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On The Job Experience



“Brad….Brad! Did you understand the question?”

“Huh? Uhh, I don’t think I did, Mrs. Gonzales. Maybe you could explain it again.”

Brad felt his face grow warm as he became embarrassed. The musical voice of his favorite teacher had just awakened him from one of his recurring daydreams. The embarrassment wasn’t caused by the snickering of his classmates. Brad became flushed because he was sure that Mrs. Gonzales knew he was daydreaming about sex, even including her in his fantasy.

Brad spent endless hours dreaming about sex, talking about sex with his friends, looking at sex magazines whenever he could find one. His dreams of sex were frustrated by the reality that he was terribly shy around girls. He sometimes worried that he was the only boy to turn 16 without having felt a girls tits or even kissed a girl.

The bell rescued Brad from his embarrassment. The school day had finally ended and Brad steeled himself for his next big challenge. He headed to the mall but this day it was not just to hang out. He had to get a job, he needed money to get car insurance. Yesterday he had passed his driving test and now he would be able to drive as soon as he got insurance.

Brad bicycled to the mall. Once there, he went to the men’s room where he changed out of his riding shorts and t-shirt into a pair of slacks and a dress shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and cursed himself for not listening to his mother when she suggested he wear a tie. He jammed his riding clothes into his back pack and ventured out.

The first store was a women’s clothing store. Brad couldn’t bring himself to go in. He moved on to the next store, a shoe store. He almost died trying to get the words “I’m looking for a job” to come out of his mouth. The salesman simply pointed to a man in the back of the store. Brad approached again and mumbled “I’m looking for a job and…” The man stopped Brad in mid-mumble. “Sorry son, come back in November. We’ll be hiring for Christmas help.”

Brad was ready to quit his search right there but the thought of driving spurred him on. He exited the shoe store only to find another woman’s clothing store. He passed it by. The next store was also a woman’s store. Then came a luggage store. Brad mumbled a little less. “I was wondering if you need any help?” The answer was the same. “Try us in November.”

As Brad moved down the mall, he realized that almost all of the stores were woman’s this or that. He soon decided that he would have to get up the courage to go into those stores too. By the time he had covered half the mall, Brad had ceased to even look at what kind of store he was entering. He had his question memorized and no longer mumbled or felt quite so embarrassed. He had learned to ask for the manager as an opener. Still, he had no luck. He was approaching the end of the mall, feeling that he had no hope of finding a job.

Then his luck changed. He walked into the shop, directly to the first salesgirl that he saw. He asked for the manager, not taking any view of his surroundings. She directed him to a woman at the far end of the store. As he approached her he became shy and nervous again. She looked absolutely gorgeous to him. In fact she looked a lot like Mrs. Gonzales. When she looked up at his approach and said “Yes, may I help you?”, he almost turned and ran.

He opened his mouth and said nothing. She smiled at him and again said, “How can I help you today?”

Brad stammered, “I’m looking for a job. Do you need somebody? I’m really a good worker.”

She smiled and replied, “I’m afraid that you have to be 16 for us to hire you, and we really don’t…”

Brad cut in, “I am 16. I had my birthday yesterday. I got my license too. Now I need a job so I can get my insurance.”

She looked at the boy’s angelic face, curly dark hair, brown eyes that sparkled. The flush in his slightly tanned cheeks, his thin lips quivering with nervousness. He wasn’t very tall, maybe five-seven. Although small in stature with delicate features, he did appear to be strong and athletic.

“Well,” she said, “I was thinking of hiring a stock boy. Someone to do the heavier lifting that my girls can’t do. It will just be Saturday and Sunday, maybe one night a week.”

“That’s great, that’s great! I’ll really work hard, uhhhh, Mrs…”, Brad strained to read the woman’s name tag, ‘Mrs. Natasha Petrochka’.

“Just call me Tasha”, she laughed. “You can start tomorrow. We just have to have you complete an application.”

Brad was so enthused he had difficulty filling out the employment application. As he walked out of the store, he was delirious with joy. Then it occurred to him, he didn’t even know what store he had been in. He turned back to check and froze in his tracks. He stared up at the sign, “Victoria’s Secret”.

Saturday morning Brad awoke early. He was excited and apprehensive about his new job. He stuffed long pants, shirt and undershorts in his back pack. After breakfast, he took a long shower. He dressed in a pair of biking shorts and t-shirt for the ride to the mall. He arrived at the mall just as it was opening. He found a place to lock his bike and dashed to the men’s room to change his clothes. Then he raced to the other end of the mall to Victoria’s, worried that he was late on his first day.

When he walked in he went directly to Tasha’s office and immediately began to breathlessly explain, “I’m sorry I’m a little late but I had to change clothes and the men’s room is at the other end of the mall and I couldn’t get in until they opened the doors because I ride my bike…”

Tasha interrupted the staccato explanation. “Slow down dear. It’s alright.” She paused, then continued, “That’s a pretty long bike ride. Do you like biking?”

“Oh, yeah. I love it, mountain biking, that and swimming. I got a lot of trophies when I was a kid, BMX. That’s bicycle racing.”

“Well look dear, we have a bathroom here in the stock area. Why don’t you just bring your bike directly here and change in there? That should be a lot easier.”

Brad felt a wave of calm wash over him. It was not so much what she said, as the way in which she said it. Her voice was soft and throaty. She had a slight foreign accent and carefully enunciated each word, yet the words flowed together in a marvelous stream.

Tasha introduced Brad to the other employees. They were all women, all young and attractive. They were all charmed by Brad’s deep red blush as they joked about him being the only man in the shop, and all the sexy clothes. Brad was happy to get back to the stock room and begin the chores that Tasha assigned him.


Sunday, the mall opened at noon. Brad quickly wheeled his bike through to Victoria’s and found Tasha alone. She looked up as Brad walked by. She bit her lip as she surveyed the youth’s body. “God” she thought, “what a little adonis. I don’t think he has an ounce of fat on him.”

Her survey of him was quick, but complete. He wore a blue tank top that revealed strong muscular shoulders. His arms were tan and sinewy. He had the full chest of a swimmer and she could see his pectorals peeking through the tank top. The tank top was tucked into his bike shorts, revealing a trim waist. The spandex shorts clung to his ass, which was absolutely beautiful, an ass that any girl would die for. In front she observed the outline of his teenage cock and balls. His thighs were thick and muscular and led to well defined calves.

Tasha resisted the urge to say something cute and suggestive. She had the feeling that her new employee was full of raging hormones but was as skittish as a young colt. She felt a strange mixture of motherly protectiveness and wanton seductress as she greeted him.

“Hi Brad, it’ll be very slow for the first two hours so that will give us time to re-arrange some of the racks on the floor.”

Brad went into the wash room to change his clothes. He spent the next few hours working with Tasha. Brad was in heaven, he could smell her perfume, he could feel her skin as her arm brushed his. She talked to him like he was an adult, not a student or a kid. She asked him his opinion. Brad hated it when occasionally a customer would enter and she would have to wait on them.

That was the high point of the day for Brad. The remainder of the day he was in the back by himself. Still, he found it exciting to be there, handling the sexy clothes, thinking about the women that would wear them. Occasionally when Tasha walked by she would glance over at Brad, a few times she noticed him pausing to rub is crotch as he handled the filmy lingerie. She could see the bulge in his pants too.

As soon as Brad arrived home that evening, he headed straight for his bedroom. He undressed quickly, desperate to relieve the pressures that had been building inside him all day. Grabbing a handful of tissues in one hand, he wrapped the other around his hard member. Squeezing and stroking himself even as he flopped onto his bed.

He didn’t need to close his eyes to enhance his imaginary visions. Staring at his cock, he fantasized rubbing it against the silky things that he had been handling that day. He squeezed his cock, watched the precum appear in the hole, began dreaming about Tasha.

The smell of her perfume now filled his head. He envisioned her wearing the sexy outfits that they had been moving that day. He began stroking himself rapidly as his mind over- flowed with visions of Tasha there with him, rubbing her body against him, kissing him, kissing his cock.

Brad felt the thick shaft in his hand responding to the rapid motion. He moaned and invisualized a naked Tasha as the hot juice began to spew from his cock. He forgot completely about the tissue in his other hand as his body jerked in orgasm.

Cum shot all over his chest and up to his face. In rapid succession, three, four, five bursts of gooey liquid landed on him. Brad rubbed his cock against his stomach, feeling the shaft slide easily in the slick cum.

He lay there for a while enjoying his thoughts, then wiped the mess from his body. As he showered Brad could think of nothing but the long wait until Wednesday when he was next scheduled to work. It seemed like such a long way off.

But Wednesday finally came. Then Saturday, then Sunday. Brad lived for the opportunity to go to work. He was in a constant state of arousal, surrounded by sexy women’s clothes, seeing Tasha, hearing her voice, smelling her. He found that if he paid attention and timed things properly, he could sometimes see a woman trying on clothes in the changing room. Some women would leave the door part way open and Brad was treated to fantastic glimpses of bare tits and even pussies.

For her part, Tasha was losing the battle within herself to keep her hands off of the boy. It probably was lost before she knew it. Perhaps that second week when Brad stood in front of her desk in his steel gray bike shorts before leaving. She could clearly see the outline of his young penis and his balls. It appeared to be rather thick and not very long. She longed to see him without the lycra wrapper.

She began calling him into her office just before he left work, just so she could enjoy the view of his cock squeezed against his thigh by the spandex shorts. She became increasingly bold and lascivious. One evening she unbuttoned the top buttons of her blouse before calling Brad. As she talked to him she watched the outline of his young manhood.

She saw it slowly begin to grow in response to her bending forward. She knew that Brad was feasting his eyes on her bare breast. She knew her dark brown areola contrasted nicely with her milky white skin. Her nipples got very large when aroused, and she was aroused! Soon he was completely hard, she could see the perfect outline of a very thick hard cock, the crown of the head was clearly visible. His voice cracked as he spoke, she looked into his face and saw the red blush of a boy caught looking.


After that, Tasha found herself watching Brad more often, she enjoyed seeing him get aroused by the sexy surroundings. She soon noticed that he would work around the fitting rooms whenever an occupant left the door open. This resulted in the young boy scurrying to the washroom. Tasha knew what he was doing in there.

One morning she amazed herself. Her office and the stock room were in an addition to the building. For some strange reason, there was a window left in the wall between her office and the washroom. It was nailed shut and painted white. There were a few scratches in the paint. Before any others arrived, Tasha carefully enlarged one of the scratches to make a peep hole. She had always been an exhibitionist, however she had never considered herself a voyeur. Yet here she was, tingling with excitement at the prospect of watching a 16 year old adonis jacking off in the bathroom. It was crazy and exciting.


That afternoon Tasha was delighted to see the changing booths quite busy. It wasn’t long before Brad discovered that a striking young blond had left the changing room door open part way. He busied himself cleaning around the rack in front of the door. Brad was in peeping heaven as the woman removed her bra. As she rubbed at the red marks that the bra had made on her tits, Brad could see her nipples jiggling around. His cock thickened and grew, he cautiously pushed the shaft into a more comfortable position. The woman slipped her pants and panties down her hips and stepped out of them. Brad was beside himself with excitement, the massive blond vee of pubic hair danced before his eyes a few feet away. The woman looked up through the opening in the door. Brad didn’t notice her eyes as they caught sight of him, his concentration was on that magic triangle. Then she bumped the door, knocking it further open. She sat down on the stool, spread her legs wide, slipped on a pair of net stockings, then smoothed the stockings several times, rubbing her pussy on each stroke. She then looked up and he saw her staring into his eyes. He immediately turned crimson. The woman simply smiled and closed the door.

Brad couldn’t stand it. His cock was throbbing. He walked quickly to the washroom and locked the door. Tasha was at her scratch in the window just as quickly. She watched as Brad not only unzipped his pants but unbuckled and let them drop to the floor. She could see the bulge in his white jockey shorts before Brad slipped them down to his thighs. She gasped as his hard cock bounced into view. It swung back and forth a few times before Brad’s hand wrapped around the shaft. His cock was very thick and not circumcised. The foreskin was pulled back just a bit and she could see the tip of the head. His balls were larger than she’d imagined. He had a meager amount of light brown pubic hair. When he wrapped his fist around the cock, his hand covered little more than half the length.

Tasha rubbed her hand into her crotch as the boy pulled on his cock, drawing the skin back to reveal the dark red mushroom head of the shaft. Brad began jerking his hand back and forth very rapidly. She could see his tight balls bounce slightly as his hand banged into them on each back stroke. His soft brown pubic hair was barely visible. She wanted to scream for him to slow down, to make it last. But she couldn’t. She just watched the stiff young cock rapidly riding the closed fist. Saw the crimson cap appearing and disappearing as the foreskin flew back and forth. In a matter of moments, she saw and heard his climax.

Brad made a couple of stifled screams of joy as his cock discharged several large streams of milky cum. The boy held his hand in front of his cock and caught the shots, or at least stopped them from shooting onto the wall. Tasha was sure that Brad’s cum would have shot across the small room if it hadn’t been intercepted. Her pussy was wet, wet enough that it had soaked through her panties and skirt.

She sat down and sighed. She heard the toilet flush, heard him wash his hands, heard the door open and close. She was aroused and a little bit frightened. Aroused at the prospect of having that energetic young cock ramming into her. Frightened that she was even considering vamping a sixteen year old boy. What if she did it? What would people think? What if Brad told someone? Hell, what if he bragged to his friends? Then she mentally laughed at the thought of having a harem of sixteen year old boys. Yes, a stable of hormone happy virgin boys, maybe it would be worth it.


Within a few days, Tasha had decided to go for it.

The following Sunday, she told Brad to come in late to help her change some of the displays after closing. When Brad arrived he headed for the washroom to change out of his shorts. Tasha stopped him.

“Since there’s only the two of us, you can leave your bike shorts on.” Tasha didn’t want to miss the opportunity to watch that nice tight young ass going up and down the ladder. She wondered if Brad really understood how sexy the skin tight bike shorts were, how they made his ass look like a piece of greek sculpture.

“OK, what ever you say.”

“I’d better go change into some work clothes. You get the ladder set up,” she said as she went into her office. Tasha slipped out of her blouse and skirt. She removed her bra and panties also. She pulled on an old mid-thigh length skirt and slipped into a loose fitting man’s dress shirt. She looked in the mirror, then went to her desk to get her scissors. She snipped the second button from the top and returned to the mirror. Turning from right to left and back she saw the shirt opening and closing, a window to her round white breasts.

When she returned, Brad had the ladder ready. As Brad went up a few steps on the ladder, Tasha stood close to him, directing his movements. There was that cute ass now at her eye level. As he worked, he would turn and Tasha enjoyed examining the outline of his cock and balls only inches from her face. Tasha was enjoying this even more than she thought she would.

When Brad was not on the ladder, Tasha watched his eyes. She watched to see if he was taking in the little show she was giving him. She could feel the shirt open as she had planned. Yes! He was looking. Her nipples got hard as she saw his eyes staring a little longer each time he had a chance.

Brad became nervous when he first noticed the opening in Tasha’s shirt. He glanced quickly and looked away. He was sure he had seen her tit. Her bare tit! As they worked and talked, he looked again. Her shirt was missing a button and he could look right in at her. The more he looked at the mound peeking at him, the more he wanted to. His nervousness gave way to desire. He could see the round creamy skin of her breast. He glimpsed the contrasting dark nipple. He could feel himself start to get hard, yet his embarrassment kept him from getting a full erection.

Brad was again on the ladder. Tasha was savoring her view of his cock. It was larger she thought. The little devil was actually starting to get hard for her. How exciting. She could see the cock moving and twitching beneath the lycra covering. Her pussy was warm, she felt the slightest bit of dampness between her legs.

“Brad, I don’t think that’s quite the way I want that banner to hang. Why don’t you get down and hold the ladder for me while I try to adjust it myself.”

Excited that Brad seemed to be enjoying her tits, Tasha decided to continue to the next stage. How would he react to her above him, her short skirt and no panties should provide him with a nice view.

Brad watched as Tasha climbed the ladder. As her legs passed in front of his eyes, he stared at them intently. She had wonderful legs he thought. He saw her thigh, almost all of it. It was beautifully tapered. Then her knee passed in view, followed by her calf. Her calf was slightly muscular, rounded, flowing into thin ankles. Then she was above him and he looked up and swallowed hard. He was looking right up her skirt. He could see her ass, the cheeks of her ass were creamy white like her tits. The crack of her ass was dark and not hairy. He could see her pussy! He could really see the slit with black hair above it! His eyes glanced higher and he saw her tits. Both of the white mounds topped with chocolate nipples were clearly visible. Her shirt hung out away from her body and there they were. He quickly looked away.

As Tasha stood on the ladder she glanced down and saw Brad trying not to look. “Brad darling, could you look up here and watch what I’m doing.”

“Yes mam” Brad gulped and stared up again.

“That’s better darling. Keep your eyes up here.”

Brad stared up, stared into heaven. His cock over came his embarrassment. It was soon as hard as a rock, straining against the tight bike shorts. He couldn’t decide what he wanted to look at more, her beautiful tits with the small dark nipples or her fantastic woman’s slit.

Tasha glanced down, she saw the bulge in Brad’s shorts. “Oh yes!”, she thought. She spread her legs as much as she could on the ladder. She wiggled her ass, she tried to make her pussy call out to the boy below. Tasha was reveling in this bit of exhibitionism.

When she came down from the ladder, Tasha looked at the large lump in Brad’s shorts. The electric blue material strained under the pressure. She could clearly see the shaft and the raised area of the head. At the end she saw a wet spot the size of a quarter.

Brad turned crimson red as he saw Tasha’s eyes looking at his hard-on. He quickly put his hand over his cock to hide it and mumbled something unintelligible.

“Oh Brad, I’ve embarrassed you. You adorable boy, you must think I’m a terrible old lady. I completely forgot that I didn’t wear my panties.” As she spoke, Tasha wrapped her hand around Brad’s hand that was covering his hard member. As she squeezed his hand she also pressed into the hard meat.

“You know Brad, it is very flattering that a handsome young man like you is turned-on by a woman my age. You’ve just paid me a very nice compliment. I suppose you’ve had your share of girlfriends to look at.”

“Oh yeah. I, uh, I, uh, well some. But it will be better when I get my car insurance.” Although it seemed impossible, Brad became even more red as he felt Tasha’s hand pressing against his hard on. “Anyway, you’re the prettiest girl I ever saw.” he blurted out. “I mean you’re the only one I ever saw except for pictures.” This confession was a total surprise even to Brad. “But I really didn’t mean to look up your dress like that.” He was almost ready to cry he was so embarrassed.

Waves of motherly instinct welled up in Tasha. She felt Brad try to turn and flee. She impulsively wrapped her arms around him, pulled him close to her. “Oh Brad, don’t feel bad. I told you, it was my fault. It’s only normal for a man to enjoy looking at a woman’s sex. I’ll tell you a secret, women enjoy having a man look at them. They even like looking at a man.”

Brad was so embarrassed that he was not yet appreciating the feel of Tasha against his body, in fact his stiff member had subsided. However, Tasha’s soft voice was reassuring to him.

“But I thought that girls always get mad when we look at them, like try to see up their dress or down their blouse or…”

“You’re so sweet. Why do you think these women come here to shop? They want something that will show off their bodies for a man. Not just any man but men that they like. And a lot of women like young men.”

“You mean like me?”

“Of course Brad. Did you think those women that left the changing room door open, didn’t notice you looking at them?”

Brad’s face had almost returned to it’s normal color only to again rapidly redden. “I wasn’t really look…”

Tasha touched a finger to Brad’s lips. “Shhh, it’s alright. I’m sure that they were as flattered as I am. You’re a very cute guy. I can’t believe that none of those sexy young classmates have given you a nice close look.” Tasha smiled wickedly. She was pressing herself into Brad, she could feel his soft cock through the thin skirt.

Brad began to feel comfortable in her arms. “I’m sort of shy around girls. I’m not sure what to say or do.”

“You’ll get over it. You just have to get a little experience. Once you start, it all comes naturally. Ever kiss a girl?”

“Not really.”

Still holding Brad, Tasha pulled his head to hers. “Let me show you.” She felt a very slight resistance, then his lips were on hers and he kissed with his mouth closed, lips pursed. As he tried to move his head back, Tasha held him in place. She continued the kiss.

Brad felt her mouth opening as his lips pressed against hers. He began to tremble as he realized she was going to tongue kiss him. When her tongue slipped between his lips, Brad automatically opened his mouth. Her tongue touched his and he instinctively responded with his own tongue. In an instant, Brad’s nervous tremble disappeared.

Tasha ground her pelvis into Brad and was welcomed by the feel of his young, soft cock very quickly becoming rock hard. His lips were soft, she could smell the remains of his cologne. His tongue had suddenly gone wild. Tasha broke off the kiss. “Brad dear, you’ve got to slow down just a little. Let’s try it just a little softer.” She smiled and returned her lips to his. This time he met her lips without any prodding.

Brad was now aware of his hard cock and the warm body pressing against it. He could feel Tasha’s breasts pressing against his chest. He couldn’t believe that he was actually kissing her, feeling her. Tasha directed and controlled the kissing. She knew that the boy was feeling her, knew that he would do whatever she wanted, knew he would probably be happy to kiss her for hours. She felt his hand hesitantly pushing between them in search of her breast. When she touched his hand, he promptly drew it back.

“That’s alright. Want to feel them?” At his mumbled uh huh she moved his hand to her left breast and directed it in a circular motion around it. Brad felt the warm tit still separated from him by the cotton shirt. It was very firm and had a hard bump on the top. He had never been more thrilled.

“Put your hand inside Brad. Pinch my nipple.”

Brad slid his hand through the opening where the button was missing. He had his hand on her tit. He felt the hard bump of her nipple. He was still kissing her, deep french kisses. He pinched her nipple gingerly, as if it would break off in his fingers. It felt even better than he imagined it would.

“Pinch it a little harder Brad, pull on it a little.” Brad did as he was told. Tasha loved to have her nipples manipulated. She wanted them sucked. She pulled away from Brad, unbuttoned her shirt and marveled at the awe in the eyes of the young boy. He looked at her tits as if they were the most beautiful in the world.

“Do you like them?”

“God you’re so beautiful.” he said, and he meant it. To him these were not smallish middle aged tits but magnificent globes to be worshipped.

“Kiss them Brad. Kiss them and suck them.”

Brad began kissing her breasts then sucking at the nipples. Tasha held his head in her hands and directed his movements. “Harder honey, suck harder.” Tasha was in ecstacy. He did exactly as he was told. He sucked wildly on her long hard nipples. His mouth pulled the nipples, stretching her breasts outward. Tasha’s pussy was wet from the excitement. She always got wet when her nipples were sucked and pinched but this was better than usual.

Tasha forced one leg between Brad’s legs. She felt his hard cock against her leg, she pressed herself into the hardness. Her short skirt rode up and allowed her bare pussy to ride Brad’s leg. Her bare leg felt the heat of Brad’s shaft radiating through the thin lycra material of his shorts.

As one nipple began to get tender, Tasha pulled the hot young mouth away and moved it to the other. Like a puppy sucking for life, Brad resisted leaving the hard nipple but obeyed, then clamped excitedly on the new nipple when his lips felt the stiff nub. Tasha was in paradise, her young student was completely under her control. He would do exactly what she wanted, when she wanted, for as long as she wanted. She kept the eager mouth busy on her tits, first one then the other with occasional breaks for deep tongue kissing.

Brad never imagined that sucking tits would be so wonderful. When Tasha pulled his head away from her nipple, he looked at the beautiful brown crown. The brown areola seemed even darker than when he began. It was now glistening with his saliva. The nipple looked huge, stood out from her breast, pulled to new heights by his sucking. There was a small drop of saliva hanging from the end of the nipple. Before she had a chance to move his head to the other breast, Brad instinctively licked the nipple one last time.

Brad could feel her leg rubbing and pressing into his cock. He could feel his hard sinewy shaft being pressed into his own stomach. He could feel her riding up and down his thigh, feel the touch of her bare skin against his leg below his shorts. He noticed a wet feeling on his thigh. He didn’t know that women get wet when they are aroused, but he knew something good was happening.

Tasha’s cunt was very wet with her juice. She enjoyed the sudden slickness as her pussy dragged along his leg. Then she felt Brad tense up, his sucking on her nipple became stronger, he bit hard on the bud in his mouth. He groaned and pumped his hips into Tasha’s leg. “Oh shit, he’s cumming already.” she thought. She felt the cock jerking beneath the light material. She felt the warm moist cum that soaked his shorts. She pressed her bare thigh into the hard cock, into the warm cum. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him.

After the wave of pleasure, Brad felt a feeling of embarrassment.

“I’m sorry Tasha. I couldn’t help it.” he stammered.

Tasha put her hand inside his shorts, she grasped the young cock, rubbing it lovingly as she felt that it had softened only slightly. “Brad, that’s ok dear. That’s normal.”

As she felt his warm meat, she was surprised to find that it wasn’t going soft as she expected. “Oh Brad, you have a very large one don’t you? Does this feel good?” Tasha felt the shaft throb in response to her gentle stroking.

She took Brad’s hand, directing it under her skirt. “Would you like to feel me too?.”

“Oh yes!”

Brad cautiously allowed Tasha to direct his hand into her waiting bush. He felt the moist hair, the soft flesh of her lips. He very carefully explored her pussy as Tasha gently directed his fingers.

“Is this the first time you’ve touched a woman?”

“Y…y…yes.” was the nervous reply. “Is it ok? ”

“Why don’t I take off this skirt so you can see what you’re doing”, Tasha smiled warmly, kissing Brad tenderly. “You slip out of your shorts for me too – ok?” As she said this, Tasha didn’t wait for an answer, she hooked her thumbs in his waistband and pulled his shorts down. Brad’s semi rigid cock bounced as the waist band snapped over it. Tasha’s eyes widened as she saw the thick sweet meat inches from her. She marvelled that he was already on his way to another hard-on.

Brad was speechless. He was getting hard again. He was terribly aroused. He watched his cock bobbing next to Tasha’s face and it excited him. He was mesmerized as she slipped her skirt off and he saw the triangle of dark hair, he could see the hair between her legs sparkle with the wet of her pussy juice.

Tasha lay down on her back, feet on the floor and legs bent. She spread her legs to give Brad a good view. “Come kneel here Brad dear.” as she motioned to the area between her legs.

Brad obediently knelt between her legs. “Can I touch it some more?” a soft, hesitant voice said.

Tasha was now feeling wildly lascivious and nasty. “Yes Brad, I want you to. It’s my pussy dear, not an ‘it’.” As she said this, Tasha spread her cunt lips for Brad’s inspection. Brad’s cock resumed the swelling as he stared at the soft pink flesh of her pussy. In none of his sex magazines had he ever seen anything as exciting and wonderful as this. Tasha looking down at Brad was pleased to see his cock rising into full erection at the sight of her cunt. “Rub it dear. Rub my pussy. Look, right here at the top, rub it there.” Tasha’s clit was engorged and stimulated, a firm button waiting to be manipulated.

Brad rubbed the button with his finger, softly at first then harder and harder. It felt so hard compared to the soft surrounding flesh. He didn’t say a word, but Tasha could hear his breath coming hot and heavy as he became increasingly aroused. She pinched her nipples and rocked her hips gently as the neophyte finger pressed her pleasure point.

“Ohhh…. good, umm.., use your thumb Brad. Rub it with your thumb and push your finger in me.”

“Like this? Is this right?” as he felt the wet warm hole swallow his finger. Without realizing it, Brad slid two fingers into the slippery cunt, his thumb grinding against her clit. Tasha’s hips rocked back and forth, causing Brad’s fingers to slip in and out. Without knowing it, Brad was finger fucking her. His head was close to the sensuous slit, his eyes straining to see every detail of this, the first pussy he had ever seen.

Tasha felt his warm breath on her cunt. She looked at the face so close to her pussy that his nose was almost touching it. His expression was a mixture of intensity and pleasure. “Kiss it Brad! Kiss my pussy!”

She felt his lips against her and pushed her cunt into his face.

“Tongue kiss me, tongue kiss the slit!”

Brad buried his tongue in her pussy. He knew what eating pussy meant and now he was really doing it. Brad’s mind was reeling. He liked it! He tasted her pussy and adored it. He felt the wet, slippery pussy sliding over his face and loved it. He licked faster and faster, digging his tongue into the hole. He smelled the strange new pussy smell and got even more excited.

Tasha put her hands on his head and pulled him into her. “Harder dear! Lick me harder!… Oh god! …. Ohh! You’re good Brad, sooo good….. do you like it?…..don’t stop!”

Brad managed a muffled “yes” but Tasha would not release the pressure on his head long enough for him to speak. She just kept driving her pelvis up to meet the phenomenal little tongue which was licking her to a frenzy.

She startled Brad as she began to orgasm wildly. She moaned loudly and suddenly. She snapped her legs together pinning Brad’s head between her thighs, then quickly opening them. Her hands gripped his hair, pulled his mouth into her. Brad felt the excitement in Tasha’s body, he felt the warm burst of new liquid in her pussy, he tasted the new taste. “More baby, more! Keep it up! Give me your hand.”

Brad pushed a hand towards Tasha’s face without removing his face from her crotch. Tasha placed his hand on her breast. Without instruction Brad began squeezing the hard nipple. “Yesss Brad!…. Pull it, pinch it hard!”

Tasha lay back and relaxed just a bit, enjoying the boundless energy and excitement of her young lover. “Don’t stop dear. You’re doing it just right.”

She placed one hand on his head, massaged her clit with the other hand as the boy continued to suck and lick her. Tasha felt the next orgasm building in her. She kept Brad working on her, encouraged him but it wasn’t really necessary. He was so aroused that he was not about to stop.

“Oh Brad!….Good, baby, good… good. Rub my ass baby….no, no… push your finger in my ass! Ohh, push dear…. rub your finger in my pussy… now push it in my ass… it won’t hurt me… push it in.”

Brad rubbed his hand over her ass. At her insistence he pressed his finger into the crack of her ass. She raised up for him and his finger found the tight puckered ass hole. As he pushed his finger into the hole he felt the resistance of the dry skin. He moved the finger to her pussy, bathed it in the slick pussy juice. When he returned his finger to her ass, he pressed it to the hole and it slid in with little resistance. Her ass was hot inside. He gently pumped his finger back and forth.

“Ohhh god, I’m gonna cum again! Harder Brad. Lick me hard right now! Fuck my ass!!

Brad licked and sucked, excited that he was making this woman scream and moan. He felt her cum. He sucked her pussy, desiring to taste her cum again. He felt her asshole tighten on his finger.

He was also aware of his cock. He wanted to rub his cock. He wanted to jack off. His balls were almost aching. But his hands were too busy. He was desperate to please Tasha. He didn’t want to stop eating her, fingering her ass, pinching her nipple.

As Tasha’s orgasm rolled through her she marvelled that a virgin could get her this aroused. She bucked and writhed, moaned and yelled as her body filled with electric charges. Her pussy felt hotter than ever. She wanted more!

Tasha grabbed Brad’s head, dragged him roughly by the hair. Brought him to her mouth and kissed him wildly. Brad felt her tongue digging into his mouth. Tasha tasted her pussy as she sucked his mouth. She felt his smooth muscular chest pressed against her breasts. She rubbed her tits into him, knowing her nipples were as hard as small pebbles. She used her legs to pull his cock against her pelvis. His cock was harder than any cock she had ever felt.

Brad returned the kisses. He liked feeling her nipples grinding into his chest. He could feel them, and he liked it. He felt his cock rubbing against her pussy hair. His balls were rubbing against her wet cunt.

“Fuck me baby! I want you to fuck me! Your cock feels so hard… you know what to do? ” Tasha panted into his ear.

“Can I? I want to, I want to fuck you.”

Feeling Brad’s clumsy efforts to get his cock into her pussy, Tasha reached between them and took his stiff member in her hand. “Slow down. Let me do this for you” she cooed softly. She began stroking his cock for him. “Does that feel good?”

“Ohh yes! I’m sorry I wasn’t doing it right.”

“Shhhh, you’re doing just fine. You know you’re a very good lover Brad. Look down, see how I’m rubbing you against me? That’s a good way to start.”

Brad saw Tasha rubbing the head of his cock around her pussy. Her pussy was soft and slippery with pussy juice. With her other hand she spread her pussy lips and rubbed his cock head against her clit.

“Now you do it.”

Brad leaned back, took his cock in hand and continued rubbing his cock around the wet cunt. Tasha spread her pussy lips, forcing her clit to bulge out. Brad rubbed his cock against the firm button. Tasha moaned.

“I want to fuck you. I want to put my cock in. Can I do it now?”

Brad was excited, Tasha knew he was getting anxious. “Push it in dear, slowly.”

Tasha spread her legs wide and enjoyed the feel of the hard young cock slowly pressing into her. Brad followed instructions and pressed his cock in slowly. There wasn’t much resistance. Once inside her he began to fuck. Within seconds he was fucking her hard. Tasha wrapped her legs around his ass and tried to control the pace but Brad was just to excited.

She felt the young cock ramming into her like an animal. Tasha couldn’t recall ever being fucked harder. What he lacked in technique was more than made up for in energy. Soon Tasha was pumping madly in response to the rapid strokes of Brad’s cock. She locked her ankles together behind his ass, trying to pull him deeper into her hot hole on each down stroke. She flexed her cunt muscles, straining to squeeze the hard rod that pounded into her. She was aware of how stiff his cock felt. Were all teen boys this hard she wondered. It had been so long since she was that young, she didn’t remember their cocks being this good.

“Ohhhh god Brad, you’re so damned hard. Don’t stop. Ohhhhh!”

Brad felt her pussy wrapped around his cock. Her hole wonderfully warm and wet. His cock almost hurt, it felt so good. He couldn’t speak, he was breathless, he was excited beyond his wildest dreams.

Tasha began rubbing her clit, wanting desperately to have another orgasm. Her nipples had become extremely sensitive. The feel of Brad’s chest bumping into her tits as he slammed into her was exquisite ecstasy. Her clit was burning as she rolled it around beneath her finger. Tasha smelled the blend of odors enveloping her. She could smell her own sweat blending with the sharp male odor of Brad. The aroma from her pussy poured out with the flow of cunt juice which his cock pumped out. The smell of his cum, left over from his first ejaculation, was now made stronger by the heat of his body. All of these odors filled her nostrils, surging into her brain, turning on all of her sexual switches. The hot musty smell of pure raw sex filled the air. Tasha breathed deeply, drinking in the sensation surrounding her.

Brad had lasted a long time for a young boy. Having cum once already, his body seemed to be taking it’s time building a new supply of semen. Tasha was thankful for that. Now she felt his body getting ready for his next explosion. She knew it before he did. He began fucking her even faster. His breath was more rapid. It seemed she could feel his cock expanding. Then she felt it, the sudden warmth in her pussy as his cum flooded into her. The pulsing of his cock as he shot the warm fluid from his wide mushroom head. The friction of his cock against her pussy walls lessened. He grunted over and over as each burst of cum was released from the depth of his balls. Over and over it seemed, he just kept cumming.

The feel of his cum was enough to bring Tasha that next orgasm that she wanted. Her finger punished her clit mercilessly, striving for the maximum orgasmic sensation possible. The waves of warmth and pleasure that rolled through her body were beyond belief. As her body convulsed in pleasure, she increased the pressure of her legs on Brad, locking him into her. Her cunt closed around his hard cock, milking him of every drop of cum he was able to produce.

Brad screamed in rapture. He saw lights flashing in his head. His whole body seemed to be experiencing bolts of lightning on every nerve. Whatever he had thought about fucking, had not been great enough. With the last burst of cum spent from his cock, he went limp. He lay atop Tasha, hot and sweaty.

Tasha felt the dead weight of the youth above her. She kissed him softly, stroked her fingers through his hair. She felt his cock, now soft, still in her cunt. She thought about rolling him over, taking his cock in her mouth. She wondered how long it would take her to bring it back to life. How many times could he fuck her?

She kissed his lips.

“I love you Tasha”, he said very seriously.

Tasha put her finger to his lips. “Shhhh.” She thought for a few minutes. “Being in love feels good doesn’t it?”

“Oh wow yes! I never..”

Tasha interrupted him. “I’m happy that you’re in love with me dear. If you are really in love with me, then you have to promise me that you will trust me and do what I say.”

“I do love you. I’ll do anything for you.” came the earnest reply.

“Well then, I’ll teach you how to make love to a woman, I’ll give you the confidence you need to talk to girls. Then you’ll have to show me you love me by going out with some girls at school. I’ll be very hurt if I spend time teaching you, then you don’t use what I teach you.”

“But Tasha, I love you. I don’t want to go out with those girls. I want you to teach me to make love to you. I’ll do anything you want. But I only want…”

Tasha again put her fingers gently on his lips. “Brad, you promised. Now lets clean up. It’s late and your mom will be wondering what happened. And you mustn’t tell anyone that we are lovers – not even your best friend.”

“I won’t. I really won’t.”

Later that night, as Tasha lay in her bed, she idly fingered herself. She was thinking about the pleasant task ahead, training her young charge to please a woman. Wondering how she would be able to wean him from her.