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Ravishment of Rachel (wM+/bf,interr,rape,impreg)



John Bell coughed and glanced nervously at the banker and railroad man, who were both blowing big billowing clouds of cigar smoke as they sat in the hallway outside the master bedroom, waiting their turn with Rachel. Harris had been in there a long time. John hadn’t even bothered to glance at his pocket watch. Ever since that moment of truth downstairs, when he had decided to stay and do nothing about the degradation and rape of this pretty mulatta, nay more, to actually participate in it, time had seemed to stand still for the Englishman.

Was he really going to do this? Was he actually going to participate in the gang rape of this innocent lovely young girl? The chivalrous gentleman in him told him it was all wrong, that he should go to his room, take out the two Colt Navy revolvers and kill these men. Then he would kick in the bedroom door, kill Harris and rescue this fair damsel in distress, spiriting her away to England and freedom with him.

But another part of him, the darker side, realized it was impossible. He’d never make it out of the county, let alone the state of Virginia. And after all, he had never killed anyone in his life. He’d never even fired a shot. He was a coward. That was clear to him from the moment he had let Harris back him down. All because the shipping business was on the shoals of disaster and he needed the money.

Deeper from within himself, from the innermost depths of his being, another even more sinister voice told him that he would never have a chance like this again, to fuck a pretty black girl, the very object of sexual desire. A chance to pleasure himself to the fullest. His face flushed with the thought of her sexy brown body writhing beneath him as he thrust deeper and deeper into her to deposit his seed.

No! It was all wrong. How could he even think such a thing? He wasn’t an animal like these men. If she were to give herself willingly to him that would be one thing. But to rape someone, especially Miss Coleman, that charming beauty that knew London and Paris and enjoyed Shakespeare, the girl that he not an hour ago had toasted at dinner, someone these men should be on their knees worshiping?

No he would not do it. He had been raised an Englishman and a gentleman. If there was any code of chivalry left in the world, its first article was surely protection of the weak and the helpless. If ever he had needed evidence that slavery was wrong, wrong, wrong, then surely this was it. In a way he had been enslaved as well. His morals had been enslaved by Harris and men like him with chains of gold that dragged him into participation in their evil world.

When he thought about it clearly, what did his business, his very life itself count for if he was to become a creature completely enslaved to the likes of William Harris? What he had to do to free himself was crystal clear. He would rescue Miss Coleman, even if it should cost him his life.

A plaintive female cry, a mixture of pain, pleasure and despair burst from the bedroom, followed by a whimpering “No! Please, please, no.”

The two men seated across from him had immediately cocked their heads towards the door. They looked at each other and at John, lasciviously grinning and chuckling. The banker smiled and cocked an eyebrow at the Englishman.

“She’s a hot one all right! And you’re next you lucky devil! Of course sloppy seconds are better than thirds.”

“Or fourths,” the railroad president chimed in.

John stared at the two men, trying to visualize how their faces might appear if a minnie ball from one of the Navy revolvers he had given Harris were to suddenly penetrate their besotted skulls. Smiling, he gave them his best English charm.

“Perhaps you gentlemen would be so kind as to take my place? My digestion has been most disagreeable ever since dinner. The candied yams have been battling the ham and asparagus in a fierce onslaught which is now approaching its denouement. I fear I must relieve myself of both combatants post haste.”

The two men gaped at him in silence.

“You saying you gotta use the outhouse?” the railroad president finally surmised.

“Yes, that’s it exactly. Would you be so kind as to point me in the proper direction?”

“Down the stairs, through the kitchen and straight out the back,” smirked the banker.

“Thank you,” John replied, rising and quickly making his way down the hall towards the stairs.

“Don’t hurry back” laughed the railroad owner, “More for the rest of us!”

Harris was pumping Rachel fast and hard. Her pussy was hot and juicy now, her body’s female sexual instincts having overruled her mind, naturally responding to the presence of Harris’ cock buried up to the hilt in her sweet little black twat. She was still tossing her head back and forth and saying “No, no, no”, but the “no’s” weren’t very forceful. Her intonation sounded more like she meant “please don’t stop”.

Harris felt young, strong and vigorous as he deeply thrust his engorged white penis repeatedly into the young mulatta sex goddess, using Rachel’s helpless little body to wantonly satisfy his own white animal lusts.

Finally, he couldn’t hold back any longer and pumped what seemed like a gallon of his white hot seed into her steaming little pussy, splattering it deep inside close to the entrance of her virginal womb. His whole body shuddered with orgasmic release and he uttered mindless animal cries and grunts. He was nothing but an orgasmic ejaculation of semen and sperm. Finally, he subsided.

Harris left his dick buried inside her pussy and just lay on top of her for a long time. Finally he slowly slipped out of her, got up, put on his trousers and opened the door to the hallway.

“Where’s the Englishman?” he asked.

“Went to the outhouse, weak stomach,” snickered the banker.

“Well, no sense in waiting around for him. Let’s all do her together at once.”

“All at one time?” said the banker, who seemed particularly puzzled by the concept, the prisoner of a limited imagination.

“Sure, she’ll take us all on. One of us will fuck her, while she sucks another one and works the other two with those sweet little hands of hers. Then we’ll all take turns and just keep moving around till we’ve all had a chance to cum in her pussy and mouth at least once.”

“Sounds great to me” slurred the railroad president, “Let’s do it!”

“Harris my boy,” exclaimed the lawyer, “you throw the best soiree’s in the state of Virginia. No, I take that back, of the whole South! And this is the best ever. Why when she was sitting at the table this evening I had no idea that we’d all be fucking her. What a surprise!”

“Yeah, especially for her!” sniggered the railroad president.

They filed into the room. Rachel just lay there on the bed, her hands still tied to the bed posts, her legs splayed wide and her dark silken pussy lips open, fully exposing her juicy, wet, dripping, pink twat, freshly deflowered and leaking white driblets of her cum mixed with Harris’s seed.

Her eyes grew wide with fear as she saw the four white men lusting over her totally exposed and helpless beautiful brown body.

“Oh God,” moaned the banker, “she’s ready for rape. Let’s stick her real good.”

“I’m gonna ram it to her, all the way in,” chorused the lawyer. “That baby’s gonna look like me .”

“Hell, maybe she’ll have twins, or triplets or even quintuplets and the babies will look like all of us!” the railroad president quipped as he began to take off his trousers, leering at the frightened helpless slave girl. “We’re gonna fuck your brains out honey. Your pretty little black pussy will be real sore by the time we’re through with you. You’re gonna be crammed full of white cock and cum tonight. We’re gonna make that flat brown belly of yours swell up like a balloon with a mess of light skinned babies, yes sirree! Mmmm-mmmm!”

They all laughed and took their clothes off. Rachel writhed and pressed her thighs together as they began stroking their cocks.

“Are you ready to be raped Rachel?” Harris asked.

“No! No! Please don’t rape me again! Please! I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“You might as well face it Rachel,” Harris said as he once more knelt on the bed and seized Rachel’s slender ankles, spreading her even wider than before. “Pretty little mulattoes like you were made for breeding. Just be glad I’m keeping you for myself and not selling you to a whore house.” With that Harris violently entered her for the second time that evening, except this time her cunt was sloppy and wet and seemed to almost eagerly accept the intrusion of his thick white baby-maker.

Rachel gave another plaintive cry as her white master entered her. She felt her wrists being grabbed as the railroad president and banker placed her little hands around their members. The lawyer knelt next to her face, grabbed her gorgeous black curls and turning her head, thrust his cock past her sensuous think lips and into her mouth.

“Mmmmph!” was the only sound that escaped her as her mouth was once more filled with white cock.

Rachel now had a white cock in her mouth, a white cock in her pussy and a white cock in each hand. Her body seemed all motion as she frantically worked the railroad president and banker in her hands and sucked off the lawyer while Harris kept ramming her poor ravaged pretty little pussy with his thick prick, desperate to plant more of his white baby making seed close to the lovely mulatta sex goddess’ unprotected womb. She had become nothing more than a black sex slave receptacle for white cock and cum.

One by one, they all took turns cumming in Rachel’s mouth and pussy. They took seconds on her, then thirds and fourths. Having this beautiful bound mulatta sex goddess at their mercy seemed to make them all into inexhaustible well springs of white hot semen. They shot load after load of cum into Rachel’s ravished pussy and down her throat. She swallowed load after load of their thick sticky sperm. As if with a will of its own, her pussy repeatedly contracted, milking every white cock that entered her for every thick drop of baby making seed. She found herself desperately, mindlessly wrapping her legs around the buttocks of whoever was pumping her full at the moment, longing for deeper penetration by the white pricks. Losing all inhibitions she began shamelessly cumming in wave after wave of noisy, panting, moaning orgasm, her pussy gushing, spilling out onto the bed sheets, easing the passage of yet more white cocks inside her, helping the white hot sperm swim up her love canal toward her waiting unprotected womb. She was a beautiful brown mulatta sex slave slut. A young black love slave destined to be ravished by white men’s cocks and impregnated with white men’s seed. She accepted it willingly. She loved it. She wanted more and more. She was insatiable to be filled up with light skinned babies inside of her now. She moaned loudly and long as another white cock gushed sperm inside her. She didn’t know who it was this time, she no longer cared. She only knew that she wanted more and more white cock and cum inside her, to be completely used and fucked and impregnated by these horny old white men. She was an insatiable black sex slave.

Bell crept up the stairs, pistols in hand. The noises from the bedroom had subsided. He walked forcefully toward the door and kicked it in. Harris and the others, just putting on their clothes jumped. Rachel, still tied to the bed, screamed.

Bell leveled a pistol at Harris’ chest.

“No!” Rachel implored, “Please don’t kill them.”

John took his rage filled eyes off the four naked creatures for a moment and glanced down into Rachel’s tear stained face.

“Rain falling from heaven? For them?” he whispered.

“No –I don’t know” she sobbed, “Just don’t kill them.”

“Very well.” John Bell’s eyes narrowed to slits as he stared at his captives His voice quaked with rage as he spoke.

“You scum owe your lives to this young lady whom you have so wrongfully humiliated and violated this night. If it were up to me I would shoot you down like the dogs that you are. Thank your lucky stars that I obey her.

But if you -~gentlemen’ fail to obey my every instruction, you will wake up in hell tomorrow with your stomachs filled with lead. Do you understand?”

The four men nodded mutely.

“Now untie her, and give her clothes back.”

After complying, Bell ordered the men to sit on the floor, while Rachel tied their hands and feet.

“You’ll never make it out of the state, Englishman. You’re not only ruined financially, you’re as good as dead.” Harris shouted.

“We’ll see,” Bell replied as he backed out the door with Rachel and locked it.

They took two horses from the barn, saddled them and headed north into the night. Over the next several weeks, as they hid out in hidden rooms of the barns and cellars of the underground railroad, Bell and Rachel made passionate love all the way to Canada. By the time they arrived in England, Rachel was with child. In the spring she gave birth to a beautiful light skinned baby girl. John wasn’t sure if it was his or one of Rachel’s violators, but he didn’t care. He loved her. And they would make many more babies besides.