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Dinner with Callie (very rom, MF, anal)



It was a quiet Friday evening at the Evans’ house. The boys had gone to Greg’s parent’s house for dinner and to go to see the Christmas lights. That left Greg and Callie alone until late that night, unless, of course, the boys convinced their grandparents to let them spend the night. The chances of that were good. Callie had made a simple dinner for them of grilled sausages with maple and cayenne, mashed potatoes with roasted garlic, and salad. They had sat on opposite sides of the large table in the dining room, Callie with her back to the kitchen. That allowed Greg to use the remote control on the stereo that was in the family room. He had put on some CD’s for dinner music and was adjusting the volume for the different songs that were played. They had turned down the lights and lit a pair of candles in the center of the table.

The house was dark except for the circle of light thrown by the candles and the low light over the table. Callie finished her dinner and stretched out in her chair, relaxing and humming along with the song that drifted in to the room. ‘This is great, honey!’ Greg said as he stood from the table, ‘Would you like any more?’ ‘No, thanks’ Callie responded and gave him a smile. She liked it that he complemented her food. He could sometimes be a bit of a ‘food snob’, but taking seconds told her that he really liked this meal. Greg took more sausage and salad from the kitchen counter and rejoined his wife at the table. Callie smiled at him as he sat down and asked him about his day. ‘How was work today?’ ‘Good’ he said, ‘I had to run a training meeting for the entire staff this morning, but I got a lot done in the rest of the day.’ ‘What was the training about?’ Callie asked. At this point, Greg began to explain the outline of the meeting he had led, going into several points about customer service, frequency of contact for maximum customer retention, client satisfaction and more. Callie was just smiling at him as he spoke and making the occasional nod or ‘Mmm Hmmm’ or ‘I see” If Greg had been watching her more closely, he would have noticed something and perhaps would have not been so surprised by what she soon did. You see, when Greg had left the room to refill his plate, Callie had begun a course that was leading them both down a path that they had not been down together in a long, long time. It was a long time ago and they had never ventured that path again. Until tonight. Callie was quietly masturbating under the table the entire time Greg had been talking. She had moved the dish of soft butter near her plate and had quietly slipped her panties down her thighs when Greg was out of the room. They dropped to the carpet and pooled at her feet. She had kicked them aside so they couldn’t be seen by anyone walking past the table. Her skirt covered her knees demurely as Greg returned to his spot opposite her. Callie had begun the conversation and pulled Greg into talking about his meeting, hoping he would start to open up and talk for some time. She knew that if she feigned interest, he would likely keep sharing his meeting with her for a long bit. It had worked before when it suited her and it worked now. Soon after Greg had started describing the finer points of the meeting, Callie had waited until he glanced down at his plate to gather some more of the salad. She then secretly dipped her fingers into the soft, warm butter and scooped some into her hand, then tucked her hand under the table. With her other hand, she drew her skirt to her waist, completely exposing her soft and dampening pussy to anyone who had bothered to look under the table. She smiled at her husband and started to caress the fine folds between her thighs with the slippery help from dinner. In the beginning, it was hard for her to keep from giggling as her husband continued his monologue of his meeting. She was looking directly at his face and gently stroking herself. Her focus soon started to soften as she looked at him, for she was stroking directly over the tiny hood of her clitoris. The room was softening and she was starting to warm up. The memory of the day was melting away as her heat melted the butter. The candles and the darkness as well as the dinner and wine were starting to work on her in several ways. But she was enjoying keeping this secret from him, at least for now. The wonderful aroma of melted butter blended with the equally heady aroma of an aroused woman. It seemed to fill the room. Callie thought that Greg was certain to notice and ask her about it, but she hadn’t needed to worry. The butter and her warmth were causing the scent to drift directly up from between her thighs to her nostrils, making it seem much more overpowering than it really was. It was doubtlessly adding to her sensual state-of-mind, though. Without thinking, she drew her warm, wet and slippery fingers from below the table and licked them clean, just as one would when eating a hot, buttery ear of corn. It was natural and casual, but Callie froze as she realized what she was doing as she finished. Greg, however, was blissfully ignorant and kept talking. Callie tried to cover her actions by adding a ‘Wow, that’s interesting!’ to the discourse. She smiled at her secret and at her arousal and stole another finger of butter under the table. She had slid forward in her chair, looking to Greg as if she was just very relaxed and comfortable after the meal. The position left her buns half off the edge of the oak chair and hovering in the air, with her legs spread wide. The new butter melted almost instantly into her pussy and allowed her to easily slide her middle finger completely into herself. She was now nodding to her husband as he changed from the exhausted subject of the meeting to the new office opening next week. Again, she might have laughed out loud had she not been feeling so hot and passionate and clandestine there. Instead she asked a few open-ended questions to encourage another discourse. She had her middle finger buried completely inside herself and was rubbing her clit from side to side with her thumb. The whole time, she kept smiling at Greg and helping the conversation along. ‘How do you think that will happen?’ she asked him. He launched into an explanation she hoped was a long one. At this point, the melted butter was flowing down and across her soft, tight anus, then coating her ass on it’s way south. She knew that it was soon going to start dripping from each cheek onto the carpet. She also knew that she would not stop and would have to clean up the spots on the carpet the next morning. She kept her right hand buried in her pussy, now slipping her index finger inside her to join her middle finger and still bumping her clit back and forth with her thumb. She felt fantastic, and if Greg had better light, or paused and really looked at her, he would have noticed something was definitely happening to her. She was softly panting through her slightly open mouth, and occasionally closing her eyes for a few moments. It looked for all the world like she was attempting to seduce her husband by batting her eyelashes at him sensually. Greg didn’t notice, however, and continued with his ignorant bliss. It was just adding to the amount of surprise he would feel when her covert acts were exposed. But it didn’t happen quite yet. Callie slipped her left hand to the side of the container of butter and waited for Greg to look away. It took a few minutes this time, but eventually he reached for the remote to bump the volume of Eric Clapton’s ‘Layla’ on the stereo. The music swelled into the room as the familiar guitar chords started. He looked at Callie and smiled. ‘I love this song,’ he said. Callie nodded, ‘Me too’. Her left hand was nowhere in sight. He continued to talk with her about the goings-on of his day while she listened attentively. It should be noted that Callie was not completely disconnected from the conversation, with Greg speaking to her and she remaining silent. On the contrary, she was adding encouraging comments throughout the meal. It was nearly impossible to tell, at least from the words she was speaking, what was happening beneath the table. Beneath the table, she now had one hand busy fucking and rubbing her pussy and was using the fingers of her other hand to press in tiny circles around her crinkled, rosebud ass. She had never really enjoyed Greg’s fumbled attempts to stimulate her anus and had not been particularly interested in teaching him how to improve. She had just made it clear that she was not interested in that.

They had experimented with that much earlier in their relationship and Callie had decided that it wasn’t for her. Of course, with Greg’s inexperience, she had little to go on. Her ass was virgin at the time, but Greg was a virgin at Greek lovemaking too. He had no idea how to please a woman there and he had not been successful. He had mostly respected her wishes about it and it had become a non-issue in their lovemaking. However, she had recently read an article about the late Princess Diana in the waiting room at the doctor and it talked a bit about Diana’s belief in rectal health. Diana apparently believed in regular ‘treatments’ of the area, usually involving an enema and a massage. This caught Callie’s interest, as she had some pain in the area that started after the birth of each of her children. She followed up with a search of the Internet on the subject and had found a particularly interesting page describing anal massage, stimulation and self-exploration. She had begun to explore and probe herself as she relaxed in the bathtub in order to relieve the occasional pain. The treatment worked so well, she saw it as almost miraculous! That the treatments were also quite pleasurable was a surprising and added treat! Callie had begun to explore her own bottom on a regular basis, teasing and stretching her anus and stimulating the tangled web of nerves surrounding it. It wasn’t long before she was able to bring herself a long way toward climax solely by playing with her ass. It was really more effective in stimulating her than vaginal massage was. She still could only climax if her clit was directly stimulated, but she could get there much quicker by stroking both her ass and her clit at the same time. The attempts that Greg had made so long ago were completely forgotten. Now, here at the table, she was getting close. She had gently pressed her other index finger, on her left hand, against the ring of slippery, buttery flesh. She knew from experience that with a little firm push and this much lubricant, it would slip right in. She quietly gasped a little as it popped inside. Her husband took no notice.

Callie slowly withdrew her right hand from her pussy, knowing that if she continued to use both hands, she would come and come, right there at the table. She was slow to pull out to prevent the slurping sound that all of the butter and her own juices would certainly cause. Again, she slowly started to lick all of her fingers, knowing full well this time what she was doing but unable to stop herself in her current impassioned and aroused state. She no longer cared if Greg noticed her actions, but her secret stayed safe. She began to tease the inside of the ring of flesh, loving the feel of the soft interior as it contrasted with the muscular and tight exterior of her sphincter. The nerves there were beginning to dance with the soft caresses of her finger. In and out, in and out. She was loving this, especially knowing that her loving husband had no clue. Now she slipped a second finger in next to the first. ‘Ooohhh!’ Another little gasp escaped. She loved this feeling as her anus began to stretch a little. It was like her bottom knew what was coming and was waiting impatiently for the dance to continue. She started to move her fingers away from each other now, parting them and causing an elastic response from her flesh. She had learned to resist the urge to tighten down on anything entering her from behind. It was now a welcome probing in a pleasant spot. Her ass was loving it, as was Callie. Who would have thought she would have felt like this? Her ass, of all places! ‘Callie, are you listening??’ Callie heard a voice through her haze. ‘Callie!!?!’ Callie snapped back to reality. ‘Yes dear?’ she responded, trying to sound sweet and interested. It didn’t fly this time. ‘Where is your mind?’ he asked her. ‘I said ‘Callie’ three times!’ Callie looked at him and then down at her plate. She slowly smiled, and in that moment made a decision. It was really made for her several minutes ago when she passed a point where she couldn’t keep acting as if nothing was happening under the table. She needed to finish what she had begun, but couldn’t do so without pulling Greg into the situation. She had resisted telling him about her new discoveries to this point in order to avoid any pressure from him to participate. But now, the time had come. She looked up at his face. ‘Sweetheart’ she began as she pulled her fingers free. ‘I need you to be understanding’. She rose slowly, allowing her skirt to return to its original position. She spoke as she slowly walked around the end of the table. ‘I want you to do exactly what I tell you to do. This is very important to me. Can you do this for me?’ Her words struck Greg with a resonance. He could hear something that told him that this wasn’t a demand, but was a real and deep need for her. ‘Of course’ he said quietly. She began. ‘I have been learning some things about my body and how I’m built’. She stood now right at his side. ‘I have been learning about ways to pleasure myself that have been wonderful, even incredible for me. And will certainly be surprising for you. And it’s time that I teach them to you.’ She looked lovingly down at him. ‘Will you help me?’ she asked again. Greg looked at her carefully as she watched his eyes. He gave no signal as to what he was thinking, what he might have thought she was thinking. His face was curious, but expressionless. Hers was much the same, save a little smile that had crossed her face. Greg knew what he would say. He could not refuse her. He loved her. ‘Yes’, Greg said assuredly, ‘I’ll help you’. Callie looked at him, reading his thoughts now. After a long pause, she quietly replied. ‘Good’. She leaned back against the table and started to speak. ‘I have found out a new way to please myself” ‘You said that.’ Greg interrupted. Callie paused and smiled quietly at him again.

‘Please, Honey, let me talk. This isn’t the easiest thing for me to discuss.’ She tried to relax against the table, but Greg was just a little too close for her to stretch her legs out. ‘Move your chair back, babe, and give me a little room, huh?’ she said. He moved his chair back a couple of feet and she stepped directly in front of him and almost sat on the edge of the table. ‘Now, I’m really kind of surprised to hear myself talking about this with you, or with anyone. Until a few weeks ago, I was ignorant and uninterested in the whole subject. Recently I read an article about Princess Diana and how she regularly went to a specialist for treatments of her’.’ Callie stopped and thought for a moment. ‘Her remaining pains of childbirth.’ Greg now wore a quizzical expression and thought of asking Callie to explain. She looked directly at his eyes and he thought it better to let her explain at her pace. ‘She had pain down there”.at her bottom. And I have that too, at least I did.’ Callie was feeling a little flustered all of a sudden. She stopped talking, straightened her spine and took a deep breath. ‘She believed in good rectal health!’ she stated matter-of-factly. ‘And I thought I could learn some things about the whole subject, in a clinical sense.’ Greg was listening carefully. He wondered what rectal health was, but waited for the rest of the story to come out. ‘I decided that if a princess can worry about her bottom, then maybe I should too.’ She took another breath and continued. ‘So I did a couple of searches on the Internet for info on the subject.’ She grinned at him, ‘My goodness there are a lot of people interested in ‘rectal health’ on the Internet!’ He chuckled softly and looked down. Callie knew his interest in the female form and her posterior was rarely safe around him. He loved the feel of her soft, warm and firm buns in his hands. He liked to sneak up on her in the kitchen and slip his hands up and under her skirt. He would plunge both hands down her pantyhose and underwear and hold and squeeze her until she shrugged away from him. But he respected her ‘hands-off’ policy as to her asshole. ‘Anyway, I learned a lot about myself and now I want you to learn what I know. So sit there and watch and listen. She turned away from him and moved the dishes to the other end of the table. She then sat back on the edge and pulled her skirt to the top of her thighs. Greg could now see the shiny gleam of her inner thighs. She was oily and buttered and the rivulets ran all the way to her ankles. She had obviously been very excited very recently. He was very curious, but she began again. ‘One site I found explained that the anus has the second most concentrated area of nerves in the body, behind the clitoris, or in your case the head of the penis’ Suddenly she started giggling. Greg was a little surprised how nervous she must be to giggle at the word ‘penis’. But Callie paused and laughed softly before explaining. ‘I guess the anus is *always* behind the clitoris!’ She giggled again, releasing some of the tension she had been feeling. Feeling more confident now, she went on. ‘It, the article on the site, suggested that softly massaging the anus can start to relieve the discomfort that childbirth can cause. It said that it worked for lots of women, ” I tried it.’ She looked quickly at his face, looking for a smirk. She saw nothing but a gentle look of interest in what she was saying. She was afraid that he might give her a hard time because of how many times she had resisted his own attempts to massage the area. ‘It said to start in the bathtub, that the warm water and soap will help. Well it did….and the massage helped too’.a lot’..but it also felt’..well, fantastic.’ She was looking down at the carpet now, unwilling to see the expression this brought to her man.

‘I was *very* surprised,’ then quieter, ‘very”very surprised. And I liked it a lot.’ She looked up at him and suddenly started talking very fast. ‘I know, I know, you said I would. But it never did anything that time we tried. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you were’I just knew if I told you, you would push, or laugh, or something’.’ She looked directly at him now. ‘Don’t laugh”..OK?’ she said quietly. Greg smiled at her. ‘Tell me what else you learned,’ he said. Callie looked deep into his eyes and eventually spoke again. ‘All right, I will, but from here on out, these are the rules’. She took a deep breath. ‘You need to not speak’. and you have to do exactly what I tell you to’.and when I tell you to do it. Do you understand?’ Greg nodded solemnly. ‘OK, stand up’ she said, sliding down off of the table edge. Greg stood and waited quietly. ‘OK, here we go!’ Callie thought to herself, ‘No turning back now!’ She reached out and began to unbuckle her husband’s belt. When she unfastened his pants, she slid them down and let them fall to the floor. She then hooked her thumbs into his shorts and pulled them down as well. Greg’s well-formed cock fell into view. Callie felt a pang of disappointment that he was not erect. She didn’t immediately realize that the nearly half an hour of erotic stroking of her clit and ass was done completely without her husbands participation, or even knowledge. ‘I hope he catches up’ she thought, ‘or this will be a very embarrassing night’. ‘Sit back down, and relax’, she told him. He smiled and followed her lead. ‘Now’ silent, Greg, I mean it!’ she said threateningly as she reached behind her. She unzipped the skirt and lowered it to the floor, kicking it to the side as she had her panties. She also pushed Greg’s clothing aside with another kick of her foot. Carefully, she lifted her buns up and sat on the very edge of the table, then lifted her feet and set them on the front edge of Greg’s chair, between his thighs. He parted his thighs to make room for her and relaxed into the back of the chair. She held her feet together there and parted her knees until her pussy was fully exposed to him. Callie smiled at him and turned gracefully to look over her shoulder. She reached for the tub of butter and set it next to her thigh. Greg was entranced and watched her every move. Callie dipped her left hand into the butter and brought a small portion out with her finger. She slowly moved to her center and very slowly began to rub the butter up and down her slit. Greg watched as it melted almost immediately, coating her with the salty, slippery sheen. Callie suddenly seemed to remember something and stopped her hand. She smiled sultrily at her husband and lifted her finger to her mouth. She opened her mouth and laid her finger on her slightly extended tongue. Pursing her lips, she sucked her finger provocatively inside, then softly slipped it in and out, again and again. She continued for several thrusts until she pulled it from her lips fully clean. She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue at him, proudly having swallowed every drop of butter. Greg’s cock started twitching to life. With her now clean fingers, Callie crossed her arms in front of her and grasped the hem of her sweater. She quickly pulled it over her head, leaving her fully nude in front of him and sitting just a few inches away on their dining table. She wore no bra, as she rarely did under a sweater. Her body was beautiful, displayed like this for him. The years and the births of their two sons were not reflected in the curves she now wantonly exhibited. She had asked for and received from him a gift last year of cosmetic surgery to erase the memories her body had of the past. She now proudly showed him a form that looked like the body of a 22 year old coed, but with the sexual experience that the additional years had brought.

Greg saw it as the best of both worlds, and he gazed at her now, unabashedly admiring it all. Callie dipped another mound of butter from the tub and began to massage it more forcefully now into her pussy. Greg could smell the hot butter begin to fill the room and he began to hear the soft squishing sounds of her wet and swollen labia as she increased her efforts. The kneading of her mound was almost as erotic a sight as he had ever seen, but he was keeping his commitment, staying seated and looking at the presentation she was making to him. Her pussy was almost at eye level to him, as he had slouched in the chair until his balls rested on her feet. His cock, however, did not rest at all, but stood strong, pointing back at his chin and almost parallel with his chest. Callie gently lifted his balls with the tops of her feet, then slipped her feet out from under them, allowing them to fall gently to the seat of the chair. She now drew her feet back towards her pussy, spreading her knees higher and wider. She leaned back onto the table now, resting her arms behind her to prop herself in a reclining position on one elbow. She pushed herself further back onto the table until she could rest her heels just on the edge. She then parted her feet and lay there languidly and lewdly, flush with excitement and arousal. Her husband shifted in his chair now as she lay pointedly exposed in front of him.