Naked in School – Dee’s Story
TUESDAY On the Bus
‘Beep – beep’ went the school bus. Dee grabbed her backpack and rushed out to the bus. Staying true to what she had told her Mom and Carl, she was naked. After saying hi to the bus driver, she saw Brandi, who was sitting by herself toward the back of the bus. Dee went and sat down by her.
“Hi, Brandi.”
“Hello, Dee.”
Dee sat down by Brandi. “Well…?”
Brandi looked at Dee, blushing a bit. “Yes.”
“Well, let me see.”
“Here?” asked Brandi, looking a little shocked. Looking at Dee and seeing that Dee was insistent, she pulled up the front of her skirt all the way up, exposing her pussy. After letting Dee see it for a few seconds, Brandi pulled down her skirt. Unbuttoning a couple of buttons on her blouse, Brandi then opened her blouse, exposing her breasts to Dee.
“Okay. How do you feel?”
“Excited and embarrassed. I have never done anything like this and never would even thought about not wearing any underwear to school. I couldn’t believe it when you sent me that e-mail, telling me not to wear any underwear today.”
“Enjoy it. It will be fun.” Dee looked at her new friend. She could see that Brandi’s nipples were erected and pushing out the thin material of her shirt. “I can see that you are enjoying it already.”
“How do you know that?” asked Brandi. Dee pointed to her chest. Blushing, Brandi said, “Or I’m just cold.” Both girls laughed at the joke.
As more kids got on, they would take a good look as Dee. Ignoring them, Dee and Brandi talked about more mundane things as the bus made it’s way to school. Before too long, the bus arrived at school.
Dee and Brandi got off the bus and headed toward the East Entrance. As they got closer, Dee saw Nancy taking off her clothes and putting them into the locked box. There were a bunch of boys watching Nancy and then gave a good long stare at Dee as she approached the entrance. There were a few catcalls, which Dee and Nancy pretty much ignored.
When Nancy finished, Dee said, “Hi, Nancy. This is my new friend, Brandi.”
“Hi, Dee. Hi, Brandi.” Nancy picked up her books and other stuff. “Dee, did you ride the bus naked?”
“Sure, why not?” asked Dee. “I’m going to end up being naked all day anyway, so why not. It will save time. I also told my Mom and Carl that I was planning to stay naked all week.”
Nancy thought about for a few seconds. “I guess you are right, but I don’t think my parents would want me to do that.”
Brandi, Dee and Nancy were about ready to enter the school, when a couple of boys came up and asked if Dee and Nancy would let them look at their pussies. Of course they had to, so they gave Brandi their books. Dee and Nancy reached down and pulled their lips apart, which gave the boys a good look at their plumbing. The boys looked at the spread pussies for about a minute.
The boys then looked at Dee and Nancy’s breasts. Then they asked if the girls would play with their nipples. Since it was a reasonable request, Dee and Nancy complied with the request. It didn’t take long for their nipples to get hard. As the boys looked, Dee looked around and saw that a bit of a crowd had gathered around, most of them boys. There was a couple of nervous looking girls, who Dee thought might be candidates for The Program and wanted to see what might be happening to them.
Rrrrriiiiinnnnnggg went the first warning bell. The crowd of students started to dissipate. Brandi gave Dee and Nancy their books. The girls entered the school and headed toward their homerooms.
As they were walking toward their homerooms, Dee, in a slightly elevated voice, “Nancy, Brandi doesn’t have any underwear on.” The comment did attract the attention of some of the boys around them, but since the hallway was kind of crowded, they really didn’t know who made the comment.
“Dee, why did you have to say that so loud,” said Brandi in a whisper.
“There is probably a good chance that, before the end of the day, people will know that you aren’t wearing any underwear. I could tell that you aren’t wearing a bra when we first met.” Brandi looked down and saw that her nipples were still very hard and very erect. “And it wouldn’t surprise me if somehow, either intentionally or accidentally, you let people know that you don’t have any panties on either.”
Dee’s homeroom was the first one that the three girls came to, so Dee said bye and that she would see them later. Before going into her homeroom, Dee said to Brandi, “Meet me in the bathroom before lunch.” Brandi said that she would.
Walking into her homeroom, Dee was greeted with a few catcalls from the boys in the room. The girls in the room nervously looked at Dee. As Dee reached her seat, Ms. Tanner had the class stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. After the Pledge, the class listened to the announcements.
“Who would like to take the attendance slip to the office?” Several students raised their hands, including Dee raised their hands. “Dee, you can take it down to the office.”
Dee got out of her seat, picked up her books and took the slip from Ms. Tanner. She walked out of the class and went toward the office. As she handed the attendance slip to the attendance clerk. As Dee left the office, the bell for the 1st period class rang. As she headed for math class, Dee met up with Nancy. The two girls walked toward their class.
Just outside the room, Nancy all of a sudden yelped and jumped. “Damn, someone just pinched me.” Looking around, Nancy tried to see who had pinched her, but there was no way that she could tell who had done it.
Dee looked at Nancy’s butt, but said that she couldn’t see any pinch marks on her butt. The two girls laughed about it and went into their class. The morning classes were pretty much like the day before. Teachers and the students in the classes acted the same. Between classes, both of them had to submit to a couple inspections, but they knew that would happen and they were expecting it.
Before going to the lunchroom, Dee went to the girls’ room. Brandi was in there as she said she would be. It was a little surprising, considering it was lunchtime, that there wasn’t any other girls in there.
“Okay, let’s see!” said Dee.
“I still can’t believe that I agreed to do this,” said Brandi. Instead of unbuttoning her blouse, Brandi just pulled up her blouse, exposing her perky tits to Dee. After a few seconds, Brandi pulled her blouse back down and then grabbed the hem of her skirt. Lifting her skirt up for a few seconds, she showed Dee that she still didn’t have any underwear on and then let her skirt fall.
“Okay,” said Dee, quietly. “You did as I asked. How have your been enjoying running around without any underwear?”
“Yes, it is exciting,” said Brandi in a quiet, but excited voice. “And kind of sexy running around without underwear and no one else knowing. Kind of like wearing really sexy underwear, even though no one else will know that you are wearing them or will see them.”
“Well, I’m glad that you are enjoying it. It is good practice for when you will be totally in The Program,” replied Dee.
Looking around, Brandi gave Dee a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for suggesting it.”
With that, Dee went into one of the stalls. When she was done, Brandi was waiting for her. The two girls went out of the bathroom and went to the lunchroom. Nancy was in line, waiting for Dee. The three girls got their lunches and found a table to sit down at.
Like the day before, some of Dee and Nancy’s friends came over and sat down with them. They had all kinds of questions about what was going on with The Program. One girl, who Dee had seen, but really didn’t know, wanted to sit down with her. Dee said sure and after sitting down, she started to ask Dee all kinds of questions about The Program. After a few questions, Dee asked her why she was so interested in The Program. The girl said that she had overheard her parents deciding to put her into The Program and she really didn’t want to do it. Dee tried to encourage her and say that it wasn’t as bad as it looked and it was kind of fun. The girl wasn’t completely convinced, but said that she would try to do her best when it came to her turn.
After lunch, Dee and Nancy headed toward the gym. When they got to the boys’ locker room, Mr. Hunter stopped them and told Dee that she was to go to Room 213. After Dee asked why she had to go to the other class, Mr. Hunter said that he really didn’t know. just that he was told to send her to that room. Saying good bye to Nancy, Dee went to Room 213.
Anatomy Lesson
When she got to Room 213, Dee walked into the room. Mrs. Highsmith was the teacher in the room, which was one of the larger classrooms in the school. The classroom was filled with students, who looked for the most part like they were 5th and 6th graders. Mrs. Highsmith asked Dee to take one of the seats on the side of the room. As she sat down, Dee noticed some other nude students. There was a wide variety of ages, a boy and girl who looked about 8, another boy and girl about 10, and boys and girls who looked about 14 and 16. As she looked around, Dee saw Ken Green, who was the same age as she was, walking into the room. Seeing Dee, Ken came over and sat down next to her.
“Hi, Dee. I was told to come up here. Do you know what is going on?”
“Hi, Ken. No, I don’t have a clue. The same thing happened to me. I was just told to come up here.”
“Me neither. It almost looks like a lecture hall. I wonder what the lesson will…,” said Dee.
Ken finished her thought. “Do you think we are the lesson?”
Mrs. Highsmith spoke to the class. “As all of you are aware of, the school has started the Nude in School program. Right now, 7th and 8th grade students are the only ones who will be part of The Program at the middle school, but that could change. I’m sure that, before this week, a lot of you have never really seen a member of the opposite sex naked, so it was thought that we would give everyone in the 5th and 6th grades an anatomy lesson. We were able to get some volunteers for the lessons, but we also needed a couple of the students who are in The Program.” Waving her hand at the nude students, “So, with the help of these volunteers, you will get a course in male and female anatomy and development.”
Ken leaned over to Dee and said, “I don’t remember volunteering. Do you?”
Dee replied, “No, I don’t remember doing that either.”
Turning to the nude students, Mrs. Highsmith said, “Gentlemen, would you please come up here.”
Ken gave Dee his books and reluctantly walked up to where Mrs. Highsmith was standing. The other four nude males also came up and stood near Mrs. Highsmith, who arranged them by age. After introducing them, Mrs. Highsmith started the lesson on male anatomy and development. For the next 20 minutes, Mrs. Highsmith gave the gathered students a very detailed lesson on the male anatomy. As she gave the lesson, the students were getting a good look at the various stages of the development of penises and of the boys themselves. After she gave a detailed description of each male and his penis, Mrs. Highsmith had the boy masturbate to erection. This way, the class could see how the same penis looked flaccid and erect.
The penises of the boys were of various sizes with the two youngest boys not looking much bigger erect then they were soft. Ken’s was noticeably bigger when erect, but not a whole lot bigger. The two older boys were quite a bit bigger when they had an erection then when they didn’t. The two older boys weren’t circumcised, so the class could see the difference between boys who were and weren’t circumcised. Looking over the class, Dee could see that some of the boys, who were looking at the older boys, looking a bit envious, while the girls looked a bit nervous.
“Thank you, gentlemen. You did a very good job. You can go back to your seats.” Dee thought that Mrs. Highsmith had given a very good lesson.
Spontaneously, the class started clapping. “Justin, would you please stay up here?” said Mrs. Highsmith. The four boys went back to the seats. Looking at the girls, Mrs. Highsmith said, “It’s your turn, ladies. Come on up.”
As Dee stood up, Ken said, winking, “Have a good time.” Dee turned around and stuck her tongue out at Ken. Dee walked up and found herself in the middle of the line.
After putting Justin next to Peggy, the youngest girl in the group. Mrs. Highsmith started the lesson. “As you can see, the biggest difference between females and males is that boys have penises and girls have vulvas and vaginas.” Mrs. Highsmith pointed out those parts on Peggy. “Peggy is a normal 8-year-old. She doesn’t have any breast development or any pubic hair. It will be a couple years before she starts developing breasts and starts growing pubic hair.”
A boy in the class raised his hand to ask a question. Mrs. Highsmith called on him. “Don’t girls have breasts and boys don’t?”
“Boys have breasts, but they don’t develop the way that girls’ breasts do,” Mrs. Highsmith said. “But I have seen boys that have bigger tits then some girls.” That got a laugh from the assembled students.
Getting back to the lesson, Mrs. Highsmith said, “If you notice, except for their plumbing, they look pretty much the same.” Mrs. Highsmith had Justin and Peggy turn around. Dee agreed with Mrs. Highsmith that they looked pretty much the same.
“Thank you, Justin. You can sit down now.” As Justin returned to his seat, Mrs. Highsmith turned her attention to Kelly. “Kelly is 10 and is normally developed for her age. If you look at Peggy, you can see that Kelly looks pretty much the same as Peggy, except Kelly has a little breast development.” Dee looked and saw that Kelly had noticeable bumps on her chest that were the beginnings of breasts. “Kelly doesn’t have any pubic hair, but she should be starting to get it soon.” Mrs. Highsmith took a closer look at Kelly’s crotch. “Well, Kelly has started growing pubic hair. There are a few hairs down there.” Kelly was blushing at the attention. “Please turn around, Kelly.” Still blushing, Kelly slowly turned around. When she finished, Mrs. Highsmith said, “Thank you, Kelly.”
Stepping over to Dee, Mrs. Highsmith said, “This is Diane. She is 12. You can see that her breasts are more developed and she has much more pubic hair. You notice that Diane’s pubic hair is a little darker, but the same color as the hair on her head. Especially with blondes, here has been always been some question as to is that their natural color. There is no question that Diane is a natural blonde, but there are some girls who have blonde hair, but dark pubic hair. A blonde having dark pubic hair doesn’t necessarily means that she isn’t a natural blonde.” Mrs. Highsmith had Dee turn around, but stopped her when she was facing away from the class. “Diane is starting to get more of a womanly shape, as her hips are getting wider and her buttocks are getting bigger and fuller.” Mrs. Highsmith had Dee turn the rest of the way around. “Thank you, Diane.”
Mrs. Highsmith went over to Mary, who was next in line. Mrs. Highsmith did basically the same thing to Mary that she had done to Dee, pointing out that Mary’s breasts were more developed. Mary also had more pubic hair and a wider set of hips. Mrs. Highsmith had Mary turn around for the class.
Tina was the last girl in the group. It wasn’t till then that Dee noticed that Tina didn’t have any pubic hair. Mrs. Highsmith pointed out to the class that Tina had the biggest breasts of the group and had started to explain why Tina didn’t have pubic hair when a boy from the class raised his hand for a question.
“Mrs. Highsmith, why doesn’t Tina have any hair between her legs? Does it fall out when a girl gets older?”
“No, it doesn’t. Some girls like to shave off their pubic hair for various reasons,” explained Mrs. Highsmith. “Tina, would you like to tell the class why you shaved your pubic hair?”
“Sure, Mrs. Highsmith,” replied Tina. “One reason is that I usually wear pretty brief bikinis and I don’t want my pus…I mean my pubic hair to peek out of my bikini bottoms. Another reason is my mother shaves and my father likes the little girl look that my mother has with no pubic hair. I decided to give the shaved look a try and when I did, I founded out that I liked the look too.” Tina blushed, and with nothing on, you could see the blush all over her. “My boyfriend also likes the little girl look.”
“Thank you, Tina.” Looking at the clock, Mrs. Highsmith said, “I had one more lesson for the ladies to present, but it doesn’t look like we will have time to do it the way I had planned. Each of you got a sheet with a drawing of the male and female sex organs. Since it is pretty easy to see the boys’ sex organ, I was going to have everyone get a close up look of the sex organs of each of these ladies, so they could see the different stages of the female development. Since we don’t have enough time, I want everyone to form three lines.” The students quickly formed the requested three lines.
Mrs. Highsmith continued. “Diane, Mary and Tina, I would like you to sit on the step.”
The three girls sat down. Mrs. Highsmith asked that the girls to move apart a little bit and then she said, “That is fine. First, I want you to lean back.” Dee and the other two girls complied with the request. “Now, I would like you to spread your legs and spread your vaginal lips. I would like you to hold them open, so everyone in your line can take a good look at your sex organs.”
When she found out that she was going to be in The Program, Dee knew that people would be getting up close and personal with her pussy, but she didn’t think that it would be for a whole class. She knew that something like this might happen to her after hearing the stories of both Carl and Beth being used as models for an anatomical French lesson. Resigning to the inevitable, Dee leaned back and reached down and spread her lips apart.
One of the boys in the class approached Dee’s wide spread legs and put his face very, very close to Dee’s pussy. Every once in a while, he would look at the paper and then look back at her pussy. Mrs. Highsmith had to keep to a time schedule so after about a minute, she told the next student to take their place.
“Thank you, Diane. That was very interesting and it looks really nice,” said the boy as he moved away from Dee. Dee told him thank you.
A girl took his place. Just like the boy before her, the girl moved in close and would alternate looks at Dee’s pussy and the drawings. After taking a good look at Dee’s pussy, the girl said, “So that is what my pussy looks like.”
Each girl had about 15 of the 5th and 6th graders inspecting her. While the students were inspecting her, Dee was both embarrassed and excited about being on such a public display. Dee could tell that her pussy was getting wet and her nipples were getting hard. She wasn’t sure, but she thought that she could feel some pussy juice going down her butt crack.
As the students would look, Mrs. Highsmith would move around to help the students find the various parts of the three girls and answer any questions that they had. While the students were looking, Dee would hear comments like, ‘Wow, I didn’t know it looked like that’, ‘So that is what a pussy looks like’, or ‘That really looks cool’. Dee wasn’t sure, but she thought that she heard a female voice say, ‘I would like to get into that’.
Finally, the inspections were done. Mrs. Highsmith said that their job was done and that they could stand up. As Dee was starting to get up, she noticed that Ken was standing between her legs.
“Mrs. Highsmith, could I take a closer look at Dee’s…I mean, Diane’s pussy?”
“Is that okay with you, Diane?” Dee nodded. “Yes, Ken, you may,” said Mrs. Highsmith.
‘Thanks, Dee,” said Ken as he knelt between her legs. Ken put his face so close to Dee’s pussy that she could feel his breath on her clit. Ken would ask her to move her lips around so he could see the various parts of her privates. This inspection caused Dee to get more excited as her hands would hit her clit and send a tingle through her pussy.
Finally, Mrs. Highsmith told Ken that time was up. Ken stood up and offered his hand to Dee to help her up. Dee took the offered hand and got up with Ken’s help. After she had stood up, Dee figured that Ken must have enjoyed the inspection too as he had a hard on. Mrs. Highsmith asked that the nude students to go back to their seats.
“I would like to thank our models for their assistance in this lesson.” The assembled students clapped to show their appreciation. “I had hoped that we would have time for more questions, but we went too long with the main part of our lesson. If you have any questions, please ask your health teacher,” said Mrs. Highsmith.
Rrriiinnnggg went the bell. “Class dismissed.” The 5th and 6th graders left the classroom. Mrs. Highsmith had the nude students stay after for a few moments. Mrs. Highsmith told Dee and Ken that they were to go back to their next class or if they had a double period class, they were to go to the library for an extra study hall. The class that Ken had missed was a single period class, so he would be going to his regular science class. Dee’s gym class was a double period class so she had to go to the library.
Dee and Ken reached the stairwell and started down it. This stairwell wasn’t used that much, so by the time they reached it, the stairwell was empty.
“That was pretty intense, wasn’t it, Dee,” asked Ken.
“It sure was,” replied Dee. “Even though I did have some idea of what The Program might involved, I never thought that I would be on display like that.”
“I thought that you handled that pretty well, Dee,” said Ken. “I’m happy that you allowed me to look at you. I hope that I didn’t embarrassed you.”
“No, you didn’t embarrass me,” said Dee. “How could you embarrass me after I was on display for over a half hour in front of bunch of 5th and 6th graders.”
“Yours is the first pussy that I have ever had a good look at. I did see my sister’s pussy while she was in The Program, but not as close up as view as you gave me. I never thought of asking and I’m not sure that she would have let me, even if I had asked her if I could look at it.”
Stopping on the landing, Dee thought for a few seconds. Looking around and seeing that the stairwell was still empty. “Ken, since you had a good look at my pussy, why not have a feel.”
“What!” said Ken.
“Sure, Ken.” Dee put her books down and took the pose that she heard that the girls in the high school did when boys wanted to inspect them, legs spread and hands clasped behind her head. “Go ahead and finger my pussy. I don’t mind. You just have to do it quickly, but be gentle.”
Ken didn’t expect Dee to be so direct, but decided not to pass up the opportunity. “Okay, Dee, if you are sure it is okay.” Dee nodded. Ken reached out and rubbed Dee’s breast. He could feel the nipple get hard. “That does feel nice.” Dee nodded her agreement.
Reaching down between her legs, Ken cupped Dee’s sex. Rubbing it, Ken could feel Dee’s silky pubic hair and the moistness from her vagina. As he continued to rub, Ken felt his finger slip between Dee’s outer lips and then between her inner lips. Ken had never felt anything like the inside of Dee’s pussy. “Wow, that feels great, Dee.” While he didn’t realize it, concentrating on what he was doing, Ken was becoming quite erect.
This was the first time that any boy had felt her pussy and Dee was enjoying the feeling. “Mmmm, that does feel great, Ken. That feels better then when I do it myself.” Dee could feel Ken’s finger rubbing her clit and it was sending tingles through her pussy.
Dee wanted to continue, but they were running out of time. Gently taking his hand in hers, Dee pushed Ken’s hand away from her twat. “Wow, Ken, that really felt good. I wish we could keep doing that, but we got to get to class.” Fortunately, Mrs. Highsmith had given them late slips, so they could be late, but not too late.
“Yes, you are right,” said Ken as he reached down, picked up Dee’s books and handed them to her. “We need to get to class.”
Dee and Ken picked up the pace a little bit as they headed to class. The library and Ken’s science classroom were in the same direction, so they were able to walk together. As they were walking and talking, four girls were walking the other way. As the girls approached, they stared unabashedly at Ken. Looking down, Ken saw why they were staring at him.
After the girls passed, Dee looked at him and said, “I can see why they were staring. You must have enjoyed what just went on.”
“I sure did,” said Ken, smiling. “Oh, shit.”
“What’s wrong,” asked Dee.
“I just realized that I know one of those girls. Tracy, the girl in the green dress, thinks that I’m her boyfriend,” explained Ken. “It probably wasn’t a good thing for her to see us naked and me with a hardon. She will probably think something is going on between us.”
“Do you like her?”
“No, not as a girlfriend,” said Ken. “I do like her, but there is nothing else between us.”
It didn’t take long for the two friends to reach the library. “You better get to class, so you can get some Relief,” teased Dee.
“You are probably right,” said Ken. “I wouldn’t mind it if you would give me some Relief.” A split second later, a shocked and embarrassed look came over Ken’s faces. “I mean…umm…oh, shit. I’m sorry, Dee. I didn’t mean to say that.”
“You didn’t?” Ken shook his head in agreement. “That’s too bad. I wouldn’t have mind giving you some Relief.” The look on Ken’s face softened quite a bit. “If we had more time and it wasn’t against the rules, I would give you some Relief right now.”
“You would,” said Ken with a hopeful look on his face.
Dee inwardly smiled at the look on Ken’s face. She never realized what power girls had over boys. “I would love to, but we don’t have time now. Maybe later. You got to get to your class.” With that, Dee turned and walked into the library, leaving Ken in the hallway with probably an even harder hardon.
Dee went to the desk and showed the librarian her hall pass, who okayed it. Dee found a table and sat down. She thought about what happened so far this afternoon and couldn’t really believe what she had done, especially promising a handjob to Ken. Well, she had to go through with it. In her family, any deal made had to be honored, so she would do it.
Dee got some homework out and started to do it. Try as hard as she could, she couldn’t concentrate on it. Giving up on it, Dee walked over to the fiction area and found a book to read. As she walked back to the table, Dee noticed two boys watching her. Sitting down, Dee started to read the book.
After a short time, she noticed that the boys had moved to the table next to hers. As they sat there, the boys would drop pencils and books to try to see her pussy. ‘What a pair of prevs,’ thought Dee. The boys continued to do this for most of the period.
Just before the end of the period, Dee had enough of these two little dorks, so she walked over to where they were sitting. She could see that they were a little intimidated by this nude girl coming right up to them. She saw a step stool nearby, which she kicked over to the table.
“You know, if you wanted to look at it,” said Dee as she placed her foot on the stool, which gave the two boys a good view of her spread crotch, “all you would have had to done is ask. So take a good look.”
The two boys were really embarrassed, but they did take a good look at Dee’s pussy.
After a few seconds, the bell rang and Dee walked to her table and picked up her books. As she got to the desk, on her way out, the librarian stopped her.
“Diane, I don’t really approve of what you just did to those two boys,” said Mrs. Lynn, which caused Dee to think that she was in trouble, “but they had it coming. I have to admit, you certainly put them in their place.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lynn.”
Mrs. Lynn continued, “I think what those boys were doing violates The Program. Do you want me to report them?”
Dee thought about it for a few seconds. “I don’t think so, Mrs. Lynn. They were just being normal boys, trying to look at my pus…I mean, my vagina. There is nothing wrong with that. The only thing that I didn’t like is that they didn’t ask. I would have gladly given them a good look at me.”
Mrs. Lynn smiled. “That is a very mature attitude to take. You better get to class.”
“Yes, Mrs. Lynn.” Dee left the library and headed toward her science class. Even though her classroom was some distance from the library, Dee was a little surprised that she didn’t get stopped and inspected by someone.
Even if science had been one of her favorite classes, Dee wouldn’t have remembered too much of it. She had experienced quite a lot in the last two days, but quite a bit in the last couple hours. Her teacher had to bring her back to the reality of the class a couple times. Teachers had been instructed to understand and patient with the students who were in The Program, so the teacher just ignored Dee’s daydreaming.
Finally, the school day was over. Dee picked up her books and headed toward her locker. For the most part, the students were more interested in going home, so no one really paid much attention to her. Dee opened her locker and got her backpack. She selected the books that she had to take home and put them in the backpack. As Dee left the East Entrance, she saw Brandi and Nancy standing by the boxes. Nancy was getting dressed.
The girls exchanged greetings. Both Brandi and Nancy had heard about the anatomy lesson and wanted to hear more about it. Dee said that she didn’t have time to tell Nancy about it, as they both had buses to catch, but Dee said that she would call and tell Nancy all about it.
After getting dressed, Nancy said good bye to Dee and Brandi and headed toward her bus. Dee and Brandi got on their bus. The two girls found a seat and just talked about normal stuff. Brandi wanted Dee to tell her about the anatomy lesson, so quietly, Dee told about her being a visual aid for the anatomy lesson. While Dee was recounting the story, Brandi kept going ‘oh, wow’ or ‘that is so kewl’.
After telling about the anatomy lesson, Dee debated telling about what happened after the lesson. Deciding that it would be okay, Dee told Brandi about letting Ken feel her pussy and then what happened in the library. Brandi couldn’t believe that Dee let Ken feel her up. Brandi said that she had never had a boy feel her pussy and that she was kind of looking forward to it. Brandi also liked the way that Dee had handled the two peeping toms in the library.
The two girls had a good time talking for the rest of the trip. Finally, the bus pulled up in front of Dee’s house.
“See ya tomorrow,” said Dee. “Are you still planning on coming over to my house after school tomorrow?
Blushing at what was going to happen, Brandi said, “Yes, I’m. I’m looking forward to it.”
Dee said bye and got off the bus and headed toward her house.
Tuesday After School
After unlocking the door, Dee walked into the house. She went upstairs, dropped off her backpack in her room and went into the bathroom. After she was done in the bathroom, Dee went back downstairs. As she walked in the living room, she saw the message light on the answering machine flashing. Pressing the playback button, she heard a couple messages that were not for her and then there was one from her Mom.
‘Hi, sweetie. I found out that I can get out of work early. I need to go to the mall and I thought that you might want to go along. We can eat at Teddy’s. If you would like to go, give me a call. Love ya.’
‘Kewl,’ thought Dee. She picked up the phone and gave her Mom a call.
About twenty minutes later, Dee heard her Mom’s car in the driveway. She grabbed her backpack purse and rushed out to the car. “Hi, Mom,” said Dee and then gave her Mom a kiss.
Rita backed the car out of the driveway and headed toward the mall. “Well, how did school go today?”
Dee recounted the events of the day, including the anatomy lesson. As Dee told the story of the day’s events, her Mom listened intently, interrupting Dee by saying, ‘oh, my’ or ‘oh, my dear’. Dee even told about letting Ken feel her pussy and the two peeping toms in the library. As they traveled toward the mall, Dee and her Mom talked about The Program and how Dee thought about it. As Dee had been talking about the events of the day, Rita was getting a little more confident about making the decision to put both Carl and Dee into The Program. Rita thought that Dee seemed to have handled the situations that she found herself in school today a lot better then she would have handled them.
They arrived at the mall and parked near the entrance to Teddy’s. Rita and Dee went into the Mall and headed toward the business computer store that was in the mall. Rita’s boss had asked her if she could go to the store and pick up the program that the company had ordered. The store was in one of the minor concourses in the mall, so there wasn’t too many people in that concourse. The few that were in the concourse couldn’t help but notice Dee. As they went by the people, it seemed like everyone had a comment, most of them positive, some negative. While Rita seemed to hear them all, Dee didn’t seem to hear any of them.
As they headed toward Teddy’s, Rita and Dee noticed that there were a few nude customers in the mall. After The Program and public nudity had been in effect for awhile, the merchants got together and decided that they would try to get more customers into the stores during the weekdays. Instead of giving the same discount all the time, the mall merchants decided that they would give larger discounts Sunday through Thursday to nude customers.
As they were heading down the concourse toward Teddy’s, Rita and Dee saw Nancy and her mother, Jill, coming the other way.
The two mothers and daughters exchanged greetings.
“Wow,” said Nancy to Dee, “you are still naked.”
“Yes, I have been naked since we found out that The Program had started and that we were going to be in it,” replied Dee. “I’m really enjoying it and I plan on staying this way for the whole week.”
“That is pretty kewl, Dee,” said Nancy. “I wish I was brave enough to stay naked for the whole week.”
“Jill, Dee and I were going to go and eat at Teddy’s. Would you like to join us?” asked Rita.
“Can we, Mom? Please?” asked Nancy. “Teddy’s is so kewl.”
“Well, I hadn’t planned on eating here, but I guess we could. Let me call your Dad.” Jill got her cellphone out and called her husband. After a couple of minutes, Jill closed the phone and said, “It’s okay with your Dad, so let go.”
The four ladies finally got to Teddy’s. Teddy’s was Dee’s favorite restaurant, so she was really happy that her Mom suggested that they eat there and that Nancy and her Mom could join them. Since it was around 4:00, there wasn’t much of a line. The dinner rush hadn’t started yet, so they only had to wait a few minutes to get a booth, which they had requested.
The theme of Teddy’s was teddy bears. Teddy bears were all over the restaurant, on the walls, on the tables, everywhere. There were very few places in the restaurant that a customer could look and not see a bear. There was even a small play area, called the Bears’ Den, which had bears that the kids could play with while waiting for their food.
Rita and Dee sat on one side of the booth, while Jill and Nancy took the other side. Before they sat down, Nancy whispered something to her Mom. Jill nodded.
Nancy said, “I’m going to go to the Ladies’ room, Dee. Would you like to join me?”
Dee looked at Rita, who nodded her approval. With that approval, Dee went with Nancy to the Ladies’ room.
Dee and Nancy went into the Ladies’ Room. Both girls used the facilities and while at the sink, as they were washing their hands, Dee asked Nancy, “Why aren’t you naked? You have been nude in the mall before.”
“Gee, I don’t know,” said Nancy who was genuinely surprised at Dee’s comment. “My Mom wanted to come to the mall and I was dressed from coming home from school, so that is the way I came here. I didn’t even think about doing that.”
“Come on, get naked. I don’t want to be the only one naked at our table,” said Dee.
“I don’t know, Dee. I’m not sure that my Mom would want me to be naked here,” said Nancy.
“Why not. That is one reason for The Program is to be more open about their bodies and to be comfortable in the nude,” explained Dee. “Come on, Nancy. Get naked. If your Mom doesn’t want you to be naked, you can always get dressed. I don’t have any clothes here, so I have to be naked. Well, unless my Mom buys me some new clothes.”
While Nancy didn’t look convinced, she really couldn’t argue with Dee’s logic. “Mmmm, I still don’t know.” In spite of what she had just said, Nancy started stripping. It didn’t take long for Nancy to get naked.
Dee could see that Nancy was blushing. “I can’t believe that you are blushing, Nancy. You have been naked in school for two days and have had a bunch of boys getting close up looks at your pussy and you are embarrassed to get naked in front of me. That’s crazy.”
“I guess that is true. I should be more use to being naked,” Nancy laughed. “Okay, let’s go back to our table.”
While Dee and Nancy were in the bathroom, the two mothers made small talk, which included their daughters’ reaction to The Program.
After a few minutes, Dee and Nancy returned to the booth. Rita was surprised to see that Nancy had stripped.
“I hope that you don’t mind that I took off my clothes, Mom. Dee said that she didn’t want to be the only one naked at the table and I didn’t think that you or Mrs. Walker wanted to get naked, so I decided to get naked.”
Jill smiled. “That is fine with me, honey. Are you okay with being naked here?”
“Yes, Mom. I’m okay,” Nancy said “I don’t think I would have stripped if Dee wouldn’t have been here or if she hadn’t stripped.”
Jill said, “Even though Nancy isn’t really that comfortable being nude in public, she has told me that she is trying to be more like Dee. She thought that Dee would give her some moral support about being nude in public.”
“Ever since her brother was in The Program, Dee has been getting more and more comfortable about being nude in public,” said Rita. “When she came home yesterday, even before I really had a chance to say anything, she said that she was going to remain nude for the whole week,” said Rita.
Dee and Nancy sat down next to their mothers. The server came over and took their drink orders. The four females looked over the menu as they waited for their drinks. They just barely had time to decided what that they wanted for dinner, before their server came back with their drinks.
After giving the server their order, Dee asked, “Can we go play in the Bears’ Den?” The mothers approved and watched as the two naked girls went to the Bears’ Den.
Rita watched as Dee and Nancy bounced over to the Bear’s Den, where there were a couple other kids playing. Earlier, Rita thought that she had made the right decision to put her in The Program, but now she wasn’t so sure. Watching Dee playing with Nancy and the bears, Rita realized what a little girl Dee still was and maybe she had put Dee into a situation that she couldn’t handle. Nudity at home and with friends was a lot different then being nude in school and in public. Still, Dee didn’t seem to be adversely effected by being in The Program so far.
While Rita was watching Dee, Nancy and the other kids in the Bear’s Den, all of a sudden, a couple of people, who she assumed were parents of the other kids, went into the Bear’s Den and made the other kids leave. As they were forced to leave, the kids were protesting having to leave. Rita could see that Dee and Nancy were confused at what had just happened. Dee had been playing with other kids in the Bear’s Den before and nothing like that had happened before.
The server came over and told that their food would be coming out shortly. Rita caught Dee’s eye and motioned them to come back to the booth. Dee told Nancy and the two of them walked back to the booth with a bear in her hand.
“Look, Mom, I found Rennie in the Bear’s Den. Can he be our companion bear?”
Companion bears were a group of bears that customers could take to their booth to accompany them for dinner. After Teddy’s had opened, it didn’t take long for customers, mainly children, that wanted to take the bears that the owners had collected to their tables to accompany them while they ate. Seeing an opportunity to make the dining experience more enjoyable, the owners selected a special group of bears that customers could take to their table. They built cubbyholes for these special bears so customers could easily pick out their favorite bear. At each booth, there was a little table and chair where the companion bear could seat. Rennie was Dee’s favorite and one of the most popular companion bears, so it was a treat for Dee to find her favorite bear.
The server came back with their food. The four females had a very pleasant dinner and enjoyed the conversation that accompanied the meal. The conversation eventually returned to The Program. Jill had some questions for Dee, which she answered completely and truthfully. Nancy gave Rita her opinion of The Program. From what Nancy had said, Rita got the impression that she was handling The Program fairly well. Of course, like Dee, Nancy had a sibling in The Program, so she knew what could and would happen to her.
While Rita and Jill weren’t interested in dessert, Dee and Nancy were, so they were looking at the menu.
As she and Nancy were looking at the menu, Dee heard her mother say, “Oh, shit. Why now?”
“You owe the swear jar a quarter,” Dee said jokingly.
“Not now, Dee,” said Rita, in a tone that surprised Dee.
Dee looked around to see what was upsetting her Mom. Then she saw her Aunt Sandy, her Dad’s younger sister, heading over to where they were sitting.
Sandy walked up to the booth and said, “Hello, Rita. How are you?” Seeing Dee, she added, “Hi, Dee.”
Dee replied, “Hi, Aunt Sandy.”
Dee could see that her Mom wasn’t happy to see Sandy. “Hi, Sandy. I’m surprised to see you here,” said Rita.
“Well, I’m in town for a conference. We are done for the day, so some friends and I thought that we would do some shopping. We saw this cute little restaurant and decided that we would eat here.” Sandy introduced the two other ladies that she was with. Rita introduced Jill, Nancy and Dee to Sandy’s friends.
One of Sandy’s friends said that they would go to their table. It was obvious that they didn’t want to intrude in a family meeting.
“This is my favorite restaurant, Aunt Sandy,” said Dee as Sandy sat down next to Nancy, across from Rita and Dee.
“I can see why, Dee. This is an adorable restaurant.” Looking at Dee, Sandy asked, “Why are you and your friend naked?”
Sandy listened intently as Dee explained about The Program.
After she explained, Sandy asked Dee, “So your Mom is making you go to school naked.”
Dee wasn’t sure how to answer. “Well, yes. That is part of The Program, but I only have to be naked in school or at any school function.”
“And then she makes you go naked in public, too,” Sandy said, not looking at Dee, but at Rita.
“No, Aunt Sandy. I decided that I would stay naked for the whole week. My mother had nothing to do with that decision,” said Dee, who was confused at the way her Aunt was acting.
While she didn’t hate Sandy, Rita had never gotten along with her sister-in-law. “After Carl was in The Program and it was expanded to the middle school…”
“You made Carl go through this too?” said Sandy indignantly. “It’s bad enough that you made your son expose himself in public, but then you make this sweet little child run around naked.”
“Sandy, this not the time nor the place to discuss this.” Rita tried to get her to quiet down, but not with much success. “Wait a minute. This is none of your business. You are not a part of my family anymore.”
Sandy just stared at Rita. “Well, Dan is still Carl and Dee’s father. I wonder what he would have to say about this?”
Rita bristled at the mention of her ex-husband. “Sandy, I don’t want to fight with you, but Dan doesn’t have any say in this either. Except for the support checks, he hasn’t had anything to do with Carl or Dee since we got divorced. He made it quite clear to me that he was going to say out of our lives, so he has forfeited any parental rights or influence in the lives of Carl and Dee.”
“I still think that he should know and I think I’m going to tell him.”
Rita said, “Sandy, I don’t know why you are doing this, but it will not work. I have full custody of Carl and Dee. The Program is legal in this state and so is public nudity. There really isn’t anything that Dan can use as a challenge and he is not going to spend the money to come back here and fight a fight he can’t win.”
“Mom, Aunt Sandy, why are you fighting? What am I doing that is wrong?” asked Dee, who had tears in her eyes. “Excuse me, Mom, can I get out. I want to go to the bathroom.”
Rita let Dee out of the booth. Dee headed toward the Ladies’ Room.
“Excuse me, Sandy. Please let us out.” Sandy got up and let Jill and Nancy out of the booth. “I will go and take care of Dee.” Jill and Nancy followed Dee to the Ladies’ Room.
Rita glared at Sandy. “You know, Sandy, up to this moment, Dee has been handling The Program pretty well. It has been almost a year since The Program was started and I think it has helped both Dee and Carl, especially Carl. He has become a more confident and self-assured young man and I hope that will also happen with Dee. I can understand you being shocked at what The Program involves. Most people who don’t live here and encounter it are shocked, but it has been pretty well accepted by the community.”
“I admit that I’m surprised at what The Program involves, but I have always thought that Dee was a good kid and I don’t want her to get hurt,” said Sandy.
“And you think I do? I think that you don’t care for Dee as much as you think. You blame me for the divorce and I think that you are just trying to cause more problems between me and your brother.”
The revelation that Rita disclosed to her ex-sister-in-law caught Sandy by surprise, but Rita didn’t let her think about it too much. “You know, Sandy. I think that you are a tight ass little bitch and that you are only using Dee being in The Program to try and drive a bigger wedge in between Dan and I. Now, please leave Dee, Carl and me alone.”
Just then the manager came over. “Is there a problem, Mrs. Walker?”
Rita turned to him as Dee, Nancy and Jill came back to the table. Rita could see that Dee was still upset. “Yes, Kevin, there is, but it is none of the restaurant’s doing. Could you get us our bill please?”
“Rita, I’m sorry…” Sandy started to say, but was interrupted by Rita.
“Sandy, I don’t want to hear it,” said Rita. “Just leave us alone.”
Sandy looked at Rita and Dee and then decided to just go back to her friends. Thankfully, the table that Sandy and her friends had was out of earshot and view of the argument between Sandy and Rita.
The manager came back with their bill. “I’m sorry about that scene, Kevin. That is my ex-sister-in-law and she was sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong.”
Kevin smiled knowingly. “I understand completely, Mrs. Walker.” Then, Kevin noticed that Dee had picked up Rennie and was holding him tightly. People were encouraged to take their companion bears back to the Bears’ Den when they were done eating.
Kevin could see that Dee was still upset. “Diane, you know what Rennie was telling me the other day?” After Dee shook her head, Kevin continued. “Rennie was telling me that he would like to take a couple days off and I have been trying to find the right person to take him home for a couple days. Would you like to take Rennie home so he can relax?”
Dee looked at Rita. “Can I, Mom?”
Rita was going to say no, but noticed that Kevin was nodding his head. “If it is okay with Mr. Wilkin and Rennie, it is okay with me.”
Before Dee could even ask, Kevin said, “Yes, Diane, it is okay with Rennie and me.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wilkin.”
Kevin patted Rennie. “Okay, Rennie, we will see you in a couple of days. Take good care of Rennie, Diane.”
“I will, Mr. Wilkin,” said Dee.
After paying their bill, Rita and Dee and Jill and Nancy left Teddy’s. Rita had planned on doing a little more shopping, but after what happened in the restaurant, she decided that she would take Dee home. Since Jill had parked in another lot, they said their good-byes and headed in opposite directions.
With that, Rita and Dee said goodbye and headed toward their car. After getting in the car, they headed home. Rita and Dee were pretty quiet on the way home. The encounter with Sandy had been upsetting to both of them.
Finally, sobbing a little, Dee said, “Mom, why was Aunt Sandy so upset? Was it something I did?”
“No, sweetie. It was something that I did and that was to put you in The Program.”
“What is wrong with The Program?”
Rita thought for a few seconds. “I think that people are still uncomfortable with nudity and especially, the nudity of children. A lot of people can’t separate nudity from sex. With The Program being in effect, nudity and sexuality is being forced upon people and some of them don’t like it.”
“Why was Aunt Sandy so upset?” asked Dee.
“It really didn’t have anything to do with you, directly, sweetie. Aunt Sandy blames me for your Dad and I getting divorced. I think that she would like your Dad to get custody of you and Carl. I think she saw an opportunity that your father could use to take you and Carl away from me.”
“I don’t want that to happen,” said Dee.
“It will not happen, Dee. Your father doesn’t have any grounds to challenge my custody of you and Carl,” said Rita. “Sweetie, when I was told what The Program involved, I was told that there is a clause that I can take you out of The Program if you would like me too. It is only allowed under certain conditions and I think that those conditions are being meet.”
Dee thought about it for a short time and then said, “No, I don’t want you to take me out of The Program. You have always taught us that, if we start something, we should do everything we can to finish it. While it is a still little embarrassing to have to be nude in public, I can handle it.”
Rita smiled and said, “I’m so proud of you, sweetie. I thought that The Program would make Carl more self-confident and I had hoped that the same would happen to you and I think that is happening with you.” As Rita looked at Dee, who was still holding Rennie tightly, Rita thought, ‘Well, maybe not completely.’
The mother and daughter continued on home in silence. When they got home, Rita pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine. They got out and walked into the house. They walked into the kitchen and saw Beth and Carl sitting at the table, studying. Rita was a little surprised to see that they were both dressed.
Everyone exchanged greetings and then Carl said, “Mom, I hope you don’t mind that Beth came over. We had some history studying to do and she is a little bit better at it then I’m.”
“No, that is fine, Carl. Beth is welcomed here anytime.”
“I’m going to go up to my room, Mom,” said Dee. “I got homework to do.”
After Dee went up to her room, Carl asked, “What is wrong with Dee. She looks a little upset.”
Rita went to the refrigerator and got a jug of water out. As she went to the counter and got a glass, Rita explained what happened at Teddy’s. Carl listened intently as his Mom told the story.
After she was done, Carl said, “That really doesn’t surprise me too much. I always thought that Aunt Sandy was on Dad’s side, especially when it came to the divorce. You really seemed to put her in her place, Mom.”
Taking a drink of water, Rita said, “You probably are right about that, but I didn’t enjoy doing it.”
Beth asked, “Would you like me to go up and see how Dee is doing?”
“No, that is okay, Beth. I think she just needs a little time to figure things out. I will go up and talk to her more later,” said Rita. “I thought that Dee was adapting to The Program pretty well, but now she has found out that people think what she is doing is wrong. I hope it isn’t effecting her in a negative way.”
“I don’t know, but I think that the fact that Dee wants to continue in The Program is a good indication that she is okay,” speculated Carl.
“We better get back to our studying, Carl,” said Beth.
“I will leave you two alone,” said Rita. “I’m going to go upstairs.”
Dee had been in her room for about an hour, when Rita knocked on her door and came into the room.
“How are you doing, sweetie?”
“I’m fine, Mom. I was a little upset at what happened at Teddy’s with Aunt Sandy, but I understood what you were trying to say about The Program. So I don’t care what Aunt Sandy had to say about The Program,” replied Dee.
“I would like you to come downstairs, please,” said Rita.
“Okay,” said Dee as she got up from her desk. Taking Rita’s hand, mother and daughter walked downstairs. When they got downstairs, they went into the living room.
“Hi, Dee.”
Dee was really surprised to see Aunt Sandy sitting on the couch. “Hi, Aunt Sandy.”
“Dee, I got to thinking about what your Mom said at the restaurant. She was right. I was trying to use you to create problems between your parents. After you had left, I got to thinking about what had happened and decided that I was wrong. So I decided that I would come over and apologize to you and your Mom.”
“We accept your apology, don’t we, Dee,” said Rita.
“Yes, Mom. It’s okay, Aunt Sandy,” said Dee.
“I got to thinking about Dan and I have to admit that he can be a jerk at times. I probably shouldn’t have been so quick to take his side,” said Sandy.
Even though she wanted to agree with Sandy, Rita didn’t say anything. Dan had his good points and Rita still missed him. She might even still love him.
“Could you tell me more about The Program?” asked Sandy.
For the next fifteen minutes, Rita and Dee told Sandy about The Program and what it involved and what it was designed to do. Sandy paid close attention to what she was being told. Rita and Dee could tell she was interested in what The Program was all about.
Then they heard the back door open. “That must be Carl,” said Rita.
They heard Carl go upstairs and a little while later, Carl came into the living room in the usual dress for the Walker house, which was nude.
Shocked and surprised at what she saw, it took a few seconds for Sandy to acknowledge that Carl was there. Before saying anything, Sandy took the opportunity to check out her naked nephew.
“Hi, Aunt Sandy,” said Carl. “How are you?” Carl could see the embarrassed look on his Aunt’s face.
“Hi, Carl. It is good to see you again. You sure has grown since I saw you last,” said Sandy, who started blushing when she realized where she was looking.
“That’s okay, Aunt Sandy.” Carl smiled at his Aunt. “Plenty of people have stared at me when I’m dressed this way.”
It seemed like Sandy was blushing more and more. “I can’t believe that I’m here talking to my sister-in-law, niece and nephew who are all naked.”
Dee said, “You can stay dressed if you would like, but you might enjoy being nude with us.”
“I don’t know if I can do that right now, Dee,” said Sandy. “Rita, I would like to make it up for the meal that I ruined for you, Dee and your friends. I’m busy tomorrow night, but on Thursday, I would like to take you out to dinner. We could go back to Teddy’s, if you would like, as I was too upset to really enjoy my meal.”
“Oh, boy, going to Teddy’s two times in a week. Can we Mom, please?” asked Dee.
“Sure, Dee. Sandy, that is very nice of you. Yes, we would be happy to join you.”
“Carl, you are welcomed to join us if you would like.”
“Thank you, Aunt Sandy, but I have plans already for Thursday night,” answered Carl. “I would like to come, but I can’t break them.”
“That is okay, Carl,” said Sandy. “It was good to see you again.”
“Same here, Aunt Sandy.” Carl came over to his Aunt and gave her a kiss. “I have to go and finish my homework.”
‘I haven’t been kissed by a naked man in quite a while. That was nice,’ thought Sandy. “Rita, could you call me a cab. I should be getting back to my hotel.”
Rita, Dee and Sandy had talked while Sandy was waiting for the cab. It took about 20 minutes for the taxi to arrive. Sandy said good bye to Rita and Dee and went out to the taxi. Sandy had left on much better terms then she had arrived at the Walker household.
“Is your homework done, Dee?”
“I have a little bit more to do, Mom.”
“Well, you better get up and finish it. I will be up in a little bit to check it,” said Rita.
Dee scampered up to her room and got back to doing her homework. It was about a half-hour later when Rita came into the room.
“Are you finished?” Dee gave her Mom the homework that she had been working on. Rita sat down at Dee’s desk and looked over her work. It didn’t take long for Rita to check the work and pronounced it done and done correctly. “You did a good job on your homework, Dee. It’s getting close to your bedtime, so why don’t you get ready for bed.”
“I was thinking about doing that any ways, Mom. It had been quite a day for me,” said Dee.
“Okay, sweetie. I will be in to tuck you in later.”
With that, Rita went back downstairs and Dee got ready for bed. A little bit later, Rita came back to Dee’s room and tucked her in for the night. Then, she went to her own room and was doing some reading.
Rita looked at her door and saw Dee standing there, holding Rennie.
“Is something wrong, sweetie?”
“No, not really,” replied Dee. “I was wondering, could I sleep with you tonight? I’m confused about all that happened to me today and I would just like to be with you tonight.”
“It has been quite awhile since we slept together. I think the last time was just after the divorce,” said Rita as she slid over and indicated to Dee to get into bed. Dee, with Rennie, climbed in and pulled the covers over her. Rita turned out the lights and cuddled up against Dee in a spoon position. It didn’t take long for Dee to fall asleep and not long after that, Rita fell asleep too.