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My new pervert family



It was working out quite well. I had hired Niki for one of my staff positions a couple months before. She was a little light on experience but made up for that with maturity and attitude. Since I couldn’t get my boss to pay market wages, I was quite happy to have Niki.

Niki was divorced and trying to build a new career in finance. Over the months that she worked for me we had gotten pretty close. Surrounded by a bunch of teenagers, at least as far as maturity goes if not age, we immediately bonded. We’d share a look at something one of the kids would say and both crack up. A raised eyebrow was enough to send both of us into fits of laughter. She would come into my office to blow off steam about things and we’d commiserate.

As we got closer she opened up about her past. It was not an easy life. Kicked out of her house at seventeen she’d gone to work at the World Famous Mustang brothel. Yeah, I know that they only hire women over eighteen. Sure. Anyway, Niki started there at seventeen. She was soon Joe Conforte’s favorite. No more regular customers for her. Just Joe and the occasional VIP as well as Joe’s Mafia friends.

She soon tired of being at a brothel. But there isn’t a lot of call for former hookers. She got a job for a company that filmed pornos. She would interview, meaning screen out the nutcases, potential actors and actresses. Mostly she was making sure the women could look interested and the guys could get wood and cum on command. Reading skill was nice but not required. Actually being able to remember lines put an applicant at the top of the list.

This paled in no time and she was finally able to get a job dealing 21 in Reno. That’s where she met her husband. Two kids, Tina and Tim. I met them and they both resembled Niki, blonde and fair almost Scandinavian. A whole bunch of separations and reconciliations. She finally divorced. She was never abused. A guy who tried to do that would wind up wearing his cojones as a necklace. That was when she decided to take some accounting classes and change careers.

She’d been working for me for several months when we had to come in on a sweltering Saturday to do a special project. It was in the mid afternoon when Niki came into my office. We were the only ones in the building. Niki was wearing this skimpy summer dress. Most women with two teenagers shouldn’t wear a skimpy summer dress. But Niki not only could pull it off she looked fantastic. Looking up as she leaned against the doorjamb of my office my eyes trailed up those long legs and then to the low-cut décolletage. “Damn Niki,” I said. “That is a `come rape me’ dress.”

She laughed then said, “It’s not rape if the lady doesn’t resist.” She held my eye and the air was suddenly charged like lightning was about to strike. I could practically smell the ozone in the air from the electricity going back and forth between us. My skin was afire.

Niki came around my desk and stood right in front of me. “Niki?” was all I could say.

“Well?” she asked. “A woman shouldn’t have to be blunter than that.”

I’m slow but not stupid. Well, not always. I reached for her and she slid into my lap. Just like that we were lip-locked and her tongue was in my mouth. Jesus, what a kiss. My cock sprang to attention as her hips were rubbing around in my lap. She broke the kiss and wiggled her hips. “That feels nice,” she said rubbing against my cock almost painfully.

She slid off my lap and knelt between my legs. Quickly undoing my belt, button and zipper, she pulled my Dockers down. I lifted up and she had them around my ankles. I kicked off my sandals and pushed off the pants. My cock was standing at attention as she wrapped her hand around it, leaned forward and brought her lips to the tip. Looking up at me she extended her tongue, paused, I’m sure just to drive me crazy and then ran her tongue around my cock. Looking down she plunged down on my cock, jerking it with her hand as she sucked and licked. It was quickly coated with spit as she worked on my cock. Where did she learn to suck cock like that I asked myself? I was getting worked up, really worked up. I didn’t want to cum in her mouth. I wanted to fuck her so I pulled her up and kissed her again. Niki reached behind her, unzipped her dress and stepped out of it and tossed it onto the white sofa in my office. Hey, there are some advantages to being an `executive’ vice president to help compensate for the long hours. She slipped out of her panties and knelt on the sofa. She reached behind and slowly released her black bra. Jaysus, it was driving me crazy waiting for the unveiling. Niki gave me that same come rape me look as she threw her bra across the office. It was the red flag to El Toro and I charged. I started to kiss her as she leaned back pulling me on top of her. This wasn’t going to be a romantic little poke. This was going to be raw sex with a capital S. She reached between us and holding my cock said in a guttural voice, “Fuck me.”

I let her guide my cock to her. She was hot and wet. She slid my glans around her pussy spreading her wetness around and over my cock. She tickled her clitoris with my cock for a while driving me insane with desire to plunge into her depths. Seeing my ardor she asked, “Are you sure you want to fuck me?”

“Oh, God. Quit teasing me Niki. You are driving me crazy,” I begged.

She laughed but brought my cock to her opening and I pushed forward burying my cock in her. “Fuck me,” she said. It was a command. I obeyed.

We started banging away like minks in heat. I was glad that I wasn’t twenty anymore or I would have cum in seconds. I managed to hang on holding back my own climax as I felt hers approach. It seemed an eternity that I was on the brink of my own climax waiting… Then she too reached the zenith and cried out, “Cumming, I’m cumming.”

That was it for me as the first burst of my cum was in her before the last syllable was out of her mouth. I blasted away till I had nothing left and collapsed. I barely had the strength to keep from suffocating her below me.

She was still moving under me draining the last pleasure from our fuck by pushing against me. I opened my eyes to see her looking at me. “Thank you,” she said. “I’ve been wondering when you were going to fuck me.” She pushed against me again and smiled. “You were better than I hoped. We’ll have to do this again,” she said with a wicked little smile.

That’s how it started.