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Marrying The Right Man



“Gail you can’t be serious?” I replied in shock at my Fiancee’s revelation.

“Yes I am Gerald. I know Gus is not the type to be married and tied down, as he puts it, but he says he wants to be sure I marry the right guy. He says that if you love me you’ll accept me just the way I am now and won’t be offended because I’m this way.”

“B-But Gail, would he accept you the same way?”

“Probably not, but he’s not the one saying he loves me so and wants to marry me. Didn’t you also say that it wasn’t my beauty alone that made you love me?”

“T-That’s true darling, but t-this is so unusual. I-I just don’t know what to say.”

“So Gus was right, you are waffling. Just like he said you’d do. At least I can believe him even if he’s only interested in what’s between my legs. At least he’s honest. Well I guess this is goodbye then Gerald?”

“G-Gail, c-can’t you see it from my point of view? Even though I-I know I love you it-it’s so humiliating to…”

“So, just like Gus said you say, you’re only worried about yourself. Isn’t true love supposed to be unselfish and not self-serving?”

“W-Well yes, b-but…”

“But what Gerald darling? Are you ashamed of me because I’ve come to you with the smell of his big cock on my breath, the taste of his cum in my mouth, and my pussy slick with his semen?”

“Uh, m-more surprised than anything else. I-I know he’s your former boyfriend a-and you loved him, but he admitted that he needed more than one woman to keep him happy. W-Why did you let him put you up to this?”

“Because what he said made sense. Plus you’re reacting the way he said you would. Just like a man who lets his pride get in the way of true love. He was right on the money. After you found out I’d just sucked his dick, you didn’t want to kiss me.”

“B-But don’t you think it’s sort of impolite for him to interrupt our date. We were sitting here watching TV and petting the way we were a-and then he drives up and blows. You go out to the car and go off for an hour with him, leaving me sitting here… a-and then he brings you back freshly fucked.”

“Gerald, I told you I’d be right back and I said in about an hour. I was back in an hour and five minutes, if you want to be precise. Gus just had time for a quickie. So he only got off three times.”

“T-Three times? I-I can’t believe…”

“Yes, believe it Gerald. He’s quite an athlete in bed. That’s why I value his assessment of you.”

“G-Gail, I-I can see some of what he’s saying, but not all of it.”

“So you’re saying you can’t accept me then? I thought love was a take it all or nothing proposition? I accepted you that way.”

“I-I see some of what you’re saying, b-but…”

“I do love you Gerald and I don’t mean to hurt you. Besides you do have a mean tongue. It really makes my pussy feel good and tingly. It makes up for your smaller prick.”

“I-I guess I should thank you. I-I don’t know what else to say.”

“Why don’t you just say you’re willing to love me and accept me the way I am? Just as when we practiced the wedding vows. If you can say ‘in sickness and health’, surely you can say ‘whether fucked by another man or not.'”

“Oh Gail, I do want and love you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I-I can see you’re dug in on this idea. O-Okay… I-I accept you the w-way y-you are.”

“Oh darling, I feel so good about us now. Please tell me again and say it completely. Tell me you accept me after I’ve been fucked by Gus or other men, and that you don’t mind their cum being in me.”

“O-O-Other men!”

“Just a figure of speech Gerald darling, please repeat it for me.”

“I-I accept you if you’ve been f-f-fucked by G-Gus or o-other men…a-and with their c-cum in you.”

“SMOOCH!” Gail gave me a long stale French kiss that had the full flavor of her previous boyfriend’s cock and cum.

“We’re going to be so happy Gerald.”

“Now darling, since you’ve proven the first part of your love, I know you won’t mind letting your mouth prove you say what you mean, and mean what you say.” As Gail was speaking she begin to undress. In a swift move she had her skirt and her panties off. Before I knew what was happening, she had laid back on the sofa and had parted her legs to reveal her moist tangled pussy bush. The odor of heavy sex emanated from her beautiful snatch. There was no doubt another man had been playing in it. Her vulva was reddish and slightly swollen. Her twat slit had definitely been well stretched and had not snapped back to its pre- fuck condition.

“Gerald, darling, come eat me out and lets seal this moment of love between us. I feel so romantic. Show me that Gus is wrong about you. Show me that you’re a man who goes after the woman he wants and doesn’t worry about the price he has to pay. Thank you darling for being a man for all seasons.” Gail cooed in a most sensuous tone.

She was so convincing. Her building up my ego also played a role in me letting her guide my head and lips right to her heated, slick, still leaking, previously used, slimy muff.

I started off slow licking, lapping and getting use to her swampy jism saturated and flavored cunt. I was surprised at how easy my taste buds acclimated to the lusty slimy fuck juices. It was a far easier eating than I thought it would be.

It was even more eerie that I felt more in charge and confident as I worked my tongue and felt the woman I love squirming in response to my efforts as she ground and scrubbed her sloppy crotch in my face.

After I got her off three times with my oral actions, She finally let go of my ears and let me mount her. She was still very wet and well lubricated as I slide my far smaller prick in her well used love canal. The heated wetness was oh so soothing and pleasurable even if I didn’t last but thirty seconds.

Gail basically didn’t seem to notice much of my efforts, as she seemed to still be settling down from my suck job on her cunt. It hurt to hear her mumble what I thought was Gus’s name just as I was coming in her pussy.

After we both had delighted in the afterglow of our orgasms, we laid there and talked about stuff, including how she couldn’t wait to see the look n Gus’s face after she told him, I passed all his tests and that I only had one more to go.

“One more test?” I inquired with a puzzled look on my face and in the tone of my voice.

“Yes, he did bring it up, but I wanted to wait a while. I’m not sure I’m ready for it yet myself, even though I think I am. But I want to wait a day or two to see what your reaction will be to all this. After all Gerald, you may wake up in the morning and not want me anymore. I really want a true soul mate, some one for all seasons. Someone I can believe in.”

I reassured her I was that person. I even swore that since I’d gone as far as I had, surely there couldn’t be much more to embarrass me in me paying the price of love, so to speak.


Here I am standing at the altar waiting for my bride, Gail, to walk down the aisle any minute. As I’m waiting, I think back over the last few months and the changes that’ve occurred.

How Gus influenced us to wait until June to get married. I still don’t fully understand why we did as he desired of us. Some people have this influential power over others I guess.

Anyway he recommended to Gail that she be six months along, carrying his baby as she walked toward me to be joined in wedlock.

Yes, her being pregnant by another man was the last test to determine my true love for her. Not just pregnant, but clearly and visibly showing with people knowing it was not my child.

It was strange, but after I first committed to accept Gail ‘ whether fucked by other men or not’, I don’t believe we ever made love again when she didn’t have Gus or some of his buddies sperm in her. I got use to her smelling of having been used by several men when we made love.

One time she came in from a gang bang with semen soaked clothes and jism all in her hair. She refused to shower and clean up until I’d made mouth love to her raw, puffy, and bruised sperm laden cunt. We Frenched kiss so much that time that the group’s melded semen was second nature to my palate, as I got use to my fiancee’s slick jism coated gums and tongue.

I had fallen in love with a slut and was apparently becoming acclimated to it. I recalled all the cum I’d eaten out of her well fucked and stretched snatch since last August.

My commitment had been made in August. In November it was decided by Gus that she was to get impregnated by January, therefore I was excluded from coming in her pussy, even wearing a condom, until she was inseminated. She either sucked me off or jacked me off for relief during the time she was trying to become inseminated. She was tested pregnant by the end of December. Gus had done his deed well. She told all her girlfriends he was the real father of her baby to be and that I was going to be the legal daddy.

Of course by the time the wedding rolled around, it was all over town that Gus had fucked and impregnated my fiancee and that I was still going to marry her with his baby in her.

I felt so foolish, but yet I also felt good about having proved to him and my wife that I was indeed man enough to pay the price of love.

“She looks so radiant, doesn’t she?” Gus said as he stood next to me.

I nodded affirmatively to my best man. It was Gail’s idea for me to ask Gus to do that honor. She said it would truly signal to Gus that I was secure with my love for her and that I was man enough to show him so, even though he’d knocked her up and she was going to have his child. My objections to doing so were met with persuasive logic from her that only a ‘real man’ would be big enough to do what she was asking of me. Again I capitulated to my fianc�e’s desire, as I once more demonstrated that I could be the man she perceived me to be.

As the music starts and Gail walks down the aisle in her white maternity gown, I’m full of jitters that finally she’s at last going to be mine, even if she’s bringing me her tummy full with another man’s baby too.


“What!” I cried out in disbelief. “Honey, you’re upset? Why? He just wants to borrow me for the evening. He knows I belong to you. It’s not like he’s taking me away from you or I’m leaving you. He’s going to bring me back home to you.”

“B-But Gail, y-you promised that you’d be all mine a-after we’re married.” I angrily stammered out words of anger.

“Darling, I am all yours. But what I really said was that my heart belongs to you and you alone. No one will take that from you. My love spirit belongs only to you. We are soul mates, remember? If someone threatens to take my emotional love from you, then you’d be justified in being concerned. But you don’t have a thing to worry about honey, he and his friend just want to have a good time and probably want to borrow my pussy for a little fucking, that’s all.”

“Borrow y-your… H-His friends? T-that’s all!”

“Sweetie, lets look at this logically. First of all, you’re not much on going out or dancing right?”

“W-Well…” I attempted to reply, but was searching for words when my wife cut me off.

“You know you’re more of a homebody, and when we do go out you’re worried about how much it costs. Well this won’t cost you a cent. They’re paying for the evening. So therefore you’re saving on the cost of a night out on the town for me. Not to mention with you here watching the baby, we save on the cost of a babysitter. See my point?”

“W-Well…, but…”

“And another point darling, you really won’t be using my pussy the whole night anyway. What does it take, no more than two minutes for you to get off after a few strokes in me?”

“Y-You know I-I’ll l-lick you as long as it takes to satis…”

“You can still eat my pussy when they bring me home, besides I expect you to do that anyway. If you didn’t, I’d think you didn’t love me.”

“I-I see, w-well that is, I-I think I see.” I replied slowly trying to make some sense of my wife’s logic. “I-I guess it may be okay, a-at least since I’m sure they’ll be using condoms… Y-you are going to have them u-use condoms?”

“I’m glad you brought that up darling. No they won’t. In fact Gus called earlier to let me know he wasn’t going to use any rubbers. Just like before I was married, he wanted to let me know he wanted my pussy wet and raw – black skin to white skin, with only hot pussy juice between his dick and my pussy flesh.”

“B-But Gail, y-you’re off the pill. Y-You could get pregnant. A-And besides, if-if I have to wear a rubber why doesn’t he and his buddies?”

“Well darling, you and I both know you wear them not only for protection but to also to increase your stamina to prevent pre-mature ejaculation. Gus never had that problem and all the fellows I dated never had that problem, hence they don’t have to wear rubbers for that purpose. Their dicks do well, very well, in my juicy hot pussy. You know how I’ve told you how long they last before shooting off.”

I know I looked truly pathetic now as my wife reminded me so pointedly of how superior her ex-fuck studs were in comparison to me.

“Darling, they’ve all promised to pull out and let me swallow their cum. No mess no fuss, just good fucking and sucking that’s all that’s going be happening. There’s nothing for you to be upset about. And besides, if for some reason, their cum should happen to get me knocked up, it’ll just give you another opportunity to further prove your love to me, not to mention a new little brother or sister for little Gus here.”

I stood virtually speechless at my wife’s words. I knew further discussion was futile.

After she tenderly kissed me goodbye, I stood at the window holding our son, Gus Junior. I continued looking out, as my wife drove off in the night. She would soon be in the arms of our son’s real father, Gus Senior.

I mentally sighed. I thought I’d pass the love test with flying colors. However, now it looks like there will be many more to go.