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A teenage boy on New Year’s Eve



The party raged upstairs as our multiple relatives and family friends enjoyed the festivities while getting progressively more intoxicated. It seemed like the annual event was New Years at our place. Why I don’t know, it was just the tradition. I never really got into it. I guess I didn’t get along with my cousins, mostly because none of them were my age.

The older ones were upstairs with the party and the younger ones were in the TV room together. I joined the party from time to time to grab some food, and even the odd rum and coke if I could get away with it. For the most part I kept to myself though.

It was the usual collection of relatives, neighbors and my parents co-workers. I talked to a few of them but for the most part it really wasn’t my thing. Instead I made my way down to the den in the basement. I chatted on the net with a friend and I watched a movie on there before getting bored and turning it off. I could see midnight was approaching and delayed going upstairs.

I always found it annoying to see a bunch of drunken adults counting down from ten, to suddenly scream and cheer, and blow on those stupid noisemaking things. My mom had said that since becoming a teen I had become less fun but I just found most of what they did at these parties boring, other than the food.

I heard someone in the washroom, and looked to see Mrs. Newhart stepping out, looking a little wobbly. She lived two doors down and was good friends with my parents. I did lawn work for her from time to time, and shovelled the driveway in the winter.

“Mark?” she said, a huge smile beaming across her face. “Why are you down here?”

“I just wanted to check a few things out,” I said.

“Are those yours?” she said, referring to the models on the shelf. I had loved making models when I was younger, but part of me wished my parents would not display them like this. It seemed kind of childish now.

“Yeah, I used to like doing those when I was a kid.”

“Oh, and now look at you, all big and grown up,” she said cutely, and for a moment I felt mocked. I also noticed she was a bit wobbly. “And those?” she said pointing to some trophies.

“Uhm, yeah… I like hockey.”

“What did you win it for?” she inquired.

I paused at that one, embarrassed to admit that everyone who plays gets a trophy. “I can’t remember what that one was for specifically,” I said, as she got in closer to me, looking at the memorabilia on the shelf.

“Well that’s quite the impressive collection… you must be quite the athlete” she said admiringly. I was actually quite flattered by the praise and attention, even though it seemed odd to be down here

She spent the next few minutes with me, looking at my models and trophies, at one point placing a hand on my arm for balance;

“I’ve had a little too much fun tonight… I might regret that in the morning” she said referring to her inebriation with a mischievous smile.

“Here can you help me with this?” she asked, holding a glass of wine out to me. I wasn’t big on sharing glasses with other people, and I wasn’t sure if I liked wine anyway.

“Oh go on” she said encouragingly, holding it out. It was at this point I noticed she was actually quite drunk. Slightly staggering, even slurring her words a bit.

Carefully, I raised the glass to my lips, and took a small sip. It was OK, it was a white wine, but really not my thing.

“Oh come on, have more,” she said, slapping me on the shoulder. I raised the glass and touched it to my lips again, and as I tilted my head back she took my hand and started to pour, making my mouth fill quickly with wine to the point where I had to pull my face away as some spilled down my cheeks, and I swallowed a massive mouthful of the stuff as she burst out laughing.

Taking it away, she raised the glass to her mouth and with a wink, swigged the rest of it. Placing her hand on my arm, she said;

“You won’t tell anyone I got you drunk I hope”. Shaking my head in reassurance I felt a weird tension between the two of us. She was an attractive lady, for a 40 year old but it was strange the way she was paying me all this attention, the way she was maintaining eye contact with me.

There was a moment of awkward silence and then we heard people upstairs beginning a countdown.

“Oh it’s the countdown” she said, grabbing my hand and joining in on the count quietly.

“5… 4… 3… 2… 1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!” we heard from upstairs, as she cheered herself and grabbed me in a big hug.

“Happy New Year Mark,” she said, squeezing me tightly, hanging on as though she might fall over without me for balance.

“Happy New Year Mrs. Newhart,” I said, hugging her back.

She didn’t break the hug, and instead kissed me on the cheek… then the neck… then with abrupt suddenness her mouth was on mine. I was taken aback at first. Mrs. Newhart? Kissing me? She was my Moms friend, and was a recent divorcee, but… what? I mean she was attractive, for a 40 year old but… really?

It was a light kiss on the lips, but she quickly became more passionate about it, pressing her mouth into mine with urgency. I had never kissed a girl before, being rather shy in school so I didn’t even know how to react. I sensed this had to be wrong, with her bring a grown woman, but I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. It was too exciting. Exciting in a dirty and shameful way, but exciting.

Her tongue started to probe my mouth, as she grabbed my hands and moved them to her ass. I felt a bit awkward about this at first, maybe slightly creeped-out, yet I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. It was… exciting; Wrong, but exciting.

As I marvelled at the feel of my hands on a woman’s ass for the first time in my life She brought one leg up, wrapping it around me as she ground against me. I struggled to balance as she was on one leg and basically leaning on me to hold her up, and my knees were going rubbery. I was aroused to the point where I just let this happen, unable to break away from this exciting little encounter.

As we groped and kissed, I felt my heart rate increase as my breathing intensified and I started to sweat. We had probably only been kissing for 10-15 seconds but it felt like an eternity. I was also feeling the strain of my erection trying to break through my jeans. Suddenly her hands went to my belt.

Breaking the kiss I said alarmed, “Mrs. Newhart?”

“Eloise,” she said correcting me, as she feverishly undid my belt and started opening my button on my jeans. She started kissing me hungrily again as she undid the button and then started pulling down the zipper as I stood there dumbfound, trying not to let my knees buckle lest I fall on the floor.

She took her hands away for a second and grabbed my right hand and guided it under her dress.

Holy fucking shit! No way! I thought, as she guided my hand to the waistband of her panties and slid it under. As she did this her other hand started fumbling to get inside my underwear. Just as I felt my fingertips coming in contact with her pubic hairs and her fingernails brushed my erection, I heard a voice call out, “Eloise? … Are you down there?”

My mom! A jolt of fear shot through me, as I envisioned my mom catching us like this.

Instantly breaking the kiss Eloise gave me a disappointed smile and whispered, “Fuck!” with a cute smile. “Quick, do that up!” she whispered urgently

“Yeah… I’m in here,” she called out, as I rapidly zipped myself up in a panic, my heart pounding in fear now. “Mark’s just showing me some of his old models.”

I literally just zipped myself up in time and turned to face the shelf, so the bulge in my jeans wouldn’t be evident when she entered the room.

“Ah, showing off is he? He’s quite proud of his models,” my mom said.

“And his trophies too,” Mrs. Newhart said with a maternal smile.

Please don’t ask me to turn around as I pretended to reorganize a few things on the shelf. Please… please… DO NOT ask me for a New Years hug! Please! Just grab her and go! I thought, wishing the damned erection would go away as I faced the shelf while trying not to be obvious about the fact that I was deliberately facing away.

“Hey, we’re making margaritas upstairs, you have to join us,” my mom said, none the wiser.

“Oh yes! Count me in!” Eloise said excitedly, as she rushed out, following my mom.

As they left the room, Eloise looked back and made a kissing gesture to me, before turning to leave.

I breathed a sigh of relief at how close that was. It would be a few minutes yet before the relief turned to extreme disappointment mixed with shame.