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A Wife With No Options part 1.



I was furious when I left work. I don’t think I had ever been so mad in my life. I had a chance to cool down a little as I dealt with the rush hour traffic. That was not my normal reaction to all of the idiots on the road. But I had time to think and I no longer intended to storm into the house and start screaming at my wife.

While making my way home, fending off the tailgaters and watching out for the idiots that were always squeezing their cars into that too small space in front of me and trying to take the paint off of my front bumper I had an epiphany. I suddenly realized that I didn’t love my wife any longer. I wasn’t going to scream at her. I was going to walk through the house calmly and get my suitcase out and pack my clothes. I would stay in a motel for the next few days until I could find an apartment or a small house that I could afford to rent.

I had been married for only three years. I realized now that I had not known my wife very well. I suppose that I had been blinded by her beauty. She is certainly one of the sexiest and most beautiful women that I know. That just makes the fact that she does not like sex and has lately rejected every advance that much more frustrating.

The total absence of intimacy was not the reason that I was furious though. Neither was the fact that my wife did not clean or cook. She seemed to have only one reason to live, to spend money. She lived only to shop. She shopped on the internet. She shopped on television and she was well known and very welcome in every store in town.

I had logged onto the internet before I left the office and found that she had once more overdrawn our checking account. On Monday I would close that account and open one of my own.

I had left the office thinking about what I was going to say to her when I got home. As I drove though, I calmed down and realized that yelling at her served no purpose. She didn’t even listen. But the fury didn’t really leave me until I realized that I didn’t love her anymore. She had killed the love. I really didn’t care what she did anymore. I had stayed with her long after the love was gone because I was worried about what would happen to her.

She had no living relatives now. None that we were aware of anyway. She had no friends. Or at least she had no close friends. She was a bitch to all of my friends and I could no longer invite anyone over to watch a game on TV or to play a game of poker. My friends wouldn’t come over. On several occasions close friends had suggested that she needed counseling. To be honest I had agreed with them, but she didn’t and refused to talk to anyone. She refused to believe that she had a problem.

She had not finished high school and had no marketable skills. She had never looked for work and as far as I knew she had never worked a day in her life. She had never even babysat when she was a teen. She didn’t do housework or cook. She wouldn’t have sex. She had only one function. She woke up every day and found things that we didn’t need and bought them.

I had a good job and a good income but we were living from paycheck to paycheck because she spent every penny I made on crap.

I didn’t know what she was going to do now. I no longer cared. I knew that my life was about to become much simpler. I was actually calm by the time I got home.

I parked in the driveway and went in through the garage. I picked up my suitcases as I passed through the garage and I went upstairs without even going into the living room to speak to Gwen.

I laid my suitcases out on the bed and started packing. I needed two suitcases because I had more dirty clothes than clean clothes. I hadn’t done laundry yet. I did my own laundry because she sure as hell wouldn’t do it.

I packed my clean clothes in one bag and my dirty clothes in the other. I went back down to the garage and found an empty box and went around collecting a few things that were important to me. I packed some books and some CDs that I was fond of and some photographs of my friends and family. I was careful not to take anything that might be of value to Gwen.

I thought about taking the computer but I didn’t use it for much more than checking my email and doing my banking. I would use my laptop for that, or check it at work.

I was just closing up my suitcases when Gwen came in to see what I was doing. She saw that I was packed and she probably assumed that I was going out of town on one of my infrequent business trips. She looked confused for a moment and after a short pause she asked, “How long will you be gone?”

I replied in a calm, quiet voice, “Gwen, you’ll be needing a lawyer. I want a divorce. I can’t take this anymore. I don’t love you anymore and I’m tired of you spending me into the poorhouse. You don’t cook, you don’t clean, you won’t have sex, all you do is sit around and spend more money than I make on crap. The garage is full of shit you have ordered and when it arrived you never even opened the damned box.”

Her face had turned white when I had said that I wanted a divorce and she had a look on her face like an animal caught in a trap.

I said, “I am going to a motel tonight. I can’t get much done since it’s Friday and everything is closed. But on Monday I am going to tell Keith that I need a week off. I am going to find an apartment and I am going to close our checking account. I am going to have my named taken off of the lease and I am going to notify the utilities that I am gone and that they should remain in your name alone.”

I saw the look of panic in her face and I was almost ashamed of myself for feeling so much satisfaction that she felt her life of leisure collapsing around her ears.

I picked my suitcases up and set them on the floor. I went into the bathroom and picked up my toiletries and when I came out she was still standing in the bedroom door with that look of panic on her face.

I placed my toiletries in the box of personal items that I had assembled. I looked back up and said, “I’ll be back some time this weekend to pick up the rest of my things. I’ll have to arrange with someone to store them in their garage until I find a place to live. You can keep the furniture and the things that we bought as a couple. I’m just taking a few of my personal items.”

There were tears in her eyes but there was no doubt in my mind that they were tears of self pity. She finally whispered, “Why?”

I stared at her for a moment. She knew why. We didn’t talk anymore. The only thing that she was knowledgeable about, the only topics she was able to discuss were the private lives of celebrities, the plots of television shows, or how much money she had just saved us on something that we didn’t need. Any attempt to discuss something more weighty, perhaps world affairs or current events was met with a blank stare.

We just argued anymore, mostly about her spending but about everything else too. I wanted to make sure that there was no misunderstanding and I wanted her to know that it was really over. There was no doubt. I had no reservations. I just didn’t care what happened to her anymore.

I answered, “I checked our bank account before I left the office. You spent more than I earned again. We are overdrawn. I was going to come home and yell at you again. I was furious. But on the way home I realized that I just don’t love you anymore Gwen. You’ve killed it. In fact, I don’t think I have loved you for two years now. I just didn’t have the balls to break it off. You don’t do a damn thing around the house and it’s almost like you take pride in that. You are sexy as hell but you won’t fuck. We don’t talk, we don’t make love. Hell, when I’m home I’m usually too busy doing the cooking and the laundry and cleaning house to spend time with you even if I wanted to. It’s over. I can’t take it anymore. I realized on the way home that I don’t even care what happens to you now.”

I picked up one of my suitcases and headed for the car. I was going to have to make three trips. Gwen was still blocking the bedroom door and as I approached her she said, “I’ll change. Kenny I’ll change. I swear it.”

She sounded truly desperate. She had made those promises before. She made them frequently. We had the argument about her spending and her inability to do housework frequently. But this time I had packed and was leaving and I think that it had finally sunk in that her free ride was over.

I responded, “You say that every time we have this discussion Gwen. And that is at least once a week now. The truth is it doesn’t matter anymore. I no longer care what you do. I can’t live like this. I want to get on with my life.”

She continued to block my path and I said, “Get out of my way Gwen. I told you. It’s over. Go back down and watch the shopping channel or a game show or whatever the hell you want to watch. Count your blessings. I’ll no longer be pestering you to let me watch the news at six. Now you can watch all of the game shows and all of the television judges that you want until you fucking starve to death.”

Her breath caught in her throat when she heard the venom in my voice. She was pale and it looked like she was going to collapse. I didn’t care. I waited another long moment for her to move from the doorway but she didn’t. I put my suitcase down and reached for her shoulders. I intended to gently move her out of my way.

When I raised my arms to grasp her shoulders she stepped forward and put her arms around my waist. I tried to gently push her away. I didn’t want to harm her. I just wanted out.

She pleaded once more, “Please Kenny. I know I’ve said it before. I mean it this time. I’ll change. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll learn to cook. I’ll clean and do the laundry. I won’t spend another dime. I’ll do anything you want in bed. We can make love anytime you want. I’ll make it good for you. I promise.”

I was becoming impatient now. The exasperation was obvious in my voice when I responded, “Gwen, you’ve made that exact same promise so many times. The truth is I don’t care anymore. I don’t love you. I don’t even want to fuck you anymore. You know all of those blowjobs that you were always too damned good to give me? I don’t even want you to suck my cock anymore!”

She was sobbing loudly now. She was desperate. She tightened her grip on my waist and breathlessly pleaded, “Kenny please! Let me try. Let me make it up to you. Give me a test. I’ll do it, I swear! We can fuck anytime you want, any place you want. I’ll suck your cock as often as you want. I’ll do anything! Just please don’t leave me!”

I knew how to put an end to this. I said, “I want more than that Gwen. I want the things you were always too damned good to give me. But I want more. I want you to be my fucking slave. I want you to be a slut. I want you to take off your clothes whenever and wherever I tell you, no matter where, no matter who is there. And I want you to fuck and suck anyone, anytime. Those are my demands and they are nonnegotiable.”

She stared at me in shock for a long moment and then she finally whispered, “I can’t do that Kenny. You know I’m not like that.”

I answered, “I know that Gwen. So get out of my way.”

I finally had to pry her arms from around my waist and move her out of the way. I picked up my suitcase and took it out to my car. I came back for the second suitcase and then the box that I had filled up and each time she was lying on our bed and crying loudly.

I realized that I was totally unmoved. I just didn’t care about her anymore.

I didn’t even say goodbye. I drove to a downtown motel and checked in. I took my suitcases and my box to my room and then I went to dinner. I stopped on the way back to my room and bought a couple of beers. I went back to my room and got comfortable and watched a baseball game. I had missed watching baseball and football. I hadn’t had the time or the opportunity at home. If I wanted to watch a game I had to go to a friend’s house.

I felt a sense of freedom that I had not felt in years. I had feared that I would feel guilt when I finally called it quits. I would feel a sense of responsibility knowing that Gwen was incapable of supporting herself. Instead I felt calm for the first time in years. The constant knot in my gut was gone. Martin Luther King’s famous words came to mind and I smiled. I was indeed “free at last!”

I started getting calls on my cell phone around nine that evening. I didn’t want to talk to her. I turned the ringer off and when the game was over I went to bed and slept peacefully. No bad dreams, no regrets.

When I awoke in the morning I went to breakfast at a nearby diner. I checked my cell phone. She must have been calling all night long. My voice mail box was full. I deleted all of the messages without listening to them and as soon as the box was empty it started filling up again.

I decided that the best way to handle that would be to talk to her when I went to get the rest of my things. After breakfast I called a friend and explained that I was leaving Gwen and asked if I could store a few things in his garage until I found a place.

He laughed and said, “It’s about fucking time Ken! Welcome back to the world of the living.”

My friends all despised Gwen. They frequently tried to convince me that I needed to grow a set of balls and either put her in her place or get the hell out. I guess I finally grew the balls.

I told Jerry that I’d be over in a little while. I paid for breakfast and drove back to the house to confront Gwen once more. I figured that it would be ugly but I just didn’t care anymore.

I drove to the house and backed into the driveway. I opened the trunk and I opened the garage door. I found another empty box among the stacks of unopened boxes of shit that Gwen had ordered and went inside.

Gwen was sitting at the kitchen table and she looked like shit. Her eyes were red and she had apparently been up all night crying and dialing my cell phone. She looked at me and at first I think that she thought that I had changed my mind. Then she saw the empty box and her shoulders slumped and she started crying again.

I can remember when I would have been torn up if she had cried. I couldn’t stand it. Not now. I felt nothing. I stopped across the table from her and said, “Stop calling my cell phone Gwen. It’s over. There is nothing you can say to change that. I don’t love you anymore. I don’t want you anymore. Just leave me alone.”

She stared at me through her tears. I think it finally was sinking in. I turned to go upstairs and get some of my belongings when she whispered, “I’ll do it.”

I didn’t know what she was talking about. She saw that I was confused and she stood up and actually tore her blouse open. She repeated, “I’ll do it.”

I looked at her exposed flesh. It annoyed me that she still could turn me on but she really did have a hot little body. She was wearing a lacy little bra and I could see the dark area underneath where her small, delicate nipples were hiding. She was holding her blouse open to expose herself to me.

I finally remembered what I had told her I wanted from her last night if she wanted me to stay. I knew that she couldn’t do it. She might be able to flash her bra covered tits at me in the privacy of our kitchen. She might even reluctantly allow me to touch her. Hell, she was so scared now that she might even let me fuck her. But there was no way she could do the things that I had told her I would require of her when I was leaving last night. She had never, not in three years of marriage, agreed to suck my cock. She seldom allowed me to see her naked or even in her lingerie. There were times that I wondered if she might be a lesbian. She sure as hell didn’t want to have sex with me.

I grinned and said, “That’s a very pretty bra Gwen. But you know you can’t do what I told you I would require of you last night if you wanted me to stay.”

I will admit that she almost looked desperate enough. But I knew her too well. She could never be the slut I had told her I wanted.

I asked, “Do you know what I did last night Gwen?”

She shook her head. She was still holding her blouse open, almost as if she were unaware that she was doing it.

I reached across the table and closed her blouse and said, “Last night, after I ate, I bought a couple of beers and I went back to my motel room and got undressed. I sat there in my underwear with my feet up and watched a baseball game. I was happier and I was more relaxed than I have been since before we got married. It was a good feeling Gwen.”

She looked like she didn’t even understand what I was trying to say to her. She looked at me with that desperate expression on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. But she saw that I was totally unaffected. She saw no pity in me and no concern for her future.

I started to turn back toward the stairs and she repeated, “I’ll do it Kenny. I’ll be a slut. If you give me a chance I’ll do it all. I’ll do anything you tell me to do. I’ll suck your cock. You can fuck me anytime you want. Your friends too, Kenny, I’ll let them fuck me if you tell me to. Please Kenny. I’ll die if you leave me. I know I’ve been an awful wife. I’ve taken advantage of you, I’ve used you. I thought about it all night long. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll be your slave like you said.”

I turned back and looked at her. The love was gone. But I had to be honest. She was still the hottest woman I knew. She was just twenty-one with shoulder length bright red hair. She had perfect B cup breasts and a high, tight, firm little ass that you could almost rest your drink on. Her pussy was tight as a drum. Hell, it should be. She was almost a fucking virgin. She guarded that thing like it was a temple of gold.

When I had laid out the conditions that would be necessary for me to stay last night I had just been jerking her off. I knew she wouldn’t agree. But if I was wrong, if she would agree to do all of those things that I had said, well fuck! I could string her along for a while. Hell, she owed me. I wouldn’t mind taking it out in pussy and humiliating her like she had humiliated me over the last three years.

I looked at her and finally I said, “I don’t believe you Gwen. I don’t think you can do it. But I’ll give you a little test. Take off your clothes.”

She undressed more quickly than I had ever seen her undress before.

When she was standing there naked I said, “I didn’t check the mail last night when I came home. Go get the paper and check the mail. And I want you to walk at a normal pace. No hurrying.”

She looked like I had slapped her. I saw her brain working. I could almost read her mind. She was weighing her options and she realized that she didn’t have any. She turned and walked to the front door and stood with her hand on the knob. She turned back and looked at me, obviously hoping that I would be satisfied that she was willing to obey.