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Debby’s Black Cock Obsession



My wife, Debby, and I had been married for eleven years. My name is Larry Walker and Debby and I live in Pensacola, Florida. I came home one day early and heard Lisa Winslow taking with Debby. Lisa lived next door and she and Debby visited a lot. “Oh Debby,” Lisa was saying, ” I never knew what it was like before. Black men have much larger cocks and are able to fuck longer than white men, especially my husband Jim.” I stopped in the hallway and listened to the conversation. I was waiting for my wife to tell Lisa that her husband had a nine inch cock and fucked very well, Thank you.

Instead I heard Debby tell Lisa that she couldn’t get my permission to fuck another man. Lisa told Debby that if I wouldn’t let her then she could always do it behind my back. ” I threatened that with Jim and he finally relented and let me do it in my own bedroom. It’s so much better for a woman when she can fuck other men, especially large black cocks, in the privacy of her marriage bedroom. ” She said that her husband was reluctant at first till she told him that she would fuck them in a skid row hotel if he didn’t let her fuck them at home. Jim finally allowed Lisa her black cocks and now he even watched her and sucked the black guy’s cocks for them while they waited to go at Lisa once more. Jim would suck all the cum from Debby so the black man wouldn’t have to fuck her in the other man’s cum. They hated the thought of getting another man’s cum on their beautiful cocks.

I heard all I wanted to but I was curious when Lisa told Debby that she would talk to me about it. I left as the women came from the kitchen. A few days later Lisa came into the garage where I was working and tried to put the make on me. I led her along, knowing full well what she was up to. To make a long story short Lisa fished my cock out of my pants and was amazed that I had such a large one, “It’s almost as large as a black cock. Jim only has about four inches.,” she couldn’t control herself and I let her suck me for just a couple of minutes. I really didn’t want sex with anyone but my wife so I pulled it away.

“We can continue this when we are more private,” I said while I thought about how I could handle this. Then Lisa brought up the fact that I should let Debby have some strange cock and I wouldn’t feel so bad about her sucking me. I was waiting and then she said that she had several black guys fucking her and that they would love to fuck my wife. I thought ” Yeah I’ll just bet they would.”

During the next week Lisa told Debby that she and I had sex. She didn’t tell her that she had to practically rape me and only took a couple of sucks on my cock. By now Debby had been bitten by the desire to have a large black cock in her. She managed to bring it up in sly ways till she finally thought that she had my approval and then she told me outright that if I loved her that I would let her fuck a black man. In the back of my mind a plan was taking place. I just needed time to put it in motion.

I left my wife with the idea that I would be giving my approval. She seemed happy and said that I could fuck Lisa while she was being fucked by a large black cock. She had rambled off about how Lisa and Jim had orgies at home with several black men that she knew. At first Debby wanted to go next door to Lisa’s and have the orgy but I told her that if she did it then her own bedroom was good enough. You have to understand that our bedroom is unique. It was originally a very large room but it had the view that we wanted. It was too large so we divided it with a beautiful curtain, controlled by a switch that would open and close it. It even has two doors into it. One from the main part of the house and one from the outside patio. Now the plan took on a new life as I decided how I would teach my dear would be cheat the lesson of her life.

I loved Debby with all my heart till she told me that she wanted to have sex with other men and black men at that. I had a firm belief that a marriage was only as good as the people in it. When one partner wanted to share with another what was rightfully the spouse then the marriage was broken and could never be fixed. The only answer was that they divorce. I knew that in our State of Florida the only reason for a divorce in which the wife couldn’t take the husband to the cleaners was adultery. At first I wept that my marriage was broken but was glad that I was still young enough to find another, like my secretary Jan, who had stood beside me in business for several years. Loving me but keeping it to herself. I had a great love for Jan and if I had met her first then I would have gladly married her. I prided myself on the fact that I had not let my love for Jan have any effect on my marriage with Debby and Jan would not have allowed me to.

Jan was good friends with Debby which is why I let her plan the birthday surprise for Debby that was coming up. I hated myself for not being honest Jan but it couldn’t be avoided. Jan was eager to help and contacted all the main people. First there were my parents and then Debby’s parents. Out two boys of whom Chad was the oldest at nine years old. were excluded from the initial surprise when all the family and friends would cry out surprise when the drapes were whisked back. My brother and his wife were to be included also as well as my boss and his wife and three sons that were triplets. They played for Florida state and were known as the triple threat. to members of rival teams that Played FSU.

Toward the time of the birthday Lisa came over and she and Debby spent an afternoon having sex. I recorded the scene and found out that Debby and Lisa had done it other times with each other. I didn’t get a hard on while I watched Debby and Lisa pleasure each other with their mouth on their cunts in the video. I just realized how little I really knew about my wife. I had been so busy earning a good living for her and putting away money for the boy’s college fund, that I never had the slightest notion that my marriage was other than what it seemed. I was surprised while I watched the tape to see two black men come into my bedroom, naked, and with their thick cocks swinging. It hurt but I watched my sweet innocent wife as she took on both blacks. She sucked one large cock and since she was used to my rather large one, she was able to handle it almost all the way down. The other man got behind her and fucked her. His cock wasn’t as thick as mine but she was easily able to handle the extra length.

What I wasn’t prepared for was the way the black men had to heap abuse on the white women. ” Suck it you white bitch, ” the one fucking my wife yelled at her while hitting her ass hard and making her butt red. The other one said that white women were made to service black men and their husbands were only good for sucking the cum from their cunts so they wouldn’t soil their black cocks with another man’s sperm. I grit my teeth and listened to them heap all kind of insults on Debby and Lisa as they fucked them relentlessly. Between bouts the women sucked the cum from each other. Finally it was over. The men knew that tomorrow would be the main event and that six blacks would fuck the wives before they took them to skid row and had they fuck all their friends.

It seemed important to the blacks that other blacks were able to see the control they had over their white whores. They talked about dragging myself and Jim along to show that they also controlled the white husbands. I was livid with rage. not only that Debby choose to let scum make use of her cunt but to let him dominate her in the way he was and agreeing to let the blacks dominate me also. It took Debby and Lisa two hours to clean up the mess of their orgy. I wasn’t supposed to know anything about their after noon of sex without me there.

“Hello darling,” she greeted me when I finally came home for real, “I sure hope you are up for tomorrow.”

“My darling I am ready for anything,” I told her and held back when she tried to kiss me. I claimed to be coming down with flu or something.

“Well I hope that it doesn’t conflict with what will take place tomorrow.,” she smiled and said.

“Tell me once again Debby…what exactly will happen tomorrow cause you know that I hate surprises,” I said.

“Well dear husband,” Debby said, “After tomorrow…our marriage will never be the same old dull thing. I will finally know what it feels like to have a black cock deep in my cunt and you will be able to watch me fuck many black men while you jerk off…I know you’ll like it. Lisa’s husband Jim says there is nothing like watching a large black cock fuck your loving wife’s cunt.”

“No Debby…I have to admit that you are right about that. After tomorrow our lives will never be the same.” I had to keep my temper in check till tomorrow. I only hoped that Debby didn’t try and have sex with me. I would have thrown up all over her. Her display that afternoon with Lisa and the black guys was the most disgusting thing I ever saw. She was worn out from the fuck and although she didn’t tell me about it she said that she was saving her sex for her new lover. I feigned being upset and breathed a sigh of quite relief.

The next morning I got up and ready for work. I had a lot to do that day. I had to pick up Debby’s parents and I had to call and make sure that mine would be there at the right time. We were all meeting at the nearby Denny’s for a light snack and to talk about the surprise and get everything in order. I realized that I wasn’t looking forward to the occasion. I would have been delighted had Debby not broached the subject. While I was getting ready Lisa showed up. She was all bubbly and came and told me that by tonight I would be as happy a husband as her own Jim. I cringed inside but managed to smile. “Debby will finally know the joy’s of a black cock and you will know the joys of a husband who allows her husband to fuck the best and largest cocks in the world, ” Lisa said.

I went to work and went through the motions. I wished that I could spare my friends from the pain that I had first went through when my wife sprung her little surprise on me. I guess it was hard to hide my pain from the one woman that knew me best, Jan. Jan just gave me those looks. Those looks that said for me to let her ease my pain. Jan knew that my pain was about my marriage. I couldn’t tell her. Like my parents, who never thought that Debby could do no wrong. Those same parents that thought that Debby had straightened up my life. They had no clue what so ever that I was already straight. I was number three of four other boys. I was the kid you pick on and make into anything you wanted and have it believed. I hated to have to slap them in the face with Debby’s true self but what choice did I have. I was pretty sure that after today they would keep their mouths shut.

Debby’s parents were just as bad. They never thought me as worthy of their daughter. A side effect of the lies that my older brothers spread about me. Well, and I almost smiled at the thought, after today they would never be ale to say that I wasn’t worthy of their daughter. My boss and his family had a right to know exactly what had happened with my marriage. That it was the fault of a woman’s inability to control her selfish urges and not mine. I wanted my bosses complete confidence that I was not a person that shunned responsibility

Jerry, my boss was all smiles as he looked at his watch, “Well Larry, it’s about that time. I felt my stomach churn and my heart developed a hard lump. I knew that it was time to start the countdown. Jerry ‘s three sons were home from a college break and they met us at Denny ‘s when Jerry and Jan and I met them. Their mother Judy was with them. I looked as Judy got out of the car. Even as good a friend I was to Jerry and Judy, I knew that the three linemen would mow me down in protecting their mother. I shuddered at the thought that any man was dumb enough to make a pass at her or even insult her. She was truly beautiful and I counted myself fortunate to be her friend. I hope that I still would be after today. Jan kept watching me and she knew me well enough to know that I had something up my sleeve and that it pertained to Debby. She came and squeezed my hand and then the hard lump went away. Like I said before …if I had met Jan first there never would have been a Debby.

We waited at Denny’s till both sets of parents showed up. my own parents all but ignored me. My mother was telling everyone about the coat she had bought Debby. It was the highest in new design and she went on about how Debby would look stunning in it. “It’s too bad that my worthless son will be on her arm when she wears it.” I laughed as I thought about the africans that I had seen yesterday walking her to some function. They were all naked and the blacks were swinging and badmouthing the white people there. I almost broke up then. Debby’s mother made it a point to let everyone know that I shouldn’t be laughing at some private joke about their daughter.

We all pulled up and parked along the front street then we made put way around to the back where the patio was. I held up my finger to my lips, calling for complete silence. Everyone smiled that conspiratorial smile. Then I was quite as I pulled the glass doors silently open. everyone gathered around read to yell surprise. Cameras were at the ready to snap to capture the startled look that Debby would have, only to be replaced by loving smiles. Not today, or tomorrow, not ever again after now. My hand went to the drapery switch. The drapes lived up to their advertising as being able to muffle all but the most horrendous sound. As the drapes opened I heard Debby screaming for her to be fucked harder, ” Fuck me harder with that beautiful black cock…ohhhh yesss Lisa…lick my cunt….you slut.” Then the world stopped. Camera flashes went off, planned to capture the very moment and could not be stopped. Fingers pushed shutters unable to process what they were seeing.

Debby was naked and perched atop Lisa’s equally body. She was in the process of shoving a large black cock into Lisa’s cunt. The cock and Lisa’s cunt were shiny with saliva showing that Debby had been eating the woman’s cunt and sucking the cock. In back of her was a tall skinny black that looked like he had just been released from jail. He was driving his cunt slicked cock in and out of Debby. Her cunt was making a loud squishy flesh slapping sound.. Jim was to their side sucking on two large black cocks while another one was slamming in and out of his ass. He was squelching like a stuck pig. Slowly the scene started moving again after it was frozen in time. Debby let the large cock drop spewing cum from her cunt. Lisa looked up to see all the faces staring at them. They were the hardest faces anyone would ever hope to see.

” I can explain…I can explain,” Debby was screaming, “Please give me a chance to explain It’s not what it looks like.” Then she must have thought of what the assembly had seen. About then the door opened and our two kids rushed in. They didn’t want to be left out. They were carrying crudely wrapped gifts. It really hurt that the boys had to see their mother like that, with one black man fucking her from behind while she was licking and sucking a neighbors cunt. Mrs. Winslow at that. Their next door neighbor. They also noticed Jim Winslow down on his knees. They never liked him much anyway. Jan was the first to react and to grab the boys and hustle them out of the room. They looked back to see their mother start to cry as she begged them to come back…” Come back to mother.” Before Jan closed the door they threw the gifts on the floor. “Why don’t you just die mot…? Chad tried to say the word mother but instead he simply spat out the single…word,” You.” He was crying as Jan took them outside the room. I felt at that point that my world had fallen apart. I had hurt to two people that meant most to me in life.

” You…you…you…hussy,” my mother finally found her voice. Debby’s mother went up to the bed and slapped her hard. Her father was right behind her with his hand raised to deliver a blow.

“Hey…hey you crazy motherfucking honkey mother fuckers…making so much noise…can’t you see that they are black men fucking here,” then he spied Judy looking ashen, “Hey you in the red dress with the big tits…get that dress and come here and let me feed you eleven inches of prime black cock.” I saw the three brothers looked stunned that anyone, much less a drugged up looking black piece of scum talking like that to their mother. The dumb african never knew what hit him. Ask anyone on Georgia Tech’s football team they could tell him that he just got body slammed by three human machines of destruction. About them the other four blacks started to bring out knifes and even one had a pistol, for all the good it could do him. The gun went off when One of the boys slapped it away and it happened to be pointing at his crotch when it did. They must have loaded the pistol with dum dum bullets because the man’s dick exploded along with his balls. They fell to the floor completely shot away from the …well where the rest of him used to be. Then they were stepped on and mashed into two meat patties by a size fifteen boot.

A sweeping back hand all but decapitated the man that was still ramming into Jim Winslow’s butt, trying to decide between running for his life and cuming in the honkey’s butt. He lost…his life that is because the sweeping arm broke his neck and practically decapitated him. The hand swept on by and landed on it’s primary target, a thin black who was trying to pull another gun from a pile of clothes. In three minutes the only three people on the bed that were conscious were Debby, Lisa and her husband. The three looked dazed and it looked unclear whether of not Debby was even aware that she had just been set up by me. Well you could say set up but it was of her own choosing.

Debby decided all by herself, well perhaps with a little help from Lisa, to fuck other men and black trashy looking men at that. I realized early own and from the experiencing of making my self aware of what the eventual outcome of a given set of circumstances would be. You see I was an analysis with my company. I was researching buying trends to know when the right moment was to push and when the right moment was to pull back. My work had saved the company millions in a short few years. I applied the same analysis to my marriage. I figured that the odds were than if I outright forbid Debby to do anything then she would do it behind my back. I decided this approach.

I also knew that Jan was about to start a relationship with another man. She as much as told me that she couldn’t wait forever. That was the straw. Now I was watching as the Camel shit hit the old fan and there were bleeding black worthless trash strewn all over the bedroom, bleeding and with at least one dead. The three brothers were crouched over the battle field to see if there were any combatants. The boys were football players but they took their R.O.T.C. serious. When they graduated the expected a commission into the regular army. One black raised his head and started cursing out the brothers for soiling their sex life with the white whores. That was the last mistake he ever made.

When the rukus started the shot that tore the blacks cock and testicles was reported and we all heard sirens outside and tires squelling to a halt. No one moved. In a second the room was crawling with uniforms. My boss and I were known to them. After about fifteen minutes the police learned what had happened. They were told that the black hobos had started to rape Judy and her sons came to her rescue. The cops found no wrong in that. The black men had reached for weapons and then the carnage took place. The cops looked at all the blood and gore and shook their heads. They could see no wrong there either. Judy was made out the same wool that her sons were, matter of fact most people said that the sons were more like the mother and no one disagreed.

The police did take the live blacks into custody for assault with deadly weapons. One cop offices said that on site drug testing had shown positive for crack cocaine and rock meth. That explained why the blacks were so wired up. Combine that with their natural stupidity and you had a five hundred pound idiot child of ten who had no control over what he wanted. If someone had it then he simply took it.

Lisa and Jim had broken no laws. Lisa was tested and found that she had snorted a small amount of cocaine. Debby also. Jim was clean. In the instance of simple use a ticket was issued. the courts would review later to see if the charges should be up graded. Lisa and Jim were still naked except for sheets draped over them. I asked if there was any reason for them to be present. The cop said no. I went up to Lisa and tore the sheet from her body, ” There’s no law saying that I have to allow them to leave with my property. They could not be allowed back in the bedroom where their clothes were. The cops told them that they would have to leave my house that if they refused then they would be escorted, by force, from the home. They were told that after they were off my property that they could ask someone to get their clothes. Naturally I didn’t have to honor that request.

They staggered out the door under the cautious of a dozen policemen. There was a crowd already gathered on the street. It looked like all the neighbors were there. Lisa and Jim had locked up their house when they came over and their house keys were with their clothes. They couldn’t get in their house. Jim saw a ladder at the other neighbors house and asked if he could use it. There was an upstairs window open. The request was refused by the neighbor who spat on Jim. Here was a man that was his friend earlier and now he was spitting on Jim. Several women came up and spar on Lisa. One man started to spit on Jim but changed his mind at the last minute and slammed a meaty fist into Jim’s face. Later when Jim tried to sue for a broken face it would be denied that it was ever witnessed.

Inside the house I stood with my fist clenched over Debby. She was a much subdued woman from the one we saw earlier. The one who felt that she was invincible because she had fucked a african. I stood over her as she cringed on the bed with abject fear in her eyes. I had everyone else leave the room. “Well you just had to have that black cock you whore.”

“But…but…you gave your permission,” she said.

“Prove it you lying slut…who do you think is going to believe you now,” I said and crossed my arms in front of me. Debby knew that when I did that single act of body language that it meant for her to shut up. She then turned on the tears and tried to crawl up my body as she pleaded for her life. I shoved her away. “You…you whore..get out of my home there are little children here and they aren’t yours anymore. Do you think your son will ever get the image of their mother locked in carnal lust with a large black cock in her mouth while another one fucked her from behind. No I can tell you that your son never wants to see you again.”

“I can see the surprise in your eyes. Can’t you understand the simplest thing. The minute that you said that you wanted to fuck a black man that you ceased being the woman I loved . Can’t you understand that there are men that still have their balls and consider it a call to war when you said what you did. You didn’t even have to do it…you condemned yourself because you wanted to. I hate to say this because it cast reflection on myself and why I was so blind as not to see the real you. Now you must face the consequences. You will leave this house. You will leave it with nothing of mine which is even the clothes you wear. I bought them. I bought everything you have. I bought you a car and luckily I kept it in my name so you don’t have a car.

You can walk outside just as you are right now with diseased african cum spilling from your nasty fouled cunt,” I shivered at the thought that I had placed my cock in there just a few days ago. “Go get out…get out now.” I had killing in my eyes and she knew it. She crawled toward the door. She had the presence of mind to grab Lisa’s purse. It wasn’t mine. She could take it if she wanted to. She tried to hide her nakedness from the people in the living room as she went out.

Her mother slapped her again and again raising red welts across her face. this time her father didn’t slip as he spat on her. What surprised me the most was that my boss and the usually serene Judy came forward and spat on her. Debby looked at the face of the woman that she used to call friend. A large gob of spit ran down her red face. ” Don’t look at me again you filthy whore, ” Judy said as my boss wrapped his arms around the woman who had started to cry. He led Judy away after giving Debby a piercing glare that would chill a stone. Debby stopped in the doorway. She had just seen all the neighbors lined up on the street behind yellow police tape.

She held Lisa’s purse close to her chest and her tearful face down as she walked past the neighbors amid shouts of ” slut” and “african fucker”. One woman called her filthy. The lady had just been smiling as she and Debby conversed just days before. Now she was a pariah as people figured what was going on. They had seen the caravan of cars arrive earlier and smiled at the thought that Debby was really going to be surprised. They just didn’t know how surprised she really was. They had all saw the police drag the black men from my home. They had seen the two covered bodies as the police took them away. Then they saw a naked Lisa and Jim Winslow leave and run crying to their house.

Jim had finally had to break a window to unlock the door. Debby was about to enter the house when a man in a suit and wearing a badge on his belt stopped her. Several plain clothed and uniformed officers descended on the Winslow house. The detective took the purse from Debby and opened it. He immediately held up a plastic bag filled with a white powder. He had Debby turn around and handcuffed her. A policeman finally covered her nakedness. He later said that he did it because she was a disgrace standing there with cum still streaming down her legs. african cum.

I went to the boys room where Jan had them. She was hugging two tear stained boys. From the looks of things the boys had just discovered that they had a real mother there. her name was Jan. When Chad questioned me I told him that Jan would never leave them. I told them that Jan would be the mother that Debby had never been able to be. Jan looked at me from over two tousled heads and smiled at me. I told her that I loved her. I started a flow of tears that wouldn’t stop. Soon Jan was crying and the two boys had not stopped. Judy poked her head in to the room and asked if everything was ok. I held Jan and my two boys and told her that everything was fine…”For the first time in years everything is fine.” She saw the way Jan and I were holding each other and went outside to tell her husband the good news. It was the first good news they had heard all afternoon.

+Things quited down. Lisa and Jim had to move. After they were both jailed for possession of cocaine and came back, neighbors had picketed the house around the clock, day after day. They carried signs that told the two to leave. The signs were crude but the message was the same. Get out. They moved in two weeks. Their car was stoned as it drove away. Naturally no one saw anything. Debby did call about someone coming and posting her bail. No one came forward so she remained in jail till court in three months. She was convicted on felony possession of cocaine. She was sentenced to three years in prison with time already served. With good behavior she would be out in two more years but be on parole for another year.

Last I heard Debby got a room in a group home for sex offenders. I got a quick divorce from her after she was convicted and lost her civil rights under the conviction. One of those rights was the right to be a mother. The courts awarded them to myself and my new wife named Jan. The funny thing was that she started to scream when she was confronted with a black person. This bothered many black people who didn’t condone either the scum or Debby’s actions either. Debby was considered to be un-treatable and confined to a mental home. I guess the message is clear. Don’t fuck around on your marriage with africans.