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Schoolgirl in the forest 2.



She couldn’t deny that she wanted him insider her, plunging into her depths, while at the same time she wished she had the strength to resist that need. He held back however, and Terri could barely contain herself as she felt him gently caressing her engorged flesh with his tip. She found herself humping back against him, moving her hips to force him inside. Terri needed to be filled, and groaned in frustration as she felt Brookes slip his head just insider her and then pull back as she moved her hips to impale herself.

She was barely controlling herself now, grinding and wiggling her hips back at her coach to get him to sink himself into her, all the while unable to move either her feet or her hands.

Finally, Terri turned her head to look at Brookes. She couldn’t speak but she pleaded with her eyes. She looked into the eyes of a predator, and shuddered momentarily as she watched a smile cross Brookes’ face.

The tide of unfulfilled sexual need reasserted itself a moment later and Terri resumed her lustful begging and her attempts to impale herself on his ready shaft. With their eyes locked together, Terri felt her coach firmly grasp her hips and a moment later press forward. Her eyes only fluttered as she let out an impassioned moan as she felt her inner folds parted. Terri had never felt such a wondrous entry in all her previous encounters. Her entire body cried out in relief as she felt herself filled with Brookes’ shaft. He was certainly thicker than any boy she had taken before, and Terri knew she was more aroused then she had ever been. That reality played at the edge of her senses as she took in the full length of her coach’s member inside her eagerly waiting pussy.

As Terri felt him fully within her she clamped down on his shaft and wiggled her hips as much as she could, amazed at the sensation of being so wonderfully filled. She squealed with delight as she felt his shaft twitch insider her in response. All thoughts of decency were gone, she was involved now like she had never been before, and it had overwhelmed Terri’s entire being. It was certainly an odd sight in that moment, watching a formerly modest girl squealing with delight as she wiggled her hips back against an impaling shaft was she held herself up on a naked girl in front of her.

Terri continued like this for a few minutes before a new sensation rose to a crescendo inside her. She was filled, fuller than she had ever been, and even with that wondrous feeling an itch was growing within her.

Her squeals of delight quickly turned to groans of frustration again as she tried to elicit more than just a twitch from the wondrous shaft within her. Terri continued wiggling her hips, but she couldn’t move her feet, and couldn’t generate any really movement against her coach’s member. She turned to Brookes again, nearly crying with frustration as the need within her beat at her senses.

Terri was rewarded a moment later with a clamping of her hips and a careful withdrawal of the shaft. Terri was nearly as ecstatic to have her coach pulling out as she was when he trust inside, but she feared he wouldn’t continue. Even as she reveled in the wondrous sensation of cock moving within her, she turned her head to plead with her partner, begging for him to continue. The strange need to be ravished was burning even brighter now that her passage had been fully speared once, leaving Terri yearning to be have her body fully used.

Brookes held himself just at her entrance again, leaving just his head within her quivering loins. Terri was nearly beside herself with anguish. The need he had filled within her had doubled or more and she was nearly overcome with desire. Terri fought against his steady hands trying to push back against his shaft and force it inside her again, all the while pleading with him in whimpers and doe eyed expressions. For a disconcerting moment Terri reflected on her behavior, remembering that her dog had behaved much the same when she had gone into heat. Then she felt a foreign quiver of arousal from the very same thought, looking forward to being used just like a bitch in heat.

That disturbing thought was purged as she felt her coach take mercy on her and plunge his shaft inside her.

Terri cried out again in thanks, absorbed by the nearly soul splitting sensation of being filled. She had never felt this kind of need before, and couldn’t contain herself as they set up a rhythm. Terri joyously pressed herself back against her coach as he pistoned within her. They had wasted precious little time building a fast rhythm and Terri let herself be swept away by the sensation sparked within her with every filling trust. Terri felt a strange spiritual fulfillment with every thrust of her coach’s shaft within her, exemplified every time he made a moan or a grunt as she met his trusts with total enthusiasm. Not only was Terri immersed in the wonderful coupling, she felt an alien pride course through her at her ability to please her partner.

Terri wasn’t in the state of mind to question Brookes’ endurance, but she appreciated it. Her pervious partners had been inexperienced and quick, but Brookes was skilled and holding his own within her. Terri was surprised when her coach began a broken rhythm, varying his strokes and his time fully inside her and paused at her entrance. She was brought back from the brink with his first broken thrust, and fumed for a moment before being lost in the action again. Terri realized he was helping string her along, keeping her from coming, but she couldn’t do anything about it. Even as Brookes broke rhythm, Terri couldn’t help but keep matching him, squeezing him and wiggling her hips on him when fully impaled and pushing back against his trusts. Her own desires and needs kept her going, even as he played her on the edge.

It wasn’t long before Brookes broken rhythm allowed a small rational part of Terri to emerge again and fully appreciate her position. She was appalled at her behavior, even though she couldn’t help but wiggle her hips against his impaled shaft as she thought that. Terri felt like she was of two minds, part sex crazed slut and part her old self. She couldn’t deny the sexual flames coursing through her, but she wished she could stop. Worse yet was the part of her that wanted to embrace her new depravity. Terri didn’t want to accept that, even as she could endure being a sexual plaything, she fought with all her energy against embracing that state. Occasionally, Brookes would give her a few dozen rhythmic thrusts and plunge the thoughtful part of Terri into the background with a wave of passion. Terri would then be allowed to come back to feel herself wiggling merrily upon an immobile shaft or attempting to refill her empty passage. She nearly cried with anguish both at the frustrating sexual need and the abasement she was receiving. Yet Terri couldn’t do anything, even as she wanted to stop wiggling on his shaft, Brookes left her do so for a minute. She could only feel deep shame as she squealed with delight and squirmed on top of the filling shaft, slowly building until she found herself begging to be fucked some more.

Then suddenly Terri was pulled away from her embarrassing predicament again with a newly passionate round of thrusts from Brookes. Terri swept away her feeling of shame as her coach played her youthful form like a fiddle. In only moments, Terri was hanging on the edge again, moaning and gasping with every trust, immersed in the sexual embrace, her entire body focused on one need. Terri didn’t feel her pussy clamp down an instant later, or hear her cry of release, all she felt was a wave of pure ecstasy course through her. Terri’s entire body went limp as her orgasm raced through her sex-wracked body. She was little more than a quivering girl, still fully impaled, being held up by her partner.

It was another minute before Terri returned to her senses, finding herself still involved with her coach and her breasts both being gently massaged. As the sexual cloud lifted Terri found herself returning to her previous passive state. Even though she knew she should be upset, she still felt oddly at ease with the acts she had just performed, and even with the shaft still inside her and the hands on her breasts. In that instant she realized she was being treated like some kind of toy, and even though she knew it should bother her, she didn’t feel any outrage. Instead she found herself pressing her breasts into the carefully massaging hands of her coach and began squeezing his shaft with her inner muscles. Terri thought about that for a moment, considering herself a well-tuned clock for her reactions. As she continued to stand there and quietly pleasure her coach, she tried to assemble herself, to be outraged, but couldn’t. Each time she tried, her thoughts returned to how to get her coach to come with just her pussy. Terri tried to turn her mind from such thoughts, but she couldn’t, all she could do was think of different ways to use her pussy’s interior on him. She continued like this for several minutes, all the while becoming more concerned with the shaft still inside her, and just as worried about her growing inability to turn her thoughts from it. Terri was using her muscles to the best of her abilities, given her limited experience. She found different ways to coax him pop into her head, and she tried each one, alternating her pulsing interior’s actions as best she could.

Finally, she felt Brookes begin to twitch inside her more readily, and Terri focused her entire attention on her task. With just her pussy, she coaxed him to the edge and felt him tip over. A moment later Terri found herself squealing with a strange sense of accomplishment and delight as she felt her coach’s shaft pulse within her followed by gushes of liquid warmth filling the depth of her channel. With her task finished, Terri’s focus was released and she considered the moment again. She realized in a moment that she had just been inseminated. Terri felt her mind grasp for reaction, and was shocked by an acceptance, she didn’t know why, but it was somehow right that her coach would inseminate her and she couldn’t stop from feeling pride at her own ability to bring her coach off. She wondered at this for a moment, and at the strange following thought, that she hoped he would do it again, soon, and maybe one day get her pregnant.

She also felt a strange desire to improve her technique, to make herself the best sex partner she could so that more men would use her this way. Terri knew she shouldn’t want that. She had just been used as some kind of human toy, and she found herself wanting more. All her beliefs seamed to be in shambles, and Terri didn’t understand, but she could feel new desires and needs course through her. All she knew was that she had been changed, and as Brookes pulled himself out of her well used passage, Terri was stunned by her growing desire to be used the same way again. Even more worrisome for her was the next stream of thoughts that flooded her mind as she stood back at attention as her coach pulled away.

Terri realized that she was a toy, and would be from then on. It was her purpose in life to be used. Terri shivered at the thought, her passivity preventing her instinctive dread from being anything more than a shadow. The new thoughts were part of her identity, even as her old self remained. Terri would remain, unable to stop herself, or surrender to her fate, because it was more enjoyable for her partners. Terri felt an odd quiver of excitement at that, the thought of being used and knowing it was wrong, but having no choice. Terri wanted to fight these new ideas, but they were already a part of her. Even as she struggled with her new identity, she had it reaffirmed when she found herself aroused at the thought of being wildly fucked by every man and boy in the school. Terri surprised herself at her growing desire to masturbate, right then in the open, and she grew even more excited by the idea of bringing herself naked flesh to release in front of anyone who would watch. She was stunned at this strange notion but couldn’t help but acknowledge the growing heat from her loins generated by thoughts of pleasuring her nude form in front of her parents or the whole school. Terri was awash in her new self, her old personality suppressed by conditioning and mediation, unable to mount anything but a muted defense against the onslaught. Terri was becoming a living sex toy, and quickly coming to embrace that reality.

“Very good, Terri, I’m glad to see you progress so fast. Now, practice is over, so shower up and go home.” Brookes commented.

Terri felt herself glow with pride at her coach’s compliments. She still felt strange at her reaction, but couldn’t suppress the feelings of appropriateness at her new attitude. She didn’t linger however, and skipped off to the showers, oddly content with the world. As she went to clean up, Terri couldn’t help but regret that she would have to wash away the seed now dribbling from her pussy. It seamed an odd waste somehow, to have to wash away the coach’s seed after doing so much to receive it. Terri surprised herself a moment later when she reached down and scooped as much of Brookes’ seed into her hand as possible and then licked it up. Again it was something she would never have considered doing before, but it seemed the only right thing to do. Terri found the taste strange but compelling, and her heart raced at the thought of how she’d get more in the future.

The locker room was normal this evening, and Terri simply showered and went home, as did the other girls.

Terri found herself disappointed, but unable to do anything about it more than appreciatively study the naked forms of her squad mates as they showered. Once home she had another short and polite conversation with her parents and went off to study. It wasn’t until she was nearly ready for bed that the veil of meditation induced calm washed away and Terri could again combat the new thoughts bouncing around in her head.

The first thing she felt was fear and shock, her entire life was being perverted, and Terri didn’t have any idea how to stop it. Even free of her earlier calm, the new dictates entered into her mind remained, and Terri shuddered every time she realized her thoughts were turning to sex again. It wasn’t just the idle fantasies she had indulged in before, but more focused, explicit consideration of her new sexual identity.

Before long Terri was sobbing as she masturbated, unable to keep her hands away from her aching mound.

She was loosing control, and she couldn’t do anything to change it.


Wendy met her again the next morning, and after a quick exchange of mournful looks they simply hugged for a few minutes as Terri let out a few more casual sobs. Terri was crying for more than just her new fate.

She was quickly coming to grips with that, but she wasn’t prepared for the growing acceptance budding within her. A small part of her was looking forward to her next practice and the perversions that would await her, even as the rest of her was trying to resist.

There wasn’t anything really to say between the two girls. They both knew the state they were in, and all they needed was the shoulder to cry on, as there wasn’t anything else they could expect.

It wasn’t long before the day had to start, however, and Terri and Wendy parted to go about their daily classes. Terri drifted solemnly through her routine, still dreading and anticipating the afternoon’s activities at practice. She did find it strange that she was still able to pay attention in class, even take notes as the day wore on. Terri wondered why they would care about her education when she as she was being turned into a living sex toy. Her questions were routinely interrupted by her classes, a fact she was almost grateful for in it’s ability to keep her from considering her circumstances in to great of detail.

Finally, it came time for practice again, and Terri marched off for another day of humiliation. It didn’t come however. Aside from the advanced meditation and the fact that all the girls were nude, practice went on much like normal. The final aside was the standard groping of the squad by the coach. Terri found herself eagerly anticipating his touch as he went around. She proudly presented her breasts for a quick squeeze by her coach and didn’t even need to be commanded to spread her legs for him to cup her mound.

“You’re making fine progress, Terri, you’ll make a great addition to the squad on Friday.” Brookes told her as he ran a finger just inside Terri’s slit while she smiled back. A sense of great accomplishment coursed through her at those words, and Terri had an unquenchable desire not to disappoint him.

In her standard meditation calm, Terri took only casual notice of the routines the squad was practicing.

Their practice shifted from leaning over to present their pussies to jutting and jiggling their breasts.

Finally, they practiced a fairly lewd sexual dance with pairs of girls writhing rhythmically against each other in a complex and thoroughly erotic dance. Terri couldn’t help but appreciate having Wendy as her partner. Wendy was a fair skinned, auburn haired girl with luscious contours that Terri enjoyed exploring as they danced. Just as much as she enjoyed massaging Wendy’s lovely form, Terri couldn’t get enough of her partners soft hands on her own flesh. Just like the rest of the girls, Terri and Wendy were soon moaning and whimpering with arousal as their hands caressed each other, kneading breasts and masturbating their partner’s aroused pussies.

By the time practice was over, Terri was burning with desire, and was completely pleased when the coach told them all to get themselves off and go shower. Still locked together from their routine, Terri quickly guided Wendy to the floor and descended between her legs.

“Let me do you first, you’ve been so nice to me.” Terri said just as she descended on her new friend’s ready mound. She had never gone down on a girl before, but she found the act nearly instinctive, her lips and tongue descending on Wendy’s exposed flesh. Terri sucked and licked at Wendy, finding herself enjoying the musky taste of Wendy’s juices as she ran her tongue through her friends slit.

Wendy only gasped and moaned in gratitude, but that was enough to fill Terri with a strong feeling of accomplishment. That spurred her on with even greater energy and soon Terri sent her friend over the edge with her loving assault.

Wendy rested for only a moment from her own release before she aggressively pushed Terri over and they embraced. Wendy kissed Terri passionately, trading tongue blows as their breasts mashed against each other. Without breaking their kiss, Wendy snaked a hand between Terri’s legs, carefully assaulting her friend’s enflamed folds. Terri was soon moaning against Wendy’s lips as the skillful treatment continued, quickly bringing her to the pinnacle and beyond. For the first time in days, Terri was of one mind as she shuddered in orgasm while still locked intimately to her friend. As their lips still pressed together, Terri thought she just might be able to get used to this.


The rest of the week followed much like that. The day was simply classes, followed by a sexually charged cheerleader practice and finally a quiet evening at home dealing with the day’s events. Terri was gradually accepting her new life, even though it was still disconcerting, but the humiliations were pretty well buried by Friday, as no one seemed to bring up the fact that the cheerleading squad practiced lesbian sex in the nude every afternoon.

Terri was actually surprised on Friday when she went to get ready for the game when she found a cheerleader’s uniform hanging in her locker. By Thursday, the squad hadn’t even been dressing for meditation, choosing to leave the locker room in the nude. Terri quickly donned the uniform, only after putting it on did she notice that the skirt was crotchless and she wasn’t wearing any panties and that she wasn’t wearing any kind of a bra. She had already gotten used to dressing thoughtlessly as she hadn’t been wearing panties or bras since Monday, and had progressively worn more revealing outfits all week.

Terri was surprised again when they were rushed out to the field without a meditation period as well. As she walked onto the football field, Terri felt a familiar dread pass through her as she anticipated what was going to happen. The cheerleaders all lined up to be introduced and Terri felt herself prepare for their opening greeting. Finally, the loud speaker came to life and they ran out onto the field as it introduced them.

“Welcome one and all to the first game of the season here at Morningwood High. As always we begin the game with an introduction by our cheerleader squad, lets give it up for these lovely ladies.”

Terri ran out with the rest of the squad, and as she passed onto the field, did a series of cartwheels, each time showing off her naked mound as the crowd cheered them on. After her cartwheels she ran up into position on the back row of the two-row formation, facing Wendy. As the last of the squad fell into place, the front row of girls leaned over and proudly pulled their skirts up over the waists, legs spread, so their bushy mounds were readily seen. Just as the front row showed themselves off, so did the back row, with every girl lifting her shirt and casually jiggling their ample teenage breasts for the roaring crowd. Terri could hardly believe this was happening, and being in greater control of her senses she felt a wave of shame course through her at the wonton display she was making, even as her fellow cheerleaders did the same. At the same time, Terri felt a sexual thrill at being ogled by the crowd, though she wasn’t ready to accept that.

“Aren’t they lovely, folks. Now it’s time to select possession. Both quarterbacks are ready and the fine ladies selected are Wendy Shultz from Morningwood and Amber Horn from Eveningwood. Let’s give the girls a moment to get ready and then enjoy the show.” Boomed the loud speakers.

Terri wondered just what was going on as she watched Wendy run out to the center of the field as a cheerleader from the other side did the same. The quarterbacks from both teams and a referee came out as well. Both girls stripped off their uniforms and leaned themselves over waist high benches that had been brought out to the center of the field. Terri watched in amazement as the referee undid a flap on the front of his pants and quickly pulled out his hard shaft. He then proceeded to mount Wendy, wiggled his hips for a moment and then withdrew and repeated the action with the other girl. Terri could only wonder what was happening when the loudspeaker blared out again.

“The referee has declared both girls ready to go and instructed the quarterbacks to move into position. This should be an interesting contest as both girls have records of being able to hold back orgasms, and both these studs are well endowed. And there’s the signal from the referee, and the game begins! All that remains is for one quarterback to bring the opposing teams cheerleader to orgasm first and gain first possession of the ball.”

Terri watched in wonder as Wendy was mounted by the other teams quarterback. On the sidelines as she was, Terri got an excellent view of her friend getting well fucked on the field. Widescreen displays on each end of the field showed the carnal action in full detail, even the sounds of the competing couples was piped in over the loudspeakers. Terri had never seen a spectacle like this before, two naked girls being thoroughly used in public. She hated to admit it to herself but she wished it were her up there instead of Wendy. As she watched, Terri couldn’t help but feel aroused, wishing her own pussy was being stroked.

Almost as if in answer to a prayer, Terri felt herself being pushed to the ground and rolled on her back. She looked up to see the face of a clearly determined football player looking down at her, and all she could do was spread her legs and look down with some degree of trepidation at the cock descending towards her.

“Oh, god, fill me up with that monster!” Terri cried out, shocking herself with her words and actions. Still, she couldn’t help but push back against the invader as it speared her. Terri’s folds were barely prepared to take in the shaft, but she couldn’t stifle the moan that passed her lips as she felt her pussy entered. Her partner paused for a moment as his member rested fully within her, giving Terri a momentary chance to think. She could scarcely believe that she was lying there on a football field being fucked as the crowd watched. A sexual thrill coursed through her at the thought, and Terri wrapped her legs around her partner and gave him a passionate kiss.

“That is really good, I was wondering if anyone was going to use this poor little cunt of mine again. How do you like it? Am I nice and tight?” Terri wiggled a bit against the impaling shaft and smiled wryly to her partner. She still felt strange, fucking a complete stranger in public, but Terri was beyond self-control and she knew it. All that was left was acceptance, and even the rational part of her had to admit that the cock stuffed inside her felt wonderful.

“Oh, yeah, baby, real tight.” He answered, sending a ripple of pride through Terri. She found it hard to believe it, but she liked being proud of her tight pussy, and that he was going to enjoy using her body.

“I’m glad you like it, now why don’t you give me a ride, stud?” Terri hardly believed her language, but didn’t have time to consider it as her partner eagerly fulfilled her request. She shuddered with arousal as he set up a rhythm, quickly building to a hardy pace thrusting into her. Terri reveled in it, doing her best to fuck him back, to caress his shaft while it rested within her, and moan with satisfaction at every filling movement.

Still, every moan or grunt from her partner gave her a greater thrill than the feelings his shaft generated inside her. Terri knew that her own pleasure wasn’t important, not really, only her partner mattered. That thought cut through her sex-induced haze for a moment to scare her, even as she pushed back against a thrusting cock. She realized it was just one more step along her route to complete conversion, and as much as she wished otherwise, Terri couldn’t deny the need to service her partner was even greater than pleasuring herself.

“Oh, God!” Terri moaned as she kept fucking the football player. She couldn’t deny his ability, and as sure to let him know with timely exclamations as he continued to stoke her inner flames. There wasn’t any question that she was beyond thinking straight, Terri’s entire focus was on the man she was with. It wasn’t much longer before she felt the tell tale signs of his release, and she prepared herself as well. It was odd, but she a strange sense of control over her own release as her body continued to be well fucked. Finally, she sensed it was time and let go of the floodgates.

“I’m cuming!” She screamed as the wave hit her. Terri clamped down on his shaft a moment later, and was immensely gratified to hear a groan of release from her partner. Another wave of sexual ecstasy coursed though her as she felt spurts of liquid warmth flow into the depths of her channel. Terri was elated, she had succeeded again to bring a man off inside her. Her own pride at that accomplishment nearly boggled Terri, but she couldn’t deny it. As her partner withdrew and left his seed inside her, Terri tried to remember something she had been prouder of than that moment. She couldn’t, and though it disturbed her, Terri was prouder than she had ever been that her body could bring men off.

Before her partner completely pulled away from her Terri expressed her gratitude. “Thank you for using me. I’m glad you found my pussy worthy of your seed and I hope you fill it again.”

She was still shocked by her blatant language but couldn’t help herself, nor could she deny the truth in what she said. Even as Terri felt his seed dripping inside her, she hoped to be filled up again, to fulfill her new needs to be used. She was a sex toy, and was proud that she was a good one, but Terri felt the need prove it far and wide. A part of her was still trying to deny it, but she couldn’t for much longer.

Terri had the chance to see the final struggle between Wendy and Amber. Both girls were fighting to keep back their orgasms, but it was clear that Wendy was loosing. Her entire body language showed that she was on the brink, as well as the cries and moans escalating over the loud speakers. Terri silently licked up her partners remaining seed as she watched the last moments. It was only a few more rapid thrusts of the opposing quarterback’s hips and Wendy cried out in anguished release. Amber followed a moment later, giving the entire stadium a view of two naked writhing teenage girl’s orgasming in the center of the field.

A cheer went up over the opposing sides bleachers and Amber quickly disengaged herself and bowed for the crowd followed by a presentation of her cum soaked pussy to her fans. Wendy picked herself up and was half carried by Morningwood’s quarterback to the cheerleaders’ benches. Morningwood’s bleachers let up a strong cheer as well, helping convince Terri that the show was more important than the victory was.

Wendy was sitting on the bleacher lapping up the remains of the opposing quarterback’s seed with a proud look on her face. Terri walked over and gave her a quick sisterly hug and a brief lover’s kiss.

“You look proud of yourself.” Terri smiled as she watched Wendy finish up her licking.

“I know, I can’t help it. I just feel so proud of myself when I get a guy off.” Wendy tried to be humble for a moment but couldn’t. “I am just a great sex toy. My cunt is toned and skilled, I have a perky ripe set of tits, I am a great cock sucker and I, Wendy Shultz, am the greatest sex toy at Morningwood and my cunt is ready for any man, at any time and I’ll give him the fuck of his life!”

“I know, I feel the same way. I wish some stud would push me over right now and fill me with his hot glorious seed.” Terri ran right up to the base of the bleachers and threw off her clothes. She quickly started to model her naked form and called out to the crowd. “I am Terri Jackson, and I am the newest sex toy at Morningwood High and I just want all of you men to know that I look forward to using my cunt to bring each and every one of you off. I’m a tigress waiting to be broke in, my cunt has only been used six times and my breasts are still young and perky. Isn’t there a man among you willing to make use of this fine example of female perfection? I’m itching for a man to fuck me right now!”

The crowd cheered but no one made a move towards her except for Wendy who pulled her back to the cheerleaders’ bench. Terri was a bit surprised that no one took her up on her offer, and a bit disappointed as well. Wendy had to hold her down for a minute to calm down before she even tried to talk.

“Terri, calm down, they can’t fuck you now. Cheerleaders are here for the players’ use until after the game.

Just be glad one of the guys decided to use you already.” Wendy told her friend.

Terri just shivered for a few minutes as the world went on around her. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, calling out to the crowd for someone to fuck her. It was beyond anything Terri could have imagined in her worst nightmares, yet still she couldn’t ignore the fact that she would fuck any man willing right now.

“I can’t believe I just did that, or that I’m thinking about doing it again after the game. My, god, what’s going to happen to me?” Terri asked, half in despair and half in lust, knowing just what was likely to happen to her. She couldn’t resist her feelings anymore and she knew that she was going to become a very good sexual toy in short order if her new desires were met.

Wendy hugged her friend for a moment. “It’s alright, you can’t help yourself. It’s always the same every time they use you. After you get their seed inside you feel on top of the world, then you slowly sink down to earth and realize what you’ve become. To a degree you have to accept it, but they keep us from completely accepting it, at least for me they do. You have to do that to, or it’ll tear you apart. It sucks, but it’s life.”

Terri simply nodded as they held the embrace. She knew that was true, but it didn’t make her feel too much better. Terri was finishing her transformation into a sex toy and she knew what that meant for her immediate future and she completely blocked out any thought of her long-term role in the world. Staying like this for years was simply more than she could bear at the moment.

The game went on fairly normally from there. Of course normal is relative. Terri got dressed again, and went through a good number of cheers as the game was played, often flashing her breasts or pussy for the crowd when a strong cheer was needed. The halftime show was a bit more charged however, and Terri wound herself into a tizzy of sexual need on the field locked in step with Wendy. Finally, the game was over, Morningwood had lost 19-18 and the spoils of war were to be split up.

“Okay girls, I want all of you who haven’t been fucked yet to line up behind me.” Brookes yelled out as the players walked back to the locker rooms. Terri watched as about three fourths of the girls lined up behind him. She wondered what was going on for a moment before Wendy explained.

“After a game, all the unused girls get sent over to the winning team to be used as they see fit. If there aren’t enough, they take their pick of the used girls like us, but it was a close win tonight and most of the girls haven’t been used so we’ll get to entertain our own players.” Wendy explained as Brookes led the unfucked girls off to the other teams locker room.

Terri felt herself gearing up to be used when the football coach tapped her on the shoulder. “Terri, the administrators want you to clean up and head up to their office right away.”

Terri set off for the shower without thinking. She didn’t even know where she was going or who these administrators were, but the ache of sexual need was being stoked again within her. Terri didn’t dwell on it much however, rather she quickly stripped and gave herself a thorough shower, cleaning ever inch of her body. She washed out her well used slit and surprised herself when she gave herself an enema, but again she didn’t dwell on the reasons for her actions. Terri simply did them, unthinkingly. As she was finishing she felt a strange distaste for the matted hairs covering her mound. Terri realized where this notion was coming from but she couldn’t stifle it either. Rather she lathered her crotch and removed every unsightly hair. As she finished Terri looked down for a moment appreciating the simple form of her feminine slit.

Now that she was cleaned up she went back to her locker and found a rather reveling piece of lingerie hanging there. It was a sheer baby doll outfit, creamy white, with frilly sleeves and panties. Terri had never worn anything like it, and while a part of her realized that she was wrapping herself as a gift, a sexual thrill coursed through her at the thought of wearing it.

Without a moment’s hesitation she pulled on the lingerie and quickly ran over to a full-length mirror to see how she looked. Terri gasped with surprise and satisfaction. The sheer material hugged her curves, and though covering her normally private parts, everything could be seen through the nearly translucent fabric.

Terri modeled in front of the mirror for a few moments, running her hands over her body, enjoying the feeling of silk clinging to her breasts. She may have been a sexual plaything, but she was proud to be such a lovely one.

Terri knew she couldn’t delay long, and found herself strolling quickly towards an unknown destination.

She walked proudly, swaying her hips and pushing forward her breasts as she found her destination.

Finally, she reached a door deep inside the school and opened it. Terri quickly walked in and took in the surroundings. The room had the feel of a large Victorian study, with bookshelves lining the walls and ornate furniture scattered about. A range of out of place things were there as well, mostly beds and padded benches, as well as a few devices of strange design with handing straps and bars that Terri didn’t recognize.

Centered in the room, just off from the door was a semi circle of chairs, and a dozen people sitting in them.

Eight were men, for were women, and each looked middle aged or better, all looked up expectantly as Terri came in, taking momentary leave of their cigars, drinks, and conversation. Centered amongst them was one truly elderly man with grayed, thinning hair and a heavily wrinkled face accentuated by two hawk like eyes that cut Terri straight through to her soul as he puffed merrily on a cigar.

“My, my, you were right, Walter, she will do nicely for her task.” The old man spoke appreciatively to one of the men to his right. “Please dear, give us a quick spin.”

Terri quickly did as she was told, gracefully doing a full turn to show off her body.

“Simply lovely, and her performance during the game was a testament to Brookes’ new training method.

We will have to let him take a reward for his good work.” The old man continued. “Now, dear, I will allow you a rare sufferance, an ability to speak your true mind for as long as you are in our presence this evening.

You may ask anything you wish, tell us anything you wish, but you will remain calm and respectful of your duties as well. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, I do.” Terri replied, a strange feeling wracking her brain a moment later. In that instant, the fog seemed to lift from her thoughts and she realized fully and completely just what had happened and her current predicament. Still, standing there nearly naked in front of this assembly, Terri couldn’t summon the ability to cover herself, and that reinforced for her the certainty of her position.

“Sir, can I please cover myself decently?” Terri asked, surprised and glad that she had said just what she wanted to, even though she couldn’t make a move to fulfill her own desires.

“I think not, in fact I think you’ve been rather impolite in leaving your lovely young form covered this much in our presence.” The old man replied, sipping from his glass as he continued to study the girl presented before him.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Terri replied, and before she knew it, she was gently pulling down her panties and pulling off her top. Now she was standing completely naked before them, and she simply stood at attention for them, pressing her breasts forward and parting her legs slightly. “Is this better?”

“Much, now, please go about serving the members of our little council as you ask your questions.” The old man answered.

“Yes, sir.” Terri answered, surprised at her own calm obedience. She chalked it up to t he commands she had been given. She was quite unable to gather up any real resistance, but she did feel strange acting like this. Terri quickly walked over to the man on the right end of the group and presented herself. “How do you wish to use me?”

“I think a good fuck with you riding my cock would be good. I’m very interested to try out such an underutilized pussy.” He replied and folded back his chair.