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Schoolgirl in the forest 4.



A knock at the door interrupted this tender moment and Terri reluctantly pulled herself away to answer it.

She opened the door to find a rather unassuming young man looking back at her.

“Hello, Ms. Jackson, my name is Gregory and I’ll be escorting you and taking charge of your continued training for your internship. Please, follow me.” Gregory stole a brief look at the family he was breaking up. He silently appreciated Amber’s lovely young form as she took up position to be taken doggy style. He also took in Terri’s shapely curves as she strutted out the door and off to his waiting car. Gregory certainly didn’t regret this assignment, and he looked forward to his training sessions with his latest charge. He paused only a moment longer to watch the expression of joy and wonder flash over Amber’s face as she felt her nether lips parted and her father’s hard shaft fill her. Gregory shut the door on the couple, savoring the moans and grunts of the incestuous pair.

Terri was already sitting in the car by the time Gregory had made it back to the curb. He didn’t waist any time getting under way, and the pair was soon on their way to the airport.

“Are you ready for you’re new job, Terri?” Gregory asked, he wanted to bask in the subservient Terri for a moment.

“I don’t know, Master. I’m still a new sex toy, and I haven’t been able to practice too much. I’m just glad to have you to teach me, Master. I can barely wait for you to help me improve my techniques so that I can use my every hole for a man’s pleasure. I still need more training on anal and oral sex, Master, since most men prefer my pussy.” Terri replied. She cringed inside as she waited for his reply. She was concerned about her sexual training, especially the areas that she hadn’t covered very well. Terri was also finding it hard to keep herself from wetting her panties. She’d already been aroused this morning and she hadn’t been used yet to take the edge off her standard arousal.

“Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time to fix that. Now, please open the glove compartment and put on the headset you find there.” Gregory ordered. He knew what was about to be done to Terri, he regretted not having to time to fully enjoy her currently subservient state of mind, but there was too little time.

“Oh, Master, what am I going to be changed to now?” Terri asked, her voice brimming with excitement.

She didn’t know it but part of her conditioning was a desire to be reprogrammed if ordered to. It didn’t change the reality of her feelings though, and she eagerly put the headset on.

“You’ll see, Terri, now please begin.” Gregory ordered. He was gratified to hear Terri moan in pleasure a moment later as her mind was slowly being turned to a compliant mush so it could be reshaped again in the image that would be needed for her current task. She would still be in her post programming haze until they’d reach the DC apartment and could begin her mission. Gregory wished once more that he could enjoy her as she now was, but he’d have his chance to use her lovely little form soon enough and he contented himself with that.


A cool air-conditioned breeze dancing over her naked flesh woke Terri up the next morning. Her mind quickly flashed back to the day before, and was surprised that Gregory hadn’t taken advantage of her as she shuffled around in her post conditioning state. It took her only another moment to realize that she was thinking clearly again. She tested herself, thinking of Gregory, and was pleasantly surprised to find that no thoughts of subservience or sexual preparation filled her mind. Satisfied with that she pulled herself out of bed and strolled over to the bathroom. Terri showered and put on a robe that was left hanging inside of the bathroom door.

“Ah, I’m glad to see you finally decided to get up. Feel free to have breakfast and then we’ll begin.”

Gregory greeted. He was sitting on a couch in the living room, smiling at the alluring form of his charge in the form-fitting robe.

Terri nodded timidly at him and proceeded over to the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice for herself. She had already been given a tour of her new home last night, and she remembered it fully. She looked over to her apparent keeper as she ate. “So what’s you’re nasty plan for me now?”

Gregory flinched at her tone, he had expected it though. Every one of his other charges was the same way.

He regretted that he wasn’t even allowed to keep one fully subservient girl with him, just to shield him from all of the feminine griping he had to endure in the course of his work.

“Well, Terri, I think you’re fully aware of you’re role.”

“Yeah, I’m supposed to help you bastdards convert some senator that’s trying to stop you’re depraved organization.” Terri spat out. She was finding her venting most rewarding. She’d been forced to endure a lot over the last few months, even if she’d been warped into accepting it. Now that she was thinking and speaking freely again, she was more than happy to let her keeper know just how displeased she was.

“Good enough, though being too negative could force me to recommend harsher treatment when you finish your current task.” Gregory replied. He was in control here, even if it was necessary for Terri to have her full faculties at the ready. Gregory was more than willing to do just as he threatened.

“So what, you’ll turn me back into a little sex toy?” Terri scoffed.

“There are worse fates then that, surely I don’t have to enlighten you. Suffice to say, if you resist to strongly, or compromise this mission, you will find yourself in a fate worse than being a willing sex slave, Terri. Now, please finish your meal so we can get to work.” Gregory finished. The worst fear was always those conjured in the mind of the victim. If Terri was sufficiently creative, her own fears would be enough to control her, and if not Gregory would have plenty of examples to fill in for her imagination. She wouldn’t be the first of the Council’s servants to be punished.

Terri decided to turn her attention back to her breakfast with that rebuke. She did understand her position.

She hadn’t been placed here randomly and her controllers wouldn’t just let her go. Terri even expected that there were limits on her behavior and likely even compulsions as well, even if she wasn’t aware of them yet. For now, she didn’t figure it was her best choice to lash out too much. There was still a glimmer of hope in the immediate future, and only by getting her keeper to let down his guard would she have any chance to escape.

Terri finished her breakfast and Gregory motioned her out to the living area. “Please disrobe and lean over the table here, Terri. Prepare your pussy as well.”

Terri moved into position before she even realized what she had been ordered to do. She cringed a bit as she flattened her breasts on the cool glass surface of the coffee table. Her pussy responded a moment later as well, prepping itself for use.

“Are you looking for a little doggy sex in the morning, asshole, maybe you want me to bark for you too like a good little pet.” Terri commented sarcastically as she looked over to her keeper. Even as the venom dripped from her tongue her continued obedience to orders sunk in as well. Terri realized that she may be free of mind for the purposes of her task, but she was no less the slave of these monsters.

“Sorry, my dear, but as much as I will enjoy fully exploring your lovely body, I have other tasks I must attend to, and other charges that must be looked in on.” Gregory ran a casual hand over Terri’s exposed lower back and over her nicely shaped rear. “Actually, I’m going to outfit you with your new training supplies, since you won’t be as well tended to as you were in Morningwood. Please present your ass and pussy for entry, Terri.”

“And just what’s that supposed to mean?” Terri asked as she shifted her rear, arching her back and spreading her ass cheeks. Terri also began to relax her sphincter for entry. Her anger seethed within her at every compliant act. Terri tried to fight it, but her body seemed to have a mind of it’s own, one that listened only to Gregory. She knew she was ready for sex too, her body was fully aroused, and her pussy dripped in anticipation of being split wide.

“Well, my dear little pet, you still have many things to learn as you were telling me yourself on the trip here. I’m just here to help you fulfill you potential.” Gregory said.

A moment later, Terri felt something probing her pussy gates. Instinctively she arched her back further and wiggled her hips till she was able to lodge the tip of the probe within her. An agonized moan of pleasure passed her lips a moment later as her pussy was impaled on the device.

“Bastard! Get that thing out of me!” Terri screamed a moment later, trying to compensate for the feelings of fulfillment and completion hammering away at her senses. The old drives were still there, she realized, barely concealed below the surface, requiring only her own arousal to be brought back. Even as she screamed at her keeper, her pussy was merrily massaging the device within her, her hips quaking ever so slightly in a motion designed to stimulate a cock while resting inside her.

Gregory pulled the device back and was gratified to feel Terri try to follow as it slowly excited her steaming interior. He then pumped the probe into her aching loins, prompting more moans and gasps of sexual excitement from his charge. “Now, Terri, I think though protest to much. Those are the sounds of a woman fully enjoying the pleasures of the flesh.”

“Uh, bastard! I, uh, didn’t want to be turned, uh, into a, whore, uh.” Terri panted with every filling trust of the offending device. It truly did feel wonderful. Part of her even enjoyed it, but the humiliation was total as well. Here she was acting like a bitch in heat all at the command of the slimy man standing behind her, and there wasn’t anything she could do aside from giving her keeper a tongue-lashing.

Terri gasped again a moment later when Gregory withdrew the device fully from her pussy and traced up her inner crevice to the puckered whole above. Terri realized what was going to happen only a moment before she felt her muscles fully relax and the device slid deeply into her bowels. A grunt of discomfort flew out of her as the device rested within her. Terri truly hadn’t been used much analy, and even in her previously subservient state of mind she hadn’t found it to be a very alluring prospect.

Before Terri could stage another protest, she felt another probe slide into her still dripping pussy. This one vibrated slightly, just enough to keep her mentally off balance as she tried to fight off the wonderfully pleasant feelings coming from her quivering pussy.

“I hope you don’t mind, Terri but I really don’t have time for extended conversation on your position in the universe. Perhaps later we can discuss it, now please open your mouth wide.” Gregory commented as he slid in front of her.

Terri looked up to see a dildo like device in his hand. “Ooh, and now you’re really going to shut me up huh?”

Gregory didn’t pause for a reply, instead he drove the phallus into Terri’s waiting mouth and down her throat. She’d had some practice doing this before, so he knew she’d be able to handle herself. She looked up at him with a look of utter contempt even as he could see her suck dutifully on the dildo and her tongue dart over its surface.

“Don’t worry, Terri, this is just an outfitting session. Just relax and enjoy.”

Terri wondered what he meant for a moment before she felt a strange sensation of being even more filled came from between her legs. Her pussy cried out in a mix of ecstasy and wonder as she felt the device within her expand to mammoth proportions. The phallus seemed to grow without end, penetrating to the furthest depths of her pussy, where most of her partners never reached, and its width grew as well. Terri felt she was going to explode as the device seemed to stretch the walls of her tender tunnel to there limit.

Her mind focused on relaxing her channel as much as possible, a necessity that she couldn’t explain, only one she had to comply with.

Terri grunted a moment later with a similar sensation in her ass. The shaft in her mouth seemed to expand as well. Soon Terri was moaning like a stuffed pig, with all of her holes filled to nearly beyond capacity.

She looked up to her keeper with a look of pure need, pleading with him, though even she wasn’t sure just what she wanted. Release from this torment to be certain, but there were many different paths for that release, and Terri was beyond deciding which path to take.

“I’m sorry for any discomfort, but this is necessary to calibrate your training. The devices that are so carefully exploring your dimensions will help me determine just what additional work you need. I realize you’ll be sore for a few days, but don’t worry, with a little hard work you’ll be able accept even larger cocks in the future.” Gregory took a seat in front of his moaning charge. “While we’re waiting for the probes to finish, I’ll go outline your training. We don’t know much about the senator personally, he’s been very good about keeping his private life private. He’s single and unmarried, we also haven’t been able to locate any past lovers, which is part of the reason for you’re extensive training. What records we do have, suggests that he likes younger women, though we realize you may be a bit too young for his tastes outright, but the rest of your profile matches with our records perfectly. Most of your mission has already been conditioned into you, so there’s no need to worry about it, but your phy sical condition requires more attention. Since we don’t know the senator’s dimensions, you need to be ready to take all sizes with skill. You will need to be tight and capable for even the smallest cocks, and we’ll be sure you’re ready. As you’ve already noticed the devices within you can change their size, they also have sophisticated sensors to track every bit of pressure applied to its surface. After each session you’re technique and general quality will be analyzed and your next session will be programmed in to respond to any deficiencies. We’ve also provided a laptop for you so you can see in real time just how your technique is progressing.”

Gregory stood up and pulled another device around so Terri could see it. It was a strange skeletal structure with several arms. “This is the ultimate in sexual training devices. It is an artificial partner, linked to both the computer and the penetrating devices. It also has many other sophisticated sensors to gauge other aspects of your performance. It has optical and voice recognition sensors so it can act autonomously and under direction. This little toy will help you tone your lovely little form into a perfect sex machine.”

Terri looked up in both horror and wonder at the device before her. She was still fully involved with the other devices still splitting her open. Terri could hardly believe her life had come to this. Tears began to slide down her face as she looked into the face of her tormentor. He let her sob as she was making her latest steps down the path of complete enslavement.


The next several days were spent in a near haze for Terri. Every moment of the day at least one of her holes were filled. By the end of the third day it had almost became routine to be walking around the apartment with a dildo pulsing away inside her pussy or ass. She hadn’t seen Gregory since the first day.

He’d taken a few notes on the readings the nearly splitting experiment he’d done and then set off to take care of other business.

Perhaps the oddest thing in her new days were her meetings with the machine. It was an insatiable lover, calling on Terri hour after hour to practice. The device was an almost living mockery of science fiction robots in its behavior to it’s subject.

“Slave Terri, please assume missionary position on living room carpet and prepare for vaginal training.”

The robot crackled. Its voice was deep and masculine with only a slight edge of its speech synthesizer being audible.

Terri obeyed as quickly as she could. She followed its orders as dutifully as from any man, even though mentally she still rebelled at the thought of essentially making love to a robot. Terri quickly assumed the proscribed position, arousing herself and spreading her legs. She watched as the robot rolled between her legs and pulled out a dildo tipped arm and pointing it towards her waiting pussy lips.

“Can’t get enough of me can you, you rusting piece of junk.” Terri spat as her body finished its preparations for use.

“Slave Terri, please assume proper dialog for sexual encounters.” The robot buzzed.

“Yes, Master, please forgive me.” Terri pouted. Inside she still yearned to tear the wire framed training device limb from limb even as her hips lifted to meet its probing phallus. Being used by dozens of men had been bad enough but this was even worse. Terri had begun to feel like nothing more than sexual toy herself, beyond the implanted feelings. At times like this she felt like a machine being tuned up, not even important enough to be given human attention.

“Please enjoy this slave, Master.” Terri moaned as the tip of the robot’s dildo parted her outer lips. She began to feel her consciousness slip away, replaced by a combination of lust and concentration. Free thoughts impeded proper performance, and she had been well conditioned to seek optimal performance. A part of her always managed to stay latched just barely outside the inner storms of servitude and arousal, and truly appreciate that she was making passionate love to a robot. It was the hardest part of her new training, and something that she couldn’t really accept.

“Ohh, God.” Terri gasped as she felt the thick shaft fill her now eager pussy. Her earlier training at Morningwood was not lost, though she had to admit that she was allowed to enjoy more of the sensations generated in her liaisons now. Terri immediately concentrated on the shaft within her, caressing it with her inner folds and slightly bucking her hips. The robot was giving her a large size for training this time, filling her to the depths of her channel and just wide enough to be stretch her comfortable.

“Fuck me, Master, use me like the whore I am.” Terri cried out, her pleas answered a moment later with a precise fucking motion from the shaft within her. Terri didn’t miss a beat, being sure to return every thrust fully and dutifully, welcoming every slap of the artificial balls below her pussy’s entrance. Her entire body was alight with arousal, and enjoying the feeling of the hard dildo moving within her.

“Oh, Master, thank you, thank you for filling me with your wonderful cock. I love being your slave, Master, thank you for letting me be your whore.” She moaned as the cadence continued. Today, her language was set to submissive. Terri found it laughable in a twisted sort of way, the past two days had given her the opportunity to be both dominant and partner to her robot lover, at least that’s what it sounded like.

Suddenly the shaft within her stopped moving and withdrew. Terri panted for a few moments as the fog of arousal abated slightly. She knew the session wasn’t over. Unlike men, this robot didn’t tire, and it would continue until it deemed the lesson complete and not before.

“Slave, on your hands and knees like the bitch you are.” The robot hummed.

Terri dutifully complied, wasting no time repositioning herself and arching her back for entry. “Yes, Master, I’m you’re bitch. Fuck your bitch, Master, user her like the animal she it.” Terri cried. A small part of her flinched at moments like this knowing just how completely she had fallen. Still, her aroused flesh was not easy to tame, and Terri eagerly pushed back against the plunging phallus. Her entire body rocked with passion as dildo sank into her. The machine started thrusting into her and Terri respond in kind, soon her entire body was rocking back and forth in time with the pumping shaft while her breasts bounced freely beneath her.

“Ride me, Master, ride your bitch hard.” Terri screamed as the tempo increased. Her pants and moans where quickly replaced by whimpers and whines. She was a bitch after all, an animal in heat. Her formerly articulate coaxing turned to barks and growls of appreciation for the plunging shaft. Terri had done this before, at the behest of several other partners. In her old state, she’d enjoyed it, knowing how much her partners liked her to act like a wild animal. Now all she could feel was embarrassment and shame as she behaved like a hopeless slut for her robotic partner.

Terri continued like this for some time, occasionally changing position and behavior at the behest of her mechanical trainer. Every thrust stoked her passion further and it wasn’t long before even her few free thoughts were focused, even yearning for the next filling motion of her partners shaft. The fact that her partner was no more than a tool of her keepers melted away to her bodies needs. The shaft moving within her was all that mattered, no matter what it was attached to.

By the end, Terri was on her back again, panting and crying with joy as her pussy continued to practice its technique on the plunging dildo. She felt its pace quicken, mimicking the behavior of a human lover, and Terri brought her full attention to its final thrusts. Her entire body ached for release as she thrust back against the plunging shaft. Everything focused on the enter and retreat within her aching depths, each time pushing Terri’s writhing flesh one step closer to release.

Terri cried out with the final plunge into her depths, her pussy squeezing down on the dildo within her as she felt it pulse against her tender interior. The familiar sensation of her depths filling with a man’s seeds spurred her final release. Terri laid there on her back, quivering and moaning with pure bliss, her naked flesh sheening with sweat. The familiar rush of fulfillment flooded Terri’s being. Rationally she knew just what her partner was, but her conditioned mind didn’t care about reality. Terri luxuriated in the feeling of warmth in the depths of her pussy, evidence that she had succeeded in fulfilling her purpose of receiving a man’s seed. As her orgasm receded, her inner pride took center stage as she sat up. Terri beamed with a sense of accomplishment as she lapped up the remains of her lovemaking. She knew it was a semen substitute used by the robot for realism, but it didn’t matter. To Terri it was a man’s seed, and the fact that it was running out of her pussy was a sign of fulfilling her ultimate purpose.

“Thank you for honoring your humble slave, Master. I eagerly await your next use of my body.” Terri chimed, completing her session with the robot trainer.

“Good, Slave Terri, I will analyze your performance for our next session.” The robot hummed and then drove off into its corner.

“Bastards!” Terri yelled out to no one in particular as she recovered mentally. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take before going stir crazy. It was only the glimmer of hope that Senator Summers provided that kept her from completely surrendering, from completely giving in to her fate. Terri knew if she failed, all was lost, both for herself and her family, and that the rest of her life would be spent as a sexual puppet.


“Good morning, Ms. Jackson, the senator is ready to see you. Please follow me.” An office aid directed Terri towards the door to Senator Summers’ private office.

Terri braced her self for her first meeting. Here was the man she was to convert or the man who could free her. She didn’t know what to expect for a man that had an organization capable of fully enslaving anyone trembling with fear. Terri had gotten up this morning as energetically as she had been in a long time, anticipating this very meeting. Her outfit was fairly conservative, if flattering, nothing more than a full length skirt and a simple long sleeved blouse, though every contour had been carefully tailored to exemplify her youthful frame. On her way to the office, Terri noticed several men give her a healthy looking over and she found herself appreciating their attention, even to the point of taking on a very sexy walk down the streets and corridors. It was a near instinctual behavior now, even as she tried to stop herself, it required her complete concentration not to strut her stuff. Terri knew why she behaved that way, though, the good senator had apparently appreciated women who weren’t afraid to f launt their sex appeal, and thus Terri found herself doing such things.

The aid opened the door and Terri casually strutted into the office, and looked into the eyes of her target.

Instantly her heart melted, Senator Summers was the perfect man, everything she had ever wanted. Terri turned his every flaw into a virtue, from his slightly balding brown hair to his need for a few hours at the gym, all elements of his wonderful essence. For a moment she just stood there taking in the awesome presence of the senator, wishing she could spread give herself to him right then.

“Good morning, Terri. Are you alright?” Rob asked as he looked over his new intern. He’d been more than a little concerned about her after Mark had arranged the internship. Rob didn’t know what was up, but he just had a strange feeling about the whole deal, though most of his concerns left him as he took his own appreciation of his stunning new intern. He could scarcely believe she was just out of high school, given how old she looked and the way she carried herself.

“Yes, Mr. Summers, I’m just still getting used to all this. I didn’t really know what to expect. Thanks for letting me intern with you, I’m ready to help you any way I can.” Terri beamed, careful not to let her tone sound too promiscuous, while still leaving a suggestive undertone. In her past encounters, there had never been any real banter, or gamesmanship in her encounters, she’d simply hiked up or dropped her skirt and then fucked like a rabbit until her partner finished. This was a different game, one that she didn’t really know, but anticipated that her conditioning had accounted for.

“I’m glad I could help you, Terri. I was a little surprised when your father asked for this favor though.

How is the old man doing?” Rob asked, trying to place the girl in front of him. He always had a knack for figuring people out quickly, what they wanted and what they’d do to get it. His instincts were flaring, as well with this young lady, telling him something that he didn’t really believe quite yet. Rob considered the possibility that she was interested in him personally, it was just something in her look and manner that set him off. He didn’t know what to do about it, though he acknowledged the idea had more than a little allure.

“Oh, Dad’s enjoying his new position. It’s very relaxing for him and its done wonders for his relationship with my sister and I. He hardly spends an evening out of the house anymore.” Terri smiled. She giggled a bit inside at her memories of those nights spent at home with her father, and sometimes other men or boys as well. Terri idly wondered just how much fun Rob would be in bed. That thought caught her conscious mind, settling her wonder about her conditioning. Her hope in finding salvation from the senator was perhaps more wishful thinking than she had hoped.

“I’m glad to hear it. Mrs. Andrews here will help get you to work, and she’ll answer any questions you may have. If you need to talk to me please let her know and I’ll squeeze you in a soon as possible. Okay?” Rob answered. There was definitely something odd about this girl, he thought and he was going to have to find out what that was. He had his suspicions and he certainly wasn’t going to act on them yet. Too many strange things had been happening to tip his hand now.

“That’s great, Mr. Summers.” Terri chimed. Something in his voice told her that he was into her, and Terri was glowing at the prospect. She could hardly wait to seduce him and let him have his way with her.

“Good, and please call me Rob. If it’s alright with you I’d like to have lunch on Friday so I can catch up on how your old man is doing and just what I can do for you while you’re here.” Rob said.

“Thanks, Rob, I’d love to. I’ll see you then.” Terri said as she strutted out of the office. She barely contained her anticipation for that meeting, and the potential it provided.

As Terri passed the secretary’s desk, she heard Rob speak. “Please reschedule my Friday afternoon appointments, Mrs. Andrews, I’ll need to meet with Mr. Smith and reserve me a table at the Fair Weather Club for Friday lunch.”

Terri smiled at that, not only was she getting a personal chance so soon with her darling senator, she was even being taken to an exclusive club. She could hardly believe her luck, and her thoughts immediately took to her methods at her next meeting with the senator, and how she’d get herself into his bed as quickly as possible.


Terri looked up from her notes as she heard a knock on the door. Since meeting with the senator, she found herself obsessed with him. Over the course of the week, she sought out every piece of information she could on him and studied it while doing her normal exercises. Terri realized her state, even that it had to be induced by her keepers, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t help herself, and she focused nearly all her energy into preparing herself for her next encounter.

The dildo lodged up her pussy felt strange as she walked over to the door. She didn’t normally go walking around like that, but she couldn’t take it out unless absolutely necessary, just like the one she was practicing her oral technique with. Even as she looked out the peephole on the door, she was dutifully running her tongue over the dildo. One thing she did appreciate about her training devices was their life like response, pulsing and twitching just like a real cock would under this kind of stimulation.

Gregory was at the door, and Terri let him in. She nodded to him as she shut the door.

“Good Evening, Terri. You may pause your oral training for the moment. How are you doing?” He asked as he watched Terri pull the device from her mouth, her tongue and lips suckling at the false cock until she pulled it fully away.

“I’m just trying to get myself ready for Rob, you bastard. I need every moment of my time to hone myself for him. Why don’t you go pick on one of your other slaves?” Terri bit back. She felt a visceral hatred for this man, though now it was being warped around her new reason for being. Terri was preparing herself for her senator, and anything that stood in her way or slowed her down was to be despised.

“I understand, Terri. That’s why I’m here. Please lean over the couch here, I need to make sure you’re ready for him.” Gregory asked, enjoying the site of his charge bending over the couch and arching her back.

There wasn’t any doubt in either of their mind just what he meant.

“Okay, then, just get it over with.” Terri replied as she hiked up her skirt and spread her legs. Her pussy ramped up for a good fucking while it made practice squeezes on the device currently within her.

“I see you like the senator. Are you looking forward to your mission now?” Gregory asked as he pulled the dildo out of Terri’s aching pussy. She gasped slightly as he pulled it out and moved her hips to keep it inside her for as long as possible. Gregory dropped the device to the floor and quickly readied himself and took position behind Terri.

“Oh, Yes, I can’t wait till I can make love to him.” Terri replied. She felt Gregory’s cock sliding between her legs and she shifted her hips to help him move into place.

“But you aren’t so eager to help me enjoy your body are you?” Gregory teased as he rested the head of his shaft just inside Terri’s gates.

“No, you asshole, it’s humiliating how you’ve had me fucking that machine of yours and how you decided to put your cock inside me with out so much as a please or thank you.” Terri snipped at her keeper. Inside she was aching to be filled. She’d had that dildo inside of her most of the evening, and now that she was fully aroused for fucking, her pussy felt wantonly empty.

Gregory smiled at that and shoved his cock forward. Terri’s long moan of sexual fulfillment gratified him immensely as he sank to the very depths of her channel. Finally, his sack slapped up against her nether lips and Gregory moaned himself, enjoying the sensation of being encased in a tight responsive pussy. With her fully impaled, Gregory lifted Terri’s upper body and helped her get her shirt off. As soon as the garment hit the floor Terri was stand up with both breasts being cupped and her pussy filled to capacity.

“You have a very nice set of titties, Terri, and I’m impressed with your vaginal discipline. The senator will love you.” Gregory commented as he gently squeezed on her firm orbs. He so rarely took the time to appreciate the perfect nature of a woman’s breasts that he couldn’t help but take the time to admire such fine specimens as Terri’s pair.

“Thanks.” Terri blushed. She stood there not know quite what to do as her partner took his time to explore her breasts. Terri rarely had her tits so carefully attended to that she found herself luxuriating in the kneading motions of her keepers hands and gasping at his occasional tweaking of her fully hardened nipples. It was such a casual sensation that she couldn’t help but to enjoy it.

“I hope you’ve found plenty of material to study on the good senator.” Gregory commented as he pushed Terri back over the couch. Before she even had a chance to reply, he was thrusting into her yielding flesh, enjoying her trained and controlled pussy. It wasn’t hard to appreciate Terri either, even untrained, he suspected that she was a great ride and now she was near perfection. Gregory regretted that he hadn’t had the chance to engage her before, but other duties required attending to, and other pussies required his examination.

“Uh, yes, there’s lots of, uh, information on Rob, uh, he’s a wonderful and, uh, active Senator.” Terri grunted as she matched Gregory’s awe striking movements within her. Her anger had been swept away by arousal and subservience. All that matter now was the cock plunging into her, and anything that her keeper wanted to know.

“Good, I’m sure you’ll have plenty to talk about tomorrow then, and I certainly hope that Senator Summers will get a taste of your treasures, Terri. I know he’ll enjoy them as much as I am.” Gregory said as he continued riding her. With that he let the conversation fall away and paid full attention to the lovely young woman he was currently enjoying.

Terri was thankful for that, allowing her entire focus to rest on her method, and the pleasure he was sparking inside her.

It wasn’t long before their coupling became another wild bout of pants and moans. Terri preferred not to be an articulate lover, and was grateful that Gregory seemed to like her that way as well. It was hard to stay in the mood when constantly debasing herself. The pair thrust against each other in earnest, both seeking the same goal, and both expertly handling the other.

Terri soon began to feel her own fires rising and carefully managed her own arousal to time with Gregory’s.

Her attention latched onto the cock moving inside her and finally she felt him reach towards his own frantic release. Terri let loose her inner floodgates, allowing herself to be consumed by sexual ecstasy as her pussy clamped down on the invader, spasming as only an orgasming channel can. Her channel filled with Gregory’s hot seed a moment later, spurring on another fulfilling wave to course over Terri as she savored the feeling of being honored.

“Oh, thank you, Master.” Terri panted as she recovered from her own orgasm.

“Well, you do make quite the little sex toy, Terri. I’m glad I had the opportunity to enjoy your ripe little body and I don’t think Senator Summers will be able to turn you away.” Gregory replied as he pulled her back against him, cupping her breasts again as he whispered into her ear. “And don’t worry Terri, as soon as we’ve finished dealing with the senator, we’ll be placing you into our general pool. I think we’re looking for another high quality whore for our DC brothel, and I hear your sister is doing a fine job entertaining down there now. I’m sure there would be plenty of demand for a sisterly duo. Just think of it. All the cocks you could want with little Amber at your side.”

Terri quivered at the thought. So much honor, so much pleasure and to be able to watch Amber being used, just like when they were home. “You’d let me do that? I’ll be wonderful to serve so many cocks. I’m getting hotter just thinking about it.”

Gregory smiled again, enjoying just how twisted Terri’s priorities became when she was in her post orgasmic state. “Certainly, Terri, we wouldn’t dream of letting your talents go to waste.”

Terri sighed. Now all she had to do was make love to Senator Summers and her future was set. Not only would she get to enjoy Rob, but many other men as well and she get to do it all with Amber. In that moment, with Gregory’s seed still dripping from her, Terri couldn’t think of a more fulfilling future.


Rob took another opportunity to appreciate his guest as he pulled out a chair for her to sit. No one would believe Terri was just out of high school the way she decked herself out today. She was wearing a very sharp, and form fitting business dress with a skirt that ended just above the knees. Her hair was pulled into a very professional looking bun that helped offset her otherwise youthful features. Rob could hardly blame any of the men who had leered at her as they entered the restaurant, he could barely keep his eyes off her as either. To top it all off, Terri seemed to welcome the attention, and kept dropping tantalizing comments that normally would have been encouragements.

“So, your sister Amber is in town. What’s she doing?” Rob asked as he took his own seat.

“She’s at a special gymnastics camp for the summer. It’s really exclusive, but Amber just stunned the admissions board with her performance and they decided to accept her. I’m hoping to go visit her this weekend and maybe take in a performance or two myself.” Terri replied. If only her mission with Rob went well, she would be able to enjoy her weekend there.

“Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I hope she makes the most of it.” Rob said. Something in her tone left him feeling like she wasn’t being fully candid. The emphasis and phrasing was wrong some how. But it didn’t matter now, Rob had already taken steps to figure out exactly what was going on with his new intern.

“I know she will. I just wish I could have been doing that kind of thing at her age. Still, I am glad to have my own opportunities, like being at your service, Rob.” Terri winked and gave him a sly smile. She flushed as he smiled back. Only another hour of this and maybe she could get him to cancel his afternoon appointments, Terri thought. She could barely contain her excitement, but there was still a good bit of gamesmanship left.

“Well, I’m glad to have such a lovely young woman on board, Terri. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of ordering for us already.” Rob said as he watched the waiter bringing out their meal.

“Of course not, Rob, I’m sure you know just how to satisfy a woman’s appetites.” Terri commented confidently. Every intuitive sense told her that he was into her as much as she wanted him. All that remained was the final dance, and Terri wanted to keep it short and sweet.

The waiter casually placed their meals in front of them and shuffled off to other things. Rob lifted his glass of wine and looked over to Terri. “A toast, to the possibilities that await us.”

Terri nodded and lifted her glass to meet his, appreciating the brief chime as they met. She downed nearly half the glass in one gulp and looked to her companion and smiled. Terri could hardly believe her luck, she could scarcely wait to make love to this man before her. To bask in such greatness was more than she could have hoped for.

Rob sat back for a moment, sipping at his own glass and taking another moment to appreciate Terri’s radiance. He wondered just how much of her was really being reflected in her outward appearance right now. She was so lovely, but so unlike any young woman he had know in the last ten years of his life, so confident and forward with her intent. Rob couldn’t accept that this was the real Terri Jackson, and in only moments he’d know for certain.

Terri wondered why he started to look at her strangely, studying her like some kind of lab rat. It was only a moment before she felt the effects of her drink begin to kick in. Terri had never had much experience drinking, but she felt something was wrong as her mind began to fog over. Before she could even raise her voice in protest, everything seemed to fade into a calm void.

Rob shot up and grabbed Terri before she fell out of her chair. Two waiters were there a moment later and carried the young lady out of the dining room.

“So, is everything in place?” Rob asked another man who had been sitting behind him before.

“Just as you ordered. We’ll have a complete blood work and neural scan done on her before the drug can wear off. What are you going to do with her?” Marcus Smith replied. He was one of Rob’s oldest compatriots in the war against the organization. Marcus had helped many of Rob’s friends and family fade away and out of danger and now he was going to help unlock another piece of the puzzle.

Rob picked up Terri’s purse and opened it up. Inside he found a small pair of headphones with several extra metal extensions and a small digital sound player. “What do you make of this?”

“Good God, we are hot today, Rob, that’s got to be one of their programming devices. Let’s get over to the lab and test this thing out quick. We’ll have to return it to Terri before we let her go.” Marcus replied, taking the device and running down the same path Terri had just been taken. He did regret that he’d have to surrender the device so soon, but it was imperative that Terri believe that her identity hadn’t been discovered. The entire operation hinged on her not being aware of the information she was about to reveal.

Rob followed his friend down to the lab. He hadn’t expected such luck himself, but it concerned him as well. Not only was Terri certainly a convert but that meant bad things for the rest of her family as well.

Rob hated to see friends put through this, and he knew it was his fault Terri was in the state she was in.

The fate of her family worried him as well, and yet he wouldn’t be able to ask her even if she could tell the truth. Now all that remained was to determine just what form her control took.


Rob looked over Terri’s sleeping form with dismay. His people had been going over her for hours now, and Marcus had just returned with the preliminary results from her tests and the little device she had been carrying.

“Man, they have fucked her up good. I can hardly believe they could do this kind of thing so organically, but damn.” Marcus shook his head as he handed over the results of the initial blood work and brain scans.

“Terri’s had high levels of natural endorphins, adrenaline and hormones coursing though her for months.

Her brain has been completely reconfigured. As far as I can tell, they’ve completely reworked her thought patterns from what normal people have. And that device she was carrying, damn is it nasty. We hooked it up to one of our prisoners, and his brain essentially turned to mush. The headset sets up some kind of neural electric field that basically allows the brain to be rewired, and then the audio carries your new thought patterns, just completely reworking beliefs, priorities, compulsions. I knew they were doing some nasty shit, but I never imagined they’d gotten this far.”

Rob reviewed the work in silence. It certainly was a staggering realization. His enemy was more powerful than they had expected. With this kind of technology anyone could become one of their puppets and not even realize it. Something had to be done, and Rob quickly hatched a plan, darkness fitted these people well, and Rob was about to try shining some light on them. “Can you reverse the programming?”

“Sure, eventually, now that I know how they do it. Are you planning on bringing our good guest back?”

Marcus asked. He appreciated just how Terri had been modified too. The centers of the brain that had been stimulated and those reduced led him to one conclusion of Terri’s role in life aside from her infiltration duties. He stole a lustful look out at her, appreciating how enjoyable a partner she would have been, and slightly regretting that he couldn’t enjoy her himself.

“No, but I do have an idea.” Rob replied and turned to his ally to begin his greatest undertaking in countering the threats against him and all freedom loving people.


Terri walked into the Organization’s club with great anticipation. It had taken much begging and a few good fucks with Gregory to convince him to let her visit Amber even though she hadn’t yet had the chance to seduce Rob yet. Terri still wondered about just what had happened to her at lunch on Friday, but excluding a few lost hours, she couldn’t find anything out of place.

“Thank you, Master, it’s so kind of you to let me see my sister.” Terri chimed as she walked into the lobby.

She couldn’t wait to see Amber again, and maybe even get a chance to cooperatively serve a man.

“No problem, slut, now please obey the club rules.” Gregory pointed to a sign over the door. ‘All slaves must be nude or in costume, leashes preferred.’ the sign read.

“Of course, Master, forgive me.” Terri begged as she ripped off her clothes. “Would you like me to wear a leash, Master?”

“I think so, very fitting to your new life, wouldn’t you say?” Gregory replied.

Terri pulled a leash and collar off a rack full of them. “Yes, Master, I am just a slut slave now.”

“Ah, and you do make a fine one. Now, let us take care of your reunion and the other business at hand. I have a special present for you.” Gregory said appreciating the full beauty of his naked slave. Her reconditioning had fully settled in again, and Terri had returned to a state of near mindless devotion to her new life. Her body was still that of a trim teenager, and Terri held herself proudly, pushing out her breasts and seductively swaying her hips as she walked into the main lobby.

Terri preheated her pussy almost instantly as she looked in on a sea of writhing flesh that was the purpose for the club. Girls and women were all about in some state of throwing themselves upon their current male partners. Terri could barely keep herself from joining in, envious that her sister had been able to enjoy so much cock while she was forced to train with a machine. Even so, she was proud that Amber had been such a good slut that she had been called upon for this duty, to service so many men was an honor few sluts could hope for.

Terri did take notice of several less than cooperative slaves, still behaving like the dutiful sex toys they were becoming, but fighting back as much as they could with words. Terri wished she had the time to console them, to let them know how great it was to be a sex toy, how great it was to be honored with male attentions. She remembered her own inner struggles, and she couldn’t understand what had motivated her to resist. Being a slave was her natural state, and Terri could no longer comprehend another possibility.

Finally, they arrived in a private room containing nothing more than two curtained beds. One bed was had it’s curtains down, hiding someone’s profile, while the other was open to view and Terri squealed happily at the sight. Amber was on hands and knees with a man pumping furiously into her pussy. Her entire body bounced with every thrust, as Amber grunted in pure pleasure as she was being well used.

“Hi, Terri!” Amber cried out with joy as she bounced on the bed. She turned to her partner. “Please slow down, slave, so I can talk to my sister.”

“Yes, Mistress,” came the immediate response from Amber’s partner while his trusts slowed to a very casual pace.

“Oh, Terri, I can’t thank you enough for this slave, now I can fuck any time I want, even if a Master doesn’t want me!” Amber chimed.

“I’m glad to see you so happy, and being such a good slut, but I didn’t do anything, Amber.” Terri replied, wondering just what Amber was talking about.

“It’s very simply, my little slut, while you didn’t have the chance to convert the good senator Summers directly, you led us to his lair. In thanks we’ve given Amber one of his associates, once Marcus Smith.

Thanks to a little conditioning he’s become a very attentive slave, and also revealed all of his secrets to us.

I’m sure he can appreciate his fate, but as you know, my willing little slave, our programming is impossible to resist. I haven’t forgotten you either, and you’re gift is waiting for you on the other bed. Please enjoy him and your sibling for as long as you like. After that we’ll introduce you to our regular guests, you’ll be one of the pleasure slaves here from now on, so please enjoy yourself.” Gregory explained.

“Oh, Master, thank you, I’m so glad you’re going to let me serve all this wonderful men. I’ll be a good pleasure slave, Master, you’ll be proud of me.” Terri cried out with joy. Everything she wanted was being handed to her, and she was even being given her own slave to enjoy. Terri could scarcely believe her good fortune, and ran over to the other bed to reveal her pet.

Resting on the bed was a fully naked man, his cock stiff and ready. Terri surveyed him for a moment, taking in the shear splendor of her own slave. She swooned as she looked over the body of her former target, now Rob would serve her, help her to become a better slave of her own.

Terri climbed the bed and sat on her knees beside him. She looked him in the eyes, and was met back by a blank stare followed by a slow awakening of his features.

“This slave awaits your command, Mistress, and your programming. I have been conditioned to obey your orders, and accept any dictates from you, though I am otherwise still former Senator Robert Summers.

Please use me as you wish, and mold me into whatever shape you like.” Rob said in a strange monotone.

He had been converted the very same evening that he had let Terri go, and had surrendered his seat immediately there after. Following that, Rob was taken to a training center where obedience and basic precepts of his new life were burrowed into his mind. He still knew who and what he was, and unless commanded otherwise by his mistress, would retain that sense of self.

“Oh, Rob, that’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Terri asked as she ran her fingers over his naked chest, enjoying a man’s presence like she had never been able to before. She idly considered what to do with her new slave first.

“No, Mistress, please let me go, don’t you remember that they did this to you too? I don’t want to be you’re slave, I just want to end this madness.” Rob replied, still relieved to be able to think for himself, but given what he’d seen done to Terri, he had little doubt that he wouldn’t himself for much longer.

“I know, Rob, and it’s the most wonderful thing to be a sex toy. You’ll understand soon, it’s your purpose in life to bring please to a woman after all. Isn’t it?” Terri asked, she couldn’t think of anything else a male slave could be good for aside from servicing women.

“Yes, Mistress, can I serve you now?” Rob found himself asking, he could almost feel his thoughts shifting with Terri’s simple statement. Thoughts of escape flew from his mind, replaced by a need to serve his mistress. Rob no longer saw Terri as his friend’s daughter, but as his personal goddess, and he was ecstatic that he would have the chance to pleasure her. Deep down, he knew this was all part of his reprogramming, but his efforts to fight back were nothing against the weight of his new purpose.

“Good, slave, now I want you to give me an orgasm with just your tongue.” Terri replied, lying down beside her new slave.

“Thank you, Mistress.” Rob immediately began to caress Terri’s body and brought his head between her legs. He couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing than enjoying the soft feminine musk of his Mistress. It was important that he serve her, and he was honored to do it. Rob would never have believed how lucky he felt to be her slave, though he would always have enjoyed the position he was taking.

“Oh, that’s a good slave, serve your Mistress.” Terri moaned as she felt her slave’s tongue caress her aroused nether lips. She was in heaven, enjoying her new slave and looking forward to a wonderful future as a pleasure slave. The occasional exclamations of her sister only made Terri happier. Not only was she going to get to serve so many men, her sister would be at her side all the way. In that moment, Terri smiled, fully gratified that she’d had the chance to move to a little town called Morningwood, and given the chance to enjoy a pleasure filled and honorable life.