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Ever since I was 18 and caught mom giving you a blow job



Jennifer made it home shortly after the first snow flakes started to fall in what would turn out to be a wicked blizzard. Good thing too as her sports car doesn’t operate well on anything other than bare, dry pavement.

“It’s soooo cold out there,” she said, and after welcoming hugs from her mother and I she tossed her coat on the couch and walked over to warm herself in front of the fireplace. Jenn, my wife’s daughter from her previous marriage, had come to spend the week before New Year’s with us.

“Well, you’ve already found the warmest spot in the house right there,” I said. “You want coffee or tea?”

“No, thanks.”

As I had done many times over the years I took a slow look at Jenn’s body. She was only wearing jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, but the jeans showed off her firm ass and the shirt showed plenty of cleavage. Damn, I thought to myself.

With the wind rattling the windows I excused myself and went into the kitchen to heat up some home-made tomato soup while mother and daughter chatted about Jenn’s job, her roommates, why she dumped her now ex-boyfriend, the usual mother-daughter stuff.

“Thanks,” they both said after finishing their mugs of soup and sandwiches. “That warmed me right up,” Jenn added.

“Well, if you really want to get warmed up we can always do tequila shots. I have an unopened bottle of 1800 ready to go.”

“I could out drink you easy, old man,” she said laughing.

“Riiiight,” I said. “Dream on.”

“Keep me out of this one, you two,” my wife said. “You know what that does to me.”

With dinner done, we talked a little more before catching my favorite holiday movie “It’s A Wonderful Life.” I lost track of the conversation a couple of times as my eyes darted back and forth between the two beautiful women, more like sisters than mother and daughter.

We could all tell it was getting worse outside by the howl of the wind, the rattling of the windows and the occasional shaking of the house. Along with the fireplace we had a couple of candles lit up just in case the lights went out. “You two can stay up all you want, but I’m going to bed,” my wife said when the movie ended. It wasn’t that late, but the cold weather seemed to always make her physically weaker and she was still decompressing from her Christmas activities so I’m not surprised she wanted to sleep.

As my wife went up the stairs to bed I went to the kitchen and sliced up a lime, grabbed the tequila and a couple of shot glasses and set them on the coffee table in front of Jenn. “Put up or shut up,” I said, and winked.

“Ha. You’re evil,” she said, and poured a shot for each of us as I took a seat on the other side of the sofa. Seconds later our glasses were empty. “One down, eleven more to go,” she said, and we both laughed.

Jennifer and I had always gotten along pretty well once she got over the initial reluctance that her mother had found someone new. She was a shy tween when we met, but as I’ve said she developed into the spitting image of her mother with the same dark hair and blue eyes. And for guys who love tits that’s a bonus — Jennifer had D-cups every bit as large as her mother’s. I’ve often wondered if her nipples were as sensitive as her mom’s. Lost in this thought for a moment, apparently I was staring.

“Checking out my boobs again, huh,” Jenn said.

“Huh,” I said.

“Busted! You’ve been checkin’ out my chest for years, I’ve seen you. You just haven’t noticed that I’ve seen you doing it. You’re a really bad pervert, you know.”

“Um…. uh,” I stammered. Shit. I was busted. Damn. Oh well.

“Okay, guilty as charged. I can’t help it. It’s the caveman DNA in me that’s makes me stare at every hot babe I can find. And since you look just like a younger version of your mom, well….” I paused. “Wait — Your mother hasn’t caught me looking at you has she?”

“Nope, Mr. Perv. Your secret is safe with me,” and then as if to flaunt this now open secret she jiggled her tits in front of me. “You really like the girls, dontcha?”

“Shut up and drink,” I said, and we each did a second shot. Of course I did like her ‘girls’, and so did my cock which was starting to stir. I hope she hasn’t noticed that.

“So, did you check me out when I came in tonight?”

“Oh Jesus. What is this, the Inquisition?”

“I’m just asking,” she said. “Well?”

Sure, I could have lied, but she’d just call bull shit on me anyway. “Yes, I did, Miss Inquisitor. When you were standing by the fireplace.”

“I knew it. Dirty old man.” She laughed. And this time she poured the shots. “I bet you were drooling over me when we were at the beach last year. Weren’t you?”

My mind raced back to last summer — Jenn was looking spectacular in this hot pink bikini that showed off a whole lot of skin. I stayed in waist-deep water quite a while to hide the hard-on I got looking at her. Unfortunately for Jenn she spent too much time in the sun without lotion and got a nasty red burn. It’s probably a good thing her mother helped her put on some Aloe vera lotion. Never know where my hands might have slipped.

“No comment,” I said, and picked up the third shot. “Bottom’s up.”

“Now you’re thinking about my bottom, huh, or are you just trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me,” Jenn said and laughed.

The thought had crossed my mind. “No comment.” I drank. She drank. “Tequila makes you brave asking all these questions,” I said.

She laughed again. Apparently tequila also gives her the giggles. “Brave? HA! That’s tame compared to what I could do, old man. I have to take it easy or you may keel over from a heart attack.”

“Big talk from a little girl,” I countered. “And I doubt you can take it as well as you can dish it out.” I could tell the tequila was also affecting me and my judgment, but I was also curious to see how far she’d go. “Well? I’m waiting.”

She looked at me with a perfect poker face. “When was the last time you jerked off thinking about my tits?”

“Oh Jesus,” I muttered. I didn’t expect her to go THAT far.

“Ha — see, you suck as a pervert,” she said and laughed again. “Can’t even answer a simple question.”

I wondered if she was bluffing, assuming I wouldn’t answer. Well, I’m calling your bluff girlie. I looked her straight in the eyes; “This morning, in the shower, while your mom was sleeping. You were great, by the way.”

I heard her gasp slightly as she sat up straight. “Ahhhh — got your attention with that one, huh?! By the way, I think your nipples are getting hard. Looks nice!”

She may have been surprised by my blunt answer, but she was quick to raise the stakes.

“Take a solo shot and maybe I’ll let you see ’em.”

In the back of my mind I knew my wife, Jenn’s mom, was upstairs sleeping, but I couldn’t resist and went all-in.

“I’ll do you one better. I’ll take the shot AND admit defeat… if you let me lick the salt and suck the lime off your nipples.”

Jenn looked me straight in the eye and didn’t say anything for a several seconds. Then she pulled off her t-shirt and unclasped her bra. Apparently tequila makes her brave, giggly AND horny!

It was my turn to gasp when she revealed her tits to me. She was every bit as sexy as her mother — easily a 36 DD, nice and firm with small nipples that stood up like pencil erasers.

Jenn put her finger in the shot I had poured for myself and moistened her nipples. She sprinkled a bit of salt on her right nipple, squeezed lime on the left, and cupped each breast like she was holding them for me. “Take your shot,” she said.

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I leaned in and licked gently at her salty nipple, swirling my tongue around and giving her a light suck before downing the tequila and sucking the lime. A dream come true, I wasn’t about to stop and the way Jenn held onto my head and wasn’t letting go told me that was fine with her.

I licked and sucked on her nipples for several minutes, biting and tugging on them with my lips. I kissed her in the valley of her cleavage and she pressed her boobs against my face. This was like a dream come true.

“That feels great,” I heard her say, “but now it’s your turn to show me.”

“You want me to take off my shirt,” I asked her in as serious of a voice as I could make given the circumstances.

“Funny, old man. You know what I mean.”

I stood up in front of her on the couch. If the bulge in my pants didn’t give her an idea of how aroused I was, when I pulled off my trousers and my cock stood up rock hard in front of her face I think she got the message.

“Mmmmmm,” she said, and ran her hand once down my shaft, “but I think it needs salt and lime.” Jenn squeezed a little lime and salt on the head of my cock, drank another half-shot of tequila and took half my cock into her mouth in one quick move.

“Oh my god,” I said and felt weak in the knees. Her cock sucking skills were world-class. She knew how to use her lips and tongue and hands to tease and keep me on the edge for several minutes without cumming. She could teach her mother a thing or two about how to suck cock, and knowing how much my wife enjoys going down on me that’s saying something.

As much as I wanted her to suck me dry, I wanted, no, needed to fuck Jenn bad, and a favorite fantasy of mine was to take her from behind. As the lights flickered after another blast of wind hit the house, I pulled her onto her feet, wriggled off her jeans and panties in lightning speed and guided her to the floor and on her hands and knees. “Bottom’s up,” I said, and slapped her on the ass as I moved behind her. She arched her hips for me, and with almost no effort at all I drove my cock deep into her very wet pussy.

“Fuck yes,” she said as I held onto her hips and rocked her back and forth onto my shaft. She was incredibly tight and the friction we generated was intense. For several minutes we fucked slow, we fucked fast, each trying to make the other cum first — a new game between us. I would reach around and squeeze her tits, she would play with my balls and clench her pussy muscles around my dick.

We were each just barely holding on when Jenn suddenly said “get on your back.” I wasn’t going to argue and the second I was in position Jenn straddled my face and took me into her mouth a second time. The instant her lips touched my cock my tongue hit her clit, and that was it. She bucked her hips in an instant orgasm and her pussy juices flowed over my face. She fucked my face back and forth as my balls exploded and I shot my load into her mouth. Jenn swallowed every drop she could suck out of me.

We laid quiet for a couple of minutes, the only sounds coming from the blizzard outside and the crackle of the fireplace inside. Jenn twisted around on top of me and when our eyes met we gave each other long passionate kisses.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” she said. “Ever since I was 18 and caught mom giving you a blow job. You guys never saw me, but I sure saw you and I wanted to taste your cock ever since.”

“So in another words you were a teenage Peeping Tom? And you call ME a pervert.” I smacked her on the ass. “By the way,” I said as I kissed her again. “You may have won the tequila battle this time, but I want a rematch.”

“You’re on, old man.”