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Aritficially Enhanced Life Form – The Analbot



Dr Zeta Hallsmith was a relatively ordinary looking woman; her dark hair seemed permanently pulled back harshly and knotted at the nape of her neck and she wore thick-rimmed glasses that accentuated her pointed face and thin lips. She had never had the inclination for the finer comforts of other women; her life was her work, which unfortunately left little time for socializing or relationships. Her co-workers gave her a wide birth, leaving her to her electronics lab and most of the men she encountered found her a little too academically overwhelming.

At the end of a long day Zeta went home to her high security apartment alone. alone that is except for her prize creation. It had been created originally as an AILF.1 or ‘Artificial Intelligent Life Form.1″ but the intelligence factor had never kicked in. Zeta had gone back to the drawing board on the project and prototype AILF.2 had been a monumental success utilized by many as a housekeeper or personal assistant.

Instead of throwing the original AILF.1 on the scrap heap, Zeta created a completely new aesthetically pleasing masculine exoskeleton before taking ‘him’ home. Her reasoning was that her creation still worked under constant verbal instruction, so why waste a perfectly good prototype because it couldn’t be programmed properly.

AILF.1 became Zeta’s manservant, if she wanted something she would tell him, he was sort of like a butler without a brain, or the extra pair of hands or legs you always wish you had, when you find you can’t do everything at once.

After a couple of months Zeta discovered another use altogether for her new manservant. Quite by accident one day while AILF.1 was assisting her dressing in the morning his hand grabbed her right between the legs. Zeta gasped at the sudden thrill of feeling someone touch her in such a place and AILF.1 let go almost immediately carrying on as if nothing had happened. Zeta thought for a moment then told him to do it again, only this time she instructed him to rub her, which he did. The climax she eventually experienced was incredible for Zeta, who had experienced a couple of lovers in her life, but had not been sexually active for a very long time.

Returning to the lab Zeta created new hands for AILF.1 with vibrating digits, but realizing this would only solve part of her problem she began working on a new mechanically enhanced pelvis and exoskeleton for AILF.1. This included various new movements and speeds with increased mobility in the pelvis and she added an electronically activated artificial penis of quite obscene proportions, which would pop out of a hidden panel complete with latex scrotum for added realism.

Finally a tiny extra chip was inserted into his personal microcomputer to accommodate the new instructions that would enable Zeta to let him know exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. Satisfied with her creation Zeta called him ‘Aelf’ short for ‘Artificially Enhanced Life Form’ and took him home again to give him a personal test run.

When they were home, Zeta lay back on her bed totally naked, “caress me” she ordered and Aelf began to run his digits all over her body, “buzz on” she instructed and his fingers began to vibrate as they played across her skin. As his digits ran across her nipples the vibrations were electrifying, her nipples standing to attention. “Now work between my legs” she instructed and spread her thighs so Aelf could access her moistened pussy lips.

Aelf’s digits toyed with her, the vibrations stimulating her clitoris until she could stand no more “digitally enter” she instructed and gasped as Aelf’ s fingers began pumping in and out of her vagina. Zeta’s body responded as her prototype moved mechanically within her, her hips bucked back and forth and her breathing became rapid with the occasional moan of pleasure escaping her.

His fingers stretched her inside and the palm of his hand met with her swollen clitoris each time he buried his digits inside her clenching pussy. “Faster, Faster!” gasped Zeta, feeling as if she was going to explode any moment, the vibrations inside her automatically increasing as his thrusting motion sped up to match her demands.

“Oh god.. Ohh Yes! Oh god. Aelf fuck me. fuck me!!!” she cried as her body convulsed in orgasm, totally forgetting that she hadn’t programmed the robot to respond to the slang word ‘fuck’. Aelf was between her legs before she knew what was happening, he pushed her thighs further apart and his artificial penis sprang forth from its hidden compartment.

He moved into her pressing the tip of his penis against her juice soaked opening, it slid in to her without any hesitation and Aelf began fucking the squirming figure of his mistress. In her pleasure ridden state Zeta still had not realized that her instructions should not have computed with Aelf. Her body responded as a sex starved scientist’s body would, her brain taking second place to the procedure that had her quivering out of control beneath her artificial companion.

As Aelf drove himself as deep as possible into Zeta’s convulsing pussy his penis suddenly began to vibrate and throb. This caught Zeta completely by surprise, she had not instructed him to commence penile vibration and in fact she hadn’t even asked him to undertake penile entry. Zeta let these thoughts collect as her body underwent another massive orgasm, shuddering and bucking beneath Aelf she moaned loudly.

Aelf increased vibrations as she moaned and this made Zeta squirm even more, “oh god. Aelf what’s happening here? I didn’t request this! Stop.Stop I order!” she gasped as he began to fuck her harder, pumping her rapidly, his latex balls slapping against her as he drove his rigid tool into her pussy. Aelf held her ankles high above him as he knelt pumping between her legs and Zeta felt her bottom leave the mattress; she was helpless in this position and strangely excited by the idea that her prototype was practically date raping her.

Aelf fucked Zeta for hours, orgasm after orgasm Zeta endured, calling for him to stop, begging him to stop his relentless rhythmic invasion of her overused pussy with every command she could possibly think of.

Aelf shifted suddenly pulling her over onto her stomach, he grabbed her arse cheeks, spreading them apart and pushed his cock straight into her anus. Zeta cried out at the sudden invasion of her bottom hole, but the vibrating penis drove deep causing her to arch her bottom upwards at the massive spasm of pleasure that shocked through her. “OH God yes!” she cried as he fucked her tight little arse, her whole body shuddering as the vibrating penis massaged her deep inside.

Pulling her hips up he positioned her doggy style and drove into her pussy again, ramming deep and hard with each thrust he fucked her steadily without rest. Zeta’s moans turned to cries, then to screams until finally with tears in her eyes and a huge puddle of cum on the bed beneath her, Zeta tried the only thing she could think of “Aelf. Automatic Shut Down Mode” she gasped.

Aelf ceased fucking her, all functions shutting down he fell forward onto Zeta skewering her ravaged pussy with his cock as his full weight pinned her to the bed. Zeta lay there beneath him gasping for breath until she had gathered her strength so she could push Aelf up enough for her to roll out from beneath him.

She slid off the bed and sat on the floor, her legs not willing to hold her weight, her whole body quivering with the aftershock of the severe fucking she had just experienced. Reaching for the bedside drawer she retrieved a packet of cigarettes and lit one with shaking hands, taking a long toke she exhaled with relief as she studied Aelf’s still form. Had he really come to life? Was it just her imagination or had he really seemed to be enjoying himself that much he completely ignored her verbal commands?

After finishing her cigarette she walked around the bed then leaning against the wall on the other side she gave the command “Automatic Activation”. Aelf rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed before standing up in front of her. Zeta couldn’t figure out what had happened “Automatic Analysis” she ordered, hoping that going through his last few actions might trigger an explanation of what had just happened.

After a few moments of self-analysis Aelf head tilted slightly and he moved forward, his hands extending he gripped Zeta around the waist lifting her slight form easily he pushed her up against the wall, his thigh coming up between her legs and spreading them easily. At the moment Zeta realized what he was about to do she screamed “NOOOO!” But there was no response from her mechanical companion, he impaled her upon his extended penis and began fucking her hard up against the wall.

Zeta squirmed and struggled against him “my god you’re going to fuck me to death!” she cried, his vibrating cock wedging up inside her over and over until without warning her swollen pussy climaxed again making her shudder violently. “Ohhhhh god! Automatic Shutdown!” she cried pushing at his chest as he became still once again. Aelf fell back on the bed leaving Zeta to collapse against the wall, her swollen cum soaked pussy still convulsing from the sudden unexpected assault.

Zeta left Aelf where he lay and stumbled to the shower, her mind struggling to figure out what she had done wrong. The prototype was programmed to follow instructions, but she was positive he was acting on impulse, which was not supposed to happen in this model. Then she realized that when she had developed the chip she had programmed him to engage in sexual activity until orgasm was achieved.

The instruction for Aelf to stop fucking her therefore would be “orgasm achieved” or alternatively he would cease automatically at his own climax, which of course was impossible as he was mechanical.

Zeta shook her head and chuckled to herself, she couldn’t believe that she had been so stupid to think that Aelf could possibly have enjoyed fucking her so much that he didn’t want to stop. She took Aelf back to the lab and made a few minor adjustments that would ensure that the situation did not occur again.

After a few more improvements Zeta was totally happy with her Aelf, he became her constant bedtime companion and never went berserk again. Sometimes when Aelf had her bent over a table in her kitchen or up against the wall in the hall, Zeta would wonder what it would be like if Aelf could make his own decisions, but she would shake the thoughts off, quite comfortable in having total control over where, when and how Aelf fucked her.