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Educating Darren



When Darren awoke he felt mildly euphoric and completely disorientated. He gradually became aware of two things; he was completely naked and he could not move. A wave of panic gripped his mind as he struggled to free himself but he soon realised that both his legs and hands were firmly secured and that he was spreadeagled on his back, on a small double bed.

In fact, the bed seemed to be the only piece of furniture in the room, there did not appear to be any windows. It was even difficult to tell how big the room was. The bed was lying in a direct pool of light and everything around it faded away into a soft gloom. He opened his mouth and called…

“Is anybody there?”

He could not decide if he wanted there to be or not. There was no response.

Then he remembered, the glass of champagne or whatever the hell it was, and he remembered how aroused she had made him feel just before all the lights went out. The bitch must have drugged him. The thought of her brought his erection back with a vengeance and no matter how angry he was at himself for still fancying her, it would not subside.

“Well I see you are wide awake!”

Darren nearly jumped out of his skin. Caroline had entered the room by a door somewhere behind him, and the click-clack of her stiletto heels announced her imminent approach.

“What the **** do you think you are doing? Are you crazy? Let me out of here NOW!” he blustered, as he gave one more almighty tug at his bonds.

“I don’t think you are in any position to be giving orders, do you?” she purred, as she clasped his penis firmly in her hand and gave it a little squeeze.

“Now that did not hurt, did it? In fact it probably felt quite nice. But if I hear any more language like that, I won’t be so gentle. I suggest you give some thought to how vulnerable you are at the moment.” Darren turned almost puce with embarrassment, and his erection which had pulsed at her touch, subsided a little as her words hit home. She could hear him mumbling something under his breath as she walked slowly and it appeared to him, menacingly, round to the other side of the bed.

“There are two things I have taken it upon myself to teach you.” Caroline began, in an almost schoolmarmish tone of voice. “Number one. How to behave in the presence of a lady, and number two, the motivation to work harder and better on my new house. The second should be easier for me to achieve than the first but we will see.”

Darren would have liked to be able to pinch himself to see if he was having some weird erotic dream. This could not be happening. But as he watched, Caroline slowly lifted her skirt, once again revealing her silky stockings to him. She paused momentarily while she ensured he took in the view. Her eyes watched his and waited for the inevitable.

Darren’s view was of Caroline’s fingers splayed on both thighs, framing her mound which was also decorated with black silken material. Eventually his eyes flicked upwards to meet hers, and the look that passed between them said it all. ‘You are mine, and we both know it.’

Holding the hem of her skirt she climbed onto the bed, the weight of her as she sat on his face left him in no doubt that this was no dream. It was real.