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Schoolgirl in the forest 3.



“That’s a good choice, I’ve only had sex six times so I’m still fairly tight.” Terri replied as she unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock, already hard for her. As soon as she had heard his request she felt a switch flip in her mind, and Terri felt her pussy readying itself to be used. She realized what that meant, that she was a self-lubricating sex toy. Terri didn’t even feel any real sexual excitement like she had before, it was all oddly clinical, even the realization that she had to wet her pussy to be fucked. While she stood there letting her interior warm up Terri had the chance to ask another question. “Why did you do this to me?”

“Beyond that fact that you are such a lovely young thing, we do have a mission for you to perform, though this is hardly the time to go into such things, Terri. Suffice to say, we have enough pretty girls here to serve our whims, but your family and their connections provide us with an invaluable resource, one that you will help us exploit.” The old man replied as Terri straddled her next sexual partner.

Terri listened intently to his answer as she moved herself into position kneeling around her partner’s waist, her slit position just above his waiting shaft. She didn’t wait for instruction, knowing what she had to do, and quickly reached between her legs to grab the waiting member and direct it inside her. Terri took a moment to appreciate the feeling of his shaft as she grasped it, never before had she actually wrapped her fingers around a man’s cock. In her calmed stated all she could do was note its dimensions and feel before she sent it towards its goal. Terri ran it back and forth over her engorged lips for a moment before finding her entrance and sinking the stiff cock into her well-lubricated pussy. She let out a short gasp as she impaled herself, taking in the filling sensation with her calm detachment still reigning.

Terri was rewarded with a satisfied groan from her partner as she filled herself with his member. Finally, she felt his crotch hairs tickling her now bare pussy lips and leaned forward, looking into her partner’s eyes as she began massaging his shaft with her inner muscles. “Is this pussy meeting you’re expectations?”

“Very much so, feel free to begin riding me and continue your conversation.”

“Thank you, and please tell me if there’s anything more you’d like this body to do for you.” Terri replied as she began her work of fucking his cock. She felt oddly detached to the task, and once she had set up a rhythm that her partner clearly was enjoying she turned back to the old man to ask another question as she bounced dutifully on her partner’s shaft.

“What’s going to happen to me and my family?” Terri asked, her words punctuated by occasionally uncontrolled gasps and pants as she continued to fuck away.

“Well, dear, that depends on your father. Certainly, the rest of your family will be placed firmly under our control as well, but your father holds the key to what their future holds. Though again, you’ll find that out in due course. Regardless, you’re fate is already set, though we shall discuss that later as I have said.” The old man took another puff from his cigar and continued. “I suppose next you’ll want to know how we did this to you. Well, I can’t say all the particulars, Coach Brookes knows the full techniques best among us, but I can tell you the basics. On the surface, you’re controlled by a special form of hypnotic subliminal that is attached to every TV and radio signal and part of everything running from a loud speaker. All this does is makes you pliant, and unwilling, even unable to leave this town or contact anyone outside. You also won’t notice anything strange, it’ll simply pass by as some unremarkable event in your perception. After that, we use special equipment to condition your mind, retune your responses so you’ll behave just as we want you too at all times, even think what we want you to, when we want you to. That’s where you’re at now, fully conditioned, and you’ll do anything we ask of you, no matter how much you don’t want to.”

Even as she continued fucking her partner, with part of her mind concentrating fully on the union of pussy and cock and her role to pleasure him, Terri felt a spark of outrage at that suggestion a momentary, almost foolhardy confidence she had to express. “You can’t, you may be able to make me some kind of sex toy, but there are some things even you can’t make me do!”

Terri felt a little foolish as soon as she said that, realizing the audacity of her defiant comment as she dutifully fucked a man she didn’t even know. Certainly, if they could do this much to her, make her fall this far, she didn’t even want to think of how much more they could make her do, and she had been stupid enough to challenge them and their abilities.

“We shall have to see about that, Terri, and before this night is over, you’ll see that you don’t have any control at all now. You are our pet now, and while we are very generous, you will serve our purposes, no matter what you’re true wishes are.” The old man smiled and chuckled as Terri let out another sexual gasp as she continued fucking one of the administrators of Morningwood.


The evening continued like that as Terri serviced the rest of the group. She fucked two more of them and sucked off or ate out the rest. With her mouth occupied most of the time, the group went on with their normal business, which was quite a litany of just whom and what was under their control. As Terri dutifully served their sexual whims, she also contemplated what that meant. From their conversation, there was hardly a major business or government they didn’t have their hands in, to one degree or another, all that remained was how they planned to finish gaining control. In her calmed state, Terri couldn’t work up much concern, but she still felt bothered by the conversation, and the final truth that what little hope she had of escape was waning fast.

Finally, the last member of the group gasped in release as Terri skillfully sucked him off. As she felt his seed splashing against the back of her throat, a wave of pleasure swept through her. She pulled back from the man she had just serviced and leaned against the side of his chair as the torrent gripped her. Terri drew in a deep breath as she shivered in the wake of a massive orgasm. Everything washed away in that blast of pure ecstasy, leaving Terri nearly catatonic for a few minutes as her reward was dealt out.

As her thoughts slowly returned, Terri again felt the wonderful pride of service. It was still a peculiar feeling to her, but she couldn’t help but feel a sense of grand accomplishment at being able to bring sexual pleasure to all of the people in that room. As they finalized their business, Terri simply stood proudly in the corner, reveling in her successes of the evening, and all of the experiences she had just had serving these people. She also took the opportunity to review her performance, and seek out ways to improve, even as she had over the course of the evening. Terri cursed her conditioning for not including more extensive training in how to give the most of her body when called upon.

“Ah, Terri, I believe we have just about finished for the evening, and so I present you with your next task.”

The old man snapped his fingers and a side door open. Terri looked over to see her younger sister, Amber, being wheeled into the room on a gurney. She looked pleasantly asleep, still dressed in her normal daily clothes, with one of Brookes’ special headsets over her ears.

Terri gasped with shock as she followed her sister’s sleeping form as it was pushed across the room. She had realized that this would be her fate, but to be brought face to face with the reality was something beyond her ability to control. Even against the calm shield that still held her in check, Terri could feel a strong sense of fear, anguish and anger. She fell to her knees with a wail. “Please don’t do this to her!”

“We, have little choice, dear, in fact though, you are going to be responsible for her conditioning. You should be pleased, by doing this, you will be helping to solidify your own conditioning. Normally, we wouldn’t do this, but you are so very important, that we need to be sure you’re completely under control before we send you on your way. Now, please step up to the panel on the side of her bed and we can begin building Amber’s new life.” The old man explained, watching with satisfaction as he saw Terri regain more control with every expression of her importance.

Terri noticed it as well, though she couldn’t help it. The need to serve and please were now rooted in her being, even against an act like this. She couldn’t stop herself. Terri walked over to the computer panel as instructed and looked down, at both her sister’s sweet face and the control’s that would change her forever, make Amber a slave just like she had become. Even as she knew this, and tried to fight against her need to obey her new masters, Terri laid her hands upon the controls and waited diligently for the instructions that would create Amber’s new existence.

“Good, Terri, and now we shall prepare our demonstration for tomorrow.” The old man continued, laying out for Terri just what her family’s fate would be the next day. Terri grimaced inside with the entirety of the events, but worked away, transforming her sister as instructed and preparing herself for her own duties in the demonstration.


“How do you expect me to believe anything you just said?” Mark Jackson scoffed at the improbable tale he had just heard. “If I believed a word of it, I’d have to arrest you right now, not even to speak of helping you.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Jackson. Truly, I am, though that doesn’t change anything. Please remember I said we needed your assistance, I never implied you had a choice in the matter.” The old cigar smoking man replied.

“Who do you think you are? I think it’d be best if you leave, now.” Mark ordered. He had taken his fill of this unannounced guest. Mark still didn’t know what possessed him to let the man in originally, but he had run out of patience.

“I am the man at the head of our little group, Mr. Jackson, and I am fully able to choose my own comings and goings and I am not yet finished here. You see, I do still need your help, and I’m ready to demonstrate just how compliant you can become when you need to be. Please ask your daughters to come down here.”

The old man commanded, taking a puff from his cigar, smiling at the uncomfortable cringe it elicited from his nominal host.

“Amber, Terri, come down here please!” Mark yelled out before he had a chance to think. He didn’t understand what possessed him to do it, even as he was still intent on throwing the old man out.

Terri and Amber trampled down the stairs a moment later, both now eager to obey. Terri knew what awaited them, dreading it even as she felt the unsaitable urge to obey and serve that caused her to rush downstairs. Amber didn’t know anything of her current state yet, in fact she existed in an odd haze that clouded her perceptions, until she heard the call to come downstairs. Her own need to serve was rooted now as well, even if she didn’t realize it yet and it helped spur her down the stairs. Both girls were in bathrobes, though only Terri knew what they were both wearing underneath. In fact she had picked out both outfits the night before, and couldn’t suppress her pride at just how sexy she looked in the lingerie.

“Hello, girls, I’m afraid your father has decided he needs a demonstration of my position and his own.

Please, disrobe and come into the middle of the room.” The old man commanded.

Both girls complied instantly, dropping their robes at the foot of the stairs and walking into the middle of the living room. Terri was dressed in a sheer black teddy that clung to her curves and presented her assets wonderfully. It was also crotchless at Terri’s insistence, so that her pussy would be readily accessible for use. As she took her place in the middle of the room, Terri stood proudly at attention and dutifully prepared her body for use, still amazed that her conditioning allowed her to lubricate herself by will alone.

Amber was completely shocked by her own actions, and by what she was wearing. She was wearing much the same garment as Terri had the night before, though Amber didn’t know it. The only difference was that, like Terri’s, her panties were crotchless. Amber couldn’t remember putting these clothes on, nor could she figure out what possessed her to do it in the first place. As she took her place beside Terri, Amber realized that she was putting on quite a display for her own father and a complete stranger. Yet all she could do was fall into a strange attention, pressing her chest outward and spreading her legs just enough to give an unfettered view of her uncovered mound.

“What’s happening to me?” Amber finally cried after she had taken her position and found herself unable to do anything but stand there displaying her lovely young body. She could feel the cool air in the room flow over her naked flesh and looked down to see her nipples poking out of the shear top as they felt the cold as well.

Terri waited a moment until the old man gave her a nod and she was allowed to assume her roll. “You’re being turned into a sex toy, Amber, just like I was.”

“No, please, I don’t want to.” Amber cried again. She looked over at Terri to see her worst fears confirmed.

Terri looked perfectly like a teen seductress, and Amber shuddered as Terri smiled back, an expression strangely melding sisterly joy and sexual desire. Amber turned away, closing her eyes from the awful truth, unwilling to accept what had already been said of her fate.

Terri walked up behind Amber and ran her hands up and down Amber’s sides and finally cupped her breasts. “But Amber, you have such a lovely body, it’d be terrible waste not to have it enjoyed by the world.”

“Terri, stop it. Leave your sister alone.” Mark ordered, finally able to rouse himself from his shock at his daughter’s behavior. Still, he felt restrained, even pacified more than he would normally expect. Finally, he felt a twinge of excitement at seeing his two lovely daughters like this, both sexily clad in revealing clothing, and giving him a full view of their youthful charms. He had felt that before, though he had always been able to suppress it before. This time he couldn’t, even though he wished otherwise, just for the sake of decency.

“But, Daddy, you have to admit that Amber is just a little sexpot, I mean what able man wouldn’t want to make use of a body like this? You’d like to do her right now wouldn’t you, Daddy?” Terri teased as she continued to caress her sister’s body. She knew just what she was doing, just what was going to happen.

Terri hated herself for what she had to do, but it didn’t change anything, even the satisfaction at doing fulfilling her task remained unaltered as she debased her sister.

Amber could only whimper at the treatment she was receiving. She could scarcely believe that Terri was handling her so passionately, or that her body was responding. It right to have others caressing her breasts, Amber thought, surprised that such a notion occurred to her. She couldn’t deny it, though she tried, finally, she accepted the idea and pressed her pert young flesh into her sister’s accepting hands.

“No, I don’t, I couldn’t, even though she is such a sexy young woman. If she wasn’t my daughter I’d split her wonderful cunt open with my cock right now.” Mark clamped his mouth shut at that small admission, not believing what he had just said, or the instant reaction in his own pants at his words. With just that simple thought, a floodgate of perverted images involving Amber filled his mind.

Amber herself felt a strange sensation flood over her at her father’s words as well. He had said she was sexy, and suddenly she felt proud of it. “Oh, god, Daddy, you think I’m sexy? That is so cool. Haven’t I ever turned you on before?”

“Oh, sweetie, of course you have. Like when your little nipples poke through your nightshirts on cold mornings, or the way you wiggles you hot little ass always makes me want to fuck you.” Mark replied, shocked at his admission, and unable to deny the fact that he was aroused now as well.

“Daddy, that’s so sweet.” Amber replied. She didn’t know what had came over her, but she really liked hearing all this dirty talk from her own father. In fact, she was becoming aroused, something that was still a novel sensation in it’s own right. Amber was still a virgin, though she wasn’t uninformed about sex completely. She just hadn’t been inclined to pursue it before, beyond a few exploratory sessions of heavy petting. Now all that was behind her, and her body was alighting with new sensations, new needs, and Amber was completely unable to suppress any of them.

“Don’t you think, Daddy would like to see more of you’re sexily little body, Amber? Why don’t you show him your cute little titties.” Terri suggested as she continued. Amber complied without hesitation, pulling off her top with nearly reckless abandon.

“Do you like my little titties, Daddy?” Amber asked as she waved her bare chest from side to side only a few feet in front of her leering father. Her breasts were still small, though perfectly rounded and tipped with two lovely pink nipples that quickly hardened in the cool living room air. Amber could scarcely believe herself, being this bold just wasn’t normal, but she felt so right like this, nearly naked, presenting her youthful body to her father. Only the smallest part of her mind considered where this would lead, and all she could do was shudder in anticipation.

“They are just perfect, angel, I’d just love to suck on them.” Mark answered. He licked his lips hungrily as her two sweet little orbs danced before him just out of reach. His thoughts of resistance were gone, all he wanted was to assault the wondrous girl if front of him.

Amber giggled and then bent over, giving her father a full view of her pussy through her crotchless underwear. As she did so, she ran her hand over her exposed mound, surprised that she didn’t have any hair there, but she was pleased by that fact, that her mound was properly clean. Amber didn’t know why, remembering her own pleasure not long ago at the hair that had been growing there. A small part of her realized that she had been prepared for this fate, the thought disturbed her, but she felt thankful that she had been well prepared to be enjoyed as well. What good was a sex slave if she wasn’t ready to be fucked?

“Oh, Daddy, can you believe this little pussy is waiting to be fucked for the first time? It feels so empty right now, aching for a cock to make me a woman. It’s all hot and wet to, just ready to be used. Will you use me, Daddy?” Amber pleaded with her final words. Her arousal was beyond control or comprehension, all that remained inside her was an undeniable need to be used. Finished with her pussy display she turned back around, her eyes burning with lust and desire as she looked to her father. She shivered inside as her look was so graciously returned. Amber could hardly wait to be used, to be initiated in her new existence as a sex toy. She stole a glance down to her father’s crotch, pleased to see the outline of his erect shaft waiting just below the surface. Amber shivered in anticipation at being speared with it, barely able to control her need.

Terri stood only a few feet away watching with dismay as Amber acted out her program with perfect accuracy. A small tear fell from her eyes as she watched, breaking her look of a proud sister. Terri knew she had been the one to do this to her sister, but the worst was yet to come, and she hated herself for being so weak. It had been her hands on the controls that had chanced her sister from a carefree teenager into this sex crazed slave, Terri rationally knew she had no choice, but she still lamented her own weakness. She had been too weak to save her sister, and now they were both caught in this evil web.

“Detach, both of you.” The old man spoke from his seat.

Amber felt a shudder pass through her a moment later, a veil seemed to lift from her thoughts and she was able to think normally again. She nearly screamed in shock as she stood there, kneading her own naked breasts as she danced a seductive sexual dance right in front of her father. Amber couldn’t believe what she had just been saying, or doing. She had just invited her father to fuck her, and she couldn’t understand what possessed her to do it. Amber remembered what Terri had said about becoming a sex toy, and she realized that she’d just given a demonstration. She turned to Terri then and gave her sister a forlorn, almost terrified look as she continued presenting her body to their father.

“What is you’re purpose, Amber?” Terri asked coldly. She didn’t know where the words came from, but realized it was her own conditioning, her part of this little show.

“To serve, to be used, my body exists to bring pleasure to my masters. I am to seek my Masters’ desires and find reward in pleasing them.” Amber answered with a reverence she didn’t feel. The words scared her, telling her that even now, with her mind free she was still a slave.

“Terri please, let me go! I don’t want to do this.” Amber pleaded, her voice sweet and sultry, providing no contrast to her continuing erotic dance.

“She’s not the one in control my dear, and I couldn’t let a lovely little thing like you go. Please, come over here and prepare me while I finish my discussion with your father.” The old man said.

“Please, no, Mister.” Amber replied as she stopped her gyrations and strolled over to the old man. She found her hands going to his crotch and pulling his shaft free. Amber looked at it in awe for a moment, being her first shaft, before she began to gently caress it’s length with her delicate fingers. She somehow knew that it was important not to over-stimulate him, but Amber didn’t want to consider the reasons for it.

Instead, she found herself studying his shaft. Amber didn’t know why, but she found the old man’s member fascinating, and studiously examined every vein and bump with a determination she had never felt towards anything.

Meanwhile, Mark was sitting back, nearly catatonic. The reality of his behavior and his daughters stunned him, that he was only moment away from taking his youngest daughters virginity disturbed him greatly.

Just as disturbing was the fact that he was still sitting there, unmoving as Amber began caressing the old man’s cock. Mark knew he should be tearing him apart, but yet he felt the same strange calmness flow over him as before. All he could do was sit and watch his nearly naked daughter perform her first official act as a sex slave to this evil man.

“Now, Mr. Jackson, I think you’re fully aware of you’re position in these negotiations. I need you to arrange an internship for young Terri here with Senator Philip Summers, a good friend of yours, I believe.”

The old man said. He smiled wickedly as Amber continued her adoring maintenance of his hard shaft.

“Why?” Mark uttered. His restraint was on in full force, keeping a litany of insults and threats contained.

“Well, seeing as you’re clearly under my control now, I’ll tell you as much as I can at this point, Mr.

Jackson. Mr. Summers has been a very steadfast opponent of our interests. He doesn’t realize out extent or our plans yet, but his position does allow him many luxuries that most men lack. While we do maintain ourselves rather discretely outside of this little community, our larger plans are rather hard to conceal from someone in his position. He has also proven very resistant to our normal forms of persuasion, and infiltration. Simply put, your daughter will be able to get closer than any of our previous agents, and eliminate a threat to our interests.” The old man answered.

“What will become of us?” Mark asked, again his unnatural restraint keeping him from expressing his true feelings for the loathsome man in front of him.

“That depends, Mr. Jackson. You’re family is now fully members of our little community, and I’m content to let you remain so. Little Amber here will still go to school, and you’ll still have you’re job. Certainly, Amber will now be willing sharing her charms with any male who wishes, even you if you so desire. You will also be able to enjoy any unclaimed women in our little community at your leisure. You will, of course, present yourself for use by any of the women in our administrative board. If you resist too effectively, we will be forced to deal more harshly with you. So long as you cooperate, Mr. Jackson, you’ll be able to enjoy a wonderfully decadent existence.” The old man said. “Now, I think I will allow myself a little indulgence with this lovely young lady. Please enjoy your other daughter, Mr. Jackson, she is quite the little number herself. You should be proud to have fathered such wonderful examples of feminine beauty, and be glad to have the opportunity to sample in your creation.”

Amber felt a pat on her head and she looked up into the old man’s weathered face. She returned suddenly to reality, realizing that she had just been worshiping his cock and that he was likely going to use it on her in only moments.

“Oh, little one, prepare yourself for me, please and lay down on the floor.” The old man commanded with a surprisingly gentle tone.

“Please, Master, don’t make me do this. I don’t want to loose my virginity like this.” Amber pleaded, her tone sweet and lovely, lacking even the edge of a pleading tone. Amber realized with a start that she had called him Master, something that surprised her even as she began to follow his commands. She had barely spoken when she felt the ache between her legs returned with a surprising vengeance. Amber was oddly disconnected from the arousal though, she felt the need, the aching of her loins to be filled, but only as an echo of their previous intensity. Still, she dutifully obeyed, placing herself on the floor and spreading her legs widely. Amber looked up with what she knew was a look of sexual need, even though the feelings were only skin deep. Her body was ready to be used, and complicit in the act even if her mind didn’t reflect that desire. Amber looked up at the old man as he casually undressed before her. He had a rather well kept body beneath his weather face, and Amber had little else to do except take him in. Her final attention turned to his bouncing and ready shaft, the same shaft she had only moments before been worshiping.

Amber realized with dismay that she would soon be able to compare how differently a cock felt to her hands and her pussy.

The old man looked down at the panting young form of his latest pet. He took personal pleasure in breaking in as many of the young fillies as he could, and this one was certainly no exception. “Why, dear, I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of this great pleasure of life.”

With that he descended upon her, moving between her spread legs and positioning himself directly above her. Amber looked up into his eyes, the look of a predator enjoying his prey dancing on his face. She pushed herself up and kissed him, surprised at committing such an intimate act. Her lips parted and their tongues danced for a moment. Amber tasted the disgusting foulness of cigar as she did so, but couldn’t stop herself. The embrace ended after only a moment and his attention turned to the moment at hand. Amber could feel his shaft dancing across her thighs, slowly moving closer to her entrance. Her hand moved down between her legs and clasped him. Her hands caressed him for a moment then directed him to her entrance, rubbing the head of his shaft across her waiting nether lips.

“Oh, Master, this body awaits your blessing. Please, enjoy this virgin flesh.” Amber said. She couldn’t believe she had just said that, even as she felt the head of his shaft waiting at her gates. Amber knew her pussy had prepared itself to be used, that even as she lamented her fate her body was about to throw itself at her rapist and Master.

“Why thank you, dear. I believe I will.”

With that the old man thrust forward with a determined strength. Amber gasped as she felt her tender flesh give way to his shaft. She followed the novel sensation as he split open her virgin path, barely registering the demise of her maidenhood. Finally, she felt his hairy sack rest against her lower lips and his shaft pulsed fully within her. Amber began to tense her vaginal walls, helping to keep his stay within her pleasurable. She could scarcely believe that she was about to be fucked, that she had a man’s cock resting inside her. Alien thoughts paraded through her mind in the moment after her impalement. Amber realized how much of an honor it was to have a cock inside her. She didn’t know why, exactly, but it was. She also knew it was her purpose to please her Master, to use her body in any way necessary to do so. Yet even with these thoughts, Amber remembered how wrong such things were, that she was being raped in front of her sister and father. She felt anger and subservience in equal measure, and she could only watch as her body followed a path that she only wished she could resist.

The old man paused for little more than a few seconds to luxuriate in Amber’s virgin pussy before beginning to thrust into the compliant young woman. Amber whimpered with joy as she felt him moving within her, affirming her value as a sex slave. She immediately set her attention on meeting his thrusts, to help him enjoy their coupling. Amber realized that her detachment from her body’s pleasure was on purpose, so that she could focus entirely on her technique. She found herself being thankful for that, so that she could better serve her masters. Her own pleasure was unimportant, secondary to her service. Amber knew she would be rewarded by her own good performance. If she was a good partner, she would be allowed to orgasm. What was important was how well she pleased her master, and Amber set about to please her current master as best she could.

It wasn’t long before the pair was lost in wild motion. Amber was returning the old man’s every thrust, her pussy caressing him in perfect time to his movements. Her body was panting and moaning as well, inarticulately thanking him for his treatment. Inside, Amber was of two minds, one lamenting her cruel fate and the other attentively using her youthful body to please her partner. Amber found herself kissing instead of crying, moaning instead of screaming, and fucking instead of running. As the old man pounded into her, Amber regretted that she couldn’t even be allowed to enjoy the treatment as much as her body appeared to. A part of her was thankful for the strange detachment, but Amber wished that if she had to endure being treated as a sex toy, that at least she could be allowed to enjoy it.

“Are you enjoying yourself, dear?” The old man asked as he continued his assault upon Amber’s responsive form.

“Master, the pleasure of this body is not important. Are you not enjoying you’re use of me, Master?”

Amber asked, almost scared that she wasn’t performing well enough. Part of her still wanted to spit in his face, but the rest of her gave even more heed to her performance.

“Oh, my dear, you are a peach, but I think I can allow you to enjoy yourself today, and don’t be ashamed to express yourself.” The old man replied, fully enjoying his pet.

“Thank you, Master.” Amber moaned as the detachment fell away. She basked in the wonders of sexual bliss for a moment before returning attention to her duties. Even her free mind welcomed the sensations, and allowed herself to enjoy her first coupling. Amber gasped with wonder at the first thrust she was allowed to fully appreciate, barely believing her body could accept something so large. She was lost in the feelings of flesh meeting flesh, her entire body nearly encased between the floor and this man who was using her. Her body was aching with need, fulfilled only in the joining of forms she was enjoying with her partner. Amber had never been prepared for something like this, and she couldn’t believe how wonderful it was. She wondered idly if real fucking was like this, or if the pleasure she now enjoyed was simply part of her transformation into a sex slave. It didn’t matter however, all that was important was thrusting into her now, fulfilling her new purpose in life.

Amber tried to articulate words as they continued to move in time, but she couldn’t get out more than moans and gasps as she was filled and emptied over and over. Her entire existence was being wrapped up in the act, her every resource being called upon to serve her master or bask in the pleasure he was stoking within her. Amber thrust herself back against his every thrust in thanks and deference to her partner, he was honoring her and allowing her to fulfill her purpose in life. It was only right that she be used like this.

She knew loosing her virginity should be special, and Amber felt proud she had saved herself for her master, that he could enjoy her virgin flesh. She took pride in that as she was still being fucked for the first time. Amber had given something of herself that even Terri couldn’t have, and she was glad that she could surrender that prize and happy that Terri had wasted her virginity instead of giving it to her Master.

Then she felt her partner’s pace quickening, sparking a new instinct within her. Amber knew that he was coming close to release, a final affirmation of her capabilities. She fucked him in earnest now, returning his every motion with as much gusto as she could. It was her final chance to prove herself a worthy sex slave, and Amber could deny her own need to prove it. The thrusts came faster and faster, and Amber wrapped herself tightly around her Master in their final moments. Then she felt the old man stop, fully impaled within her, and Amber experienced her first insemination. She reveled in the novel sensation of her Master’s pulsing cock and the warmth of his seed spreading through the depth of her recently virgin channel.

“Oh, Master, thank you for honoring this humble slave with your wondrous seed, and ridding her of her shameful virginity.” Amber kissed him sweetly on the lips. Her purpose in life had been fulfilled for the first time. As she rested with his withering shaft still inside her, Amber wondered why she had never before realized how important it was for her to take a cock within her and accept it’s seed. She knew it hadn’t seemed important before but now it was her purpose in life. Tonight she had finally fulfilled it, and she was already anticipating her next fulfillment of purpose. Amber realized how shameful her virginity had been, a symbol of her selfishness. She could scarcely contain her shame at not having taken a blessed shaft within her earlier or filling the depths of her pussy with the wondrous seed of a man, like she should have. Her earlier pride at giving her master a virgin pussy turned to dismay at giving him an inferior product. She could have had her pussy trained, and thus given her master an even greater experience, but she had wrongly kept her pussy unblessed by a man’s seed.

By the time the old man had pulled away from her, Amber was beside herself with anguish. As he rose to dress, she kneeled before him in full sufferance to his greatness and the gifts he had given her. “Oh, Master, please forgive this slave for not having trained herself before serving you, for forcing upon you a pussy that had never known a cock, and was not trained to fully please you.”

The old man looked down with a clear air of surprise. In all his deflowerings he had never encountered this reaction by a conditioned girl. “That’s all right, little one, a virgin pussy is worth far more than a trained one. Content yourself by serving all you Masters to come as well as you have served me.”

Amber brightened up. Her master had affirmed her quality, that she had not been in error before in her judgement to keep her virginity. Now that she was no longer a virgin, Amber knew she had to train herself to become a wonderful toy to be used. She thought to ask her master, but then realized that she could learn these things at school, where else would one go to learn how to fulfill their purpose in life?

With her immediate concerns to her master resolved, Amber felt her senses open up and she heard the distinct sounds of lovemaking a few feet away. She turned to see Terri and their father coupling doggy style with great finesse. Amber took in the scene with a small bit of dismay and a great deal of appreciation. Amber was proud of her sister, their father was obviously enjoying the coupling, and a slave could do no better than serve her master well. Amber mindlessly cupped up the cum of her own master as she watched her sister fulfill her purpose. Amber hoped her father wouldn’t be too worn out from using Terri, as Amber wanted to feel her father’s shaft pounding into her as well. She didn’t think it fair that Terri get to hog all of their father’s wondrous seed, Amber wanted some to fill her pussy as well.

Terri was panting with lust and glowing with fulfillment. With the old man’s suggestion, her father had descended upon her almost instantly after they got to watch Amber loose her virginity. Terri had bent over on her hands and knees and spread her legs without command, and her father mounted her with his glorious shaft only a moment later. Now, she was reveling in being used, in having her pussy filled with cock, that it was her father’s added a strange sense of taboo and extra reverence. Terri was in awe that the shaft within her was the same that had given her life. That she could accept the same seed that her mother had, filled Terri with a sense of fulfillment greater than she had known from her previous couplings. She was even more determined to make sure her father enjoyed her form at its best, to thank him for giving her life.

Amber’s situation had faded from Terri’s mind almost instantly upon being entered. The shaft within her was more important than any outside concern. Still the final moment of Amber’s first coupling penetrated Terri’s sexual focus long enough for Terri to feel pride in her sister’s ability to please a man. Terri’s own attention then shifted back to her own busy pussy, and the honor being bestowed upon it.

It wasn’t long before her hard word was rewarded, and she felt her depths filled with her father’s seed. Her pride was bolstered again, proving her worth with every drop of seed resting within her. As soon as her father had withdrawn, Terri turned to him hugging and kissing him in a more daughterly way, aside from her still rather naked form. “Thank you for using my pussy, Daddy, I’m so glad you’ve blessed me with your seed.”

Terri saw a momentary look of dismay in her father’s expression before he turned to the old man. The Old man had dressed and was now making his way to the door, leaving Amber still panting on the floor where she had been used.

“Please, Mr. Jackson, don’t mind me, you have you’re orders, and until you’re able to arrange an internship for Terri, you are free to enjoy her when her free time permits. Now, I’m sure you can entertain yourself for the evening, good night, Mr. Jackson, girls.” The old man said and slipped out before Mark even had a chance to say anything more.

Mark sank back into his seat, his two scantily clad daughters resting at his feet, all knowing it was only time before their sexual drives would be fulfilled again. For the moment they simply rested. Mark recouping from Terri’s wonderful treatment and knowing that another uncontrollable urge was coming for him to fuck his other daughter. Both the girls sat their still reveling in the seed slowly dripping from their pussies, proof that they were proper young women, fulfilling their purpose. Finally, they both knew there was a fight coming over who would be granted the honor of taking their father’s shaft next.


Terri grunted shamelessly as she fucked back against her math teacher shaft. He’d asked her to stay behind after class, and promptly plunged his hard cock into her sopping mound as she bent over his desk. It was just another school day at Morningwood for Terri, she was still considered a new kid, and that meant both the blessing and curse of receiving extra attention from all the men and boys at the school. Terri had already exercised her pussy twice that morning, once in the halls before class with an upperclassman and later during chemistry class with her lab partner. The only comment she received was that she try to enjoy herself less quietly so as not to distract the other students while they worked.

Terri still wasn’t used to the constant use she was getting. Certainly the sex was all encompassing, commanding and fulfilling more than she could have imagined. Yet, Terri when she had a chance to really reflect on her new existence found it hard to accept that she would simply lube up and present herself for fucking at the slightest whim of a passing male. She had taken to wearing clothes that gave ready access to her pussy and breasts, most skirts and blouses, so that her time from command to actual involvement was as small as possible. Terri found herself taking a perverse pride in being so readily available, even to the point of practicing how long it took for her to get her pussy ready to be fucked. She also found herself keeping track of every encounter, and reviewing them in her free time to better her performance. Terri knew she’d been conditioned to all of this behavior, knew it was wrong, but she was unable to stifle her new desire to be used or the pride she took in her performance.

Terri had also taken a prominent role in helping Amber become the best sex pet she could be as well. Terri found herself arranging sexual encounters for her little sister, and observing and coaching Amber from the side of the bed. She still didn’t believe how much pride she felt whenever Amber took a man’s seed. Terri did find that she could talk honestly with Amber, as much as their new attitudes allowed. Amber was acclimating much faster than Terri had, even so far as expressing a strange appreciation for her knew life.

Terri understood in part, as much as she couldn’t admit it to herself or anyone else, a growing part of her yearned to be used as a sex toy and was grateful for this new existence that had been thrust upon her so completely.

These thoughts were far from her mind this afternoon however, as her entire being focused on the honor being bestowed upon her eager flesh. Terri moaned and grunted, even squealing on occasion, all sounds she knew her math teacher loved to hear. He didn’t like articulate lovers, rather animalistic ones, as Terri had learned from other girls and in past encounters, and Terri was determined not to disappoint. It was her role in life to be the best partner she could be on demand. She found her fellow female classmates most willing to share the various kinks and fetishes of the faculty and male students. Terri couldn’t get enough of the information, all learned firsthand from those telling, her mind absorbing every important detail for the eventuality of being used by that man. It was a oddly quiet night several weeks after her induction to her new life that Terri realized just how completely her field of study had changed from college bound young women to the sexual techniques of a school house sex toy. Her even ings no longer filled with writing long essays or doing algebra, rather she spent them either practicing love making first hand or reviewing previous encounters and plotting those to come.

It was only on a few quiet lonely nights that Terri had the fortune to clear her mind of the new drives planted within her. In those fleeting moments she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Terri realized what she had become, even that she enjoyed it to increasing degrees. In part she wanted to surrender to this new fate, it wasn’t that bad in many ways, and so nearly all consuming that only on the rarest occasion could she really reflect on this knew life rather than be awash in it’s effects. Terri wasn’t ready for that however, and deep down a fear still brewed about her fate over the long term. Her father had arranged an internship for her, as he had been ordered. That left Terri with an impending reality where she would be the instrument of destruction for an innocent, perhaps even the one person who could save her. It was that thought that kept Terri from giving in to the pleasure and artificial pride that swelled within her as she lived her new life. In surrender, she would never find freedom, and perhaps she still had a chance for that.

This was not the moment for freedom however, with her twisted set of priorities if she was given the choice of freedom or taking the seed from the cock moving within her, Terri wouldn’t think twice about taking her Math teacher’s seed. He was honoring her, affirming her worth, and she would unable to insult him at this moment, by refusing to accept his offering inside her. Terri was in fact doing everything in her power to make this encounter one that her partner would not soon forget. She had been given considerable opportunities to practice her technique, and she reveled in every opportunity to prove she could learn from each encounter. Terri even toyed with her old values, using them as a strange form of passion booster by imagining just how lewd a scene she was making and how inconceivable such an encounter had been for her just months ago. Terri giggled at the notion, knowing that the old Terri would never be bent over a school desk with her blouse open and her skirt flipped over her waist and being fucked willingly and completely by her teacher. She quivered at the notion, even feeling a twinge of regret that she never had this kind of an opportunity to be used by her former teachers. Still, it was this teacher, and his thrusting shaft that drew her in now. It was her reason for being after all.

Finally, Terri felt her partner begin his final frantic motions, spurring her own course to sexual release.

This man preferred to bring his partner to orgasm right before he came, and Terri was not about to disappoint him. She melted her inner detachment, which allowed her to focus on her technique and method, allowing the flood of sexual energy to consume her. It took only a few more thrusts to complete her ascendance, and Terri let out a scream of release. Her inner flames flared with wondrous intensity, and Terri quaked with pleasure. The final affirmation of her performance followed a moment later as she felt the now familiar sensation of her pussy depths filling with the warmth of her partner’s seed. Terri beamed with joy at her accomplishment, though she knew her work wasn’t quite finished yet.

This man liked to use his women and then resume his other business promptly and Terri didn’t want to slow him down. She gasped as he pulled out of her, and she quickly turned around and gave him a quick peck on the cheek in thanks for honoring her pussy with his seed. With that done, Terri strolled merrily out of the classroom, content with another job well done. She still had another class to get to, and she cupped her mound as she walked over to her next class, being certain to catch every drop of her latest lover’s seed as it dripped out of her. Terri still found it strange that she was so obsessed with not letting a single drop go or her need to lick the salty mix of juices from her hands. Regardless, she couldn’t resist the need to do so.

Terri continued to lap up the evidence of her recent coupling as she entered her English class. Like any other class, several of the boys were making good use of their willing female classmates, though all were careful not to be too noisy. No one even took much notice as Terri walked into the classroom with her breasts still jiggling naked out of her open blouse and her hand still catching her pussy juices from her latest encounter. It was at such awe striking moments that Terri could punch through the veil of her conditioning and realize just how warped her world had become when no one even cared take a second glance at such a lewd display as she was making. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed, surely she would have sparked many a wet dream doing this in her old life, but here it was all too common. Even so, she hoped that her recently used state wouldn’t turn away any interested parties as she was already anxious to have her body ran through its paces again, just like any good sex toy would want.

It was only a moment before she felt a familiar tap at her shoulder and she turned around to the smiling face of the boy sitting behind her. There wasn’t any question what he wanted and she relaxed and let him move her into position, pushing aside her chair and leaning over her desk. Terri happily pulled up her skirt and spread her legs for him, as her pussy built back up to a fully ready state, aching to be filled.

The boy didn’t make her wait long, dropping his pants and bringing his ready shaft to her entrance with casual speed. Terri moaned thankfully as he pushed into her a moment later and quickly built up a rhythm in her warm and eager depths. She squeaked and grunted happily as she received another wonder fuck, grateful that her body could be used again so soon.

“Ms. Jackson, please service your lover more quietly, other students are trying to learn. And be sure that you’re pulsing your pussy well dear, you know how much Erin likes that.”

the Teacher scolded after an especially loud squeak from Terri.

“Sorry, Mrs. Borrow,” Terri replied. Stifling her wish to vocally express the pleasure she was receiving.

Terri took note of her teacher’s advice as well, being sure to use her pussy just like her partner preferred.

With that she turned inward and enjoyed herself, and looked forward to another pleasurable school day.

“Eat up, Terri, we both know you won’t have another good meal until you get to DC.” Mark said as Terri toyed with her plate of bacon and eggs. Such extravagant breakfasts weren’t common in the Jackson household, but this was a special occasion of a sort. Terri would be off to her DC and her internship with Senator Summers.

“I’m just nervous, Daddy.” Terri said. She forced another bite of egg white down her throat. She was nervous too, in considerably more ways than she thought possible. She was being sent to intern with Senator Summers so she could subvert him, transform him into a willing aid to the Council, the administrators she had served at the school so many weeks ago. Terri lamented that fact, knowing that he was perhaps the last hope of freedom for her and her family. Still, another level of conditioning induced concerns bombarded her as well.

“There’s nothing to worry about, Honey, you’re sexual technique has been improving tremendously in the last few months. Rob, will love sinking his cock into you’re well trained little pussy as much as I have. Besides, you’ll be getting some special training once you get to DC as well, just in case we missed anything.” Mark reassured his daughter.

Terri smiled at that. “Yeah, you sure seamed to enjoy me last night. I thought you’d never go soft, I’m just glad Amber decided to join in so I could get some rest.”

The last evening had been a full-blown orgy, a going away present of a sort. Her classmates and teachers had came first, and Terri had spent several hours servicing all her favorite partners from school. Some other girls were there as well, to entertain the guests while they waited to properly wish Terri a bon voyage.

After the official celebration had ended, Terri cleaned herself up and joined her father. It would likely be several months before she’d be able to serve him again, and Terri wanted to leave him looking forward to her return. Father and daughter coupled incessantly for several hours, before Amber dutifully arrived to finish off their father and allow Terri a few hours sleep before setting off on her trip.

“Well, you’ve become quite the stimulating sexpot there, Terri. Just being around you is enough to give a man a week long erection.” Mark said. His eyes tracing over his daughter nearly naked flesh. Terri had taken to wearing sexy lingerie as standard nightclothes, so that she could be ready to entertain a partner at any time. Mark had certainly made use of this fact many times since his own conversion. His own previous aversion to admiring his daughter’s luscious young bodies had been destroyed. Now Mark couldn’t satisfy his appetite for his daughters, and made a point of helping educate them on how to best arouse a man and make good use of their feminine charms.

“Oh, Daddy, that’s sweet.” Terri giggled, blushing slightly. A sliver of embarrassment still penetrated the veil of her condition at times like this. Her near nudity didn’t concern her anymore, in truth she appreciated the way her father learned at her displayed charms. This morning she was wearing a full-length nightie that was nearly translucent save the ruffled edges of the plunging neckline and the sleeves. Terri happily thrust out her pert little breasts for her father’s attentive eyes, it would be the last chance for him to appreciate their gentle curves and her crinkled pink nipples. The notion that disturbed her was that she truly did find her fathers appreciation for her new sexual abilities to be sweet.

Still, it was only a fleeting thought, soon replaced by her new way of thinking.

“Would you like to use me one last time, Daddy? It’ll be months before you’ll get another chance to use this tight little pussy and I would love to have you’re big hard cock inside me one last time before I go.”

Terri offered. She smiled up and her father warmly as she stood up and hiked up her nightie to expose her ready pussy. Terri had nearly perfected her ability to wet herself on demand, and she really did want to get a good bye ride from her father.

Mark went up behind her and ran a single finger between Terri’s slickened pussy lips. He beamed with pride, his daughter had trained herself well in how to serve a man. Terri whimpered and giggled as she felt her father’s finger split her tender nether lips.

“I’m sorry, Terri, but you’ve got a flight to catch, and you can’t be late. Now finish you’re breakfast and get dressed.” Mark replied. He really did want to have a final round with his lovely daughter, but there simply wasn’t time to do it properly, and he preferred to remember their casual lovemaking of the night before to a more hurried coupling before she rushed out the door. “Okay, Daddy, but maybe you should have Amber look after that cock of yours. It’s just not proper for an erect cock to go unserved you know.” Terri replied, hating to see her father tortured by not having his erection serviced. She quickly finished her breakfast so she could summon Amber to take care of it.

Her father only smiled at that, and allowed her to go on her way in silence. Terri, rushed upstairs and sent Amber down, then went over to her own room to dress. Her clothes had been carefully selected for this trip. Rather than the open and revealing outfits Terri had embraced in her new life, she would have to wear clothes that wouldn’t have her stand out as the little sex slave she’d become. Terri didn’t like it though, she knew these were the very same clothes she had been wearing only months before when she came to Morningwood, but that didn’t help. She still got by with a skirt, but she was being forced to put on a high collar shirt, bra and panties. Terri knew that this was so she could blend in, but she also knew that it would mute the display of her charms and ready access to her body. Her entire self worth had been wrapped up in her existence as a sexual object, to be enjoyed in every way possible, and now she was being asked to behave like her old self would have. Terri realized she should be happy about being able to be fully dressed again, but couldn’t help lament the fact that she wouldn’t be able to flash her pussy or ample cleavage at passing men.

She didn’t take long to finish dressing, and promptly hopped down the stairs. Amber was dutifully sucking their father’s hardened member, and Terri knew that they’d be humping like rabbits as soon as she was gone.

As Terri made her way to the door, Amber pulled away from their father, quickly licking her lips and then turned to Terri. Amber was dressed in revealing lingerie as Terri had been, this morning it was a baby doll outfit like she had worn on her initiation into her new life. Terri smiled at the alluring figure her little sister presented, proud that Amber had developed into a fine sex toy. Terri noticed that Amber was beaming with arousal as well, her distinctive musk filled the air and her cute little nipple poked out at the sheer fabric of her top. Terri put down her bags and ran over to embrace her darling sibling. Their lips joined a moment later in an unsisterly intimacy, their lithe forms grinding into each other. Both sisters had grown incredibly close since they had become sex toys, even to sharing a bed at night. Often they cuddled against each other over night, but at times they found themselves locked in passion as lovers.

As they kissed, Terri sent a hand to cup Amber’s ass and then between her legs. As usual, Amber was wearing crotchless panties and Terri didn’t have any obstruction to slip her index finger deep into her sister’s pussy. Amber reflexively squeezed down on the invader, and Terri moved it in and out a few times.

“I certify this a Grade A pussy. Now Amber, you’d better keep up with your lessons because I don’t want to come back and say that this isn’t a Grade A pussy.” Terri smiled. It was a little routine they now went through, an affirmation of their sisterly bond, and their mutual desire to fulfill their reason for being. It was a tradition they’d established only a few days into Amber’s training when one of her partners asked how good she was. Terri proceeded to quickly sink a finger into Amber’s seething pussy and promptly certified it ‘Grade A’. Since then it had became a habit, another reminder of their new reality.

“I won’t let you down, Terri, and I’m sure Daddy will help keep me purring like a kitten.” Amber smiled.

She hugged Terri once more as the finger slowly exited her aroused flesh. She fought to hold back a tear as realization sunk in that Terri was going away, even if just for a while. Their new life was beyond their control, but until now, they had all still been a family and no matter what was said, there wasn’t any guarantees that Terri would return from her outing, or that she wouldn’t be changed further in the process.

Mark reached down and hugged Terri and Amber. He knew it wouldn’t be the same with Terri gone, and he shared Amber’s fears as well. There wasn’t anything he could do though, except hope for the best. Mark had tried to fight his conditioning at first, but he hadn’t been able to escape before the local authorities had found him and suppressed his ability to resist below an even stronger layer of conditioning.