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Okay, I’m a cock whore



No, really its okay. I’ve learned to come to grips with what I used to think was just kind of a weird fixation and what I now realize is something more fundamental to my sexuality. I guess I first began thinking about it when I was a teenager and I first started noticing boys. I was always kind of flirty and boy crazy and the boys in my school and my neighborhood were only too willing to return the attention.

I saw my first male penis when I was about 14 or 15 and one of the boys at school was walking me home. We diverted our path into a wooded area and had one of those “you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” moments that for him was kind of fun, but in my mind it was more transcendent (although I hardly realized it at the time).

As I grew older and began dating more frequently, I fantasized about boys at school. Some of the fantasies were those childish girlhood dreams of romance and passion, but unlike my friends, I was also curious about boys’ bodies as well.

Most of my thoughts were about older guys, 18 or 19 and most of them were either jocks at school or the otherwise rebellious types. Still, when I fantasized about a cute guy, I always found myself imagining the details of what he would look like without clothes. Was he muscular? Was he tanned or freckled? Did he have a nice, firm ass. And always, what did his penis look like?

As always, with my girlfriends, there was speculation about which of the boys we knew was particularly “gifted”. We’d laugh and giggle about it but I suppose that by the time I entered high school, my friends had noticed my bringing the subject of dicks up in conversation a little too much. They used to joke about my being a “size queen”.

A little about myself. My name is Jill and I’m about 5’6 with shoulder length “dirty” blond hair. I don’t have a particularly spectacular figure. My breasts are about medium size. Guys have always been drawn to my long legs and tight, round “bubble butt”. I’ve always been blessed with a nice flat tummy, too and I’ve never been shy about showing off with bare midriffs, flirty little dresses or going braless.

At 16, I gave my first blowjob and I have to say that I’ve never considered giving head a chore or something particularly unsatisfying or degrading. The guy was 18 and was really grateful that I was willing to suck his cock. I remember being fascinated by his erection and enjoying the prospect of stroking it with my hand and being close to it. I’d heard older girls complain about the taste of semen but it never was an issue with me.

It sounds strange but I felt a certain sense of accomplishment when I was able to make my dates come (even though I later discovered it isn’t very hard with most guys) and when that first blow job ejaculated into my mouth I remember thinking “so this is what it tastes like?”

Even though I was pretty inexperienced, the guy seemed to be highly impressed. He hounded me for another date after that and I went out with him 4 or 5 times, each date ending with a blowjob in the back seat of his Chrysler before I eventually dumped him.

It was a scene I repeated on lots of Friday and Saturday nights during my teen years. Even though no one ever said anything to my face, my reputation as a “good date” insured my popularity with the boys at school and I began to view giving head as a good way to be sexually intimate with boys I like without running the risk of pregnancy. It never dawned on me that I might be getting shortchanged.

Since most of my dates were older and had cars, my encounters with them usually involved a movie and a bite to eat afterward. Magically, they would announce that they had a cooler of beer in the trunk and would ask if I was interested in having a few drinks? My affirmative answer would lead to a drive into the country and several beers later after 15 or 20 minutes of necking, I’d find myself on my knees on the floorboard of the back seat, unbuckling his pants and diving into his underwear to fish out his erect, teenaged dick.

In a way, it made me feel powerful. At that moment, with his throbbing cock in my fingernail-polished hand, my soft, wet tongue running up and down the shaft, I could’ve gotten that poor boy to agree to just about anything. If I have told him to step out of the car naked and hand me his car keys, he would’ve done it. All for the dizzying prospect of another date with me and the chance to get his rocks off. If I’ve learned anything about men in my life it’s that they’re amazingly consistent.

Of course, most of them realized there wouldn’t be a lot of suspense on a date with me. If I said “yes” to a date, more than likely I wasn’t going to say “no” in the back seat.

And yes, I did get something of a reputation in high school. A few girls who didn’t like the fact that I was being asked out by their boyfriends did write some unkind things on the bathroom walls and I did occasionally hear a snide remark in the halls (“so that’s what she looks like standing up?” and “I’m amazed she’s so thin with all the ‘protein’ I hear she swallows”), but it never really bothered my much. My close girl friends still hung out with me.

When I graduated from high school and went off to college, I had a little trouble adjusting to life on my own. I went to a large public land grant college with a reputation as a football factory. A couple of the guys I’d “dated” in high school went on to play football there and as a result, I got invited to a lot of parties.

I was like a kid in a candy store. I’d never seen so many beautiful guys in my life and I really had to fight the urge to fuck them all. The bottom line is I didn’t fight the urge very hard. I was the football team’s mascot by the time the semester was half over. I lost my heart and my cherry to the team’s starting quarterback and when he kept asking me to take part in kinkier and kinkier scenes, I went along to keep him interested.

We had sex almost nightly in his dorm room and although I’m convinced the athletic department staff knew what was going on, they never did anything. I’d be moaning and squealing loud enough for the whole floor to hear me and nobody ever said a word. Once, we had sex and somebody opened the door on us and left it open! My boyfriend never missed a beat bending me over his desk and fucking me from behind as members of the team stuck their heads in the doorway and watched.

I was a little weirded out when he coyly suggested I perform oral sex on other members of the team, but at a party one night in a drunken haze, I went along. My boyfriend took me to a fraternity house to the room of a gigantic, muscular defensive lineman named Chuck. I was a little nervous as I dropped to my knees and began to undo Chuck’s pants.

My boyfriend stood there and watched me, beer in hand, as I pulled out what I can only describe as the largest cock I’d ever seen. It was probably 10 inches long and (seemingly) as thick as my forearm. Unbelievably, Chuck was flaccid when I began touching and kissing his penis. After about 15 minutes of kissing, stroking and licking, his monstrous member began to harden and I began to fellate him.

There was music playing in the room and I didn’t hear the other members of the team walk in to observe us, but I remember looking up at my boyfriend at one point, only to see him surrounded by 6-8 beer swilling frat boys. Chuck was nonplussed. He reached down and gently pivoted my head back towards his crotch. “Come on, baby.” He whispered. “Don’t worry about them, this is just about you and me.”

As anyone who has ever given a blowjob in front of an appreciative crowd of college boys can attest, I was more than a little stuck by the irony of that statement. But I went back to business, gently making love to this muscular man’s enormous penis.

I became kind of lost in the moment, transfixed on the beauty of the cock before me, the hot skin of its shaft, the smooth firm mushroom head. I licked and sucked feverishly, eventually relaxing my throat muscles enough to engulf the length of the throbbing dick into my mouth. I could feel the crinkly skin of his balls against my chin and his wiry pubic hair tickled my nose and lips. I ran my hands over his washboard abs and tightly muscled chest.

He gently stroked my hair as I fellated him, softly urging me on with what I assume he thought was sexy talk. “Oh, baby, you’re so good at this,” he hissed, and “you look so pretty when you suck my cock.”

My focus was not only giving this guy head, but turning on every boy in the room, my boyfriend included. Every so often I’d glance over toward the door to see my boyfriend in a slightly drunken state of shock and arousal, the outline of his erection clearly visible in his jeans. I smiled, Chuck’s cock never leaving my mouth. “Mmmm,” I moaned to hoots and catcalls from the gathered frat boys. “Mmmmm… I just love sucking cock. I just don’t think one’s going to be enough!”

The room erupted into cheers. A few girls had wandered by to see what all the fuss was about.

“Omigod,” I could hear one of them say. “There’s some slut in that room giving a blow job in front of everybody. Let’s go watch!”

They pushed their way through the crowd of guys to watch the action. “Reinforcements,” somebody yelled as the boys laughed. But these girls weren’t there to join me. They were there to make sure everybody knew they were “good girls” unlike me. And fueled by an abundance of beer, they let loose with a running commentary on the floorshow.

“Hey bitch, you like suckin’ that cock, don’t you?” one girl called.

“You little slut, you’re gonna be here all night suckin’ these guys aren’t you?”

“Why don’t you get naked and let ’em fuck you in the ass while you’re handing out blow jobs, honey?”

“Hey slut, what’s your name? I might call you up to blow my boyfriend too and get him off my ass!”

There was laughter all around. I looked up, both hands grasped around Chuck’s penis. “How do you know I haven’t blown your boyfriend already?” I said, smiling.

That got the room howling. I leaned down and slid my hands under his ass, cupping his rear end and pushing him up to my mouth. Taking in his saliva-slicked member, Chuck groaned and began to ejaculate into my mouth. I took his load into my mouth and savored it, sticking out my cum-soaked tongue to let them see the spectacle of his orgasm sliding down my throat.

“Whose next?” I called.

I probably gave seven or eight blowjobs that night, including my boyfriend at the very end. He told me how incredibly turned on he was to see me service all those men.

After that, the guys on the football team came up with all kinds of cute little nicknames for me, like “Jism Jill” or “Jill the Thrill”. My reputation as kind of a sex freak started to circulate on campus, but it didn’t really bother me as long as it didn’t bother my boyfriend. As long as he was getting his dick sucked, he didn’t seem to care.

My senior year, I got a call from one of the assistant athletic directors at the university. He wanted to know if I’d be interested in coming to work as an administrative assistant in the recruiting office. For public purposes, I’d be working for one of the assistant coaches, but he let me know that in reality, it was a wealthy alum who ran the department and ultimately, I’d be taking my orders from him. He arranged a meeting with the alum and I was curious as to just what kind of job it would be.

The alum, a software millionaire in his mid thirties was very attractive and let me know my primary job would be working with recruits. After about 30 minutes of conversation, I began to understand what they were asking. They wanted to bring these young guys into town and have me show them around, take them to parties and show them a “good time”. If a good time meant the recruit got laid, they didn’t want to know about it, but it didn’t bother them. I’d get paid a bonus for every recruit that signed a scholarship. Ultimately, the athletic department was going to pay me to fuck teenaged boys.

“Wait a minute.” I said. “What makes you think I’d go along with something like this? How did you decide to approach me about this?”

“Jill,” he said “First of all, you’re a very beautiful young woman. Second, you’ve been on your knees with your face buried in the crotch of half the football players at this university. You love jocks and you love having sex with jocks. This is the perfect opportunity for you.”

Hmm, I thought to myself, I’ll be paid to suck the dicks of cute guys, something I’ve been doing anyway. It took me 10 seconds to think it over.

“Okay, I’m your girl.” I said.

For the next year, my job was giving blowjobs and “show fucks” to 18-year-old studs. Most of them were so full of themselves it didn’t take much to drive them wild. I had a standard routine with most of them. They’d arrive in town and I’d pick them up to show them around. Usually, it was dinner at a nice restaurant (I had an athletic department credit card), followed by drinks (local club bartenders never carded anybody with me) and a little “dirty dancing” at a club.

At some point in the evening, I tell the kid how I was really trying to give up smoking. Then after drinking and dancing, I’d drive him back to his hotel. In the car, I’d tell him I was having a “nicotine fit” and really needed something to stop my cravings. I’d pull the car over, slide my hand over his crotch and in my steamiest voice ask him “if he had anything I could suck on to stop my cravings?”

Sometimes I’d find a secluded spot and fellate him right there in the car. Sometimes we’d drive back to his hotel. A couple of times I went back to the hotel only to find our star recruit was sharing a room with three or four of his high school buddies. I usually wound up having sex with all of them.

The only complication to all of this appeared a few months ago when I was introduced to a star recruit named Billy. My jaw practically hit the floor the first time I laid eyes on him. He was about 6’2″ and 215 or 220lbs with broad shoulders, a narrow waist and the cutest little butt I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot of them).

His face was to die for, like a Greek statue with a chiseled jaw and flowing locks of sandy blonde hair. He was kind of quiet, not loud and boisterous like many of the others, but you could tell by the way he carried himself that he had a lot of confidence. I got the impression Billy knew he could take care of himself both in the back alley and in the bedroom. I started making immediate plans to test his performance in the latter.

Our first date was pretty standard, dinner, a tour around the campus and a couple of nightspots. I couldn’t help noticing the reaction of some of the co-eds as I moved with Billy through the crowd. Their eyes locked in on him and wouldn’t let go. A few moved in and asked him to dance within seconds of my getting up to go to the ladies room and although he enjoyed the attention, he didn’t bite. I half expected him to be covered in drool when I returned.

As we left the last club of the evening, my eye caught site of a pair of really cute little brunettes slipping their phone numbers into Billy’s back pocket. I also noticed their hands lingering on his bottom for an embarrassingly brazen length of time. These girls knew a good thing when they saw it and they weren’t about to let an opportunity pass.

I decided to dispense with the act and simply invite Billy back to my apartment for a few drinks and whatever else I could dream up. As we got in the car in the parking lot, we necked briefly and sparks started flying.

Back at my place, we had a couple of glasses of wine and chatted amiably. He was really charming for his age and when I leaned over to kiss him, he slid over next to me, laid me back on the couch and began kissing me more aggressively, his hands running caressing my breasts and ass.

I began to whisper sweet little moans of pleasure in his ear. I had plans of launching into something of a little “mind fuck” just to get him all steamed up and take control of the situation, but it was Billy who quickly took control. For an 18-year old, he was incredibly smooth and experienced.

“Mmmm, baby” he cooed. “Do you like it when I kiss you?”


“What else do you like?” he whispered. “Tell me what you want me to do?” I played shy and giggled. “C’mon.” he said. “Tell me what happens next.”

“I want to see that beautiful body of yours.” I said. “Stand up and let me watch you strip for me.”

He stood up and walked a few steps away. I lay there on the couch, hair disheveled and blouse half unbuttoned. I watched in rapt amazement as this young stud began undressing before me. When his shirt slid up over his head I was treated to a beautifully muscled and tightly defined chest with a stomach you could bounce a quarter off of. I squealed with delight as he reached for his belt, unbuckling, then unbuttoning the front of his skintight jeans.

“Whoooo!” I cheered. “Take it off, baby. Show me what I’m ridin’ tonight.” Slowly, in a very sexy way, he slid his jeans down over his hips, pushed them to the floor and stepped out of then. For a brief moment, he stood there in white cotton boxers, the outline of his penis clearly visible. I clasped my hand over my mouth and looked at him. He was every girl’s wet dream, a vision of male sexuality hot enough to make my pussy pulse. I wanted him bad. He started to remove his underwear but I stopped him.

“No, no, let me.” I said. “I want to take them off.”

I leaned closer and ran my hand over the outline of his dick. It was big and I wanted to see what it looked like. I’d been up close with a lot of cocks in my life and this one was calling my name. I hooked my fingers in the elastic band of his shorts and slowly pulled down. The cotton pulled back to reveal what I considered to be the most beautiful penis I’d ever seen, in a semi erect state, draping from a thick, curly nest of pubic hair. It wasn’t the biggest I’d ever seen but it was perfect, long and very, very thick. Maybe seven inches or so but smooth and wide, ending in a bulbous cockhead that looked like it was made to suck.

I kissed across his abdomen and around his thighs, rubbing my cheek against his skin. Gently, he caressed my hair and teased me.

“What do you think, Jill?” he said. “You think you can have some fun with this?”

“My God, you’re perfect.” I whispered. “I could have an orgasm just looking at you. I just want to suck you and fuck you forever.” I leaned down and began licking his dick with my tongue. I used my thumb and index finger to lift it and run my tongue down the underside, nuzzling his balls with my lips and kissing around his sac. I looked up to see him staring down at me, gently taunting.

“Go ahead, suck me.” He smiled. “You want to take me in your mouth, don’t you? You want to feel me harden against your tongue. I know you want to please me, baby. Show me what a sweet little cocksucker you are.”

I took his hand and led him to my bedroom. I pushed him down on the bed and knelt beside his body. Leaning over, I gently laid his penis back against his rock hard tummy and resumed licking the underside. With each lick, I could feel his member getting harder and harder as it grew, the veins standing out in bold relief against the shaft. I engulfed his entire length in my mouth, deep- throating him down until my lips buried themselves deep in his pubic hair.

“Oh yeah.” Billy hissed. “You like that, don’t you Jill? You’ve been thinking about sucking my cock all night. You couldn’t wait to take my hard dick down your throat.”

I looked toward his face, Billy’s luscious dick buried deep in my mouth and moaned softly. I pulled my face away from his crotch to confess to him. “I couldn’t wait to get you naked, baby. I’m your private slut. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. If you want a blowjob, I am so there. Just call me on the phone and I’ll be on my knees in front of you. Your dick tastes so good, I just want to suck it all the time.”

I leaned down to continue swirling my tongue around the head of his cock. His cologne mingled with the musty smell of his crotch and I found it wildly intoxicating. My mouth watering, I took the length of his penis into my mouth and bobbed up and down on his rigid member. I could taste the slightly bitter twinge of his pre-come on my tongue. I ran my hands along his magnificently muscled stomach and hips. We were both getting into it, but my pussy was tingling. I wanted him in me. Bad.

“C’mon, Billy,” I whispered. “You want some pussy, don’t you? Why don’t you show me what you can do with that beautiful cock of yours.”

“How do you like it, Jill?”

“Why don’t you start out fucking me from behind? Then we can move to whatever feels good.”

In a flash, Billy slid out from underneath me and quickly knelt behind me as I moved forward on all fours. I could feel his dick slide between my legs and slap up against my pussy. I reached down and stroked him, gently sliding his hot, hard flesh against my protruding clit. The sensation was electric and I found myself using his tool to work myself into a frenzy. This was heaven and we hadn’t even started fucking yet!

“Oh baby, that feels so good.” I moaned. “Unh…unh…how can a boy get me so hot? God, I just love fucking you… mmm, you’re gonna make me!” My body tensed as my brain spun out of control. It was my first orgasm of the evening but I sensed it wouldn’t be my last. My arms relaxed and my head and shoulders drooped to the bed. With my ass still sticking up in the air, I could feel Billy pull back, then I could feel the head of his rock hard battering ram against my labia. I waited catching my breath.

“C’mon, honey,” he laughed. “You ready to ride?”

He didn’t wait for my answer, but plunged the length of his hot, thick penis into my pussy. I gasped for breath as my entire body pulsed with pleasure. He owned me at that moment and he knew it. I was his plaything, his boy toy, his wet dream. I sensed the dynamic of the relationship changing, but I pushed it out of my mind. All I could think of was how I was going to make Billy keep fucking me and giving me more mind-numbing orgasms.

I could feel Billy’s pole, lubricated by our mingling juices sliding in and out of me. The intense ripples I was feeling were great, but I wanted to change positions. I wanted to face him while he fucked me.

“Baby, I want to turn around,” I said. “I want to watch you while you fuck me.”

He pulled out and I flipped over on my back, hiking my legs into the air and spreading wide for him to enter me again. He looked so beautiful, muscular, light beads of sweat on his forehead and chest, and that cock. It was big and hard and pointed right at me. He grabbed it in his left hand and guided it into the folds of my cunt.

The sensation of his entering me the second time felt just as good as the first. As he leaned over and began thrusting into me, I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I placed my feet against that marvelous, rock hard ass and helped push him deeper and deeper into me. He didn’t need the help, but it felt really, really good.

We kissed, our tongues dancing around each other. With a steady rhythm, Billy pushed into my pussy, each stroke sending electric shocks through my body. He laid down on top of me but continued his powerful thrusts. The feeling of having this gorgeous, muscular young stud on top of me, pounding, each push sending me deeper into the mattress was indescribable. I crossed my ankles, locking my long legs behind his back.

“Oh, Billy,” I whispered in his ear. “You fuck me so good. I’ve never had another man fuck me like you. Feel how wet my pussy is? That’s ’cause you turn me on so much. C’mon, stud, give it too me! Come on and shoot your load deep inside me! I want to feel your come.”

Billy increased his pace and looked straight ahead. “Oh, yeah,” he hissed. “I’ve been savin’ it up for you, Jill! You’re gonna feel a tidal wave in your cunt! God, you’re such a hot, little bitch. I’ll bet you’ve laid some pipe in your past, huh?”

“You know it, baby. I’ve fucked lots of guys, but nobody like you. God, you’re a fuckin’ machine! With a piston for a cock!” I wrapped my self tightly around him as I felt his body tense. My head felt like it would explode as another orgasm wracked my body. I could feel him ejaculate into my pussy and that familiar, musty smell of semen filled the bedroom.

The pace of his thrusts slowed as my body heaved with each breath. Billy pulled out of me and crawled forward, placing his still rigid cock near my head. I opened my mouth and watched as he used both hands to milk 3 or 4 more spurts of semen out of his slickened cock and on to my waiting tongue. Long strands of fluid dripped from his penis to my face as he rubbed his organ across my face and lips. I reached under him and ran my hand across his ass. That ass! God, it even felt good.

I looked up from a post-orgasmic haze to see Billy smiling, one hand around his cock, the other rubbing his chest.

“Jeez, you’re a freaky bitch,” he laughed. “That’s cool, though. I ain’t never had nasty sex like that before. I think I like it.”

Yeah, I bet he liked it. But not as much as me. I convinced Billy to stay for three more days at my apartment before driving back to his hometown. We spent most of our time together naked and fucking. He was unbelievable.

When he left and went home for the summer, I kind of went off the deep end. I called him constantly and made the three-hour drive a couple of times just to see him. His parents don’t know about me, so he basically had to sneak out of the house at night for us to have sex. A couple of times I’d drive down to see Billy, meet up with him, give him a blow job in the back seat and then drive back home. I was addicted to his cock.

Billy enrolled at the university in the fall and quickly became the new stud football player on campus. We still see each other but he makes it clear to me that I’m not the only girl he’s sleeping with. He’s fucked one of the cheerleaders and even had sex with a pert little redhead whose one of the leaders of the Baptist Students Union.

Billy joked that she was little miss straight arrow, but once he got her naked he practically had to peel her off the ceiling. He’s trying to talk the two of us into a three-way with him, but so far she’s not ready for that yet. I’m not so squeamish, though. I’ll do anything to experience Billy’s cock… and he knows it.