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Mature woman and her hubby fucking hard



Mary was in a fine spirit when she came home, shortly before nine. She kissed me in that special way she had done lately: 6 or 7 fast little kisses on my eyes, nose, cheeks, and then a long, soft erotic kiss on my lips.

“Hello, dear. Had a nice dinner?”

“Oh, yes. I loved showing off my Alfa Romeo. They were VERY envious, and they had a lot of naughty suggestions on how I had `earned’ it.”

“I’m happy to have kicked off that kind of talk with my gift. I hope you didn’t reveal too many truths.”

“No, not too many, but a few!”

“You didn’t!”

“Sure. Just to see their faces.”

“What did you tell them?”

“About the glass table, just as an example. You should have seen their faces. Sarah even said, if I ever wasn’t up to it and wanted a stand in, I should call her!”

“Sarah? I’m not sure I remember her.”

“Oh, yes, you do. The tall one with the brown, wavy hair.”

“Yes. The skinny one. Yeah, you might call her in, if I get tired of my fat wife!”

“I’m not fat! ! !”

“Of course you’re not, love. I was joking. You’d be a damn good-looking woman if you were 36. In fact, you look a lot better than you did, when you were 36, and a hell of a lot more sexy than when we got married.”

“Thank you, dear husband. You are not half bad yourself.”

“Kiss me.”

She came up to my armchair and kissed me for the longest time, while my hands roamed her breasts, later her hips, and then found their way up her skirt.

“Oh, yes. I forgot. You did go without your panties, didn’t you?”

“Yes, and that was very naughty! Not only was there a lot of dirty talk, but also this naked pussy reminded me…. Can’t you feel I’ve been horny most of the evening?”

“Deliciously so, love. You are lovely wet.”

She pushed my hands away and straightened up. “You just wait. I’ll go and change into something comfortable. Isn’t that what a `femme fatale’ should say?”

“Right. I think it was some dame in a film, said it first.”

She was upstairs for more than a quarter of an hour, but she was certainly worth the wait! I had never seen her look even remotely like this. Almost like a model in a fetish magazine. Black, seamed stockings, high heels, and some kind of a corset made of soft leather straps and see through nylon. She had changed her make-up into a very slutty look, with a big, red mouth and dark lines around her eyes. She held her hands behind her back, which pushed her pretty breasts forward. VERY sexy.

“VERY sexy! Where on earth did you find that outfit?”

“I went to the hooker street behind the central railway station. There are some very special lingerie shops there. Do you like it?”

“I like it, and Mr. Cock certainly appreciates it. You look terribly exciting and kinky.”

“That was the general idea. I even feel exciting and kinky wearing it.”

She brought her hands forward, and she had a parcel in each. “I also bought a couple of gifts for you. Open the small one first.”

For a short moment I wondered about her change. I sure hoped she was not getting inspiration outside the house. Then I remembered dad’s words about her: Her love and infatuation, and I pushed the thought away. Her first gift was a pair of Y-fronts, made of some shiny, light blue material.

“They should go well with your blue eyes, dear. Try them on. If they fit I’ll get more, and never see those silly shorts any more.”

I stripped quickly and slipped into them. The smooth, silky feeling was very new, very sexy. I was surprised that they were even comfortable. I could get used to them, very fast.

“MMmmm. Very nice. Do you like them better than the shorts?”

“Yess. Now you look like my sexy husband.” She got out of her chair, took my hand and guided me to the glass table. “I’ve got something to tell you before you open the next.”

I do not like to brag, but that glass table was a brilliant idea, especially when Mary dressed up like this.

“Like I said, I went into that lingerie shop. I tell you, they had all kinds of underwear and gadgets, enough to equip five whorehouses. The woman was very kind. She could probably see I was not used to this kind of shop. She showed me around and pointed out different outfits and their use. I think I learned more about sex and variations than in all my 46 years! I was stunned. On a shelf was a pair of black rubber panties with two cocks sticking out. She told me they were for two hookers putting on a show, where one would fuck the other, ass and cunt at the same time. That gave me a rush. I looked at some of the others, they were more like thongs with a cock on them.”

“Don’t tell me you bought one.”

“Sssshh. Let me finish.” She had dropped one hand into her lap, and through the glass I could see her diddle her clit. “She explained that model A was for a woman to wear, with a short, fat cock going into her own vagina. Model B was for a man, either to fuck another man, or to fuck a woman, cunt and ass at the same time. I must have blushed, when she said that, because she smiled at me, and then she said: “But maybe you should buy model Lux. Look here, it goes both ways. The man adjusts the thongs so the cock is nestled against his pubic bone, right above his cock. For the woman this short, fat cock screws into the back of the front plate to go into her vagina, and when she adjusts the thongs right, she can fuck her husband for all he wants, and have a lot of pleasure herself.” Really, Erik, she said that.”

I was getting quite horny myself, hearing my wife talk like that. “Did you buy it?”

“Open your parcel.”

My eyes flickered between the paper and the finger in her pussy, while I slowly opened it. She had done it. It was the model Lux with an extra fat cock to screw in. If someone had told me about this situation six months ago, I should have said he was crazy.

“This table is good for the goose, too. I can see Mr. Cock is trying to get out.”

“No wonder, you wicked you. Let’s go upstairs, I want to try it.”

“No. Let’s stay down here. Can I help you put it on?”

She pulled down my new underwear. With soft, trembling hands she fumbled with the thongs, interspersed with loving strokes or kisses to my cock. Finally it was on. What gross sight! My cock sticking out in a menacing way, and on top of it a smaller and thinner black rubber cock.

I grabbed her hair with one hand and supported her arm with the other, and pulled her to her feet. In the living-room I took her to the end of the sofa and pushed her down to lie, ass up, over the armrest. “Stay there! I’ll go and fetch the Lavender oil.”

“You don’t need to. I brought it down here when I had changed my clothes.”

The head of my cock slipped easily into her hot cunt, until the black rubber cock touched her asshole. With my thumb I lubricated her, on the outside first, and then I pushed some oil into her. I also rubbed some oil on the artificial cock, and finally I was ready to do it. When I pressed myself against her my cock went deeper into her cunt, and the black cock strained against her asshole for a few seconds, then it suddenly slipped in past her sphincter. Wow, what a feeling. Mary trembled and groaned, and I could feel the extra cock rubbing against my own, inside of her.

This was such a thrill. A power rush. Her slushy cunt was electric round my cock, and as I started fucking her hard, her ass trembled and quivered and invited me to slap her hard a few times. She didn’t last long. She let out an almost crying yell, and I felt her cunt spasming violently round my cock. I concentrated very hard on not coming, and I managed to fuck her hard all through her orgasm. When she collapsed I pulled out and went to the kitchen sink. With a wet towel and soap I washed the rubber cock. I turned round and looked at her: “Get down on the floor, whore. I want to fuck ass and I want to fill it up. You can have this black cock in your cunt at the same time. This time I don’t need oil, do I?”

“Oh, no. My cunt is so wet and my ass is oiled. Come and fuck meeee!” She spread her legs wide and pulled her knees up to her shoulders, lifting her ass invitingly towards my cock. When I had pressed the tip of my cock into her hot, tight ass, she reached down and guided the black cock into her pussy.

“Oh, my God, you fill me completely. Ooohhh, it’s like having two real cocks at the same time. Erik, you split me open. Aahhh, it’s better than I dreamed of.” She hooked her arms round my neck and fucked herself against me as if she was possessed. The sight of her face, all distorted by lust, went straight to my cock, and even if I only managed to fuck her this way for about five minutes, we both collapsed in violent orgasms.

When I finally pulled out of her and helped her to her feet, we stood there for a moment, arms around each other, savouring the moment. When we separated I looked down myself and couldn’t help laughing. What a sight. My own cock hanging limp beneath a prominent black cock! Mary slapped it, laughing too. “If you take it off now, I’ll clean it while you make us a couple of cappuccinos.”

“Sure. Do you want a brandy too?”

“Yes, please.”

She walked with swaying hips towards the bathroom door. The she turned round, looked lovingly at me, and said: “I feel so wonderfully naughty with your sperm seeping out of my ass. I guess I’ll have to clean that, too.”

I had the coffee and brandy ready, when she returned from the bathroom, cock in her hand. We sat down at the glass table to enjoy them. Of course I told her what a wonderful idea it was, and she admitted she thought so, too.

“You know what? I think the girls would climb their walls if they could have seen this, or just watch us now, in our own kitchen.”

Although I should have sworn to the opposite, she managed to make me horny once more, that evening. Pretty good for a 48-year-old guy, don’t you think? She screwed in the short, fat cock, to go into her cunt, and then she fucked my ass, while I was lying on my knees in front of the sofa, with my head down. I never knew there were so many nerve ends in my ass, but when she put her hand round me to hold my cock while she fucked me, I had never felt anything so divine. She groaned that the fat cock in her cunt was doing wonders to her, and she fucked me harder and faster by the minute. I started coming first, but when she felt my come fill her hand, she exploded, too. That did it. I was finished for the night!

We had another cup of coffee, and later we fell asleep, arm in arm, Mary still dressed in her hooker costume, because I had asked her to do so.

Chapter eighteen.

In order go get on with my story, I shall skip a few months. Mary and Henny kept me pretty busy over the summer, and I considered myself one lucky bastard, in that department. I had two flights for the company, one to Poland and one to Spain. True to dad’s predictions I was offered a substantial bribe in Poland, but I relented. In fact I didn’t do any trade with them, at all. In Spain I took in a huge profit for the company on thermostats, which would fit into three of our end products. I have to admit, I used a bit of mind control on that trade.

I did not try out my capabilities on any of the women I met on the two journeys. In fact my two hot mistresses kept me fully satisfied.

By mid October I was called to Mr. Peterson’s office. I had done a few calculations of my own, and I was pretty sure that profits by now were turning up in the company accounts. I told Henny, I wanted to go to that meeting without her, because it was going to be of a private nature. On my way up to his office I sent out `messages’ to Mr. Peterson. I planted `bonus’, `well deserved’, ’10 percent’, etc.etc.

Mr. Peterson was almost spilling enthusiasm.

“Mr. Hansen. We should have thought of this, years ago. The result of your work is turning up rapidly now. Already these last six months have raised our profits by 8 million dollars, all related to your work, if I have to believe `accounts’. This is very, very promising.”

I transferred the word `bonus’ once more to him, and he reacted immediately.

“I really think you deserve a bonus, part for your innovative approach to this, and part for your good work. Have you considered this?”

“Yes, Mr. Peterson, I have given it some thought.”

“Have you also thought of the size and nature of such a bonus?”

“To be honest, I have.”

“I have too. Let’s see if we have the same idea. What’s your proposal?”

“I have thought of something like 10 percent of profits, which can be directly credited to my work.”

“That’s funny, Mr. Hansen, because that is exactly the figure I have imagined. Have you got any idea as to how you want them paid?”

“Not really, Mr. Peterson. But it seems to me that a fifty-fifty share between company stock and cash payment would benefit us both.”

“That is a very reasonable approach, Mr. Hansen. I am sure the board will accept that. Of course I have prepared them at our last meeting, and they are very eager to keep you in the company. Consider it a deal. You’ll have 400.000 dollars paid to your usual bank account, and 400.000 dollars in shares transfered next week.”

“Thank you, Sir. That is very fine with me.”

“Good. At the end of this fiscal year we shall make a final evaluation of your work, and you’ll have another payment due, at the same fifty-fifty conditions. Will that be OK?”

“That will be most satisfactory, Mr. Peterson.”

“Good. Keep up the good work, Mr. Hansen.”

Compared to my former status this was an enormous boost, to my bank account as well as to my ego. Mary was absolutely ecstatic. She even hinted, that we might want to sell the house and move to a luxury condo, closer to the city. “You wouldn’t have so much gardening to do. Might give you more time to cultivate another `garden’,” she laughed.

Shortly after New Year I was paid another bonus, this time 400.000, divided fifty-fifty. This coincided with a weeping Henny, meeting me the next morning. Her husband had been offered a very lucrative position in Vancouver, and he had accepted. “I shall have to leave Denmark by the first of May. It will give me plenty of time to train a new secretary for you, if you want me to.”

Of course I hated the idea of losing her, but on the other hand, the thought of a new one was a temptation as well. I persuaded Henny to help me in choosing the right woman for the position, but her last comment on that was: “Don’t you dare fuck her, until I have left!”

Mr. Peterson authorised the hiring of a new secretary from April 1st, and I left all the initial interviews to Henny. After all she knew my needs pretty well. She ended up with three likely candidates, and we decided to do the final interviews together. I can only compliment her on her choices. They were all three very well recommended and efficient secretaries, two of them in their late thirties and one was 42, and either Henny had been lucky, or she had had other `secretarial duties’ on her mind, because they were all rather pretty women. We ended up choosing Alice, the 42-year-old, who had managed the complicated spare-part stores for a big water- supply and wastewater processing plant.