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Danny and Darla fucking story



Generally speaking, Danny was a dumbshit. I guess it wasn’t really his fault, but damn, he sure could be dense. I guess it was mostly a function of his age and lack of worldly experience, after all, he was only seventeen, and had lived his entire life thusfar in a small, backwards, redneck town. Sometimes the shit he pulled was downright funny, although unintentionally, and sometimes it was pathetic.

Danny had the hots in a major, major, way for this sixteen year old girl named Darla. He spent literally months trying to get up the courage to ask her out. When he finally did ask her, she accepted, and then he went into a stone cold panic. The plan he had was dumb, even for him. He decided to take her out for burgers, then to a movie, and then back to my basement for a makeout session (on the first date, yet…). He had already decided that he would take along some booze and get her drunk, which should ease things for him later in the evening. He didn’t even consider that maybe she didn’t drink, and that he was too young to buy booze anyway, but that was just the way he was. He paid a bum to by booze for him, and he bought enough to host a New Years Eve party. I told him he could use the basement, pretty confident that he would never get her there. I had never even seen her, but I figured she would never let things progress that far on a first date, especially with Danny. Even if she was so inclined to do so, I was sure that Danny would manage to do or say something to put her off.

The day of the date, Danny was a nervous wreck, even more than he had been. He had a few stiff drinks that afternoon and a couple of more before he went to pick her up, followed by a large dose of Listerene to get it off his breath. It was about midnight when I heard a car in the drive. I looked out the window and saw it was Danny. He was walking around to the passenger side of his car to open the door for Darla. I watched with curiosity, because I had never seen her before. The streetlight gave plenty of light for a clear view.

I didn’t get a good look at her until he had closed the car door. She was blonde, fair skinned, and had huge tits for a girl of her age, probably thirty-fives or sixes. She had on a tight fitting blouse that was buttoned up the front and loose and flowing skirt that ended just above her knees. She was pretty conservatively dressed, actually. All in all, from what I could tell from my vantage point, she really wasn’t bad at all. I was amazed that a girl like her would ever agree to go out with Danny. She was clearly out of his class.

She took about two steps and stumbled, almost falling. Danny caught her, taking the opportunity to get a quick feel of her tit in the process. It was obvious that Danny wasn’t very stable, either. Looked like she did drink. As they made their way to the basement door, it was obvious that they were both very, very drunk. Danny, being Danny, left the basement door wide open after they went in. I could tell through the open door that he had turned the basement light on.

I waited about a half hour or so, and decided to slip into the basement and see if I could eavesdrop on them. I knew I could get all the way to the bottom of the stairs without them seeing or hearing me, and I figured if I got even halfway down the stairs, I could hear them clearly. It was a whim, actually. I wanted to see how Danny acted in her presence, to see if he had any style, or if he was the same old Danny that he was with anyone else. Of course, there was the other side of it, too. I might catch them doing something, and it would be a kick to listen in. If conditions were right, I might even get into a position where I could see what was going on. I headed for the basement.

When I got to the top of the stairs, the first thing I noticed was the silence. Shit. Danny hadn’t even bothered to turn on any music. That would have been the first thing I would have done. I started down the stairs.

When I got closer the bottom of the stairs, the silence continued. I was certainly far enough down the stairs to hear normal conversation, and with the acoustics of the basement, I should have been able to at least hear some noise if they were whispering. I might have even been able to make out what they were whispering. If they were too busy to talk, I should have heard moans and grunts or something.

I though it was very odd that there was no sound, so I carefully peeked around the corner at the bottom of the stairs to see what was going on, and I found the reason for the silence. They were both on the bed. Danny had apparently had way too much too drink in the process of getting her drunk, and they had both passed out. Danny was out cold, lying next to the wall with his back to Darla. Darla was lying on the front of the bed on her back, with her head on a pillow.

From the looks of it, Danny had made a valiant effort and even a little bit of progress before he passed out. Darla’s blouse was unbuttoned and her plain, white, bra was unfastened and bunched up under her chin. Her skirt was up to about her mid-thigh, and her legs were partially open. Yep, Danny had made some progress, but he had passed out before he got to the goal. Damn shame. If he hadn’t drank so much and had managed to stay awake, he could be fucking her right now, and she’d do nothing to stop it. Hell, she might not ever even know it. She really wasn’t all that bad looking, even though her build was a bit bigger than I prefer. Danny had pulled yet another dumbshit move. He had done all the preliminary work and wimped out before he reaped the benefits of it. That was typical for Danny.

I had already turned and started towards the stairs when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Shit. I could fuck her and she’d do nothing to stop it. I turned and walked back toward the bed, kneeling down beside it. I played with Darla’s tits a little bit, and then leaned over and sucked her nipples, paying equal attention to each of them. Her nipples were small, about the size of the tip of your little finger. I though they it was odd to have nipples that small on tits that big, but it was only a passing thought.

After a moment or two of playing with her tits, I quit that and reached down and flipped her skirt up around her waist. She was conservative all the way. Her panties were plain, white, cotton. Not even bikini cut. I had to stand to get her panties down and off, and when I had that done, I opened her legs wide. Her pussy hair was the same color as the hair on her head. Her pussy was a pretty one. I know that sounds strange, but not all of them are. Hers was well formed, with the outer lips opened like the petals on a flower, and each was a mirror image copy of the other. Her clit was prominent, to the point that a portion of it could actually be seen without even holding her pussy lips open. I gave it a couple of quick strokes, and got no real response from her.

I moved my hand lower and slipped my finger inside her. It slid in easily. She was really pretty wet, much more than I had anticipated. Between what little Danny had done before they had both passed out and my sucking on her nipples and rubbing her clit, she was nicely moist. I opened my pants and got into position on top of Darla, guiding my dick directly to her entrance. It took me a couple of tries to get lined up properly, but once I did, I slid into her half way on the first stroke. I pulled almost completely out of her, then buried my dick full length into her on the second stroke. My balls bounced gently against her ass. She was certainly no virgin, but she was tight nonetheless. It was like being tightly gripped by a moist velvet glove.

I began to fuck her slowly, really enjoying her. I could already feel the pressure building in my balls, and knew I would be coming soon. I debated for an instant about pulling out of her before I came, but it was only for an instant. After all, I really didn’t give a shit if she got pregnant or not. I figured if she didn’t get pregnant, it was no big deal. If she did get pregnant, she would think Danny had fucked her while she was passed out and would blame him. The very thought of that made it impossible for me to hold back any longer. I started fucking her harder and faster until I started to come inside her, sending several long streams of come deep into her pussy. Each time my dick bottomed out in her pussy and my balls bounced against her ass, another shot of sperm flew deep into her pussy. It was a very satisfying climax for me.

I got up and looked down at her as I refastened my clothes. I started to put her clothes back, but decided against that. My sperm was leaking out of her pussy and running down her ass, making an ever growing pool on the mattress between her legs. I had really, really, flooded her. I went back upstairs. I had only been in the house about twenty minutes or so when I heard a noise. I looked outside and saw Darla leaving. She was still staggering a lot as she took off down the sidewalk. I went back down to the basement to check on Danny. He was still out cold, and hadn’t moved an inch. The pool of sperm on the mattress was still wet. Epilogue: Over the next few weeks, Danny was bragging to all the guys about how he had fucked Darla. For the most part, nobody believed it, just because Danny was Danny. I, of course, knew that he hadn’t fucked her. Danny asked Darla out a few more times, but she always refused, never giving him a reason. It rocked on like that for a while, and Danny finally quit asking her out. All was quiet until the day that Darla announced she was


Everybody thought it was Danny’s baby, including Darla. The only one who really didn’t think that was Danny, because he knew that he had passed out and hadn’t fucked her. Still, he couldn’t say shit. He had bragged too much about fucking her to back out of it now. If he started trying to deny it, everybody would think it was just because he didn’t want the responsibility.

It got even more interesting when Darla told her parents that Danny was the father, and that he had raped her. She said she had kept quiet about it because she was afraid of what he might do to her if she told, but since she was pregnant now, she had no choice but to tell. She swore it was Danny’s, and recounted how he had tried to seduce her and had played with her tits. She said that he got her so drunk she passed out, and while she was out, he raped her. She knew it as soon as she woke up, because she was undressed and had very obviously had sex, and she and Danny had been the only ones there.

Danny had a visit from the local police soon after the announcement, and was eventually sent to a reform school on a rape charge. Danny was still locked up when Darla had her baby. The baby looked nothing at all like Danny, but that didn’t change anything for him. Like the old saying, “Momma’s baby, Daddy’s maybe.” I was the only one who knew who the real father was, and there was no way in hell I was going to talk. For Danny, it was only reform school for a while. For me, well, it would have been both rape and statutory rape, and I would have been put so far back in the jail they would have to send me sunshine through a pipe, and for a long, long time. Eventually, Danny got out, and he was then saddled with Child Support payments. He never did admit that the baby wasn’t his and that he had never fucked Darla. He was still a dumbshit. From the looks of it, he always would be.