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Hairy Mary and Trixie the College Girl



A mature, hirsute lesbian cleaning woman lusts after the young college girls that she sees every day at work. Then before she knows it, she’s experiencing a lustful love session with an 18-year-old freshman lesbian.

Mary pulled her beat-up old car in front of her house and stepped out. It had been a long day at work. For the past fifteen years, she had been a cleaning lady in a girl’s dormitory at the local college. Day in and day out, Mary spent her days cleaning the hallways, emptying trashcans, and scrubbing down the dorm’s common bathrooms. On her way to the front door, Mary felt her aching muscles. As she walked into the lonely little house, Mary sat down on the sofa in tears.

Her life hadn’t always been this pitiful. When she was about to graduate high school years before, Mary’s parents had agreed to send her to college. But an unfortunate incident had precluded that possibility. Mary had always had lesbian urges. One night in high school, she had convinced a female friend of hers to make out topless with her. Mary’s father burst in on the scene and demanded to know what was going on.

When Mary came clean to her ultra-conservative parents, they kicked her out of the house. She was told never to return. Faced with her newfound exile, Mary knew she would never convince her parents to send her to college. What made matters worse was that she had nowhere to go.

Mary fell into a deep depression. With no possibility of college, she didn’t see the point in even finishing high school. Mary dropped out and began drifting from town to town. Without a high school diploma, the only jobs Mary could get involved low paying menial labor. She had brief relationships with other women through the years, but nothing lasted. Once she had secured the cleaning lady job at the college, Mary rented a small house and settled into an unsatisfying rut.

Now, thirty-eight-years-old and virtually penniless, Mary was just as depressed as when she had first left home. Her figure had become considerably less stunning. What had once been a slim, brunette, teenage bombshell had become a stocky, 220 lb woman with streaks of gray appearing in her hair. Her brown eyes had lost the sparkle that they had once had. Lines of age began to show in her face, unable to be concealed by makeup.

Mary’s 34d breasts with their large brown areolas had begun to sag long ago, and stretch marks were evident on her body in all the wrong places. Because of her depression, Mary had truly let her body go. She couldn’t remember the last time she had shaved her vagina. As a result, the coarse brown hairs of her pubic bush wildly encompassed her forgotten sex. Mary had even stopped shaving her legs and armpits, leaving thick hair on her legs and dark brown patches under each arm.

Mary’s self-pity was only outmatched by her torturous lust for the young college girls she cleaned for every day. Every morning, she walked into that dormitory seeing teenage beauties prancing up and down the halls. The greatest pain was cleaning the bathrooms. Often, Mary would be in there when the girls came in to shower. She would see them take off their robes and walk nude into the small showering cubicles. Mary’s pussy ached each time she saw them nude. She longed to walk into those shower stalls with them and ravage their young, tight bodies.

Mary’s unrequited lust, combined with her general loneliness, eventually gave way to bouts of extreme perversion. When no one else was in the bathroom, Mary would lick the girls’ toilet seats. In her mind, licking the same area where the girls’ asses had recently been brought Mary closer to her dream of having one of them. Over the years, Mary’s perversions grew more intense. Whenever one of the girls would neglect to flush the toilet after urinating, Mary would sneak into the stall afterward. She loved the look and smell of the girls’ fresh urine.

Mary grew aroused knowing that she was close to something that had so recently passed through their perfect young pussies. Initially, Mary would just sit with her face close to the bowl and inhale the scent of their pee. As time passed, however, she began to dip her hands into the bowl and let the warm pee surround her fingertips. In an extreme act of perversion, Mary had one day decided to lick the girls’ pee from her wet fingertips. The taste sent shivers down her spine. From that day forward, Mary would constantly feed her sick desires by never failing to take advantage of an unflushed toilet. She even kept a small cup in her cleaning supplies so that she could drink the girls’ urine by the cupful when possible.

And that was how it had been for years. Sneaking peeks at the naked young girls, secretly drinking their urine, and always lusting after them. Mary sat on her sofa, silently crying to herself in both pity and shame. “Why can’t I find someone?” she asked aloud. “Why am I stuck being some perverted old woman when everyone else around me is so happy?” It was in this state that Mary sank into sleep on the sofa…left unsatisfied for yet another evening.


That same night, Trixie lay awake in her dorm room. Ever since her roommate had left college last semester due to illness, Trixie had the entire room to herself. As she saw the clock strike midnight, her aching pussy continued to keep her awake. Trixie was a lesbian. For some time, she’d tried to convince herself that she was bisexual. She’d have occasional flings with boys, but was always left feeling unsatisfied. No, it was women who satisfied Trixie. She’d only had one female lover during high school, and it had been all-too-brief an affair. But once Trixie had entered college, she found a whole new realm of young women eager to try out lesbian love.

In her first month of college alone, Trixie had met and bedded three separate girls. But nothing ever lasted with her college-aged cohort. And the love making still wasn’t satisfying. The other girls were still too inexperienced; still to unsure of their sexuality to really get into it. But then Trixie had discovered a jackpot. Venturing beyond the campus and into the blue- collar town that surrounded it, Trixie had found a few mature women with which to share her lust. More and more, Trixie found herself gravitating toward these middle-aged townie women. They weren’t like the girls on campus. They were comfortable with their lesbian tendencies. Moreover, they appreciated Trixie’s young form and made that appreciation known for hours on end in the bedroom.

And what a form it was. At eighteen, Trixie had a very trim figure that nicely hung on her 5’7″ frame. Her fiery red hair sat atop her head, which was covered in freckles. Trixie’s eyes had always been an alluring light green, which stood out quite well against her pale skin. Her pert 34b breasts were adorned with two rosy pink nipples and her constantly wet pussy was shaven smooth every day.

Trixie lightly caressed her pussy as she lay their naked in the darkness. She knew she had to get some action from one of the townie women soon. She was having difficulty concentrating on her schoolwork and, with three big tests coming up, Trixie needed to be on top of her game. Finally, after a brief masturbation session, Trixie drifted off into a fitful sleep.


Mary awoke on the sofa early the next morning. She wandered into the shower and cleaned herself off. Not bothering to put on any makeup, she quickly sprayed on some deodorant before getting dressed. After slipping on the usual white cotton bra and panties, Mary put on her matching white socks. Then she got into her uniform. Looking into the mirror, she sighed at the image of herself in the unflattering one-piece pink cleaning uniform. The long skirt on the lower half covered her unshaven legs, yet still failed in its intended task of creating a feel of femininity. After slugging down some coffee and a doughnut, Mary put on her shoes and was in her car and off to work.

Mary began by emptying all the trashcans in the hall, wondering how the girls in the dorm could have accumulated so much garbage in the few short hours she had been away. Then, she unlocked her small supply closet and assembled the necessary tools to begin cleaning the hallway floors. As she scrubbed the floors, Mary noticed the beautiful young girls walking in and out of the bathroom. Her pussy moistened when she remembered that they were all very likely nude under their towels. “What’s the use of fantasizing?” she thought. “Even if they notice me, I’m just the white trash cleaning woman to them.” Saddened, Mary continued on her task well into ten o’clock.


Trixie woke up late that morning. She glanced over at the clock and realized that she had slept through her first class. “Damn!” she said out loud. She couldn’t hear any hallway bustle outside of her door. “Everyone must already be at classes for the day,” Trixie thought. “Guess I’ll grab a shower.”

Still feeling the familiar horniness from the night before, Trixie wrapped a towel around her naked body and walked for the dorm’s common bathroom. As she entered, she saw Mary, the dorm cleaning woman finishing a drink from that cup she always carried around with her. “Hi, Mary” said Trixie.

Mary turned, startled to find someone catching her during her morning pee drinking. “Oh,” she stammered, “Hi there.” It was Trixie, that cute little bombshell who lived across the hall. More than once, Mary had fallen asleep masturbating to thoughts about what they might do together. She backed away a bit, fearful that Trixie might smell the warm urine on her breath. Still, she couldn’t resist looking the young girl up and down…gazing at the porcelain skin and red hair that she so longed to touch. “I � I didn’t think anyone still needed to use the showers.”

“Yeah,” replied Trixie, “I guess I overslept today.” Then, she noticed it. Mary was checking her out! In all these months, Trixie had never really paid much attention to Mary. But now that she thought about it, Mary was exactly her type. “Maybe I’ve found a solution to my problem!” thought Trixie. Then she stopped herself. It was entirely possible that Mary was straight and just admiring her body from an aesthetic viewpoint. Still, she had to know for certain.

A devilish idea crept into Trixie’s head. She removed her towel, standing fully nude before Mary. So as not to scare the older woman off, Trixie began making small talk. “So did you have a good night last night?”

Mary was dumbfounded. She had caught glances of Trixie nude before, but had never seen her on display close up like this. “Uh…I guess so. I didn’t really do much.”

“Are you married, Mary?” asked Trixie. “I don’t think I’ve ever asked you. But I see that you don’t have a wedding ring on.”

Mary blushed a bit. “Oh me? No. It’s just me living alone”. Mary was a bit puzzled by the girl’s question, but welcomed the chance to continue talking to her if it meant that Trixie would stay nude in front of her.

Inside, Trixie smiled. “If she’s not married,” she thought, “it might be because she’s into women.” Trixie slowly walked past Mary to the sink. Looking into the mirror and pretending to wash her hands, she jutted her tight ass out for the older lady to see. “So do you just hang out at home on weeknights, then?”

Mary was staring right at Trixie’s beautiful ass as she spoke. “Um…Yes…For the most part. There’s not much to do around here, you know.”

“I know what you mean,” replied Trixie. “Even with all these people around, it can get lonely.” She moved over to a small ledge on the wall and sat down, consciously spreading her legs apart a bit. “I have trouble finding people…like me, you know?” As she said this, she looked right into Mary’s eyes, smiling.

The dumbfounded look in Mary’s eyes told Trixie all she needed to know. “She IS into girls!” she thought. “Now’s my chance to really drive her wild.” Trixie got into the shower and turned the water on, but did not close the curtain. Instead, she stared right at Mary as the water cascaded down her tight, young body. Trixie soaped up her hands and ran them over her breasts. As she pinched her nipples, she puckered her lips and blew a kiss to Mary. Mary just continued staring as Trixie’s soapy hands massaged her young, smooth pussy.

As Trixie finished her seductive shower, she stepped out of the stall and stood immediately in front of Mary. “Did you like that?” she asked the silent cleaning lady.

Mary’s flushed face looked over the young seductress’ body slowly. With her eyes closed in disbelief, she responded “Yes…God yes.”

Trixie smiled and quickly dried herself off in front of her new admirer and put her towel back on. “Come on with me then,” she said, taking Mary’s hand. “I want to show you something else in my room.” With that, Trixie led the stunned middle-aged cleaning woman across the hall and into her room.

As Trixie closed and locked her door, she made sure the window shade was pulled down. Then she took off her towel and moved closer to Mary. With her hands on Mary’s shoulders, she looked deep into her eyes and whispered, “You know, you’re just my type, Mary.” Mary’s wide eyes were her only reply as Trixie leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips. “What about me?” Trixie continued, “Am I your type?”

Mary finally found her voice. “Well,” she said, “I � I’ve never been with someone like you. Someone so young and pretty, I mean.” Mary blushed as Trixie smiled.

“So you think I’m pretty. Thank you so much, Mary.” Trixie’s hands slowly moved over Mary’s body. “I think you’re very attractive, too.” She kissed Mary again, lingering a bit longer on her lips and tasting a hint of something strange and unfamiliar…almost salty. Trixie filed this new mystery in the back of her mind and continued her seduction. “So would you like to play with me? I mean, get really dirty?” She grinned at Mary.

Mary’s discomfort was quickly replaced by a lustful acceptance of the sinful invitation. “Oh yes, Trixie!” she nearly shouted. At that, she wrapped her arms around Trixie’s beautiful, naked body and began lavishing kisses on her lips and neck. Trixie leaned her head back and enjoyed the attention.

“That’s it, Mary,” she said, “Don’t be shy. Why don’t you get more comfortable?” Trixie moved away a bit and lay down on her bed. “I’d just love a striptease!” Trixie licked her lips as she smiled at Mary.

Mary suddenly felt her discomfort gain a foothold. She looked away from Trixie and remembered her own misshapen, un-groomed body. “I � I don’t think you’ll like it very much,” she said, embarrassed.

“Oh nonsense,” replied Trixie as she leaned back and spread her legs. “I want to see everything you’ve got.” Trixie began slowly rubbing her bald pussy and whispered to Mary, “Show it all to me Mary.”

Mary leaned down and took off her shoes and socks, setting them aside. Then, she sighed to herself. “Here goes nothing,” she thought. “She’ll see what I look like naked and run for the hills.” Mary nearly wept as she undid her uniform and let it fall to the floor. Standing there in only her bra and panties, Mary was on display for the much younger lesbian.

Trixie looked over Mary with great lust as she slowly massaged her pussy. Mary was absolutely perfect. Overweight and covered with body hair. She licked her lips. “Mmm…Mary,” she cooed, “I like what I see. What’s the rest look like?”

Mary was stunned. “You…you like it?” she asked in disbelief. With a reassuring nod from Trixie, Mary quickly stripped down to nothing and stood there. She could see Trixie’s eyes running over her whole body with desire. Then the younger girl stood before her. Trixie’s hands took Mary’s sagging breasts and lovingly caressed them. Then, she took Mary’s hands and pulled her arms into the air. After revealing Mary’s bushy armpits, Trixie took a moment to gently kiss each one.

Trixie then whispered into Mary’s ear. “When’s the last time you had your pussy eaten?” she asked. Mary simply stammered, not able to answer. Before the older woman knew what was happening, Trixie had twirled her around and gently pushed her onto the bed. Trixie’s eyes were wide as she parted Mary’s legs. The oozing, hairy pussy that awaited her was almost too enticing for the young lesbian to take. “Mary, it’s wonderful!” exclaimed Trixie. Then the young sex-crazed lesbian dove in.

Mary looked down to see Trixie’s face buried between her legs. The lewd, wet sounds of Trixie’s cunnilingus mixed with Mary’s own moans and filled the room. “Jesus!” shouted Mary, as Trixie took her clit between her sweet lips. As Trixie sucked Mary’s clit, she also pushed two pale fingers inside of the older woman’s sopping wet pussy.

Trixie would occasionally stop sucking Mary’s clit so that she could lick the lips of her pussy and take in the older woman’s sweet love juices. Then she went back to Mary’s clit, occasionally even going so far as to gently nibble at it with her teeth. Soon, Trixie added a third finger inside of Mary and was furiously finger fucking her while simultaneously sucking the older woman’s swollen clit.

Mary couldn’t take it anymore. She felt a tremendous orgasm building up. Unconsciously, Mary tightened her thighs around Trixie’s head, pinning the young girl between Mary’s legs. But Trixie didn’t mind at all. At that moment, there was no other place in the world that she wanted to be. Trixie could feel Mary’s orgasm approaching, but was completely unprepared for its intensity.

With an obscene grunt, Mary finally cut loose. Her entire body shook as she released a gushing wave of female cum onto Trixie’s waiting lips and tongue. Trixie was astounded. She had never been with a woman who squirted before. Hungrily, she lapped up all Mary had to offer, relishing the womanly, musky taste and smell. When Trixie finally looked up, Mary had passed out from the intense pleasure.


Mary awoke in a dream-like state. For the first time in years, she actually woke up feeling good. “Had this all been a dream?” she thought, “Did I really do that with Trixie?” A quick inventory of her surroundings confirmed that she was, in fact, living in reality. As Mary returned to consciousness, she looked down to see the beautiful young Trixie’s face again buried between her legs. But Mary felt no stimulation of her pussy. Instead, she could feel Trixie’s tongue probing her asshole. It was an amazing sensation. Mary had never experienced anyone playing with her asshole and had only ventured to try it during individual masturbation sessions on a handful of occasions. But Trixie’s tongue made all the difference. The young girl was wetting Mary’s asshole with her cum-soaked lips and pushing her tongue deeper and deeper inside.

Trixie noticed Mary stirring and looked up. She said nothing, just gave the older woman a devilish smile and went back to eating her asshole.

Mary was in heaven. She used her own fingers to begin playing with her clit while the nubile young girl rimmed her asshole. She was a bit surprised when Trixie moved to kissing her inner thighs, and even more surprised when she felt two of Trixie’s fingers invade her asshole. Mary grunted and continued playing with herself while Trixie furiously fingered her asshole.

“You like that baby?” asked Trixie. “Yeah…you like my fingers in your ass, don’t you? Cum for me baby. Make yourself cum while I’m finger fucking that ass of yours.

Mary, turned on by the younger girl’s dirty talk, began to rub herself even harder. She could feel Trixie’s hot breath on her pussy as she prepared for another raging orgasm. Soon, Mary felt her body tense up. Her legs locked and she released another stream of girl cum right into Trixie’s smiling face.

Trixie lapped up the female fluids and used her tongue to clean up Mary’s hairy, soaking pussy. Then she slid up the bed and wrapped herself in Mary’s arms, kissing the older woman lovingly. “Mmm…” cooed Trixie, “I love tasting you, Mary.” Trixie then pulled away a bit from under Mary’s arm and gazed at the older woman’s hairy armpit, which was now coated in sweat. She bent in and started using her tongue to clean Mary’s sweaty, hairy pits. After a while, Trixie crawled over Mary’s body and proceeded to do the same to her other armpit.

Mary was in heaven. She had gone from being alone and sexually frustrated to being adored and loved by this beautiful young college girl. Still, she was unsure of the whole situation, as if she would wake up from a glorious dream and be rocked back to her pitiful life. She looked over at Trixie, who had resumed her place in the crook of Mary’s arm. “Trixie,” asked Mary, “Do you… do you really like me? I mean, I know I’m not a gorgeous woman.”

Trixie just smiled and kissed Mary on the cheek. “Don’t you worry,” she replied, “You’re just my type.” Trixie then leaned up and asked, “Mary, do you want to play with me?” This got an excited nod from the older woman. Trixie smiled. “Okay,” she said, “Just stay right where you are.” Trixie hopped up, straddling the older woman’s face. She couldn’t wait to feel Mary’s tongue inside of her young pussy.

Mary took a moment to admire Trixie’s young, shaven pussy, which was dripping wet. Trixie’s arousal had opened it a bit, and it seemed to be inviting Mary in. Without any further hesitation, she began licking up and down on Trixie’s lips slowly. Mary savored the taste of the young girl’s lustful fluids and buried her tongue down Trixie’s hole. This forced Mary’s nose against Trixie’s clit, which prompted a squeal of sexual excitement from the young girl.

Mary spent several minutes paying attention to Trixie’s labia and love hole, then moved her mouth to Trixie’s clit. She used her wet tongue to trace an invisible path around Trixie’s clit, sending shivers down the young girl’s spine. Then, Mary began sucking Trixie’s clit in earnest. Trixie bucked her hips on Mary’s face, but Mary would not let go. She sucked for all she was worth, sending Trixie into ecstasy.

“Yes! Yes! Suck me harder!” shouted Trixie. She reached down and grasped Mary’s hair, pulling her face closer into her pussy. Finally, Trixie felt her own orgasm build, and she had the most amazing climax of her young life.

Before Trixie had a chance to recover, Mary was begging her to turn around. “I want to eat your little asshole,” said Mary, “Please let me eat it, Trixie.”

Trixie didn’t need to be asked twice. She shifted her body around, placing her ass square in Mary’s face. As Trixie felt Mary’s hot breath and tongue on her ass, she reached down and started playing with Mary’s wet, hairy pussy.

Mary’s tongue invaded Trixie’s asshole eagerly, prompted even further by the feeling of the young girl playing with her mature pussy. She savored the taste of Trixie’s young asshole and willed her tongue deeper and deeper, eventually settling into a rhythm of tongue- fucking the young girl’s puckered hole. Trixie was again sent over the edge and had another monstrous orgasm. When both of the women had calmed down, Trixie slid back into her place under Mary’s arm and pulled the covers of the bed over them. The pair of new lovers fell into an exhausted sleep, both looking forward to their further sexual adventures.