her thighs and felt the wetness spreading across her labia, soaking the thick curls of her pubic hair.

Dave was working in a steady rhythm now and Jan almost groaned aloud as she watched the fat stem of his prick moving in and out of Verna’s defenseless anus. She heard his grunts and soft moans of pleasure as the woman’s sphincter tightened around him, holding his cock in a firm, sucking grip. Jan wiggled with desire and pressed her open palm against her tingling breasts as she saw Verna’s beautiful body shake, saw the shock waves of Dave’s strokes ripple over her flesh, heard the moans and gushing groans that escaped the slack lips as, Verna’s rectum was filled over and over again with pulsating, hard man-flesh.

“It’s filthy. It’s horrible,” Jan told herself over and over. But she couldn’t deny her excitement and interest, couldn’t deny the hot vibrations of her clitoris or the buzzing itch that grew around her own virgin anus. It was obscene and unnatural, she knew, but it didn’t stop the sensations that were tormenting her, nor the powerful urge that was boiling in her-a filthy, awful urge!

“Unnnggghhh … ohhhh baby,” Dave panted as he slammed himself against the firm, meaty cheeks of Verna’s bottom. “I can’t wait! It’s too good!”

Verna gave him an answering wiggle and roll of her upturned bottom. Her voice sounded strained and thin. “Go on lover, go on! Slam it to me! Fill my ass with cummmmm!! ! Don’t worry about me, baby, I’ve cum twice already! Go on, lover, fuck my ass off!”

Jan’s head was reeling as she heard Dave’s belly smacking against Verna’s bottom and saw him thrusting deep into the warmth of her body. She couldn’t restrain herself. Her hand darted inside her panties and a trembling forefinger rubbed and twirled against the hard nub of her clitoris.

“Awwwuuunnnggg!! Ahhhhgg,” Dave moaned and his whole body seemed to vibrate and jerk.

Jan knew he was cumming and she imagined what it would be like to have his hot seed spurting deep in her own bowels. That single, nasty thought was all it took. The lovely housewife gasped and had to lean against the doorframe to keep from falling as the wonderful thrills of her orgasm shook and twisted her, sending waves of joy from head to toe!

“Ooooo, slowly-go slowly, baby,” Verna was murmuring over her shoulder when Jan’s head cleared.

The excited blonde peeked through the crack in time to watch as her husband slowly, carefully withdrew his softening prick. The woman on the desk moaned and wiggled a little as he pulled free. One hand reached back and gently massaged her pink and white cheeks. “Agggghhh, that was lovely Dave,” Verna said as she slowly pushed herself up. Her hand remained cupped over one bruised buttock as she stood and offered her lips to him. Dave hugged her tight and gave her the kiss she wanted. Verna’s free hand slipped in between them and squeezed and massaged his wilted prong. “Oh my dear, what a good time you can show a girl. But we’ve been away for a long time. Don’t you think we’d better make an appearance? I wouldn’t want to worry Jan or the others.”

The voice was so nice, so cultured, that Jan could hardly believe this same woman was the one who had lain squealing and moaning as she was being buggered. It was impossible!

Dave and Verna began to rearrange their clothes and Jan suddenly realized she couldn’t let them catch her standing at the door. She turned and hurried away, down the hall, back to the party. As she walked Jan realized how wobbly and unsteady her legs were. Small after-shocks of her orgasm tormented her from time to time. She dreaded going back to their guests, knowing she would have to talk and laugh and pretend that everything was normal, but inside she would still be on fire, she knew she would! The orgasm that had left her shaken hadn’t put out the hot fires of need and she was still aroused. Shame and lust were at war inside her, and she knew which of them would win!

“Goodbye … Thank you … I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself.” The last of the guests were gone and Jan leaned her forehead against the door for a moment, enjoying the feel of the cool, polished wood. It had been simply wretched! She had never spent such a tense, uncomfortable two hours in her life! She had gritted her teeth and forced herself to circulate around the clusters of guests. She’d been cool and charming, had laughed and chatted while the sick excitement had simmered inside of her. When Verna and Dave made an appearance she had been shocked at how cool and serene the dark-haired woman looked. Not a hair was out of place, and her dress was smooth and wrinkle free, showing no evidence of having been crumpled and wrinkled up over her shoulders. Verna turned her head and gave Jan a cool, innocent smile, and the housewife felt the hot rush of anger washing through her veins as she realized how cold and calculating the bitch really was.

Now, standing alone in the hallway, Jan could taste the dead ashes of her anger and shook her head. Dave was in the bedroom. He’d pleaded exhaustion and had work tomorrow. Exhaustion! Of course he was tired-it must take all the energy in the world to service a greedy slut like Verna Fields!