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Amateur night in Amsterdam



I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist. What I mean is that I don’t go and look for opportunities, although I have enjoyed girls sitting next to me on the bus when the vibrations make me get hard. I am sure a lot of you know the feeling, wearing sweats and boxer shorts can be a deadly combination. And maybe see glances over sees your tent.

Anyway, I had an experience that I really enjoyed when I was in Amsterdam. I have a friend whose name is Alicia and she goes to school with me here in Connecticut. She’s Dutch, however, but speaks English well enough to attend college in the U.S.

Well, she’s just a friend and all, but we are close. No sex, mind you, but just various “experiences shared”. One of them was at her apartment, when she meant to flash her boyfriend by raising her shirt but actually flashed me instead. She has very nice tits. Very big and her nipples are nice and dark… and big. When she did that she didn’t flinch, she just laughed it off and went on with getting ready to go out dancing that evening.

Then once later on, on one of those nights when Alicia and I and a friend were all too drunk to go to our own individual homes and we decided to spend the night our mutual female friend’s dorm room. This girl and Alicia somehow decided that since I was basically passed out that they would make me comfortable.

They took off my shoes (and woke me up but I didn’t open my eyes) then started to take my pants off. And again, I don’t know if this happens to you too, (if you are male) but sometimes, with boxer shorts, you sort of just, you know, hang out. So, when they took my pants off they sort of exposed me.

God! What was going through my mind at that moment. I had let them do it, it was just so exciting. I had no girlfriend, there were no guys around, you know, it was perfect. I was hoping that being drunk they’d go down on me or something.

There was silence, then some giggly whispering and then one of the two, I don’t know which one, took my penis in her hand and put it back into my shorts. This got me instantly hard, which is unusual when I’m drunk, but hey, it happened.

By now I thought they had forgotten about me and when I chanced to open my eyes, I noticed that by getting hard I had poked out of my boxers again. This time I know it was Alicia who walked up to me and took it in her hand and put me back in my shorts again. And she took her sweet time in doing too. But she didn’t do anything else really. I’ve always wondered might have happened if we had been alone… with me passed out, maybe she could have been bolder.

But this is all just a little prelude to what happened when my girlfriend Pat and I went to visit Alicia in Amsterdam about six months later. Pat and I were new to each other and were still experimenting with each other’s bodies. But it was hard to really let it all hang out when traveling all over Europe on a Euro-pass. You can’t really get relaxed on a train without the real possibility of getting caught.

So once we go into Amsterdam we decided to rent a room along with Alicia in a motel next to the red district. When finally we back our room after visiting all the clubs and walking around the red light district we were sort of on a sensory overload. I mean personally, I didn’t find any attractive prostitutes that got me going, but after all, I have a cute girlfriend. So none compared to her (and she’s free, and she loves me and I love her, cute huh?).

Alicia slept in one bed and Pat and I in another. I figured nothing was going to happen that night and had resigned myself to that fact. Pat was to the far side of me and Alicia was right next to me, only about a foot and a half away.

As I lay on my side, facing Alicia and fantasizing about her and Pat, out of the blue an arm reach over me and fingers sank into my boxers. I didn’t move or even make a sound as Pat fished me out of my boxers and started to stroke me.

There I was, only a foot or so away from Alicia with my girlfriend’s hand jacking on my dick. I tried to see if Alicia was awake, but it was too dark to tell for sure. All I know is that if she were awake she would certainly know what was happening. Finally I whispered her name and she didn’t answer, so I let my girlfriend continue.

Pat kept at it for a while, but when I got hard we found it easier for me to lie on my back. Pat was now stroking me a little faster and the covers were making a faint rhythmic noise, so I kept looking over at Alicia, but she was on her side and was facing away from us now, so I thought we were safe for the moment.

My girlfriend had lost her virginity to me. She’d never had sex before, but she’d had boyfriends and knew how to keep them happy, so she was a master at handjobs.

One of Pat’s gifts is to know when I am close to cumming, and somehow she is able to stop me by slowing down or stopping so that she can prolong the agony, so to speak. She’s good at that. Almost too good.

So, quite a while passed while I was letting my girlfriend do this to me. I would get close and ready and she would back off and so on. By this time I had completely forgotten all about Alicia, I was really into the sensations that Pat was giving me with her expert handjob.

When I finally remembered Alicia I glanced over and I caught her watching us. She closed her eyes really quickly when she saw me looking, but not quickly enough for me not to notice.

Then, for some reason, I didn’t do anything, I just lay back and let my girlfriend continue jacking me off. Knowing that Alicia was watching all this really raised my blood-pressure, it turned me on to no end to know that she was watching another woman manipulating my cock, only a foot or so away from her gaze.

Pat would have been embarrassed to no end if she had known Alicia could see what she was doing. (Pat was strange about that, but still has no problem hugging me in public, rubbing herself against me, giving me a hard on and then walking away, leaving me standing there with other people around.) I often wonder if this happen to anybody else? I mean she doesn’t showoff herself at all, she wears baggy clothes, excreta. She’s not like Alicia who wears nothing but tight black pants or spandex shorts.

Anyway, at this point I was so excited by the situation that I could tell I wasn’t going to last much longer, no matter what Pat did or didn’t do.

I could feel my cum boiling up from my depths and that familiar tight band of numbness forming around my forehead which happens when I’m going to have a great cum.

Then I fit myself go. Then with a moment of inspiration I moved onto my side, facing Alicia again and as Pat jerked me one last time I felt my release complete itself, and through slitted eyes I saw a great gout of cum shoot out of my dick and I even heard it splat against Alicia’s blanket.

Then I ejaculated in lesser spurts so Pat’s hand got all gunked up with my cum, and it trickled down between her fingers. All this time I knew that Alicia was watching and it was such super a turn on. I could hear the squelching sound as Pat’s fist continued to travel up and down my cummy cock for a few more moments.

Then all there was, was the bleachy smell of my just expelled cum and Alicia’s wide open eyes as she stared at me…

Then Pat broke the spell by getting up to go to the bathroom to clean up her hand. She brought me a towel and I wiped myself. I glanced over at Alicia but she had turned her face away from us.

In the morning Alicia got up before Pat and I, and by the time we were moving around she was long gone for the day and her blanket was folded neatly on her bed, and I could see the big cum stain on it.

I made sure that she had a clean one before we got back to the room that night. Pat and I didn’t do anything else for the remaining two days we were there and Alicia never mentioned that she had seen us.

The only hint Alicia ever gave me she knew about our nocturnal sex act was sometime later at the beginning of school when we were all at Denny’s talking with a bunch of people about jogging and how some people can just keep going and going, Alicia looked meaningfully at me and said, “Yeah, and I am sure you can go for hours…” And I knew she wasn’t talking about jogging.