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The Passing of Seasons



I sat down in the chair facing my dresser with the brush in my hand. Making eye contact with her face in the mirror, I watched her slowly move toward me. After handing her the brush I placed my folded my hands abruptly into my lap and smiled just to let her know I was ready.

Actually, I was more than ready. I was ready for more. More of whatever she wanted. I felt her hands on both sides of my face, gently pushing downward, ready to take the brush to me. Feeling my nipples pressing out against the soft fabric of my dress was enough make me even more excited.

Starting at the top of my head, the brush moved slowly through my hair, sending warm shivers to every part of my neck and back. All I could think about was how much I wanted to surrender to her touch, to give myself completely over to her. And how I wanted to give her those same delicious sensations too. The brush seemed to glide through my hair a little more with each stroke.

“It’s *really* soft and shiny. Mmmmm…Mmmm. I’m just falling in love with your hair!” She put one hand under my chin and rubbed her face on the side of my hair, lightly kissing it. Making me feel even weaker still as my limp head dangled in her hands.

“I feel so tingly all over.” I blushed at my own con- fession. Was this getting her excited too? I wondered again. If so, there was no indication yet. And those guilt feelings of mine would still come and go, just when I was enjoying Jenny’s touch most.

Then she slid her hands up my neck, taking almost every strand of hair with them. “Oh! Don’t we look so *cute* with our hair up,” She gushed, trying out some dif- ferent styles. For the first time that day I could feel myself getting wet from all the attention and pampering Jenny was giving me. I wanted her to prepare me for whatever she wanted, to make me beautiful for herself. I felt totally lost in those delightful feelings of femininity. Like I was falling through space into her loving arms.

It seemed to go on forever before she finally starting braiding my hair. First my long locks were brushed back and tied into two sections. Each section was then separated further into three and braided, one section over the other. She smiled at me in the mirror, closed her eyes, and teasingly kissed into the air. I felt like I was going to go crazy with desire while feeling helplessly under her command. I anxiously awaited her every move. When the braids were done, they were fastened above my ears with clips.

She admired her work in the mirror gently turning my head from side to side. “You look so lovely with these braids, very attractive.”

Then she started massaging my exposed neck, making me melt into her hands.

I had to talk about my feelings with her. “Jenny?” Our eyes met. “I’m having a lot of feelings right now? It’s a little confusing, I’m really sorry. I hope you don’t think I’m… Well, this is making me kind of…”

“Excited?” She apparently knew what was going on with me.

“And guilty.” I added.

“I have to admit, this *is* very exciting for me too.”

“It is?!” It immediately made me feel better to hear that.

Jenny’s look told me she was up to something. “And you know what else…”

“No.” I answered, feeling all pins and needles.

“I’m not done *yet* making you excited!”

With that her lips dove into my neck, kissing it up and down and up and down some more. “Mmmmmm-HHHMMM. Don’t you simply *adore* having your neck smooched?!” Jenny had both her hands tightly woven into my hair, making it impossible for me to move as she nibbled ever so gently on my ear lobe. I felt completely helpless. “Let’s see how these ears taste. Oh aren’t these *delicious*! Yummy yummy!” Suddenly she went into a feeding frenzy on my ear, making my whole body break into goosebumps. Then I found out why she was holding my head so tightly. She knew I would try to get away when she shoved her tongue into my ear. It damn near drove me crazy.

“Stop it!” I giggled, weakly attempting to escape.

“Stop it some more!” She teased with a momentary pause from her meal. My chance came when she relaxed a little and put her hands on my shoulders. In one smooth motion I grabbed Jenny by the wrists guiding her hands under the front of my dress. There would be no doubt what I wanted now.

Precariously slumped over my chair, she struggled to gain her balance while I directed her fingertips to their intended target: my erect nipples. It almost made me jump out of the chair when they were grabbed. I felt a surge of blood make a beeline for that excitable spot between my legs. She tweaked my small breasts like radio knobs, desperate to find a station.

“Oh!!!” I moaned, writhing in the chair as Jenny twisted, turned and pulled on my nipples making me squeal in ecstasy.

Then I realized that the door to my bedroom wasn’t locked! A terrible thought came into my mind. What would happen if mom came in and saw this? What would she think? I knew the answer to *that* question. She would think that her daughter is a *lesbian*, that’s what she would think!

“Jenny, I think we better lock my door just in case.”

She pulled her hands out and straightened the front of my dress. I waited until the door was locked before attacking. Into my bed we rolled after a perfect tackle. We wrestled on the bed laughing. Jenny soon learned that despite my smaller size I was pretty spunky. She spent most of the time pinned down trying to shake me off.

Now it was my turn to have some fun with her. Slowly, I lowered my face toward her breasts, making sure she knew what was coming. And shaking her head *wasn’t* going to stop me either, although she made a feeble attempt before breaking up into giggles. I practically inhaled those big beautiful globes ignoring the fact that I was soaking her dress in her process. Hopefully another spot would be getting equally soaked at the same time!

“Oh this is *so* delicious, why don’t we try the other!” I joked. All of her squirming did no good as I buried my mouth into her ripe breast. She probably could have gotten away if she wanted to, but guess what! Besides, I had already warned her that she would only get *more* if she tried to escape!

I gasped, trying to catch my breath. “I think we should stop now Jenny, don’t you?”

Obviously not from look she gave me. “Nnnnt…nnnnn” Her head began to shake back and forth with a teasing rhythm.

I tried to keep a straight face. “I…I’m n..not sure we should go any further.”

“Don’t lie to me, it will only make things worse for you!” Threatened Jenny.

Thinking about the assortment of possible punishments for bad girls such as myself was a major turn-on. Not that I wasn’t *already* turned on beyond my wildest dreams! It just made things even *more* intense.

Thinking about what she might do to me next was making we feel weak at the knees. She was going to have her way with me, I was sure about that. I laid my head back off the edge of the bed, baring my neck in surrender.

Wvery inch of my body was quivering in delightful anticipation for what was coming next. I felt like I was in a dream state, floating on a soft cloud of love.

Jenny must have loved making out with my neck as much as I did, it sure seemed that way with the endless time she spent there. Telling me over and over how *cute* I was and how *soft* my hair felt and nibbling my ears here and there. Just when I thought that I couldn’t *possibly* get any more excited, I would move to another level of ecstasy.

“Can you be in love with another girl, Jenny?” I asked rhetorically.

She answered in a gentle whisper. “I am…in love with you.”

A wave of tingly shivers passed over me when I heard those words. It was so beautiful. Please last forever, I remember thinking.

“I’m *so* much in love with you too, Jenny. My sweet- heart, Jenny. You are so beautiful.”

That brought on another wave of neck kisses and matching shivers. I lifted her head up and looked deeply into those endless blue eyes of hers. Then our lips met slowly and passionately. I never thought a kiss could make me feel so wonderful.

A sudden knock on the door made me shutter. Jenny reassured me it was locked as mom’s voice called through the closed door. “Sarah dear? Would you girls like to join me for a little tea party downstairs?”

Embarrassed, I looked at Jenny.

“I’d love to.” She surprised me. “I haven’t done that since I was a little girl.”

I finally answered my mother. “Ok mom, we’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Knowing mom she would go all out on something like this: all the fine silverware and fancy china, pretty linen tablecloth and napkins. The works. She always did like to spoil me with nice things, not that I minded being spoiled. I guess it’s one of the few nice things about being an only child. And of *course* she would expect me to be dressed appropriately for the occasion as well, luckily I already was. She would certainly be wearing one of her most elegant dresses. Sometimes I got the feeling that she wanted to be my age again. But I doubt she ever did anything like what Jenny and I had just done. No way!

We walked done the stairs together, pretending that nothing had happened. Jenny’s eyes lit up when she saw my mother’s elaborate preparations. There sat my mom in an off-white victorian gown that was just gorgeous. I knew she had been collecting these antiques for a while, but she hadn’t showed me this one yet. It was a lace lovers delight, very formal with a high collar, ruffled long sleeves, and buttons all the way down the front.

Mother looked just as fancy as all the petite teacups and silver spoons that adorned the table.

We all sat there sipping tea as the sunlight poured in through the window.

Every now and then I would steal a glance into Jenny’s eyes, thinking about how much I was in love with her. Usually it would make me giggle. Mom didn’t seem to catch on.

She smiled at my new girlfriend. “So Jenny, can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Are you from this area?”

“I grew up here, and you? You’re accent sounds English.”

“Quite right you are.” Mom emphasized her proper english while watching Jenny over the top of her raised teacup. “Tell me.” She clutched the cup with both hands and leaned back in her chair. “Have you any boyfriends?”

I spit up my tea into the cup. “MO…UUMM!” I couldn’t believe my mother. Asking such a personal question of someone she hardly knew, but that was *her* all right. She was very blunt, very direct, but equally as charming. I figured out what she was doing. It was obvious that someone as attractive as Jenny would be very popular, and just maybe, mom could persuade her to set up a date for me. If it wasn’t too much trouble, of course.

Jenny didn’t seem to be fazed in the least bit by the question. She paused for a moment before answering with a penetrating stare.

“Actually I’m looking for a new relationship.”

“Oh?” Responded my mom. “Do you care to elaborate?”

“Yeah, the last one couldn’t keep his damn hands out of my pants!”

Wholly crap! I thought, waiting for mom’s reaction. If Jenny thought she was capable of making my mother blush, she had another thing coming. And mom reacted just the way I expected too, she loved someone who was as tactless as herself. She laughed and nodded her head over and over again, pointing at Jenny.

“Well dear, you *must* understand. It’s simply not their *fault* you know. It’s those *constant* erections that boys your age have. Are you aware that they have them night and day?”

I reeled back in my chair from the shock wave.

Jenny wasn’t short on comebacks either. “Really! And all that time I thought he had a big dildo or something in his pocket!” They both erupted into laughter.

I interrupted the giggles, barely believing my ears. “Ok!… Now that we’ve broken the ice…Hey mom, I really love that dress, when did you get it?” Even out of the corner of my eye I could see how red Jenny’s face was. I was embarrassed too, but this naughty talk was also very stimulating. I was ready for another *session* with her in my bedroom at that point.

But to sit there any longer with my mom would have been incredibly uncomfortable so I made up some reason to get out of there. “Oh goodness Jenny! Weren’t we supposed to meet your friends at the beach at 10:30?”

She looked a little puzzled until she caught my winking eye. “Oh, that’s right, would you be so kind to excuse us please?” A question aimed at my mom.

“Of course dear, you two have a lovely time now.”

I quietly slipped away, meeting Jenny on the porch. Talk about being at a loss for words!

The bright sunshine made me squint. “I’m really sorry Jenny….about my mom.”

“I think your mom is really cool. I wish I could talk to my parents that way.”

She did have a good point, I guess. Mom had always been open to talk about sexual things, almost too open for me. She knew it was hard for me to talk about it with her. But with Jenny, I felt that I could discuss anything, no matter how personal. It was almost like she was a part of me already, we shared an intimacy that never could have imagined. As we walked past the little cottages along the hillside my mind kept wandering back to Jenny. Her special touch and loving ways made me feel soft and warm inside.

On the way up the boardwalk steps I had to stop and tell her. “Jenny?” I whispered. “You make me feel so special and loved. I feel like I can’t give you enough in return.”

With a tender gaze into my eyes, she spoke. “Oh Sarah, you are such a treasure. I saw you when you first came here and I watched you everyday. I knew then that you were special. And I could sense your sadness. I wanted so much to love you and to be loved by you. I feel so lucky to have found you. I really love you, my darling Sarah.”

I reached out and drew her into a long and deep embrace. My heart was overwhelmed with joy while we held each other, gently rocking from side to side. All I could think about was how much I desperately wanted to be alone with her, but also aware of our public display of affection and what passersby might think. And we were both dressed up so fancy and frilly, I could almost feel the extra attention we were getting already. I wanted to run and hide some- where alone with my Jenny.

Jenny’s expression changed to a frown when she saw a distant figure on the boardwalk. It had to be her old boyfriend by the nervousness I was picking up. Noticing Jenny, his direction became more deliberate. Jenny’s head fell as she turned around to leave. The brightness of her smile, the light in her eyes, gone suddenly as if a switch had been thrown.

I tried to attract her eyes, but there was no response. The footsteps came closer, running now. I knew she would need to leave me, but inside I was calling to her “Jenny come back, please come back Jenny.” I was over- whelmed by those same feelings of sadness and loneli- ness that I had come to know so well. The brief moment of what seemed like heaven to me was being shattered as I watched them walk off together. The wave goodbye, the smile. It wasn’t real, I just knew it. Somehow she had changed into someone else.

Maybe they really hadn’t broken up after all, but why didn’t she tell me? And how could I be jealous of her going out with a guy anyway? Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? Why couldn’t I just be like everyone else and find a boyfriend?

The memories of Nebraska started coming back again. There was mom’s unsuccessful attempts to set me up with dates, and there was the barn dance that everyone *else* got asked to. Oh yes, and the teasing that I endured in school about being a “tom-boy”. I *had* to be tough, just to survive. I never let anyone get close enough to hurt me. But I was hurt now. It was hard to hold back my tears as I walked back up the hill.

The house was empty when I got home. I trudged up the stairs after grabbing a few crackers to eat. The only appetite I had was for Jenny. But now, the feelings had turned to anger at her for leaving me. Betrayal, that’s how it felt when the tears started pouring out again.

I cried myself to sleep on my bed, waking to the ring of the telephone. Oh my goodness! My mind raced while still half sleep. Could that be Jenny? I stumbled down the stairs, hoping to grab it before the last ring. But the receiver was dead as my luck that day would have it. Even if it was Jenny, there would be no way for me to call her back because I didn’t have her phone number.

It was that time of day again when I would go to the boardwalk. To watch the tiny sailboats come into the harbor. To listen to the roar of the waves crashing into the beach. To meet Jenny. I wondered if I should take the chance and risk more disappointment. But her warm voice seemed to be drawing me there. I could hear her as if she was with me. That soft gentle whisper telling me I was so precious and special, so beautiful to her. Her delicate touch stroking my hair with little kisses here and there. Those wild distant eyes of hers.

Somewhere within those thoughts of Jenny, my decision was made. I jumped into my favorite pair of overalls and was on my way. Life was going to go on for me in any case. The same strength that been had there to carry me through in times past seemed to surge through me again. Growing stronger with each step.

I scanned across the boardwalk as I approached, hoping she was there. The place appeared deserted with the incoming fog and drizzle. I shook off a chill, refusing to let it get me down.

I thought I recognized a lone figure crumpled up on a beach towel, wasn’t that her? Could it be? As I slowly made my way over to her I could hear the sobs. It was Jenny.

“Are you OK?” I called, startling her momentarily. She nodded sadly and made a some room on the towel for me. A moment passed quietly while I watched those teary eyes stare out to sea.

“Can I hold you Jenny?” I knew the answer before asking. She felt like a wounded animal in my arms, needing to be nursed back to life with my love. She would talk when she was ready and I would be there for her. It felt so wonderful to give back what she had so freely given to me. With my arms wrapped around her tightly, I wanted to protect her from every hurt. My precious Jennifer.

“Well, Sarah. It’s over now…my boyfriend and me.” Her tears were leaving.

“I’m sorry.” I consoled her with another squeeze.

“He kept saying that I was teasing him sexually with the way I dressed and acted, getting him excited then pushing him away. I kept trying to tell him that I didn’t want to go any further, but he just kept on pushing me, making me even more afraid of him.”

Maybe a walk down the beach would help get her mind off him and keep me from getting frostbite, I thought. I stood up and offered her a hand. The joy that I had felt was quickly returning, hoping that she would be all mine now. It was so good to have her back, but I wanted those feelings to last forever. With arms around each other we watched as the waves tumbled ashore. The fog muffled their sound like a soothing autumn wind.

I flashed back to my bedroom and our playful adventures there. Would I see her there again? The memories of our kissing and touching began to flood my mind.

“Let’s walk back to my house, Jenny.” I suggested. “We can warm up and get into some dry clothes.” She felt more wet than I was, shaking from the cold. Her sad face made me wish that I could warm her up on the inside too.

Then I remembered that my parents were going out tonight with some friends and mom said they wouldn’t be back until late. We would have the house to ourselves though Jenny obviously wasn’t in the mood for anything sexy.

It was almost completely dark when we got to my house. Suddenly I realized that the days had gotten shorter. And that meant school again, boy was that a depressing thought. I put some soup on the stove and looked over at Jenny.

“Do you know what I could use right now?” Her eyes lit up just a little when she asked me. “A nice, long hot *bubblebath*. Like to join me?”

“Oh yes! I’d love to!” I answered excitedly.

It felt so nice when my nipples reached out and brushed against my shirt. It was going to really be hard to leave her alone, but I would have to, remem- bering what she had said about her boyfriend. Of course it wouldn’t hurt to try getting her in the mood, would it? I had plenty of ideas for that. Just thinking about it was making me feel all soft and feminine inside. And the idea of taking a bath with Jenny. How delicious. Luckily we had a big tub.