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Dioxymethene – Huge female orgasms



Suddenly middle aged men were as frisky as teenagers and their women, whilst initially secretly pleased soon became exhausted through the renewed attentions thrust upon, and indeed into them. And so they started complaining.

However you can’t shove the genie back in the bottle and, like nuclear weapons, it couldn’t be uninvented.

So the drug companies worked on a version for women. The thinking was, and was subsequently proved to be right, that if you can’t beat ’em join ’em. Female Viagra was somewhat of a disaster, instead of getting horny, many women got a dizzy headache and blocked sinuses. Which led to a certain amount of conflict, he was hot to trot and she…well lets just say she had a headache.

So the women had to grin (indeed hysterically laugh in some cases) and bear it.

With fortitude.

Like they always had.

But the drug companies kept on chasing the holy grail until one spring day a young research graduate in a tiny underground laboratory in Cambridge found a certain compound, whose smell caused a rather subtle reaction in her.

She virtually tore her husband’s clothes off of him that evening and fucked him right there on the hall floor. Her orgasm was so strong that it almost ripped his cock off at the root and he came buckets.

But it wasn’t enough and her husband watched in amazement as she dildoed herself through a series of rather spectacular orgasms with the suspiciously large cucumber he assumed they were about to have for tea.

It concerned him of course. Not only the fact that she had made their tea late but that she had pulped an innocent vegetable in front of his incredulous eyes.

Pureed it in fact.

Which meant that he ate a rather solitary tea of just plain salmon sandwiches, with a thoughtful frown creasing his forehead. She, on the other hand, seemed a little too pre-occupied to want to eat, as she experimented enthusiastically with the broomhandle.

She had about a dozen orgasms that night, of which the last was with her husband, who had recovered enough to perform a repeat service, albeit gingerly. Afterwards, as he ruefully surveyed his rather tender member, she drifted off into a deep and blissful sleep, full of men on white horses and fucking and fucking and fucking…..

The next day she literally bounded into work. Unfortunately the smell had lingered and the basement had no windows so the fumes couldn’t escape. Which is why two young laboratory assistants, both spotty virgins, had the sexual experience of their lives. She drained them dry and squeezed them until they bruised. Whilst trashing half the lab with her rather energetic sexual gymnastics. It was a hell of a way to embark on a sexlife, but then again they didn’t know any better. They just thought all women were like that.

Ain’t life a bitch?

She reported her find to her chief and, well, needless to say the research was continued, not only that but it was astonishingly well funded. The research went extremely well and the drug seemed to have very few side effects. Save one, and that was that the amazingly zealous Scientist was always getting hornier than hell, because she was continually catching a whiff of the odour. Whether accidentally or on purpose who can say.

But she always wore a happy smile.

With sparkling eyes that belied her strength of purpose.

And many young men in the area started to question whether they’d ever be able to father children with what was left of their manhoods.

Around about this time someone discovered time phase shifting. It would have been romantic to have said that it was invented in the next basement along. But, sadly, it was not the case. If you subscribe, like I do to the principle that there is nothing more bizarre that something that is both bizarre and English. Then you will see how this came about.

A wonderfully dotty race, the English. Full of eccentrics and brilliant but fatally flawed inventors. Who were always struggling against the odds and a peculiarly pedantic and obtuse bureaucracy who seemed to delight in bossing around their fellow citizens and throwing mindless legislative obstacles in their way.

All for their own good of course.

All this adversity, coupled with a permanently leaden sky must have an effect on certain areas of the brain. Immigrants, no matter what their origin, would invariably end up wearing brightly coloured waistcoats, carrying furled umbrellas – that stayed furled despite the almost continuous rain – and drawling ‘Yah’ instead of yes.

Oh yes and inventing odd things, like clockwork radios and Marmite.

As I said a hell of a race.

I mean who else would have the temerity to try to mess around with the very fabric of time and space in a small, rotting potting shed somewhere in the outer ‘burbs of London. Who else would have the confidence to expect to get anywhere, let alone invent one of the most radical inventions of the twenty second century.

Who indeed?

The idea is very simple. Teriofsky as you recall said, in the late 2080’s, that time behaved like a wave. Therefore, this rather eccentric inventor reckoned he could change the phase. The theory was that if you could shift the phase there might be a different existence on the same earth. You’ve probably seen some rather far fetched science fiction teleglobe series’ about it.


No, what he found was that it merely allowed someone to see their own aura. Oh yes and everyone else’s of course. That was if you shifted it one way, shifting it the other way produced a colour signature that was found to relate to a person’s energy output. It could, if manipulated with a quantum field and a small, wet hedgehog be ‘flipped’ into real time thus producing a rather unexpected boost to the ecology issue. It was found that the lost power from a person could be recovered in its entirety. And that from cars, and buses and planes.

Neat stuff eh?

The breakthrough came when he was using it to study the energy levels of the young next door newlyweds. Through their partly opened curtains.

Like he did most nights, whether he had his machine or not.

Purely in the interests of science you understand.

Such was his dedication.

Anyway the drug that I whittered on about earlier had of course been invented. By a wild haired young scientist with a team of equally wild haired and dreamy eyed female assistants (it steadfastly refused to work on men, no-one knew why and given the political climate few cared). It was given the imaginative name of Diomoxylethene, which lends wings to the theory that however brilliant the team was that dreamed up the invention, they’d always let the dickhead in the group name it.

Diomoxylethene! I ask you.

Of course in popular slang it was known as Dixie. And she was said to have been dixied if she had a fuck under its influence. Headboard banging orgasms were the norm if she only took a quick sniff of the handy little ampoule. If she went for the wild side then there wasn’t a man alive that could take a full strength Dixie female orgasm.

Hard rubber dildoes were deformed out of shape, plastic ones merely disintegrated. Steel cores became the norm, if she was up for a good old fashioned industrial strength fucking that is. And, strangely enough most women were. Her man could even fuck her too, eventually, as she tired out.

If he was brave or stupid enough.

Well this old geezer happened to be pointing his gadget through the curtains of a bedroom, in which a beautiful young woman was being quick snort Dixied. Her orgasm, though fairly mild by normal Dixie standards, was intense enough to send his power gauge off the scale. He quickly captured the readings.

Back in his shed, sorry lab, he loaded the readings into his computer and when he saw the results he became thoughtful.

The next phase required a call girl.

He tipped some Dixie on her top lip, after tying her down on the specially built fucking machine of course. He didn’t want a fully charged woman loose and rampant, especially in the Close.

It was such a nice quiet street.

But not that night. Her screams of ecstasy carried for miles.

Luckily Dixie was found to actually strengthen the heart and so she survived. Which is more than the fucking machine did. She tore it to pieces and nearly wrecked his lab into the bargain.

Furthermore she didn’t even want paying.

Of course this all led on to the possibility of intergalactic space travel.

But then you were probably way ahead of me there.

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Part 1 – The family trip.

Marte-B smiled with pride as she saw her daughter exiting from the preparation room.

She looked lovely. Nakedly pink with a golden fleece above the shadow of her womanhood. Long golden hair, fine up tilted breasts and the blushing innocence of youth, coupled with the sloe eyed arrogance of a teenage girl at the height of her powers.

She looked as sexually healthy as her sexual potenciagram had indicated. And ready for the new adventure.

The ship was small but was perfectly capable of multiple light speeds, if powered correctly. Which is where the two women came in.

In fact the craft’s manufacturers had recommended that at least 4 women would be needed to do the job. But these two were so perfectly balanced, according to the examinations and genetic biopsies, that they should be relied upon to blast the small craft out of Alpha Prime’s atmosphere and way into deep space.

If they could be made to cum together.


Which is where Marte-B’s husband and Tenge-C’s father came in. Geogo-K sat at the controls, hands lightly resting on the orgasm levers and Dixie atomiser controls. Gazing through the vid-cams lovingly as his perfectly ripe daughter was led by her doting mother to the orgasm frame.

By rights he shouldn’t have even been attempting it. He was an interlact cruiser pilot and so he knew the dangers of an inadequate power source on take off. Particularly when exiting from Alpha prime with its powerful gravity. If the power failed while they were still in atmosphere they may not be able to burst through at which point they could burn up on re-approach, especially if the power continued to die taking the shields with it.

It was a gamble, but Marte-B had insisted in her softly smiling way and so he swallowed his inhibitions. Hell it would be wonderful to have a family space cruise, just the three of them. When he’d told his fellow pilots they’d become green eyed with jealousy. They were forced to hire professional engines and these tended to be expensive and so most of the time their little hobby craft sat mouldering at their moorings. The thought of having two matched and nubile thrusters made them champ with envy. Particularly as they were free and obviously willing.

Geogro-K had never known such pride.

“Ready?” he queried through the ship’s intercom.

Marte-B looked across at her daughter and smiled, “shall we make your father happy?” she purred at her nubile young daughter.

The girl gulped as a look of mild apprehension crossed her face. “Yes mother,” she whispered.

Both women climbed onto the orgasm frames, facing each other their nipples mere inches apart.

“We are ready,” Marte-B smiled encouragingly at her daughter. “Take a deep breath and relax,” she advised.

Georgo-K touched the control and the immensely strong leg clamps swung over the girl’s thighs as the waist clamps snicked tightly into place.

The forces that could sustain a gravity jumping blast off were immense, especially when there were only 2 engines. So the frame had to undergo terrific internal stresses trying to cope with the sheer naked energy of a woman undergoing a full strength Dixie orgasm.

Their legs were pulled apart and the specially strengthened dildos swung up until their large bulbous heads were touching their pussies.

“Will it hurt?” whimpered Tenge-C.

“Maybe at first but afterwards it will be wonderful, you’ll see” said her mother as she softly stroked her daughter’s hair as the dildo started to buzz. “Hold tight here it comes,” she said as she directed her daughter’s hands to the steel grab frames.

The dildos pushed slowly sensing their vagina’s falling resistance as they slowly accepted their massive intruders. Naturally the mother was first to completely submit and when the dildo stopped with its massive bulk deep inside she looked over at her daughter.

The girl had a dreamy look on her face, her eyes were closed tightly and her mouth hung slack with lust. An occasional wince furrowed her brow as the intruder forged but after a couple of minutes she seemed to slump in submission as the dildo reached its goal.

The daughter’s eyes opened and she looked at her mother. “Please hold me,” she whimpered as the vibrators buzzed up into a frenzy and the top third of the dildos started to move from side to side.

The women held each other tightly as the dildos started to move inside them.

A pair of small nozzles close to their faces started to spray a fine mist at them.

Slowly their colour deepened and they found their mouths welded together in mutual lust. Sweat started to glisten on their svelte bodies as the dildos pounded…

….and twisted….

….and vibrated.

When the clitoral stimulator kicked in they both moaned voluptuously and their hands started snaking over each other’s bodies, their breasts mashing together.

Georgo-K watched in wonderment on the small monitor. He knew he shouldn’t be getting turned on like this, not with his own daughter. But fuck…..! She was the mirror image of her mother 18 years ago. It was like seeing his wife of then coupling frantically with his wife of now.

As he lusted the gauges inched up as the women were pounded towards their orgasms.

Tenge-C could feel the pleasure starting to boil inside her threatening to tear her heart out of her chest. “Hmm, mummy, aaaah, I can’t stop…”

“Not yet sweety,” moaned her mother, “we have to cum together for it to work.”

“I..I…I..can’t…help…it,” gasped her daughter.

He mother took one of her daughter’s nipples between her finger and thumb and squeezed hard. Her daughter’s eyes flew open and she wriggled in pain.

Marte-B’s dildo went into a frenzy as Georgo-K urged her towards her own orgasm.

Both women were moaning loudly as their hands fondled each other’s taut nipples and soft yielding breasts.

The meters crept higher until they hung just below exit power. The power lamps glowing brightly on the panel above him.

He gave a quick glance around the console, everything was clear and he had clearance to take off.

He slammed the throttles to the firewall.

Almost instantaneously the meters jumped off the gauge as the women dissolved into orgasm as their nails raked each other’s flesh and their glistening bodies writhed like pythons.

They burst through the atmosphere just as their screams of unadulterated pleasure reached their zenith.

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Part 2 – Philte and the finishing school

Philte punched in the coordinates to Alpha prime and fell back into his seat.

“Surtees! That was close,” he muttered as he closed his eyes.

He’s just had a very near run in with two Strator Alpha Police Cruisers and it was only by squirting neat Dixie over the engines and running them at full orgasm for nearly an hour had he managed to outrun them. But it was still a close run thing as the ultra long range scanners indicated as they picked up the occasional wisp and flick of the cruiser’s search beams.

He breathed out slowly then opened his eyes. Scanning the gauges he became thoughtful.

The engines were pretty well fucked. Both literally and figuratively. The last couple of weeks had seen him bounce from one hostile encounter to another and each one had required him to Dixie his engines way over the max recommended levels.

The problem was that Dixie had an unfortunate side effect. Whilst it could be relied upon to boost the heart’s output such that it more than equaled the power requirements drawn on it by a full fledged, warp 7 intergalactic orgasm, the same couldn’t be said for the sexual organs.

No-one knew why but the problem was that they became, and there was no other way to describe it, immune to sexual stimuli. The scientists, in their wonderfully stark way said that they became sexually inert. Incapable of having any sexual pleasure at all in the most extreme cases.

Which was, to put it mildly, a bit of a bugger.

In fact of the six engines on the craft only one was capable of working at anywhere near full capacity. Whilst three of the others were barely capable of getting wet, never mind letting rip.

It was time for new engines.

Hence the trip to Alpha Prime.

The little blond was still moaning and twisting in lust as he drew power from her to drive the shields and finally the thrusters as he settled into the grounds of the ‘Hillsdown finishing school for ladies of quality’. But the others lay quietly with only the occasional moan to indicate they were still alive.

He kept her going for a full hour to recharge the energy cells before he finally shut her down and the ship went quiet. He flipped on the cloaking shield and slipped out of his seat.

It was hot and humid inside the engine compartment and the Dixie in the air gave him a slight headache. He surveyed the females as they lay, splay legged in the engine trays, the large dildos silent now after their long months of almost continual use.

He sighed. It was a damned shame, he’d grown quite attached to this little lot. They’d been a fixture on the ship for nearly two years now and their orgasms had flown them, and him, clean around the galaxy. But all good things must come to an end. He clipped the transporter bands around their ankles then, after knocking them out, he released their shackles.

He flew them to the door of the craft and out into the night.

It was a mild night and so the girls in the dormitory had gone to sleep with the window open.

Which was silly given the circumstances. But they didn’t know that of course.

There were 8 girls in the dormitory so he had a choice.

Now scientifically he should have chosen the ones with the most sexual stamina. But, being the sentimental old sausage that he was, he chose the best looking ones.

In fact one of them was simply stunning.

So much so that he got to thinking about her other possible uses.

Sweating slightly in the cool night air he downloaded the sleeping girl’s memories into his old engines then threw a temporary transformance shield around them so they looked identical to the girls they were replacing. The shield would only last for a few days but by the time they started looking like their old selves he would be long gone.

Or so he hoped.

He smiled to himself as he transformed the small blond into the image of the tall and statuesque young brunette. She’d have fun explaining away her new appearance as the shield faded especially as she alone just knew she was the girl she was replacing and so wouldn’t understand why everyone around her was getting so upset at her appearance. She had her memories, her thoughts, her dreams, everything. But not her body.

That was his, along with the others.

He led his crocodile of sleeping beauties away to his ship.

Old Ned, the gardener had had a skinful that night and was himself blissfully floating, in an earthbound way as he staggered home across the grounds. He stopped and rubbed his eyes as he saw 6 gorgeous naked young women float past him. Turning slowly as they glided past, showing him all their pulchritudinous charms as he gawped mutely.

After they had vanished he pushed his cap to the back of his head, scratched his head and then pulled the half empty bottle out of his pocket, peering myopically at it at it. Damn this was good stuff.

Philte strapped the fifth girl into place and lined the dildo up with her open cunt. He drew his hand over his sweating brow and then turned to the final girl.

Close to and in the light she was even more gorgeous than she seemed in her dorm.

He had to have her. Fuck the consequences, he had to empty his balls.

He floated up to the control module and laid her onto his cot.

She looked so radiantly beautiful lying there, innocent and vulnerable, that his prick threatened to burst there and then.

It took all his willpower to drop over the control console and start to feed the smelling salts and Dixie to the newly captured engines. He punched in a set of computer codes and waited a second while the vibrators and body massagers got to work on the helpless victims.

He knew that new engines always required a few minutes to warm up before their exertions began. If he was to attain enough force to blast his way away from this rock and the tenacious cruisers who must have caught the scent of his space waves by now.

He turned back to her and picked up the vial of arousal salts. They weren’t anywhere near as powerful as Dixie and they didn’t even guarantee an orgasm but they did get her hot, in a very short space of time. Which could be kind of handy as they could be used to cut out the idle chit chat or the hassle and expense of taking her out to a restaurant. One whiff of this and she was hotter than a blast furnace and wetter than a Mogolfian slime lizard’s ear socket.

She might not like you but, by hell, she would be more than willing to fuck you.

Technically it was rape, but very few instances ever got reported.

Dunno why, humiliation I suppose.

She would be desperate to get you inside her, to quell the fires deep in her belly. But, dammit, it nearly always failed to get her off. Unless, of course, she threw herself into it with total abandonment. Letting herself go completely, behaving like a total slut as she humped and squirmed around you trying to engulf you in her body. To draw you in, to tease every nuance of delicious sensation out of your cock. Giving herself over to her conqueror and defiler and her own raging lust. Then and only then could she achieve a cessation of the intense arousal that the drugs subjected her to. When she could explode in a welter of expectorating juices as she expended herself, twisting and turning in hot naked abandonment. Riding the towering wave of her breaking lust, humping and riding in mindless hedonism, her orgasms breaking over her in overwhelming pleasure.

It might even be reasonably pleasant for you too.

Of course this one didn’t know all this.

In fact she hadn’t even woken up when he waved the crystals under her nose. Marveling, as ever, in how quickly her nipples became firm and her breathing turned to panting.

He sat watching her for long minutes as she slowly started to come around. Gazing as the blush crept slowly down her neck and seeped across her chest. The sweat giving her whole body a dull sheen in the dim lights of the control room.

Finally her eyes oozed open and her mouth described a perfect ‘O’ as the feelings crept through her body.

“Where am I? What’s happening to me?” she croaked.

“Feeling hot are you?” he said as his finger traced the gash between her twisting thighs. “My I see you are.”

“Please,” she murmured and moaned as his finger brushed lightly on her clitoris.

“Ok,” he sniggered as he drew his finger away.

Involuntarily she grabbed for his hand. When he pulled it away her fingers sought her sex.

“Urggh, aah,” she crooned as her fingers started to weave their magic.

He watched in amusement as she attacked her pussy with gusto. Straining for the elusive orgasm that kept slipping away from her. Leaving her moaning with frustration.

Finally he leaned down and replaced her delving fingers with his own. Her back arched and her hips squirmed as he massaged her tiny gash.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” he said, his face next to hers.

“Nooo,” she moaned. He took his finger away. “No, yes, oooh nooo.” A tear trickled down her cheek.

“Do you want it or not?”

“Ohhhh, please don’t……hurt me. I’m a virgin.”

His finger kept working as his other hand started to push her thighs apart. Finally he felt that he could snuggle between them. With a click of a button he was naked and his cock sprang free.

Her eyes widened in wonder and horror as it bounced before her.

“Into the shadow of the valley of life I go,” he quipped as he pushed his pulsating member towards her helplessly humping maw.

He slipped inside like he was sinking into warm wet velvet. She was so swampy he barely registered her hymen as he powered his way through deep inside her.

The range of emotions crossing her features amazed him as they oscillated between horror, shame, rage and pure hot lust. And then back again.

He lay on her, savoring her hot breath on his cheek and her whimpering panting as he allowed her time to become accustomed to him.

Finally he felt her fall back, closing her eyes in submission as her legs opened a fraction wider.

He started slowly but soon started to push up the pace as she squirmed desperately trying to scratch that terrible itch inside her.

Soon he was battering her with long forceful strokes while she mewled and gasped.

His orgasm coincided with the alarm klaxon, diminishing it somewhat. But he kept pumping until the last of his seed was blasted into her clutching depths. Momentarily he dropped on her as the klaxon continued to blare.

Finally he got off her saying, wearily. “Ok, Ok I’m coming.”

Her hands were again at her crotch but he reached down and pulled them away, throwing a quick lock field around them pinning them to the top of the bunk. Likewise he pinioned her still spread legs then, ignoring her piteous moans, he dashed to the control console.

“Shit!” they’d got here sooner than he expected and his sensors had picked up the tendrils of the search beams as they slowly scoured the earth.

He quickly scanned over the dials of the girls that were going to serve as his engines. Most were heating up nicely, with a couple about ready to peak. He tapped a couple of commands and the sensations teasing the girls’ bodies eased slightly bringing them back from the brink.

Working methodically he punched in the coordinates of Barnard’s star and the velocity he was going to need to evade the cruisers. The calculations coming back from the scans of the females suggested he’d be at least 10% short, possibly more if one or two of the tractor tendrils caught him.

He needed to use his new acquisition.

“Aw shit,” he muttered as he floated her down into the engine room. Already the atmosphere was humid and heavy with the lustful moans of the writhing females.

She struggled fruitlessly as he strapped her into the engine tray. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Aw shit.” He said as he pushed her tray back into the rack.

He spun the lock and floated back up to the control room, sliding neatly into his seat.

“Lets see what we got,” he muttered.

The tendrils were creeping closer, they were barely 1,000 miles away and closing rapidly. This was going to be a close one.

He looked down at the dials. The other five girls were bubbling nicely, simmering just below release. The problem was he just didn’t know how much underlying energy there was going to be in their collective orgasms. The computer could only make a projection of their potential and neither he, nor it, had yet gained enough insight to be able to get the absolute maximum in the way of release that he seemed like he was going to need.

It all depended on her. Only by adding her orgasm to the chorus line could he be sure of blasting away.

“Aw shit,” he said as his hand lingered over the Dixie button. He knew that if he pushed it then she would be out of bounds to him, possibly for ever, given the dose that he’d have to feed her with. He was just about to push it when her dial gave a small jerk.

“Thattagirl,” he said as he leaned forward and tapped the gauge to be rewarded by another, barely perceptible lurch.

There was no doubt about it the girl was heading towards an orgasm. Nobody had told her that only total submission would give her her release. But here she was getting into it and soaring towards nirvana. Despite her innocent looks and her hitherto un-plundered virginity she had the distinctive makings of an Intergallactic class cum slut. A real asset in her new profession, if she but knew it.

Or at that moment cared.

He tweaked the massagers slightly and sneaked the dildo up a notch. Her lust started to go exponential.

He decided to take a risk and locked off her Dixie nozzles. He’d try flying this one straight. Philte loved a gamble and the stakes were high. On the one hand was the probability of terrible torture if he was caught but stacked against that was the total submission and enslavement of a ravishing young girl. Barely 18 and up until very recently a virgin of this parish.

Giving in and succumbing.


He’d give it a few minutes.

He willed her meter to rise as the tendrils groped closer and closer.

The needle lurched slightly.

A tendril detached itself, grew and split into other tendrils as it moved towards him.

It was hovering below red.

The tip brushed across his ship barely parting the air as it drifted by. Then it turned and homed in purposefully.

It tipped over.

He licked his lips. It was now or never.

The tendril started to wrap itself around an undercarriage strut, calling on others to converge.

He eased the levers to max and watched the energy meters start to glow white.

Her meter hung below launch. It was as if she was straining but not achieving.

“Come on, come on,” he shouted as other tendrils drifted towards him.

His finger hovered over the Dixie button. “Come fucking on!” he screamed as the tractor beams moved in.

“Aw shit,” he said as he pressed down on the button.

They were within yards.

He felt the button mechanism start to ease, then he saw her gauge suddenly leap up as she dissolved into ecstasy.

He rammed all the levers home and was instantly rewarded by 6 searing orgasms that blasted the ship clean off the ground just as the tractor tendrils made a lunge for him.

Their orgasms soared, rising higher and higher, drawing him up in their wake as they ascended the stratosphere. All the time accelerating and reaching further and further.

Orgasming themselves into mindless slavery.

Not that they cared much.

“Yeeeha!” he shouted as they burst through the atmosphere and instantly leapt into treble hyperspace.

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Part 3 – The law

The Police ship was powered by civil servants. Volunteers to a woman with only a steady secure job, an endless series of government sponsored orgasms and a full pension after 2 years to look forward to. Oh yes, and a virtually guaranteed promotion if they did well. Relentlessly trained, they were second only to the fundamentalist Christian ships that were manned almost exclusively by females.

Both groups maximised their lusts for the good of the enterprise. Both groups were steely eyed and purposeful to the exclusion of all other thoughts.

A calling as it were.

Swiftly and with deadly purpose the ship blasted through the inky blackness of deep space.

Intent on their prey the bridge crew turned up the power another notch and the moans and gasps from the engine bay signified the increase in orgasmic activity.

“Sirtrave lll within range,” intoned the scanning operative.

“Security. Prepare capture team,” said the captain.

“Capture team ready,” came the reply after a few minutes.

“Away,” ordered the captain.

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Part 4 – The cult

Cilia squirmed in her love bonds and moaned. She teetered on the edge of a mind blowing orgasm but something seemed to be holding her back.

“Sister Cilia,” the loudspeaker in her cell boomed. “Would you like a stimulant?”

Cilia, despite the fact that she lay spread and relentlessly hammered by the steel cored, vibrating dildo, found herself blushing and biting back a tear. She’d failed again, the devil was still strong inside her. Despite her endless hours of prayer and devotion, despite the multitude of evangelical followers breathing stories of heaven and brimstone into her receptive, sleep deprived mind. Accentuating them both until she longed for one with all her heart and feared the other with all her being. The Devil was still buried deep inside her, denying her her heavenly orgasm. Stopping her from fully giving her power to the ministry.

And to Father.

She had to cast out the devil. She must have her orgasm without Dixie. To save Father from having to demean himself by buying it on the black market. Which was far too sordid for an exulted one such as he. She had to have that orgasm, the equivalent of a Dixie but without the drug itself. She must do it for him.

She must, she must.

“No, heavenly aaah brother,” she gasped. “just a few more minutes.”

“Oh sister how I will pray for you,” simpered the pilot. “I will give you five minutes to reach Nirvana, but after that I must stimulate you. It is not fair to your sisters that they must shoulder the burden of powering this ministry. Remember as the good lord said, ‘From each according to their capability.'”

Socialism and Christianity got kinda tangled somewhere in the late twenty first century. Both having the single aim of overthrowing capitalism. This new paradigm worked too, after a fashion.

It allowed its followers to work like idiots while the favored few lived off their backs. “Render unto the State that which is the State’s” was the official slogan, Caesar being out of fashion in left wing rhetoric as he was a racist, fascist, imperialist warmonger and most probably a misogynist and a homophobe to boot. So the rich got richer and as for the poor…….!

Nothing much had changed really.

Which is why beautiful young women volunteered, no begged and prayed, to be allowed to sexually exhaust themselves powering a heavy ship across the galaxy. Whilst ‘Father’ enjoyed himself with a bevy of equally beautiful girls in his sumptuous and spacious apartments.

Father Solomon he was called and this was his ministry ship.

Gliding silently through the fastness of space powered only by a clutch of over worked zealots.

Like Cilia.

Who was straining desperately for her orgasm at the exact instant that father ejaculated wildly into the pert little mouth of an extraordinarily beautiful consort, who knelt reverently at his feet. Her eyes gazing up at him in rapture as she swallowed his essence.

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Philte sat back casually and sipped his alcajuice, while he surveyed the bar through hooded eyes. He’d been advised to meet Crark here in order to pick up the new consignment of Dixie that was due in. But he was nervous.

Ever since Dixie had become an interstellar controlled substance in this part of the galaxy he, and many other itinerant voyagers, had to rely on dealers to get his supplies. Shadowy figures from the underworld whose propensity towards violence was legendary.

It was alike to the fate suffered by the internet back in the twenty first century. The governments of the prime world became fearful of information being made available to everyone. After all knowledge is power. So they brought in a series of rather draconian measures. To ‘protect children’ was given as the reason. But that pretence was soon abandoned once the public became inured to censorship, then the governments were able to withhold more and more information.

This time it was ‘to protect sovereign states against outside interference from those seeking to overturn the state.’ Criminals were the preferred bogeymen, but foreign governments were also convenient whipping boys. Soon the web as it was called became a useless bauble that consisted virtually exclusively of the sanitized antics of the ruling classes and the details about the seemingly endless series of draconian laws that were being passed almost daily. Anything vaguely interesting was radically pruned or censored out of existence.

It became bland and boring and was hardly ever used. Which suited the government’s agenda down to a tee.

Then came the advent of cheap, personalized interstellar travel. The governments were fairly sanguine about it at first, but then they started to realize that the freedom that had been accorded to its citizens was beyond their power to control. If someone could disappear into the limitless expanse of deep space they would be beyond control and what was the point of having power if you had no-one to exercise it over.

So Dixie became licensed outside the Alpha Prime area (and there it was rationed and only for local travel). And the traveler needed a damned good reason to want it. Sexual ecstasy wasn’t enough. In fact the governments propagated a number of scare stories about its long term effects. Not enough to discourage its own workers, who were (tapping side of nose) in the know, but enough to cause concern amongst the great unwashed.

Like marijuana really.

That particular bogeyman dying away after it was legalized and taxed to hell and back.

The governments of the day, encouraged by a report from some obscure and rather dubiously named university, even made it compulsory in school’s as it ‘stimulated academic growth’.

That nearly killed it stone dead as teenagers did not want to be seen taking something that was encouraged by authority.

But its side effect of getting girls horny eventually won the day.

“Just one joint Janice, its good for you the government said so,” became the mantra of every adolescent boy trying to hide his burgeoning erection, preferably in the bush of a, as yet, rather uncooperative young lady.

Of course illegal Dixie production plants sprang up all over the universe to service the need of the less than salubrious intergalactic wayfarers. And so it became the new cause celebre for governments to come together in the ‘drugs war’ to try and stamp it out. Never mind that it was something that people wanted to do and caused no harm. The governments said it was bad so ipso facto it was bad. And so battle was joined. Where billions were spent but nothing was ever achieved, except for the occasional blast burned body.

Which is why Philte was fidgeting nervously as he watched the door. He’d once been caught hijacking a load of government Dixie and the authorities took a pretty dim view of that sort of thing. He’d barely got away that time and they’d been after him ever since.

Plus of course there was the question of the kidnapping…

There he’d hit a bit of a snag. One of the girls, in fact the very one that he was boffing so vigorously at least twice a day happened to be the daughter of the president of a very powerful country. Seasoning the pot were also a couple of countesses and a princess who were at this very instant being held tightly as the dildos buzzed inside them, keeping them aroused and ready, deep in the bowels of his ship.

Which was not the sort of thing you tended to broadcast in a criminal dive like this.

Their fathers understandably were not amused at the abduction of the apples of their eyes, and had vowed eternal damnation against the perpetrator of this intolerable crime. They also promised vast wealth for anyone who apprehended the fiend.

The fiend in question just wanted to get his Dixie and fuck off out of here. Back to Alpha prime to swap his hot, in every sense of the word, group of engines for a half dozen less conspicuous models.

Before some bastard put two and two together and decided his friendship nowhere near matched up to the fabulous rewards on offer.

The door blew across the room and crashed against the wall as the explosive charge detonated followed closely by the stormtroopers in their sinister black outfits.

“Oh fuck,” exclaimed Philte as he rolled under the heavy table, pulling out his phase gun as the crashes of the energy bolts smashing into furniture and bodies indiscriminately blasted around him. “Someone’s got a snit on,” he muttered as a bolt glanced off the corner of his table and then expended itself in the wall with a huge roar.

As the rock powder blasted out he dived through the door to the rest room. Then he ran blindly and dived through an open window as a fusillade of shots burst around him.

His craft was just across the spacelot.

Puffing he dived between the craft as he fumbled for his remote control. He found it and snicked on the engine stimulators.

The firefight behind him seemed to pick up in tempo and pieces flew off the ravaged structure as the bar was literally torn to pieces by the phase cannon fire.

There must have been at least two hundred people in there innocently, oh ok nefariously but peaceably, imbibing their favorite tipple when the massacre began. And before the night was out they would probably all be dead.

‘Damn this zero tolerance policing,’ he thought as he crept back to his ship careful to avoid the searchlights of the surrounding cop craft.

At last he reached it and managed to slip inside without being seen.

He dropped into his chair and punched in the scanners. The police were doing protracted searches around all the craft and some of the units were creeping closer.

He gazed at the gauges. His little princesses were heating up nicely, they were almost ready to blow when he hit the Dixie buttons.

“Aw shit,” he exclaimed as he accidentally pushed ‘her’ button by mistake and she got her first whiff of Dixie.

“Shit, shit, shit.”

He cursed his stupidity then mentally shrugged. It didn’t do to get sentimental about cunts.

They came.

They got used.

They went.

It was as simple as that.

Still it was a pity. Sighing he watched her power gauge slam up against the stops as he rammed the throttles forward and they blasted out into space.

As soon as he got clear of the gravity he started to ease off the Dixie when he noticed the two Police cruisers converging on him rapidly with over fifty simultaneous orgasms powering their way.

Philte wasn’t one to panic normally but he hadn’t managed to get his Dixie and the gauge was showing less than a quarter of a tank. Barely enough to reach Alpha prime if he took it steady but nowhere near enough if he had to race there under full pursuit.

He gabbled out scenarios for the computer to analyze as he kept feeding the Dixie to his charges. Nozzles bathed their whole bodies in a fine sheen of Dixie droplets and they humped frantically in their frames as the orgasms continued to take them.

He surged forward but the Police drivers were onto him now as they too sprayed neat Dixie over their sweating sisters and they too screamed out in ecstasy.

The situation was starting to get out of hand as the computer monotonously vetoed all of his scenarios. Then the scanner picked up two craft on virtually convergent courses to his own.

He should be passing the first, a small pleasure craft, in less than 10 minutes at this speed.

He punched a series of buttons and shouted instructions to the computer. He had one chance only and he was enough of a gambler to take it.

But it was going to be close.

“Over-ride, over-ride!” he screamed at the computer as it tried to give him the odds of him succeeding, “just fucking do it will you!”

The internal scanners picked up just two engine sources, which was odd, but it could accommodate two more. What’s more it had a full tank of Dixie. His fingers danced over the controls as he shouted instructions at the computer. He was diving between the two craft. The other one was a bulky mission ship and he hoped his maneuver would be shielded by the bulk of it as he passed behind it for a split second.

He rammed the Dixie nozzles to full as he passed within a light year of the two craft.

Then he punched the transporter button….

Microseconds later he found himself tumbled into the captain’s chair of Georgo-K’s craft. He knew that at that second Georgo-K was trying to work out how he had ended up captaining a pirate craft that was running at full throttle barely ahead of two pissed off looking Police Cruisers.

Philte punched in the viewer screen and expertly studied his new power sources as his old ship disappeared in a brilliant streak of light closely followed by the two Police craft.

Good potential he concluded but he needed more. The he remembered the mission ship that cruised majestically behind him.

Two good religious girls with zeal and virtually no requirement for Dixie seemed like just what he needed to get out of here before those Police cruisers woke up to the fact that it wasn’t him on that ship that they’d just blasted to pieces. Once they had analyzed the DNA fragments.

He swung the ship expertly round and headed for the mission ship. The two women in the engine room moaned as the dildos again started to surge inside them.

“No more darling,” the older one muttered wearily, “let us rest.” But the dildos were relentless and the intercom strangely silent and she started to taste fear. She was summoning up the energy to scream as the dildo powered up in full and the blast of Dixie caught her full in the face.

She dissolved into orgasm as Philte swung past the Mission ship.

As he passed along its length he fired the transporter acquisition beam but it was too weak with only two engines to acquire two more and so, with reluctance he had to abandon one as he successfully plucked the other into a spare orgasm harness in his newly acquired engine room.

The spacecraft twinkled then disappeared in a blinding flash as the new power source at last gave in to her tremendous orgasm.

‘I’ve done it,’ filtered through Cilia’s lust fogged brain, ‘I’ve cum without an stimulant. Father will be proud…….’

Philte smiled as he watched her dissolve.

He was going enjoy fucking her later.

An intergalactic orgasm with no stimulation, leaving her open to being fucked rotten.

It almost makes you want to take up religion doesn’t it?