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College Roommates



Maria was just wearing a halter top and tight shorts while I was in my usual casual wear of shorts no underwear and a muscle shirt since I was going to meet the secretaries of the coaches. In my back pocket was that ring my grandmother gave me to give Maria if I was sure that she was the woman that I wanted to marry in the near future. Coach Trainor was happy to see me and very happy to meet Maria, the woman who he and Coach Nolan hoped would keep me calm as well as inline. After I asked them why we where up on the third floor and had no telephone or internet access especially since the college internet was run by the local cable service. Coach Trainor a former high school football star as well as college player told me that Jerry had grabbed the unit that I was suppose to have as his finance was moving down to be with him soon. Upon hearing that I turned to Maria and reached into my pocket getting out my grandmother’s wedding ring than asking her in Spanish to marry me. There was no waiting only her saying Si Si Si at the top of her lungs that caused the two coaches secretaries to come into the conference room to see what was the matter. Coaches Trainor and Nolan said at the sametime,” Kick who ever is on the 1st floor and not either married or engaged out of the residence where Juan and Maria live, and than have mainatence move their stuff into that unit issuing new keys, as well as painting the unit”. Ok Juan they asked me? Si I replied asking Maria when she would like to get married either here in Miami or in San Juan.

Jerry was loading a truck of his stuff when we returned from our meeting and Maria showed him the diamond ring that I had given her only minutes before in the coaches office. Where to man I asked Jerry? Over to the athletic dorm because once they found out that I did not have my girlfriend living here with me, and that I had taken your unit instead of the third floor one I was assigned Coach Nolan told the school that he was cutting my scholarship to half. So if I want to stay at the school I need to reside with the other jocks and get a job to pay for my books and fees. Let me help you man because its a real bitch that they just did not tell you to move into the unit originally assigned to you. Juan can I tell you a secret Jerry asked. Surething Jerry and if there is anything that I can do to help just let me know. Juan sit down because this can’t get around campus but I am gay and have been having sex with your girlfriends brother for the past three years. Three years I asked, and he said,” Yeah the kid has an 8″ thick cock that I have been swing on since he was a freshman and I was a junior in high school, and if I try to stop he claims that he will blackmail me by going to the local papers and the cops”. So you do not have a girlfriend at all its the need to be with her brother that you grabbed a married couples unit. Is that how it is? Yeah Juan that is it in a nut shell, and I can tell that you are not wearing a jock nor underwear because your big Latin hose is turning me on real bad man. Sorry Jerry but I can ask coach if you can have our old unit but you are not going to swing on my cock today never. Only Maria will do that and believe you me she does a real good job.

Maria honey please start the shower after you call that restaurant we went to back in the fall to make a reservation. That way I will come up after helping Jerry pack and shower before taking my sweet angel out to a celebration dinner. Tell Jerry goodbye as he is moving in with some of his friends over at that gay frat that you had warned me about when we where walking across the quad.

Man that ring sure does look good on you and I can not wait until we are married and your college education will be picked up by being a tutor to a foreign student assigned by Coaches Nolan and Trainor. Yeah right after you excused yourself to go to the bathroom both coaches told me that since we are engaged that once you become my wife they have told the admissions department that you are working as a personal tutor for them to help me. Supposedly you will be given a pay check besides a check that was suppose to pay your schooling here for the next four years, but we could use that money for a honeymoon unless my family decides that you are special enough for their only grandson and son to treat us instead. Grandmother she loved that picture of the two of us taken at the dance when I was here last fall, and Maria baby she has fallen in love with your picture just asking me when she will have great-grandbabies.

Well honey I hope that you are no longer on the pill because I love you and will love your body just as much once you tell me that you are carrying my baby. My baby carrying my baby. Now how sexy does that sound to you?

Lets go get dinner and celebrate properly in a room that the coaches are paying for while ours is being re-painted, new locks the works for you baby and that juicy pussy that I want to dive into right now after sucking those half dollar size nipples on the best breast anybody could ask for in a lifetime.

Hopefully the couple who this story revolves around will post a couple more segments while I am in Greece for a month.