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Tawny’s World – Saturday Morning



She opened her eyes and squinted at the bright sun shining in the window. A light breeze blew through the open window, making the curtains flutter. The cool breeze blew across her skin, causing small bumps to form on her skin as she hugged the pillow and curled up into a fetal position. Looking at the clock, she realized she would need to wake up now if she were going to enjoy any of the day before she had to get ready for work. It was already near noon and it had been days since she had been able to relax at the beach and unwind riding the surf. She rolled on her back and gave a sigh, feeling the cool breeze blow across her chest. She felt her nipples stiffen as she felt the faint stimulation to her breasts. She rolled on her back and, looking at the ceiling, actually through the ceiling, into a dream world. She let her hand run lightly down her breast and lightly pinch her nipple. Her thoughts drifted off to an imaginary woman, a dark skinned woman with small but firm breasts. She imagined her nipples being nibbled as she pulled on her nipples, harder now than a moment earlier. Feeling a coolness in her crotch, she reached down to feel lips moistened with her self-generated lubricants. Her finger easily slid down her labia and lightly rubbed across her little bump, causing her to inhale deeply as her eyes shut and she pictured a male phallus, hard and pulsating, running up and down her wet crease. With one hand at her breast and another at her vagina, her thoughts switched back and forth between the image of the male and the soft body of the dark skinned girl with an active mouth and tongue. She pinched her nipple hard and thought of a more aggressive woman now. She imagined a sneering face and an aggressive motion from her. She twisted and pulled her nipple, imagining her tormentor biting her and holding her down, no longer caressing her, but now using her. She ran a finger into her vagina and pushed in and out. She imagined a muscular man forcing himself on her. Pushing her down and pressing her shoulders in the bed as he pushed his hard cock deep into her body. She pressed her fingers into her vagina and ran her thumb over her bud as she imagined his voice breathing into her ear. “I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before”. She repeated the words in her mind…fuck…cunt….cock all the dirty little words she loved to hear when she was being fucked. Fucked hard and aggressively by a man bent on pleasing himself with her body. Her mind flashed back to the dark girl. She thought of her face buried in her wet pussy, her tongue probing into the warm, wet pussy as she continued to run her fingers into and out of her own wet pussy. Her body writhed on the bed with the breeze blowing across her and then she alarmed herself as she moaned loudly and felt her vaginal walls squeeze in on her own fingers. She stiffened and then let out a little squeal as her orgasm ran through her. The breeze blowing in the windows chilled her body, wet with perspiration. She relaxed again, feeling the coolness on her skin, as her perspiration dried under the fingers of air crossing her body. “It’s time to get up!”; she said to herself, as she sat on the edge of the bed. She looked around the room and into the bathroom. Getting up, she walked into the bathroom and reached in to adjust the shower. Cold. No, cool. No, just warm. That’s it, she thought. She felt the water tumble down over her shoulders and grabbed the bar of soap. She stepped out of the water and ran the bar over her skin, building up a layer of white cream to spread over her body, over her breasts, across her belly and down between her legs. She was pleased with herself. She had never gotten along well with her parents, but was forever thankful for the gifts of nature they had given her, She could eat all she wanted, but maintained a figure envied by women and desired by all men. Her tall, 5′ 8″ frame was endowed with soft, round shoulders, firm uplift breasts measuring a full 37 inches and topped with firm brown nipples which were perfectly formed and tapered to finger tip sized points that became erect when aroused and extended a good 1/2 inch. Her waist tapered to a tiny 24 inches and was enhanced by a large concave navel and a firm muscular stomach. Lower, her labia were concealed by a light puff of light brown hair which allowed a full view of her lips, slightly open at the faintest hint of stimulus, revealing a light pink inner layer of skin, beckoning any observer to explore. Her triangle of hair stood atop a pair of beautiful, shapely legs; slightly muscular and void of any scars or imperfections. As she ran her hands over her body she let her mind drift to images of sexual stimulation again. Her hands caressed her body and the water ran over her skin feeling warm, stimulating, sexy. As she stepped out and reached for a towel, her phone rang. She answered it.

“Hello?” “Hi Tawny, its Julia, I just called to say happy birthday.” “Oh thanks, but I think I’d rather forget”. “Oh c’mon, 27 isn’t the end of the world, 30 is!” “Well, if you say so.” “Look Tawny, are you going to go on up to the cove today? I’m getting ready to go out the door now.” “Yea, I’m heading up too, in just a few minutes, just gotta load the jeep.” “Great then. I’ll have a little surprise for you.” “See you there.” “OK, should be up there in about an hour.”

Tawny Hess put down the phone and smiled. Julia had been a friend for about a year, since right after she arrived in Hawaii. She was also a great lover and she had had some great times in bed with her. Julia was a few years older and it seemed she knew everyone on the island. She set up Tawny with her first jobs and, as they became closer, literally, she was able to get better work, thanks to Julia’s connections. Tawny owed a lot to Julia and saw nothing wrong with showing her appreciation, so when Julia called , she generally made herself available. She wondered what the little surprise might be. After loading up the jeep with her surfboard, a small cooler, a chair and a blanket, she was off to the cove. The cove was actually a little crescent shaped beach just to the east of the sunset beach strip on the north shore of Oahu. Tawny had an efficiency up on the north-west side of the island, not far from Dillingham field, so the cove was only a 10 minute ride along the highway, through Haleewa and on past the most famous surfing beaches of the Pacific. She had been surfing for only about a year, so she liked the slightly more tame surf that the cove presented. She also liked the privacy. Hidden behind a band of ironwoods and flanked by private estates, the cove was less traveled and she could sun in semi privacy; A practice she found to be an occupational necessity since Julia had hooked her up dancing at Pure Pleasure, Honolulu once a week. Tawny arrived at the cove and located the small group that she figured contained Julia. She was wearing a short body glove suit, black and hot pink. It concealed her white thong she wore under, in case the opportunity arose to get a little sun that afternoon.

“Tawny, over here.” Julia hollered as Tawny approached with board, chair, blanket and cooler in hand. Tawny dumped her stuff and surveyed the group. There was Julia, in a very brief bikini. She was a blonde and her dark tan contrasted sharply with her light hair. She had a broad smile and a row of perfect teeth. Her breasts were small, probably a 33, but she had pretty nipples that were very sensitive, as Tawny had found out on several occasions. Julia loved to have her nipples sucked and Tawny loved to oblige her. Her legs were short for her body, accounting for her 5′ 4″ height, but her skin was dark and soft and her tan lines hilighted her body nicely and made her look sexy to the eye. Dave was also there. Dave was a sometime friend of Julia’s and a sometime lover. Julia seemed to think he was good in a bed, but Tawny didn’t necessarily agree. This difference of opinion went far to explain their differences in preference. Julia found Dave easy to manipulate in bed, but Tawny really didn’t like that. She was far more passive and Julia was an aggressor. Tawny couldn’t argue that Dave wasn’t outfitted for sex. He had a good 8 inch cock and was seemingly tireless. On one weekend Tawny had seen him take three women over the course of several hours and never lost his hardness, but he just seemed like such a wimp to her. Kathy was also there. Kathy was a slight girl, just over 5′ in height with a small bust and a small personality. Julia used her as a sort of “slave”;. no real figuring why she was here today, other than maybe Julia wanted her for something later in the day. Then there were two other guys whom Tawny didn’t know. They were massive in stature. Good looking and aloof. One was more muscular than the other, but both were buff. The slighter one had a mass of hair on his chest that made him seem more masculine, despite his smaller stature.

“Hey birthday girl”;. “Come meet a couple friends of mine.” “You know Dave and Kathy, but this is Brad and Roger.” Tawny approached Brad, the hairy one, and turned to Roger, the more muscular one and smiled. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

Tawny felt a tinge of excitement. Roger was clearly stripping her with his eyes. He had a cold stare and Tawny felt like prey in front of his eyes. He gave her a slight smile and gazed at her eyes, then back at her chest, and down to her hips and her legs and back to her eyes. Tawny felt a chill run up her spine and she laughed a little to break the spell. Roger finally spoke, “Julia tells me you know how to have fun in Hawaii.”

“Well, I think so anyway”, she said, thinking what he may have had on his mind. With that cryptic comment, she blinked as her mind drifted to her image of a few hours earlier, of the man fucking her with a cold hard stare. She thought of Roger’s face in that thought and it made her nipples swell slightly. “I mean, it is hard to have a bad time in paradise”, she continued, letting out a small giggle and turning her attention to her board to break the spell from his eyes. “Christ, he can probably see my nipples swell”, she thought, as she turned away. As she turned, she could almost feel his eyes scanning her ass, her legs, and her crotch. “God, this guy is such a turn on”, she thought.

“Yea, I agree with that thought” he replied.

“I wonder if he is reading my mind.” she thought, after hearing his reply. She grabbed her board and walked over to Julia. “Heading in”? she said, to no one in particular. “No, not for me right now hon, Julia said. I’m going to chill out here for a bit.” She reached down and poured a glass full of a frozen drink and looked at Tawny over her sunglasses. She smiled and said in a lower voice. “See? What do you think of my little surprise?” “Tawny, I do know what you really like, don’t I?”

Tawny glanced back at Roger and at Brad. “Two at a time?” she said, back to Julia.

“Hey, don’t be greedy you little bitch”; Julia said with a laugh, “Brad is for me, but I figured you could have a little fun with Roger, if he doesn’t abuse you too much.”

“Abuse me?” “How much do you know about him?”

“Have I ever steered you wrong?” “I know what you like honey and he fits the bill.”

Tawny felt the chill up her spine again and her nipples begin to swell against the tight suit. She was talking from experience. She could tell right away he was forceful and a take-charge type. Julia knew this was a turn on for her. She glanced over to him and he was still giving her a cold stare and a survey. She felt like prey again, like a piece of meat, like a bitch in heat…and she liked it.

“Yea, you know what I like Julia, but damn it makes me feel so easy”

“You don’t need to feel guilty about being a sexy lady honey.” “You’re just a natural.” “Natural beauty and natural horniness to go along with it.” “He is just your male counterpart.” “Natural maleness and natural aggressiveness to go with it.” “Damn, just look at him, like a lion ready to pounce.”

Tawny walked toward the water, telling herself not to look back, but she did anyway, and he was still watching her. Yea, that was it, like a lion ready to pounce. As she hit the water she glanced back again and he was heading her way with his board in hand.

Tawny set herself up for a swell heading toward shore. Roger paddled up near her and sat erect on his board. She could see his muscles glistening and wet and she couldn’t help but stare down at his crotch. His wet suit clung close to his package. It was not clear, but there was a lot of something down there. He was hung. It was difficult to tell now, but he was surely hung well. She glanced up at him as she turned away and saw he was looking right at her. He had to have seen her checking him out. He wasn’t even subtle about it. He wanted to fuck her, she could feel it and she wanted to fuck him too, and she knew he knew it. It was as though he was reading her every thought. She tried to think of something else, but as soon as she did, he made a motion, a splash, a distraction to bring her thoughts back to him, as though he could sense her mind wandering. She felt the swell and paddled, catching the wave and riding it in, skimming back and forth in its lead. She was relieved to be surfing again, to give her mind something else for stimulation. She rode another, and another. Each time he was close by. Glancing at her, watching her, and she was looking him over, her hunter, her conqueror.

After an hour Tawny took her board and headed for shore. As she approached she could see that Brad was gone. He had gone in for a few rides himself. Julia was sprawled out in her chair, topless, and covered with oil. Her shaded eyes and hat concealed her head. Tawny put down her board and considered her options. Roger was headed in on a wave. She hadn’t brought a top, other than a T-shirt, with her. She needed to get some sun, but she didn’t want to be too forward in front of Roger. After all, she had just met him and he was staring at her like mad. Julia suddenly spoke.

“Take off your suit Tawny, I love your tits and I know Roger will.”

Again, her mind was being read. “Were you reading my mind or what Julia?”

“Yes, I was Tawny.” “It is stupid to act like you are innocent.” You are going to fuck him anyway, so why not give him a preview.” “You have terrific tits and he already knows it.”

“Damn you Julia, you know me better than I do.” Tawny unzipped her suit and let her breasts jump out into the warm sunshine. The nipples were already erect from the cool water and they stood out as though they were announcing their pride to the world. Julia stared and gave a sigh.

“Damn, you little bitch, you have the finest tits I have ever seen. If only I had a pair like that I could rule a harem.”

Tawny shook off her suit and adjusted the band of her tong. The cheeks of her buttocks were slightly lighter than the surrounding area, but her breasts were matched perfectly with her sides, back and stomach. “Do you have any more of that slush you were drinking?”

“Sure. And Kathy can help you with the oil.”

“I’ll help” offered Dave as he came back from around a clump of bushes to sit next to Julia.

“I bet you would like to Dave”, smiled Tawny, “but I think Kathy had first calls.” Tawny sat back on her blanket and closed her eyes as Kathy began to apply the suntan oil to her legs and slowly rubbed the oil up her thighs and around her hips. She went into a semi state of consciousness from the effects of the sea air, the alcohol in the drink and the warm sunshine.

She began to sense something different as the hands reached her breasts and the oil was applied to her chest and rubbed thoroughly with the pair of hands. She opened her eyes to see Roger, kneeling over her and rubbing his hands up and down her stomach and over her breasts, rubbing in the oil.

At first she meant to pull back, but instead she lay still, staring and feeling his hands work her body. He looked at her, staring, emotionless, as though she were his property, as though her body belonged to him. She then realized it did. He could mount her there and she would give no resistance. But that wasn’t even enough. She would let him mount him there and…no, she wanted him to mount her there, wanted him to fuck her, to use her. Damn, was she crazy? What the hell was with this guy. Julia really did know her. She was just dying to get this guy into her. Tawny let out a soft moan.

That seemed to have been the cue Roger was looking for. He began to get more aggressive with his hands, running then up and down her chest, her legs, up to her crotch and he looked into her eyes with a scornful look, as though daring her to protest any move he made. Then he reached down with one hand and took her hand, guiding it to the opening between his shorts and his leg. He pushed her hand up toward his crotch. Tawny reached in and felt his hairy crotch, then a bulge, a testicle and another bulge, a fleshy one. It was his cock, and it was big. As she felt it, it began to swell. His other hand was running over her nipple and exciting her. She could feel her crotch moisten, thinking her suit must be wet there by now.

She just didn’t care anymore. She wanted to be fucked, here and now if necessary, but she needed this man’s cock in her soon. His cock swelled at her touch and his balls could be felt moving in their sack as the swelling of cock caused a rearrangement in his suit. He maneuvered on his knees next to her and his cock slipped down his leg, half stiff and filling her fist. She wanted to see it, to see it hard and in her hand. Then he pulled his pant leg up, exposing his half-hard cock. It was beautiful, she thought. Just like in a dream. A large purple head; an open hole with semen dripping at the tip and a smooth shaft, devoid of bulging veins.

Tawny became aware that other eyes were on her. Julia was watching, she knew, and Dave too, from a distance. Then Roger reached over and took a full handful of her hair and yanked her head over to his leg. “Suck it Tawny”. “Suck my cock you hot little bitch.”

Tawny heard Julia laugh and make some remark, but she couldn’t hear it. Her mouth was up against his cock and he was pulling hard on her hair. She never considered using her other hands to pull away or resist, He was powerful and his cock looked like it belonged in her. She opened her mouth and sucked his cock in, feeling it swell more and stiffen in her throat. She sucked like she was in the privacy of her bedroom, but she was out here on a public beach. Who cares, she thought. She wanted to fuck Roger since 5 seconds after she first felt his eyes on her and he was her master, her ruler. His cock and his cum belonged in her and she wanted it that way. She was never turned on so much by a guy at first sight.

Roger held her by the sides of the head now, guiding her mouth up and down his shaft. Through the corners of her eyes she could see Dave staring and playing with his own shaft. She could hear Julia and Brad behind her. Either he was fucking her or she was giving him a hand job, from the sounds coming from that way. Tawny sucked on, his shaft fully erect now. She sat back a moment to take it all in. Roger was on his knees in front of her and she, on one elbow, was trying to take his cock in, but it was hopeless. Roger had a good 10 inches and it was bulky, like his body. He had a big hard cock with a stream of semen to flavor the experience. She continued to suck for some time. Dave moaned a bit and, as she glanced over, she saw him fill his fist with white cum. Julia was moaning behind her somewhere, and Roger began pumping his cock into her mouth steadily. She increased the pressure on his shaft and then, suddenly, a gush of hot liquid came into her mouth, filling it and streaming down her cheek. She swallowed, only to have her mouth fill again; this time with another large load of cum which she swallowed with two gulps. Another gush, and the cum streamed out of her mouth, unable to swallow again so quickly. She had never experienced so much cum from one sex partner. He was loaded and she couldn’t respond quickly enough to handle it all.

“Oh, good one Tawny, good job.” “Umm, there you go baby, suck it all in.” “Suck it all, don’t waste any,” said Roger, as the last of his load streamed out of his cock. He pulled it away from Tawny’s mouth and his cock sprang straight up, hard as a stone and still pulsating with nerve impulses from its ejaculation. Tawny considered grabbing it and pulling it to her crotch, but instead just imagined how good it would be if he mounted her and began to fuck her. Hard; here on the beach, in front of all these people.

“Hey Julia, this is one hot bitch all right.” “Shit!, If she fucks anything like she sucks, she’d be worth her weight in gold.”

“I think you’re going to find out that she fucks much better than she sucks, Roger.” “Wouldn’t you agree Tawny hon.?”

Tawny thought it was odd that her friend should talk about her like that, but, unfortunately, just like everything Julia conjured up, it was true. She was a good fuck and she could prove it too. “That would be for Roger to judge, I think, but I would like to give him a real demonstration.”

Tawny could hardly believe what she had said. She just met the guy a couple hours ago. But Julia was a friend, and Julia wanted her to fuck him. And she owed a lot to Julia. So it seemed OK.

Roger glared at Tawny. “Well then, my little cunt, come here.” He offered a hand toward Tawny and grabbed a blanket off the sand. Tawny put her hand in his and he dragged her over to the edge of the cove where the low scrub and Ironwoods offered a screen from general view. He spread the blanket and then reached over, taking a firm grip on Tawny’s upper arm. His grasp was like a vise and he pulled her to his body. His mouth moved over hers, his tongue penetrating deep, as his hand slid down to her waist band and pushed her suit down off her hips. He pulled off her mouth and commanded “Take it off.” Tawny reached down and dropped her suit to her ankles and stepped out. Then he commanded. “Mine too.” At this, she knelt, pulling his waistband over his hips and seeing his still hard cock spring up in a full erection. Tawny held it and opened her mouth to suck him again. His cock was so pretty and so hard. It made her wet. It was the cock in her dreams. Roger grabbed her hair and pulled her back. “Hey, did I say suck me you little bitch?” His voice was stern. Tawny looked up at him and smiled, but he didn’t smile back. Instead he took his other hand and slapped her good, right across the face. Her cheek burned. “When I fuck you, I fuck you my way.” “You better get that straight now.” “If you want this cock, you get it my way, not yours.” “Now, do you want it?”

Tawny felt her hot cheek and looked back at him. He was insisting on complete dominance. He was to be in complete control. If she wanted his sex, she would need to give herself to him completely. He was far too strong and powerful to challenge. Her senses told her to get out now, but his cock, erect in front of her face, his demeanor, oozing of manhood. His authority, made her pussy spread and beg for release. She weakened and gave in to her inner desire. “Yes, I want it.” “I want to be fucked”. I’ll do anything you want if you will fuck me with your cock.” Her own words sounded strange, as though someone else had said them.

Roger smiled and grabbed her head again. “OK you little bitch, suck it, suck my cock if you want it in your cunt.” “And suck it good, or I’ll dump it in your mouth again and let you cool your pussy with your fingers.”

Tawny began sucking as best she could. She ran her hand up and down his long shaft and squeezed his cock head against the back of her throat. She had never swallowed one this large, although she was no stranger to deep throat. She swallowed and was pleased to feel his cock head slide into her throat. She pushed and swallowed, feeling his pubic bush push up against her mouth and her nose bury into the mass of hair above his balls. She pulled off and then on again, fucking and sucking on his shaft, hoping he would do this to her pussy, which was now plainly open and dripping with the juices of her excitement and anticipation.

Roger finally obliged her. He pulled her away and pushed her back, then pounced on her, pinning her shoulders to the blanket with his powerful hands and lowering his mouth on her uplift nipples. He bit hard into them and, when she yelped a little he pulled off and slapped her face again, lightly, but enough to get her attention. “Don’t you like me to suck your tits you little cunt?”

Tawny gasped. “Yes, you can suck my tits.” was her reply.

“Oh I can, huh?” “Well, I’m not asking you if I can.” “I’ll suck anything I want bitch.” “You wanted me to fuck you, so I’m doing you the favor.” I really don’t care if you want me to suck your tits or not, but I weakened a little and thought I’d ask if you like it.” “You gave a little scream, did you want me to stop?”

Tawny thought only for a moment. Total submission was his game. “NO, I liked it.” I liked the way you suck my tits.”

Roger dug back in, biting even harder, sending pain impulses through her body. She wondered if he would bite through the skin, but no, he was skilled at this. He made it hurt, but didn’t do any damage. He arched his back and positioned his massive cock between her thighs. “Put it in now cunt.” “Take my cock in now and enjoy it.”

Tawny reached down and pointed his cock into her lips and pulled on it a little. She felt a wave of chills run through her body as the head penetrated the outer lips, sloshing in the wet flesh of her over-eager pussy. “Oh damn! Please fuck me now!” “Come on, please give me your cock!” “FUCK ME PLEASE!” She couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. She was now aware that there was a small group of spectators out of her sight, but behind the massive shoulders poised above her body.

Roger lunged into her and his large, hard shaft split her vagina with a smooth continuous assault deep into her belly. She felt every centimeter as it advanced into her and she let out a long moan as it traversed her wet tunnel. As it hit her cervix she sucked in a lung full of air between clenched teeth. She felt like she was being fucked for the first time. The feeling was so delightful, so fulfilling. Her arms lay over her head and she could feel his chest brush against her erect and swollen nipples as his hips crashed into hers and his pubic hair mashed against her own. Then he pulled his cock out until the head was barely in her lips and lunged again. This time the feeling was equal in pleasure, but a little more familiar. He pulled out and lunged. Long measured strokes, set to a slow count. She felt his rock hard cock crashing into her pussy , stimulating every nerve in her body and sending waves of pleasure through her head, her nerve center. She was being fucked. She was feeling total pleasure. Roger may very well be the best fuck she had ever had, and there were many to compare it to.

His assault continued until she felt her orgasm coming. Her mind became a jumble, she had no recollection of time, her vagina compressed and she could sense he felt it as he momentarily increased his pace and his force on the in-stroke. She burst in a wave of pleasure and moaned involuntarily. Biting her lower lip, she sucked more air between her teeth as her vagina convulsed and his cock continued its inward stroke against the increased resistance. She was expecting a momentary reprieve, but his strokes continued, now at a greater pace. His arms forced her shoulders into the sand beneath the blanket and his body continued to sway. She felt a drip on her cheek. Sweat from his forehead. She felt hot now, her body was covered in a shimmer of sweat as it popped out to mix with the layer of suntan oil. She caught an image of her uplift breasts pointing at his muscular chest, glistening in sweat as he continued to pump his manhood into her sopping cunt.

“Yes baby, I’m not near finished yet.” “You are going to get what you asked for.” “I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.” “Your hot cunt is mine now and I need to fuck bad.” “You like my cock in you you hot bitch?” “Huh?” “Let me hear you tell me.”

It was her dream, but it was real. She was being fucked hard, fucked long, fucked good. “Mmmmmm, Oh yes your cock feels wonderful.” “Fuck me hard damn it.” “Fuck me long and hard.” “It’s not my pussy, it’s yours.” “Fuck it, fuck it all you need to.” Tawny moaned out her thoughts and felt her chest heaving beneath his onslaught as he continued to fuck her. “You’re damned right I’ll fuck you.” I’ll fuck you because you’re just a cunt.” “I’ll fuck you any time I want, right cunt?” He grunted as he slapped her hard across the ass and pulled painfully on her nipples.

She could hear voices behind him. People were watching, cheering her on as he fucked her seemingly endlessly. “yes, yes I’ll fuck you whenever you want.” “I’ll be your cunt.” “I am you cunt!” She replied, lewdly, excited at her own words.

She felt another orgasm grow, this one from deep inside and it forced her to moan loudly as it worked its way back from inside and then up her vaginal walls to her lips. He continued to drive into her, now with a rapid pace. His sweat dripped from his forehead and ran down his chest. She was still pinned tight to the blanket as her body convulsed a little under the mentorship of her second orgasm. She broke through the second wave dripping with perspiration and feeling exhausted. She felt faint, as though she may pass out. Then the change came.

Roger pulled most of the way out and paused. His hand slid under her ass, pulling it up. “Roll over you bitch, I need to fuck you from behind now.”

Tawny maneuvered around, his cock rotating in her cunt, until she was on her knees. He pulled her into a kneeling position and grasped her hips in a vise-like grip and then began to pound into her without mercy. She felt his hips slap against hers and his balls swing down between her legs on the in-strokes. He yelled encouragement, then the first slap came down across her ass cheek. “C’mon bitch, fuck it damn it” he screamed as his hand slapped down across her ass cheek again. Her skin burned where he was slapping her, her pussy was getting worn from his assault and his cock seemed to have grown still longer and harder as it rammed against her cervix and his hips slapped against her sweaty, red ass. His strokes were rapid now, like an animal, like a crazed animal, seeking release. She anticipated a huge gush of cum squirting into her pussy at any moment. Then it happened, her third. Another orgasm grasped her without warning and she felt his cock meet it with stiff resistance. She shuddered uncontrollably and nearly passed out, feeling faint from the convulsions in her vagina and her leg muscles. At this point she felt him withdraw and run his cock up over her ass, wetting her asshole with her own juices. He slid the head back and forth on her ass hole, hinting at the inevitable. “Yea, you got it bitch, now relax a little and it will go real smooth, your miserable little cunt is worn out, so I’ll just take this other tight hole here.”

Tawny saw a pair of feet come over to her front. It was Julia and she sat down in front of her, grabbing her hair in one hand and pulling her toward her spread crotch. “C’mon Tawny baby, give me a little action.” “You are making me so hot fucking Roger like this.” Tawny let her mouth be pulled to Julia’s familiar pussy as she felt Roger push his head against her spinchter. She relaxed and felt the shaft begin to slide into her ass. It just kept sliding in and she relaxed completely as he began his in and out strokes into her tight, but fresh ass. Meanwhile, her mouth was distracted buy Julia’s cunt. It was wet and her slit was hot to the touch,. She slid her tongue in as far as she could, mimicking Rogers strokes in and out of her ass. Julia was hot, because it was a short while before she felt her head being pulled against her lips and Julia’s hips begin to jerk, rubbing her clit on Tawny’s tongue. Julia began to shake and moan as her juices told of her bursting orgasm. Roger began to fuck faster and stiffen as he finally reached his climax. He jerked and Tawny felt a hot liquid in her ass. Roger pulled his cock out and another burst cascaded up her back, dripping down between her shoulder blades, then another burst ran along her sides and dripped down her rib cage. Roger finished up with a hard slap across Tawny’s ass and then collapsed on his haunches.

Tawny lay there on her elbows and knees, covered in cum and sweat. Her ass oozing cum and her mouth smelling of Julia’s sex. “Damn Tawny.” “You never cease amazing me.” “You have got to be the hottest bitch that ever lived.”; Was Julia’s appraisal of her performance.

“Do you mind if I give her my load?”, said a voice from behind her. It was Dave’s.

Julia replied “Oh Dave, you horny bastard, you are always looking for ways to get into Tawny.”

Roger said. “Yea man, give it to her. Her mouth is kinda empty and she craves it, I’m sure.”

Tawny got to her hands and looked up at Dave, standing before her, his cock in his hand as he continued to pump it intermittently. It was already covered with precum and it was very hard. “Here it is baby, ready for you.” “Full of cum and ready to unload.”

Tawny got to her knees and let Dave push his cock into her mouth. He held her head lightly, guiding it up and down his shaft. She felt him stiffen right away, then the gush of cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed quickly, capturing it all, then a second, smaller eruption, which she also swallowed. She sucked hard as he withdrew his already softening cock from her lips as everyone looked on with approval. Tawny felt like the biggest whore on the island. The thought made her nipples swell again.