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Night of Hope



We have all fantasized about being with that certain someone, but because they are so much younger, we never pursue it, feeling we’d be laughed at, and ultimately embarrassed. However, we continue to think about having sex with that younger girl or that younger guy, to the point of obsessing about how nice it would be to do it just once.

I had noticed Hope a year or so before this happened, and had fantasized about being with her but also thought, “It’ll never happen, she so much younger, “ and so for obvious reason, I had to suppress my feeling.

Hope was a student of mine and her name is synonymous with the desires I was feeling about being with her, but I knew it probably would never happen. However, one day the opportunity did present itself, and naturally I hesitated, but quickly realized I had to take the chance. I knew would never have another chance to be with her, and to this day, I still can’t believe it actually happened.

She was Latina, very pretty, but unfortunately for me, way too young. She had dark hair, dark eyes, not very tall, but she had a great figure. Hope had a nice little butt, great thighs and she looked great in a pair of jeans. I’m not sure Hope really understood just how attractive she was, or maybe she did.

Hope carried herself as if she was much older, and I think the glasses she wore really added to her sex appeal. We would joke with each other from time to time during the school day, almost flirting at times, but as I said, “I knew I had to control my urges,” even though I so badly wanted to be with her.

It was the new school year, and because Hope had left the school where I taught, but because many of my students did come by to visit, I thought maybe she would too.

To my surprise one day, Hope showed up at my classroom door. It was a complete surprise but as I looked out at her smiling, she waved. Her smile was from ear to ear and smiling back, I became very nervous. It really was nice to see her and so apprehensively I waved for her to come in.

I felt it was just an innocent visit, however seeing her again stirred those feeling of wanting to be with her. Hope still looked great; pretty face, infectious smile, and as she approached, I couldn’t help but look her up and down, wanting to take her all in. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans that showed off her thighs and a low cut shirt that had me staring at her boobs.

Hope was as friendly as ever, coming right up to me and giving me a big hug. We chatted briefly, but feeling my class staring, I told her I needed to get back to teaching. Looking around, she smiled and as she left she said, “I’ll come back later.”

I gave her a thumbs up and said, “I’ll be here,” which made her smile and wave as she left.

II was exciting to see her and the rest of the day, she was all I could think about. After the bell rang, I ushered my students out of the building, and quickly returned to my classroom, hoping she would show up. As I sat there waiting, the time seemed to be slipping away, thinking she wouldn’t show up, but I didn’t have to wait long.

Hope peeked around the corner of my door and as she walked in with a big smile she said, “Hi,” in an excited voice. I quickly looked her way, and as I stood up, I smiled as we moved to greet each other.

I reached out my hand to shake hers, but she instead lunged forward on her tippy toes giving me a hug, holding me much longer this time. Holding her I said, “You look great,” and as she looked up at me she said, “It’s really good to see you.”

We talked about what was going on in our lives; just idle chit chat, but when I asked what she was doing these days, she simply said, “I’m not really doing anything.”

It was a Friday and I really hadn’t planned to do anything but thought, “Maybe I can subconsciously persuade her to go out,” immediately I said, “Well, I was thinking about going to a movie later.”

Not knowing what to expect, Hope immediately asked, “What are you going to go see?”

I really hadn’t thought about it, but she had taken the bait, and told her that I really hadn’t thought about it. At this point, Hope smiled and eagerly suggested a few movie that she wanted to see, and then she asked, “Who are you going with?”

As we looked at each other I smiled and told her I was probably going alone, which made her blurt out, ”I’ll go with you!”

I couldn’t believe it but seeing her anxiously look at me for an answer I said, “Are you sure?”

Hope was animated and enthusiastically said, “Yea,” and continued by asking, “When are you going?”

I didn’t know what to do or say, but as I looked at her I said, “Well, I guess anytime, but I’ve got a few things to finish up.”

Smiling she nodded and said, “I’m good, anytime!”

I instantly thought, “What had I just said,” but it was what I had wanted.

However as we sat there I realized that there was no way we could leave together and quickly suggested that would should probably meet somewhere in a little bit. Looking somewhat concerned Hope said, “Okay, how about we meet up the street at the grocery store?”

I didn’t say anything right away as I though about it for a minute, but quickly said, “Okay, how about in a half hour?”

Hope seemed to be thinking about it now too and so I followed up by saying, “Is that okay?”

Hope was smiling from ear to ear, and nodded she said, “Yea!”

We both stood up and after a hug, she left. I tried to convince myself it was just an innocent date, but deep down, I wanted more, which made me worry about what might happen but thought, “ I gotta go through with now.”

I wanted it to go well and as I pulled into the shopping center, there she was. Pulling over to where she was, and as she opened the door to get in, Hope said, “Hi.”

She quickly swung her legs in and as I said hi back, I headed off as she fastened her seatbelt.

I was so nervous but as talked about stuff, I sensed she was a little nervous too. I wanted this to go well and so I reached over and took hold of her that was resting on her leg, Hope looked over at me. Glancing over at her with a smile I asked, “Are you still okay about going to a movie?”

Hope immediately squeezed my hand and smiling sheepishly said, “Yea.”

I think it kind of broke the tension because Hope eagerly suggested that she could search for a movie on her phone, in which I told her, “That sounded good.”

Hope quickly pulled out her phone and as she searched for a movie, I really didn’t care which one we decided on, because I felt luck to be with her. She threw out a couple different ones but we both agreed on a horror movie, one that she had heard was good.

When I agreed, she became very animated. It was nice that she was more relaxed and as we continued to chats, but suddenly Hope reached over, took hold of my hand again and pulled it toward her a little saying, “I’m really glad we’re doing this.”

I was kind of nervous but after a moment I simply replied, “Me too,” as I glanced over at her smiling.

I tried to not let on how bad I really wanted to be with her, but it was such a turn on to be with her, it was starting to give me a hard on.

We continued to have a very friendly, easy going conversation, but really all I could think about was being able to kiss her, and feel her next to me, and continually searched for a way to maybe get her to come home with me.

It didn’t take long before we were at the theater and as we went inside, I quickly got our tickets. As we moved to go into the theater, I stopped at the concessions, and asked her if she wanted anything. We decided to get a soda to share and some popcorn, and joking with each other as we moved to the theater where our movie was playing, Hope suggested we sit up toward the top.

There really weren’t many people in the theater and as we took our seats in the middle of the third to the top row, I continued to be nervous but as we talked, I started to have a good time as we joked with each other. However, our conversation suddenly stalled and as we sat there searching for something to keep our conversation going, Hope suddenly leaned over, and kissed me on the cheek.

It startled me and looking over at her, I asked, “What was that for?”

Smiling, Hope simply replied, “Sorry, I’ve been wanting to do that.”

We continued to look at each other for a second or two, and eventually I shyly said, “I had thought about doing it too.”

It was the truth and as we looked at each other, Hope pulled on my arm, and as she leaned into me I felt a little embarrassed, not knowing what to do. It was kind of an awkward moment and when we didn’t say anything for a moment, I subtly put my arm around her.

As we waited for the movie to start, I offering her a drink of the soda. We both sat up now and ended up snack on some of the stuff from the concession stand. She seemed to be enjoying our time together, I know I was, but there was still a feeling of nervousness. I searched for something to say and as I looked over at her and smiled, Hope suddenly said, ”What?”

Not saying anything, I quickly shook my head and dipped my hand back into the bucket of popcorn. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want it to stop, and so after wiping my buttery hand, I reached over and took hold of her hands. Hope again leaned her head against my shoulder and as she did, I gently kissed her on the head. I could sense Hope was smiling but then as the lights in the theater dimmed, she squeezed my hand. I immediately lifted the arm that separated us, letting her inch closer.

I didn’t care so much about the movie, I was just happy to be feel her next to me and felt she was okay with it too. As the movie started, I let go of her hand and looking over at her in the dark, I inconspicuously leaned over and as tried to move my hand up to cup her boob, Hope gasped and quickly put her hand on mine, pushing it away.

I subtly moved my hand to her thigh now, but didn’t want to stop, and as Hope again leaned into me, and got comfortable, I casually moved my hand between her legs. Hope didn’t sense what I was doing at first until I started to move my hand up to her crotch. Hope again sat up and as she looked at me, she whispered,“Don’t,” and moved my hand away.

I didn’t know if she was scared or just a little apprehensive, but as I moved my hand off her thigh, and rested my arm between us. Hope again took my hand and as she leaned on me again, she squeezed my hands, letting me know everything was okay.

At first, I worried that I might have pushed to much but when there was a pause in the action on screen, and Hope again squeezed my hand to get my attention, our eyes met. As she looked up at me in the dark, we ended up kissing. I couldn’t believe it, but as we continued to lean into each other, I put my arm around her again.

I wanted this to keep going so bad and as the movie ended, I thought, “That’s it, she’ll want me to take her home now.”

However, as we walked out of the theater, she took hold of my hand, holding it. Looking at her as we headed out to the car, she smiled and not knowing what to do, I simply smiled back.

It was getting late and as we got in the car, I turned to her and asked, “Do you want me to take you home?”

Hesitating for a moment as I started to pull out of our parking space, Hope asked, “Can we go to your house?”

I was nervous, and thought to myself, “What should I do?”

I wanted to be with her, but she was way to young but then I thought,”It was now or never,” and as I glanced over at her I said, “I live kind of far.”

Hope nervously nodded her head and smiling said, ”Yea, let’s go.”

I couldn’t help but smile back and as I reach over patting her on the leg casually I said, “Okay,” and looked back at the road.

At first we didn’t say much, probably because we were both nervous, but as I looked over at her, I reached over the console and put my hand on hers. Hope took hold of my hand and as I glanced over I said, “Thanks for going to the movie.”

We didn’t say anything and as we eventually pulled into my neighborhood, I remarked, “We’re here.”

We stopped holding hands and as she looked out the side window I pulled into the driveway, right into the garage. Immediately I closed the garage door, not wanting neighbors to see her as we got out of the car. As I quickly came around the car and helped her get out, I ushered us inside.

As I guided her toward the living room, I asking if she wanted to watch TV. We eventually sat down on the couch, and fumbling through the channels, we eventually found a movie to watch. I then asked if she wanted something to drink. Hope asked, “Whatcha got,” and as I headed into the kitchen I thought to myself, “What might she might like?”

Instinctively I yelled out, “How about a beer?”

Hope said sure and as returned to the living room, it was hard to contain myself as I sat next to her on the couch, I handed her a beer. I couldn’t help but look at her, which again made her say, ”What?”

It was nice to be with her and as I smiled at her, I leaned over and took her hand. Hope looked down at our hands briefly and as she looked back up, I leaned toward her as gave her a kiss. It was only a smile kiss but as we looked at each other smiling, we again leaned into each other and as we hugged, I kissed her on the head. I tried to ignore the fact that she was so young and as she looked at me, we ended up kissing again. It felt so good and when I tried to push my tongue into her mouth, I think it surprised her, but Hope eventually opened her mouth, allowing our tongues to meet as we kissed.

We continued to kiss, and as we did, I subtly tried to put my hand on her boob again. She again gasped but didn’t stop me. Hope instead put her hand on mine allowing me to feel on her boobs.

I wanted this and as we became more heated, I reached my hand behind her and leaning her back on the couch, I quickly unhooked her bra with one hand through her shirt. It surprised her I think, which made her sit up and say, “Don’t!”

We stopped kissing and as we looked at each other, I sat up too.

I didn’t want to stop but as I watched her adjusted her bra and shirt, she was sheepishly smiling. I didn’t know what to think but as she leaned into me, she took my hand and said, “I’m just scared, that’s all.”

Putting my arm around her, I gave her a hug and as I took her hand, holding it on my leg, we kissed again. It felt so right and as I again moved my hand up, cupping her boob under her bra. Hope then slipped her hand between my legs. I couldn’t believe it, but obligingly I spread my legs slightly as we continued to make out. Hope casually slid her hand up, groping to feel my cock through my pants; I wanted her to feel it, and when she eventually started to feel on my cock I casually said, “Be careful.”

Looking at each other for a moment, I took her hand and said, “Let’s go to my bedroom?”

Hope smiled and as she nodded, I stood up and pulled her to stand too. She again adjusted her top and bra, and as I led her toward my bedroom, we smiled at each other.

As we entered my bedroom, I could tell she was nervous. Letting go of her hand, I turned to face her, I could see the apprehension in her face as she looked around nervously. Squeezing her hand gently, she looked at me and I asked, “Are you okay?”

Smiling sheepishly, she nodded and I told her not to worry. Hope again nodded her head in acknowledgment, and as I leaned down, I kissed her on the cheek. I wanted to reassure her that everything would be okay; I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable about what was happening, because I didn’t want risk losing the opportunity to hopefully get her in bed.

We kissed again and as our lips met, I held her by the hips, backing her against the side on my bed. It was so nice and as I gradually moved my one hand up to feel her boobs, she again gasped, causing her to look down as I gently squeezed her boobs. It felt so good to be able to feel her body, I didn’t want to stop, and as we agin kissed, my dick was already getting hard thinking about being with her.

I wanted this and as I stopped kissing her, I casually took off my shirt. Hope immediately started to feel my chest and as she looked at me, I tossed my shirt aside,and kissed her briefly. I reached down now and as I undid my pants, Hope watched as I inched them down, let them fall to the floor. She immediately looked up at me again for reassurance and smiling at her, I took her hand, placing it against my boxers. I wanted her to feel how hard my cock was, which made Hope glanced down briefly. When she nervously looked back up at me I jokingly said, “See what you’ve done to me.”

Hope smiled and as we kissed again, she rubbed my cock through my boxers. I was so hard and now wanted to get her clothes off too. As I tried to take her top off, she stopped me, and as she looked up at me, I didn’t know what to do. Hope then adjusted her top and as she put her arms around my neck, we kissing. I decided to try to undo her pants instead, which made her again reach down stopping me. I moved her hands away and said, “Don’t worry, okay.”

Hope nodded and as I got her pants unbuttoned, I leaned down, pulled them off. As she wiggled her hips and shook her legs, her pants fell to the ankles, where she kicked them off. Hope immediately put her hands over her crotch, trying to cover herself, but as I looked down I could see she was wearing pink little panties that had unicorn on them. It made me smile and as I looked back at her I said, “You’re so pretty Hope.”

She too smiled and as we kissed, I again tried to take her top off, but stopped me again. As we looked at each other, I told her it’s okay. I gradually lifted her shirt over her head and as she lifted her arms, I couldn’t help but stare at her little tits as her unhooked bra hiked up. Hope immediately pulled her bra over her boobs and held it against her chest. As she looked at me nervously, I smiled and told her not to worry as I I moved her hand. Inching the straps of her little white bra off her shoulders, Hope timidly took it off and cast her bra aside. Immediately our eyes met again, and as I held her I said, You’ve got a great body Hope.”

Hope shyly turned, facing away from me now and as she did I moved toward her, pressing my cock against her ass and grabbed her boobs from behind. As I kissed her neck, she turned to face me again. As we looked at each other, I took her hand, and gradually moved it down, placing it on my crotch.

As she looked down, I slowly started her rubbing and squeeze my cock through my boxers. She was a little preoccupied with feeling my cock, and when I tried to pull my boxers down, she stopped to watch. Eventually my cock flopped out of my boxers and as I let my boxers fall to the floor, Hope immediately looked up at me as she grabbed at my cock. Leaning into her, I hugged and as I kissed her, I reached both my hands down the back of her panties, feeling her ass, pulling her close.

Moving away from her slightly, I pulled back the covers, and as I lifted her onto the bed, she giggled a little. As we looked at each other, I asked her to move over. I climbed on the bed with her and as we immediately started kissing, I pulling the covers over us as we got comfortable. Kissing as we held each other, I moved closer and started to grind my crotch against her leg. I wanted her to again feel how hard I was, but I also thought to myself, “I don’t want to ruin it, not now, but feeling her young body next to me, had me wanting to fuck her.

I immediately had to remind myself that this was probably her first time and so I tried to slow things down as we continued to kiss. I didn’t want to push her, I wanted to feel her body and I wanted her to keep feeling on my chest and back as we kissed, but really I wanted her to again feel my cock.

As I rolled to my back, Hope rolled toward me too. I then took her hand and scooting up, I guided her hand down toward my crotch. She immediately started to grope to feel my cock and when I scooted up again, Hope put her small hand around my cock, she looked up at me for reassurance, and smiling at her, she turned her gaze back down to her hand on my cock. We simply smiled at each other now and then, as Hope continued to feel on my cock. I lifted the covers slightly letting her see it, and wanting her to go down on me, but also knowing that too might turn her off.

I needed to again slow things down and so I scooted back down, which caused her to have to let go as I gently started to kiss her. Laying her on her back now, I tried to position myself on top of her, as I rested on my elbows. We continued to kiss, and as I let my cock rub against her thigh, all I could think of was wanting to fuck her. I slowly climbed on top of her, and spreading her legs, I position myself between them as we kissed. I was close now, I was right there, however I still knew I needed to go slow, and after kissing her briefly, I scooted up, letting my cock push against her crotch. It startled her a little, causing her to push on me slightly say, “No, don’t.”

I immediately looked up and as I scooted back down, I asked her, “What’s wrong.”

I could see the worried look on her face, and so I slid off her. She was obviously scared and I worried if I had lost the chance to fuck her, but she kissed me she smiled and said, “I’m just a little scared.”

I acknowledged her by telling her, “I’m not going to do anything unless you’re okay.” Hope smiled and nodding her, we leaned into each other and kissed again. As we started to passionately feel on each other Hope said, “Just go slow, okay.”

I kissed her and as she again reached down looking to feel my cock, I knew she was possibly open to trying. I moved down, kissing and sucking on her neck as I felt on her boobs, eventually kissing down her chest, hoping she would continue to be receptive as I started sucking and tonguing her nipples.

As Hope started to squirm a little, I felt her nipples grow more erect in my mouth. She was obviously aroused, excited and so I slowly moved my hand down her stomach, wanting to feel her pussy, but as soon as my fingers pressed against her pussy through her panties, Hope reached down, stopping me again saying, “No, don’t!”

Looking up at her, I could she was apprehensive, shaking her head, no. I quickly moved my hand back up to feel on her boobs, but she was obviously scared. I again worried if I may have pushed to much. She eventually kissed me, looking for some reassurance, and as we paused, I said, “Everything would be okay.”

She nodded her head and smiling, I laid down and took off my boxers. She immediately put her hand on my cock, taking hold of it. She was obviously becoming more and more excited being able to see and feel my cock, and as she smiled at me, she made faint sounds as she tried to rub it up and down. I still wanted to feel her pussy and in this position, it wasn’t easy but as I leaned forward, I eventually got my hand to her mound and as I touched her pussy through her panties, she gasped. As eyes met, I smiled at her and kissing her I tried to finger her through her panties.

She pulled away slightly but didn’t stop me, and as I continued to finger you pussy through her panties, they got so wet. I wanted to be in her but I knew I couldn’t rush it, not now. I wanted to get her panties off and as I sat up and started to pull them down, Hope reluctantly putting her hands down blocking me.

As we looked at each other, I told her not to worry and as she eventually let me take them off. As I got the down and pulled them over her feet, I found myself staring at her young little pussy as I tossed her panties off the bed. She had a plump little mound and only a small amount of hair that she seemed to keep nicely trimmed and as I went back to kissing her, I couldn’t stop thinking about being in her. As I casually brushed my hand against her pussy, she spread her leg a little, which surprised me and as we looked at each other, I gently started to run my fingers in her tender little slit. Kissing her now, I slipped my finger in her pussy.

Hope quickly leaned up on her elbows and as I looked at her, she smiled at me, and continued to watch me as I touched her pussy. Hope eventually did lay back as we continued to kiss each other, wanting but to be in her.

Kissing her neck, I gradually worked my way back down her body, past her boobs until I was kissing her stomach. Spreading her legs, I kissed her mound, eventually gently kissed her pussy.

Looking up at her to make sure she was okay,I could see she was watching me. Looking back down, I gently started to finger and kiss on her pussy, wanting to eat her pussy. Hope now spread her legs wide for me and quickly positioned myself between her legs. As I put my head between her legs, gently spread her pussy lips and pushed my tongue in her. Hope immediately tensed up and I could hear her gasp again as my tongue explored her pussy. I continued to eat her pussy.

She was really wet and as I continued to eat her pussy, I bent her knees, spreading her legs more. My dick was so hard; I wanted to be in her and when she started to squirm a little and squeeze my head between her legs, I knew she was probably going to get off. I wanted her to cum and when Hope’s body started to shake a little, she reached down, pushing on my head. I wanted her to get off and when she asked me to stop, I didn’t.

Hope arched her back, continuing to hold my head as she climaxed. I think it was probably her first time experiencing it and as I stopped, I moved up wanting to be in her. As our eyes met, she smiled and put her arms around my neck. As we kissed, and I pushed my cock against her pussy, Hope gasped and immediately said, “No, don’t.”

As I looked at her, I could see the worried look as she pushed me away. I wanted her to let me do it and as I leaned up, I asked, “Are you on the pill.”

I don’t think she understand at first because she asked, “What do you mean?”

I again asked, “Are you on any birth control.”

She nodded her head and said, “Yea, my mom put me on it ever since she caught me and my old boyfriend on the couch.”

I smiled and after a pause I asked, “Did you and your boyfriend do it?”

Hope shyly shock her head and said, “No, we never did,” and continued by saying, “My mom made me break up with him.”

Knowing that she had never done it before made me nervous, and I knew I had to be careful because I think she was a little scared. As we continued to look at each other, I said, “If you want me to stop, just tell me.”

Hope was hesitant but nodding she admittedly said, “I want to do it, I’m just scared.”

Smiling at her, I leaned forward and kissed her. I wanted this so bad and as I told her, “It’ll be okay,” I gently pressed my cock against her pussy again.

I knew I needed to go slow if I wanted this to happen and as I reached down and tried to finger her tight little slit, Hope gasped. We stopped kissing briefly, and as we looked at each other and kissed, I casually took hold of my cock and gently tried to guided it up to her little slit.

Slowly I tried to push into her as I gradually moved my cock up and down her slit, and trying to push into her. Hope continued to push on me and cautiously say, “ Go slow”.

It was so tight, I didn’t know if I could get it in, but as I kissed her, I gently wiggling the head of my cock in her slit as I continued to gradually try to push into her wet little pussy.

I was hoping it loosen her up a little and slowly I was able to get my cock part way in her. “Oh my god,” I thought, but then suddenly she pushed on me, telling me to stop.

As I stopped, and as I leaned up, she squirmed beneath me. I wasn’t sure if it hurt or if she was scared. I tried to keep my cock her, hoping she would relax, but it was obvious she was still scared. I told her, “Try to relax, okay,” and as she nodded, she continued to squirm a little.

I continued to try to reassure and finally said, “If you want me to stop, it’s ok,” but I really wanting her to stop me; I wanted to be in her.

Eventually Hope said, “I’m okay,” as she laid back.

Leaning down, I kissing her and again said, “Relax, okay.”

Hope continued to smile and as I again slowly pushed into her a little, she nod and taking a deep breath, she arched her back. She was so wet but so tight too. I wanted this; I didn’t want it hurt, I wanted to fuck her, and as I continued to slowly push into her again, I kissed her and said, “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

I wanted it to feel good for her and as she continued to nod her head, I tried to slowly move my cock in and out of her. Hope leaned back now, and her body seemed to relax little more as I continued to push into her. She did squirm now and then, occasionally pushing on me and asking me to stop, but I was in her now.

It felt so good in her, I wanted to cum. Telling her to relax, she again nodded and as she took another deep breath, I slowly moving my cock in and out of her, actually starting to fuck her.

Stopping briefly, I leaned forward to kiss her I stopped briefly to ask if she was okay. Nodding her head, I kissed her as I started trying to fuck her again.

Pushing into her a little more, I could feel her tensing up a little, so I stopped again, and told her to relax. She continued to nod her head, obviously trying to relax as my cock moved in and out of her.

It felt so good, she really was so tight, and the few times when she gasped and reached up pushing on me saying, “Stop!” I did.

I didn’t want her to stop me and eventually Hope did stop pushing on me. I think it must have started to feel good for her too, because she did lean up smiling, and as she put her arms around my neck, she kissed me. Smiling too, I kissed her back and again tried to reassure her by saying, “Relax.”

Hope nervously nod her head, as I again moved my cock in and out of her. I didn’t want her to stop me, I didn’t want it to hurt as I tried to cum. My thrusts were faster and more deliberate now, which made Hope squirm from time to time, but she didn’t push on me to stop.

I was close and wanting it to last, I stopped now and then to catch my breath and ask if she was okay. It was obvious she was okay because she continued to have her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. When Hope told me she was okay, I started to move my cock in and out of her a little faster, wanting to cum. She was so tight, I didn’t want her to make me stop, not now. I was fucking her, but still trying to be careful at the same time to not hurt her.

As I continued to fuck her, she suddenly told me to stop. Holding myself up off her a little, I stopped as she tried to push me away. I didn’t know what to think and so I pulled out a little and looking at her I asked, “What’s wrong?”

She was squirming a little as she continued to push on me, but then I felt her body quiver a little. “What was happening,” I thought as I tried to hold her.

Hope was out of breath and as she stopped pushing on me, she relaxed. As she did, I realized she must have cum, which I think might have confused her a little. I asked, “Are you okay?”

As she nodded, I slowly pushed my cock back in her, which made her lean up a little and say, “Stop.”

I again stopped, confused, but smiling she nodded her head, and pulled me closer, kissing me on the cheek and whispered, “I’m okay.”

I smiled at her and as I tried to fuck her again, she still seemed to be reeling a little bit and so I stopped. Kissing her, I again tried to reassure her that it would be okay and to not worry as I tried to fuck her again. When she didn’t say anything, I again stopped and asked, “Are you okay?”

Hope smiled shyly and nodding she said, “It’s okay, I’m okay.”

As I told her to relax, and as Hope again nodded her head I slowly tried to push my cock back into her. She was still so tight as I pushed in her a little, but it slipped back in her a little easier, which made her gasp. I again stopped and ask her if she was okay. Hope nodded and as I kissed her, I slowly started to move my cock in and out of her.

It felt so good as I started to fuck her again, hoping she wouldn’t stop me again. I went slow at first but eventually my thrusts again became faster and shorter, wanting to cum. She still squirmed a little underneath me, but it wasn’t long before I was close to cumming again. I kept thrusting in and out of her deeper and longer, wanting to cum now. As my breathing became more labored, I softly said, “I’m going to cum.”

I don’t think she understand at first, but suddenly she said, “What?!”

I was breathing kind of hard but again told her, “I’m going to cum,” as I kept trying to fuck her.

Hope suddenly realized what was happening and as she pushed on me, she told me to stop but it was to late.

I tried to hold her still as my cock jerked inside her. Hope hastily tried to wiggle free as cum spilled inside her. She frantically pushed on my neck now saying, “Get off me!”

As I lifted off her and my cock slip out, Hope leaned up on her elbows. I was done but as she looked down at my cock I squeezed it. As cum dribbled out onto the bed, Hope immediately pushed me away and reached down to her pussy. She was distraught and when she felt cum ooze out of her, she looked at me very upset and said, “You came in me, didn’t you.”

I sat up on the bed next to her now, not knowing what to say as Hope held her cum covered fingers up for me to see. She had a scared look as she desperately tried to get the cum out of her, not realizing she couldn’t.

Leaning over now, I tried to give her a hug, but she immediately pushed me away saying, “I didn’t want you to do that!”

I said, “I’m sorry,” and again tried to give her a hug.

Hope was on the verge of tears now but eventually she did let me hold her. As I held her, I tried to console her saying, “It’ll be okay, don’t worry,” but then she suddenly said, “I don’t want to get pregnant.”

I didn’t want her to get pregnant either, and when I asked, “I thought you said you were on the pill,” she immediately said, “Yea, but I don’t want to get pregnant.” I was confused but Hope continued by saying, “I didn’t want you to cum in me.”

I continued to try to hold her, but she wrestled free and got off the bed. Hope was upset and as I watched her standing there with her legs spread continuing to finger her pussy, I got off the bed and stood next to her, trying to console her by rubbing her back.

Hope was panicked, on the verge of crying I think, and when I suggested, “Why don’t we go take a shower.”

Pushing me away, very upset, she walked toward the bathroom. I tried to follow her, but she looked at me and said, “I want to take it by myself.”

I went back over to the bed and sat there very nervous as I listened to her turned on the water and close the shower door. She was in there for what seemed like an eternity and when I heard her turn off the water, I waited impatiently for her return.

It really felt so good to make love to her, but right now I wanted to try to reassure her that everything would be okay. When I heard her open the door, I stood up, as she emerge from the bathroom. She was wrapped in a towel and as she walked toward the bed, she still seemed a little shaken as she sat on the bed. I casually moved over to sit next to her and asked, “Are you okay.”

Hope nodded her head and as we sat there, we didn’t say anything for a little bit. Eventually I asked, “Do you want me to take you home?”

There was a slight pause but Hope shock her head and said, “No.”

I leaned over to her now and as I gave her a hug, I kissed her on the head, and as we sat there embracing each other, I again tried to tell her that everything would be okay. Nodding her head, she looked at me and said, “ I think I got it all out.”

Hope seemed to be a little more relaxed, but truly didn’t understand that there was probably still cum in her, and maybe she didn’t understand that the pill wouldn’t let her get pregnant.In either case, I didn’t want her to worry.

After a lull in our conversation, I asked if she wanted to get in bed. When she nodded, I pulled back the covers. Hope now laid back still wearing the towel, and moved to the middle of the bed. I pulled the covers back over her and quickly went to the other side. As I climbed in bed, I moved over beside her. We held each other, tangling our legs, trying to get as close as possible to each other.

She seemed comforted in the fact that we were together, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms. Later, I woke up needing to pee, and quietly slipped out of bed to use the bathroom. As I returned, Hope was awake and asked me, “We’re did you go?”

I told her I just needed to pee and as I climbed back in bed, Hope inched closer to me and we held each other again as we laid there in the dark. Eventually, we kissed and I said, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

As she nodded, we kissed again as I wrapped my leg over hers. We ended up messing around a little and I wanted to do it again, but after a little while we ended up falling back asleep.

Later that night, I woke up to see Hope looking at me. She was smiling, but I asked, “Whatchya doin?”

We ended up just laying there talking for a little bit, but when there was a lull, I realized it was probably time to get her home. As I rolled to face her I said, “We should probably get going.” Hope seemed a little sad, but as she hugged me she said, “I wish we could stay like this.”

I hugged her back for a moment, but eventually we got out of bed and got dressed. As I drove her home, we didn’t really talk much, but to break the silence I ask if she wanted to stop to get something to eat at a fast food restaurant.

Soon we pulled into her neighborhood, and as we started down the street where her house was she had me pull over and drop her off so she could walk home. As I pulled over I could see the sun was coming up and as I looked at her, she was smiling. I really hoped everything was going to be okay and as she leaned over to kiss me she said, “I had a good time.”

I smiled, acknowledging her, and gave her a hug before she got out of the car. As she closed the door, and I watch her walk down the street. Hope turn and after waving, she blew me a kiss. Smiling I waved and slowly did a u-turn, and headed home.

All the way home, all I could think about was what we had just done and I worried if she might get pregnant, and when I didn’t hear from her or see her for awhile, I really started to worry about her being so young.

Hope eventually did visit the school a few other times, which was a relief, and at one point we did talk to each other. Hope was apprehensive as we talked and our conversation was matter a fact. I thought about asking her to go out again but as she cautious looked around, she ended up leaving.

We never would hook up again, and I have continue to fantasize about her, thinking about the time we spent together, wish that Hope would again show up at my door.