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Al Lambert had gone to a party with her older brother JT Lambert. The party was at the house of his girlfriend, Sara. All the others from school were there and everyone was having a good time. Sara’s parents were away for the weekend and the girl had decided to throw the party.

There was plenty of booze and drugs floating around the house and Al was drinking heavily. She’d intended to have a good time But she drank too much alcohol and had become ill.

Al stripped off hr shirt and bra, leaving her topless from the waist up. Her youthful tits bounced free of their confinement. She sighed and got comfortable on the bed. She was in Sara’s bedroom.

Yeah, that was much better. She’d been so hot and the cool air on her tits felt so good. It made her nipples hard. It made her feel sexy.

It was so nice of Sara to find somewhere nice and dark for her to rest and lie down. Al Lambert wasn’t used to drinking so much. Hell, she wasn’t used to drinking at all. She was glad Sara had turned off the lights, because watching the room spin made her dizzy.

For a brief moment she wondered where her bra was. Then she moaned as her nipple was carresed by a pair of lips. “Mmmm,” Al said as her hips trembled. “Mmm,” she mumbled, even though she didn’t want it to stop. No one had ever kissed her tits before and it felt wonderful, especially when the hands lifted her up, pressing her sensitive flesh against his nipping lips as he pulled her blouse off her shoulders.

Al felt the snap of her tight jeans being undone and she panted and sighed at the sudden freedom as the pressure on her stomach was releived. Her sigh grew as his hand carressed her belly. As she felt her jeans being pulled down over her hips she vaguely thought she ought to protest, but she couldn’t understand why, since the fondling fingers on her body felt so good, especially when they pressed into the soft globes of her ass, lifting her off the bed, her jeans sliding down her legs and away.

As the insistant fingers slid under the waistband of her panties and burrowed into her pubic hair, she began to think that, as nice as the fondling hands felt on her quivering body, it probably wasn’t something she should let go on. “Y’shudunh haf y’han–oooh!” His finger slipped into her pussy lips, pressing onto her clit. It felt good. It felt really good.

Her pelvis fluttered as his fingers delved into her pussy. Al didn’t want him to stop, but she really had to try to make him stop. When his other hand began to slide her panties down, she tried to grab his hand and push him away, but her body wouldn’t do what she wanted it do. Her hips just kept pushing her pulsing pussy into his caressing hand. “N-no,” she moaned, “don’ do tha’, don–mmmm, ooh, ooh, ooohh!” His fingers stroked her clit and she felt herself growing wet and hot. His lips returned to her tits, sucking her nipple forcefully into his mouth. “Oooh, good,” the girl sighed as her back arched, thrusting her plump breast up to his active tongue.

Then Al felt his naked body pressing onto hers, gasping when his stiff cock touched her leg. Through her alcoholic stupor, she began to realize he was going to fuck her. “Wohh, no, don’,” she slurred as his knees slid between hers and pushed them apart, positioning himself between her legs. “No, l.., don’t, don’t,” she mumbled as she felt his naked hips pressing against her thighs, spreading them wide apart.

Al tried to think of what to do to stop this, but all her aroused body would do is rub lewdly against the warm, bare skin pressing down onto her. “I don’, I don’ wann’, don’t– Oh!” She cried out at the pressure as his hard dick slid between her pussy lips and began to force itself up into her narrow virgin cunt. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” She tried to pull herself up and away from the thick spike piercing into her, but he held her by the shoulders, pinned under him as he drilled his hot prick deeper into her tight pussy.

“Ohh! Ohh!” Al moaned over and over, feeling her pussy lips wrapping snugly around his thick shaft, feeling his fat cockhead wedging in, prying open her quivering tunnel. Her head rocked back and forth even as her pelivs threw her cunt up at the invading flesh. The pressure against her clit ignited her passion and her moans intensified.

“Unggh!” She grunted when the broad head pressed onto her hymen. The Lanbert daughter suddenly realized she was about to lose her cherished virginity, but before she could make any protest, the thin membrane ruptured and split around the broad head of his penetrating prick and she yelped at the sharp stab of pain deep inside her. His huge cock drove in deeper, faster, and quickly she felt the crush of his belly against hers, his balls on her butt.

“Whuh! Nghh! Gnhh!” she grunted incoherently as his dick rapidly began thrusting sharply in and out of her pussy. The thick flesh grating harshly on the newly-opened wound inside her and she cried out at each harsh invasion. The fog of drunkenness began to lift. Al was being fucked. A boy’s cock was deep in her pussy and she was being fucked and she was too drunk to do anything about it. Terror overhelmed her as she suddenly realized he wasn’t wearing a comdom and she wasn’t on any kind of birth control. And it was the very worst possible time in her cycle.

The ache between her legs became pleasure and her stark fear faded, replaced with ecstacy. Each sharp jab of his cock into her sent a shiver of delight through her. The sweet friction on her clit enflamed and excited her, and she began to respond to his plunging prick by rolling her own hip up to meet each of his piercings. Al began to moan passionately, each stroke of his huge cock bringing her closer to orgasm. Her legs came up and wrapped around his, pulling his deeper into her, even though she knew the consequences of his bare cock pounding deep into her unprotected pussy, especially now when she was ovulating.

Suddenly her body shuddered under him as the wave broke, inundating her being with utter rapture. Her pussy spasmed on the immense fullness inside her. It responded to the rapid, rhythmic contractions by abruptly swelling and spearing tight and deep into her narrow passage. Through the alcohol-enhanced orgasmic rushes that shot through her body like delicious wildfire, she hoped the bloating didn’t mean he was about to come inside her. Al desparately didn’t want him to cum inside her.

The teenager saw the sharp grimace seize his face. Al heard his loud roar as his back arched. She felt the upward jerk of his cock and and the rippling pulse along the shaft. She moaned in passion and despair as she felt the thick spurt of cum burst from the tip of his cock and invade her pussy, spattering forcefully against her cervix. She felt her pussy suck and pull at his cock as it bulged again and then pumped another long jet of his semen deep into her womb.

Al knew her cycle. It was like clockwork. She knew one of her eggs was ready inside her, waiting to be fertilized. As his dick throbbed over and over inside her, flooding her with his seed, she knew one of the millions of tiny sperm now swimming within her would find its mark.

His cock jerked and pumped inside her sucking pussy, driving spurt after spurt of his thick creamy cum deep into her. She cried out as her rutting cunt bucked at each wrenching thump. Al felt her pussy go slick as it was filled to overflowing, felt their cum squishing out from between the tight seal of his slick dick slicing wetly into her sodden cunt, felt the velvety beads spatter onto her thighs and roll down her legs. The liquid sounds of their coupling filled her ears as he continued to pound into her, his cum spurting again and again out of his cockhead, her pussy sucking up every hot, rich drop, devouring it greedily and pulling at him for more.

The young girl yelped over and over, in ecstacy and in fear. Each powerful stab of his prick pounded stingingly into her cervix. Each sharp spasm of her pussy squeezed another great gush of cum out of his dick. Each searing torrent shot right into her womb, straight to the fertile egg hidden deep in her belly. She knew he was making her pregnant, she knew it, she knew it. She didn’t want a baby inside her, didn’t want her belly to bulge out with his child, didn’t want her breasts to swell with milk, but his cum was in her now and there was no way to stop it, to keep it from impregnating hte egg deep inside her.

Al screamed. Even as his balls finshed draining into her, even after he collapsed onto her heaving breasts, even after her sitll-sucking pussy squeezed his soft penis out of her cum drenched pussy, even after he lifted himself up off her and silently dressed and left, she screamed. Then she whimpered. Then she cried.

Sobbing, she slowly and carefully collected her clothes. Between the alcohol and the soreness, just standing was a major accomplishment. The only thing she couldn’t find was her panties.

Al put her jeans on without them and immediately noticed that the cum streaming out of her dripping pussy was now making a growing dark stain on her crotch. She just couldn’t stay in this room any longer. She hoped no one would notice.

When she went back into the living room, she found JT’s friend Josh, necking with his girlfriend on the couch. She asked, “W-where’s JTl?”

“Christ,” Josh grunted, “where the hell have you been? JT left hours ago after you hooked up with that black guy?” “B-black guy? What b-black guy?” Al asked confused.

“Yeah, right,” said Josh sarcastically. “The one with his tongue down your throat most of the night. JT’s pretty pissed with you just picking him up off the street, you know.”

Al tried not to hyperventilate. “Huh-have–have you seen him?” “I told you, he went home.” “N-no,” she cried, “the black guy!” “I think he just took off,” Josh said, motioning to the door before going back to suck face with his girlfriend.

Al raced to the door and ran out into the dark. The street was empty. She had been fucked while she was drunk and she had lost her virginity to a black guy. The worst thing was, Al couldn’t remeber anything prior to being fucked. She had no idea of what he looked like or what his name was.

When her period was late and the test kit showed positive, she thought it was the end of the world. Al had been knocked up by a black guy and she didn’t even know who he was or where to find him. Her parents were pissed when she told them she was pregnant.