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Three blonde college girls have enjoyed alpha-bitch



“Oh BA-by baby have you SEEN a-MY to-night? IS she in the BATHroom? Is she SMOKin’ up, outside?”

I sang as I unpacked, my two cabin-mates joining in as we worked. I loved this song, perhaps because I shared the name of the main character. I nodded in time to the music, replaying the music video in my mind as I imagined myself in the role of the legendary singer. Britney Spears was my idol and I’d have given anything to meet her. Indeed, many people said I looked enough like her that I might be a younger cousin, although a little shorter and a bit paler. I don’t know if they were telling the truth or if they just telling me what they thought I might want to hear.

“Ami!” I heard my friend whine. “Don’t just sit there, help me put up our posters before the noobs get here!” Sighing, I pulled the iPod buds from my ears and rose to help her. Mellani was a big-boned, well-proportioned blonde with slightly tanned skin. While I was only going to be a sophomore at State, Mellani was already going into her junior year. She was very pretty, but standing at almost 5’11”, most boys seemed too intimidated to ask her out often. And the few that did seemed to have a fetish for dominant women. I had a strong suspicion that Mellani had latent “sub” tendencies, although she did a good job of hiding it.

“Hurry up and get our stuff in place,” the last member of our trio directed. “We want all of *our* stuff where *we* want it before the new girls get here.” That was Melodi, our de facto leader. She was a stunningly beautiful blonde, just going into her senior year at college. Her long, wavy hair was the color of spun gold and hung down past her shoulders and the heavy layer of mascara she always wore outlined her bright blue eyes and made them dazzlingly bright. Naturally, she was president of her sorority at one of the ritzy private schools that neither Mellani nor I could afford. Melodi swore she’d never “augmented,” but though she was my friend, it was still hard for me to believe that those big boobs of hers could be real. At 5’7”, she seemed to possess at least an F cup and her sophisticated sensuality could overwhelm anyone, man or woman.

We hurried to set up our furnishings and decorations. Several summers at this camp had made us veterans and we knew how to get our way. Though there would be six girls to a cabin, we had already learned that those who came early and set up their stuff usually got their way. “Position is 9/10ths of the law,” Melodi had sneered, with a mean laugh.

With our looks and assertiveness, we had grown to become THE social power at this camp, each year. Counselors and campers, both male and female, were intimidated by our beauty … and those that tried to overcome their awe were crushed underfoot by our sharp tongues and dominant personalities.

“What do you think the new girls will be like, this summer?” Mellani asked, straightening a poster of Britney Spears in the main room. “Do you think they’ll be freshmen again?” We liked rooming with frosh – they were always so naïve and innocent. Last year we had been paired with a trio of nerdy 18-year-old brunettes and had ended up making them do nasty things before the end of the season. My slit grew wet at the memory and I hoped we’d get a similar group this year.

Melodi gave a predatory smile as she set the big crafts candle on the coffee table. The candle was something we had made in craft class, in our first year. We were rookies, then and the candle had turned out a hideous thing, almost two feet in length. It had come out lopsided, so we had rounded both ends, dipped it in black wax, and re-drilled the wick so it jutted up from the middle, on one side. We nicknamed it “The Monster” and had taken to displaying it on its side as a humorous memento of our first year at camp.

“Yup,” Melodi chuckled. “And from what I hear, they’re not even from a good neighborhood. We are going to *own* these noobs!”

As if on cue, the door swung open and three girls entered the cabin, blinking as their eyes adjusted from the outside sunshine to the interior light. They stopped, regarding us in shock. Wide-eyed, we regarded them, equally shocked.

“You’re … black!” Mellani blurted out, giving voice to what had been on my mind.

“And you’ve gone and set up all of *your* stuff before we got here,” the girl standing in the center observed, icily not missing a beat.

Though she was black, this girl was beautiful. She stood about 5’6” tall and was perfectly proportioned. She wore a sleeveless leather vest, studded with silvery metal, cinching her flawless ebony skin in a tight black leather embrace. It was obvious she wore nothing underneath. Her tight leather pants outlined the curves of her long legs and her ample bubble-butt seemed to strain against the stretched leather of her backside. I didn’t know how old she was, but she looked awfully young for college.

The girl to her left was almost a complete opposite. This girl stood just under 5’ tall, but had the proportions of a body builder. Her sleeveless leather vest showcased her muscular arms, which flexed every time she moved them. Though shorter, this girl seemed a year or two older. Unlike her companion, this one had her hair cropped short, almost as if she was wearing a skullcap made of lamb’s wool.

The last of the three newcomers stood closest to me. She was tall – maybe 5’9”. Although a bit thick, she was very pretty, though not as striking as the center girl. Like her friends, she was clad in a sleeveless black leather vest and tight leather pants. Her glossy black hair hung down to her shoulders, but retained its natural curl.

It was Melodi who broke the silence.

“Yes, we’ve been coming to this camp for five years now and it’s only natural for people to show deference,” she smiled. “Welcome to Cabin D. I’m Melodi, and these are my friends: Mellani and Ami.” I gave them a smile and waved. Mellani ignored them and went back to setting up the stereo.

“I go to Meredith School for Ladies,” Melodi informed them, condescension evident in her voice. “But Mellani and Ami attend State.”

The black girls regarded us for a time. Then their leader spoke.

“I’m Desiree,” the beautiful teen in the center stated. “These here is Cole n’ Nuckles,” she said, waving towards the girl closest to me and the muscular dwarf, respectively.

“Knuckles?!?” Mellani guffawed, turning in contemptuous disbelief. “You’re *not* serious! ‘Knuckles?!?’ Really?”

Fists clenched, the short black girl started to step forward but halted as the teen in the center raised a warning hand.

“We’re sophomores,” Desiree said, averting a fight.

So, I thought, that makes them about my age. I wonder what college they attend.

“We go to Jefferson High,” she continued. “We …”

“Jefferson HIGH?!?” Mellani interrupted in shock, jerking her head up to look at the new girls as she might regard a trio of roaches. “You go to HIGH school?!?” I, too, was stunned by this revelation. High school? They weren’t college girls. They weren’t even high school seniors!

“Yeah,” the short girl snarled. “What of it?”

Melodi kept her poise.

“So that would make you … what? … about 16?” our beautiful leader asked. While perfectly courteous, there was something about the question that stung and Mellani and I repressed grins.

“Let’s get back to the fact o’ da matter,” Desiree said, smoothly avoiding what I was sure would have been a fist fight, “we all gonna live here and you done already set up yo shit.

Melodi gave a smile utterly bereft of warmth.

“That’s right,” she nodded. “You see, we deserve deference. We deserve privilege. We’re young. We’re beautiful. We’re wh…” Melodi paused, as if catching herself. I had no doubt this was all intentional.

“We provide the fantasies for others, that they might dream of becoming intimate with us,” Melodi explained, giving a short laugh that was as beautiful as it was chilling.

“When you look like us,” she smiled, evenly meeting the black teen’s seething gaze, “everyone wants to fuck you. Oh, they won’t get to, of course. But you’d be surprised what the scent of the vaguest possibility can do.”

The one they’d called Cole stepped forward, her dark face suffused with rage.

“You SO full o’ yo’self!” she shouted, fists clenched in anger at her sides. “You think EVERYONE jes’ wanna git in yo pants?!?”

Feeling spiteful and impish, I started singing.

“LOVE me, HATE me … say WHAT you want aBOUT me …

Melodi and Mellani joined in as if on cue, adding their sweet voices to the chorus.

“All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to IF you SEEK aMY!”

We triumphantly finished the song’s risqué tagline and smiled in satisfaction. The three black girls regarded us dumbfounded, their mouths hanging open.

“What is whichu?!?” the one called Nuckles asked, shaking her head in obvious disbelief. She and Cole looked as if they were going to jump us any minute and Mellani and I took a step back without thinking.

Melodi, however, held her ground.

Desiree regarded us evenly, quietly, as if considering.

“So, you three think you some kind of sex goddesses ‘round here, is that it?” she asked, the corner of her mouth lifting in a wry smile.

Mellani found her courage.

“We don’t *think* it,” she sneered, “we *know* it.”

Desiree ignored her and walked over to face Melodi. Standing almost in Melodi’s face, she finally stopped, looking up as Melodi looked down, their noses almost touching. The contrast between these two beautiful young women was evident and I was surprised to find myself getting moist. These two were easily the most attractive women I had ever met in person.

“You think you sexier than me?” Desiree murmured softly, a dangerous edge evident in her voice.

Melodi did not appear intimidated.

“Like Mellani said,” the sophisticated sorority girl murmured back, “I don’t think it. I know it.”

The two glared at each other for almost a minute. The high schooler was the first to break the silence.

“All o’ the boys and all o’ the girls, eh?” she smirked. “They all beggin’ to fuck you, huh?”

Melodi gave a contrived smile.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she demurred. “The song is quite clear: They’re begging to ‘if you seek, Amy.’”

“That don’ make no sense,” Nuckles snarled, her dark face flushed with anger. Desiree waved her off.

“Don’ make no nevermind,” the beautiful black teen smiled. “If blondie here thinks she such hot stuff and no one on earth can resist her, there an easy way to prove it.” Desiree gave a predatory smile, though her posse looked as in the dark as we white girls.

“Sex fight,” the attractive black girl murmured. “We has us a sex fight. First one to make the other cum, loses.”

I was stunned and could feel my ears redden. A quick glance showed Mellani was equally floored. Melodi’s bright blue eyes widened in momentary surprise and confusion, but she quickly recovered.

“Whoever wins gets to trip out the room like they want,” Desiree said.

There was no way our beautiful, sophisticated leader was going to lower herself to such a crass wager. Mellani and I looked at each other, wondering how Melodi would extract herself without losing face.

To our shock, Melodi nodded and upped the ante.

“And whoever loses has to serve as the winners’ slaves for the entire season,” Melodi added, her voice like cold steel. “They have to do everything the winners command.” She paused meaningfully.


I could tell the black girls hadn’t expected this. Cole and Nuckles both slumped their shoulders, ready to back away from such outlandish conditions.

“Deal!” Desiree blurted, beginning to strip off her sweaty leathers.

All of the rest of us stood dumbfounded.

“Desiree,” I heard Cole whisper to her friend, “whatchu doin’? That crazy!” But the black girls’ leader wore an intent, determined expression.

“This white bitch think she all dat,” Desiree spat through clenched teeth. “Well I gonna show her she AIN’T all dat.” She tossed her vest to the floor, revealing an impressive set of full, dark breasts. While nowhere near the size of Melodi’s bodacious melons, the young black girl had nothing of which to be embarrassed. Her breasts were large, dark, and firm, her velvety nipples prominent and almost black against her ebony skin. She eyed my friend hungrily.

She’s a lesbian, I realized with a start. This young black girl was already into women! I sidled up to Melodi, who stood still, her gaze fixated on the disrobing black girl as if eyeing a sumptuous banquet.

“I think she’s a dyke,” I whispered into my friend’s ear. “Look how eager she is to do this!”

Melodi finally seemed to come to.

“Yes,” she murmured, “I think you’re right.” I could see the gears whirring in my pretty friend’s scheming head. “Good!” she nodded. I looked at her in shock.

“Don’t you see?” she murmured quietly. “If she’s a dyke, she’s got to be incredibly aroused already by my looks. It shouldn’t take long at all to push her over the edge. Sure, I may have to demean myself for a few minutes, but it will be worth it to have these uppity bitches serve as our slaves all season!”

Personally, I wondered if Melodi wasn’t perhaps a little eager to do this, as well. Could she secretly be into girls, too? I had no time for further speculation as my friend pulled her polo shirt over her head, revealing her enormous pale breasts, straining within the confines of their elastic prison. I heard a sharp intake of breath as the black girls regarded my friend’s ample endowment.

“Dayum, girl!” Nuckles muttered, in obvious awe. “You got one ginormous set o’ titties!” A flush of pride was evident on Melodi’s pale white skin.

Or could it be arousal?

Her opponent didn’t act impressed, although I could see the black teen eyeing my friend’s boobs hungrily.

“Cows were meant to be owned,” Desiree noted, kicking off her boots and literally peeling her skin-tight leather pants off. The young black girl stood, proudly nude, in the center of the room. I involuntarily sucked in my breath. The young girl was achingly attractive and I moistened more in spite of myself.

What’s wrong with me. I wondered? Why am I getting turned on seeing another girl – especially a black one at least three years younger than me – naked? I blushed in shame and arousal, quickly averting my eyes.

That didn’t help. My gaze settled on Melodi and my head spun briefly. The gorgeous blonde was a vision of sensuality. Her slim figure looked as if it couldn’t possibly be paired with such large breasts or such a nicely curved backside. As I gazed at this lovely, pale vision, my knees went weak and I could feel myself leaking – trickles of hot juice slowly making their way down my inner thighs. Thanking the stars that I had worn jeans today, rather than a skirt, I self-consciously leaned against a wall for support.

“You ready?” the beautiful black teen asked, hands on her hips as she lewdly thrust her pelvis at her opponent.

“Let’s do this,” the gorgeous young blonde husked, massaging her stiff pink nipples.

Desiree lowered herself to the floor and spread her legs. Immediately I could smell her arousal and I almost whimpered with lust.

“Scissors,” she ordered.

Melodi rushed to comply, lowering herself and spreading her own long, lovely legs. I had never seen my friends naked before and the sight of our leader’s glistening, mostly shaved, blonde pussy almost made me faint with desire.

Edging up between each other’s outstretched legs, both girls maneuvered until their heated pussies touched. I could see a shiver of pleasure pass through both of them and found myself yearning to exchange places with either.

“First one to cum loses,” Desiree reminded her foe, pressing her sex wetly against the soft folds of her opponent’s sopping pussy.

“Get ready to have the best orgasm of your miserable life,” Melodi panted, thrusting her pelvis against the black girl’s fevered pussy.

The room was hot and silent, except for the sounds of the two girls as they grunted and strained against one another, their crotches interlocked in a sensuous struggle for dominance. The stale air of the cabin soon reeked of sex and I wondered if I would ever get the smell of aroused cunt from my nose.

Or my mind.

The two girls remained intertwined as they continued to grind their pussies together, their legs locked as their slick nether lips slid over each others’ swollen cunts and clits. Locked in a primal battle, Ebony and Ivory struggled to assert dominance over the other, their sweating bodies heaving as they grunted with exertion and raw pleasure.

“Oh yeah,” Melodi panted, grinding her pussy into her opponent, “you like this, don’t you, you black bitch! This is what you wanted all along, isn’t it … for me to fuck you senseless? I’m going to like using you for the rest of the season. I’m going to spend my time sitting on that black face of yours and letting you enjoy my superior blonde pussy.”

With an unexpected shove of her pelvis, Desiree pushed Melodi off balance. The white girl fell back onto the hardwood floor with a grunt. The lecherous black teen, never taking her pussy from her opponent’s, maneuvered onto one knee, her other foot planted flat on the floor for leverage and effectively putting her crotch “on top.” She ground her fevered cunt down hard on Melodi’s, causing the quivering blonde to gasp with unwanted pleasure.

“I be enjoying that blonde pussy o’ yours right now, Snowflake,” Desiree taunted, rubbing herself furiously against the panting white girl’s throbbing sex. “Git set, blondie, cuz I gonna blow the wax right out o’ dem pretty lil ears!”

For her part, Melodi no longer seem to be faring well. Too breathless for trash talk, her eyes were glassy and her flushed flesh glistened with sweat. She appeared to be very near climax and her eyes darted about wildly. With an effort, she reasserted her will and jerked away.

“What?!?” the two black spectators cried, jumping to their feet. “You stopped! Forfeit! You lose!”

Still gasping to catch her breath, Melodi shook her head.

“This isn’t working for me,” the panting white girl lied. “We need something better.”

Desiree gave a leering smile of triumph.

“Bullshit,” she laughed. “I was just ‘bout t’push you over de edge, wasn’t I!” Her lovely dark face was flushed with arousal and she looked as if she weren’t all that far from climax herself. “But, you need a breather, dat’s fine wit me.” Both girls looked as if they were desperately trying to regain control of their too-hot excitement.

“OK, so you say dis wasn’t doin’ it for you,” Desiree said, smiling broadly as she pointed towards the coffee table. “Dere! Dats what we need!”

Following her gaze, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Some soda cans, a few magazines, our candle …

Melodi’s eyes widened in shocked realization.

“You can’t mean …!?!” she stammered. Realization came slower to Mellani and me. Cole grabbed the big centerpiece off the table and brought it over to her leader.

“Oh yeah,” Desiree smiled wickedly, “this should bring things to a quick conclusion!” Melodi’s blue eyes were wide with horror and I couldn’t blame her. The Monster candle was about 24 inches long and almost the diameter of a beer can. While both ends had been rounded, that was still one hell of a big toy to get shoved up one’s cunt.

Desiree, still panting with arousal and delayed culmination, gave the blonde a mean smile.

“You wanna give up, blondie?” she asked, leering. “I’ll let you off the hook and accept your resignation, if you want. ‘Course, you’ll start your slavery by eating my cunt and finishing what we started here.”

The sweating blonde glowered at her opponent.

“Fuck you!” she spat. “I’ll do it. But my pussy isn’t as stretched out as your sorry cum-chute; unlike you, I’ll need some lubricant.”

I jumped up and ran to my duffel bag.

“I have some,” I volunteered, proffering a half-used tube of KY jelly. It was only when I saw the knowing smiles of the others that I realized my inadvertent faux pas.

“Why you lil’ slut,” Cole laughed, her dark face creasing with laughter. “You always carry lube to camp?”

I flushed with embarrassment and handed the tube to my chuckling friend. Melodi lubed her end of the huge candle and held the tube out to her opponent. Desiree shook her head, waving the lubricant off.

“I got plenty of the natural stuff,” she boasted, with a smile. She then grasped her end of the monstrous candle and pushed it up against her eager hole. Despite her boasts, it didn’t go in easily.

But go in, it did.

Melodi had more trouble. Even lubed and bullet-shaped, the Monster was much bigger than anything with which my friend had ever come in contact. Finally, with a cry of pain and pleasure, she was able to slide it in.

It took her several minutes to fully get her breath back. The two combatants regarded each other with narrowed eyes and edged closer, grimacing as the huge black candle was forced even further into their bodies. The other four of us watched in horrified fascination as inch after inch of black wax disappeared up their respective twats.

Finally, they could take no more. Both girls stopped, falling back onto the floor and panting, legs intertwined, with about six inches of thick, glistening candle still visible between their skewered pussies.

“Girl,” Desiree panted, smiling lewdly, “I’m gonna F-U-C-K you!” My heart twisted at hearing our favorite lyric used against us in a taunt.

The hapless blonde’s pussy was so stretched that she couldn’t muster the energy or focus for a response.

Slowly, the black teen began moving her hips, eliciting a groan from both girls. Within moments, Melodi gave return fire, slowly rocking her own pelvis forward and back, the enormous candle sliding back and forth within both girl’s cruelly-stretched cunts.

As they slowly grew used to the monstrous invader, they began to pick up the pace. Within minutes, both girls were pistoning furiously, doing their best to drive the other end of the monstrous black candle deeper into their opponents’ vulnerable sex. Sweat beaded and trickled off their straining bodies and their intermingled juices smeared their thighs and puddled on the hardwood floor beneath them.

It was all I could do not to slide my hand down my pants and start jilling off as I watched. Glancing up, I could see the same look of strained discipline on the faces of Mellani and Cole. Nuckles, however, appeared to have none of our modesty. She had her leather pants shucked off and was furiously fingering herself, her eyes glued to the writhing girls on the floor.

I turned my attention back to the sexfight.

With a start, I realized that Melodi’s decision to use a lubricant may have worked against her. Sure enough, the sweating blonde’s movements were becoming weaker and more erratic as more and more of the in-and-out movement seemed to end up on her side of the candle. Desiree’s cunt, not so well lubed, was able to clamp tighter on the Monster allowing her to wield it almost like a strap-on. Grinning in triumph, she took control of the rhythm and gleefully pounded her opponent, until it was obvious that the young black girl had established dominance, thrusting savagely into her older, white foe.

“S-s-s-stop!” Melodi begged, tears streaming down her smooth, porcelain cheeks. But this just seemed to goad the black girl into a renewed assault.

“Wuzza matter, blondie?” Desiree taunted, continuing to repeatedly slam the wax dildo into her opponent. “Too much for you? The white girl’s body began trembling as her unwanted climax built.

“P-p-p-puhlease …,” the older girl stammered, her pale face flushed with arousal. She panted helplessly as the younger girl continued to fuck her.

Melodi’s pleas obviously aroused Desiree. She continued to furiously pound the helpless white girl’s quivering pussy, slamming her pelvis down against the blonde’s harder and harder until their pussies again touched on each down-stroke.

We all knew into whose over-stuffed snatch that last six inches of candle was going.

The white girl’s blue eyes had become vacant, a trickle of drool escaping from the corner of her mouth as her young antagonist continued to savagely fuck the helpless blonde. Melodi had fallen onto her back and could no longer even try to dominate her opponent. Sensing victory, Desiree grabbed the white girl’s legs and pulled their dripping pussies together. With most of the big black candle wedged deeply into the blonde’s overstuffed pussy, the young black girl shifted back into a scissoring motion.

Impaled as they both were on the monstrous candle, Desiree couldn’t manage much lateral motion. But the movement of the enormous wax dildo, shoved up almost into the white girl’s guts, coupled with the black girl’s slick pussy lips sliding over the insensate blonde’s clit, was all that was needed.

Melodi’s lovely blue eyes widened in horrified defeat. Her lithe, white body arched violently, and the sadistic black girl lifted her pelvis to follow it up, ensuring the climaxing blonde wouldn’t escape the enormous wax dildo upon which they were both impaled. The helpless blonde arched up onto the crown of her head, her feet flat on the floor, and gave an involuntary scream of pleasure as she succumbed to the black girl’s sexual assault. An intense orgasm gripped her pale body and her mind imploded in unbearable ecstasy.

Desiree continued scissoring the climaxing blonde, rubbing their pussies together in primal lust. If I hadn’t watched the entire scene, I’d have never guessed by looking that there was almost 24 inches of thick, black, wax candle stuffed up into their collective cunts.

Finally, with a plaintive cry of release, Melodi collapsed, her shapely white ass thumping heavily back onto the hard floor. Smiling in triumph, the young black girl slowly slid off the Monster and, with effort, pried the rest of it from the dazed blonde’s still-spasming pussy. It was obvious that the younger girl was on the verge of a monumental climax, as well.

“Now, it’s time for you to finish what you started, loser,” Desiree husked, quickly straddling the panting white girl’s tear-streaked face.

“No way!” Mellani blurted, incensed and fearful. “That bet was bogus! There’s no way we’re going to be your slaves! Melodi would never lick your nasty black …”

The big blonde’s tirade tapered off, as it became obvious from the way Desiree was gently gyrating on our friend’s face that that was, indeed, what Melodi was doing.

“Losers have to be slaves for the winners,” Nuckles laughed, quickly shucking off her own sweaty vest. “And I want you, cowgirl!” Before Mellani seemed to realize what was happening, the short black woman, now completely nude, had tackled her and was popping buttons as she ripped the big blonde’s blouse off.

“Get OFF me, you little freak!” Mellani screamed, as she shoved the shorter woman off and onto the floor. But the black woman was unexpectedly lithe; almost as soon as she landed, she sprang up and pounced on the big blonde again, ripping off her lacy bra before Mellani could bring her hands up to defend.

While not as big as Melodi’s, Mellani did have an exceptionally nice set of boobs, milky white against her slightly tanned body. The big blonde’s hands shot up to cover herself, leaving the way open for Nuckles to rip off the white girl’s skirt, bringing lacy panties with it.

Mellani sat, naked on the hard floor except for her white sneakers, looking about in surprise.

The dimunitive black woman took advantage of her opponent’s slow response to pounce on her again. There was a flurry of white and black limbs as the two women struggled for dominance – Nuckles working to subdue her opponent, Mellani thrashing to escape the aggressive, sex-crazed black dwarf.

With a lunge, Mellani arched her back and toppled Nuckles from her seat astride the blondes’ big breasts. The black woman slid to the side and shot one muscular leg under the big white girl’s still-arched back, but on top of the blonde’s arms, which were against the floor for support. The short woman forced her leg up, wedging it in the blonde’s arm pits.

I stood, regarding the pair in shock.

Although almost a foot taller, my friend was effectively pinned – her big white body helplessly arched with her arms behind and underneath her, pinned to the floor by the black girl’s leg and the blonde’s own weight and position. To relieve the strain on her arms, she had to keep her body arched, with her feet spread wide and flat on the floor and her ass in the air.

Smiling evilly, the short black woman leaned up and began fondling Mellani’s exposed breasts.

“Stop it!” the big blonde hissed vehemently, struggling to extricate herself. But the shorter girl ignored her, continuing to fondle the pinned blonde’s big boobs with her strong, dark hands. Mellani’s nipples grew swollen and stiff under this attention.

“Looks t’ me like you like this,” Nuckles drawled, gently tweaking the big blonde’s pink nipples. While her right hand continued fondling Mellani’s exposed tits, the black woman’s other hand slowly began trailing across the pinned white girls’ stomach, towards her up-thrust blonde pussy.

“You wouldn’t!” Mellani hissed, eyes wide with indignation and alarm. “You wouldn’t dare!”

But Nuckles would dare.

With her left hand, the dimunitive black woman began fondling the helpless blonde’s pussy. Mellani struggled furiously but found she couldn’t even shift the position of her widespread legs without causing pain for her pinned arms.

I watched in silent disbelief as the small black woman expertly teased and stroked my friend’s exposed pussy until it responded with glistening moisture.

“Seems t’me like you *really* like this,” her little antagonist taunted. I watched, mouth dry, as the black woman slowly slid one thick finger along the slick folds of my friend’s exposed pussy. Mellani’s struggles seemed to be weakening as the short black woman continued her forced seduction.

“Yeah,” Nuckles whispered huskily, sliding a finger into my friend, “you do like that! You like it a lot!”

For her part, Mellani had become perfectly still. Eyes closed and jaw clenched, she quietly maintained her back-arch position.

Nuckles smiled and began slowly pushing her middle finger in and out of the trapped blonde. The white girl didn’t appear to resist any further. The black girl smiled and inserted another finger. Then a third.

I watched in stunned disbelief as this tiny black woman proceeded to finger-fuck my big, helpless, blonde friend.

“How boutchu?” a husky voice whispered in my ear. “You gonna honor yo side o’ the bet? Or you gonna make me *make* you honor it?” I turned to find Cole, already nude, at my side.

I tried to swallow, but my throat was too tight for words.

She put an arm around me and fondled one of my breasts, through my T-shirt.

“Anyone ever tell you dat you look like Britney Spears?” she whispered, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding her other hand down my pants. Despite the situation, I blushed at the compliment. Her hand came to rest, inside my panties, cupping my still-dripping sex.

I heard Mellani give a strangled cry as she was finger-fucked to a forced orgasm.

“Oh MY!” Cole whispered, smiling as she fondled my sopping sex. “We ain’t gonna have no trouble with you honoring the bet, are we!” My legs were trembling and I gave an involuntary groan of pleasure as she slid a thick finger inside me.

“Yeah, das right, baby,” she murmured, sending shivers through me as she ran her tongue along my ear. “You just lay back and let ol’ Cole show you what it means to belong to a black woman!” Her slowly thrusting fingers felt SO good … !

Head spinning from pleasure and shock, I slowly surveyed the room.

Desiree, still nude, was standing with her legs wide apart, bent over, pulling her ass cheeks apart. The once-proud Melodi was on her knees behind the dominant teen, her beautiful pale face buried in the black girl’s as she submissively rimmed her.

Mellani was now flat on her back, no longer arched with her arms pinned beneath her. However, Nuckles was astride the big blonde’s face, pinning the white girl’s arms under her muscular dark legs. The white girl was struggling feebly, obviously not having fully succumbed to submissive lust, as Melodi had. Mellani refused to lick her dominator’s pussy, but Nuckles didn’t mind. The short black woman continued to rub herself in lustful tribadism over the pinned blonde’s face, leaning back to play with the big girl’s pale breasts as she moaned in pleasure.

I looked into the dark, liquid eyes of the pretty black woman who had me pinned up against the wall as she fingered me. She pressed her thick, sensuous lips against my mouth and slid her thick, hot tongue inside.

Despite myself, I climaxed violently. All thoughts of resistance evaporated in the heat of my orgasm.

I’d have fallen if my dark mistress hadn’t been pinning me against the wall. Slowly, she broke the kiss and looked at me expectantly. Succumbing to my destiny, I slowly slid to my knees.

She spread her legs wide, to provide access. I pushed my pale face up into her dark crotch until my nose just brushed her wiry dark pubic hair. The scent of her arousal made my head spin with desire.

“That’s right, baby,” she husked. “Do it.”

Needing no further direction, I buried my blonde head into the black teen’s musky dark fur, burrowing until I found her hot, wet slit. Delirious with lust and pleasure, I began licking and sucking until I was rewarded with the sounds of Cole’s pleasure.

* * * * * * *

Strangely, it was Mellani who left camp the next day. Maybe I was wrong about her being submissive. Or maybe she was just too “straight” to succumb to other girls. Whatever the reason, after a night of her being Nuckles’ sex-toy, we had came back after breakfast to find the big blonde and all her stuff gone.

Since Desiree had laid claim to Melodi, that meant I got shared for the rest of the season between the lovely Cole and the aggressive Nuckles. We spent the summer servicing our young, black mistresses and they were often kind enough to finger us to orgasm while we saw to their needs. By July, Nuckles was able to finally get her entire fist into my pussy and I loved getting fist-fucked by her while Cole sat on my face, smothering me with her hot, juicy cunt.

At summer’s end, we parted regretfully, but we’re all looking forward to next season. We’ve already put in a request to room together. When school is over, Melodi and I will move in with our young lovers and find jobs so we can support them.