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The Mating Game (sci-fi sex story)



“What’s up with Wolf?” Glenn asked. “I can’t remember ever seeing him this horny.”

Judy walked over and joined him by the window. Peering through the glass, she saw Wolf sitting on his bed. He had his penis in his hand and was pumping it aggres- sively.

“You don’t suppose anyone’s told him about Lois, do you?” Judy quipped.

“Maybe he’s got a sixth sense,” Glenn replied.

The man’s breathing was deep and he was making loud moaning sounds as he came closer to his orgasm. His amplified sounds were being pumped into the public viewing galleries where a large crowd had congregated. The human male’s mating display always caused a buzz of excitement. Who didn’t shiver at that incredible crescendo of sound building irresistibly into a mighty scream of climax? Judy had seen and heard it so often, yet still she turned to putty whenever Wolf began his mating cry. From her very first day she had found it a mighty turn on.

If only they could timetable it more frequently, she reflected, then the zoo wouldn’t be in such financial difficulty. They had discovered that Wolf reacted best to the stimulus of projected images of gyrating human females removing their clothes. However, having only a finite attention span, and if they tried it too often, he would quickly lose interest.

“Which is a disaster, isn’t it?” Judy said to the creature on the other side of the window. “And you know what I’m thinking, don’t you? I know you! You’re smarter than you look.”

She had never ceased to be amazed by the way he could sense her presence. There were times when she knew he could not see her, but he would turn and look in her direction, and she would sigh, and go gooey inside, and think what a remarkable creature this was.

She bit her bottom lip as she watched the human’s angry cock; its foreskin folded back, his balls tight and hard at its base. Working with animals didn’t bring many perks, it was mainly mucking out and coping with foul smells, but Wolf was the supreme perk. There was something unbelievably magnificent about the adult human male, its rippling muscles upon its powerful frame, and who could not cringe when it got enraged and let out that blood-curdling roar of fury.

The woman whose image was being projected onto the wall was down to her underwear. Wolf could usually contain himself until she was nude and was touching herself between her legs. He liked that, Judy thought a little jealously. He could not resist an aroused woman. The sight of her rapid breathing and flushed expression as she squeezed her breasts and stroked her pussy was guaranteed to make him spurt. But today he was on the point of coming and she had not yet uncovered her breasts.

Judy felt her own pussy begin to tingle. It wasn’t an unexpected surprise. Wolf always had this effect on her when she watched him. She was trying to resist it be- cause it was viewed as perverted, but what could she do? This was the way she was built. “You’re a bad boy,” she sighed under her breath in Wolf’s direction. “Look what you’re making me do!”

She had placed her hand inside the waist of her skirt, inside her knickers, and had explored there until her forefinger rested upon her clit. She gently began to massage it, immediately releasing wave upon wave of pleasure.

Glenn noticed her growing excitement without surprise.

“Shall I get Mario for you?” he asked nonchalantly. “You look as though you need a service.”

Judy bit her lip again. “No,” she groaned reluctantly. “I’ll manage.” She pulled her hand unwillingly from her skirt. She smelled the finger, then held it out to Glenn. He took hold of her hand and placing it beneath his nose, breathed in her bouquet. He smiled at her knowingly, then released her hand.

“How long has it been,” he asked, “since you last had a service?”

There was a calendar upon the wall; it was a promo- tional calendar supplied by the company that had sold them Mario. It was the beginning of a new month and so the picture had changed. It caught her attention. A female was tied to a black metallic frame with her legs apart and her arms above her head; coils of rope hung across her flat chest and belly. Of course, she was also being serviced. Judy gulped heavily. Maybe Glenn was right; maybe she should call Mario: it would ease her tension. She resisted the urge. Later, she thought. He would pleasure her later.

She lifted the page and looked at the previous month, noting the mark she had placed there. “Eight days,” she said, reluctantly turning from the bondage scene.

Glenn gave her a smile. “You can do it. I know you can break the addiction. Each day it will get easier.”

Judy nodded. “He always gets to me, does Wolf.”

They were suddenly distracted as the Media cut in on their frequency. This must be about Lois, Judy thought instantly, and she listened attentively to the reporter.

“Hello, this is World News London,” it began. “De- livering tailored news just for you. My name is Dmitry Romanoff.

“Excitement has been mounting at London Zoo today because Wolf, the human male, is to receive a mate. You may remember that the Chinese authorities donated Wolf nineteen years ago when he was just a man cub. During all those years he’s been a bachelor, never seeing a human female except on the projection screen. Now all that is to change. Lois, a human female from Chicago Zoo is being sent to keep him company and hopefully to make him a dad. There are now only twelve pairs of humans left in captivity and so Lois’s arrival is of major scientific interest.

“Dr. Michael Johnson, from Bristol University ex- plains some of the issues:

“The survival of any species comes into doubt as its population drops. When there is a large population, the genetic variation of its members is sufficient that if there are sudden changes in its environment, the individuals will vary enough that some of them will be able to adapt and survive.

“On the other hand, with inbred populations there is a loss of genetic diversity called genetic drift that results in individuals with poor health and who are less able to evolve and adapt to new environments.

“The potential for loss of genetic diversity in captive populations of endangered species is high because these captive populations are small by nature. Captive breeding programs based on scientific management principles attempt to maximize the reten- tion of genetic diversity. In these populations, we use pedigree analysis to decide which animals should breed, with whom, and how often.”

“I see,” the presenter intoned. “That was Dr. Michael Johnson from Bristol University. Now just a reminder that this bulletin is sponsored by The Family Massage Parlor: where ‘a friendly service brings a smile to the stressed’. So, Dr. Johnson, what happens if Wolf doesn’t find Lois attractive? Is that more money down the zoological drain?”

“I don’t think there will be a problem,” the doctor replied. “Wolf and Lois are young healthy humans who have never mated before. They’re not like us; there’s no love or romance when it comes to human mating. For them it’s just instinct: the need to pass on their genes to the next generation. We just ensure they pass on the right genes so that the human species can go on entertaining us for years to come.”

“Thank you Dr. Johnson. And now for your tailored serial, “Whipping Wendy”. Last week you may remember that Wendy had been caught cheating in her Science exam and had agreed to be caned on her bare backside by her Science teacher, Mr. Collins, rather than be put on report to her parents…”

Judy switched the broadcast off. She didn’t have time for “Whipping Wendy”.

* * * *

Judy watched as two keepers, George and Alan moved the crate containing the human female into position. Glenn stood behind them directing where it should be placed. They needed to get it to where they could open its door and then force her out into a sealed outer enclosure.

Lois, wearing a lemon top cut low at the bust and a pair of jeans, stared through thick iron bars that ran vertically the length of the cramped crate. She held on to the bars, trying to keep her balance as they lifted and jostled the crate into position. Above her, the Minds were staring down at her from the gallery. She saw a sea of faces, expressionless, vacant, without individuality or feeling. They had come to stare, to gawk; to see what a human female looked like, and per- haps, if they were lucky, to see it being screwed.

“How do you want to play this?” Glenn called out to Judy from down by the enclosure. “Do we just let her into the cage and let them experiment naturally or do we give them some help?”

“God! I don’t believe you just asked me that!” Judy snapped back shortly. “This is a two million dollar project. Do you think we’re going to leave its success in the hands of a couple of humans?”

“No,” Glenn accepted. “I’m not suggesting that. But I thought it would be kind if we let them get to know each other first.”

“Let them get to know each other after? They’re humans, not Minds! First I want him to fuck her. Strip her and present her to him. They can have nine months to get to know each other when she’s pregnant!”

“Judy, what’s got into you? You’re the one that’s always telling me that Wolf is intelligent, that he’s superior to any animal… Don’t you want…?”

“No, I don’t want. It’s getting late. Folk will be go- ing home soon.” Judy looked across anxiously towards the clock. “Before anything else, this is a business: remember that. We have to please our punters; we have to make money. Are we going to let them go home disap- pointed? Remove her clothes, Glenn! I want Wolf to breed with her, not go to the prom with her.”

Glenn grimaced, picking up his stun gun. “Let’s get this finished,” he said to George and Alan. “You heard the lady. The public is watching and we don’t want to disappoint them.”

He poked the stun gun through the bars and pressed the trigger. Lois knew what was coming; she had been stun- ned before. But there was nothing she could do; nowhere she could go. She recoiled as the gun bit, and then she slumped awkwardly.

“Come on,” Glenn ordered George and Alan. “Let’s get this finished before she recovers.”

They unfastened the clasps that held the crate locked shut and pulled it open. George reached inside and pulled the semi-paralytic woman out. She fell to the floor and stared up at them helplessly.

Alan and George grabbed her and began tugging at her clothing. While Alan unfastened her jeans, George pulled her top over her head. Judy stared down at them from her position in the control room, fascinated by the breasts that bounced free. She had seen the pro- jection loops, she had seen human breasts, but these were for Wolf and she spied them with envy.

“Hurry up,” she yelled down to her minions. “Strip her!”

The effect of the stun gun was beginning to wane and Lois was kicking at Alan as he pulled at her jeans. George quickly came to his aid by holding her arms. That prevented the worst of her struggles and enabled Alan to remove her jeans, but still she kicked out at him.

“Yes, dear Wolf,” Judy thought with idle malice. “You will be her master. You will tame this bitch.” And she watched with glee as Alan finally managed to avoid the bare flailing legs and took hold of her cotton knickers and ripped them from her.

Lois screamed in protest. She felt afraid and vulner- able: naked and alone.

Alone: for the keepers had now left her. They had done their job and now they had left. It was time for Wolf to meet his new bride.

Alone: in the control room, Judy voyeuristically watched the scene below, critically examining the new exhibit as she waited. She already knew the girl’s age: Lois was eighteen years old. But the picture she had received from Chicago had been three years old and Lois had changed significantly in that time. She had filled out and matured: she had become a woman.

Her auburn hair was naturally curly and hung in tight corkscrews that cascaded onto her shoulders. It formed a comely setting for her regular features.

Judy jealously examined her figure: her breasts Judy had already noted as being firm and well sized, crowned with dark nipples that stood bold and hard. Judy looked down to her crotch; the hair there was soft and tightly curled. She could discern the shape of her mound…

Glenn signaled that they were all out of the cage and that Judy could open the door between Lois and Wolf’s enclosure. She did so and Wolf came immediately to the opened door, tall, hairy and muscular, and he looked through it. There it was again, Judy thought, he had seen nothing, but he knew: he was expectant. He saw Lois, standing there, naked, waiting and with nowhere to hide. He saw her mound; he saw her breasts; he saw her try to cover herself with her hands.

“Damn!” Judy exclaimed. She was lost. “Mario,” she shouted frantically. “I need you. Come quickly: at once!”

Mario came in. Judy was leaning forward to get a better look through the window. Her mound was pressed hard, pushed into the flat of her desk and she was rubbing herself against it. Her backside was stuck out, up in the air; it wriggled from side to side as she pleasured herself against the desk. Mario approached and without saying a word, he flicked Judy’s skirt passed her waist and pulled her knickers across her buttocks with practiced ease. A second tug pulled them over her hips and down her legs. Mario lowered his own pants and pulled out his penis. It was only a little hard, but he stroked it into hardness as he stared at the hole glinting through the crack in Judy’s presented pos- terior.

He pushed his cock inside her. Judy felt it slide deep inside. “That’s nice,” she sighed remaining totally focussed on the humans below.

Lois still held her arms across both breasts and pussy as she glanced shyly at Wolf. She was comforted by the presence of another human, seeing him there, yet self- consciously aware of the crowds looking down at her from the viewing galleries above.

“Hello,” she said timidly to Wolf. “I’m Lois.”

“Hi,” he said shyly.

“What’s your name?” she asked him.


“I like that. It’s a nice name.”

“I heard you scream. I was worried. What did they do, Lois?”

She began to cry. “They took all my clothes. They frightened me.”

He was anxious and concerned. “Would you like me to turn round? Not to look at you?”

“Why? Do you want to turn round?”

“No. But I was thinking of you. You don’t have any clothes and it makes you look uncomfortable.”

She rubbed the wetness from her face. “I am uncomfor- table, but that’s because I know the Minds are watching.”

“Damn the Minds!”

“One of them touched me.” She shivered. “Their hands feel all wet and clammy.”

“I hate the Minds. Are you all right, Lois?”

“Yes, I’m all right, Wolf.”

“And you’re sure you don’t want me to look the other way?”

“Tell me what you want, what do you want to do, Wolf.”

“I want to look at you. You are very pretty.”

She smiled through her tears. “You are very pretty yourself. I’ve never seen a man before. My mother told me… You’re much prettier than she described.”

“I’ve never seen a woman before,” he confided. “Not a real woman. I knew what you’d look like, because they show me the pictures.”


“On the wall. They do it to make me happy, I think. But I know exactly what a woman looks like and how she likes to be treated.”

“Would you like to see me, properly?”

“Only if you want to. I want to make you happy.”

She had relaxed and was feeling peculiarly strange. The feeling became much stronger as she removed her hands from in front of her body and felt the intensity of his gaze upon her breasts and legs.

There was pandemonium in the public gallery. The Media were there and their cameras were rolling. Excited children turned to their parents. The humans were get- ting friendly.

“You really like me, Wolf? No one’s ever said they like me. My mother… She said I was too skinny…”

“You’re not too skinny. I think your breasts are won- derful. I’ve only seen the Minds, and they don’t have breasts.”

“They don’t need to nurture young, Wolf.”

“I would love you to nurture me.”

“You would like to suckle at my breasts?”

He nodded and she took in a sharp intake of breath.

“I would like that very much,” he said and he took her hand and led her to his bed. She sat down upon it and made herself comfortable. Kneeling down between her legs, he kissed her very gently on the rise of her breasts, his lips grazing rather than touching them. Next, he kissed her softly in the hollow between her breasts. She moaned, squeezing her breasts together about his head, holding him there. He was loving it. He took the whole of her nipple in his mouth and sucked deeply, flicking the nipple with his tongue while it was inside his mouth. She gasped.


Encouraged by her response, he continued playing with her nipple using his tongue…. As he kissed her, his penis inflated and grew; the glans emerged from inside his foreskin.

Judy could not look away from them. As Mario drove into her from the rear, she placed her hands upon her own flat chest and squeezed the nipples. They were burning and ached for release. She pushed her mound hard into the table, grinding her clit against it. Oh my! She was coming! “Harder!” she instructed Mario. “Harder, faster!” He obediently increased his pace; he was the perfect lover. That was his job. He would do what she wanted him to do, but it was the penis in the cage that excited her most. It was unobtainable, it was per- verted, it was wrong, but how she envied the human Lois and the love she was receiving from that gentle giant.

Mario plunged hard inside her. She panted and groaned as she gripped hard with her vaginal muscles upon his plastic cock. “Yesss! Yesss! More! Yes! Like that! More! He held himself deep inside her and made small rotational movements pressing down towards the table, pushing her clit against it. “You’ve done it! Yes! That’s it!” she cried as she came. She gripped the table tightly as the waves of passion engulfed her.

Wolf’s arm was encircling Lois. They were kissing gently; it was a tentative, exploratory first kiss. There was innocence in that kiss but the size of his erection told a different story.

Judy collapsed onto the table and lay there for some seconds recovering her breath. “Thank you, Mario,” she said to her unseen benefactor. “You can take it out now.” Mario withdrew his still armed weapon and pushed it into his pants. It didn’t want to go for he was still hard, but he forced it, shutting his erection away, and then he asked Judy, “Will that be all, Miss?”

“Thank you, Mario,” she sighed wiping the perspiration from her forehead. “Yes, that will be all.”

Glenn had come in during her service and was now quiet- ly sitting at his desk. Judy sensed that he was there. “Don’t you dare say a thing,” she scolded him. “I can give it up! I know I can. But how can I resist that?”

“I didn’t say a thing,” Glenn replied without looking up.

“Shit!” Judy exclaimed, pulling up her knickers. “Shit! Shit! Shit! They’re humans! That’s all they are! They’re stupid, scummy humans! And I’m an adult Mind! What’s the matter with me?” She looked desperately through the window, down into the human enclosure.

Lois was kissing Wolf on the chest. He was now lying on the bed and she was sitting astride him, her large breasts firm upon her chest and her nipples still visibly hard from Wolf’s tonguing. Her lips wandered through the soft hair that matted his chest, finding and chewing his nipples as he had done hers.

“This is stupid,” Judy snapped. “I’m not watching this any longer. We’ve paid for that bitch to be sent here so that she can breed. Look at them. What do they think they are doing? They’re supposed to be fucking, not sucking. We’re not here for the fun of it. This isn’t a game.”

“But that’s all part of their mating ritual. They’ll get down to the fucking soon enough.”

“Sure! Of course!” she said cynically, glancing up at the clock. “But have you seen the time? I know Wolf. He’s awkward. He’ll prolong it until after closing time: just to spite me. When the zoo’s closed and the people have all gone home, then he’ll do it!”

“So what do you want to do? If they don’t want to do it, then we can’t make them.”

“Show him a film of human mating. He’ll copy. I know Wolf.”

Glenn thought for a moment, he didn’t really understand the hurry, but Judy was the boss here and so he obe- diently scanned through the various thumbnails in his library. “What kind of film?” he asked. “Hard or soft?”

“Hard. I want him to bang her.” She waited impatiently while Glenn searched the archive.

“OK,” he said finally. “Let’s give this a go.”

She spun round and looked back out of her window just as the projection loop began.

“What’s that?” Lois asked looking at the large image projected upon the wall. A woman was tied to a table, her legs were pulled apart by her restraints and there were clips screwed to her nipples. She was in pain. One man was on top of her, screwing her while another watched.

“It’s the girls,” Wolf told Lois eagerly. “That’s how I know about women. That’s how I know how they like to be treated. Do you want to see?”

Lois was distraught. “I hate it. What is he doing? Why is he hurting her? Take it away, Wolf! Please, take it away!”

Wolf anxiously searched her face. He saw the distress there and he was upset by it. He placed himself between Lois and the projected images and covered her ears with his hands. “Don’t worry. It’ll go away soon. It won’t last long. I’ll protect you, Lois. If you don’t like it, then I don’t like it.”

“Damn,” Judy screamed from within the control room. “What has she done to him? She’s turned him into a wimp! Wolf! You’re supposed to be a man! You’re sup- posed to be a human! Screw her! Make her beg for mercy! Fuck her, damn you! Don’t let me down! Have I looked after you all these years: fed you, cleaned up your mess, provided your loops; and now you treat me like this?”

“There’s no need to worry,” Glenn said calmly. “They will do it. They will fuck. But they’ll do it their own way. They won’t be hurried.”

Judy was furious. “We’ll see about that! I’m going in there!”

“You’re what? You’re mad! They are dangerous animals!”

“I know what I’m doing. I just want to get them in position. They’ve never done it. They’re timid. They don’t know how…”

“Judy, they don’t need your help. They just need a little time. I don’t care how close you think you are to Wolf, if you get between him and Lois, or he thinks you are harming her in any way, he will become aggres- sive.”

“Rubbish. Wolf would never harm me. I’m a mother to him. He’s known me since he was a cub. Get George, Alan. I’m going in!”

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“I disagree. If this is going to make the news, they don’t just have to mate; they need to be seen fucking by the cameras in the gallery. Time is getting on. I’m going in there.”

Wolf heard the sound of the door shutting. He tensed. “What is it?” Lois whispered.

“Minds,” Wolf hissed.

“They sense us,” Judy directed at both George and Alan. “They know we’re here. How can they know that?”

“It’s instinct,” Alan directed back. “Humans have this uncanny instinct.”

“They know you’re around even when they haven’t seen you,” George added.

They moved across to the inner enclosure where Wolf and Lois were located. As George looked in he saw the pro- jection wall at the rear, the woman was now sucking the second man while the first was beating the inside of the woman’s thighs with stinging nettles. Wolf was no longer on the bed; he was on his feet standing between them and Lois. He looked angry.

“I don’t think he’s too pleased to see us,” George said to the others.

“It’s okay. He knows me,” Judy said from behind him. “I can calm him.”

She stepped past George and Alan into the inner en- closure. “It’s me, Wolf,” she said. “It’s Judy. You know me. We’re friends. I take care of you.”

Wolf watched the Mind suspiciously as it approached. What did it want?

“I’m scared, Wolf,” Lois burst out. “It’s so ugly. Why doesn’t it speak? What is it after?”

“Minds don’t speak,” Wolf told her. “I don’t think they can. Watch this one: I know it! Don’t trust it. It’s particularly disgusting!”

“Move round to the side,” Judy told the others. “Get hold of the girl while I keep Wolf occupied. We need to hold her down on the bed.”

“I don’t trust them, Wolf,” Lois cried. “They intend something bad.”

“If you only knew how much I like you,” Judy said to Wolf. “How often I need to be serviced when you perform your mating ritual. I only want to help you. I want to help you fuck your mate.”

She stepped forward and was at the point of touching him. In the corner of his eye Wolf could see the others moving forward. They wanted Lois. They were after Lois. What did they want with Lois? What were they going to do with her?


He swung round screaming the word. He had promised he would protect her. He swung an arm and his fist caught the chin of the Mind that had approached him. It fell immediately to the floor. It remained there, still, silent. He raised his arm again, to repulse the others, he was madder than he had ever been before, but they were retreating and he let them go. Lois rushed to him, flinging her naked self upon him. “Wolf,” she cried. “You are so brave! I’m so proud! You did that for me!”

Judy had seen the blow coming; she felt the enormous wall of rage and anger radiating from Wolf. She screamed, “Not me, Wolf!” His fist connected with her chin and she dropped to the floor. “How can you do this to me!” she cried. For a few moments she continued to transmit, and then her spark went out.

* * * *

Dmitry Romanoff had rushed to the control room. It was so fortunate he had been there in the gallery. This was the most incredible scoop for him and for World News. He had filmed it all.

“What was her name? Judy Scott? Why did she go in? My God! Look! Look at that! You’ve got to film it!”

He pointed to the window and the cameraman immediately swiveled to get the shot. Wolf and Lois were on the bed and they were fucking.

“I’m sorry,” Wolf said. “I didn’t mean it to hurt. Will it always be painful?”

“My mother said it only hurts the first time. Please Wolf, keep going. I don’t want you to stop. It’s not so bad now. In fact…”

She gripped his arms tight. “In fact,” she had begun to say. “In fact it is very good.”

He wrapped his arms round her, cuddling her, holding her close. She felt both his tenderness and his strength in that embrace; her breasts were mashed hard against his chest and his cock was buried deep inside. “Please love me,” she cried. “Always love me!”

His answer was to kiss her upon the cheek, gently, kindly.

* * * *

“Did you get that?” Dmitry asked of his cameraman.

“I got everything,” came the cameraman’s hoarse reply.

“OK, follow me. I need to find the director. I’ve got to get a quote from him and that’ll wrap the story.”

It took an hour to find him, but eventually Dmitry was talking to the zoo’s Director of Operations.

“So what happens now?” Dmitry asked him.

“There’ll be an enquiry,” the zoo official told him politely. “A member of staff has been killed in a tragic accident. We need to know what happened so that we can prevent anything like this from happening again.”

“But what about Wolf? Will they put him down? Will he be destroyed? After all, now that he has the taste of blood, he could easily kill again.”

The zoo official laughed cynically. “Are you joking? Do you know how much an adult human is worth? There are twelve pairs left in the world, and the only other breeding pairs are in China. Now it looks like we might have a breeding pair as well. Kill him? Our admissions will go through the roof; everyone will flock to see the Mind Killer. His reputation is made. This is the best thing that’s happened to this zoo in years. Kill him? I would accept his transmittance: were he to send any! A real Mind Killer! Who would believe it?”