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Puppy’s Tale (FM, femdom, mast)



“Why are you following me?”

My voice caught; I was much too nervous to answer. I wanted, needed to ask her out, but I felt too shy. I first saw her standing on the bus. Couldn’t miss her actually. I was seated and, the bus being crowded, she had to stand. She stood with her back to me, her backside level with my head. I spent over half an hour sitting there looking at her ass, with it’s thin, shiny short-shorts caressing it, with her creamy thighs coming almost together where they met the clingy blue fabric.

I was attracted by the sight of her glorious ass, but I was captured by its feel. Once, someone pushed passed her getting on the bus – or off, it was too crowded to tell – and she was pressed back against me, my face buried for over a second in her soft, cushiony ass. Then again, when the harried bus driver took a turn too fast, momentum threw most of us passengers to one side of the bus. Again, my face was pressed deeply into that round, bouncy ass, covered in those silky blue shorts.

I was embarrassed what happened – having my face in this woman’s ass not once but twice – but more by my reaction. The sexual excitement that just looking at her gave me was increased exponentially each time it happened. By the time her stop finally came, I thought I was in love with that woman with her ample round ass. When she got off the bus, I followed her like a lovesick puppy dog.

Now I was looking the object of my ardent desire in the eyes, her sea- blue eyes seeing into my soul. I wanted to ask her out, to dinner or a movie or something. But transfixed by her lovely face, held captive in her piercing gaze, I … I told her everything. How turned on I was just sitting behind her looking at her ass. How each time she put her ass in my face I felt rapturous delight.

“Ok, dear one.” She smiled affectionately. “You may follow me home, and I’ll see how obedient a puppy you will be.”

My heart leapt for joy and I gushed how wonderful and kind she was, and how happy she had made me. She made her purchase and I followed her out the store and down the street. I thought she swayed her hips a little more than when she was going to the store, and the thought that she might have done such a thing to turn me on more made me even more grateful to her. I wasn’t aware of where we were walking or anything except her round ass in those short shorts.

She ascended a set of stairs leading into a building and, obedient puppy that I was becoming, I followed her eagerly. Inside she climbed more stairs up to her apartment. She stopped walking occasionally and, unprepared for her sudden stops, I kept going each time, my face bouncing against her silky ass cheek and once buried in her shorts, between her buns. Each time I was embarrassed and apologetic, but each time, she just giggled and kept walking.

I stood behind her as she unlocked her door. She went inside, but turned and held out her hand to block me from following. “Now, puppy,” She commanded me. “I want you to take off all your clothes. Only when he is naked will I allow my puppy into my apartment.”

I wanted to protest; my modesty wouldn’t allow such a thing. But looking at her, I was so enamoured that I couldn’t argue with her. On their own, my hands moved over me, removing shoes and clothes and underwear. In short order I was standing naked in front of her.

“On your knees, puppy.” I obeyed without thinking about it. “Now if you really want to be my lovesick little puppy, you may crawl in here on your hands and knees. Or you can leave; this is your last chance.” She smiled triumphantly as I meekly crawled into her home.

Once I was inside, she showed me her purchase: a wide, pink satin ribbon; two pairs of pink cotton panties, trimmed in delicate lace; and a ruffled, pink and white apron.

“Because I love you, puppy, this is what I will allow you to wear.” She paused while that information sunk in, then she repeated. “This is _all_ puppy will ever wear.”

I looked up at her awestruck. She said she loved me! I was unprepared as I was overjoyed. But a part of me was shocked at how quickly I accepted her dominance. I was naked on my hands and knees, eager for her to put me in panties and an apron.

“I know this is all strange to you,” she said. “But you are doing very well.” she started walking across her living room toward her bathroom. Looking ove her shoulder at me, She patted her round ass, and like a puppy I crawled quickly after her.

“First, I will give puppy a bath.” She turned on the faucet in her tub. “Then I will make puppy my maid.” I waited on my hands and knees while she filled the tub. My head rested on the floor, and my face was within kissing distance of her feet.

When the tub was full, she snapped her fingers and pointed into the tub. I obediently hopped in and she held me there, on my hands and knees, while she thoroughly bathed me. She whispered in my ear, “My name is Mistress; I am your Mistress now.”

I nodded automatically, but felt I had to respond more somehow. I looked at her and said, “Yes, Mistress!”

“Very good.” She started rubbing my erection as she continued. “You are my puppy and I am your Mistress.”

She kissed my ear and kept gently rubbing me. I squirmed with pleasure. “You might think you followed me, but I have been leading you, puppy; just like your were on a leash.”

“I am a very powerful witch,” she explained as she increased her rubbing,” and I was looking for a puppy to serve me. “I saw you on the bus and decided you were the one.”

“I put a spell on you,” she revealed. She was now rubbing me so fast my eyes blurred with the intensity of the pleasure. “But it was only an invitation. You had to accept.”

“Bending to my ear, she said, “I’m glad you did!”

I was whining wordlessly, squirming under Mistress. She held me still with one strong arm, the other under me as her hand squeezed me harder and rubbed me faster than ever.

Then she commanded, “Who am I, puppy!”

I cried out, “You’re my Mistress!”

“Very good,” she praised, still rubbing me hard. “And who are you?”

“I’m Your Puppy,” I whimpered.

“Very good,” she cooed. “Now Mistress will reward puppy.”

She made me come then, more powerfully than anything I had ever experienced. Mistress kept milking me as I shuddered and convulsed and bolts of pleasure shot through my body.

When I finally stopped coming, I was exhausted and so emotionally torn by what She’d just done that I actually started weeping. Mistress picked me up and wrapped a towel around me. She held me to Her breasts and I sobbed like a baby into her bosom. She let me cry until I was finally calm.

Then She tied the pink ribbon around my neck like a collar, slipped the panties on me and put the apron over me. That is how I became Mistress’ puppy, which I have been to this day.