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Hidden Camera (mf-teens, oral, voy)



My sister Kristy was almost 18 when this incident happened. She was very popular at school and was always the leader in her group of friends. She was a big success in class and even the extra curricular things she did like cheerleader squad leader, and even president of her class made her reputation even better.

I on the other hand was at 17-year-old geek, a skinny undersized little girl who was always following in my older sister’s shadow. In class my teachers would always expect me to be able to do what “Kristy had done” and I’d always have her held up to me as an example of what was the perfect student. I pretty much resented everything about my older sister.

It was the summer between Kristy’s junior and senior year of high school that the tables were turned. Up until that time I pretty much was bossed around by her all the time. Even our parents made me obey my sister and of course I’d get the old, “Why can’t you be more like your sister” speech at least once a week back then.

That all changed when Kristy started dating Dustin. He was the captain of the school varsity football team and the most sought after catch anywhere. Of course likes tend to gravitate toward each other and Dustin and Kristy became a “thing” around school. They started dating regularly about half way through Kristy’s junior year. Before the first month of their new relation was over I found out something about them that changed things between us for the rest of our lives.

Because both of our parents worked we’d be on our own from 3 to 5:30 every weekday afternoon. Our high school let out at 2:30 every day and it’d take about a half hour to get our stuff together and walk the 12 blocks home. We both had after school activities that would keep us at school a few days a week until just before mom would get home. Kristy had cheerleading practice twice a week and since she was president of the junior class she had to stay after on Mondays to discharge her duties on the student council.

I was a member of the Photography Club that met every Tuesday — but on this particular Tuesday the teacher who oversaw the meetings was out with the flu. Therefore I was home at 3 pm instead of my normal 5:30.

Not thinking that anything might be going on that I shouldn’t know about I charged into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. I probably slammed the door, which I’m always getting blasted for doing. As I was walking over to the fridge I heard a noise coming from upstairs.

I remember thinking that it was a strange sound. There were thumping and hushed whispers, I was sure, but when Kristy hurried into the kitchen with Dustin following her a few moments later I knew what had happened. They had been messing around. I could tell by the look in my sister’s eyes, by the way she was breathing. She looked guilty of something.

I looked at Dustin and was shocked! I could tell that his pants had been messed with. The fly on his jeans was buttoned up one button off. What had they been up to I wondered? I couldn’t imagine my sister doing anything nasty with a boy, but the way they were acting I was sure that they were up to something.

Not being stupid I pretended that I hadn’t noticed and went outside to think. I quickly realized that I was very interested in what my sister and her handsome boyfriend had been up to and when I thought about it I was also very excited. I mean here were my sister and her boyfriend doing something sexual in our house, right beside my bedroom. I decided that I had to find out what they were doing. And I quickly formulated a way to do just that. (Don’t forget, I’m NOT stupid.)

For the past year I had been taking photographs of just about everything. I was really into it and wanted to become a professional photographer when I grew up. (Didn’t happen.) So it was nothing for me to set my big bossy sister up for a photo session without her knowledge.

That weekend I fixed a tripod up in my closet. Since our house had the closets side by side my closet and hers backed up against each other’s bedroom wall. It was easy to drill a small hole just under the Vanhalin poster on Kristy’s wall that gave me a full view of her bed and most of the room.

Being pretty devious I made it plain that I’d be faithfully attending the Photography Club meeting the next Tuesday at dinner Monday night, to put my sister at ease.

Tuesday came and I was in my hiding place with my closet door closed. I didn’t know what to except but my heart was in my mouth when I heard Kristy giggling and Dustin’s deeper voice as they climbed the stairs.

I scrunched up to the hole and watched as my sister skipped into the room followed by her boyfriend. Kristy shut and locked her bedroom door then turned to Dustin and said, “Watch his boyfriend.”

I was shocked when she started to do a striptease in front of Dustin. It didn’t take very long before Kristy was standing there with nothing on except her sandals. I couldn’t believe my eyes; she was standing there against Dustin giving him deep kisses completely naked.

From somewhere within my subconscious I began to compare Kristy’s body with my own. She was older than me so her tits were bigger, but other than that we looked pretty much the same. Then my thoughts were interrupted when I saw them tumble to my sister’s bed.

I was really distracted when I saw Kristy start to pull at Dustin’s pants, tugging at his buttons and zipper. I watched breathlessly as I got my first sight of the male sex organ. And what an organ it was! His dick stood away from his flat stomach as if it was ready to do battle. I was shocked at how big it was but at the same time I was completely aroused by the fact that it was standing so stiff and ready for action.

I knew pretty much how sex was supposed to go, but seeing a guy’s dick all hard and ready like that made me reach down between my legs and start rubbing away.

I almost choked when my sister leaned over and took his dick in to her mouth. She started lapping at the exposed underside, and then bobbed her head down to consume at least half of Dustin’s length. Wow, it looked so perverted seeing Kristy giving her boyfriend a blowjob like that. Yeah, I knew what a blowjob was. But only because us girls talked about it in gym class after Sex Ed sessions. I didn’t really believe anyone actually did something like that. I’d always assumed that it was something whores did, or older married couples maybe.

But watching Kristy’s head bobbing over Dustin’s crotch was making me crazy, absolutely crazy. I was almost ready to come from watching the wild scene before me when I remembered the camera that had been discarded on the floor beside me. I stopped what I was doing and snapped a few pictures while Kristy was sucking away on Dustin with abandon. (There now I had some leverage that I could use at our next argument.)

I heard Dustin grown and jammed my eye back to the hole in the wall just as Kristy gagged — then she pulled her mouth off Dustin’s spurting dick. I watched in disbelief as several long jets of his sperm shot across Kristy’s body to land on her stomach and legs. It was just so perverted that I came too. I couldn’t help it; it was almost a surprise.

I couldn’t help making some sound when I came, but they didn’t seem to notice, they were oblivious to everything but the sexual act playing out between them. So was I actually, I think if something had exploded outside the house it would have gotten only passing notice. Watching a boy come like that was the biggest thrill of my life to date.

When Dustin was done coming I looked on as my sister leaned over and licked his dick until it looked as clean as a whistle. He watched her as she licked his sperm up and I could tell that she’d done it before by the way he held her afterwards, and the content smile on Kristy’s face.