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Wife wants to show off her new body and husband knows exactly the place



The blonde stood naked under the spray of water. The steamy hot water massaged and caressed her skin. The rivulets dripped their way down her body as she scrubbed a thick lather across her body. She felt sinful this evening. It was New Years Eve and somehow she knew something good, something life changing was going to happen tonight. She ran the washcloth between her legs and felt an electric jolt. It was going to be a good night!

“Oooh Annie, I’m beggin’ ya to wear this one!”

Carl was on my ass again, literally! He came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my damp body, cupping my tits and stretching them apart, he began pulling me back against him. His stiff cock was insistently grinding against my tushy; his thick stick nestled between my ass cheeks. I reached around to give his hard little ass a squeeze when I noticed the clothes he had laid out on the bed.

“Hmmm, well let me see here.” As he let go of me I spread my legs and slowly leaned forward at the waist to inspect this garment. I knew what he liked, so I arched my back and stayed bent forward giving him a perfect target of my ass and flashing him my newly shaved, pussy lips. Standing in this pose I felt his stiff little cock sliding back and forth across the small of my back then slowly sliding down brushing across my back door and slipping its head across my lower lips. He hovered there, his cock between my thighs, his shaft gently bouncing against my pussy. I quietly urged him, ‘C’mon, pick a hole already!’ But instead of slipping his thickness inside he stepped back, went down on his knees and gave my newly smooth slit a long slow lick.

“Oh my God! Sweet Thing, this freshly shaved pussy looks so amazingly fuckable!” He grabbed my hips and pressed his baby smooth face to my ass and gave my pussy a long sloppy kiss. “God I just want to devour this sweet pussy!”

“Well who’s stopping you?” I hissed. I could feel his breath and aftershave on my sensitive bare lips.

“No, no, no, no, no, no… not quite yet dear heart!” Shaking his head violently he slowly pulled away! He let go of my hips and stood back! “All this added muscle tone along your inner thighs is amazing! It really accents this sweet little pussy.” He lightly brushed his fingertips across my sensitive naked lips. “Instead of a single furry mound of flesh you’ve got these two full pronounced lips that slightly pucker around your thick little clit hood! God it’s beautiful! He dove back in with his tongue like a kid eating an ice cream cone! You are Mmph, going to be, Mmmph, so much Mmmph god you taste so good! Mmmph! fun to show off tonight!” My legs buckled as he stood and walked away! “Ahhhhhgh!” I was getting so frustrated by all this teasing! It all started a few hours earlier…

We had made plans to go out dancing for New Years Eve. I have lost 30 lbs this year! I have really toned up! I am damn proud and I told him I wanted him to show me off! He told me he knew just the place where the clientele have somewhat lowered inhibitions and the management encouraged or rather turned a blind eye to… certain things! -But that if he was going to show me off he really needed to prepare me first.

“-and just what the hell does THAT mean?” I had to ask.

“A prize thoroughbred doesn’t just show up at the track! There are considerations! First let us get you scrubbed down in a hot, steamy, sexy shower!”

I didn’t have to be persuaded! I think I raced him to the bathroom. He stripped off all his clothes on the run and I couldn’t help notice his cock slowly growing as it swung back and forth between his legs. He pulled off my tee shirt and dropped to his knees to unbutton my jeans and slide them down my thighs. He had my jeans down around my legs and stopped to caress and fondle my thighs which I had bulked up a little through some serious workouts. “Damn lady these gams are looking HOT!”

My legs buckled for a second as his mouth made contact. “Whoa!”

He pressed his cheek to my thigh and slowly slid his face to my furry little pussy! (I wasn’t wearing panties so he had a clear shot at my clit!)

“Mmmm. You always taste so good! -it’s just…” He had a confused look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I was a little annoyed at his reaction to my body.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, but I gotta say it. Your new body is so hot and sleek but all this fur has got to go. It doesn’t fit the new you!”

“Uh, excuse me…?”

“I’m not complaining, just suggesting. I think you should try losing the fur.”

“You mean you want me to trim it back?”

“No I really want you to shave it all off. You have this firm, sexy, cut little body here and a smooth little pussy would add something wonderful to the overall look.”

“And who’s gonna be seeing my pussy?” I demanded.

He had gone back to sucking on my inner thigh, “Mmmeferwon.”

“And who’s for two?” I asked. “I’m not… ohhhh god.” He dove into my pussy with his tongue and after the intense orgasm he gave me, he convinced me to do it! I didn’t let him do the actual shaving, but it drove him wild watching.

And so, now he was trying his level best to influence my outfit for the night too. Having just toweled off from the shower, he left my side so I could primp and preen and shave my slit smooth while he dressed and laid out what he wanted me to wear that night. He picked a slinky club wear top of sheer black silk fabric.

“You do realize, that this is lingerie?” It was essentially a long circle of sexy black silk sewn into a large loop. It wore looped around my neck, drapped down in front of my tits. A casual lean forward at the waist could show off my tits to the entire room, if that’s what I wanted to do.

“What I do realize that this top is a sexy little cocktail dress when you wear a skirt with it. Do you recall two weeks ago when you and I spent the day shopping and planning for our Christmas party and you pulled me into the dressing room at Fredericks?”

The memory was etched in my brain. “Oh …god!”

“Yeah… -and what did you say to me while you were riding my cock and staring into the dressing room mirror?”

I grinned shyly and stroked his cock. “You’re gonna use that against me?”

He pressed his big dick against my belly, “No, I’m gonna use this against you!” he smirked.

“Uhhhnn, okay, mmm, I said something like, it’s a shame this new body only looks its best when I’m completely naked.”

“Uh huh, and after I agreed whole heartedly with you; what did you say then?”

“Uhn god!” he was manually rubbing the tip of his cock across my clit again, “I told you I… ugh, that I needed to upgrade my sss… ugh, my style to something, ugh, something a little more risque.”

“No, what you you said was that your body was crying out for slutty clothes and you dragged me off my feet and screwed me right there at Frederick’s! Remember?”

Okay he had me. “Yes, okay… jus’ put it in me, huh?”

“Nope, not til I’m through talking.”

He wouldn’t let it go. I knew what else he was pushing for and I felt a warm slutty feeling growing in my pussy.

“-and if you cast your mind back, do you remember what you said when you we’re modeling those sheer body sheaths for me at Victoria’s Secret… with nothing on underneath? ‘Cause it was something to remember! Let me tell ya!”

“YES!” I was getting a little pissed off. “I said before the year was out, I wanted to…” I can’t believe he’s throwing my words back at me like this! Obviously I was riding a sex high and not caring too much what I told him! “Dammit!” He held his fist around the shaft of his cock so that only the head slid along my slit. When I pushed forward he backed off.

“You wanted to what? C’mon, tell me what you said.”

“I said it was a real damn shame that you were the only one who got to see the best of me and that before the year was out I wanted to let ten men to see me naked! But I was just bullshitting! C’mon!”

“Okay, okay I know that. I’m just giving you the freedom and the opportunity to show those ten men what you got! I want to dress you up in, as you say, slutty clothes and let you do a little dancing! C’mon, at least try it on! I really think you’ll like it! I picked it out based on your fantasies and that little show-off fetish you seem to be developing. So c’mon Annie, try it on for me, huh?”

His face buried into my neck biting and sucking. “Okay okay, c’mon just give me some room here! My god you’re like a dog in heat! Why won’t you fuck me already? You seem to want to!”

Pressing his cock against my ass again he reached up and squeezed my tits. “Ohhh sweet thing, You’ve got that right!” He caressed my body with a feather light touch as he slid his hands down my sides and pulled my hips against his thick shaft. I was so wet he slipped between my thighs and poked out between my labia. I reached down and tickled his cockhead.

“Just let me see it on you!” he whispered into my ear while he fucked my thighs and pussy lips from behind; his belly slapping against my ass.

“Ohhh baaa-by…” I was heating up fast. His hands slid down between my thighs and caressed my clit a little roughly. If I hadn’t been so wet it would have hurt a little. He slipped a finger deep inside me and swirled it.

“Put it on baby. Let me see how god-damn hot you’re gonna look tonight.” He slipped his finger into his mouth as he spun around and sat down across from me. I had to catch my breath, the man got to me! So I tried it on!

The loop of sheer silk, as it gathers it becomes slightly less transparent but as my tits press right against the fabric, it only serves to accent them, making them sexier than bare… Hmmm. It’s too small to be called a top. A bath towel draped over my shoulders would cover a hell of a lot more! “Just the thought of wearing this out in public among groups of strange men and women has my pussy tingling!” -and I have to admit, it looked fantastic! The diaphanous black loop of fabric accented my naked body like a sexy silk scarf. As this top hung straight down over my tits, leaving nothing but skin in the way of my cleavage, you could inspect my body from neck to bellybutton. Wearing only this top was allowing me to proudly display my smooth snatch to him. I held my arms out and swayed back and forth a bit, “And does this attire meet with your approval Sir?”

He smiled. “Mm, mm, Mmmmm!” he approved. He stood and did just what I thought he would. He put his hands inside the top causing it to spread wide, exposing my tits completely.

Carl’s tongue was suddenly deep inside my mouth. I sucked and sucked on it til I swear I was dripping juice down my thighs. “c’mon, fuck me baby…” I whispered.

“Ohhhh yes! But, later. I want you to maintain your sexual frustration and channel into showing off your sexy little body!”

It sounded a little iffy but what the hell? I figured I could get him hot enough to fuck me before his little anticipation game concluded.

“I suppose you have something else in mind for me to wear since I can’t really go out flashing my ass and shaved pussy and not get thrown in jail?” I smirked knowing he would have a complete look picked out for me.

“It came in the mail today!” He giggled like a little boy as he darted off to retrieve a package. He brought in something behind his back. Smiling and looking me over he handed me a small red box, a very small red box. I opened it and pulled out a small scrap of belted leather, with a gold buckle. “I had this made for you.”

“What?” I shook my head at the nothingness of the item. “How?”

“Come here, please.”

I liked that he said please so I stepped in close.

He took the item out of my hand and sat down. “Come closer, I won’t bite very hard.” He smiled up at me, his face inches from my slick pussy lips. He wrapped the small oddly shaped leather band around my hips and tugged it into place. “Now the buckle rides here, low on your thigh, then you wrap it around the back and it clicks together in front, like… so! Et Voila!” he flourished a French hand gesture.

“This is a small leather belt. I’m still quite naked!” I was dubious to say the least.

“No, come to the mirror. See? The top of your ass is covered by the wider piece and that sweet little pussy is covered by this angled flap of leather here.”

“sonofabitch!’ It hung real damn low in front. If I hadn’t shaved I could never have gotten away with it. My hips were totally out in the open, the rise of my mound was in the air as well, the fabric literally rested on the hood of my clit, but I was covered! I moved a little. I took a few wide steps across the floor looking into the mirror. I did some swinging, swaying and stretching, to test whether or not this tiny damn thing was going to fall right off leaving me naked on the dance floor. The fabric clung tight. “Damn you’re good!”

“Here, try this. Wrap your arms around my neck and slow dance with me.”

I did just that. Carl obviously liked this whole situation judging from the size of the bulge I was pressing against. “Carl, look in the mirror behind me. What kind of show am I giving off back there, my horny valet?”

“Oh it’s absolutely perfect, sweet thing! The top leaves your back completely bare! -and the view of your ass is glorious! It beautifully displays the small of your back and some sweet little cleavage below it.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted my butt crack on general display. Then again I wasn’t sure I didn’t, either! I had worked hard for this body and I was pretty damn proud of it! “How MUCH cleavage below?”

Carl put his hands on my bare hips and ground up into me, “How hard is my cock? Does that answer your question?”

“Ahhh, uh! How much can you really see?”

“Well I can see those cute as hell dimples above your ass and about two inches of the tops of those wonderful round globes.” He slid his hands down my back and slipped his fingertips down into my butt cleavage.

“Ohhh, I don’t know. That’s a lot!” I pulled the back of this scrap of leather up a bit. “Now what shows?”

“Ohhh Sweetie. You… I… Fuck!”

“Hell, it must be good! I can see your cock throbbing!”

“Uh, I can’t speak! I have perfect marble globes blinding my judgment! Your tight little ass looks so fucking good hanging out below that black leather!”

“Damn…” I felt his cock jumping against my mound. “so… maybe you’re ready to fuck me then?” I smiled a naughty smile and started grinding my pussy against his bulge.

“Oh I got it!” he dropped my arms and bolted off.

“Wha, HEY! Bring that back!” Suddenly I was humping nothing but air. He quickly returned carrying a shoebox. “What are those!?”

“I was saving them, but these are perfect! Here, put them on.”

He pressed my feet into gold four inch stiletto heeled pumps.

“No way I’m hobbling around… on… hey, these are comfortable? How can these be comfortable?”

“A woman designed them.”

I looked at my legs in the mirror. “You mean a HORNY woman designed them! Damn!”

“And now you’re four inches taller! Oh god, the fucking pumps make your ass look rounder, plumper! If you wear the skirt high with those beautiful tight cheeks hanging out, no one would think you weren’t wearing some sort of thong.”

I considered that. Might as well wear this little skirt low as possible and let them know It’s all me underneath! I pulled it down low so it barely rested on the tops of my thighs. My pussy was nearly exposed! Just to make sure I tugged it once more. You could just see the top of my clit hood! It felt sinful! My juices were starting to flow!

We tried the slow dance position again. With my newly acquired height Carl could rest his hand on my bare hip, resting his fingertips low on my ass. As we danced he slid his hand lower to squeeze and play with my ass. “It shows way too much when you do that.” I smiled. “Everyone will know your girl is not wearing anything under this.” I stared into his eyes looking for doubt. I saw a gleam of hope in his eyes, “…damn it. You really want me to do this?”

“Oh hell yeah. I’m not playing around here tonight! You said you wanted me to show you off, so that’s what I plan on doing.” He looked so excited. He pulled me close a little roughly. His fingers did a quick spin on my clit. “I know what you want to do tonight. You’ve talked about it often enough. Idly wondering out loud what makes men horny?”

My head was spinning at the thought of going out in public dressed like this. “I just like to know what you guys like to see is all!” God he had two fingers deep inside me!

“Uh, huh! Asking me what it’s like when a woman catches my eye. Your fascination with public displays, your new sexy little body! You want to be the one who makes men horny! You want to be the center of sexual attention, don’t you! Admit it! It’s okay! Let’s go do it! You’re safe with me.” His fingers were doing all the right things in my slit.

He whispered a breathy question into my ear, his voice filled with hope. “What do you say, lover? I know a great place to take you where the men want to see that body. A place where it’s safe to show off. Come play with me tonight. I want to see you as the center of everyone’s fantasy. The center of all that sexual energy! I want to see that body in action and watch you ignite all that passion inside. What do you say lover?”

I was horny and excited and nervous too. Damn him for discovering my exhibitionist streak! My brain seemed to be floating above the room, I felt some juice running down my thigh, “Let’s go dancing.”