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The Further Adventures of Gypsy Queen



I was a cute young, naive college co-ed, and she was handsome. I’d never felt attracted to a woman before or since, but she put off a masculine kind of vibe, and I found myself drawn to her. She smiled at me from the other side of the classroom, and then turned her attention back to our boring chemistry professor. After Dr. Barrone dismissed class, she came toward me as I was stuffing my notebook into my backpack.

“Another thrilling lecture survived,” Camille quipped. “Are you ready for the mid-term exam?”

“Ohhhhh, no,” I groaned and smiled up at her. She was at least 6″ taller than me, probably 5′ 8″ to my petite 5′ 2″ frame.

“Want to come to my place tonight? Me, Christy and Jamie will be getting together to study. It’s slightly less traumatic if we tackle the material together.”

“Sure. Thanks.” She gave me her address. She lived just a few blocks from my little apartment.

When I entered her house that evening, I could smell a faint order of incense and marijuana (typical smells found at the dwellings of college students). We gathered around her coffee table in the living room, sitting on the floor, spreading out chemistry books and notes before us, and got right down to business. Camille, Christy and Jamie were pretty sharp, and I was no slouch myself. We whipped through quite a bit of material, quizzing each other with Dr. Barrone-type questions.

“Enough!” declared Christy after about an hour and a half of quizzing. “Let’s take an herbal refreshment break.” She stood up and stretched, and I noticed that Christy was somewhat flat-chested, but had a nice athletic build. Like Camille, she was tall. Her hair was cut short, and she also gave off a somewhat masculine vibe.

Camille smiled at me. “Whaddaya say? I’ve had enough of this for a bit.” I nodded, stood up and stretched my arms and legs. Jamie, a petite girl with shoulder length black hair, was still sitting on the floor and was giving me the once-over.

“Nice wrack,” she said. I felt my face getting warm. I’d never been given a compliment like that from a girl. She grinned at my embarrassment. Christy and Camille both turned to stare at me. “Luscious tits,” said Christy. “Are they real?” She seemed to have a bit of a baiting, hostile tone in her voice. I was surprised both by the comment and by her tone. The red in my cheeks deepened and I looked down, not knowing how to reply and feeling extremely awkward.

“Oh, I bet they’re real,” said Camille as she openly gazed at my 34 D’s. I looked up and caught her eye, and again felt a surge of attraction to her, and suspected it was mutual. “I’ll get us some beers,” she said, and retreated to the kitchen.

We all sat down again, beers in hand, while Jamie rolled a joint. I noticed Christy was glaring across the table at me. I shifted my gaze away, again feeling awkward. Jamie lit up the joint, took a deep toke, and passed it. When it got to me, I gratefully inhaled and felt myself relaxing a little.

“So, are they?” Christy barked at me.

“What?” I queried.

“Are they? Are they real?” she asked, with a challenge in her voice.

“Christy, shut up.” Camille spat at her.

I was beginning to get pissed. “I’ve never had cosmetic surgery of any kind. Yes, they are real.” I glared back at her.

“Care to prove it?” said Jamie, grinning mischievously at each of us.

“Wha … What?” my voice shook a little.

“Yeah, whip ’em out,” said Christy with a nasty smile. “Let’s have a look and a feel.”

I kind of expected Camille to defend me, but she didn’t say anything. She took a toke on the joint, passed it on to Jamie, then looked at me noncommittally with raised eyebrows, as if wondering how I might respond to this challenge.

“You can’t be serious,” I said, looking to Christy, then Jamie.

Jamie laughed. “Nah, I was just kiddin’.”

“I’m not,” said Christy coolly. “I think you’ve had a boob job. If they were real, you wouldn’t be hesitating. You’re hiding the fact that they’ve been pumped up and plumped up.”

OK, I’d had enough. “They’re real. It’s all me,” I blurted. I pulled my T-shirt up. “Look.”

“Can’t tell anything through your bra,” Christy said, grinning a little.

I reached back to unhook my bra, and got tangled in my shirt. I pulled the shirt over my head and tossed it aside, then successfully unhooked my bra. I tossed my bra on the table and looked defiantly at Christy. I saw her grin and the grins on the faces of the other two and began to suspect that I’d been set up. I’m pretty smart when it comes to school, but I could be dumb about this kind of thing. Here I was sitting in a room with three lesbians completely topless. Uh-oh.

“Nice. Verrrry nice,” purred Camille.

“Still need to do the feel test, to be sure,” said Christy, taking another hit off the joint. She moved toward me. My breathing quickened with a surge of fear. But I couldn’t back down now.

“Me, too!” said Jamie, moving toward me.

In a fog of marijuana smoke, I found myself being squeezed and fondled by the two girls, with Camille looking on. I’d never been touched by a woman like this, and the hot surge and twitch of flesh between my legs took me by surprise. I was vaguely aware that I was turned on by the fact that Camille was watching with pleasure. I arched my back slightly and closed my eyes as Jamie began tweaking my nipple. Then Christy dug in her talons.

“Ouch!” I cried. “Jeez!” I slapped her hand away. Christy laughed.

“OK, that’s enough.” Camille slipped behind me and put a protective arm around my shoulders. “Back off, Christy.” I leaned back and relaxed into Camille. She reached around and began fondling my left breast, while Jamie resumed fondling the right. The weed was kicking in and I let myself enjoy. Camille began nibbling and kissing my neck while continuing to jiggle and squeeze my full breasts and rock hard nipples. I closed my eyes and relaxed further, and felt tugging at my jeans. I became aware that Jamie was unzipping me. I felt a surge of panic and excitement when I felt Jamie’s warm fingers slip into my panties. I opened my eyes a little to see Christy at my feet, pulling my jeans completely off of me. Jamie’s nimble fingers had my panties off in a flash. I was shocked and thrilled to realize I was completely naked on Camille’s living room floor with three women totally focused on me. I felt vulnerable, completely exposed and more aroused than I had ever felt in my life!

“Ooooh, somebody’s verrrrry wet,” said Jamie, tickling my clit with her fingers. Christy was now gently pulling my legs wide apart. I offered no resistance at all to what she was doing. I began to move my hips toward Jamie’s exploring fingers, and let out a low moan. Christy continued to pull my legs impossibly wide. The word “exposed” took on a whole new meaning! Christy scared me a little, which only added to my excitement. I felt her sliding her hand along my leg, then she slipped her hand under my ass.

“Ouch!” I squealed as Christy gave my ass a vicious pinch. I caught a glimpse of the mean smile on her face.

“Christy!” Camille chastised. “Poor baby,” she crooned at me. Camille repositioned herself, giving Christy a little shove, and putting herself between my legs. Camille continued to croon “poor baby,” giving my inner thighs little kisses, working her way up, up and up.

Christy repositioned herself to my right and began massaging my tits again, then Jamie took up position opposite her on my left. At the exact same time as if carefully choreographed, Christy and Jamie closed their mouths on my nipples and began to suck, just as Camille put her lips to my clit. At that moment, I suddenly came VERY close to orgasm, gasping loudly. Shudders rippled through my body, and I ground my hips toward Camille’s face. Christy’s lips briefly left my nipple to whisper in my ear.

“You dirty little slut,” she hissed, so close to my ear I doubt the other two could hear. “You are such a cunt, such a nasty little cunt.” This was not a turn-off. To the contrary, it added greatly to my already extreme excitement. I locked eyes with Christy, then looked away and moaned loudly. Camille was doing AMAZING things to my cunt. I had never had such pleasure with a man. She obviously knew her way around down there!

My pleasure mounted to an impossible level, and I shuddered, moaned and cried like never before. My orgasm seemed to go on and on and on …

The girls gave me a little space and seemed to be catching their breath, watching me as my breathing slowed and my body calmed. Camille moved up and around to snuggle and stroke my hair. I turned toward her and snuggled into her body, clinging to her. “Omigod, omigod, omigod,” I mumbled over and over, as my pounding heart slowed back down to normal.

Although I was somewhat sheltered and snuggled into Camille, my bare ass was exposed, and Christy reached around and gave me another vicious pinch, I guess as kind of a parting shot. I flinched and gave a small cry, a tear oozing out of my eye at the sudden pain. I snuggled further into Camille. This time, Camille did not chastise Christy, and I got the sense that they were grinning at each other over my head.

“It’s ok, little one,” she crooned while she stroked my hair.

There was a knock at the door and Jamie got up to answer it. I glanced around frantically for something to cover up with, as two women I had never seen before entered the house. Camille grabbed my hands and pulled me back to her, shushing my panic.

“Oh, ho! What have we here?” cried one of the new women. “Camille has a new play thing!” They were both smiling broadly. I realized that Jamie, Camille and Christy were all fully clothed, had not taken off anything during our encounter. And there I was, still completely naked.

“Isn’t she cute?” said Camille. She gently but firmly turned me out from her body so the two new women could check me out. I tried to cover my tits with my hands and arms, but Camille was very strong. She easily pulled my arms back and immobilized me, setting up my big juicy tits and my still damp cunt for all to see. And, omigod, I loved being handled this way! Who would have thought? I resisted a little, which seemed to amuse Camille. I could feel myself starting to get aroused all over again.

Both women came over to me and squeezed and fondled a bit, making approving noises in their throats. I was definitely getting aroused again. One of them locked eyes with me, then reached down and began fingering my clit. I closed my eyes and sighed. To my surprise, Camille abruptly let go of me, pushed me away slightly and gave me a big hard smack on the ass. “Time for you to go home now, little one.” I felt a bit shocked at this sudden rejection, puzzled by what it meant.

I gathered my clothes, noticing Christy sitting back on the sofa, glaring at me again. I dressed quickly, clumsily grabbed my books, waved shyly at Camille and made my exit while they all laughed at my awkwardness. I spent the rest of the night in my apartment in a haze of erotic humiliation, bliss and wonder.