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Meek Mum



When dad died my mother sort of went to pieces for the next six months, I ended up doing everything around the house on top of my school work and had it not been for the insurance money I would have had to find a way to earn money. As it was we were comfortably off, though by no means wealthy, even so I had virtually no time to call my own for the entire period.

Gradually the strain began to tell on me and it began to show in my schoolwork, my grades started to fall and it looked as though I would fail my ‘A’ levels. Much as I loved my mother something had to be done about the whole situation and one fateful Saturday I took matters in hand and confronted mum.

Sitting in the living room facing my mother I could not believe how much she had let herself go, once a lively, attractive, vivacious woman, she was now dowdy and dull, her hair was a mess and her face was pale. Quietly and with great patience I talked to my mother, listlessly she listened to what I said yet showed no sign that she understood.

Slowly I became annoyed and began talking more and more firmly until at last I lost my temper.

“Damn it mum,” I exploded, “go and make yourself presentable, do something with your hair, put on some nice clothes. Do something other than mope.”

“Yes Paul,” she said quietly and got out of her chair.

To say I was surprised at her compliance would be an understatement, as she left the room I shook my head and wondered just what it was that had finally got through to her. Something dad had jokingly said came back to me, he’d had a few drinks and had confided drunkenly that ‘your mother needs a firm hand son’, it had meant nothing to me at the time, but now her reaction to my angry order gave meaning to his words.

Perhaps if I was firm with my mother instead of kindly she would respond more favourably, I decided to try it and see what happened. Ten minutes later mum returned to the living room, she looked like a different woman, her hair was neat and tidy, her face was carefully made up and her clothes were bright and even a little sexy, all in all a vast improvement.

What I needed to do now was to put some of the old sparkle back in her eyes and some spring in her stride, I decided that a walk would be a good start, just getting her out of the house had been impossible over the past six months.

“We are going for a walk,” I said firmly.

“All right Paul,” she replied, “do I need a coat?”

Hiding my surprise I answered her question. “I don’t think so, it seems quite warm out today,” I said with a smile.

Making sure that I had my keys I followed mum out of the house, locked the door then joined her on the pavement, turning towards the nearby park I set off, mum moved along at my side.

The sun was bright, the air fresh with a light little breeze that kept us from getting too warm, even my mother was finding it hard to be glum on such a bright day and by the time we reached the park she had a tiny smile on her lips. We entered the park and wandered aimlessly around the paths that criss-crossed it, we saw couples enjoying themselves, kids playing and dogs running, in other words signs of happiness and they infected my mother and broke down the barrier of her own self-pity.

By the time we left the park mum was smiling almost happily and on the walk home she seemed more alive than she had been for ages.

“I’ll do dinner tonight,” mum said as we went through our front gate.

I was surprised at the change in her, but overjoyed that she had finally snapped out of her slump somewhat, I agreed to her offer of course. Later that evening, our meal consumed and the washing-up done, we sat in the living room and mum started talking, it was as though a floodgate had opened and I let her rattle on for as long as she wanted, relieved that she had finally let loose her feelings. An hour later mum smiled at me and sat back in her chair.

“I’ve been a right pain in the arse for the past six months haven’t I,” she said.

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” I grinned “but you have been very trying.”

“I promise to behave myself from now on,” she said, “you’ll be able to go out with your friends and have some fun.”

I hadn’t the heart to tell her that the past six months had cost me the few friends I’d had and as for girls, well, they were a dream that I hoped one day to fulfill. Smiling I agreed with her.

“I’m going to do the washing tomorrow.” mum announced “In fact I’m going to take back all those ‘little’ jobs that you’ve been doing and let you concentrate on your school work and having fun.”

“You don’t have to do it all mum.” I laughed, “Let me help at least a little.”

“Okay,” she laughed. “Now, why don’t you go off and meet some friends for some fun.”

It was with dread that I heard her words, it meant that I would have to go out, spend a couple of hours on my own and come home pretending that I had enjoyed myself. Something about me must have told my mother that there was something wrong and now she was back to her old self it didn’t take her long to figure out what that something was.

“I’m sorry Paul,” she sighed unhappily “I’ve ruined your life with my sulking haven’t I.”

“Not at all mum,” I smiled realising she had worked out the true situation “if they had been proper friends they would not have left me in the lurch so to speak. No, I think I’m better off without them. Besides, you are more important to me.”

“Thank you Paul.” Mum smiled, “I know, let’s go out together, I can pass myself off as a young woman with the right make-up and I’m sure we could have fun together.”

“Okay,” I grinned, “you go and doll yourself up and I’ll put on something respectable.”

“I won’t,” she grinned, “I want people to think you’ve got yourself a sexy dolly bird.”

“I’ve already got that,” I laughed, “any improvement on that will make people think you’re a right nympho.”

“Well that can’t hurt your image,” she laughed as she flounced from the room.

I was happy to see mum back to normal, rude, crude and so much fun to be with, nevertheless it would have been nice if I could have gone out with a girlfriend, I might have stood a chance of some fun at the end of the evening, but I would make the most of things. Making my way to my bedroom I took off my jeans and tee shirt, looking in my wardrobe at the meagre collection of clothes I tried to make up my mind what to wear, school uniform was definitely out and the rest of my clothes were jeans and tee shirts with one exception.

That exception was a pair of leather trousers, I had bought them and so far hadn’t worn them, at the same time I’d got the trousers I’d bought a pair of cowboy style boots and a black silk type shirt, I changed into this outfit and grabbed my leather bomber jacket. Going back to the living room I waited for my mother to join me, it was long wait, but when she finally appeared half an hour later the wait was well worth it.

“Whee-hoo!” I whistled appreciatively, “you look fantastic.”

Fantastic indeed, whatever she had done with her make-up had taken years off her, she’d done up her hair in a style that had it draped to one side of her face and it took a few more years away, to top it all off she had changed into a dress that gave a new meaning to the word ‘mini’. The dress was cut both low and high, so low as to show off a hell of a cleavage, so high as to reveal that she was wearing stockings not tights and that was while she was standing, what a sight it had to be when she sat.

Had I not known it was my mother I could almost have believed that she was a girl of near my own age, not just a girl, but a beautiful, sexy girl and to my surprise I found myself feeling horny. Mum blushed at my words and it only made her seem all the more fanciable, my fingers twitched with an urge to handle her.

“Thank you,” mum blushed deep crimson. “Do you like it?”

“Well it’s not a banana in my pocket,” I joked.

Mum laughed and looked me over, something in her eyes told me that she liked what she saw, there was a twinkle deep in her eyes that I had often seen when my father was alive, it usually meant that they took an early night. Shaking myself mentally for my thoughts I asked the burning question.

“So where are we going?”

“Where would lads of your age normally take their bits of stuff?” she asked.

“Pointers Disco,” I grinned, “if they thought they were going to get lucky that night, but I don’t think you’d want to go there.”

“And why not may I ask?” she grinned, “I may not be a spring chicken, but I can keep up with you youngsters. Or are you afraid that someone from school will see you with your mother.”

“Mum,” I laughed “no-one from school would recognise you in that get-up if they had a photo of you in their hands. It’s just that, oh hell, why not if that’s what you want.”

“I think so,” she grinned.

How the hell could I tell her that you only took a date to Pointers if she was a sure bet, you went there to show her off, to let the lads drool and to show them how hot she was. There wasn’t a lot of dancing done, most of the time was spent groping your date, snogging and winking meaningfully at your mates,

So far I had never taken a girl there although I had gone there alone and had seen some of the antics, the more daring the ‘show’ the greater the prestige was the rule. Mum had to know this and taking a deep breath I tried to put my thoughts into words, she smiled and nodded and I could see that she understood what I was getting at, but it seemed that she didn’t mind one bit.

“Let’s see what happens shall we,” mum grinned. “And I don’t suppose it would be a good idea to call me ‘mum’, use my name.”

“Okay Candy,” I grinned “but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I can hear them now,” mum laughed “‘there goes Paul with randy Candy, the lucky bugger’, they’ll be green.”

“You are incorrigible,” I laughed. “Come on, let’s go if we are going.”

So we went, the disco wasn’t far from the house so we walked, the night air was cool and my mother wandered along with her small coat draped over her arm.

“The cold will make my nipples perk up,” she explained with a saucy laugh “it will make them think you’ve been getting me going.”

I was quickly learning that my mother had a dirty mind, it was the first time I’d seen this side of her although she had always laughed and joked about the topic of sex this was something different, almost flirtatious. Grinning at my own thoughts I took her arm in mine and led the way to the disco, as we drew near the place, mum took my arm and put it around her waist just below the level of her boobs.

Putting her arm around me she let me take her into the disco, we were barely through the door when I felt eyes turning our way, to one side of the entrance I saw a group of boys from my school, I knew them only by sight, but they had a reputation with the girls.

Now their eyes were bulging as they stared at me and my mother, but of course they didn’t know it was my mother, they thought that I had brought a hot little number and they were determined to poach her. No sooner had I gone to the bar for some drinks than they moved in on her, from the bar I watched them chatting her up and grinned, as I returned with the drinks I heard part of their conversation.

“If you come along with us we can show you a better time than that jerk,” one of them said cockily.

“I doubt that,” mum replied with a wry grin “Paul makes me feel so hot that my cunt burns. Why should I go with boys when I have a real man, I do whatever he wants, any time, any place.”

The emphasise she had put on the word ‘man’ left them in no doubt that I had something they didn’t, the gorgeous bird in front of them for one thing, defeated and spotting my return they retreated into the crowd.

“‘Real man’ indeed,” I laughed. “They will be watching for a show to match your words, boy will they be disappointed.”

“You heard then,” she grinned.

“Just a part of it,” I answered with a smile. “Look around Candy, this lot is nothing, to what that mob will be expecting to see after that crack about time and place.”

“And I suppose that if they don’t see it, you’ll get ribbed,” mum grinned.

“Putting it mildly, yes,” I sighed as I thought of the comments I’d be hearing on Monday morning.

“So let’s not disappoint them,” mum laughed, “let’s give them a show to make their toes curl.”

It was a tempting idea, but the sort of thing she was talking about was not the sort of thing mothers and sons did together and I said so.

“But tonight I’m not your mother.” She laughed in reply, “I’m a sexy baggage you control completely, at least that’s how it’s supposed to seem, so let’s act the part.”

“Okay,” I grinned after a moment of thought, “let’s act it. So drink up and let’s ‘dance’.”

We drank up and put the glasses down on the nearest table, putting my arm around my mother’s waist I steered her towards the centre of action, the dance floor, as we walked I saw the mob from my school watching us. Grinning at my mother I let my hand slide up a little until it was cupping her boob, she glanced at me, glanced across the room where the mob were and looked back at me.

She laughed and wriggled her boob against my hand, out of the corner of my eye I saw the mob staring at us wide eyed, their eyes followed us as we started dancing to the slow beat Pointers always played. With my mother pressed close to me I felt strangely excited, mentally chiding myself I took a deep breath in an effort to still my rising excitement.

“The mob’s watching,” mum whispered in my ear as she pretended to nuzzle it “How about sliding your hands down to my bum.”

Without replying I did as she asked, the feel of her dress sliding against the palms of my hands adding to the excitement I had been trying to still, then my hands were on her buttocks, she pushed her backside against my hands and I grinned at her. Still ‘nuzzling’ my ears my mother watched the mob as we danced, she laughed quietly in my ear.

“We’re getting them Paul,” she whispered laughingly, “a little more and they’ll wet themselves. Give my bum a squeeze when I say now.”

A few seconds later she whispered ‘now’ and I gave her backside a good squeeze.

“Mmm,” she murmured, “you should have seen their faces. Slip your hands under my dress, quickly, while your back is to them.”

It felt strange sliding my hands onto her skimpy panties, strange and nice, as we turned mum sighed then giggled, daring a glance over her shoulder I saw the mob watching us goggled eyed. I knew we were getting to them and I knew how to blow their minds, there was no way to warn my mother of it.

I decided to do it anyway and hoped she’d get the idea. Slipping my hands into her panties I stroked her naked backside, her flesh felt warm and soft under my hands, despite the fact that I was supposed to be fooling the mob from my school I felt a tingle of excitement as my hands slid over her skin.

“Mmm, that’s it,” mum whispered in my ear “you’ve almost got them. It just needs something more and they’ll cum in their pants.”

Inside me something woke, it was a daring I never knew that I had, thrilling at the thoughts that blossomed in my mind I turned my head so that I was looking in my mother’s eyes and leant my head towards her as though to kiss her.

“Hitch your dress enough to show off your panties,” I whispered with my lips almost on hers.

“You’d better make it really look as though we’re kissing while I do it,” she whispered back.

Our lips could not have been closer together without touching, gently I closed that minute gap, mum seemed to melt against me, she wriggled and I felt the hem of her dress rise on my wrists. Parting our lips I whispered to her to lift it a bit more, she wriggle again and I felt the material rise again.

“That’s fine,” I breathed, “I’m going to…”

“Don’t tell me, just do it,” she murmured. “My reaction will be more natural that way.”

“Okay,” I grinned.

I turned us so that her back was to the boys from my school, from under hooded eyelids I saw them gape at the sight of my mother’s panties with my hands inside them, suppressing a grin I pulled one of my hands free and slid it to the gusset of the panties.

With a finger I pushed the damp material to one side, which revealed my mother’s pussy lips to anyone in the right position to see, the mob scrambled to get a better view as I slipped a finger along her slit. The moist warmth of her pussy sent a thrill through me and my touches made my mother gasp.

“Should I stop?” I whispered.

“No,” she breathed. “I can see them in the mirror, one of them has wet himself already.”

“Let’s finish them then,” I said.

Sliding my finger back along her slit I let it slip into her hole to the knuckle, my mother gasped and shuddered; over her shoulder I saw the mob cum in their pants at the sight and decided that enough was enough. Removing my finger I let my mother’s dress slide back into place, put my arm around her waist and led her from the dance floor, we claimed our coats and went out into the cool night air.

“God their faces!” mum roared with laughter.

“They were a picture,” I laughed.

“Their eyes literally bulged when you stuck your finger up my fanny,” mum laughed. “What a brilliant idea!”

Brilliant, maybe, maybe not. Exciting, definitely! I could still feel the heat of her pussy on my finger and the stickiness of her juices reminded me of the feel of her. With difficulty I put the memory aside and looked at my mother, she grinned, which reminded me that I still had my arm around her waist, my hand on her boob. As I went to move my hand my mother looked disappointed, grinning I squeezed her tit, her eyes lit up and her smile became wider.

“Do we have to go straight home?” mum asked. “I fancy a walk.”

Laughing I changed the direction we were walking, soon we arrived at the park we had walked through earlier, along the paths dim lights were widely spaced, shadows ruled as we walked through the entrance. Above stars twinkled in the clear night air, mum sighed, moved my arm and pulled off her coat, pulling my arm back around her she placed my hand back where it had been, on her tit.

In silence we walked along one of the paths, gently I squeezed her tit and her head turned face me, she smiled and I stopped walking, turned her towards me, she moved without resistance. Something electric seemed to pass between us, raising both hands I closed them on my mother’s boobs, her eyes went wide and her lips curved even more, gently I squeezed her firm mounds, her nipples pressing into my palms.

It was as though something inside me was continually daring me to take things one step further, for a while I played with mums boobs over her dress, pulling her to me I put my hands behind her back and pulled the zip of the dress half way down. Stepping back a little I reached out and pulled the material down, my mother looked at me with excited eyes as her dress slid down over her boobs, down her arms and hung around her waist, her bra contrasted sharply with the pale colour of her skin as I gazed at her.

Reaching up I played with her boobs again, the silky feel of her bra and the distinct outline of her nipples arousing me even more, and mum sighed as I tweaked her nipples through the material. I smiled at my mother, prepared to reach behind her to open the clasp of the bra, an idea came to me, and I acted on it without thought.

“Take off your bra,” I whispered.

“Yes Paul,” my mother breathed.

Reaching behind her she undid the bra and slipped it down her arms, with bated breath I stared at her naked tits, reaching out I stroked their warm flesh and teased her nipples. Mum gasped, her eyes half closing as I squeezed her nipples, I was amazed that she did not stop me, did not resist me in any way, stimulated by this I became even more daring, even more in control of the situation.

“Take off your panties,” I said quietly.

She reached under her dress and with a few wriggles removed her panties, holding them out to me she smiled almost shyly, yet in her eyes was a wild excitement that drove me even further, taking the panties and the bra I put them in my pockets.

“Now the dress,” I said.

Without hesitation she reached behind her and opened the zip the rest of the way, the dress fell to the path and she stepped out of it, bending down she picked it up and handed it to me. We were near one of the lights and I was able to see her body quite clearly, I passed my eyes over her and memorised each curve in passing, my mother stood still under my inspection only a slight tremble betraying her excitement.

I saw goose-flesh rising on her skin as the seconds passed and realised that she was getting cold standing around, with her dress draped over one arm I passed the other around her and drew her to me. Our lips met and she hummed with enjoyment, it was the clearest green light anyone could hope for, her earlier words to the boys from my school came back to me as I parted our lips ‘whatever he wants, any time, any place’.

An urge to have her fulfill those words rose up in me as I set us in motion along the path towards the gate, near the gate I had her put on her coat, under it she was naked except for a pair of stockings and they merely accented her nudity. Walking slowly I took us home, along the way we saw the mob from my school, they saw us at the same time, grinning at them I watched them stop and let us draw closer.

“Any time, any place,” I grinned, “whatever I want.”

They gaped at me and I decided to have one last laugh on them.

“Show them Candy,” I said.

My mother never faltered, opening her coat and holding it wide she turned to face the boys, their jaws dropped even further at the sight of her, I let them stare for a couple of seconds then told my mother to close her coat.

Without another word I guided her on our way leaving the boys speechless and creaming their pants for the second time that night. As soon as we were out of sight and earshot of them my mother laughed, I grinned at her and opened my mouth to apologise for what I had made her do, then it hit me that I had not made her do anything, all I had done was instruct her, the decision to follow my instruction had been hers.

It was a thrill to realise that my own mother was willing to obey me, but how far would she really let me go? I had the urge to test this to the limits as soon as we were home, speeding up I hurried our arrival.

“Hang up your coat and go into the living room,” I said as the door closed behind us.

She hung up her coat and I watched the erotic sway of her backside as she went into the living room, draping her dress, bra and panties over the coat rack I took off my clothes, all except my underpants, before following my mother into the living room.

As I entered the room she turned to face me, her eyes widened at the sight of my near nudity, I saw her tongue flick across her lips and wondered if it was nervousness or excitement that made her do this, I would soon find out.

Crossing the room to the drinks table I poured us both a good stiff drink, my mother took the glass I held out to her and drained it in one swift gulp, smiling I took the glass from her and put it on the table, sipping my drink I looked at my mother in the full glare of the living room light.

When my glass was empty I put it on the table and crossed the room to the couch, my mother turned so that she was constantly facing me, it was as though she was waiting for my next command.

“You told me once,” I said quietly, “that one of the men over the back was a peeping tom. Does he still live in the same place and does he still peep?”

“Yes and yes,” she breathed.

“Which window in the house can he see most clearly?” I asked.

“The patio window,” she breathed, “I saw him watching it last night.”

Where I sat on the couch I couldn’t be seen through the patio window, smiling I asked my mother to peek through the curtains and see if she could spot him peeping.

“He’s there,” she breathed. “His telescope is turning this way.”

“Open the curtains,” I said.

There was no hesitation in her movements, opening the curtains fully she stood at the centre of the patio window and gave a quiet commentary on the motion of the man’s telescope.

“He’s seen me,” she breathed. “The telescope has stopped moving.”

“Give him a show,” I commanded, “bring yourself to a climax.”

“Yes Paul,” she responded as she began to move her hands over her body.

I sat back and watched my mother masturbate in front of the window, my cock slowly rising as she probed her pussy and teased her nipples, by the time she had climaxed I had an erection like none I’d had before. At my command my mother closed the curtains and turned to face me, I signalled her to come closer and as soon as I could reach her I stretched out a hand and stroked her pussy.

“Open your legs,” I said. “Open them wide.”

She did as I instructed and her pussy was fully exposed to my lustful gaze, I ran a finger over her pink flesh until I reached her clit, gently I rubbed her clit and mum groaned with pleasure. Before long she was gasping, hers knees trembled, but she held her position as I brought her to a climax by playing with her clit.

My mother was still shaking when I turned my attention to her hole, slowly I slid two fingers into her; she bit back a cry and thrust down onto my hand as another climax ran through her. Watching her eyes for the first sign of panic I finger fucked her until she had come twice more, only then did I stand up and take off my underpants, she looked down at my erection and her eyes glowed.

It was an amazing turn on to see my mother lusting after my cock, it was even more amazing knowing that I was in control of the situation, grinning I commanded her to lie down and hold her legs to her shoulders, she assumed the position without batting an eyelid. For a moment I looked down at her exposed pussy then I knelt and moved my tongue over the areas my fingers had so recently been, her juices tasting like the finest wine as they trickled onto my tongue, it wasn’t long before she was gasping in climax.

Kneeling up I moved closer to her, her eyes were locked on my cock as it drew nearer to her pussy, if she were going to stop me now was the time, but my cock touched her pussy without a protest from my mother. Made even more daring by this I pressed my cock to her hole and felt it slip into her, sighing my mother squirmed then, at my order, remained still as I penetrated her slowly so that I could savour every moment.

With long, even strokes I began to fuck my mother, in her eyes I could see nothing but lust and subservience, at the knowledge that she was totally under my control I began to thrust harder and faster until at last I felt the aching tension of my balls explode and my seed flooded into her depths.

Beneath me my mother writhed as I came inside her, her voice rising in a cry of wild abandon as she had another orgasm, her eyes closed and her pussy clenched around my cock, but she still held her legs at her shoulders as I had instructed. After a few more thrusts I pulled my glistening cock from her and had her lick it clean, the thrill of watching and feeling her tongue on my flesh sent a flush of ecstasy through me.

“Suck me off randy Candy,” I laughed.

She grinned up at me and took my cock in her mouth, the sensation was stunning; with steady movements my mother bobbed her head up and down, her lips and tongue sliding on my erection as she sucked. Once again I felt the explosion of my seed rising to erupt in a hot stream of stickiness into her mouth, gulping my mother swallowed the lot and continued to suck on me. Ordering her to stop I had her sit beside me on the couch, putting an arm around her shoulders I cuddled her to me.

“Why are you letting me do this mum?” I asked.

For the first time that evening she hesitated, she looked down at the floor and replied in a low voice. “Didn’t you like it?” she asked.

“I loved it,” I laughed. “But why did you do it?”

“Paul,” she replied raising her head to look me in the eyes. “I have a need to be dominated if I want to get any satisfaction out of sex. Before your father came along I had any number of men friends, all of them gave me what I needed for a while then became disgusted with me and tossed me aside.

“Then your father came along, he had the opposite need, he had to be dominant and it was love at first fuck. Part of the reason that I withdrew so much after he died was the knowledge that I was back to square one where sex was concerned and I didn’t want to go through that again. Tonight, on the dance floor, you seemed to take over, it turned me on; I couldn’t do anything else but submit to you.

“Later, in the park, you became even more dominant and I became even more randy, when you had me show my body to those boys I nearly climaxed. The reason the peeper is always watching the patio window is that your father would have me bring myself off for him from time to time, the humiliation always made my orgasm immense and tonight was no different.”

With a shock I realised that deep down inside I did feel the need to dominate, I had obviously inherited this trait from my father and now my own mother was ready to obey my every whim because of it, my cock shot back to full erection as a result of this thought. My mother hadn’t finished though, in a quiet voice she continued.

“Shortly before he died your father brought home a girl about your age,” mum sighed, “she was exactly like me, she could only get off if she was totally dominated, humiliated and used. I liked her, she liked me, together we did everything your father told us to do, but then he died. She’s in the same position I am in, either we somehow find a man to dominate us or we end up being used once and tossed aside. I’d like to bring her here so you can dominate her as well.”

My cock, already poker stiff, somehow got even stiffer at the idea of dominating two women at the same time. Lifting my mother onto my cock, I fucked her as I gave her my answer, “Tomorrow you’ll ask her to move in with us,” I breathed in her ear, “tonight I want you to fuck me in every position you know then bring yourself off in front of the window again.”

“Yes Paul,” my mother sighed happily as she thrust down on my cock.