
Extreme stories about a reluctant housewife becoming a whore


It was 6:15 am and the alarm woke Jan from her sleep, she was so tired. Another sleepless night and another night of frustration, Jan had not had sex with her husband for nearly two weeks, and she desperately needed his stiff penis or hand inside of her. All night she was hoping that he would take her as he so often had in the past. It was not uncommon that many a sexual drought has been broken by the realisation that she wasn’t having sex in a dream, but that her husband Jeff was making a duck’s beak with his hand was pushing all five fingers inside of because when it came to sex, she was always conflicted.

So, this morning she woke to the realisation if she didn’t have sex soon she would go crazy. After several weeks of no sex she realised she need to cum badly, and if he wouldn’t do it for her, she would reluctantly do it herself. She swung her legs out of bed, and slowly forced herself to get moving. She placed her dressing gown on, grabbed her clothes and, made her way to the bathroom.

Once she locked the door she sat on the toilet and urinated, wiping herself, she made a mental note to flush the toilet but only after her shower. Disrobed, momentarily she glanced in the mirror, her breasts were average and sagged from the children she had nursed, but they were not too bad. As her eyes dropped a little lower, she unconsciously sucked her tummy in, but again there were the tell-tale signs of child birth there too. But as she swirled around she thought, not bad for someone who has had four children.

She hopped in the shower and began washing herself, thinking through the list of jobs she had to do today. As she gently lathered her hairy mound, she found herself pausing for a moment as she remembered how good her vagina felt; very quickly her clitoris was engorged. Instinctively, she was slowly sliding two of her soaped up fingers inside of herself as she rubbed her clitoris with her other hand. As she began to relax and enjoy the warm feeling that was spreading between her legs – she was spooked by a knock on the bathroom door by one of the children. “Mum, what’s for breakfast? Immediately Jan responded, “Just go downstairs, and I will be there soon.” Embarrassed, guilty and not a little frustrated, Jan quickly finished her shower, got dressed and went downstairs.

The morning went through the normal routines; the children were dropped off at school, dishes were done, washing out, and the baby changed. She looked at the clock (she never wore a watch) and realised she had better hurry; she had a 10 am doctor’s appointment. Running just a little late she told her husband to look after the children as she was off to the doctors.

The radio announcer introduced the news – she rolled her eyes, as was often the case, she was running late; it was 10:06 by the time she parked her car and made her way to the reception desk. As she walked in she said to the receptionist, “Jan Turner for Dr. Edwards, sorry I’m running a little late.”

The receptionist reassured her “It’s ok, you can go straight through Mrs. Turner.”

As she walked up the Hall Dr. Edwards was making his way out of the consulting room, he turned and paused, “Mrs. Turner, just go through and take a seat, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Jan took a seat, and sure enough, before she had even time to think through what she would say, the door handle opened, and Dr. Edwards entered. He strode over to his desk confidently, placing a few pieces of paper on the table and sat down. He seemed to pause in thought, before slowly lifting his head and making eye contact, immediately he smiled, “How can I help you, Mrs. Turner?”

Jan was a little embarrassed, “Well, my husband and I have four children, we love each one of them, well, most of the time…” she said with a half-smile, “…but we’re happy to stop there, so I want to get my tubes tied, and I need a referral to a specialist from you.”

Dr. Edwards immediately pointed out that it would be easier if she took the pill, or her husband had a vasectomy, but Jan explained that none of the options worked for her family. She had given it a lot of thought, and this was the best way.

Dr. Edwards realised that Jan had made up her mind; he still felt she was too young for such a drastic operation, but in the end, it was her decision. “Ok, then Mrs. Turner I will need to give you a thorough examination and then make a report and referral for a specialist.”

Jan was pleased; she knew that this was best for herself and her family. Dr. Edwards was also pleased as he had been the family doctor for the last 6-7 years and had enjoyed on the odd occasion taking liberties with Jan particularly when doing internal exams. He has always suspected that Jan repressed her sexuality, and looked forward to the day he might take advantage of that.

Dr. Edwards asked her to remove her clothes and to put on a gown, and he would be back in a few minutes. Jan has always been a little self-conscious, so it was great reluctance that she began to remove her clothes, finally removing her panties before putting on the gown to hide her nakedness. Nervously, she hopped up onto the examination table and fidgeted until she heard his footsteps confirming he had now returned. The door opened, and Dr. Edwards greeted Jan, “Ok Jan, I just need to do a general examination before a vaginal examination, ok?” Jan nodded but didn’t make eye contact.

He applied the stethoscope, he took her blood pressure and checked out her ears and mouth. He then explained he would need to do a breast examination and that she would need to lower her gown. Jan lowered it a little, but Dr. Edwards immediately told her not to be silly and motioned that she should let it drop to her waist. Jan reluctantly let the gown fall to her waist while she sat there thoroughly self-conscious, it wasn’t that cold, but her nipples hardened, and her areola contracted to make her even more embarrassed.

Dr. Edwards began his manual manipulation of her breasts. He was enjoying her discomfort as he moved his hands firmly all over her breasts. Jan was doing her best to look past Dr. Edwards into space but was conscious the older man was looking at her for a response. “Do you feel any pain Jan?” Dr. Edwards squeezed her breast and then firmly tugged on her right nipple but did not release it. “How does that feel Mrs. Turner, any pain?” Before she could respond, she heard him say, “What about this?” and he firmly pulled on her other nipple.

Jan was surprised and embarrassed. At the same time, she was also beginning to feel aroused and not a bit confused why the doctor was so firm and seemingly sexual with her. Jan was a little relieved when the doctor went back to gently massaging both of her sagging breasts. In fact, Jan was more annoyed at her husband, because due to his sexual neglect of her over the last few weeks she was feeling very aroused by the doctor’s exam.

Her thoughts were interrupted again by Dr. Edwards hand gently pushing her, “lie down please Mrs. Turner” and with that, she laid down and hiked her legs onto the table. Dr. Edwards removed the gown altogether, explaining he now needed to do an internal examination. He asked if she would like to cover her upper half and she readily accepted the offer. He passed her the gown, and she covered all that she could, but Dr. Edwards made sure that the gown was crumpled up around her waist so as not to impair the examination.

Dr. Edwards noticed she had a hairy bush that had never been kept tidy. As he eased her thighs apart, he asked Jan to put her feet together and push her knees apart. He explained he would need to trim her pubic hair as it would make the examination more hygienic. Of course, that was nonsense, but he was counting on Jan been sufficiently embarrassed just to go along with it. Jan just ignored his comments and closed her eyes.

The noise of the clippers told her he had begun, the cold metal on her vaginal lips simply confirmed it with a shiver. Dr. Edwards put a lot of pressure on her vaginal mound so as to tighten the skin around her vagina, making it easier to shave her vaginal lips as he worked his way up to her mound. A few minutes she heard him say “that’s better Jan” and with that, she could feel him brushing away her pubic hair.

Dr. Edwards called in his assistant and asked her to get a warm bowl of water and to give Mrs. Turner’s vagina a good wash. Jan was horrified that the older nurse could see her private parts and closed her legs, but Dr. Edwards strong hands pulled her knees apart, scolding her for being so silly. The nurse took the warm washer and began bathing her vagina before placing a fresh dry towel over her private parts and then gently rubbing her vagina dry. “All done,” said the nurse.

Dr. Edwards now requested the nurse assist him putting on a pair of latex gloves. The nurse brought a container of lubricant that the doctor dipped his gloved fingers into. Apologising that it may be a little cold and uncomfortable Dr. Edwards moved closer as Jan closed her eyes wishing the whole thing would be over soon. She tried to think of all the things she would do that week; she needed to post some mail, pick up a school uniform as well as make a dent in all the ironing.

But as she felt her vaginal lips parting her thoughts began to focus on her vagina again. Dr. Edwards asked the nurse to hold Jan’s vaginal lips apart, explaining it would make it easier for him to examine her. Jan could feel her lips part and felt the pressure of Dr. Edwards fingers as they began to enter her. No matter how shy and reluctant Jan claimed to be, Dr. Edwards knew she was quite aroused. Her puffy blood filled vaginal lips were well parted, and her copious secretions made lubricant redundant, it was clearly obvious Jan was excited. “Jan, how many children did you say you have had?” asked the doctor.

“Four” she replied.

“Ummm, I can tell, your vagina is quite loose, does this cause you any problems or affect your sex life?” Jan didn’t know how to answer, she couldn’t tell the Doctor that her husband regularly fisted her vagina, but she didn’t want to say there was a problem either…so she didn’t answer.

The nurse interrupted her confused thoughts, “Jan can you feel Dr. Edwards fingers inside you?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“Does it hurt Jan?”

“No” she replied.

Suddenly she felt the doctor pushing and felt the urge to push hard but resisted it. She wanted to open her eyes, but she was just too embarrassed because her pussy was now betraying her as she found herself gently gyrating her hips as if she was trying to suck his fingers deeper inside her. As Jan shifted her buttocks, she could feel Dr. Edwards exploring her and whatever embarrassment she felt, had now given way to pleasure. She could feel two of the doctor’s fingers massaging her opening to her cervix.

She wasn’t sure, but it felt like his finger had penetrated her cervix and was slowly working it in and out. Jan heard him say something about her cervix, and that she wasn’t ovulating, but she really wasn’t listening, all she knew was that as he continued to push, her vagina began to burn, and her reactions became instinctive she just had to bear down on his hand. Annoyingly, she became aware of the nurse’s voice again, “You seem to be enjoying this Mrs. Turner.”

Jan just ignored the embarrassing observation. However, she couldn’t ignore the feeling of the doctor’s fingers inside of her. She desperately wanted him inside of her even if it wasn’t right, she couldn’t help she had the urge to push, and as she bore down on his hand again, she was shocked to feel his whole hand penetrate her vagina.

Dr. Edwards apologised, saying, “I’m so sorry Mrs. Turner, I was apparently pushing too hard.”

Jan felt humiliated, yet at the same time, she could feel the warmth spreading through her abdomen. It was like her whole pussy was on fire. She couldn’t open her eyes, as long as she kept them closed she could ignore the strange mix of humiliation and excitement. Finally, it dawned on Jan that Dr. Edwards had not yet removed his hand from her vagina… not only that, but it also seemed that nurse was massaging her clitoris.

“How does that feel Jan?” She heard the doctor say. Jan refused to answer.

She could feel that Dr. Edwards was slowly easing his hand out of her vagina. Just as his hand was about to plop free, he gently pushed it back in. Jan was confused. Again she felt his hand being slowly removed, but just as her pussy stretched open sufficiently to release its hungry grip on is hand, he again pushed forward and returned to her warm depths again.

Jan finally accepted the obvious, Dr. Edwards was no longer doing an examination but a penetration. The nurse was not really assisting him, but teasing and embarrassing her. Gently, the doctor’s hand rocked back and forth in Jan’s vagina. Her body increasingly had a mind of its own and was begging for more; Jan indiscreetly arched her back and again bore down on the doctor’s hand as he began to pick up the pace of her vaginal stretching.

“Mrs. Turner, it would seem your husband fists your pussy quite regularly!”

Jan said nothing; she just concentrated on the pleasure of being full and taken.

Dr. Edwards persisted, “You like your pussy to be full don’t you Mrs. Turner? I think you want me to make you cum don’t you?”

But Jan had not even opened her eyes, let alone her mouth to answer him.

Just then she felt the nurse’s hand slap her clitoris, not once but twice. “Answer Jan,” she said. “Tell him you like your cunt fucked by a hand. I mean look at yourself Jan, you let the doctor shave your cunt, tug on your tits and shove his whole hand up your loose hole.”

Jan was shocked by the vulgar language and aggression of the nurse. As gathered her senses, she again felt the wrath of the nurse as she slapped her clitoris a third and fourth time in disgust at Jan’s reluctance.

Jan began to cry. “Stop it; Please stop it.”

She felt the doctor’s hand finally pull all the way out of her vagina. She lamented the empty feeling as the nurse slapped her cunt a fifth and sixth time causing Jan to pee herself a little.

The nursed scolded her, “You’re just a slut without conviction Jan. You love your big loose cunt to be fisted and slapped – so much you squirt everywhere and then pretend you don’t like it. You’re a fucking whore Jan, and it’s time you accepted that truth about yourself.”

Everything went quiet apart from Jan’s quiet sobs. Jan’s pussy was stinging from the pussy slaps of the nurse, but it was also dripping and gaping open from the fist fuck. She had this strong desire to masturbate; she wished the nurse would continue as she was yearning for release.

Finally, the awkward silence was broken as the doctor spoke again. “Mrs. Turner, do you want me to fist your cunt?” Jan didn’t want him to stop, but couldn’t bring herself to asking him to violate her married vagina. Dr. Edwards knew this, in fact, he was counting on her modesty and her repressed sexuality; this would allow him to humiliate and control her.

Dr. Edwards voice was calm and measured. “Mrs. Turner, we think you are a whore who likes her sloppy cunt filled by big cocks and strong hands, but if you don’t want me to fuck your cunt with my fist, please say so.” Jan wanted his fist back in her vagina, but couldn’t say it.

Dr. Edwards brought his hand close to Jan’s gaping hole. He gently made a duck’s beak and inched his fingers inside her cunt, then waited. Jan wiggled her bottom down the table and tried to force more of his hand inside of her. Again Jan’s concentration was broken by the nurse pinching her nipple and pulling as hard as she could so that Jan floppy tits were pulled a long way from her chest. Jan gasped in pain, but the nursed showed no mercy, she despised Jan for our prudish pretence.

Grasping at Jan’s clitoris hood, she roughly pinched it between thumb and forefinger and pulled hard; Jan enjoyed the pain; even though her pussy was aching badly; it felt good. Jan started humping at the doctor’s hand and was now enjoying the heat in her clitoris and nipple, as the nurse refused to let go of her sensitive parts.

Dr. Edwards calmly gave her an ultimatum, “Jan, do you want me to fist your cunt till you cum, or do you want me to send you home to you husband like this – with a gaping unsatisfied hole?”

Jan was defeated. “Doctor Edwards I want you to fist my vagina till I cum!”

“Not good enough Jan, it’s a cunt and a big loose one at that. And you’re a middle aged slut Jan. Now try again before I give up on your sorry cunt and send you home unsatisfied.”

“Come on slut, if you want the doctor to satisfy your cavernous hole then beg for it like the whore cunt you are.” Spat the nurse.

Jan was shocked. Humiliated. Aroused. Out of control. Jan could no longer pretend or resist – she just had to give in.

She could hear her voice, but couldn’t believe it was hers. “Fuck my slut hole with your fist please doctor. Please, nurse, rub my pussy and make me cum on the doctor’s hand like a whore.” Jan felt free for the first time in a long time.

Immediately, Jan relaxed her cunt, and Dr. Edwards began to push deep and hard into her hole. Each thrust delivered with increasing conviction. Dr. Edwards was enjoying ploughing her like a well-used field. Jan’s big pussy initially was clinging to the doctor’s hand, but now, he was pulling out of her, and her cunt remained gaped as you might expect from a well-fucked street whore. Jan was now openly moaning and meeting every thrust of the doctor’s fist.

“Fuck my whore cunt harder, please doctor Edwards” begged Jan. “Ruin my cunt…please…fuck me harder with your fist doctor.”

Soon enough the doctor was pumping Jan’s pussy faster and harder until her cunt was so relaxed and loose that he was almost punching her cunt, which meant every time he withdrew hand Jan would bear down and piss on herself.

“That’s it you slut, piss all over yourself like the whore you are,” said the nurse. She started slapping Jan clitoris hard now. That drove Jan even closer to orgasm as the nurse abused her further “Come on you whore cunt, cum for the doctor or I will really cause you some pain.”

Jan was moaning as the nurse continued to slap her pissing cunt. The only time she stopped pissing herself was when the doctor shoved his fist deep within her, and then every time he withdrew she involuntarily pissed herself again. The nurse just slapped her cunt even harder as she pulled on her nipple stretching Jan’s saggy tit a long way from her body.

“Come on whore, cum for the doctor.” Jan’s tit and clit were on fire from the slapping and pinching, but so was her sloppy cunt as she neared an amazing gut wrenching orgasm.

Jan was now moaning like a whore, as she begged, “fuck me harder, fill my whore cunt and make me cum, please. Fuuucckkkk… my slut cunt, please Doctor.”

Jan had lost control as her thighs tensed, and her legs began to shake as her cunt tried to spasm around the doctors thrusting hand. She bore down as if trying to give birth, as the doctor pulled his hand from her cunt Jan began pissing on herself and the nurse.

The older nurse was trying to drink up all her piss as she pulled as hard as she could on Jan’s saggy tits hoping to spoil her orgasm, but it just sent Jan’s body into even stronger waves of orgasmic joy and convulsions.

“Ahhhhhhh…yesses… yes… yes… Oh, that was wonderful” Jan cried in joy.

The nurse was desperately disappointed she didn’t ruin Jan’s orgasm and was annoyed Jan had just received what looked and sounded like the best orgasm of her life. As Jan collapsed on her back; her legs were obscenely spread, and her leaking and abused, but satisfied hole gaped wide open. Her saggy mistreated tits were red, and hanging heavily towards her armpits. And as her heaving and sweat covered chest began to slow, and a small pool of piss finally settled somewhere near her belly button. The slut looked very satisfied.