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Phoenix Rising – Atomic Dog



My father woke me up early the next morning, before anyone else in the house was awake. I dressed quietly, trying not to wake Dana, and we left in his Cadillac, heading to a local diner for breakfast. My father looked tired, his eyes bloodshot behind his dark sunglasses.

“Are you okay, Daddy?” I asked him.

“Fucking hung over,” he muttered. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I hadn’t had nearly as much to drink as he had, and before I went to sleep I took two aspirin and washed them down with a tall glass of cold water, something Julia had taught me.

The diner was part of a truck stop, the parking lot filled with big rigs and pickup trucks. We had a greasy breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and strong coffee. My father’s eyes began to clear, and he began to perk up, especially after his second cup of coffee and a couple of Tylenol. He even managed to flirt with the waitress, a buxom young woman with a name tag that read “MADGE”. They seemed to be on a first- name basis.

My father’s office was in the first floor of a building downtown, a nicely furnished space with a dozen desks and architectural models of the local communities his company developed. He was one of the more senior members of the sales staff, so he had his own office, a fairly large glass-walled room with a big desk, a couple of chairs, and a comfortable couch. While he made some phone calls and looked over some paperwork I sat on the couch and read magazines, watching his co-workers filter in as the work day began.

My father took pride in introducing me to everyone, the secretaries, the other sales people, and the executive vice president, a tall blonde woman named Krystal. I stood up from the couch to greet her and she smiled and shook my hand. She wore a pale blue skirt suit, the gold buttons bearing the logo of an exclusive designer label, and her hair was perfectly coifed, not a single strand out of place.

“We still on for lunch, Frank?” she asked my father.

“Sure thing, Krys,” he said. “One o’ clock?”

“Perfect,” she replied. “I want to swing by the model home at Corazon afterwards and make sure the contractors finished the landscaping.”

“Not a problem,” he said, checking his appointment book. “My afternoon’s free, anyway.”

“Great. I’ve got a meeting with Max, so I’ll come by and get you when I get out.”

“See you then,” my father said.

“Pleasure to meet you, Anne,” she said, taking my hand again.

“Thank you, Ma’am.” She winked at my father and left his office.

The morning went by pretty quickly. We drove out to a new development and met a young couple who was buying their first home. Unlike Rancho Paradiso, this place wasn’t built around a golf course, and the homes were smaller, “entry level” was the phrase my father used. I watched as he showed a new home to these people, taking them on a tour of the house, discussing financing options, and then driving them around the area, showing them the local schools, the shopping center, the nearest hospital. The woman was pregnant, and just starting to show. Her husband looked like some kind of scientist or engineer, white shirt, horn-rimmed glasses, closely cropped hair, trousers just a bit too short. What really impressed me was the way he held his wife’s hand the whole time; you could tell that they were deeply in love. I couldn’t help but smile the whole time we were with them.

After we drove them back to their car, my father and I headed back to his office. I amused myself by playing around with one of the office’s computers, a new IBM PC. Nobody in the office knew how to use it yet, but there was a stack of manuals next to it. The one on the top of the heap was a spiral-bound softcover with “DOS 1.0” printed on the front. I kept it open in my lap and started typing commands from the reference section.

“Whoa, how’d you do that?” someone behind me asked after I typed “DIR” and got a list of files to scroll up the screen.

“I just typed this,” I said, repeating the command. A couple more people got up from their desks and came over, and I saw Krystal walking into the office, her meeting finally finished.

“We should hire you,” Krystal said, standing behind my seat, her hand resting lightly on my shoulder. “We need a computer wiz around here.”

“I’ve never used one before,” I said. “Besides, I’m only fifteen.”

“I was waiting tables in Taos when I was your age,” she replied. “Come, let’s grab your father and get some lunch.” I closed the manual and followed her into my father’s office. He was on the phone, but he cut the conversation short, grabbed his blazer, and we headed out to eat, driving off in my father’s convertible.

We ended up at a steak house, dining among a lunchtime crowd of businessmen and businesswomen, with a few well-dressed tourists here and there. Krystle and my father ordered martinis first and a glass of white wine for me. They talked shop most of the time, though Krystle was interested to know whether I’d be moving from Boston to Phoenix soon. I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I said I might do so. My father smiled and took another sip of his drink.

Conversation tapered off when the food arrived. My father had ordered a steak, bloody rare, with a baked potato on the side. Krystle and I just had salad, and she mentioned to me how hard it was to keep her figure once she reached her thirties.

“You’ve got a lovely figure,” I said. She was tall and slender, almost my father’s height, statuesque.

“That’s so nice of you to say,” Krystle said, taking my hand and squeezing it. Her nails were perfectly manicured, painted a shade of pale blue that matched her suit, and for the first time I noticed her wedding ring, an ornate gold band on her left ring finger. “Such a polite girl you have, Frank,” she added. My father just smiled and nodded, and then he turned and raised his hand, trying to get the waiter’s attention.

They had another round of drinks and some coffee before the check came. Krystle pulled a company credit card from her Louis Vuitton purse, paid for the meal, and we left the restaurant, heading to the Corazon development. It was a lovely day, not too warm, and we drove there with the top down. Despite the wind, not a single hair on Krystle’s head was out of place when we arrived. She checked herself in the vanity mirror as my father walked around the car to open her door.

“We’re just going to be a few minutes, Annie,” my father said. “Why don’t you wait in the car.”

“Sure,” I said, and I watched them walk around the house, inspecting the sod, the shrubs, the lawn that abruptly turned to desert scrub about fifty feet behind the house. Then they disappeared behind the house.

A few minutes became a few more minutes, and a few minutes after that I was wondering where Krystle and my father had gone. The sun had been blocked by a fluffy bank of clouds, and the light breeze that had felt so wonderful began to chill my skin. I looked around, wondering if they’d gone to check some other house’s landscaping, but they were nowhere in sight.

I got out of the car and began to walk around the house. No one. I could see a light on in a second floor window and the sliding door that led inside from the patio was slightly ajar. I went inside, coming into a brand new kitchen, the refrigerator still bearing a manufacturer’s sticker that advertised its features. There was furniture in the living room, leased by my father’s company, but you could tell that no one was living here. The house lacked those personal touches, a photo on the wall, coats in the hall closet, keys on the table by the door.

I thought I heard a thump above the ceiling, on the second floor, so I slowly walked up the carpeted front stairs, hearing another thump and the distinctive sound of a woman in the throes of her climax. As I walked down the hallway I could hear the squeaking of bedsprings, too, as well as the woman’s more unique cries and moans. It was coming from a room at the end of the hall. The door was slightly open, just a couple of inches, and I peeked through the gap.

“Oh, fuck, Frank…fuck me…fuck me…” It was Krystle, laying on her back on the bed, her legs in the air while my father laid over her, pounding her snatch with his hard tool. He said nothing; he just grunted as he pumped her pussy, the muscles in his back and legs flexing with each thrust, her big round tits jiggling with each movement of his hips. She started to come again, bucking and writhing on the bed beneath him, but he just kept pounding away with no sign that he was even close to his release. My eyes were glued to his flexing buttocks, and the swinging of his heavy balls with each thrust began to hypnotize me.

“For fuck’s sake, Frank,” Krystle gasped, “aren’t you done yet?”

“Getting close…,” he grunted.

“Hurry up,” she said. “I’m starting to get dry down there.”

“Getting…,” my father repeated. “And…there.” His back and legs tensed up, his hips shuddering as he gave one last thrust, burying his cock inside Krystle’s snatch and filling it with his seed. Then he collapsed on top of her, exhausted. Krystle traced lazy circles on his back with her long fingernails. Then she turned her head towards the door.

“Shit, Frank! She saw us!” Krystle hissed, her eyes widening. “Get the fuck offa me!” My father turned his head in my direction, but he made no movement to climb off of Krystle’s nude body.

“Relax, relax,” he said. “Annie, get in here. Get in here.”

I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. My father rolled off of Krystle and laid down next to her, his cock now soft and glistening as it dangled across his thigh. Krystle grabbed a corner of the sheet and held it across her breasts, but the rest of her remained exposed. Her legs were still spread, and I could see my father’s cum starting to drip from her vagina.

“Sit down, Annie,” my father ordered, motioning towards the foot of the bed. I walked over and took a seat, directly across from Krystle’s leaky snatch. There was silence for a minute while my father and I looked at each other. I felt a complicated mix of emotions; fear that I had been caught watching them while they fucked, anger at my father for fucking this woman behind Mia’s back, and a bit of jealousy as well. That semen dripping from Krystle’s pussy should have been mine. I’d put my diaphragm in that morning hoping that my father and I could be together again, even if we had to do it on the hood of his car out in the desert. That sperm should have been oozing out of my pussy, not hers.

That I didn’t feel any guilt over fucking my father without his pregnant wife’s knowledge was due to my having slept with her, too. My father knew it as well, and besides, we were family. It wasn’t like fucking some helmet-haired woman who probably had breast implants. It was family, my family.

“Ask her what she saw, Frank,” Krystle said, finally breaking the silence. There was a brittle edge to her voice.

“She saw everything, Krys,” he said. “Isn’t that right, Annie?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, looking down at my lap. I tried to concentrate on the pattern on my new sundress, but I couldn’t help but glance over at Krystle and the warm stream of semen that leaked from her sex.

“You’re not going to tell anyone, right?” he asked me.

“No, Daddy.”

“Krystle’s married, too, so you have to think of her as well.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s it, Frank?” Krystle said. “That’s all you’re going to say?”

“What else do you want me to do?” he replied. “Bribe her?”

“I don’t know,” she said, drawing the sheets tight over her big boobs.

“Annie won’t tell,” my father said. “We’ve got our own secrets, right kitten?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I replied, surprised that he’d alluded to what we’d done in front of this woman. His mistress.

“Frank, no,” she said. “You didn’t…”

“We did,” he laughed. I felt myself begin to blush.

“Frank, that’s sick,” Krystle said.

“Oh, fer chrissake,” he replied. “You were fucking a farm hand when you were her age.”

“He wasn’t my father,” Krystle said, quietly.

“Yeah, but isn’t my little girl sexy?” he asked.


“Come on, Krys. You swing both ways. What do you think of her?”

“Frank, you can’t be serious,” she said.

All this time I kept my eyes fixed on a spot between Krystle’s legs, her petals, the river of sperm, her neatly trimmed bush. She was reaching for the pack of cigarettes on the table next to the bed when I felt the strongest compulsion to start licking up the semen that leaked from her pussy. I couldn’t resist. That cum was mine. I wanted it.

She was about to light her cigarette when I turned and leaned over between her legs, extending my tongue and lapping up the cream that oozed from her slit, licking her with long, scooping strokes of my tongue, drinking the semen that should have been dripping from my cunny. She let out a startled little scream and the unlit cigarette fell from her lips, landing between her breasts.

“Oh…stop…stop it…,” she protested, pinning me between her thighs and rocking her hips back and forth, trying to escape my probing tongue. I held fast, gluing my lips to her pussy, relentlessly licking up my father’s cream from her cleft. I felt my father moving on the bed next to us, and then he was unzipping my dress, slipping his hand inside, stroking my back as I assaulted Krystle’s slit with my mouth. By the time I had liberated my father’s semen from her sex, she’d relaxed her thighs and stopped resisting, her hips now moving to bring her clit in contact with my tongue.

Krystle’s little button wasn’t so little; it was swollen to the size of the tip of my pinkie finger. I lashed it with my tongue, my anger at her channeled into hunger now. I wanted to make her come, to control her body with pleasure, to conquer her. I almost wished I had that strap-on Julia had bought for me. I wanted to fuck Krystle like my father had just done.

I felt his hands tugging at the straps of my dress, pulling them off of my shoulders, unhooking my bra, tugging my panties down over my legs. After he undressed me, he held me by the hips and lifted my lower body up so I was now kneeling between Krystle’s legs as I sucked and licked her clit. Suddenly I felt his tongue on my cleft, licking me up and down like a dog again. He slobbered over my cunny, wetting it, probing my slit, my bottom. Krystle began to come again as I swirled my tongue over her pearl, her thighs quivering as she pressed them against my arms. I looked up and watched her knead her tits, pinching each nipple as her flat belly began to tense and ripple, her eyes closed, her mouth open, forming a silent “O”. Then she let out a long, low scream and sat up, forcing my mouth away from her sex. She grabbed me by the arms and pulled me on top of her, away from my father’s busy tongue.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, pressing her lips against mine, pulling me against her breasts. Our tongues met, and she managed to reclaim the last traces of my father’s cum that lingered in my mouth. She broke off the kiss and looked over my shoulder at something. I turned to look as well: my father was standing at the foot of the bed, hard again, slowly stroking his shaft. Krystle slipped her legs in between mine and opened them, exposing my wet sex to him. My father climbed on to the bed and kneeled behind me, hovering over me and Krystle, his hardness bobbing between his legs.

“Do it, Frank,” she urged. She had a look of pure animal lust in her eyes, a look I’d seen on my father’s face, too. Insatiable.

“Hold her, Krys,” he said, pressing the tip of his cock against my labia. It was a difficult angle with my body flat against Krystle’s, but he found the right spot on the second try and entered me, filling my sex with his hard meat. Krystle wrapped her arms around me, crushing me against her big breasts and holding me fast as my father hovered above the two of us, supporting himself on his hands and knees, pushing his veiny shaft inside my cunny. It felt so wonderful, and I wanted to cry out with delight, but Krystle silenced me with a kiss.

My father didn’t bother to start out slowly. His thrusts were hard and deep from the first, and each stroke pressed my mons against Krystle’s pubic bone and ground our nipples together. As he leaned down to kiss me between my shoulders, his thighs began to slap my bottom and I nearly bit Krystle’s tongue. She broke off our kiss and held me tight as my father pounded my pussy, his wiry pubic hair brushing against my ass.

Despite my father’s all-too-brief foreplay, I was wet down there, and my pussy made embarrassing squishing sounds as it engulfed and released his hard cock. I felt Krystle reaching down and squeezing my ass, pulling me closer to her as my father fucked me. I buried my face in her hair as I felt my pleasure rise with each thrust of my father’s cock.

“Fuck her, Frank,” Krystle urged him. “Fuck that wet little cunt.” He stretched out on top of my back and kissed her, sandwiching me between their bodies, pressing my mound harder against her pubic bone. My father could only perform short, shallow strokes while he was flat against my back, and I pushed back with my hips, wanting to take him deeper. Suddenly he slipped out of me. I felt empty.

“Put it back in,” I pleaded. “Put it in me.”

“You like your daddy’s big cock, don’t you?” Krystle asked me. I nodded eagerly, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside me again. I felt my father reaching down between us, sliding his tool back into my hungry hole.

“My little baby loves it,” my father said as he lifted himself back on to his hands and knees and resumed his hard, deep thrusts.

“I love it…I love it, Daddy,” I said, breathlessly. My pleasure began to mount, and I held Krystle’s hips as I ground myself against her, rubbing my mound against hers as my father pumped my little cunny. My whole body tingled as I felt the seed of my climax begin to grow inside me, but it wasn’t until I felt my father’s thumb against my bottom, probing my tight hole, that I began to come, finding my release between my father and his mistress. I reached up and clung to Krystle’s breasts as I came, trying to muffle my ecstatic screams with the pillow, humping my hips back against my father’s hard cock. He kept pounding my spasming snatch, even after I clenched myself around his veiny shaft, trying to make him come for me. This triggered a second, more intense orgasm, and I began to lose control, unable to move my limbs, let alone the muscles in my pussy.

“Come for me, Daddy,” I urged him. These words had no effect.

“She’s a little wildcat, Frank,” Krystle said. “You’re going to wear her out.”

“Not a chance of that,” he replied. I felt like a rag doll, limp, spent, with only Krystle’s body keeping me from melting into the bed like a snowman on a sunny day. She ran her arms over my back and bottom, kissing my cheek, nibbling my earlobe. Suddenly I felt his cock slip out of me, and he removed the tip of his thumb from my bottom. I felt empty again.

“Spread her cheeks for me, Krys,” he said.

“Don’t hurt her, Frank,” she said. “She’s just a little girl.”

“She can take it,” he replied. I felt his breath on my crack and suddenly he was tonguing my bottom, probing my nether hole, moistening me for what was to come. I looked back over my shoulder and saw his face buried between my legs as he licked my tight little ass. Then he got back on his knees, his cock hard and red, still glistening with my juices, pressing the tip against my bottom. Despite my nectar on his shaft and the licking he’d done, I was still too dry, and I felt a burning pain as he tried to force himself inside my ass.

“Daddy, no,” I pleaded. “You’re too big.”

“Relax, baby,” he said. I tried, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

“She’s too dry, Frank,” Krystle said. “Get me my purse. I’ve got some lotion in there.” My father got up from between my legs and fetched her pocketbook. She rummaged around in it and pulled out a tube of hand lotion, not the best lubricant, but adequate for this purpose. She squeezed some out on my father’s penis and spread it over his shaft with her long, manicured fingers, squirting some more on his purplish glans.

He took his place again between my legs and pressed his cock inside me. It slipped off a couple of times, but then he found the right angle and popped the tip past the tight ring of muscle in my bottom. I took another deep breath and tried to relax myself as his shaft slowly sunk inside me. I could feel every bump and vein. Krystle saw my pained expression and kissed me, caressing my head and shoulders as my father filled my bottom with his hard meat.

It didn’t hurt so much, and it was over quickly, just as I was starting to like it. Each slow thrust pressed my clit against Krystle’s mound again, and I felt like I could have come once more, just from this delicious friction. But it only took a few strokes before my father began to come, filling my bottom with his hot seed. He stretched out on top of me and kissed my cheek, caressing my shoulders as his cock slipped out of me. Then, without a word, he got up and went into the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the shower. I let out a deep sigh.

“Are you okay?” Krystle asked me, kissing my forehead.

“Yes,” I replied, rolling over and laying next to her. She sat up and fluffed out her hair with her fingers.

“Let me see you,” she said. “Turn over.” I rolled on to my stomach and felt her caress my bottom, gently spreading my cheeks to look at my well-used bottom. “Does it hurt?”

“Not really,” I said. I’d taken bigger men back there, like Ramon, but we’d always used lots of lubricant, something thicker and slicker than hand lotion. She leaned down and kissed my cheeks, and suddenly I felt her tongue probing between them, licking my asshole, scooping my father’s cum into her mouth. I wanted her to stop, to tell her that this was my cum, that she couldn’t have any, but I was too exhausted, too spent. Besides, it felt pretty good.

“Feel better?” Krystle asked, having finished cleaning my messy bottom.

“Mmmm…,” I murmured. She stretched out next to me and ran her long fingernails up my back, sending a delightful shiver up my spine.

“You’re not going to tell anyone about your father and I, are you?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Call me Krys, baby.” I turned my head and we kissed again, tasting semen and hand lotion and who knows what else on her tongue. As she caressed my back and bottom, I heard the shower shut off, and a couple of minutes later my father emerged from the foggy bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He began to gather his clothes and get dressed.

“You got meetings this afternoon?” he asked Krystle. She looked at the thin gold watch on her wrist.

“Just a four o’clock with the mortgage people,” she said. “Enough time to take a shower, I think.”

“Better make it quick,” my father said, slipping his boxers up his thighs.

“C’mon, Annie,” Krystle said, lighting a cigarette. “Let’s get wet.”

By this time my strength had returned, and I followed her into the steamy bathroom. She closed the door behind us and threw her cigarette into the toilet, putting down the lid and sitting. As she emptied her bladder, I looked around the bathroom. This was the only part of the house that looked as if someone had been living here, with towels, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, and shampoo. I wondered if this was for the benefit of prospective buyers or whether Krystle and my father had bought these things for their clandestine little love nest.

I twisted the shower’s single faucet, trying to find the right temperature. Krystle had finished pissing, and I felt my own urgency begin to build. She just sat there, though, not even getting up to wipe herself off.

“Gotta pee, baby?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, pressing my thighs together. If she didn’t get up soon, I’d piss in the sink.

“Come here,” she said, patting her thigh. “Spread your legs and sit down.” I walked over to her and straddled her lap. She ran her hands up my bottom, over my back, and around to my breasts, which she gently cupped and fondled. “Let go for me, Annie,” she urged. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my bladder, but I couldn’t.

“Pee for me, Annie,” Krystle whispered. She pulled my bottom closer and leaned her head down, taking one of my nipples in her mouth and suckling it. I took a deep breath and started to pee, though more of my urine flowed over her mons than hit the water in the toilet. She gasped as the warm liquid began to flow over her sex. “That’s right, baby,” she cooed, releasing my nipple from her lips and squeezing my bottom. It felt good to empty my bladder, and I let out a deep sigh.

“You like watersports, Annie?” she asked me.

“Not really,” I replied. There had been that one time with Margaret, Shelly’s daughter, during that weekend they came up to Maine to stay with Julia. It felt naughty, sexy, when I peed on her in the bathtub and then she returned the favor, but that had been the only time I’d done something like that, unless you count Mr. Antonelli, who lost control of his bladder when his heart failed in the middle of our coupling. It just seemed too messy.

“My husband loves it,” Krystle said. “I didn’t, at least at first.” Though I’d finished peeing, she held me on her lap as the bathroom began to fill with steam from the shower.

“He doesn’t know about you and my father?”

“No, he doesn’t,” she said. “He’d rather I pick up some stranger in a bar than sleep with someone he knows. He and Frank used to sell cars for the same dealer.”

“So he doesn’t mind…?”

“We’re both allowed to have our little ‘flings’,” Krystle said. “And we’re always looking for someone to play with. But falling in love is out of the question.”

“You don’t love my father?” Krystle looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled.

“I love the way his cock feels inside me but no, I’m not in love with him,” she said. “It’s just great sex. You understand, right?”

“I guess,” I said. I got up from her lap and we stepped into the shower, lathering each other with the bar of soap. I ran my slick fingers over her breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen and crinkle.

“Would you like titties like mine, Annie?” Krystle said.

“Are they real?” I asked, immediately regretting the question. “I’m sorry,” I said, sheepishly.

“It’s alright, baby,” she said. “Nature needed a little help.” She lifted one of her breasts and showed me the faint scar beneath.

“I like my breasts,” I said. I really did; I’d started to outgrow my A- cup bras and I hoped that I wouldn’t get much bigger than a B-cup, like my mother.

“Good for you, Annie,” Krystle said. “Turn around and let me do your back.” I pulled my hair out of the way as she soaped up my back and bottom, gently probing between my cheeks where my father’s cream was still oozing forth.

“I’d love to have you over for dinner some time,” she said, pressing her body against mine. “I’m sure Steve would love to meet you, too.”

“He’s your husband?”

“Yes,” she said, rubbing her slippery skin against mine. She cupped my breast with one hand and caressed my belly with the other, moving lower, dipping between my legs, grazing my cleft with a fingertip. “I’d love to watch him take you,” she whispered. “He’s a handsome man like your Daddy. Would you like that?” I shuddered as she found my clit.

“Yes,” I gasped. “Yes. I’d like that.” I wondered why she was with my father if she had a handsome man of her own.

“Well maybe your father will let you come over later this week,” Krystle said. “We’ve got a home in Paradiso, too. Just a few blocks away.” She punctuated her words by swirling her fingertip over my pearl, making me shudder in her arms. I wanted to stay in the shower, to feel her make me come again, but the hot water must have been running low and the shower began to turn tepid and then cold. We rinsed off quickly and shut off the water.

My father was sitting on the bed, already dressed, smoking one of Krystle’s cigarettes when we emerged from the steamy bathroom. He smiled and said nothing, just taking a drag as he imagined what we had been doing. I gathered my clothes from the bed and the floor and got dressed, sitting down on the bed and watching Krystle hunt for her pantyhose, which was apparently hiding under the bed. She managed to get dressed pretty quickly, spending more time arranging her hair.

“Let’s go,” she said, dropping her hairbrush in her pocketbook. My father finished the cigarette and stubbed it out, walking into the bathroom and emptying the ashtray in the toilet and flushing before we left. We headed back to the car and left the development, heading back downtown to their office. Krystle gave my father’s hand a quick squeeze and got out of the car. I climbed over the back of the seat and took her place in front. My father put the car in gear and pulled away from the curb.

“She wants to have me over for dinner,” I said to him as we headed back home.

“Really?” he said. “Just the two of you?”

“No. With Steve.”

“No shit,” he said. “Good ol’ Steve.”

“Is that okay, Daddy?”

“Do you want to do that, kitten?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said. He reached for my hand and squeezed it.

“Krys was right, baby,” he said. “You’re a little wildcat.”

“I’m your daughter, Daddy,” I said, making him laugh.

“I guess you are,” he replied. “I guess you are.” We drove the rest of the way in silence until we pulled into the driveway.

“Would you like to go camping this weekend?” he asked me as he pulled the key from the ignition. “Just you and me, up in the high country.”

“I’m leaving Sunday, Daddy,” I said.

“I can take off work on Friday,” he said. “We’ll take Mia’s old Jeep. I’ve got all the gear. How about it, kitten?”

“I’d like that, Daddy.” I’d never gone camping before, and it sounded like fun, just me and my father, all alone. We left the car and went inside. Mia greeted us at the door and gave my father a hug.

“Your hair’s wet,” she said. “Did you just take a shower?”

“We left the office early and I took Annie to the health club for a swim,” he said, heading to the bar and pouring himself a glass of scotch.

“Wonderful,” Mia said. “Did you like the place, Anne?”

“Yes,” I said, embroidering my father’s lie. “It was nice.”

“Good,” she said. “I hope you’ve worked up an appetite. Dinner should be ready within the hour.” I thanked her and headed down the hallway to Dana’s room. Her school books were on the bed, but she wasn’t there. I walked through the bathroom to David’s room. The door was open and his bedroom was empty as well, so I headed back to the kitchen.

“Where are the kids?” I asked Mia. She was pulling a pot roast from the oven, tasting the sauce, adding a bit of salt from an aluminum shaker.

“They’re playing in the back yard with Schultzie,” she said.

“Oh, thanks,” I said. I walked through the sliding doors that led out to the patio, looking for them. I scoured the whole back yard, walking over the boundary that separated the property from the golf course’s fifth hole, starting to get worried about David and Dana. Then I heard a rustling, a dry sound coming from within a stand of stunted pine trees. I ducked under the bristly boughs and saw them, Dana, David, and the dog.

She was on her hands and knees, using her brother’s jacket to protect her tender skin from the bed of dried pine needles beneath her. David knelt by her head, his hips rocking back and forth as his cock slid over her lips. The dog was behind her, his furry belly resting on her back while David held his forepaws. Dana’s dress was hiked up around her waist, her panties were pulled down around her thighs, and I could see Schultzie’s big red cock pistoning in and out between her legs. I moved closer, not sure if he was fucking her or not, and in the process I stepped on a twig.

“Annie!” David said, surprised so see me. Dana’s tilted her head slightly, but she kept sucking her brother’s penis. Even the dog looked over, his long tongue hanging limply from his jaw. I noticed that his cock wasn’t actually in Dana’s little babycunt, just gliding back and forth between Dana’s creamy thighs. Every so often the dog would try to poke her labia, eager to feel the warm caress of her cunny, but his cock would just slide over the crack of her ass before returning to the gap between her thighs.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I said. “Dana, are you okay?” She nodded, still feasting on David’s hard meat.

“It was her idea, Annie,” he said. Just then Schultzie let out a low whine and began to come all over Dana’s bottom and thighs, a torrent of thin, acrid smelling dog semen. Dana pushed back against his long red penis, a look of lust and desire in her eyes. Schultzie’s gusher of jizz slowed to a trickle and he dismounted her, curling up beneath a pine tree and licking his crimson tool. Dana’s ass and legs were soaked with his seed, and her panties were sopping wet.

“Unbelievable,” I said, even though watching this had made my pussy start to tingle with need.

“Ready, Dana?” David said. She nodded. “You promised to swallow it this time, right?” Dana nodded again. “Here…here it comes…” He pushed his hips forward, burying his tan cock in his sister’s little mouth, and then he came. I could see Dana’s throat moving as she swallowed his meager offering, even though she was wrinkling her nose in disgust. She took everything he had to offer, and she even milked the last drops from his cock with her lips. Just like her big sister liked to do. David pulled his penis from her mouth; it glistened in the sunlight that filtered through the pine trees. I felt a compulsion to clean him off with my tongue, but instead I went over to Dana, who was still on her hands and knees, catching her breath. David pulled up his jeans and sat down next to us.

“You okay, baby?” I asked her.

“Yeah,” she said, sitting down on the jacket that served as a temporary bed. “That was fun.”

“You’re a mess,” I said. She was covered from the waist down in dog semen, and it soaked into the lining of the jacket on which she sat.

“Will you clean me off?” she asked.

“I’ll try,” I said. “Here, take off your panties.” Dana let me pull them down off her legs. I thought I might be able to use them to wipe the dog cum from her skin but they were too wet. Instead, I turned the sleeves of the jacket inside out and used the fleece lining to clean her creamy skin. While I did this, Dana had her hand between her legs, rubbing her puffy red lips, trying to find her little button. She shuddered when she found the right spot, and as I wiped the last of Schultzie’s semen from her skinny legs, I felt her start to tremble as she rubbed herself to completion. She let go of her cunny and leaned back on the jacket, propping herself up with her elbows. Just as I felt compelled to clean off David’s penis, I had the urge to dive between her legs and lick her to another climax, but the strangeness of the situation held me back.

“Where did you get the idea to do this?” I asked her.

“One of David’s magazines,” she said.

“I got some porno,” he said sheepishly. “My buddy Gary found them in his garage, in his father’s toolbox. Me and Dana were looking through some of them today.” David reached into the pocket of the jacket and produced a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, pulling a thin joint from the pack and lighting it. He took a hit and offered it to Dana, who shook her head. I took the joint from him and took a big drag. We passed it back and forth until it was just a stub.

“Are you going to tell on me?” Dana asked. I laid down next to her, trying to avoid the wet spot on the jacket’s lining.

“No, Dana,” I said, “but I want to tell you something.” David moved closer, straining to hear what I was about to say.

“I’ve licked my best friend’s pussy when I was ten, fucked both of my stepbrothers when I was eleven, climbed into bed with my stepfather when I was only twelve, and fell in love with a woman nearly forty years older than me. I’ve taken on two, even three men at once, letting them fill every hole in my body except for my nostrils. I let two dozen men use me for their pleasure at a party and then I drank a bowlful of their cum. I’ve slept with priests, a nun, a district attorney, my elderly landlord, even a shemale. I’ve posed for dirty pictures, and made a porn movie when I was just fourteen. I’ve sold myself on the street, sucking as many as a dozen men in one day. One man paid me hundreds of dollars to pretend that I was his daughter and, yes, I’ve slept with my father and I’ve made love to Mia.”

I paused for a moment to let my words sink in.

“But I’ve never, ever let a dog fuck me.”

Dana looked as if she was about to cry. I put my arm around her and held her as the shamefulness of what she’d done began to register.

“I’m sorry, Annie,” she said.

“Yeah, me too,” David added. “I shouldn’t have let her do this.”

“Sweetie, it’s okay,” I cooed. “We’re our father’s daughters.”

“What do you mean?” David asked.

“I mean he’s the sort of man who will nail anything that moves,” I said. David was old enough to notice how my father flirted with waitresses, co-workers, anyone in a skirt, and he nodded. I had no doubt that they’d visited my father’s office and probably knew Krystle, my father’s mistress. I wondered if they’d had to wait in the car like I had while my father took her to bed.

“Daddy sometimes comes into my room at night,” Dana said. “He thinks I’m asleep, but I can see him.”

“I know, baby,” I said. “He used to touch me when I was little, when he’d give me a bath, and he tried to get me to touch him, too. I guess I was too young to understand at the time.”

“Did he ever do anything to you?” Dana asked her brother. He shook his head vigorously and reached for his pack of cigarettes, lighting one.

“Tell us, Davy,” I said. “We’re family, remember?”

“Okay,” he said, taking a deep drag and tilting his head back, blowing the smoke upwards, into the trees. It swirled around, catching the shafts of light that filtered through the pine needles.

“It was right before our mother left us,” David said. “Daddy brought me into the bedroom. Mommy was there, lying on the bed. She didn’t have any clothes on. He took off his bathrobe and made me sit on the bed while she sucked him. Then he told me to take my clothes off and watch while they fucked.”

“Wow,” I said, reaching across Dana’s hips and taking his hand. “Go on.”

“Mom was fucked up on something, pills maybe,” he continued. “When they were done he wanted me to fuck her, too. He said it would make a man out of me.”

“Did you?” Dana asked.

“Mom didn’t like the idea,” he said. “But he made her play with me anyway. Then I ran out of the bedroom and hid in the basement. I could hear them fighting, yelling at each other. I was really scared.”

I squeezed his hand. David stubbed out his cigarette in the dirt and pulled another joint from the pack. The three of us just lay together quietly in our hiding place while he and I got stoned. Afterwards, we brushed the dirt and pine needles from our clothes and sneaked back into the house. My father was in his office and Mia was busy in the kitchen.

“Show me those magazines,” I said to David. The three of us went into his bedroom and he pulled them from beneath his mattress. They were pretty raunchy, filled with photo spreads of women taking two and three men at once, faces and breasts covered with cum, spurting cocks, oozing pussies. Another magazine was devoted to bondage, men and women wearing all sorts of leather restraints, tied and strapped to grotesque contraptions, gagged, blindfolded, whipped. In one photo series a very pregnant woman with enormous breasts was trussed to a bench while a Great Dane mounted her, filling her cunt with his enormous red dogcock. She was blindfolded, and it was hard to tell whether her expression was one of pain or one of ecstasy.

“This is what you wanted to do?” I asked Dana. She nodded. “It looks like it hurts, baby,” I said.

“It felt good when Schultzie was rubbing on me,” she said. I looked at the photos again; the dog’s cock was huge, swelling at the base, filling the woman’s sex. The last shot was one of her well-used snatch, filled to the brim with the dog’s semen.

“You did something like this?” David asked me, holding up a photo of a woman with three men’s cocks stuffed inside her, mouth, pussy, and ass.

“Yeah,” I said, remembering the times I’d taken my stepfather and stepbrothers, Ramon’s fat prick in my cunny, Del’s hard meat in my mouth, Paco’s slender dick in my bottom. I shifted on the bed, feeling an ache between my legs, not at all unpleasant despite the lingering soreness I felt from having my father pound my tender holes.

“What did it feel like?” Dana asked me.

“It was wonderful,” I said. I couldn’t lie. I loved it. I loved the feeling of pleasure, of pleasing the three cocks that sawed in and out of me, of being filled with their cream, the exhaustion afterwards, their hands on me, caressing me, loving me.

“Damn,” David said. He uncrossed his legs, and I could tell the thought of me taking three men at once was making him horny. I was pretty horny, too, not just from remembering the things I’d done with Ramon and the boys, but also from seeing Dana sucking her brother while the dog humped her little bottom.

“Quick,” I said. “Before Mia calls us for dinner.” I climbed off the bed and knelt on the floor next to it. “Get behind me, Davy. Dana? Scoot over here, okay?” While David climbed off of the bed and kneeled behind me, Dana moved to the edge of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the side. I lifted the hem of her dress and parted her thighs, exposing her little cunny, her lips red from rubbing. I felt David lifting the back of my dress and pulling down my panties. There was the sound of a zipper and then I felt the tip of his cock, just barely touching my cleft.

I was wet and he entered me easily, and as he began to thrust I leaned into Dana’s crotch and kissed her sex, probing her puffy lips with my tongue. She sighed and laid back on the bed, letting me ravish her little pussy as David slowly pumped my hungry hole. I thought about the dog again. He was licking himself and then he stopped and sniffed the air, catching the unmistakable scent of sex. Part of me wanted to actually see him mount Dana’s slender body, pressing his crimson tool inside her, filling her with his canine cream. And part of me wanted to know what it felt like, his red rod poking my sex, his furry belly sliding over my back as he humped me. David was thrusting harder now, and I imagined that it was Schultzie instead, licking my face with his long pink tongue as he made me his bitch,

Dana must have been as horny as I was, moving her hips back and forth as I licked her hairless babycunt. I attacked her little button with my tongue, making her squirm on the bed, her thighs quivering and tensing in my hands. David held me by the hips as he fucked me, his legs slapping against my ass with every stroke. I felt my pleasure begin to rise, the delicious friction of his beautiful cock inside my slit stoking the smoldering fire in my belly. I pushed my hips back with every thrust, wanting to take him deeper, wanting him to fuck me hard, like my father had done that day in the model home.

Dana was coming now, pinning my head between her trembling thighs, a series of soft gasps and cries escaping her lips. Suddenly, she relaxed, backing away from my probing tongue. She scooted around on the bed so she was facing me, pressing her lips against mine, seeking out the taste of her own sex on my tongue. Then there was a knock on the door.

“Dinner’s ready soon,” Mia called out from behind the closed door.

“Coming!” David said, thrusting faster inside me, trying to find his release.

“Don’t forget to wash up first,” Mia said. I heard her footsteps recede down the hall.

“Coming…,” I gasped, to no one in particular. Dana was looking over my shoulder, watching her brother’s cock disappear between my ass cheeks, seeing how it glistened with my juices. I felt my climax approach and I buried my face in the blankets, trying to muffle my cries of pleasure. I looked over at the dog again. He was sitting on his haunches, watching us fuck, his penis long and red and wet. Once again I imagined that it was his cock pistoning in and out of my needy pussy instead of David’s, and I began to come convulsively. I clenched my muscles around his hardness, urging him to fill me with his boycum. David grunted, almost like a canine growl, and I felt him begin to twitch inside me. He gave one last deep thrust and began to spurt his seed in my pussy, grinding his tool against the upper part of my vagina, bringing me off again as he hit that special spot.

My knees felt weak, and I would have collapsed on the carpet if I hadn’t been leaning on the edge of the bed. David held me from behind, kissing my neck, his breath forming a cloud of warmth against my skin. I tightened my muscles around his softening penis, trying to milk the last few drops of his semen, but he slipped out of me. I caught my breath for a moment and then pulled my panties back up before standing up. My legs were wobbly, but David held me up, his soft cock still dangling from his open fly.

We heard Mia knocking on the door to my father’s office while we were washing our hands for dinner. I let Dana’s wet panties soak in the bathroom sink, and she pulled on a fresh pair from her dresser. Before we headed towards the dining room, we checked each other for stains, straightening out our clothes, hoping that we didn’t smell like we’d been fucking all afternoon. Fortunately, Mia had lit scented candles, and the smell of sandalwood masked any evidence of our tryst.

Dana, David, and I all had second helpings of Mia’s wonderful pot roast. Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was the sex; either way I was ravenously hungry. I insisted on clearing the table and doing the dishes, despite Mia’s objections. The kids helped me, too, and I could see that she was secretly pleased for this chance to relax and enjoy the rest of her glass of wine. She and my father sat together on the living room couch, his arm around her shoulder, whispering something in her ear and making her blush and giggle like a young girl. Then she stood up and led him by the hand back to their bedroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

We finished the dishes and headed back to David’s room to look at the magazines again. David stopped in front of the master bedroom and put his ear to the door.

“Shhh…listen,” he whispered. I could hear the sounds of lovemaking, sighs, moans, the squeak of a bed.

“We shouldn’t eavesdrop on them,” I said. “It’s not nice.”

“Fuck that,” David said. “I wanna watch them.”

“No, Davy,” I protested. “It’s not right.”

“Come on,” he said, taking me and Dana by the hand and leading us out to the back yard. There was a definite change in David’s demeanor, and the look in his eyes reminded me of my father’s lustful expression. While we laid under the pines, he’d spoke of how my father made him watch while he fucked Betsy, how uncomfortable that made him feel. Now he was willing to spy on my father and Mia while they made love.

There was a gap in the bushes outside the bedroom window. I could see just fine, but David had to stand on his toes and Dana had to step up on to an ornamental rock in order to see. We peeked under the window shade and saw my father and Mia in bed, illuminated by a single lamp next on the headboard.

They were laying on their sides, my father behind her, his cock slowly pumping in and out of her sex. He was caressing her belly, kissing her neck, nibbling on her earlobes. Mia reached back and stroked his cheek and then she reached down and began to rub her clit while his glistening shaft filled her pussy. She was moaning, but we couldn’t hear a sound on this side of the window. My father was fucking her slowly, deliberately, but you could tell that he wanted to pound her mercilessly, the way he’d fucked Krystle that afternoon, the way he’d taken me afterwards.

“Let’s go,” I said.

“I wanna see Mommy come,” Dana complained. As if on cue, Mia began to stiffen around my father’s pole, rubbing her clit, then stopping, then starting again, her thighs coming together and trapping my father’s hardness inside her. Then she relaxed and he pulled out, and after she rolled over on to her back he kneeled over her, stroking his shiny rod, quickly, frenetically. He closed his eyes and his cock erupted, spurting his hot seed all over Mia’s swollen breasts and belly. She looked happy, happier than I’d seen her over the last few days, and as they kissed she rubbed his semen into her skin as if it were an expensive moisturizer. My father got out of bed and left the room, returning with a towel, tenderly wiping the rest of his sperm from Mia’s skin.

“Show’s over,” David said. As my father and Mia laid together, nestled like spoons, we quietly left the window, trying not to make a sound.

“Fuck, that was hot,” David said.

“Yeah, it was,” I agreed.

“Mommy’s titties are so big now,” Dana said.

“That’s what happens when you get pregnant,” I told her. We walked back into the house, past the closed bedroom door, and went into David’s room. He pulled the magazines from his hiding place and sat on his bed, David on one side of me, Dana on the other, thumbing through the pages.

“Does that hurt?” Dana asked me, pointing to a picture of a woman kneeling on her hands and knees while a muscular man fucked her from behind, his huge greasy cock stuffed into her ass.

“A little, at first,” I said. “But if he’s gentle and uses a lot of lubricant it feels pretty good.”

“Can you come that way?” David asked.

“No, not really,” I replied. There was that one time with Mr. Sheffield, when I’d had my period, the night he took me out to dinner to celebrate my “birthday”, though it was actually his real daughter’s birthday. The pressure of his big tool inside my bottom pressed my tampon against the sensitive spot in my pussy, and I could have easily climaxed that way, if he hadn’t come so quickly.

“Then why do it that way?” Dana asked.

“Lots of reasons,” I explained. “Sometimes you have your period, or your pussy is too sore, or you just want to do it that way. A lot of guys like it. It’s tight, it’s warm, and it’s really, really naughty. You have to clean him off afterwards if you do anything else, otherwise you get an infection.”

“Yuk,” she said.

“Yeah, that’s something you won’t hear about in these magazines,” I said.

“You can’t get pregnant that way, can you?” David asked.

“No,” I replied. “Not unless it drips out into your pussy, but that would be a one-in-a-million thing.”

“Ewww,” Dana said.

“You said something earlier,” David asked. “About two dozen men or something.”

“That was a couple of summers ago, at a party,” I explained. “It was sort of a club, swingers, people who enjoy having sex with each other. This was an initiation of sorts, a way of welcoming me into the club.”

“What, they lined up to fuck you?” he asked.

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“You must have been sore. After, I mean,” Dana said.

“Well, I did a lot of coke and had a few drinks, but the next day I could hardly walk. It took painkillers and an ice pack before I could even get out of bed.”

“Did you come a lot?” Dana asked.

“Yes,” I replied. “It was great.”

David and Dana were quiet after that, trying to imagine a line of men waiting to pound my little pussy. I put the magazine aside and picked up another one, the one with the bondage pictures. There was a picture of a woman on the cover, tied to a big wooden device that was the shape of an “X”, her arms and legs bound to each arm of the cross. She wore a leather hood, a red ball gag, a tight vinyl corset, fishnet stockings, and nothing else.

“I don’t get this,” David said. “Why are they hurting each other?”

“It’s hard to explain,” I replied, “and it’s not always about pain. Sure, some people find it pleasurable, but it’s really about control.”

“Control?” Dana asked.

“Having power over someone, or surrendering yourself to them, completely, totally, trusting them, giving yourself to them in a way that goes beyond love and sex.”

“Have you ever done something like this?” David asked.

I told David and Dana about the time when Julia had tied me to her bed, how she controlled my pleasure, let it build up gradually, backing off every time I got close to my release. When she did finally let me come, it was spectacular, mindblowing, and I passed out cold and had to be revived with smelling salts.

“Wow,” David said. He discreetly squeezed the bulge in his jeans, and I reached over and tugged at his zipper, reaching into his pants and fishing out his semi-hard cock. He sighed when I began stroking it. Next to me, Dana had her hand under her dress, and I could see it slowly moving as she played with her little cunny.

“Promise me you won’t grow up too fast,” I said to them. “You won’t have anything to look forward to when you’re an adult.” David and Dana agreed, and that was the last word on the subject. I’d had no idea how kinky people could be when I was their age, and I began to lament their loss of innocence. There was something to be said for keeping the mystery of sex alive, especially for someone so young.

“Could I try it?” Dana asked.

“Try what?”

“In my bottom,” she replied. “I want to try it that way.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said.

“It’ll hurt, baby.”

“I know,” she said. “I still want to try.”

“Davy?” Can you be really gentle?” He nodded, and I could tell he was eager to do this, too. “Okay, hang on a sec while I look for some lubricant.” The tube of KY we’d used when I took David in my ass was back in the master bedroom, and I couldn’t go in there and get it while my father and Mia were still in bed together. I looked around in Dana’s room, but there was nothing but moisturizer and sunscreen. In the bathroom medicine cabinet, however, was a small jar of Vaseline. It would be messy, but it would have to do. Before I returned to David’s bedroom, I fished my vibrator out of my backpack.

David and Dana already had their clothes off, laying head-to-toe on his bed, licking and sucking each other. When they heard me come in, they both looked up. David’s face was wet with saliva and her juices, and Dana had a hungry look on her face, eager to feel him inside her. I stepped out of my dress and sat down on the bed next to them, caressing their smooth bodies, feeling hungry myself, realizing how much I loved watching them pleasure each other.

“Get on to your hands and knees, baby,” I cooed. Dana sat up and turned around, bending over and kneeling on the bed, presenting her little tush to me. I leaned over and kissed her soft pink bottom before uncapping the jar of Vaseline. David watched as I spread her cheeks and spread a scoop of jelly over her crack, gently penetrating her tight little hole.

“How’s that feel, baby?” I asked her.

“It’s cold,” she said.

“It’ll warm up in a minute.” I applied more Vaseline to her puckered sphincter, probing her with my pinkie, feeling the jelly begin to warm. I switched to my index finger and Dana began to push back against my hand. Reaching underneath her belly, I lightly teased her puffy lips with my other hand. She started to moan softly. I switched to my thumb, dipping it in the jar of Vaseline and pushing it into Dana’s ass. There was a bit more resistance this time.

“Relax, baby,” I cooed, taking my other hand from her cleft and caressing her belly. I felt her muscle begin to loosen, accepting my thumb, and I pressed it inward, spreading the grease deeper inside her. “How’s that feel?”

“Hurts a bit,” she said.

“Want me to stop?”

“No, don’t. Keep going.” David watched us from the foot of the bed, slowly stroking himself as I prepared his sister’s bottom for his penis. Dana sighed and began to relax some more, letting me penetrate her all the way to the knuckle of my thumb. I slowly pulled it out and wiped my fingers with a tissue.

“Want something in your cunny, too?” I asked Dana. She nodded, and I licked the vibrator, moistening it before pressing it against her labia. She gasped as it entered her, and I pushed it in a couple of inches, just enough to keep it from falling out. It was the little one I’d bought when I was living at the shelter, not much bigger than David’s penis.

“Okay, come here,” I said to David. I positioned him behind his sister and applied a thick coat of Vaseline to his bobbing cock, working it in to his coffee-colored skin with my fingers.

“Too cold?” I asked him.

“No, it’s fine,” he said.

“Ready, Dana?” I asked her.


“Be gentle, David,” I said. “Nice and slow, okay?”

“Okay,” he said, smiling in anticipation of what was going to happen. I guided his cock up to his sister’s crack, rubbing the slippery tip over her hole.

“Take a deep breath and try to relax, baby,” I said to her. She did so, and David began to press forward with his hips. Dana let out a little gasp when the tip of his beautiful cock popped inside her.

“Slowly, David,” I urged him. “Take it slow.” He nodded and placed his hands on his sister’s slim hips, pulling her closer. His glistening shaft began to disappear between her rosy cheeks.

“You okay, baby?” I asked her, caressing her belly and chest.

“Yes…yes…,” she whispered.

“You like this, Davy?”

“So tight…,” he said, his teeth clenched. Little by little he pushed his tool into Dana’s tight little hole until he was buried to the hilt, the bit of pubic fuzz around the base of his cock rubbing against his sister’s bottom. I reached between her legs and twisted the base of the vibrator, making it softly purr inside her cunny. Dana gasped again and pressed her ass back against her brother’s hips. They stayed motionless for a moment and then he began to pull back, his shiny shaft reappearing, only the tip remaining inside.

“I can feel it,” he said. “That buzzing. Inside her.”

“How do you feel?” I asked her.

“Annie…so good…,” she murmured. I leaned over and kissed her as her brother began to fill her again. She turned her head and our lips met, tongue seeking tongue as I caressed her smooth back.

I could tell that David was having a hard time keeping control of his urge to thrust faster, to pound his sister’s little ass. I sat up and stroked his firm bottom, watching his cock sink into Dana’s tight hole, only to emerge again, slick with Vaseline.

“Easy, Davy,” I said. “Take it easy.”

“It’s hard…I feel like I’m gonna explode.”

“You’re doing fine, sweetie,” I said. “Right, Dana?”

“Yes…yes…,” she gasped. “Ah…ah…ah…Annie…”

“Come, baby,” I urged her. “Let yourself go.” I reached under her belly and turned the vibrator up to its highest setting, and Dana began to convulse, her arms trembling and then giving way. She grabbed one of David’s pillows and clutched it, moaning as she reached her climax. Her thighs and bottom quivered, and David readjusted his hold on her hips, trying to keep from slipping out of her bottom. He managed to stay inside her, despite her spasms, and he began to lose his control, thrusting faster, deeper, pounding his sister’s little bottom. I reached between his legs and gently squeezed his swinging balls. He gasped, muttered something under his breath, and buried his cock to the hilt. I felt his balls twitch as he unloaded his sperm inside Dana’s belly, and even after he came he kept thrusting, only slower and shallower than before. Finally, he stopped and pulled out. There was a soft “plop” sound as the tip of his penis popped out of Dana’s ass, like a wine bottle being uncorked.

“Wow,” he said, sitting down at the foot of the bed. “Wow. Fucking wow.”

“You okay, baby?” I asked Dana. Her ass was still sticking up in the air, and I kissed her bottom as I reached between her legs, turning off the vibrator and pulling it from her cunny. She let out another little gasp and then collapsed on her side, a big smile lighting up her face. I stretched out next to her and brushed the hair away from her face, kissing her lovely cheek as I hugged her.

“That was great,” she cooed, agreeing with her brother. He laid down on the other side of her, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing each of her fingers in turn before leaning down to kiss her on the lips. I got out of bed and fetched a wet washcloth, returning to bed and sitting next to them, cleaning Dana’s greasy bottom first before washing David’s messy cock. We laid on the bed together, Dana sandwiched between us.

“Sleepy, baby?” I asked her, after she yawned. She nodded. “Let get you into the bath and then I’ll tuck you into bed, okay?”

“Thank you, Annie,” she said, rolling over and kissing me. I led her into the bathroom and started filling the tub with warm water. David pulled on his pajamas and followed us, closing the doors and turning on the ventilation fan. He had another joint, and we smoked it as we waited for the bathtub to fill with warm water. I gave Dana a quick bath, scrubbing her bottom so she wouldn’t have to go to school smelling of Vaseline and semen. She sat there quietly, exhausted but happy, smiling as I washed her creamy skin. After David went back into his room, I dried her off with a towel and helped her into her nightie, hanging up our clothes and putting on my new white satin chemise.

“Does your bottom hurt, baby?” I asked her as I tucked her into her bed.

“A little,” she said. “But it’s okay. It feels like I took a big poop.”

“Go to sleep then,” I said, kissing her ruby lips.

“Good night, Annie.”

“Good night, sweetheart,” I whispered. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said, giving me a hug.

The pot should have made me drowsy, but I was still wide awake. It was still early, just past ten at night, so I grabbed my journal, intending to write about the day before I went to bed. As an afterthought, I grabbed my vibrator, too, and quietly left the room after watching Dana fall asleep.

I poured myself a glass of wine from one of the bottles in the refrigerator and went into Mia’s office. She and my father were still locked in their bedroom, but I wanted some privacy in case either of them got out of bed and went into the kitchen or the living room. I sat on the couch in her office and wrote about the events of the day, every so often taking a sip of wine.

Writing about watching my father and Krystle had sex, how she held me open for him, the shower we took afterwards, seeing Dana and the dog, and helping David fuck his sister’s ass left me horny, an empty feeling between my legs. I put my journal aside and took another sip of wine, picking up my vibrator and licking the tip. I could taste a trace of Dana’s nectar on the pink rubber phallus. Hiking up the hem of my chemise, I twisted the vibrator’s base, making it hum in my hand, and spread my thighs, bringing the purring vibe down to my cleft. I parted my lips with one hand and brought the tip of the vibrator to my clit with the other, feeling the oscillations spreading through my whole body.

In the privacy of Mia’s office, I brought myself to a quiet climax, barely making a sound as I came. I turned off the vibe, licking the moisture from its rubbery skin. It tasted like me now, not Dana. I put it down and took a sip of my wine, feeling the urge to crawl into bed with someone, anyone, and cuddle up against a warm body. I was wondering if David was still awake when the door to Mia’s office opened. Instinctively, I pulled down the hem of my chemise. The vibrator, however, was laying next to me on the couch.

“There you are,” my father said, walking into Mia’s office. His bathrobe was loosely tied, and he had a drink in his hand. “I looked for you in Dana’s room and the living room, but…” His eyes fell on the pink object laying on the cushion next to me.


“I see you’ve got a little friend,” he said, picking up the vibrator and sitting down next to me. I could tell he wanted to sniff it, but instead he just put it down on the arm of the couch, on top of my journal. He took a sip of his scotch and swirled the glass. The ice made a soft tinkling sound.

“It helps me relax, Daddy.”

“I’m sure it does,” he said. “I wish Mia would buy one.”

“Is she okay? I haven’t seen her since dinner.”

“She’s fine. Sleeping right now,” my father said. “I fucked her twice.”

“You did?” Of course, I sort of knew this, but I tried to sound surprised.

“Yeah. Nice and gentle, like you said.”

“That’s good, Daddy.” I reached for his hand and squeezed it.

“Wish I had something left for my little girl, but I’m all fucked out,” he said. “Sorry, kitten.”

“That’s okay, Daddy.” I scootched over on the couch, snuggling up next to him, laying my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me. This was the warm body I craved.

“Is this your diary?” my father asked, tapping the cover of my journal.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Can I read it?”

“Please don’t. It’s private.”

“I understand,” he said. “I’ll respect your privacy. I wish we didn’t keep any secrets from each other, though.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he said. “I guess a girl has to have some secrets, right?”

“Yes, Daddy.” My father kissed my cheek and stroked my hair.

“Last night you said that there were some things that you’d done, that if you ever told me I’d never be able to think of you as my little girl.” He took another sip of his drink. “I wish you would trust me enough to tell me.”

“I…I can’t, Daddy.”

“You know you’ll always be my little girl.”

“I know, but…”

“Are they any worse than what you saw today?”

“Yes,” I said. “They are.”

“I wish you could tell me,” he said.

“Maybe some day,” I said. I reached for my wine and took a sip and then another, feeling a welcome warmth spread through my body.



“Tell me.”

“I can’t.”

“Please.” My father said this like a pleading child, entreating his parents to let him stay up late or something.

I took another sip of my wine and reached for my journal, holding it in my lap. The vibrator fell off of the cover and skittered along the floor, coming to rest at my feet. I reached down and picked it up, dropping it next to me on the couch.

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to trust him, and I wanted him to trust me, but I felt like there was a barrier between us. Perhaps, in time, this rift would close. But if I told him about my life on the streets it might drive a permanent wedge between us. I decided to risk it by telling him everything.

“Daddy, you have to promise me something.”

“Anything, princess,” he said. “Anything at all.”

“Promise me that you’ll always love me.”

“Of course.”

“Say it. Please.”

“I’ll always love you, no matter what,” he said. “I promise.” He kissed me on the cheek and held me tight. I felt safe, loved, and I began to relax.

“After my stepfather died, they placed me in a foster home.”

“Who is ‘they’?” my father asked.

“This state agency. Child Services. Julia tried to get custody of me, but she had a stroke and died.”

“Julia?” he asked.

“Our neighbor in Maine. She was a really, really good friend.”

“Okay, go on,” my father said.

“This elderly couple ran the home. It was awful. The food was horrible and I had to share a room with this girl named Denise. She was a heroin addict.”

“Did you do…?”

“No, Daddy. I hate needles. Anyway, Mr. Hubbard, the guy who owned the home, he’d corner me in the bathroom and feel me up and try to kiss me and stuff.”

“Annie…” my father said, sounding mortified.

“One night he made me suck him. That’s when I ran away. I took a bus to Boston, but I didn’t have a place to stay. I ended up sleeping in the bathroom of this building, it was like a factory, but it was mostly artists and musicians living there. I met this cool guy named Michael and stayed with him a few days. Then his girlfriend came back from a trip and she kicked me out.”

“You were sleeping with him?”

“Yes. Then I spent the night in the back seat of a parked cab but the driver kicked me out the next morning. That’s how I ended up in that shelter. It was run by Father Ken, and it was all boys, except for me. I thought I was safe there, but then Father Ken started to touch me. Every night there would be priests eating dinner with us, then they’d spend some time with the kids there, alone, in their rooms.” I let the implications of this fact sink in.

“I see,” my father said. “He just touched you? Nothing more?”

“No, there was more, much more. I slept with him. Then he started introducing me to other priests, and I slept with them, too. They gave him money. Sometimes he’d give me some, telling me to buy some new clothes or something, but he mostly kept it for himself.” There was more to this story, like my relationship with Manny, Billy, and Chris, and Sister Katherine, too. But I didn’t want to spend all night telling him about the shelter.

“This priest pimped you to other priests?” my father said, incredulous.

“Pretty much,” I said. “Then this girl arrived at the shelter. Megan. She was eight or nine years old, such pretty red hair, an angel. She was so scared, but I took care of her, like she was my own little girl. But then Father Ken started touching her, too. I tried to talk to him about this, to tell him that she was too young for the things he wanted to do, but he beat me up and forced himself on me. It hurt. It hurt so much. The next day I found Megan all bloody and bruised. She was torn up inside. I got her to the hospital just in time…” I felt my voice trail off and the tears began to flow. I missed her, and not knowing what happened to her after I left her at the hospital felt like a scar on my heart that would never go away.

“Annie,” my father whispered. “Don’t cry, kitten.” He kissed me and brushed my tears away with the sleeve of his bathrobe.

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“What’s to be sorry about?” he said, kissing me again. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“It’s okay, Daddy. You didn’t know.”

“I know, but I’m supposed to protect you from these things.” He got up from the couch and grabbed a box of tissues from Mia’s desk, returning to the couch and handing it to me, wrapping his arm around me while I dried my eyes. I’d finished my wine but I needed something to drink, so I reached for his scotch, taking a big gulp.

“Would you like a drink?” my father asked.


“I’ll be back in a minute.” While he got me a scotch I composed myself, daubing the tears from my eyes again and blowing my nose. He returned with my drink and sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder again.

“You don’t have to go on if you don’t want to,” he said.

“I do. I want to tell you now,” I said. “If you want me to live with you I think you should know these things.”

“Fair enough,” he said.

“At the hospital I was examined by a doctor, Dr. O’Hare. But he didn’t believe what I told him, about Father Ken hurting me and Megan. His father was a big contributor to the shelter, and he’d taken me while Father Ken watched. Even worse, this man was a DA.”

“A district attorney?”

“Yes. I left the hospital before the cops came. I thought they’d take me away, lock me up in juvi hall or something. So I called Trish.”


“This woman I met when I was shopping. A reporter for the Herald. She was really nice to me. I called her at her office and she picked me up and took me to her place. She took care of me and got me to tell her everything.” I took a sip of the drink my father had given me. It braced me, gave me the courage to go on.

“This is where it gets weird,” I said. “She took the tapes into the office to be transcribed, and that’s the last time I saw her. I waited in her apartment for hours, and then she called, telling me to get out, to run, that they were coming for me.”

“Who was coming for you?”

“I don’t know. Police, maybe. Maybe men from the Archdiocese. I’d gone by the shelter that day and it was empty. Everyone was gone except for Katie, and she said that the Cardinal had sent men over to take all the boys away. They took Father Ken away, too.”

“Katie?” my father asked.

“Sister Katherine.”

“Okay, keep going.”

“So I ran. Trish told me where she had some money hidden, but there was only thirty dollars. I grabbed it and went to this abandoned building where me and some of the boys from the shelter went to smoke pot. I stayed there a few days. It was awful, just an old mattress on the floor. Rats and garbage everywhere. There were some work lights and there was running water, but no heat, no hot water, no toilets. Just a hole in the floor.”

“My God, Annie,” my father said. “That’s terrible.”

“I know. But I felt I had to hide. Anyway, I was walking back from the store one morning when this cab pulled over. I thought I recognized the driver, that he was the one who was driving when Trish picked me up, but he wasn’t. I didn’t realize that until I was in the cab already. He asked me if I was cold and said I could warm up for a while. He even gave me some hot coffee to sip.”

“Did he touch you?”

“No, not at first. He asked me how much I wanted.”

“How much you wanted?” my father asked. “Wanted for what?”

“How much I wanted for a blowjob.”

“You didn’t…”

“I did, Daddy. He offered me $30. I only had a few dollars left, so I did it. He even tipped me.”

“Annie,” he said. I could feel his body tense up, his arm turning to stone on my shoulder. Maybe he was angry, maybe it was revulsion.

“This is why I didn’t want to tell you these things,” I said. “You think I’m a dirty whore.”

“Annie,” he said again, his voice softening. “So you sucked a guy for money one time. That doesn’t mean…”

“He wasn’t the only one, Daddy.”

“How many were there?”

“I never bothered to count.”

“You peddled your ass on the street?”

“It was mostly blowjobs or handjobs, but yes,” I said. My father put down his drink and held his head in his hands.

“I failed you,” he said, softly.

“No, Daddy.” I put my arm around him. “You had no way of knowing. You weren’t there.”

“That’s what I mean,” he said. “I wasn’t there for my little girl.”

“It was only for a while, Daddy.”

“Christ,” he muttered. “Annie…”


“Did you like it?”

“What Daddy?”

“I said ‘Did you like it?'”.

“It was just a job, but sometimes…”

“Tell me,” he said, taking a big sip of his scotch.

“Well, there was Cecil, who just wanted to take pictures.”

“Just pictures?”

“We did more, but that was sort of my idea. We made a movie too, but then he got busted.”

“Anyone else?”

“Mr. Sheffield,” I said. “He was a rich guy who lived on Beacon Street. He liked me to wear his daughter’s clothes and pretend that I was his little girl.”

“Really?” my father said, perking up. He took another sip of his drink and turned to face me, placing his hand on my thigh, gently caressing me. “Tell me about him.”

“He was about your age, but his daughter was a couple of years younger than me. He was really nice to me, and he’d pay me a lot of money to spend the whole night. For a while I didn’t have to see anyone but him.”

“What did you do together?” My father sounded curious now, and it sort of reminded me of the way Larry the cab driver liked to hear me tell him about some of the men I’d been with, jerking off while he listened to me talk about their cocks and what their semen tasted like.

“I’d dress up for him in a short pleated skirt and put my hair up in pigtails, then I’d sit on his lap and he’d ask me how school went. It was pretty much the same thing every time. I’d tell him I was having trouble in Sex Education class, and I’d ask to see his cock, and then he’d let me touch him and suck him. Are you sure you want to hear about this, Daddy?”

“Yes, I do. Go on.” He took another sip of his drink, and his face began to grow flushed.

“I’d suck him until he came and then he’d tell me to get ready for bed. I’d go to his daughter’s bedroom and get into her nightie and get under the covers. Then he’d come in to tuck me in but he’d touch me instead, he’d lick me down there, and then he’d get on top of me. I had to pretend like he was taking my cherry.”

“And you liked this?”

“I did. I know it sounds weird, but I did. He was gentle, affectionate, generous. He took me out for dinner on his daughter’s birthday and even gave me a gold locket, a heart.”

“Hooker with a heart of gold,” he said.


“It’s an old saying,” my father said. “Anyone else?”

“Well, there was Larry. He was the cab driver, the first one. He was pretty protective of me, and he’d come by almost every day, just to bring me coffee or some pot. Larry was with me the first night I went to Cecil’s, to pose for pictures, just to keep an eye out for me. He was like an older brother, almost. Then there was Mr. Antonelli. He was my landlord. He didn’t want to rent a room to me, but I offered to suck him, and I did it every week. The funny thing was that we really grew close. Sometimes he’d take me out to the North End and buy me lunch, then we’d go shopping at Haymarket and he’d make me dinner. He taught me to dance, slow dance, and then we’d make love. He was a sweet old guy.”

“How old was he?”

“Late seventies, early eighties, I think. His wife passed away years ago and he was really lonely. I was the only bright spot in his life, I guess.” I didn’t want to tell my father how Mr. Antonelli died of a heart attack while we were making love. It was too painful to think about.

“Jesus, Annie,” my father said. “All these guys, didn’t you get the clap or something?”

“No. I lucked out. After Bradley and Helen found me and took me in, they took me to a doctor and I had a physical.” I really had been lucky.

“These are the people you’re living with in Boston?”


“How do you know them?”

“They were friends of Julia’s.”

“This Julia,” my father asked, “how close were you?”

“She was my lover, Daddy,” I said. “I loved her dearly. I miss her so much.”

My father didn’t say anything. I could tell that he was blaming himself, something I hadn’t foreseen. I thought he’d think less of me, but he really thought less of himself, that he’d failed me, that somehow he could have prevented this all from happening.

“Daddy,” I said. “There was nothing you could do.”

“I guess not,” he said. “Seems like you’re more than able to take care of yourself.”

“Am I still your little girl?”

“Always and forever,” he said, pulling me on to his lap and wrapping his arms around me. We kissed, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, Annie.”

I kissed him again, letting his tongue part my lips and find mine. I could feel his hardness begin to grow inside his bathrobe, pressing up against my bottom. His kiss grew more passionate, and he began to nibble my lips, kissing my chin, my neck, suckling my nipples through the thin satin chemise I was wearing. I pulled it off over my head, giving my father access to my breasts, running my fingers through his hair as he ravished my little titties.

I opened his robe and caressed his hairy chest and firm stomach, reaching down between his legs and stroking his hardness. He was still a bit sticky from making love with Mia, and I caught a whiff of her scent, still lingering in his wiry pubes. I got up from his lap and straddled him, and he scooted forward on the couch so I could bring my cleft closer to his cock, the tip pressing against my labia, seeking the heat and moisture within. My father cupped my ass, pulling me closer as I guided him inside me.

“You feel so good,” my father whispered as I slowly sank down on his hardness, engulfing him completely.

“Daddy…,” I gasped. We didn’t move for a moment, just staring into each other’s eyes. He kissed me, his tongue seeking my own, and now we were connected in two places. I sucked his busy tongue as if it were a little penis, rising in his lap as I pulled myself up the length of his shaft. When I could feel the fleshy rim of my father’s glans near the entrance to my passage, I slowly sat down again, swiveling my hips slightly so he stirred my honeypot with his throbbing prick.

“I’d pay for this,” my father gasped. He smiled and kissed my neck, letting me know that he meant this as a compliment.

“How much, Daddy?” I whispered. I moved my hips a bit faster, sliding up and down on my father’s hard meat. “A hundred?”

“More,” he said, cupping my breasts and lowering his head, flicking his tongue over my nipples, left and right, first one and then the other, sending an electric sensation straight to my hungry sex.

“A thousand?” I said.

“More.” He bit one of my nipples, not too hard, just grazing his teeth over my stiff little bud. I gasped, tightening my grip on his shoulder, moving faster now, almost bouncing up and down in his lap.

“A million?” I said, breathlessly.

“More,” my father said. “Much more.” He released my breasts and grabbed my bottom, squeezing my cheeks, urging me to move faster. I felt my climax begin to grow, quickly, even though I’d just pleasured myself with the vibrator. I thought it would take longer. It always does the second time. But the hunger in me was strong; I’d just told my father the things I’d done and he still wanted me. It felt dirty telling him about Mr. Sheffield, it felt naughty, sexy. And this wasn’t pretend. This was real, this was my actual father’s cock inside me, plunging in and out of his daughter’s cunny.

I wrapped my arms around my father and hugged him tight when I came, muffling my cries on his shoulder, hoping no one could hear me. I slowed my movements, my hips shuddering as a massive wave of pleasure coursed through my body, making my rhythm irregular, spasmodic. My father guided my bottom up and down with his hands, probing between my cheeks with his fingers, finding my bottom hole and penetrating it, bringing me to a second peak, an intense orgasm that left me trembling in his arms.

My father grunted and pulled me back down on his cock, and I could feel him start to tense, to twitch, his glans flaring as he began to spurt his seed inside me. As he held me in a bear hug, I felt him keep pulsing in my sex, like a heartbeat, each throb bringing a flood of warmth within my passage.

We held each other for a while, motionless except for our breathing. I wanted to stay connected to him forever, but gravity took over and I felt my father’s softening cock begin to slip out of me. I let out a little shiver as the tip passed my lips, his flaccid shaft falling across his hairy balls. His semen began to drip from my cleft, falling between his thighs, dripping on his penis, and soaking into the back of his bathrobe. We looked at each other and kissed.

“What a mess,” he said, looking down at his crotch.

“Let me clean you off, Daddy,” I said, climbing off of his lap. I knelt between his legs and kissed his lovely cock, taking it into my mouth and cleaning it with my tongue. He gasped, sensitive after our coupling, and then he leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.

“That feels great,” my father murmured. I finished cleaning him off, licking my lips and kissing his cock again, and then I got up from between his knees and sat next to him on the couch. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head as I laid it on his shoulder, snuggling up to him, running my hand over his broad chest. I pressed my thighs together, trying to stem the flow of semen that oozed from my pussy. We sat together in silence, sipping our drinks.

“I’m sorry I left you and your mother back then,” my father said.

“It was years ago, Daddy.”

“Do you forgive me?”

“Oh, Daddy…”

“Do you?” he said.

“Yes, Daddy,” I sighed. “I forgive you.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He kissed me again. “I should get to bed,” he said, draining the rest of his drink.

“Good night, Daddy.”

“Good night, Annie. Sweet dreams.” We kissed once more and he got up from the couch, tying his robe, giving me one last look before he left Mia’s office, heading back to their bedroom. I took a few more sips of scotch and thought about writing about this in my journal, but the alcohol made me too drowsy. Before I got up, I daubed at my pussy with some tissues, trying to soak up some of my father’s cum. Then I slipped my chemise back on, grabbed my journal and my vibrator and headed off to bed.