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The Purple Candle #4 (M/F, Fetish)



Detective Lansing removed his black hat and lightly knocked on the apartment door. A few moments later, the door slowly opened.

“Can I help you,” a girl behind the door asked, suspiciously.

The detective noticed that she had a cute face. She looked to be a woman of about twenty years old with shoulder length brown hair and stylish eyeglasses.

“Hi, I’m a private detective and I wondered if I could ask you a few questions. I won’t take much of your time, I promise.”

The young woman paused and then apathetically nodded her head. “Come in,” she said.

Lansing walked inside the apartment. It was sparsely decorated with some generic paintings and aging brown furniture. A television was blaring some random daytime programming and a dirty plate sat on the living room coffee table. Inside, he got a better look at the girl. She was Hispanic and fairly petite. She wore a plain light brown skirt with no shoes.

“You’re not selling anything?”, she asked.

“No,” laughed the detective, “Definitely not. I just want to ask you a few questions.”

“Sit down,” she said, “Would you like something to drink?”

“I’m fine, thanks.”

“Well, then, let’s get started then. This is my day off.”

She sat down next to him on the small brown couch. He couldn’t quite help but notice that he had an incredible body. Although her face was plain, she had a devilish twinkle in her eyes and he suspected that this vixen was less innocence than she would pretend. She wiped her nose and he noticed that the dark hair on her arms. When she sat down, she crossed her legs and her red painted toe nails dangled in the air only inches from him.

“Have you recently expected any packages? Any deliverys?”, he asked.

“No, why do you ask?”

“Well, your next door neighbor found a package yesterday and she thought that it might have been intended for you.”

“That’s very interesting,” she said. “How do you know her?”

“Well,” Lansing stuttered, “We’re friends and also, she’s part of this investigation.”

“What are you investigating?”, the brunette laughed.

“That’s confidential, unfortunately,” he replied.

As they chatted, she would occasionally glance at the television and he used every such opportunity to sneak a quick glance at her gorgeous legs. Her skirt was short and it was worth asking further questions just for the incredible panoramic hint of her upper thighs.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she said suddenly and to his surprise.


“No. I live here all alone.”

There was a moment of awkward silence, because Lansing was unsure how to respond. The room was not totally silence, because the t.v. was still blaring loudly across the room.

Slowly, the girl rose from the couch and walked over to the detective. Now, she was standing directly in front of him and his face was at perfect crotch level.

“Do you want to see my breasts,” she whispered.

The gentleman was practically speechless and did not have time to answer before she dove on the couch, resting her body on top of his.

She reached back to remove the top of her one piece dress and unhook her bra. Quickly, she lowered her right breast to his face. “Kiss it,” she ordered.

The detective gently kissed her small breast. He could smell her skin now and her dress. The material smelled like she had taken a nap in it. She grabbed his head and pulled at his hair as she forced her breast into his face. “Suck it,” she said.

He begin gently sucking her erect nipple and then, with wild abandon, sucked it with great force as if he expected lactation to come out of it. The girl moaned in pleasure and pulled harder on his hair. Slowly, he moved his hand down under her dress and started to slide his fingers under her panties. He could feel the hairs of her thick bush.

“No,” she said and pulled his hand away. “I’m on my period.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said, slightly embarrassed. He deduced that maybe that was why her nipples were so tender and sensitive.

He sucked and sucked until his lips were sore, but it seemed that the girl could not get enough. Finally, she eased up the tension on his cranium and said, “My left boobie is sad. It needs attention too.”

Although he was tired now and his blood of his erection had already drained, he so loved the smell of her skin and being pressed against her chest that he leaned over and licked her other small tit. She obviously loved the licking because she rocked her body against his and suddenly, his erection made a second surprise appearance.

As he began sucking this breast, he felt her small hand reach down and grab his boner through his slacks. He couldn’t resist anything she did, but he was a little worried about the mess that it would make if he came in his pants.

Nonetheless, she kept rubbing and stroking. Rubbing and stroking until he finally climaxed, her little nipple still in his mouth.

“I wish I could feel your penis inside me,” she whispered.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of sucking her tits, she lifted her body from atop his and rolled over to the side of the couch. The edges of her face were now sweaty and you could see the perspiration in her hair. She stood there looking at him and smiled.

“Kiss them goodbye,” she commanded.

He crained his neck over to delicately and lovingly kiss both breasts.

She then recovered them and pulled up her top and got off the couch. She then stared at the huge wet spot on the detective’s pants.

“Looks like somebody had an accident.”

“Yep,” he nervously chuckled and then got up from the couch.

Nothing was said as he picked up his hat from the coffee table and then walked to the door.

As the girl opened the door, he said, “Well, thanks for your help. I’ll let you know if I have any further questions.

“Tuesday is my day off. I’m a virgin,” she said.

He was not sure exactly how to respond except, so he just smiled and exited the apartment.

Outside the door, he noticed a car drive up. The bright sunlight of the day was a stark contrast to the darkened apartment. The car door opened and there was Ginger, the chubby blonde. He was nervous that she would notice the wet spot on his pants.

“Hi there,” she smiled, “How’s the case going?”.

“Oh, I’m working on it.”