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A Man, His Wife, and Her Friend



The doorbell rang and Sheila answered it. “Oh, Mandy,” she said, “I’m so glad you stopped by! Come on back to the kitchen. What a coincidence. My husband was just saying that, since I’d mentioned you so often, he’d like to meet you. And here you are!”

“Yes, here I am,” Mandy laughed. “Are you sure I haven’t met your husband some time?”

“If you have, he doesn’t remember it. And I don’t think he’d forget someone as stunning as you.” Mandy was indeed stunning. Honey blond and wearing a bright, winning smile, she was slim in the hips with a flat tummy and curvaceous bouncing bosom.

“Oh, you’re just saying that!” Mandy protested, unconvincingly.

“Not at all, I’m just stating the obvious.”

A tall dark-haired man rose to greet them when they entered the kitchen. “Kevin, this is Mandy,” Sheila introduced him.

“Hello,” Mandy said hesitantly, blushing and turning her head, for Kevin was completely naked.

Sheila put her hand on her friend’s arm. “Don’t be embarrassed,” she reassured her, “he almost never wears clothes when he’s home. It’s okay.”

“But couldn’t he put on a robe when your friends come around?” Mandy asked.

“Don’t be silly, Mandy,” Sheila chided her, “that’s just the time when he doesn’t wear a robe. Isn’t that right, Kevin?”

“Yes!” Kevin replied.

“Come on now, Mandy,” Sheila coaxed, “I think he’s really, really attractive. Look at him and tell me if you don’t agree.”

Mandy turned her back to Kevin and said to Sheila, “This is crazy. What have you two got going, anyway? I come in and you show me your husband as though he were a wonderful new set of china. What am I supposed to say? Ooh and aah?”

“That’s a great idea! Let’s hear a great big ‘OOOOH!’ for Kevin!” Sheila laughed happily. “But you’ve got to see him first,” she added.

When Mandy just looked at her, Sheila continued, “Okay, okay. It’s a game Kevin and I play. We take turns being each other’s ‘slave’ and today was his turn. I told him this morning he’d have to stay naked all day, even and perhaps especially if some of my friends dropped in. The rules of the game require the ‘slave’ to do whatever the ‘master,’ or in my case the ‘mistress,’ tell him to do. He isn’t allowed to speak, incidentally, unless I address him directly. (I have the suspicion, by the way, that I’ll get the same treatment when my time comes!) So be a sport, Mandy. Turn around and ogle him, look him up and down. Don’t hesitate he’s just a ‘slave’!”

“You guys are weird,” Mandy declared, but nevertheless she glanced at Kevin, looked away and then looked back again, this time not diverting her eyes from his body, though Sheila noticed she avoided looking at his face.

“Kevin,” Sheila said, “bring me a clean dish towel.” He went to a cabinet the women watched his dangling penis swing when he walked and returned with the requested item, which she tied around his head, covering his eyes. “Now, Mandy, you can look without him looking back. Doesn’t that make you feel better about it?”

“Yes, I guess it does,” Mandy admitted, scrutinizing Sheila’s naked husband more boldly. “He’s limp,” she said, beginning to get into the spirit of the game, “and that’s an insult to me. I thought I was sexier than that.”

“Oh, no, you’re as sexy as ever,” Sheila replied, “all it means is he’s even more embarrassed than you are! But that’s a benefit for us because now we get to watch his prick get hard.”

“It doesn’t seem to be doing that now,” Mandy said skeptically. “It will and you can make it happen.”

“How?” Mandy asked, eager now. “Rub his nipples! Go on: pinch them, roll them between your fingers, pull them. And if you want him really hard, suck them. Kevin! Mandy’s going to play with your tits!” Kevin put his hands behind his back and thrust out his chest. Sheila, though not Mandy, noticed his penis twitch.

“Are you sure it’s alright?” Mandy queried, “He’s your husband.”

“Of course, it is! Isn’t that right, Kevin.”

“Yes,” Kevin answered, and this time Mandy, too, saw the twitch. She stood at arm’s length from him. Gingerly, she put her hands on the reddish pimples protruding from his hairless chest, and began slowly to rotate her palms over them, feeling them stiffen with her touch.

“Be sure to watch his prick, Mandy,” Sheila said. Mandy looked down and discerned that, indeed, the male organ was firming. So she took each pseudo teat between a thumb and forefinger and compressed it. The penis rose, though still pointing downward at an angle. When she pulled the nipples out from his body, tugged, and the angle became perpendicular, she clamped her lips onto his left breast while rolling the right between her fingers.

“Oh, Mandy!” Sheila gasped, “Look!” Mandy raised her head and followed instructions. Kevin’s penis, thick and trembling, stood at a right angle from his body.

“May I touch it?” she breathed to Sheila.

“Yes, of course, please, please do!”

Her hand crept to the throbbing rod of male flesh where she fitted her fingers around the glans and lightly caressed the tiny hole in its center with her thumb. Kevin bent his knees and moved his pelvis in an effort to force himself further into her hand.

“Lie down, Kevin,” Sheila said softly, “Lie on your back on the floor.” He immediately complied, Mandy’s hand maintaining its hold on the handle her caresses had produced. The two women knelt on either side of him and together they fondled his body.

Sheila flicked his erect and sensitive nipples with her forefingers and Mandy flicked his erect and sensitive penis with her tongue. Sheila stroked the hair under his arm and sucked his tongue deep into her mouth. Mandy stroked his inner thighs and sucked his root deep into her mouth. Kevin squirmed under their touch and moaned. In a barely audible voice Sheila said, “Would you like it truly in you?”

Mandy raised her head and asked plaintively, “May I? May I, really? You don’t mind? I mean, after all, he’s, well, he’s…”

“Be my guest, Mandy. Enjoy!” Urgently, Mandy kicked her shoes away, stripped off her pantyhose, and, lifting her skirt, moved to straddle her friend’s prostrate husband. “Wait,” Sheila said. “Your dress is in the way. Take it off, in fact, take off everything. And I will, too. We can enjoy him together!” Naked, they faced each other across the equally naked male with a fully erect penis pointing toward his navel. Mandy stood at his feet, Sheila at his head.

Together they were an exemplary illustration of the similarity, yet the difference, in female forms: Sheila was compact and petite; Mandy was taller and fleshier. Sheila’s legs were short and delicate; Mandy’s legs were long and sturdy. Sheila’s short dark hair was reflected in her thick and curly pubic thatch; Mandy’s long straight blond hair likewise harmonized with her thin and wavy genital pelt. Sheila’s breasts, small with longish thin nipples, drooped scarcely at all; Mandy’s breasts, very large with plump dimpled nipples, swung down and out from her chest.

They grinned impishly at one another and Sheila said, “Ready?” “Ready!” Mandy responded and, kneeling, held Kevin’s stalwart penis at the entrance to her womb, and slowly settled her body onto it. At the same time Sheila knelt over his head, separated her vaginal petals with her fingers, and lowered them to his lips. “You may lick me now, Kevin,” she said, and he eagerly began to lap over, around, and within her covert delicacies.

Mandy slowly moved her vagina upon the welcome visitor within it. “I am very well filled, very well filled indeed,” she said and leaned forward to rest her hands on the floor beside Kevin’s body, a motion that caused her heavy breasts to swing down, brushing his chest.

Sheila kept herself from settling completely onto Kevin’s face, so he could breathe while he executed cunnilingus, which is a husband’s pleasurable duty. As his tongue on her clitoris increasingly excited her, she stroked Mandy’s soft blond hair. Suddenly she said, “Mandy, may I hold your breasts?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Mandy gasped as Kevin thrust against her and her climax approached. Sheila seized the double handfuls of uniquely female flesh that hung beneath her and breathed, “Stop moving, Mandy; hold off, if you can.”

Breaking his silence, Kevin panted, “I can’t hold off, no matter what she does!”

“Just keep sucking me, yes, oh yes! Suck, suck, suck!” Sheila screamed, and then, “Fuck him, Mandy, fuck him! Let’s come !” And come they did, the three of them together in a gigantic corporate orgasm.

The women dressed and Mandy left. Only then did Sheila take the towel from Kevin’s eyes.

-= The Wife =-

The doorbell rang and Kevin answered it. “Oh, Mandy,” he said, “I’m delighted you stopped by. Come on back to the family room. What a coincidence. My wife and I were just reminiscing about the last time you were here. She was remarking about the marvelous time she’d had.”

“Then I can reminisce with her. Because I, too, had a marvelous time. How about you?” Kevin simply put his hand to his chest, rubbed his left nipple through his shirt, and smiled. She returned his smile and squeezed one of her own breasts. No words were needed.

As Mandy preceded him through the hall, Kevin admired her rippling bottom, the cheeks of which were encased in skin-tight designer jeans. Because he had been blindfolded during almost the entire time when she was there before, he hadn’t had much opportunity to observe her charms, though he definitely had felt them.

As they entered the light wood-paneled family room, Kevin said, “Guess what, Sheila: it was Mandy at the front door.” Sheila wore an almost transparent front- close soft-cup bra with small holes through which her erect nipples projected, a matching G-string darkened by her pubic hair visible through it, and high-heeled open-toe mules. She did not speak.

“A-hah, Sheila, so it’s your turn to be the ‘slave,’ ” Mandy said.

“How did you guess?” Kevin responded. “Fetching outfit I got for her, don’t you think?”

Mandy made herself comfortable on the sofa and agreed, “Absolutely charming, I suppose now you’re going to send her out for cigarettes in it.”

“That’s an interesting idea,” Kevin said, “but the rules of our game don’t allow it. She’s not permitted to cover up when visitors come, but I can’t make her expose herself in public.”

“Too bad,” Mandy feigned a sigh.

“I suppose you’d suspend that guideline if you were playing this game,” Kevin laughed.

“Oh, definitely,” Mandy quipped, “I wouldn’t have any rules at all. Anything goes! What’s the point in having a slave if you can’t make her or him obey outrageous orders?”

“You have a point there,” Kevin said. “What do you think, Sheila? Should we abolish the rule?”

“No,” said Sheila.

“See?” Kevin shrugged, “Nothing to be done about it.”

“Too bad,” Mandy said again. Kevin wasn’t positive she was kidding this time. He reached over and plucked one of Sheila’s bare nipples as if he were picking a berry from a bush. “Nice juicy tid-bit here,” he commented and leaned down to give the tit a quick suck.

“May I do that?” Mandy asked from the sofa.

“Sure, if you want to. Sheila, take your boobies to Mandy so she can suck them.” Sheila leaned over and rested her hands on the sofa back, which neatly positioned her spandex-sheathed breasts for Mandy’s mouth to fit onto their exposed tips.

While Mandy sucked, Kevin said, “My program today is to find out how many orgasms Sheila can have between ten and twelve o’clock. Since its almost ten right now, you got here just in time to help me produce them.”

Mandy took her lips away from Sheila’s nipple long enough to say, “You can’t produce her orgasms; only she can do that.”

“Is that right, Sheila?” Kevin asked.

“No,” Sheila said and shifted her breast slightly in Mandy’s mouth.”

“See?” Kevin said. Mandy’s response was to nip her friend’s tit with her teeth and Sheila yelped.

“I didn’t tell you to speak!” Kevin said with mock sternness and then went on, to Mandy, “I’m also going to make her come in different positions and places.” He glanced at his watch. “Ten on the dot; time to start. Would you mind pulling down the G-string and checking if she’s prepared?”

Mandy drew away the patch of cloth covering the fuzzy mound in front of her, put her hand on it and fingered the dark hairs. She moved her head affirmatively without removing her mouth from Sheila’s breast.

“I thought she would be,” Kevin said. “Ok, Sheila, you may straighten up now.” When she stood her reddened and elongated nipple popped from Mandy’s lips and the wisp of fabric that had covered her groin fell to her ankles. “You really ought to ‘do’ the other tit, Mandy,” he said, “but we must get on with the experiment.”

“I’m disappointed, of course,” Mandy pouted prettily, “but I’ll survive.”

“That’s a relief!” Kevin laughed and settled into a chair. “Ok, Sheila, it’s time for ‘O number 1.’ Mandy says you’re the only one who can produce orgasms so we’ll begin with one you do all by yourself. She and I will sit here and watch while you masturbate. It would be nice if you could cum standing up, but if that becomes difficult please feel free to sit or lie on the floor.”

Sheila looked a little dismayed, but she stepped out of the G-string, kicked it away with one of her heels, and immediately held her breasts, looking down at them while she gently stroked their bare tips with her thumbs. Then, with closed eyes, she raised her fingers to her shaved armpits and trailed them down her sides to her hips and around to her inner thighs before squeezing her mons with one palm and her gently swelling belly with the other. (Kevin noticed that, outside her jeans, Mandy’s hand pressed onto her own mons.)

Her feet wide apart, Sheila separated her vaginal lip s with two fingers of each hand and began to massage them, first gently and then with steadily increasing intensity. The muscles of her hips and buttocks tightened and her breasts strained against the filmy cloth containing them. Suddenly she thrust two fingers deep into her vagina and pressed her clitoris firmly with another. The only sound came from panted breaths escaping her parted lips.

For their part, Mandy and Kevin held their breaths as Sheila kept her fingers motionless for what seemed an interminable time. Then abruptly the fingers in her vulva began to piston in and out of their slippery envelope and the finger on her clitoris began to revolve rhythmically. At the same time her pelvis thrust against the fingers within and on it and her heavier breathing caused her out-thrust bosom to swell and tremble.

She maintained this excited motion for what seemed to her audience to be a very long time. Just as suddenly as she had begun, she stopped and, without removing her hands, rested, her head thrown back, her eyes still closed, her mouth open, her breasts rising and falling as much as the brassiere would allow. And then, with one mighty shove she buried her fingers in her vagina and, furiously rubbing her clitoris, came with an ecstatic cry, her entire body shaking with tension’s release.

And still she stood, though she swayed on her high heels. When the convulsions subsided, she moved her feet together, put her hands at rest behind her, and stood very straight.

“Number One!” she said with a smile. Kevin looked at Mandy, who rather sheepishly took her hand away from her groin. He then glanced at his watch.

“About thirty minutes,” he said. “At that rate, we should get many more before noon.”

“I doubt that,” Mandy commented. “The next ones will take longer and may not even be possible.”

“Is that true, Sheila?”

“I don’t know,” Sheila replied.

“So we’ll just have to find out. Won’t we?”

“Yes,” Sheila said.

“Take off the bra. I think it’s time we let the tits loose,” Kevin said. Without her brassiere Sheila was totally naked except for her mules, which Kevin had determined she would retain all morning.

“Sometimes I wish I had breasts like that,” Mandy mused.

“Why?” Kevin asked, puzzled because he thought the plain white blouse she wore bulged very nicely indeed.

“They’re small enough not to sag but full enough to be a good handful,” she replied. “Mine literally droop.”

“I liked it when they ‘drooped’ onto my chest the other day,” Kevin smiled at the memory. Mandy returned his smile. (They both ignored the silent and demurely naked Sheila.)

“That’s right, you couldn’t see them, could you?”

“I had a towel over my eyes, you may remember.”

“I’m tempted to show them to you now, but you probably don’t want any diversion from your ‘experiment.'”

“Oh, I don’t know, another bare-bosomed woman might be just the thing to bring on the next orgasm.”

“You don’t fool me!” Mandy laughed as she unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off. “You just want to see my naked tits.” Her bra followed her shirt onto the floor. “And here they are!” She leaned forward and dangled her heavy breasts before him.

Kevin looked at them appreciatively. “Very nice, indeed,” he said, “You’re welcome to ‘droop’ them over me any time you want to. But I was serious, partly at least, when I said your bare bosom could help generate Sheila’s next orgasm. More than that, though, would you be interested in fondling her to climax while I watch?”

“May I? I’d love it!”

“Then she’s all yours. Bring her off as quickly as you can, though. I haven’t given up on a grand total of at least four. Ready for ‘O number 2,’ Sheila?”

“I’m ready,” Sheila replied and ruffled her pubic hair.

Mandy held her own abundant breasts in her hands and gently rubbed their button-like nipples against Sheila’s little spikes before taking her friend fully into her arms. Their four breasts pressed close together, Mandy rubbed her jeans against Sheila’s naked groin. As she did so, she placed her lips on those of the dark-haired woman.

Sheila returned the kiss with a passion that surprised Kevin, who realized he was learning for the first time that his wife was capable of ardent sex with another woman. Without breaking the kiss, Mandy caressed Sheila’s shoulders and back, finally reaching the buttocks, which she kneaded with her fingertips.

Sheila’s response was slowly to rotate her pelvis against Mandy’s jeans and to nestle her cereal bowl- sized breasts against the milk jugs opposite them. After a few moments, the two female bodies literally writhed against each other. Mandy’s fingers wrapped in Sheila’s hair ensured that their glistening lips and flicking tongues did not lose contact.

Sheila reached between their bodies, separated her vaginal petals, and then ground her open vulva and exposed clitoris against the coarse cloth concealing Mandy’s corresponding organs. Seconds later, Sheila’s body stiffened and shook. Her knees buckled and only Mandy’s tight embrace kept her from sinking to the floor. When her legs would hold her again, Mandy released their lips, fell to her own knees and planted a moist kiss on her friend’s already moist nether hair.

Sheila, her eyes glazed, smiled at Kevin. “Number Two!” she said.

“That was beautifully done,” Kevin said to Mandy, who was still kneeling on the floor. “And expeditiously, too. It’s exactly eleven o’clock with time for two more orgasms before noon.”

Mandy stood and shook her long blond hair. “She can’t do it, she simply can’t do it.”

“What do you think, Sheila?” Kevin asked. “Are you still willing to try?”

“Of course,” Sheila replied. “A slave obeys orders and I’m a slave.”

“But you look like a rather exhausted slave,” Kevin said kindly. “Lie on the sofa and relax a bit.” Gratefully, Sheila stretched out on the large divan with her feet together and her head on a small throw pillow. She folded her hands on her abdomen and closed her eyes.

“She’s really very beautiful,” Mandy said. “Thank you for letting me make her.”

“It’s I who should thank you. It took you less than twenty minutes to elicit her second orgasm. But it must be a little frustrating for you not to climax, too,” Kevin replied. “Only a little. And I didn’t mind, after all, I knew her orgasm was what really was important.”

“I’ll make it up to you some day if you want me to, of course.”

“Is that a promise?” Mandy grinned broadly.

“That’s a promise,” he declared with emphasis. “But now we must make haste toward ‘O number Three.’ He sat on the couch beside his recumbent wife and put his hand on her thigh. “Are you ready, Sheila?”

Sheila opened her eyes. “I guess so,” she answered a trifle hesitantly. Kevin combed his fingers through her luxuriant damp hair and said, “We’ll take it slow and easy. All you have to do is focus your mind on your clit.” She nodded and closed her eyes again. He went to a side table, opened a drawer, took out a dildo, and noticed that Mandy’s eyes widened at the size of it.

“I wish my prick was this big,” he said.

“You don’t have to,” Mandy said, “it’s not the size that matters, it’s what you do with it and I have evidence that yours is a whole lot more than satisfactory in that regard!”

“It’s kind of you to say so,” Kevin responded, seating himself again at Sheila’s side. He laid the vibrator on the sofa, gently massaged her belly, and then cupped her breasts, which he fondled tenderly while he moistened their nipples with his tongue. She responded with soft purring sounds, raising her bosom to welcome his ministrations.

“May I help?” Mandy asked hungrily.

“No,” Kevin replied quickly, “this orgasm is mine.” Without replying, Mandy seated herself nearby and cradled her bare breasts in her hands, reconciled to being an observer.

Kevin eased Sheila’s legs apart and studied the ever- strange region between her thighs. How exotic this familiar female anatomy would always be and how enticing, how desirable, how exciting. He slipped a finger into the cavity hidden by puckered skin and hooked a knuckle around her pelvis bone to press upon the so-called G-spot, which was corrugated in comparison with the smoothness of the tunnel leading to it. Sheila raised her hips and exhaled.

Keeping his finger buried in her vagina, Kevin switched on the vibrator with his free hand and moved it on her pelvic area, coming to rest over her clitoris. He did not press down but let it hum lightly on the hood of flesh that shielded the focal point of her sexual excitation.

Sheila exhaled “Aaah” and stretched her body, luxuriating in the exquisite pleasure.

Slowly Kevin moved the vibrator into the velvety canal between her clitoris and the entrance to her vagina. He held it there while he extracted his finger from her warm interior and used it to move away the hood, revealing her tiny “female penis,” red and pointed in arousal. She flinched when he unexpectedly touched it with the tip of his tongue, but when he continued to lick she responded with rhythmic movements of her pelvis and a look of something approaching bliss on her face.

He momentarily interrupted his attention to her clitoris exciting to him as well as to her in order to insert the delicately buzzing vibrator into her vaginal cavity, where he held it as he returned to her almost infinitesimal focus of arousal.

He had barely begun to tongue when she erupted in orgasmic spasms that racked her body not once, but many, many times. Kevin did not even dream of leaving her body until she had completed this most massive orgasm of the morning. Sheila didn’t open her eyes, but merely clutched her breasts and opened her thighs further when she triumphantly said, “Number Three!”

“That was more than number three,” Mandy observed. “I think you should count it as three, four, five, and six, at least.”

“No matter how you count,” Sheila said from the couch, “it’s not enough. I want more, more, many more!”

“She’s kidding,” Mandy declared.

“Are you kidding?” Kevin asked.

“Definitely not!” Sheila sat up and thrust her pert breasts forward. “And I’m ready now.”

“It’s only 11:20. Maybe you can get two more in before twelve,” Mandy said.

“No need to get sarcastic, Mandy,” Kevin said. “She seems really to mean it.”

“I know. I’m jealous that’s all.” Kevin chose to ignore that and facing Sheila, proceeded to take off all his clothes.

“This time,” he said, “we’ll do it the way it should be done.”

“It’s really not fair to waste that lovely tool on her,” Mandy interjected. “She’s already had as many as six orgasms. Use it in a woman who’ll really appreciate it me!”

“Now, Mandy,” Kevin said gently, holding his erect penis in his hand, “you know I can’t do that.”

“I’m sorry,” she replied, “but I’m so horny I can’t stand it. Don’t worry, though, I can handle that myself.” She stood, stripped off her jeans and panties, and stuffed three fingers into her vagina.

“That’s a good girl. You’ll feel better in a few minutes,” Kevin grinned.

“I’d better!” Mandy declared, but she smiled, too.

He then turned his full attention to his naked wife who, despite her declaration that she desired another orgasm immediately, was still flushed and quivering from the last one. “Really, Sheila,” he said, “I think we ought to wait until you’ve rested some more.” She leaned forward, rested her elbows on her knees, and stared at his penis as though she had never seen it before.

“No,” she breathed, “I want it. I want it inside of me. I want to feel it move inside of me. And I want it now.” He took her hand, indicating that she should stand, and held her small, compact body in his arms. With her erect nipples squashed against his chest and his upright penis compressed between their equally denuded bellies, he kissed her tenderly. Then, his lips moving against hers, he murmured, “I want to do you doggie style here, on the floor.”

“Any way you wish,” her lips brushed his in reply, “just so you do me.”

Kevin relaxed his grip on her buttocks and her body flowed from his arms to the carpet, coming to rest on her elbows and wide-spread knees, her raised bottom prepared for his entry. He knelt behind her and carefully opened the double doors to her womb with his fingers.

The reddened juicy interior beckoned but he contented himself with passing a thumb over the taut pin at the base of her vertical opening. Sheila gasped and pressed her breasts to the floor, which raised her lower offering even further. He held her slippery portals of flesh apart with the wide-spread fingers of one hand and, with the other, positioned his now throbbing penis at the open door thereby provided.

Slowly, oh, so slowly, he entered until he was fully inserted, his hardened testicles, unable to follow, pressed against her quivering facade. He rested his hands on the rounded twin hills framing the cavity his rigid appendage visited and remained motionless for the moment it took to observe Mandy, her gaze intent on the coupling of her married friends, feverishly manipulating her own sexual center.

He then began his exploration of Sheila’s intimate portion by deliberately moving within it. His right hand gripped her right cheek but his left moved beneath his testicles to touch her clitoris and press a finger upon it. Thus holding her body between his hands, he increased his movements, both penis and finger.

Sheila moved with him, moaning at first and then crying out, “Oh, fuck me! Fuck me! Yes! Yes! Fuck! Fuck me!” And fuck her he did, pounding into her with such force that only his grasp of her buttocks kept her in place. She came then with a mighty shove upward onto him and an ecstatic scream that pierced the heretofore stillness of the morning. Her knees refused to support her further and Kevin gently allowed her to sink to the floor, his still erect implement slipping reluctantly from its sheath.

At the sight of his beautifully pulsating erection, dripping with Sheila’s secretions, Mandy’s orgasm exploded also and her lovely naked body quivered rigidly in the chair where she was sitting. Sheila raised her head and, before, dropping her cheek back to the floor, said blissfully, “Number Four!”

Kevin sat beside her and possessively caressed her spine. He looked at his watch. “There’s ten minutes yet available,” he said, “but I think we’ll let the record stand at four orgasms or, if Mandy has her way, seven.” Sheila turned on her side and propped her head on one hand.

“It was four,” she said definitely, “the others were merely aftershocks.” She smiled then at her unadorned female friend, “We should count yours, too, and make it five!” Suddenly she sat bolt upright. “It should have been six. Kevin, you didn’t come!”

Kevin patted his softening penis and said, “My time will come.”

“It could come in the next ten minutes,” Mandy said quickly. “Stick that gorgeous sword of yours in me and we could make it six before the clock strikes twelve!”

“That’s kind of you, Mandy, but the only ones that count are Sheila’s.”

“Kind, hell,” Mandy stood and swung her large breasts before his face. Kevin reached up and squeezed the nearest mammary gland but she pulled away and, slipping on her jeans and shirt, stuffed her panties in a pocket and made her exit.

“What a fabulous morning!” Sheila said. “It was indeed,” Kevin agreed, “but now that the game’s over f or today, how about if we go to bed and act like wife and husband?” She reached down and cupped his genitals.


Sheila came into the bathroom where Kevin was shaving one morning and popped the question: “Mandy asked if she could join our ‘master-slave’ game. What do you think?”

He wiped some shaving cream from around his mouth so he could talk without swallowing the stuff. “You mean the ‘mistress-slave’ game, don’t you?”

“I might, but she called it ‘ master-slave.'”

“Interesting. I’m not sure. Apparently you’re willing, since you brought it up. Right?”

“Well, the fact is she’s been an observer and part- time participant each of the last two times we’ve played it. It’s almost as though she’s already in.”

“It’s OK, I guess, but even though she’s sexy as hell, I wouldn’t want her around all the time.”

“That’s pretty much the way I feel about it, too,” Sheila said. “But,” she added, “I make one restriction.”

“What’s that?”

“She can never be the mistress; always the slave. I don’t want her ordering you around!” Kevin flicked a glob of saving cream at her.

“That’s my possessive wife, for you.”

“You damn right!” Sheila said seriously and pinched his right nipple.

“Very well. Suits me,” he laughed. “When shall we play again?”

“Tomorrow morning,” she replied. “I’ve already told her. She’ll be here at nine.”

-= The Friend =-

Mandy found a note inscribed with her name taped to the front door. She opened it and read:

Slave Girl: 1. Come in. 2. Strip. 3. When you are completely naked, open the bag in the hall closet and wear the garments in it. 4. Walk to the kitchen. — Your Master

A tingling wave of excitement passed through Mandy’s body. Sheila had told her that, if she wanted to join them, she would be expected to play the slave part and she had agreed. But to be addressed, on paper no less, as ‘slave girl’ made it even more exciting. She folded the note and put it in the hip pocket of her jeans to read it after. Once inside, she lost no time in getting out of her clothes, including, since she had been instructed to strip completely naked, her wrist watch, the three rings she always wore, and the two pins that kept strands of blond hair from falling into her face.

Now that’s naked, she thought.

On the closet floor was a small travelling case that opened from the top. When she swung the lid up she found a piece of paper covering the stacked trays designed for jewelry and other small items.

It was another note:

– – – Slave Girl:

Attire yourself with the items in the order in which you find them.

Your Master – – –

Beneath the note was a wisp of a bra with stiff dark red satin cups rimmed by dainty black lace with a clip to hold them together. Mandy eagerly wrapped its string strap around her back, fitted her considerable bosom into the cups, and closed the clip. The effect was startling even to her, for although the bra lifted her breasts and pressed them together, it cupped their area and caused the exposed two-thirds to bulge upward with their exposed nipples standing out in most remarkable fashion.

Keen to discover what other wonders resided in the case, she lifted out the top tray and set it aside. Beneath it were two tassels, one with a tuft of black yarn attached to a black circle of soft plastic with a hole in the center by a thick red braid about six inches long. Otherwise identical, the colors were reversed on the other one red tassel, black braid, red plastic circle. There was no note, but Mandy didn’t need to be told what these were for.

Steadying her left breast with one hand, she carefully placed the black plastic circle over its tip. The circle completely covered the breast’s areola while her stiff nipple protruded through the hole. She pressed on the circle and it clung to her flesh. Then, when she had fastened the red plastic circle to her right breast, she waved the tassels to and fro, intrigued that they tickled a little when they brushed her upper abdomen. Kevin and Sheila were certainly dressing her as a slave girl should be!

The bottom of the case contained a pair of unmatched shoes one was red and one was black with the highest heels Mandy had ever seen (could she walk in those?) and a skirt composed of red and black cords with tassels attached, identical to those hanging from her breasts, that were fastened to a black band at about two-inch intervals. She stepped through the band and drew it to her waist where it refused to stay, slipping instead to her hips. It was not a skirt designed to conceal the body of the woman who wore it.

When she reached for the shoes, Mandy noticed that something seemed to be inside one of them. There was. It was a G-string of red satin with black lace that precisely matched one of the bra cups. She pulled it on, fitted the patch of satin over her blond-haired pubes, and felt the thong between her legs snuggle across her anus. She slipped her feet into the shoes and tottered a few steps before she became comfortable walking virtually on tip-toe. By the time she reached the kitchen, however, she stepped confidently, the tassels dancing about her as she did so.

Sheila scarcely looked up from her newspaper when Mandy came through the door, but she called out, “Kevin, your slave girl’s finally here.”

“Tell her to come to me,” Kevin’s voice came from the bedroom.

“You heard him. Go,” Sheila said.

Kevin, naked, sat on the edge of the bed fondling his penis. “I need a discharge, slave girl,” he said, “so you’ll have to work for your breakfast which will consist of semen.”

Feeling for all the world like a real slave girl, Mandy dropped to her knees between his legs, licked a drop of pre-come from the tip of his semen dispenser, and then took it fully into her mouth and throat. Leaning back on his arms, Kevin watched Mandy’s head bob up and down and mentally congratulated his wife for finding and choosing the slave-girl costume at Frederick’s of Hollywood. And, though he hadn’t been at the time, he was now grateful to Sheila for encouraging him not to ejaculate inside her the previous night. Save it for Mandy’s breakfast, she had said.

His thoughts didn’t stay on those extraneous matters for long, however, because Mandy’s exertions were fast producing their intended effect. Her lips alternately closed around his glans and slid silkily down the length of his shaft. At the same time she manipulated his testicles separately with the fingers of her two hands.

The result was exquisite and almost painful pleasure, which he maintained by sheer force of will until that became impossible and his body involuntarily ejected two days accumulation of semen into her throat. She swallowed but kept the penis in her mouth until it became soft enough for her to bring in the testicles as well, thus filling her mouth with his genitalia.

Then a surprising thing happened, surprising, at least, to Kevin, though Mandy had hoped the continuing action of her tongue and the sucking of her lips would cause his erection to return. As the penis stiffened, the gonads slipped from her mouth and once again her lips surrounded firmer male flesh.

Kevin put his hand on her head. “Let’s stop now, slave girl,” he said. “You’ve had enough protein for the moment and I want to save any I have left for later.” Reluctantly, Mandy abandoned the delicious morsel she had proudly created and rose to her feet. Kevin stood, too. His polished penis stood with him and the sight of Mandy’s erotic body in her erotic costume did nothing to encourage it to subside. He started to move toward her when they heard the front doorbell ring.

“That will be the man coming to repair the refrigerator,” he said, “go let him in and bring him to the kitchen and don’t hesitate to ‘entertain’ him while you do it.” In the back of her mind, Mandy had expected something like this, and she also had a pretty good idea as to what Kevin expected of her in the way of “entertainment.” Her already erect nipples became even harder with excitement as she walked through the living room to the door, her oscillating hips making the tassels bounce about her legs.

The doorbell rang again and Mandy said, “Just a moment, please.”

She extended one bare leg through the tassels and put the opposite hand on her hip beneath them. Only then did she turn the knob, placing her hand on her exposed thigh as the door swung open. “Yes?” she said in a low sultry voice.

The repair man, who thought he had seen everything when it comes to at-home customers, stumbled back a step and looked at his feet. He was short and perhaps a little past middle age with long straggly thinning hair. His belly, which hung over the belt of his baggy jeans, was too big for his shirt adequately to cover, so it bulged whitely through the space left by two unfastened buttons. In one grease-stained hand he held a metal tool box.

“Yes?” Mandy said again, “What may I do for you?” Only a deaf man would have failed to hear the suggestion in her words.

He looked directly at her then and said with a lecherous grin on his bristly face, “I’ve come to fix the fridge, mam.”

Mandy sensuously stroked her thigh and made her bosom quiver. “Oh, yes! It desperately needs attention!” she breathed. “Come… after me.” She locked her hands behind her neck (which, of course, raised her breasts and caused their tassels to tremble) and turned slowly on her stilt-like heels. Emphasizing her hips with every deliberate step, she strutted slowly toward the kitchen, knowing full well that the swinging tassels left none of her fanny to his imagination.

Sheila and Kevin, wearing robes, sat at the kitchen table, coffee cups in hand, studying the morning paper. Sheila looked up when she saw Mandy with the repair man panting after her. “You must be the one who’s going to fix the refrigerator,” she said as though there was nothing out of the usual.

“That’s right,” he replied gruffly, “what’s wrong with it?”

“The light won’t go on when the door opens. It’s so annoying!” Sheila told him. “Alright then,” he said busily, “let’s just take a look at it.” Mandy pulled open the door and, as he bent to peer in, one of her tit tassels brushed his balding head and he leered up at her lustfully. He immediately got out a screwdriver and began to remove the door switch. (Kevin knew the only problem was the bulb, which he had deliberately broken.)

Watching him, Mandy leaned her breasts over the low door and made sure that one of their tassels swung on either side of the repair man’s grizzled face. He turned his head from side to side against them as he worked, obviously taking his time to remove only two screws.

When the switch finally was unbolted, he pulled it out and unattached the wires, holding it up for Mandy’s approval as though he had done something marvelous. Then, when he bent down to examine the wires, one of her nipple tassels caught in his beard bristles and it came off with a quiet pop.

“Gee, I’m sorry, mam,” he said and made as though he would hand it back to her. “I’d love for you to put it back on,” Mandy purred. “You are so handsome!” He didn’t need to be asked a second time. When he gingerly tried to fit the plastic circle over her nipple, she moved her breast every time he was about to get it centered on its target. “It’s hard to hold still when I’m so excited,” Mandy whispered down to him over the refrigerator door between them. “I need your help.”

“Yes, mam!” he replied and grabbed her mostly naked breast with his free hand, squeezed it tightly (too tightly for Mandy’s comfort), and roughly placed the circle around its distended tit. “There you are, mam, good as new!” he declared, apparently not noticing the greasy finger marks he left across the light blue veins of her swelling white flesh.

“Have you found the problem?” Kevin asked. The repair man looked around the door toward the table, which he could see between Mandy’s naked thigh’s beneath her G- string from which peeked a few stray blond hairs.

“Not yet, sir,” he answered, “it doesn’t seem to be the switch, though.”

“That’s good,” said Kevin, “have you tried the bulb?”

“That’s next,” he said and left grease marks on Mandy’s leg when he ducked back behind the door. He replaced the switch and started to loosen the bulb.

“Maybe you should test my bulbs, too,” Mandy said. “They only seem to light up when they’re tested.” And she leaned further over the door to swing her ‘bulbs’ over his head.

“Be happy to,” he smirked at her, “but I gotta take ’em loose to do it.”

“Then do! They need to be tested!” Mandy smiled down at him coquettishly. He seized the two dangling tassels and unceremoniously jerked them off, then put a grimy hand on each breast and rudely hoisted it from the red and black quarter cup supporting it. It took an effort, but she refrained from flinching and faked a sigh, “Oh, you are so manly.” Whereupon he squashed one of her large breasts between his palms and clamped his teeth onto her nipple.

At the table Sheila raised an eyebrow at Kevin. He nodded and spoke loudly, “Was the bulb out? Was that the trouble?” The repair man released the nipple, though not the breast, in order to answer: “I’m still checking, sir.”

“Then hurry up with it, will you?” Kevin said irritated.

“I think you’d better do that, gorgeous man,” Mandy advised. “My bulb’s in good order now.” He literally wiped his hands on her breast as he released it and turned to the machine. A silently laughing Mandy was replaced by a serious looking Kevin at the refrigerator door and so it was Kevin he saw when next the repair man looked up.

“Yes, sir!” he said, “Let’s shut the door and see what happens.” He stood and, puzzled, looked around for Mandy, but she was nowhere to be seen. And, of course, the replaced bulb worked perfectly. Kevin thanked him, paid him, and ushered him to the door. He was doubled up with laughter when he returned to the kitchen. “I bet that guy is, right now, wondering what sort of dream he’s just had.”

“It was damn near a wet dream,” Sheila was laughing, too.

“Did you see the bulge in his pants?”

“No, but he wouldn’t be human if it wasn’t there,” Kevin answered and opened his robe to demonstrate how human he was, himself.

“Wow!” Sheila exclaimed. “Is that for me or for Mandy?”

“I think Mandy should have it, don’t you? She’s earned it.”

“I certainly did,” Mandy emerged from her hiding place, her freed breasts liberally streaked with grease from the repair man’s hands. But she, too, was laughing. “Wasn’t I a good little slave girl?”

“That you were,” Kevin said. “And, moreover, you still are but we’ve got to get you cleaned up, you’re a mess.” “He really was a boor, wasn’t he,” Mandy said, “but you know? The fact that I would never, ever, have let him screw me, made it even more exciting that plus the fact that you two were listening to my tease.” She considered Kevin’s audacious extremity. “Now do I get to drink from the fountain again?” she asked eagerly.

“Maybe,” Kevin answered, “but two things have to happen before you can drink: you’ve got to be de- greased, and the fountain has got to spout inside your cave.”

“Oh, marvelous,” Mandy exclaimed and slipped a finger inside her G-string onto the entrance of her cave. He tossed his robe onto a chair and ordered, “Follow me, slave girl.” And, penis swaying, he strode toward the bathroom, where he turned on the tap and let tepid water run into the tub. “Take off the shoes and skirt but not the G-string and climb in, slave girl,” he said and handed her a bar of soap and wash cloth.

“Aren’t you going to wash her yourself?” Sheila, who had come with them, asked.

“No, I want to watch her do it.” He lowered the toilet lid, sat on it, his feet flat on the floor, and leaned back with his hands behind his head. “Now, slave girl,” he said, “clean the tits.”

“May I?” Sheila, who still wore her robe, asked and, without waiting for an answer, seated herself on the floor between Kevin’s legs and began fondling his erection. Kevin did not object.

Mandy stretched herself out in the tub, keeping only her head above water. Then, sitting up for Kevin to see her, she soaped her breasts, squeezing them, pushing them together, and pinching their nipples so the buttons stood proudly firm. Even with that thorough treatment, some grease remained, but rougher application of the cloth quickly eliminated all trace of the repair man’s grubby paws.

“It was delightful watching that cleansing,” Kevin remarked.

“And this slave girl enjoys being watched while she bathes,” Mandy grinned, stepping out of the tub and applying a towel to her backside.

“Are you sure the slave deserves this? Just because she let a service man grope her?” Sheila asked plaintively. She rolled his glans between her thumb and two fingers.

“Of course she does!” He stood, took Mandy’s body in his arms, and pressed her full breasts against his chest before dropping to his knees and dragging the wet G-string to her ankles. He promptly separated the folds concealing her “cave” and placed his tongue on the Lilliputian sentry guarding it.

“Oh! That’s very nice!” Mandy sighed and, leaning over, put her hands on his cheeks.

But Kevin had no intention of proceeding with cunnilingus. Instead, he stood, clasped her breasts, and gave each nipple a single lick. “Come with me!” he said hoarsely and marched away. She almost unconsciously slipped on the super-high heels he had provided for her before trailing after him. In the living room, he threw a pillow from the couch on the soft carpet and urgently told her to sit on it and then lie down. Thus properly positioned, she opened wide her legs and spread the aperture to the cavity within her in anticipation of his entry.

Kevin stood above the naked woman and admired her long curvaceous legs, smooth belly, and flattened though still swelling bosom.

“She’s really quite beautiful, isn’t she?” Sheila commented.

“She’s very beautiful,” he agreed. “Almost too beautiful to fuck.”

“No woman’s that beautiful,” Sheila said. “Fuck her!”

Kevin knelt between Mandy’s legs, held his fully rigid penis in his hand, and teased her exposed clitoris with its tip. Her body quivered and, with a moan, she lifted her body to meet him. Slowly, then, he inserted his instrument until it was completely absorbed by her pliant flesh. Only then did he initiate the in and out motion that would produce the friction necessary to release the fluid stored in his testicles, a release that swiftly followed.

It was a magnificent orgasm for Kevin, one that seemed literally to drain, not only the semen, but the energy from his body. Mandy, however, though she trembled beneath him, had not experienced the corresponding release and Kevin wanted that for her.

Gently, he withdrew his wilted penis and, flattening himself on the floor, replaced it with his tongue. The taste of his own ejaculate was new to him and he was not certain he liked it very much, but that did not deter him from urgently licking and sucking her blood- filled clitoris, an action that almost immediately caused her to scream and buck against his mouth before gradually subsiding into limp rapture.

After Mandy had dressed, gathered up the slave-girl costume (which Kevin insisted belonged to her), and left, Sheila and Kevin retired to their marital bed, where he brought Sheila to a towering climax by cunnilingus.

-= The Man, His Wife, and Her Friend =-

“Mandy’s been evicted from her apartment,” Sheila announced some weeks later.

“What a shame. What’s she going to do?”

“Look for something else, I suppose. We could help her if we want to, though.”

“How’s that?”

“She could come live with us,” Sheila replied.

“We don’t have an extra room,” Kevin protested. “Where would we put her?”

“It would give us an excuse to buy the king-sized bed we’ve always wanted. Then she could sleep with us,” Sheila smiled conspiratorially.

“I think you’re playing a game with me,” Kevin countered.

“Not at all. Wouldn’t you like to sleep every night with a naked woman on each side of you?”


“Of course you would! The only problem you’d have would be deciding which one us to fuck!”

“I could live with that problem,” Kevin grinned.

So Mandy moved in with Kevin and Sheila. After, on her own initiative, she began dressing as a slave girl every evening upon coming home from work. Kevin confiscated the G-string so her blond-haired groin wouldn’t be hidden from his view. A few days later he repossessed the tit tassels, and the quarter-cup brassiere soon vanished also, leaving her with only the tassel skirt and high heeled shoes to decorate her voluptuous body.

Kevin decided he thoroughly enjoyed having a virtually naked woman around the house. He found no dearth of opportunity to fondle her and when, on rare occasions, he passed one by, she would pout and shake her bare breasts in his face until he took them in his hands and/or sucked their nipples (which always seemed to be erect).

Sheila’s prediction that he would have to decide daily whether to lay Mandy or his wife proved correct. At first he tried to make both of them before all three succumbed to sleep but that soon became not only physically but emotionally impossible. In fact, keeping two horny women sexually satisfied was a full- time job. If, for instance, he screwed Mandy on Monday and Sheila on Tuesday, by Wednesday Mandy would be clambering for his penis, and vice versa.

In the beginning Sheila applauded Mandy’s decision to stay naked even when they weren’t in bed. She was excited by the sexual electricity it produced at even the most mundane times almost as much as Kevin did. But she soon discovered that she was in competition with Mandy for his attention, for her friend aggressively flaunted her nudity, demonstrating not only her availability but her urgent desire to be laid at any and every moment. And Kevin made no attempt to resist the temptation.

So Sheila began wearing only the transparent bra though which her pointed nipples protruded, along with the G-string, which appeared black because of her lush public hair visible through it. She considered her legs to be one of her best features and she emphasized them by wearing the high-heeled mules Kevin had bought for her. Thus, whenever Mandy waved her much larger breasts at her friend’s husband, Sheila would stretch forth a leg and trail her fingers over her thigh. The competition between them became intense.

Ultimately Kevin decided enough was enough. He was simultaneously massaging Sheila’s vulva through its filmy covering and nuzzling one of Mandy’s breasts when he abruptly said, “This has got to stop, ladies. Both of you are sex bombs I know it and you know it. Neither of you has to prove that she is sexier than the other. So I think it’s time for you to start wearing clothes, regular clothes. When I want you naked, I’ll let you know.”

“But I like being naked,” Mandy pouted.

Kevin patted one of her swelling breasts and said, “I know you do, but you’ll be my obedient slave girl and wear clothes, nevertheless. Run along now, both of you, and put something on. When you come back, we’ll talk about all this.”

The women returned. Mandy wore a brightly colored silk muumuu that, though loose, nevertheless clung to her full bosom. Sheila, more demure, had donned a simple light blue cotton house dress whose short skirt did not reach her knees. Both of them were barefooted.

“These last few weeks have been extraordinary,” Kevin began. “Sheila, you always were sexy as hell, but now you’ve turned into a virtual nymphomaniac! And, Mandy, maybe you’ve always been sex-crazed, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I can’t keep up with the two of you. Don’t get me wrong. I want to keep up with you, but I simply can’t. “So I have a solution to propose, actually two solutions. The first is the obvious one, that you begin pleasuring each other when I’m here to watch and when I’m not. For all I know, you’ve been doing that all along, but if so, it clearly hasn’t been sufficient.”

“It’s not the same thing,” Sheila said, “and, besides, I’m not really bi-sexual and certainly not a lesbian.”

“Neither am I,” Mandy chimed in, “though I’m more bi- sexual than she is, I think. Your wife is one sexy woman!”

“That’s about the way I read it, too,” Kevin said thoughtfully, “and that’s why I have a second suggestion, which doesn’t necessarily replace the first one, but supplements it.

“Most men would give their eye teeth to be in my shoes. And I know several who would be more than happy fill them on occasion. You see what I’m proposing: what if I get some of my friends to come around and service one or both of you from time to time?”

Slightly shocked, Sheila and Mandy looked at each other for a moment and then broke out in broad grins. Kevin had his answer. Nothing more was said, but that night they had the wildest sex they had enjoyed for many days. Kevin even ejaculated into both of their slippery vaginas before he drifted off to sleep with a different woman’s leg wrapped around each of his and four warm breasts pressed against his body.


The next evening Kevin came home to find both his wife and his slave girl dressed. “Tomorrow morning,” he told them, “you will have a visitor. His name is Travis. He knows there are two of you, but I told him he could only have one this time. So you may decide which of you Travis will fuck. Whoever is designated will have no need to seduce him, of course, but she might pretend, if she wants to, in order to add a little spice. I look forward to the observer’s report!”

When Kevin left the next morning his two women were still asleep, naked in the big bed. When he returned in the evening he found them, dressed, preparing dinner in the kitchen. Without preamble, he asked, “Ok, which of you had the honor?”

“I did,” Mandy said with unusual shyness.

“In that case, Sheila, tell me what happened. I want all the lurid details.”

“With pleasure!” Sheila replied.

“First,” Kevin intervened, “How did you settle on Mandy?”

“We couldn’t decide at first because both of us wanted the ‘honor,’ as you put it, so we simply tossed a coin and she won. And then we planned how we would act. I won’t tell you about the plan. Instead I’ll report what actually happened. “When the doorbell rang, I answered it. Travis was a nice looking man, a little younger than I expected and somewhat timid. He wouldn’t look me in the eye, for instance.

“I said, ‘Oh, you must be Travis! Come in. There’s a beautiful woman here who desperately needs to be screwed!’ “I boldly took his hand and led him into the living room, where Mandy lay on the couch totally naked, except for her stiletto heels. ‘Mandy, Travis is here to fuck you,’ I said.

“She stretched her body and stood, holding her huge breasts out toward him. “Oooooh, Travis,’ she said seductively, ‘I’m soooo glad you’re here! My boobies ache for your lips. Please suck them… please.’ ‘He didn’t need any more urging, but eagerly held her breasts in his hands and bounced them up and down, telling her he liked big tits like these, before he sucked each of them, rather thoroughly, I must say. ‘I simply sat down and watched from then on.

After accepting Mandy’s initial offering, he took complete charge, forcing her to her knees where he told her to stay while he got out of his clothes. His penis was erect of course! — Rather short but thick and I could imagine how it would stretch Mandy’s cunt when it entered her. “He entered her, alright, but not her cunt. He pushed his tool into her face, ordered her to open her mouth, and held her head tightly while she gobbled it.”

“It was quite a mouthful, too,” Mandy interjected.

“Did you swallow his cum?” Kevin asked.

“He didn’t cum in my mouth,” Mandy answered.

“No,” Sheila resumed, “I could tell he was about to from the way his face looked, but he pulled out, made her get on all fours, and fucked her from behind. (You know, there’s something inherently ludicrous about a man humping a woman that way!) His fingers were dug into her bottom and his head was thrown back while he pumped away in her cunt. Then he leaned over, reached around and grabbed her enormous breasts, which, naturally, were dangling down toward the floor, without missing a stroke. He didn’t let her tits loose even when he came. In fact, it looked to me as though he might yank them right off her chest, he pulled on them so hard.”

“Did it hurt?” Kevin asked.

“A little,” Mandy re plied, “but I was so busy coming I couldn’t have cared less.”

“So what happened then?”

“He slipped out and Mandy crumpled onto the floor. He held his still stiff shiny penis in his hand and looked at me quizzically, obviously wanting to stick it into me, too. But I just smiled and shook my head. So he put his clothes back on. “I accompanied him to the door, where he blatantly looked me over from head to toe, pausing to stare at my chest and between my legs. I should prepare for him to fuck me the next time, he said. I told him I’d really like that. I was hot as a pistol, let me tell you! But whether or not there would be a next time was up to Kevin.”

“Do you want there to be a ‘next time,'” Kevin asked.

Sheila paused before answering, “Yes, but with someone else. I’m certain it would be wonderful to be fucked by Travis, but it would be a mistake for any one man to become a ‘regular’ with Mandy or me.”

“She’s right,” Mandy agreed. “You’re our ‘regular’ and Sheila and I agree we want to keep it that way. The others I’m assuming now there will be others are gravy. I had a fabulous orgasm with Travis, but I really don’t want him again. Variety is the spice of life, you know.”

“That’s a wise decision,” Kevin said, “but you have to recognize that I might have some trouble finding a new man for you every day. Inevitably there will have to be some repeats.”

“Oh, Kevin!” Sheila exclaimed. “How insatiable do you think we are? As long as you keep laying us, we’d be happy with a ‘new’ man just once a week.”

“That’s probably too often, even,” Mandy put in. “Once a month would be quite enough.”

“How about if we agreed on once every two weeks?” Kevin asked. “I know enough horny men for that kind of schedule.”

“Fine,” said Mandy. “Agreed,” said Sheila.

“I must say that I’m delighted that neither my wife nor my slave girl were seduced away by handsome Travis.”

Mandy and Sheila both laughed and Mandy said, “Heavens! So he’s nice looking. Big deal! All he is, really, is a stiff dick. And we get that from you every day.”

Kevin touched the front of his trousers. “If truth be known,” he smiled, “you’ve got it right now. Let’s all strip and put it to good use.” And so they did.