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Alien stranger fucked me hard



Attention Dr. Kent Segumi,

Last month while exploring a dusty bookshop in Camden Town England I discovered a very pecululair manuscript dated 1872.

The old man at the counter said he could offer no information on the book. Since the condition was very poor, many pages missing, some pages illegible due to water damage, and the leather cover cracked and brittle he practically gave it to me for only five British pounds.

The book is enclosed in this package for your inspection. I have not read all of it, some parts even seems to be in a foreign tongue I can not decipher.

My assignment for you is to determin the origin and value of this unique manuscript and if any other copies have been known to exist.

Thank you for your expertise in this matter & look forward to your answer,

William Thompson

Two months later:

Dear Mr. William Thompson,

Thank you for sending us such an interesting puzzle. I am contacting you to let you know that we are baffled by the origin. The writer claims to be a time traveller and speaks of many events of our past but also of things to happen in our future!

Our linguist expert has been able to translate some of the foreign text but a good size bulk of it still is not in any language we know of. We have contacted our colleage in Oxford for further help.

We assume the time travelling theme is a clever fantasy but some startling predictions are giving us the jitters here, atll the staff has stopped work on their projects to devote to solving the mystery of your book.

Enclosed is the text of a few pages that our translator has finished. The text is in regards to the authors marriage to an American from our time period. The part we have translated was fron a very early form of gaelic from the western part of Scotland.

Please forgive us for the gaps in the text, due to the poor condition of the book. We shall be in contact soon as we discover more of this deliteful book.

I should also mention that we do not have the name of the author! We do not know as of yet if this was intentional or not, if we believed he was really a time traveller then perhaps he still exists! We are trying to locate his love Jess but since he does not meet her until the year 2010 we are questioning how we should tell her about this all.


Dr. Kent Segumi Boswell’s Book & Antique New York, New York

PS: the following excerpt from the book is seems to be very erotic in nature.

The excerpt:

…….. Being immortal makes a man heart truely metal. When ye see all ye loved ones pass on and thee still regain your youth ye grief from one cycle to the next. Endless grief soon leads to the distancing of relations. Eye have learned to keep my secrets guarded, to keep me love contained. Eye travel onwards, thro tyme and space and tho eye meet millions of peoples my heart is lonely.


….. After me fortutious escape from the tribal men of the congo lands me next stop was in a land called America, twas the year of our Lord 2010. Eye clothed me self in native costume and lived amoung these goode people for a few years, then eye met the fairest of ladies.

Her beautiful face, smiling was framed by long flowing hair. The young lass had the body of a goddess and the sweetest voice eye have ever heard. When eye was close to her at first eye sensed by me nose that our chemistry was matched, yes her scent signified that our genetic makeup would develop an unbreakable bond of love. Many folks don’t know about simple things like this.

Verily, eye was smittin, my heart’s metal did melt, eye became putty in her hands. everything this girl did impressed and drove me, inspired me, recast me. my heart was remade new.

After one year of courtship eye married thee dear girl.

Eye Love thee dear Jess, sweet Jessica.

On our wedding night eye brought thee to my birthplace, to bonnie Scotland, to the castle of my elders. Tho the castle is a tourist hovel now it serves us well. When eye carried thee over the oaken threshhold and placed thee light body on my bed eye trembled, swooning with love, vibrant with lust.

The fact that you saved your flower for me self, your gift of virginhood honored me immensly.

eye remember clearly thee nakedness, your legs wide as me mouth kissed your inner region. Me lips tenderly kissing you there, me tongue licking your womanhood. Giving you joy, eye love thee, me flower!

When thee surrendered your pleasure to me licking tongue, eye then decided your munkin was wet and ready for me man pole.

Eye layed me self down, my sweet bride Jess climbed ontop me frame, your sweet kisses raced my blood, your long hair hanging over me enclosed us into our own world of bliss.

eye remember dearly thee body, pure sweet beauty, your breasts in me hands, the contrast of me rough fingers gently caressing your soft silky breasts. Me mouth kissing them, my face nestled in your breasts.

Then thee took me penis in thou fingers, thee felt me hardness and thee slowly impaled thee self, slowly me erect member entered thou womanhood, my throbbing penis was in heaven, coated by your own love juices it did slide and soon was all within.

thee smiled and kissed me, thee then braced your slender arms on me shoulders and you started to raise your body, you slowly started to pump me, thou body going up and down on me shaft. the mechanics ov love drove us onwards to pleasure.

Eye hugged thee tight, me hands rove thou breasts, me mouth kissed yours as our bodies united as one. Thee rode me till my pleasure overcame me, the joy was too much.

Me body ached for release, me penis throbbed and spurted me seed deep into your womanhood, your inner lips down there gripping me, caressing me milking all my sperm from me to thee. Spurt after spurt, of warm fluid left me drained, me man sack empty, to me love in my arms, eye pulled you to me and we did sleep.


Dear Dr. Kent Segumi,

Thank you for your update on the book and for the excerpt. This anonymous time traveller does sound like a very interesting charcter!

I would recommend against contacing his love, Jess. She would only be distraught knowing of these events from her future. She will have to discover her true love on her own. You also did not mention if Jess knew that her husband was a time traveller?

Any clue to who this man is?? Is he from the future, our past, perhaps a colleauge of our time? I will spend what ever amount of money it takes to discover his identity.

I eagerly await for your complete translations and professional opinion on this book.


William Thompson