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A British school lad bravely accepts his caning



They had known each other since the beginning of time. They even had the picture of them together in the hospital nursery. They celebrated their common birthday together every year. This year was hard for he was in boarding school. He snuck out and met her in town. As was their tradition since they were four, they went to the Capelli’s Ice Cream Parlour and shared a large dish of several flavours. Now that they were older and more mature, they went into the park to have a bit of privacy to snog a bit. This was a new custom of only three years standing.

Unfortunately, they were interrupted in the activity. “Caddell,” growled Bromley, “what is the meaning of this?” Bromley was a crotchety old master at Caddell’s school. There was nothing to answer. “Return to the school immediately and see Dr. Penick in the morning.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Bromley, I must see my young lady home first.” said Caddell leading her away. “Good evening, Sir.” Bromley was speechless at what he felt was an insult.

Right after breakfast, Caddell was sitting outside the Headmaster’s study waiting for the red light to go off. It was a few minutes after Mr. Bromley left that he entered. “Caddell, Mr. Bromley has charged you with three offences for last night.” said the Headmaster directly.

“Three, Sir? Being out and snogging, yes, but what is the third?”

“Disrespect. He said you talked back to him.”

“No, Sir. I just reminded him that since a gentleman does not abandon a lady in the park at night that I must see her home which I did and returned directly here.” There was the faintest hint of a smile on Penick’s face. “The prescribed punishment is six cuts for each. In accordance with the rules, I choose to receive them now together which means just nine cuts for the two; ten cuts if you add in disrespect.” Caddell knew that Mr. Bromley would go to the governors if he was not caned for last evening and that would be worse. He had already decided to double up to gain the reduction for multiple punishments at the same time.

Even before Dr. Penick could respond, Caddell removed his blazer and placed it on the chair. Then he handed the Head the cane he had plucked from the umbrella stand and assumed the position as he had painfully learnt in the past was the correct one.

“Ready, Sir.” he said. He knew that there was not any point in dragging this out.

The Head knew exactly what the lad was thinking although he had gone further than any of the others who knew the rules and the price for breaking them. He walked around his desk and looked at the grey trousers stretched tightly across the muscular cheeks of the athletic youth. He yearned for the old days when this was always done on the bare. He tested the flex of his cane and then recalled an obscure rule. “Caddell, are you sixteen yet?”

“Since yesterday, Sir.”

“In that case, you may choose to get them with your trousers and pants down for a one-third reduction.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Caddell stood up in order to drop his trousers and pants. Then he assumed the position once again. “Ready, Sir.” He clenched his teeth in preparation.

Again the cane was raised but this time was brought down — hard — on the target. Caddell managed to keep still and quiet. A red welt formed immediately. Four more times the process was repeated so that there were five welts across the youth’s shapely backside. Then came the sixth cut. It was at an angle and hurt doubly where it crossed each of the first five cuts. The youth was definitely hurting and made noises of pain. “OK, Caddell. You may get up.”

The young man stood and pulled up his trousers. He was most careful as he pulled them over his wounded bottom. Dr. Penick quickly filled out the punishment book and Caddell signed it. “You may go.” the Head said dryly.

“Thank you, Sir.” said Caddell leaving. He quickly made his way to the bogs to inspect the damage.

He studied himself in the mirror and decided that he would be the centre of attention in the showers in a couple of hours. He was also looking forward to his date in two days. She would surely give him some TLC.