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Bye-Bye Sexy Honey



For about a year, I have been on the internet, (I’m a big fan of A.S.S.T.r I enjoy a lot of the quality writing there, and even posted a few fictional stories myself.) I had been noticing a lot of Wife stories where the hubby allows her to screw around on him with impunity even after he’s being humiliated by her in the process. However I have seen few stories that tell of the husband’s revenge… this is my true story, and is one where the husband wins for once. Hope you enjoy it, it certainly beats going to a shrink to say the same thing.

Crystal and I were high school lovers, and although we wanted to get married right away, we both decided it would be best if we waited until after college when we had jobs to pay for our fun. I had gone out with several girlfriends before meeting her and so did she.

We were both virgins when we met at 16, and by our second date we had shed that label in a most loving, wonderful way. For us we understood that we were soul- mates and were destined to go through life together. We even tried dating other people our junior year of high school, but it didn’t work out.

We were simply meant for each other. Other people would come up to us on the street and say it, and when we went to our favorite clubs, no one ever approached us because it was so obvious. We went to the same college, and even moved in together so we could act as a married couple. Even our friends all thought we were the perfect couple and asked why we hadn’t married yet… We told them why, and that was usually that.

After graduation I got a job with a business training firm, and she got her teaching degree and went to work in our old alma mater teaching 11th grade English.

Our problem was never sex… in fact we had sex 3 or 4 times a day and still wanted more. She didn’t have a class for 2 hours after lunch, so I’d go get her, and we’d fuck our brains out somewhere. Folks knew what was up when I left for lunch, but still brought back something from McDonalds, as did she…

So…what was the problem? Well after 10 years with the company,, they asked me to take over a regional sales management position for a nice 6 figure salary. After discussing it with Crystal, I took the job! She had wanted to leave teaching anyway and with this kind of money she could do it. That’s when the company dropped the other shoe.

In order to get the job, I’d have to learn the traveling ropes for the first year, usually 5 to 7 day trips, twice a month, and then I could stay permanent at the office. With our marriage and our sex life being so active, I didn’t know, but Crystal said to go. It’s only for a year, and we could get wild with the built up energy!

Believe me folks we did… in fact the police showed up at the door one night after my return from a 10 day trip because the neighbors had called to report the screams coming from our house. We had been making love outside on the second story deck and well… I’d call her every night before she went to bed, and it would usually end up as a hot phone fuck session where she used her favorite vibrating dildo (A vinyl cast of me… cost a fortune, but worth every cent.) to come to a screaming orgasm as I jacked my cock to the same end.

We both had plenty of chances to stray too. She would go out with the girls to some hot clubs, and I had plenty of chances to meet other travelers for a discreet one-nighter. Neither of us did cheat, or so I had thought.

With the extra time on her hands, Crystal had gotten involved in local service groups, and joined a local health club. She was now even more gorgeous than when I had met her at 16! Her body was tight, and she had stamina that could now match mine, which doubled the length of our fucking sessions leaving us both walking around the next day in a wonderful post-orgasmic haze. But things had begun to change subtly, but they had changed.

The sex was still awesome, but she was a little too eager to give that little extra bit of attention. In addition, even though we had a pretty wild sex life, she began surprising me with new techniques in bed and she suddenly wanted to experiment with new things.

When I asked her what was up, she got her ‘oh shit I’m in trouble’ look on her face and made up something about one of her girlfriends mentioning it, and she wanted to try. I wrote off the look as worry that I might not approve and told her that if she wanted to try something new, all she had to do was ask! I told her how much I loved every fiber of her being, and as long as we weren’t trying it with someone else first, it was great to do different things in bed to keep the excitement alive. The look got even more intense, and loaded with guilt, as she told me she loved me and went to sleep.

Even so, I started feeling that something was up, so I paid a little more attention to things. I noticed that she had really built up her wardrobe, but there was very little cash taken out of the bank. I also noticed a subtle change in the way she walked, the way she dressed, even the way she kissed now… there was still the air of sex but it had intensified slightly. If not for the other signs, I would have been flattered that I could bring this out of my wife.

The straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, and ended our love came about a month before our divorce. I had been out of town on a trip that got cut short, and came home early. I really wasn’t tired, but Crys had mentioned something about a ‘girls night out’ at her favorite club, and I thought I’d surprise her. We hadn’t fucked in the back seat for a long time, and I sure was ready to try. I wasn’t sure of the club’s name, so I looked in her top drawer which is where we both throw cards, and numbers and stuff.

Actually I hadn’t been in there in months, so I was surprised to see a bunch of matchbooks, and what looked like business cards inside. I looked at one and my heart stopped. It read “MIKE XXX-XXXX call me if you want another session like tonight you were wonderful! XOXO” Not my Crystal… no… not after 10 years of marriage, and surely not with our sex life! She couldn’t.

I looked on the cover, and it pointed me at a local dance club. There were 10 or 15 other books in the drawer, and she didn’t smoke… Something in me snapped and I had to see if this were true, so I went.

It took me about 20 minutes to find her, but I did. She looked stunning! She was wearing a black spandex mini dress that I had never seen her in before. It accentuated her fabulous figure, and even pushed up her 36c’s a little more. The pearl necklace I got her shimmered in the light, and caught the shine of her beautiful blonde hair. Her long legs were covered by sheer black stockings, and accentuated by her 3 inch ‘fuck me’ heels that she used to like to wear in bed.

She was sitting with some of her friends, and some guys at a table, and had obviously been drinking all night. She always flirted more when she got a couple drinks into her, and she was all over some guy at the table. When she and her best friend got up to go to the bathroom they were walking pretty unsteadily, so I sat back and waited.

The bartender came up and asked what I wanted. He obviously knew what I was looking at, when he asked me if I was interested in her. I looked back and asked him why he thought that. He told me that she had started coming here a couple of months ago with some friends.

At first she was there just to have a good time, but he knew something was up when she and her friend started hanging around with the other women at the table. I really wasn’t following him, so I asked him what was wrong with them? As far as I was concerned, they were gorgeous ladies… His reply was simple, and cut me straight through the heart…

“Yeah, but they’re all hookers man… They’re a group of frustrated housewives that come here to get fucked when their husbands are out of town. I really don’t think it’s for the cash though… especially the blonde you were watching. She only charges 100 bucks, and she could easily get 500 or a thousand if she wanted to… but since she usually does 4 or 5 guys a night, I guess she makes up for it in quantity!” He chuckled.

“Strange woman though,” he continued. “I tried to get her, but she says she only fucks guys that look like her husband. Guess it takes all kinds. But from the looks of you, you could get her easy!”

With that he gave me my drink and walked off. Talk about conflicting feelings. I knew she had a sex drive, but geez… “well,” my shocked brain thought, “at least she’s vicariously doing it with me…” God how stupid that sounds now.

I didn’t really want to know, but I asked the bartender, “Where do they go?” It was a small club, and there weren’t any cheap hotels near by so…

He told me “They pay 5 percent to the house, and use a small room in the back. They’ve had this arrangement for years and…” he stopped and asked, “You’re not a cop are you?”

“Naah,” I told him. “I’m her husband.” We watched as she stumbled back out and fell into a guys lap. She giggled, and asked him where his hands were, as she put one right on her tight little ass.

He went white, and was about to call the bouncer when I stopped him, and asked, “Do you really want to keep this business going?” He just nodded, “Then help me nail the bitch, and I’ll forget I was ever here.” He thought about it for a minute, and motioned for me to follow him back.

She had progressed to placing one of his hands on one of her tits. It seems there was a video set up back in the converted office to ‘protect the girls’ as he said. There was a simple king size bed, and a small radio in the room.

“I guess they’re paying for it so…” was my only reply, even thought there were a few too many cameras for just protection. I asked him if they ever taped the sessions, and he said they did. GOT HER!! He told me that a couple of the girls had asked to be taped so they could sell the tapes to amateur porn buyers. “But your wife doesn’t let us so…”

“Get a tape,” was my only reply.

It took a while, and I watched a couple of other women cum and go, and even found a friend’s wife there. He was out of town too, so I kept that tape for him.

Crystal staggered into the room about an hour later with the guy she had been cuddling up to at their table. I reached over and turned on the audio, and as I hit RECORD, I heard her chatting with the guy. He handed her the cash, and asked about her wedding ring, and she said she loved me more than anything else on earth, but when I was gone, she just had to get some relief!

She told him how we fucked like crazy, and she had never found anyone to match my ability to please her but I traveled a lot now, and she really needed the sex to keep her sane. It would only be another couple of months so what was the harm? The money was good, I’d never know and she’d be happy.

He laughed, and asked her if he looked like me, and when she smiled and said, “Tonight your name is Douglas.” he got the hint. “Lucky guy,” were the last words he uttered as she sat on the edge of the bed, and unzipped his pants.

Crystal could suck cock like nobody’s business. She knew just how to transform her mouth into a warm, loving place that never failed to transport me to the heights of ecstasy. That loving thought exploded by the realization that she was taking another man to my nirvana. She had slipped a condom over his dick, (Small consolation, no pun intended) and had gone to work.

Within seconds his hips were bucking into her face as he reached around to pull her head into his crotch. She played with his balls, eliciting a groan from her client as she worked a little harder to get him off, ‘must’ve been a busy night’ was all I could think. Just before he exploded, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back.

“Not yet! I want my 100 bucks worth, and we had a deal.”

She smiled as she stood up and kissed him. He winced from the taste of the rubber, then relaxed and let her pull away. He got undressed and sat on the bed as she did a sexy striptease for him. God she was beautiful! My last loving thought about my dear wife dissolved in a red rage as I saw her push him back on the bed, and mount his cock. Crystal had the most amazing cunt muscles, and could get you off without moving her hips once. I knew that was her plan when she started moaning, “Feels good doesn’t it honey? You like my pussy, don’t you, Douglas?”

All he could do was gasp as she took him to a higher sexual plane. He was ready to burst when she hopped off and told him, “Not yet Duggy, you have to pleasure me first.”

She laid back on the bed and spread those long lovely legs wide, and gently guiding him in. I watched her eyes go all hazy as he began to please her with his tongue. She always came quickly, and often this way and I watched as she had three quick orgasms in the span of about 5 minutes followed by an earth shaker 10 minutes later.

After drifting down from her little cloud, she pulled him up on the bed next to her. He whispered something in her ear, and she told him that would cost extra. He pulled out some more bills and she nodded. She took off her pearls and he slid up her torso, kissing her all over until he reached her breasts. He put his cock in between them and started pumping.

At the top of each stroke, she would lick playfully at his head kissing it occasionally as he fucked her tits. He was using her favorite dildo to get her off as he fucked her tits faster and faster. She started cumming again, and squeezed his cock hard as she launched into her own orgasm. “I love you Douglas!” she screamed as her orgasm overtook her. That was all it took for him, and he shot his load hitting her in the chin, and running down her neck. “How do you like your new pearl neckalce?” he asked.

She was lost in the orgasm, and mumbled another, ‘I love you’ as she came down. They lay there for a few minutes and he told her how lucky he thought I was to have her (Yeah right) and he would miss her when she stopped coming here. She kissed him, and went back out into the fray, trolling for another hundred buck fuck to keep her happy.

I watched, and taped, her fuck 3 more guys that night including a threesome where she took it in the ass as well as in her tight little cunt. The look of pleasure on her face was indescribable as she dissolved in her last orgasm of the night, and said goodbye to the guys as they left. I also said goodbye to my love for my wife at that point. I grabbed my tape and headed for home, not forgetting to tip the bartender 500 for his help and silence.

I took a cab to a hotel that night, and was sure to call her to let her know I’d be home later that day. She had a dinner party planned at our house that night, for some of the folks that she worked with, and I told her I’d catch a cab from the airport and not to worry. What I didn’t tell her was that I had to make a stop at my lawyer’s before I got home, he was invited to the party anyway, but… She must have been waiting for me.

She came to the door wearing nothing but a red ribbon! I was surprised, and thought, “What the hell!” as I fucked her crazy before we had to change to get ready for the party. Much to my feigned surprise, she wanted me to fuck her tits, and I left her with a nice warm pearl necklace. “Where’d you learn that?” I asked with a knowing grin… Again the guilty look appeared on her face. This was going to be good.

People began streaming in around 7, and dinner went well. As everyone was finishing with their meal, I stood up and invited them all into the TV room, as I had found a most interesting video on my last trip. I looked at my lawyer, and he nodded and went for his briefcase.

I had a chair ready for Crystal in front of the large projection screen, and she sat there, center of attention as I started the tape. I moved to stand behind her as the tape began with a pan over the club that showed her and her girlfriends, two of whom were at the party, carrying on with some guys. The guests stood in stunned silence as we watched them partying with men that weren’t their husbands.

She started to get up, but my firm pressure on her shoulders kept her in her seat. The tape faded to one of the other women at the party who was in the middle of a wild fuck with a man in that room. Her husband caught her as she fainted with the realization that she had just been caught fucking around. He looked over at me, and wondered what was up, until…

The tape faded to a shot of her entering the room with her first man of the night. She started crying uncontrollably when she realized that I knew!!We watched the first incident, complete with money exchanging hands twice. I told the crowd I had achieved my purpose, but in order to save time and prove this wasn’t just a one time thing, I hit the fast forward button, and we watched her other ‘customers’ fucking her right there for all to see.

After the tape ran out, I shut off the screen, hit rewind, and took a paper from my lawyer. It was a pre- nuptial agreement we had made up, more for fun than anything else, and I read it to the folks assembled. It told of our undying love for one another, and stated one thing: We wanted to be open and honest with each other, and if one partner should violate that trust in a way which leads to divorce, they would leave the marriage with nothing more than what the other partner granted them.

I addressed the folks: “As you can see my wife has been less than honest and open with me in her extra- curricular activities.” I turned to look at her, “Crystal, for almost 20 years I have loved you with every fiber of my existence. I have never fucked around on you, and tried to make you happy in bed, and you never once told me you needed more.”

She began to protest but I held up my hand silencing her.

“I have to admit, had you come to me and told me that you needed someone to keep you satisfied while I was gone, I probably would have allowed you to take one lover as long as you took the proper precautions, and still came back to me exclusively when I’m home.”

She looked up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, and for the briefest second, I couldn’t continue. Then the sound of the tape snapping to a stop in the VCR brought me back to reality.

“What you did was lie to me and share your most precious gift, yourself, with others… for money. Oh, it was my name you were yelling out when you came, but it was another man’s cock giving you that pleasure, and another man’s money in your purse. We were virgins when we met, and up until last night, I thought we were the only lovers each other would ever have or want…”

I choked.

“But last night, in the span of 4 hours you destroyed every shred of love I have for you. And I can never forgive you for that.”

She was sobbing uncontrollably now as I finished.

“I apologize to my guests for having disrupted our dinner that way, but she took our love public, and for money, so I chose to end it in public. The difference is I shared it with her instead of with an endless parade of paying strangers. Crystal will be gone tomorrow, and I will be the worse for it. I loved you Crys… why wasn’t that enough?”

I turned and went to my room, where the pain finally overtook me and I cried myself to sleep. Crystal packed her things in silence and left while I lay there crying. The only thing she left was a note taped to the door.

“I’m so sorry my love, you are my world, and I hope that when the shock wears off we can work this out. I don’t know what happened to me, but I will love you forever. Crystal.”


I never got back with Crystal. The incident occurred 2 years ago, and she hasn’t been in my house since. I heard through the grapevine that she had gone back to teaching, but a friend told me she was still hooking at the club. I went there more out of curiosity than anything else, and saw her there. Not as beautiful as before. She had put on a few pounds, and her hair wasn’t as perfect as she liked to keep it, I noticed she had started smoking.

I ran into that bartender again, and he told me it wasn’t hard to figure out what had happened. She had stopped coming in for about 3 months and then appeared again. He told me he thought something was missing from her… as if her spirit had been crushed. I just looked at him and ordered a beer. When I turned around I saw her walking to the back room with a guy who looked surprisingly like me.

As I got up to leave, I heard the last words I would ever hear in that sweet voice: “Tonight your name is Douglas…”