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Sevin’s new sextoys



OK, as I discussed in the top of “The Bath – Response to The Hot Tub (F solo)”, Sevin is now the proud owner of some new toys, which I think both scare and excite her. I can’t believe she could have lived this much of her life and not had any erotic toys! I had to stick to small on the anal toys because she is almost a virgin there… only been fucked there by me once… very tight!!! (but we are going to work on that…)

This first part may be a little dry, as it is true… The second part, what I think will happen next week, should spice up quite a bit.

We met today for a few minutes (so she could give me some mind blowing head!!!! Thanks Sevin, you are so fucking HOT!) and I presented her with her NEW toys:

1) Small adjustable nipple clips, with chain 2) Anal beads (small) 3) A small butt plug (it is soft jelly and blue) 4) A “Pocket Rocket” Wonderfull little toy. 5) A pair of small, heavy metel Benwa Balls (probably 1/2 inch in diameter)

I allowed her to put away everything but the Benwa Balls. Those I removed from their case, unzipped her jeans, and pushed them inside her. She was very intreuged. After a few minutes they wanted to come out, and I thought we’d start simple, so that was fine. She was, after all, not wearing any panties today, and was afraid they would come out while she was walking around the office…

After she got back to her desk, I went to her office and asked her where they were (we had to act like we had business together.) She said they were in her pocket & she had been playing with them. I told her she had to go put them into her pussy & spend the rest of the day trying to keep them in. After talking with her on the phone later she was very happy to tell me she had them both in and thinks she is getting the hang of it. Very good Sevin! That should help you hold them inside of yourself all day tomorrow at work!

So, Sevin has been instructed to get formiliar with the nipple clips, and butt plug, and of course the balls because next week at that big meeting we have, she is to have all three of them in/on for the entire afternoon.

So, lets talk about that… I know Sevin is going to read this, so, Sevin… these are your instructions:

Next Tuesday (the day of the big meeting) you are to wear one of your shorter skirts. A loose top (to hide the clips), stockings, and thong panties. During lunch, you are to go to the little girls room, bring your toys. You won’t have to insert the Benwa Balls, as you are to wear them to work all day every day. But you will have to put the nipple clips on. Make sure they are as tight as you think confortable, then tighten them another 1/4th turn. You are then to masterbate yourself with your new pocket rocket until you are good and wet. You are NOT to orgasm! Push your butt plug into your pussy, you can fuck yourself with it a little if you want, but remember, no orgasm yet! Once it and you are good and soaked, remove it from your cunt, use your own fluids to help you work your new butt plug all the way into your ass. You are then to return to your desk and get back to work.

Later, about 30 minutes before the meeting, you are to go back to the bathroom (you better use the single person bathroom which locks.) Take you pocket rocket, and rub your clit with it for 15 minutes. You can masterbate yourself all you want for exactly 15 minutes, but you are not to orgasm! You may want to spend the next 15 minutes trying not to look so wanton!

During the meeting, you are to sit on the other side of the table from me, so you can see me clearly! During the meeting, you are to think about how nauty you are being in front of all of these people, and it will make you VERY excited! Anytime I make eye contact with you and blink both eyes obviously during this meeting, you are to casually move your hand to where the chain is hiding and cause it to tug on your nipples. You are going to have to take great care so the entire group doesn’t know you are fucking yourself in front of them! And, if you don’t make them tight enough, they may come off & everyone will hear the chain!!! I also want you to clinch on the Benwa Balls, and lightly grind your ass into your seat so the butt plug pushes into you harder.

After the meeting, if you have been good, I will take you to our secret place, pull your thong panties off, bend you over, and fuck your cunt from behind. While I fuck you, I am going to pull on your chained nipples, and push on the butt plug. You are to masterbate your clit, and if you are a good girl and cum for me, I will explode into your pussy & let you lick my cock clean!

You will then go back to work and spend the rest of the day with the nipple clips on and the anal plug, benwa balls, and my cum inside of you. You might want to get home before your hubby does, so you have time to put all of your toys away, and clean up before you see him. Then you are to write about how your first day as my toy went. For me to post, of course.