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A TS Cinderella Story



“Wanna hear something really funny?” I asked Mike, looking at him over my fourth rum and coke.

“What’s that?” he smiled at me, shuffling a deck of cards just to keep his hands busy while we talked. He’d been teaching me how to play cribbage and I’d been losing.

“I never knew Evelyn’s last name,” I said. “Isn’t that weird?”

Mike sighed softly and put the cards down, reaching for his own glass.

“I didn’t know until I read her obituary this morning.” I laughed unhappily. “Kwan. That was her name. Evelyn Kwan.”

“Are you okay?” Mike looked at me.

“Sorta,” I shrugged. “No. I didn’t cry today, that’s something. Right?”

“Yeah.” Mike nodded.

“I asked her to marry me,” I told him. “Bet you didn’t know that.”


“I didn’t really ask her, but…” I took a swallow of rum with a grimace, “…I gave her the ring.”

Mike nodded.

“She knew what it meant.” I drank what was left in my glass.

We were quiet for awhile and Mike poured some more rum for both of us, killing the bottle, but the Coke cans were all empty. 

“You never told me about that pimp,” I said, feeling uncomfortable with the silence and knowing it was my fault.

“What pimp?” Mike asked so seriously that I had to laugh.

“The guy with the tooth,” I said. “The night we met. The one you… you know.”

“Oh.” Mike nodded.

“You didn’t do it just because he had a gun…” I looked at him, “… did you?”

“The truth?”

“Yeah,” I grinned at him. “What else? We’re drinking here.”

“I was looking for him,” Mike said. “That little walk we took, I knew he was around.”

“You knew you were going to kill him?”

“More or less,” Mike nodded.

“Why? What did he do to you?”

“He was running some girls,” Mike said. “Some kids out of my old neighborhood. This guy I know, uh…Frankie. He called me up, asked me to do the neighborhood a favor.”

“This guy called you up and asked you to kill someone?” I gave Mike a look of disbelief. “Come on. What really happened?”

“No, no…” Mike took a swallow of his drink. “I grew up on Mulberry Street. Little Italy. It’s all cops and robbers there.”

“I don’t understand.” I took a deep breath and grabbed my tits in my halter, because it was feeling tight. My nipples were popping too, but they were always hard anyway.

“Uhhh…” Mike grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. “What were we talking about?”

“Cops and robbers,” I sighed and pointed at my nose. “Hey Detective, I’m up here.”

“Yeah,” Mike chuckled and lifted his eyes. “You heard of the Mafia, right?”

“You’re in the Mafia now?” I giggled and twirled my drink.

“No,” Mike shook his head. “Nothing like that. The Mafia is…Well, it’s not what it used to be. But there’s still families and crews and guys running the neighborhoods.”

“Yeah?” I shrugged. “So this friend of yours…What’s his name?”


“Right,” I said. “This Frankie is a Mafia guy?”

“Mmmm…” Mike lowered his voice, leaning across the kitchen table. “You mean just between you and me?”


“No. He’s just a guy who likes his pasta.”

“Heh!” I stuck my tongue out. “You liar!”

“Anyway, Goldy was running these girls, like twelve, thirteen years old, even younger maybe,” Mike explained. “He’d get them high and deliver them to assholes who want that kind of thing.”

“How’d he find them?”

“Shelters mostly,” Mike shrugged. “Runaways, crack kids, I dunno. It was bad for the neighborhood, that’s the bottom line.”

“So the neighborhood asked you to take care of it.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Frankie knew we had a history. I wasn’t gonna say no.”

“What history?”

“The old kind,” Mike said with a chuckle. “I busted Goldy a couple times way back when, even got him sent up for a year or two, but he kept coming back.”

“And you knew he was going to find us fucking on his car?” I shook my head. “Or was that just luck?”

“I didn’t plan that,” Mike smiled at me kinda sheepishly.

“I did,” I giggled. “Anyway…So? But you planned the other thing, huh?”

“Well, it wasn’t very lucky for him was it?” Mike said, returning to my original question, and that was all the answer I was going to get.


“What?” Mike looked at me.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked him, swallowing the last of my Bacardi with one big gulp and making a face as it burned all the way down.

“Uh, with that last skunk?” Mike scratched his head. “I dunno. That’s a lot of math for the middle of the night. Eight bucks?”

“Hmph,” I snorted. “I’ll cut you for it.”

“I think it’s past your bedtime, Cindy,” Mike said with a grin. “I’m gonna get out of here.”

“No, come on,” I insisted, picking up the cards. “If I win, I don’t owe you anything.”

“What if I win?” Mike asked me.

“Well…” I bit my bottom lip. “I was thinking, uh…you could spend the night. Maybe.”

“Oh.” Mike narrowed his eyes.

“But if you don’t want to…” I giggled nervously.

“I think that depends on you,” he said much too seriously.

“It depends on the cards,” I grinned at him, shuffling the deck while I watched his face.

“Okay,” Mike agreed.

“I gotta warn ya though…” I slapped the deck down on the kitchen table with a grin. “I’m feeling lucky, Mike. Cut.”

Mike pulled away half the deck, hiding the bottom card from both of us. I made a little face and pulled off the card on top of what was left and looked at it.

“Ohhhh…Can you beat this?” I asked Mike with a giggle, showing him the jack of diamonds.

“Do I have to?” he asked me in reply, giving me those deep blue eyes of his and I wanted to say no, but…

“You do if you want me to cook you breakfast in the morning!” I laughed.

“When did you learn to cook?”

“Hey,” I made a face at him, “I got a TV you know.”

“In that case…” Mike turned over the half-deck in his hand. “Queen of hearts.”

“You cheated!” I gasped and then laughed at the smile on his face.

Mike followed me into the bedroom slowly, watching me as I pulled off my halter along the way. That was the first thing to go and I was glad to be rid of it. I think the rum was making my tits grow, or else I was pretty buzzed, that could’ve been it too. Either way, I pulled my top over my head and giggled at the man as I tossed it to him. Mike shook his head, smiling as he watched me walking backwards with my big boobs riding firm and proud and perfect. 

After almost two weeks of being Cindy, I didn’t even think about it anymore. I mean, I was finally used to myself and how I looked, and how other people saw me. I untied my shorts, some loose fitting gym shorts that were insanely comfortable. The garter was all stretched out and the string barely held them up anyway. I finally gave up and just pushed them down my thighs, kicking them in Mike’s direction with a grin.

I posed for him then, just because I was a little drunk. I had to be or I would have kissed Mike goodnight for the tenth time in a row and cried myself to sleep. I was tired of crying and even though I knew I’d feel guilty in the morning, I needed someone to love me again.

“Do I look okay?” I asked Mike playfully, standing hands on hips in my lace panties. 

“Yeah,” Mike breathed. “You look pretty okay from here, Cindy.”

“Hmmm…” I smiled at that, knowing I looked good enough to be the Victoria’s Secret centerfold. With my girlish cock and small pink balls carefully hidden away, there was nothing about my body that didn’t scream female. 

“You should be a model,” Mike decided and he was more than happy just to stand there and look at me for a minute.

I gave him a small shrug. “That’s what everybody says.”

“Everybody’s right. You should look into it.”

“You’ve been drinking,” I giggled. “Do you think I’d look better as a blonde?”

Mike watched me lift my arms, digging my fingers into my wild mane of raven hair. “I can’t even imagine it,” he told me. “No. You’re perfect just like that.”

“Heh!” I rolled my eyes. “Everyone says that too. Come on, be original, Mike!”

“What can I say?” he sighed. “It’s all true.”

“You’re a lawyer, right?” I reached down to play with my soft cock through my thin white panties. “Lie to me.”

“Never,” he promised with a shake of his head.

“That’s a long time,” I said and my penis was growing hard quickly, pressing outward against the satin. I kept playing with it, just to see how Mike would react. I kept it covered, but only barely, pushing my penis down and to the side, feeling it straining eagerly for release.

“Forever is a long time,” he answered, putting my clothes on the chair near the bed without taking his eyes off me. “Never is the absence of time.”

“What?” I stared at him. “I said lie to me, not confuse me.”

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Mike breathed, and I could see him forgetting everything else in the world but me.

“All of me?” I asked him softly, spreading my fingers around my cock, letting it stretch my panties towards him.

“Yeah,” he swallowed hard and I giggled, licking my lips and sitting on my bed.

“Don’t worry, Mike…” I whispered, reaching for his belt and tugging the man closer. “I know you’re not gay.”

“I wasn’t worried about it,” he said, staring at my fingers as I undid his trousers.

“Yeah?” I looked up at him.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Mike told me seriously.

“They’re gonna put my picture in the dictionary if you keep saying that,” I laughed.

“They should,” he chuckled. “It would be a best seller.”

“Ohhhh…” I looked up at him. “Shoulda saved that line for the back of your daddy’s car, boyfriend.”

“Is that what I am?” Mike asked me and I was pulling his manhood free, letting his trousers fall carelessly down his legs. “Your boyfriend, Cindy?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed, holding Mike’s cock in both hands and licking my lips. “Let me think about it.”

“Ohhh yeah…” Mike nodded, finding my hair with his fingers as I opened for his thick cock. He was long and hard and I took him into my mouth slowly, stretching my pouting, bee stung lips around the shaft. My tongue wriggled beneath him, the tip fluttering against the sensitive glans as I held him there. I was going to make it good for him. The best blowjob he’d ever had in his life.

We’d been waiting for this, me as much as him, and now we were doing it. Evelyn was still inside my head, still in my heart like always, but I was able to let my guilt go. I’d had enough rum to put the girl to sleep and I’d worry over what I was doing in the morning. For now I wanted to make love to the man who was protecting me. The man who loved me and was spending all his energy trying to save me.

Mike undressed while I worked on his cock, stroking him with my hands while I kissed and licked at the head. I enjoyed holding just that much of him between my lips and using my tongue to tickle and tease the sensitive underside. I flicked the tip of my tongue across it quickly, moving my left hand down to cradle Mike’s large balls nestled in his hairy scrotum. The man was big all over and I loved that about him, the size of his cock, the way his balls filled my hand, and especially how Mike seemed larger than life as stood in front of me.

Once his shirt was off and his pants kicked off his feet, Mike’s fingers returned to my hair. I gave him control willingly, moaning around his cock as Mike pulled my mouth further down the shaft. He was gentle, but insistent, and this was what I desired. A man to take charge of me and show me what he wanted. Mike pushed with his hips, making me gag weakly as his cock filled my mouth completely. He was thick and his cockhead seemed too large for what we both needed, but my fairy godmother had taught me well and soon I was swallowing Mike’s cock into my tight throat.

“Christ,” Mike breathed, watching as every inch of him disappeared between my taut lips. I held him there as long as I could, impaled on the man’s generous cock until I had to back off slowly, fisting Mike’s wet cock while I drank cool air into my lungs. Spit and precum ran from my lips, down my chin and neck. My tits were wet with it and I giggled breathlessly as I lifted my body and brought Mike’s cock to my right nipple.

“I love your cock,” I told him in a soft, husky voice, rubbing the glans over and around my fat nipple. 

“I love you,” Mike said and he surprised me, bending over to kiss me deeply while his strong, calloused hands held my face. His tongue filled the place his cock had so recently been and I sucked on it greedily, playing my own against him. 

Mike wasn’t going to let me finish our foreplay, as much as I wanted to make him cum with my mouth and hands. He wanted me too badly after some two weeks of waiting patiently. I didn’t complain when he picked me up, putting me on the bed and I was already pushing my panties down as the man covered my body with his. 

We both gasped at his penetration, Mike’s cock pressing into my ass with a relentless pressure that I’d desperately missed. It hurt a little, but the pain was welcome and I wanted it. Mike was stretching my tight anus and the discomfort was lost to my orgasm. I was cumming just that quickly and I pulled Mike’s mouth to mine, kissing him passionately while my cock spewed semen between our bodies. It was good for me, but the physical expression was nothing compared to what I felt inside. I was burning up the pleasure of being in love.

After several minutes of slowly fucking me, of letting me get used to his cock, Mike pushed my legs up and over his strong shoulders. He pinned me to the bed, thrusting his cock inside me hard and fast. All I could do was stare up at the man, watching his face contort with the pleasure that filled him. My body shuddered and the bed shook so hard I thought it would collapse, but I was beyond caring about anything else. Mike’s cock driving into my bowels, kissing my prostate with electric jolts of pure lust, that was all I could think about. I was cumming again, grabbing at him with my fingers, scratching him and begging for more.

“I’m cumming…hmmm…Um…” Mike groaned between his tight lips, arching his back as he strove to fill me one last time.

I was dizzy and floating on clouds of pleasure when I felt his balls empty inside my ass. Mike lowered his head, bringing his lips to mine so we could kiss while he came. It was a wonderful moment, being taken that way and giving myself to the man so completely. It was everything I wanted and needed right then and I was almost happy again.


“I’m going crazy down here,” I said with a frown, picking at the eggs I’d scrambled for our breakfast.

While Mike had woken up in a grand mood, as well he should have after fucking me three times, I’d woken up less than happy. I hadn’t slept very well and finally I’d gotten up for a bath, washing Mike out of me while I thought about Evelyn. I shouldn’t have let Mike stay, I thought, and I resented his presence. 

“It’s just for a little while longer,” Mike said slowly. He knew I was depressed. “They’re giving up the chase. Wherever Patterson went…”

“Who’s they, Mike?” I stared at him. “Who killed Evelyn?”

“I’m not sure,” he admitted. “Carlisle didn’t do it. He’s just the middleman here.”

“The middleman?”

“He’s laundering money for some people,” Mike said. “Apparently Patterson stole some of it and the people it belongs to are the ones pushing the buttons.”

“But you don’t know who they are,” I said with a frown. “Some detective you are.”


“How much money have I got?”

“About six grand,” Mike said. “I got your petition filed and…”

“That’s it?” I made a face. “For all that jewelry?”

“I had to spend some,” Mike explained patiently. “I told you about that, and fencing jewelry doesn’t pay a lot, remember? We talked about that.”

“It still should have been more than that,” I said, dropping my fork on my plate. 

“A month from now you go in front of a judge, okay?” Mike reached for me, but I drew back. “You’ll be fine, but these things take time.”

“I’m tired of hiding,” I told him. “Nobody knows me. The only connection I’ve got with Robert is you. You’re the one who’s putting me in danger.”

“I’m protecting you.”

“You’re fucking me!” I spat back. “That’s why you brought me here. That’s why I’m locked up in this…this…fucking basement!”

“Cindy, no…Come on…” Mike frowned and he wanted to touch me so badly, but I wouldn’t let him. Not now.

“You should be out there killing people,” I said. “You got no problem killing pimps for your Mafia friends, but when it comes to what I want…”


“…Oh no! We can’t do that, can we?” I laughed crazily. “Revenge is bad. Who cares if Evelyn’s dead? We can just fuck all night!”

I pushed myself away from the table, going into the bedroom and slamming the door. It was time to cry again and I hated myself for it, but I was helpless to do anything else. Maybe I was right though, about some of it, because Mike was the only link between Robert and me. If Evelyn’s killers were going to find me, it would be through him. I really wasn’t sure if Mike had my best interests at heart, but I needed him too. 

He’d found me a birth certificate under the name Linda Burnham, a newborn who had died half an hour after her mother. I already had a new social security number, a library card, a temporary driver’s license, and a bank account with a hundred bucks in it. Mike hadn’t been sitting around. He’d been taking care of me, just like he’d promised, and I was a person again. Sorta. 


“Can I help you?” an attractive young woman asked me with a smile.

“Hi. Yeah, I want to be a model?” I said. “I mean, I want to be a model and, um…Who do I talk to about…”

“Right,” the woman said, sounding like she’d heard it all a million times. “What’s your name?”

“Me? Uh…Cindy,” I said and then giggled. “I’m kinda nervous.”

“Okay, Cindy,” she said. “Do you have a portfolio?”

“Ummm…” It was pretty obvious I didn’t, since I was standing there with just my purse in my hands. 

“Here’s what you do…”

Two days later I was back. I’d brought my portfolio, such as it was, namely a few dozen photographs that I’d spent almost a thousand dollars getting. Another thousand for the clothes I’d worn in them. Another three hundred for the girl I’d hired to do my make-up and hair, getting her on the photographer’s recommendation. Fifty bucks for a leather case to put the stupid pictures in. Twenty-eight fifty for trains and a taxi. Six dollars for a sandwich I couldn’t eat because I was too nervous. And now…

“We’ll call you,” the woman, Sylvia, said as she looked at my application.

“Oh.” I frowned, even though I’d expected that. “Um, when?”

“I’m not sure,” she said, looking slightly amused. “Is there a problem?”

“Just, um…My phone it’s…” I glanced over my shoulder and some other girls were sitting in the room, pretending not to listen. “It’s in the bakery upstairs, uh…I live underneath it, and…”

“I understand, Cindy.” Sylvia smiled and she opened my portfolio, glancing inside as she flipped through the photos. “I think you’ll get a call tomorrow.”

“Really?” I asked her. “That soon?”

“Yeah,” she nodded her head.

“Do you think I have a chance?” I wondered, thinking perhaps she meant my pictures were so bad…

“Well,” Sylvia sighed. “I’m just the receptionist, but if you want some free advice? Look for an agent.”

“Oh.” I blinked at her. “Alright. I will.”


“Where have you been?” Mike asked me and it was late, at least by my recent standards, nearly eleven at night. “And…Wow! Okay, uh…Why are you dressed like that?”

“Like it?” I asked him, closing the front door and leaning against it. I was wearing a red evening gown, strapless with a long slit in the left side of the skirt. I was showing my leg nearly to the hip and the rest of the dress was tight, clinging desperately to the contours of my perfect form. 

“That’s, uh…Some dress, Cindy,” Mike managed to say. “What’s the occasion?”

“I should have a fur to wear with it,” I sighed, ignoring his question. “It’s chilly tonight.”

“Where have you been?” he repeated. “I haven’t seen you in almost three days.”

“Missed me?” I offered him a small pout. “I’m sorry. I should have called.”

“I was worried,” Mike said.

“I was at the Four Seasons,” I pushed myself off the door towards the kitchen. “Do we have anything to drink?”

“The hotel?” Mike stared at me and until that moment I wasn’t sure if he had a jealous bone in his body.

“Be a dear and run to the liquor store,” I said. “I want some champagne tonight.”

“Cindy,” Mike gave me a confused smiled. “What’s going on?”

“The good stuff, okay?” I wrinkled my nose at him. “I’m going to change into something more comfortable.”

“What? Cindy!” Mike made an unhappy face and I blew him a little kiss as I closed the bedroom door.

I’d changed into a black lace nightie, a sexy baby-doll with matching panties that Mike had bought for me. He smiled when he saw me sitting on the bed and I smiled back. I’d been punishing the man, I suppose, disappearing like I had without a word, but I’d had little choice and anyway, at the time I’d thought Mike deserved it. He was getting a little too used to having a pet Cinderella waiting for him to come home every night.

“Now will you tell me what’s going on?” Mike asked me, handing me a water glass half-filled with Asti Spumanti. I just rolled my eyes.

“This is the good stuff?” I giggled.

“It was all they had,” Mike shrugged, leaning against the headboard beside me with his own glass.

“A toast,” I decided with a smile, holding my glass up. “To being beautiful.”

“Okay,” he said slowly. “To you then.”

“To me,” I agreed, watching him drink his wine. “I found a job, Mike.”

“W-What?” He coughed a little, swallowing hard and staring at me. “A job? You went back to being an escort?”

“Huh?” I narrowed my eyes, momentarily forgetting some of the lies I’d told him.

“The dress? The hotel? You were working right?” Mike shook his head and I realized he was a little angry at the idea. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, feeling a little mad myself for some reason. Maybe because I didn’t like the way he immediately assumed the only thing I could do was be a prostitute.

“Great,” Mike said, draining his glass and he wasn’t the kind of man who would waste a lot of breath yelling about something.

“What am I supposed to do, Mike?” I asked him. “I’m going to need money. I’m going to need my own place. You think I’m going to live here forever?”

He wasn’t saying anything, of course, just staring straight ahead with those black eyes of his.

“That’s it, huh?” I shook my head sadly. “Are you saving up for a ring, Mike? Are you going to ask me to marry you? Have your children?”

I put my glass on the nightstand.

“I’m not like that,” I told him, lowering my voice. “I can’t be the woman you want me to be, Mike. I can’t be your wife.”

“But I love you,” Mike said, turning his head and finding my eyes with his.

“I love you too.” I smiled and reached for his empty glass. “But it isn’t enough,” I whispered into his ear, taking the glass from his fingers with a tender kiss. “I have to go, Mike. You can’t save me.”

“Cindy…” Mike sighed, pulling me against him and kissing my mouth. I don’t remember dropping the glass, only how good it felt to embrace him. His tongue was wet and sweet and I was straddling his body, lying on top of the man while we kissed. 

Mike’s hands moved across the lace, along my back and down to my hips and ass. He was moving me against him and I felt his erection beneath his trousers. I was riding it with my own, dry fucking him while my fingers worked blindly between us. I was unbuttoning his shirt and spreading it wide so that I could kiss Mike’s chest. He had thatch of soft black hair and it felt good on my face. I kissed his nipples, licking them and using my teeth. 

“I’m going to make it good,” I promised him softly, dragging my tongue across his skin, down his flat stomach while I crawled backwards.

It was awkward and fun, the way sex often is, and I was undressing Mike quickly while he watched me. It wasn’t in his nature to stay mad at someone he loved and whatever he might have imagined I’d been doing the last three days, he wasn’t going to refuse my attentions. I soon had him naked and I was giggling, pouring the Asti over his cock while I sucked him. It was cold and he complained loudly, but my mouth was warm and I rewarded his indulgence with a long, sloppy blowjob.

I was lying on my side, curled up with my cheek on Mike’s stomach. I could take him in my mouth without any help and I used my hands on his chest and thighs, stroking the man while I loved him. I kissed his cock and licked it, drew him between my soft lip and suckled gently while Mike played with my ass. If he was surprised to find me clean and dry back there, he didn’t show it. I gasped happily when he stretched my small anus with his finger, wriggling it around and smiling at my reaction.

Mike surprised me when his hand went lower, between my thighs to find my swollen cock and hairless balls. He’d never touched me there before and I hadn’t asked him to, but now he was caressing me, fondling that part of me which wasn’t entirely female and it felt amazingly good. When Mike pulled me around, urging me to straddle his face, it got even better. I moaned with pleasure when I felt Mike’s mouth around my stiff penis. I wasn’t very large, of course, nothing like the hard eight inches I was sucking on, but Mike gagged on me anyway.

“You don’t have to,” I breathed, squeezing Mike’s cock with my fist and rubbing the head around my lips as I spoke.

“Mmmpph…” Mike said, keeping me in his mouth and I laughed at that. I thought he might be doing it only to convince me to stay, to show me how much he really loved me, but perhaps he would have done it anyway. Whatever the reason, just knowing that there was no part of me Mike would reject was going to make me cum. I hoped he was ready for that.

I tried to ignore the butterflies in my tummy and the pressure building in my balls, and concentrate on Mike’s cock. I opened my throat for him, finding our new position to be perfect for that. I could take him easily, enjoying the odd sensation of Mike’s swollen member stretching my throat as I pushed myself all the way down. My nose would press against his hairy scrotum and my senses were filled with the man. The way he smelled and tasted, the way his flushed body was hot and sticky. I was sucking him good when I had to surrender to my climax, jerking in Mike’s strong arms as he held me tight.

My cock throbbed with the force of my orgasm, spilling my creamy load into Mike’s mouth. I was shaking as all the butterflies inside me seemed to explode outwards and I shut my eyes against the pleasure of it. I was cumming hard and Mike was trying to swallow it, but I was barely aware of anything just then. I’d closed my thighs against his cheeks and pushed myself up, arching my back as I pushed my cock deeper into his mouth. It was the first orgasm Mike had given me that way and I was helpless to do anything but make the very best of the situation. I was fucking Mike’s mouth, thrusting with my hips and gasping with every rapid spurt of semen.

It was all over much too quickly and I blinked, giggling and shaking my head as I came down slowly. Mike was still hard and I’d been holding his cock, but doing little else. I turned around, pulling my penis free of his lips with a wet plop and I kissed the man hard. His mouth was rich with my cum and I dipped my tongue inside, wanting to taste myself and share what he’d done for me. I didn’t know why I’d found it so exciting, but I did. I was pushing myself down, wanting Mike’s cock inside me while Mike fed me his spermy tongue.

He helped, wanting me just as badly as I wanted him, reaching down to guide his cock to my asshole and I took him eagerly. I thrust down with my ass, not wanting it slow and gentle, but hard and deep and desperate. I wanted to fuck him, the way he’d done me previously. I rocked my hips, ignoring the discomfort of being dry like I was, being stretched so completely. I didn’t care and his cock was wet enough for me anyway. I rode Mike hard, lifting myself with my hands on his chest while he watched me. I would take all of him inside me and roll my ass, grinding myself on his cock and bathing in the warmth it brought me.

Five minutes was all it took, if even that long, and I fucked Mike through his orgasm without pausing. My own girlish cock was only semi- hard at best, slapping Mike’s stomach as it flopped around, but the girl inside me was cumming with him. My heart seeming to burst with a flood of raw pleasure and I felt my eyes growing damp. It was much like what I’d shared with Evelyn, that unbelievable sensation of being somehow complete for that one fleeting moment.


“You’re up early for a change,” Mike said, surprising me with a kiss on my cheek as I sat at the kitchen table. He was tying an old bathrobe around his waist and looking around for coffee, but I hadn’t made any. It was bad for his ulcer and I preferred tea. 

“Hi,” I said, smiling up at him and moving my hands to cover the note I’d been trying to write for the last twenty minutes.

“What are you doing?” he asked and then he saw my bag.

“Mike…” I started, only to be interrupted by a light rapping at the front door.

He looked at me for a second, his face confused and almost hurt, I thought, before going to answer the door. I pushed myself up, grabbing my bag and hurrying after him.

“Who are you?” Mike asked, challenging the older man with his eyes as much as his voice.

“Mr. Cicero, I presume?” The man held out his hand. “I’m Mr. Goethe.”

He pronounced his name the way it should be, in German of course, and Mike blinked at him. Mr. Goethe was nearing sixty and he had an austere look, being tall and thin like he was, and dressed in a charcoal suit which contrasted sharply with his pale skin. Only his hair was incongruous, being pulled back in a short, silver ponytail. I liked it though, I thought it was pretty cool and it made him look less like a lawyer than what he really was.

“Who?” Mike asked and he looked at me for help.

“Let him in, Mike,” I said with an apologetic look. “He’s my agent.”

“And business manager,” Mr. Goethe added, a bit unnecessarily, I thought. “She’s in good hands, I assure you, Mr. Cicero.”

“What?” Mike looked at me.

“We need to go soon,” Mr. Goethe said to me in his clipped German accent and looking pointedly at his watch. “Our flight leaves in three hours.”

“What flight? What are you talking about?” Mike asked the man, and he still hadn’t budged from the doorway.

“Did you bring it?” I asked Mr. Goethe and he reached inside his suit, pulling out a thick envelope.

“What’s that?” Mike demanded and his patience was wearing thin.

“It’s for you,” I said, reaching between the two men to take the envelope. “Can you give me a couple minutes, Mr. Goethe?”

“Of course,” he said with a thin smile. “I’ll wait in the car.”

“Thanks,” I said, giving Mr. Goethe a grateful smile before tugging at Mike’s bathrobe and turning him to face me. 

“What’s going on, Cindy?” he asked.

“I got a job as a model,” I said. “I should have told you last night, but…We’re going to Paris for a month. They want me to go to some school or something.”

“Modeling school?” Mike narrowed his eyes. “So last night…What was that? A kiss goodbye?”

“Sort of,” I admitted softly, looking down because it hurt too much when I looked at his eyes. “There’s some money here. They gave me some right away. I don’t need it all and…”

“I don’t want your money,” Mike said, ignoring the envelope.

“I know,” I nodded quickly, blinking back the tears that threatened. “It’s not…I just want to give you something.”

“I want you,” Mike said, gripping my shoulders. “Don’t go, Cindy.”

“Mike…” I sighed. 

“You don’t even have a passport,” Mike said. “We haven’t changed your name yet. The hearing isn’t for two more weeks. You can’t go anywhere.”

“Mr. Goethe is taking care of it,” I said. “He’s been arranging everything. That’s what I was doing the last couple days.”

“I see,” Mike let me go. “So that’s it. You don’t need me anymore.”

“I do need you,” I looked up and my eyes were wet. “But I need this more. Please, don’t be angry with me.”

Mike didn’t say anything and I looked around, finally leaving the envelope on top of the small television. I had to go and nothing I could say would make it okay for either of us. I had to get away from New York and Evelyn and everything that had happened. There was no reason, no rationale for what I was doing. It was just instinct and how does one explain that?

I reached for Mike’s face and he didn’t draw back, he only looked at me as I caressed his cheek. I kissed him, standing tip-toe and touching his closed lips with mine for a second and then two and then I let him go.

“Goodbye, Mike. I’ll call you when I get there,” I promised, but I think he knew I was lying.