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Who possess who? (MF, Cheat , Romance )



The affair had now had three episodes and I was far from sated with her. She and my wife worked together and I had met her at a social function. In fact, my wife had invited her to our house a couple of times. This made the affair both more dangerous and exciting for me, but also more emotionally distressing for her. She saw my wife every day at school. A few days after our Saturday together she called me. “Oh, this has to stop,” she said. “No, I can’t. Now that I have had you I need you.” “But, she was just talking today in the lounge and she was saying how lucky she was to have you. And her I am fucking you.” “We discussed this. Are you saying it’s more than the sex?” She was silent then for a moment. “It, it could be. I know I said not, but it could be, if I let it. That makes it just so hard, knowing she has you at night and I, well I have nothing like you.” He sighed and looked at the ceiling in his office. “I didn’t plan it this way.” “Look, I’ll call you later. I need to go now,” she said then and hung up. The call had disturbed me and I did not feel up to calling her later. She did not call me. For the next week it was torture. My wife then called me at work and told me a “bunch of us from work are going out for dinner and other spouses are showing up…” Well, you can imagine how I felt when I walked in and there she was, a the next table. No husband, though. She wore one of the dresses I had stripped off of her and I could see she had had a drink or two. My wife gave me a perfunctory greeting and then ignored me, discussing something about a play that they were supposed to put on. That left me free to look at her; and her to look at me, or as least show me something. Her dress had ridden up her legs and a lot of thigh showed under the table. I had a perfect view of her legs and the top of her nylons. More people arrived and my wife, who had already eaten, got up and went to the bar with a few friends while I waited for my dinner. Why she had asked me along I had no clue, but suddenly she and I were almost alone. “How are you?’ she asked, looking at me. “I’m not sure.” “Well, he is not going to make it. He had some meeting in Denver and is gone for three days,” she said. “The play seems to be more important than you.” “What’s the big deal?” “Oh, the upper classes are all involved in this play thing. We aren’t so we can relax. There is a big argument going on about who should be in charge of what and the principal appointed a teacher no one likes. Typical.” I nodded. It seemed like all I ever heard from my wife was complaining about the politics at the school. Suddenly I had do go to the bathroom. “Uh, excuse me,” I said, getting up and walking toward the men’s room, which was at the rear, down a hallway. I stepped in and relieved myself. As I exited she was there, smiling at me, a certain look in her eye. “Come with me,” she said, dragging me by the hand down a side hallway and into a storage closet almost filled with tables, chairs and cleaning apparatus, but in the corner was a large, overstuffed chair. She closed and locked the door. She kissed me deeply and fiercely, but I pulled back. “Uh, do you think this is such a good idea?” I asked, feeling my cock stir at her touch. “If you ever want to touch me again you will do what I want now.” I looked into those green eyes then and nodded. She lifted her dress then, revealing no panties and dragged me over to the chair, where she sat me down and kneeled on the floor, taking my cock out with precise, economical moves. I was already half hard. Her mouth was heaven as she sucked me, moaning as she did, making me hard as a rock. It was excruciating it felt so good. I leaned me head back and closed my eyes for a moment. She pulled back then, and sat on my lap, straddling me, holding my cock up to it rubbed against her wet pussy. She was kissing me deeply as she did this and I grabbed her round, soft ass, squeezing it as she slowly impaled herself on my cock. “Oh, god, I need you so bad,” she whispered as my cock slipped deeper and deeper into her pussy. She started fucking me then, her hips moving fast, her breath ragged as she fucked me. “I, I can’t wait,” she said, then, and orgasmed, her body going ridged. It felt like heaven to me, her cunt sucking on my raging hard-on. I was not sure if it was the proximity of my wife and its dangers or the fact that I had sex in days, but I came a few seconds later. She looked down at me, her face flushed then. “I need you. No, I am not going to give up on having you to myself someday. I know I can’t have you now, but I want you to know that I need you and want you. We can share what we can!” She stood up then, and taking a couple of tissues from her purse wiped herself as I put my cock away. We kissed and she went to the door and unlocked it, opening it a crack. Quickly, she stepped out and I followed. My dinner was waiting, getting cold and she smiled at me and walked into the bar to join her fellow teachers. A few moments later my wife appeared. “Where were you? I was looking for you?” “In the bathroom.” “Oh, well, I’m ready to go, so finish eating and I’ll see you at home.” I could only stare as she walked out, leaving me there. All I could do was finish my supper, thinking about what had just taken place. My lover came over and got her coat and looked at me. “Call me,” she said and left me too. It was a lonely drive home. My wife was in the kitchen cleaning up when I got there, fuming. “So, what were you talking with her about?” “Talking? To who?” “That bitch Muriel. What did she want?” “Uh, I don’t even remember, just small talk.” “She’s a slut, you know, wearing those short skirts and stuff all the time. I mean, you should see the way men look at her.” “I never noticed. She’s attractive enough, I guess.” “Oh, don’t give me that shit. You were probably ready to go off with her. I know how you men are!” She threw the towel down and left the room. I heard her go upstairs then. Sighing I knew I would find her asleep. Checking the kids I went into the den and watched TV and thought of her and how close we got to getting caught and how good it had felt. The phone rang a few minutes after I got to work the next day. It was her. “So, my dear, how are you?” “She jumped all over me for talking to you.” “She told me this morning, in no uncertain terms that I should stay away from married men. If I wanted to fuck my own life up I could, but I should stay away from you.” “Are you going to?” “No, dear, I am not. Now, about this Saturday…” By Ottingo SexNovels.