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Submission to a Slut – spanking and squirting



I knew that there was something on Shayla’s mind when we went out to dinner that weekend. Two glasses of wine later, she began to tell me what she had been thinking about. I knew that she had been backing off from her dominance in our relationship, and she admitted it when I pressed her to talk.

“I know it’s lost the spark for you too,” she said. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy the physical part of it – I love to give you a good paddling or strapping, or a caning, and the sex afterward is magnificent. It’s not a physical thing I’m after – I need some kind of mental approach that will let me really get into it again. I was out of ideas.”

“Until…?” I questioned.

She smiled. “You’re still extremely perceptive.” She paused, then continued. “I confided in Elisa. She suggested that we set up some sessions with a friend of hers who’s into dominance and submission. She wouldn’t tell me much, except that her friend Kristy would be dominant to both of us in the same session. She mentioned something about role reversal and letting go of established patterns.” “What else did she say?”

“Nothing else really, except that she thinks it’s just what we need. I’m going to go through with it. Will you commit to going?”

I was nervous, and the thought of seeing another woman dominate Shayla excited me. I told her that I would.

It took Shayla several days to work up the nerve to call Kristy. At the end of their conversation she was in better spirits, and said that she already felt a rapport with her. She had scheduled our appointment for the following evening.

We arrived at Kristy’s house a few minutes early. Kristy was a blonde woman in her mid thirties, on the petite side, soft spoken, and wearing a bright smile. This was in contrast to Shayla, a tall slender blonde in her late twenties.

“I have the session pretty much planned out,” Kristy said after a few moments of light conversation. “I’d like you to meet my slut, Nancy. She will help with the session.” She called out, and we were treated to the first surprise of the visit. A completely naked young woman appeared. Her dark brown hair nicely framed her pleasant face, and I could not avoid becoming aroused looking at her slender body. Her pubic hair, which she did not shave, was an asset to her appearance.

“Nancy, I want you to take them to the session room and have them wait for me there.”

“Please follow me,” Nancy politely said in a pleasant voice.

A moment later we were in a large room which was outfitted with ceiling hooks, examination tables, a small bed, and some comfortable chairs.

“Please remove all clothing,” Nancy directed, and stood quietly while we complied. She took our clothes into another room and stood while we waited for Kristy. I felt my erection alternately hardening and subsiding in the moments we waited.

We heard a click, and Kristy walked in. She had shed her clothes except for her red high-heeled shoes. With an engaging smile, she seated herself and remarked that she was going to have a pleasurable afternoon.

“Nancy, my slut,” she said, “come pleasure me.”

Kristy spread her knees and exposed her light blonde pubic bush. Nancy knelt before her and gingerly approached her mistress’ womanhood. Quietly at first, then with increasingly noticeable slurping sounds, Nancy applied herself to pleasuring Kristy.

Kristy obviously enjoyed Nancy’s attentions, and I felt my erection firmly protrude. In a matter of a few moments Kristy climaxed, and Nancy withdrew her mouth.

“Oh, that was good!” Kristy announced. “Well, let’s get down to business here with our guests.” She got up and fetched a whippy rattan school cane.

“Rick, come over here in the middle of the room… Okay, now, I want you to bend over at the waist. Yes, now stay like that.” Then she handed the cane to Nancy.

“Nancy, my little slut, I want you to give him a caning.”

This was rather humiliating to me. I was going to be caned, not by Kristy, but by HER slut. Nancy whipped the first stroke of the cane efficiently across both sides of my bared buttocks. I flinched. The second striation was so hot I had to wiggle. Every subsequent stroke evoked an exclamation from me. It seemed that she whipped harder as the caning progressed, and by the time she stopped and my bottom was well striated I was squirming uncontrollably.

“Very good, my slut. Now bind him.”

Nancy bond my wrists together and had me stand with my arms above my head, whereupon she bound my hands above me with a rope threaded through a sturdy ring in the ceiling.

Kristy came over to me and stood to my side, facing the same direction as I was. While standing there her slender fingers grasped my hardening erection and slowly and continuously felt and palpated it.

“I’m sure Shayla’s feeling left out,” Kristy quipped. “Let’s get her involved. Nancy, my little slut, I want you to give her a good caning. Get her in position, but don’t start until I tell you”

Nancy smiled and grasped Shayla’s hand and led her to the center of the room. “Please bend over,” she sweetly instructed, and Shayla complied. She picked up the whippy rattan cane and stood in position.

Kristy asked Shayla some questions while she maintained her grasp on my now hard erection.

“Shayla, have you been caned before?”

“Uh, no ma’am!”

“Hmmmm – but you’ve used one?”

“Yes ma’am,” she replied in a shaky voice while bent over at the waist.

“Have you gotten the paddle or strap before, then?”

“Uh, not for a long time.”

“I see. So this will be a new experience for you. When you give a caning, what do you do when he doesn’t stay in position?”

“I – I give him extra.”

“How many extra?”

“Uh, three or four.”

Shayla’s voice had a tremor to it now.

“I think it would be good if you stayed in position for this caning, don’t you?”

“Yes ma’am…” Shayla was clearly apprehensive about what was forthcoming.

“Nancy, my slut, please administer!”

Shayla countenanced an expression of resolve as she prepared for her first caning. Nancy took careful aim, drew the cane back, and whipped it forward. The stroke settled exactly in the center of her buttocks, with the far end of the cane curling slightly around to strike the tender skin on the side of the buttocks.

“Aaaaah! Owww!” she shouted, and squirmed.


“OH! OW!”


“Aaaah-mmmmmmmfff!” Still bent over, she kicked her legs several times.

As the caning progressed, Shayla shouted, kicked, and squirmed mightily. Then she suddenly bolted upright.

Kristy was the first to speak. “You’re going to get a dozen more strokes for that, dear. But first, I want you to come pleasure me.” She seated herself and spread her legs.

Shayla stood there, her hands on her freshly caned posterior.

“Come on, dear,” Kristy said, pointing to her sloppily wet pubic bush which Nancy had serviced recently. “Kneel down over here and get your mouth working!”

Shayla, the woman who found it easy to be dominant to me, knelt between Kristy’s legs and slowly approached her pussy with her mouth. After a few gentle kisses, Kristy grasped Shayla’s head with both hands and pulled her in.

“Come on, suck this pussy like you mean it!”

Nancy smiled at Shayla’s reluctance. Over the next several minutes, Kristy gave further instruction and finally climaxed under Shayla’s attentions.

“Okay, that’s enough. Now go and bend over for the rest of your caning. More. I want that head way down… Okay, Nancy slut, go around in front and hold her in place. I’m going to administer to her.”

Nancy stood so that Shayla’s head was between her legs and held on. Kristy picked up the cane, lightly tapped it several times on the bent-over female’s buttocks, and then whipped it.

“Aaaah! OWWW!”

Shayla squirmed, and Nancy’s hips moved.


“OH! OWW! OH!”

Kristy pressed her lips together and gave four more strokes while Shayla cried out and writhed. Then she told Nancy to let her up for a moment.

“You have six more strokes coming,” Kristy announced while whipping the cane through the air. “You can either bend over and take them, or you can orally service my little slut. Which would you rather do?”

Shayla clearly did not want any more of the cane, and agreed to service Nancy, whereupon Kristy directed that Shayla be bound lying face up on the examination table.

Nancy smiled as she tied Shayla’s arms spread apart, bound her ankles to the corners of the table, and climbed up on top of her. Her pubic hair glistened from her arousal. She carefully straddled Shayla’s mouth. My bound girlfriend, gently at first, worked on Nancy’s pussy. Nancy clearly enjoyed every second of Shayla’s attention, and over the next ten minutes, enjoyed two raucous climaxes. Then she climbed off the table, leaving a shiny glaze on Shayla’s face.

“That wasn’t bad, my slut. Now, I want to show them how to properly take a caning. Bend over at the waist and I will demonstrate.”

Nancy’s expression turned somber as she presented herself for the cane. As Kristy prepared to administer, Nancy pressed her lips together in an expression of firm resolve.

“Put your feet further apart,” Kristy directed. “Now get your knees together… Good. Point your toes in.”

Nancy was sexily positioned bent over in a pigeon-toed stance.


The first stroke striated horizontally across both nether cheeks. Nancy opened her mouth but didn’t make a sound.


She grimaced.


A hoarse whisper came out: “Ahhh!”

Whippp! Whippp! Whippp!

Nancy’s choked voice reflected her plight. “Oh! Ah! OHH!”

Kristy continued the severe caning. Nancy punctuated the atmosphere with increasingly strident shouts.

The most amazing, and erotic, aspect of the caning was that Nancy did not wiggle, squirm, or kick. She kept her bent-over bared bottom exactly in the same place for her mistress. The caning continued far beyond what Kristy had given Shayla or me. And the bent-over girl stayed perfectly in position.

Of course, I had no control over my reaction to this scene. My erection stuck out prominently and ached for relief.

Kristy at long last stopped and placed the cane down. “You may stand up now.”

Nancy heaved a big sigh, stood up, and quietly placed her hands in front of her, fighting the almost irresistible urge to reach back and place her hands over her well striated bottom.

Kristy’s eyes homed in on my throbbing erect member. “It appears that we have been neglecting the male contingent here,” she said. “Nancy, my little slut, I want you to get on your knees in front of Rick and take him in your mouth.”

My cock stiffened even more when Nancy knelt and approached my midsection with her sensuous mouth. She must have known that it would not take a lot of stimulation to make me ejaculate, so she very gently and slowly worked on me when she took me in. Her beautiful lips sensuously caressed my erection. She occasionally paused, with me inside her mouth, and directed her gaze into my eyes. Her mouth formed a perfect “O” around my hard cock.

I wanted to ram my impatient cock into Nancy’s mouth, but she knew how to subtly prevent that. Her hands firmly grasped my hips and held them in place while she very slowly tantalized me with that delectable mouth. Every time I thought she was going to let me proceed to ejaculation, she backed off and waited until the urgency subsided.

I was bound in frustrated subservience to Kristy’s slut! She had the upper hand. Of course, she was carrying out Kristy’s wishes. After several trips to the brink of ejaculation and back down, Nancy slowly sucked and slurped on my cock while fingering my testicles, and continued until I blasted forth with a wrenching orgasm. The women watched as I spurted and spurted into Nancy’s delectable mouth.

After a few moments, Nancy slid her mouth off my pole, and did something that still arouses me to recall – she had not swallowed my semen, and she went to where Shayla was bound, and kissed her firmly on the mouth. With Nancy’s hands holding Shayla’s head, and their lips locked together, she pushed the “snowball” as it’s called, into my bound girlfriend’s mouth.

Shayla reacted with sounds of, “mmmf! mmm! hmmmmmf! hmmmm-mmmm!” Nancy kept her lips pressed on Shayla’s, and ensured that she got every bit of what I had spurted. After Nancy gave Shayla all the goods, she let their lips separate for a couple of seconds. Then, with puckered lips, she kissed Shayla several more times.

A week later, Shayla was applying what she had learned and observed at Kristy’s. I was bent over across Shayla’s desk. I had orally serviced her to orgasm a few minutes before. Her sweet glaze was on my lips and face.

“Try hard not to move, Rick,” she instructed as she took her position with the straight handled rattan cane. She was no doubt recalling the image of Nancy’s discipline when the girl kept perfectly still during a severe caning.

Whippp! “Aaaaugh!”

Whippp! “OHH!”

Whippp! Whippp! “OH! OH! AHH!”

Whipp! Whippp! Whippp! “OOH! Shayla! OHH!”

I twisted to the left to escape the intense sensation of the cane.

“Three extra! Get back and don’t move!”

Whippp! Whippp! Whippp! “Oh God, Shayla! OH! OWWW!”

Whippp! Whippp! “OW! OH!”

“Here’s your three extra now… Keep very still.”

She delivered the penalty strokes with more force, and paused longer between them.

Whipppp! “AHHHHH!” I applied all my resolve to stay in place and not squirm.

Whipppp! “OH! OOH! OW!” Every fiber in my body wanted to kick and squirm.

Whippp! “OH! AHH!” I twisted ever so slightly.

“No! One more for squirming!”

Whipppp! “AHHHH!” I made a supreme effort to keep in place for that one.

After a moment Shayla led me to the bedroom and had me orally service her to orgasm once again. She was intensely aroused from administering the caning and having me stay completely still. Her enthusiastic moans and the way she bucked her hips when the waves of orgasm overtook her made the caning worth it.

Then I lay face up on the bed while she nursed my cock to a raging erect state, and then slowly and leisurely stimulated me until I erupted in her mouth. I sensed what she was up to… With the wad of semen in her mouth, she pressed her lips on mine, emulating what Nancy had done to her, and propelled the ejaculate into my mouth. She locked her mouth on mine, until she was satisfied that I had taken every drop.

Shayla has since repeated this scenario, raising the stakes frequently so that I have to take a more severe caning without twisting, squirming, or kicking. I also have to take the penalty discipline without moving, and that is really difficult! The session always ends with her BJ’ing me to an exquisite ejaculation and then “snowballing” the wad into my mouth.

Shayla has mentioned that she has some other ideas to keep things spiced up.