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Married woman, hungry for cocks, a real sexy lot



Rene invites me to a party, tells me that another woman will be there, someone he met at an evening course. “Married woman, hungry for cocks, a real sexy lot!” Unfortunately I cannot make it until later, but I promise to come as soon as possible. … Noone notices the doorbell, but the door is unlocked and I can enter the flat. There is light in the drawing room and the bedroom and sexy music is coming out of the speakers in the drawing room. From the bedroom I can hear voices, short laughs and panting movements. I walk to the door and what a sight! Lisa is on the bed, legs widely spread. Between them I see Caesar’s head, nodding excitedly as he puts his tongue to work. Rene is on his knees above her head, slowly pumping his cock, and watching with pleasure as here eyes follow the movements of his hand on that big, brown, stout cock. Hugo is sitting in a chair, watching, playing with himself. Lisa is having a good time. Her eyes close involuntarily, her hips rock as she moans lightly. Rene lets his cock brush her cheeks. Then suddenly he catches sight of me. Quietly he leaves the bed, comes to me, begins to kis my mouth while letting his cock move in and out between my thighs. Doesn’t take long before my cunt begins to leave glistening traces on that handsome tool of his. Then he takes me by the nad, leads me to the bed, beckons to Caesar to move over and helps place my head between her legs. If she notices the change, she doesn’t let on — she is so occupied now with her own approaching orgasm, she couldn’t care less. Her movements become wilder and wilder as I bury my face in that soft creamy spot. Her clitoris is hard and stiff and I play with it more and more. Just as I can feel her gegin to reach the heights I feel someone lifting up my behind, fondling my cunt — oh, it is so slippery — gently spreading my legs. And there it is, the first thrust, gently now, he knows he mustn’t disturb the rhythm, but oh how excited they all are to watch two ladies entertaining each other! She shivers, spasmodically, and with a wild cry she arches up to meet the ceiling. From the corner of my eye I can see Rene pumping wildly, so it must be Caesar fucking me from behind, heavily panting, yes, yes, yes, there he goes and reels back, leaving cum seeping down my thigh. With an effort Rene brings his own hand to a pause; gently he guides me over, eases Lisa down in the bed, helps me lower myself over her face, and before she knows it, she has the taste of cum mixed with woman in her mouth. She liked what she had from me, so she is only too willing to pay me back. Gently she explores another cunt, finds the clit stiff and expectant, oh, she certainly knows what to do with it! Slowly, lustily she teases it, and I roll slowly over her tongue, leaving Caesar’s cum all over her cheeks. Caesar is relaxing in a chair now, but Hugo has returned to the bedside, playing even more eagerly with himself now. I hear him gasp as Rene places himself on his knees above Lisa, pointing his magic tool at me. What can I do but open my mouth? But soon I am so excited I cannot concentrate on sucking any more; his cock just goes in and out at its own will. She sends me off like a rocket, ohhhhh! — and at the same time Hugo shoots his load over our bodies from beside the bed, leaving us soaked. But Rene is not satisfied, not just yet; down with G. on her back, side by side with Lisa, legs spread, and before we know it, he is screwing us both, now G.’s cunt with five deep long thrusts, now Lisa’s, while Caesar and Hugo take turns finger fucking the one who is left with a vacant cunt. Who is going to have his load? Oh, he is fair; at the very moment when we have both been close to cuming, he raises up, stands on his knees and pumps, shoots his load all over us, leaving us soaked, smelling with cum …

And I was caught in the middle. I had been fucking her husband for months, but couldn’t tell her, and now I had had her, and couldn’t tell him.