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Blonde Mistress



“Eat me, slave, or I’ll light the cigarette.” The cigarette was already in her mouth. I looked up at her as she picked up the lighter from the desk with her left hand. I am naked and kneeling in front of her, with my ankles and wrists bound behind my back and tied to the bottom drawer of a file cabinet. My jaw felt sore, and I knew it was just a matter of time before my jaw would be so sore that I could no longer eat her pussy. My arms are sore and getting stiffer, having been tied behind my back for a couple of hours. My knees are sore as well. Mistress lounges in my office chair in front of me with her legs spread, naked as well. I glance through the office window and notice that it’s dark out. I look back at my Mistress, about to light the cigarette. She is an attractive woman, about 5’ 7″ tall, with blonde hair and green eyes. I think she is about 25. She is a little plump, but not fat. Her breasts are a soft 42D, with small nipples. She keeps the area around her pussy trimmed. I leaned forward into Mistress’ wet pussy and resumed licking and sucking. I heard her put the lighter on the desk, and I could hear her mewing as I sucked on her clit. My mind started to wander, and I thought about how I got myself in this position.

I’m the office manager of a title insurance company. I work with a lawyer that does title searches, and three secretaries that put together the title documents. Our offices are in a five story office building in a suburban park, with about a dozen other companies. One day, as I was going to lunch, I saw this nice looking young lady in the hallway. She saw me, and asked “Can you tell me where the Traveler’s Insurance Company is?” “Yes, it’s just down the hall. Let me take you there.” I walked her to the Traveler’s office, and then I went on my way. I saw her again about a week later, and stopped to say hello. She said hi, and told me her name was Betsy. She told me that she started working at Traveler’s as an executive secretary. We talked about the weather and traffic for a few minutes. I asked her out to lunch, and she said sure. We met later that day in the lobby, and we went to a nearby Italian restaurant. We talked about things we saw in the building, and about what went on in our offices. After lunch, as we returned to the office, I asked her if we could go out for lunch again. She agreed, and we set up a date for next Wednesday.

The week flew by, and I met Betsy in the lobby for our second date. We went to a nearby Chinese buffet. We talked about what had happened to us that week, and about what we did over the weekend. I asked her if she would like to go out again, and she suggested another Wednesday lunch date. We started going to lunch together every Wednesday. After a couple more lunches, we were more comfortable with each other and started talking about our personal lives. Time passed and I found myself looking forward to our Wednesday lunches. We had been lunching for a couple of months, when she surprised me one day by talking about sexual dominance and submission. I felt comfortable with her and shared some of my submissive fantasies with her. I was concerned that she might be offended, but she seemed interested in my fantasies. She even asked questions about some aspects of my fantasies. I had a hard time remaining calm in the restaurant while we talked about my fantasies. I was daydreaming when I returned to the office that day. I looked forward to our next lunch all week, but when we got together again the next week, the subject didn’t come up. It never came up again at lunch.

I enjoyed our Wednesday lunches, but I wasn’t expecting anything else to develop with Betsy. I was a little scared to ask her out on an evening date, and I didn’t know if she was dating other guys. I was busy with office work, and I hadn’t gone out in a while. I was enjoying the time I was spending with Betsy, and the conversation we were having. One day while we were at lunch I was waiting for the check when she handed me a note. I opened the note, and read “If you want to obey and serve me, meet me at the south building entrance at 5:30 today.” I was surprised. It had been a few months since that lunch where I’d shared my fantasies with her. We had talked about so many different things. I didn’t realize that she was a dominant. I thought for a while, and nodded yes. I wanted to act out my submissive fantasies, and Betsy was a nice looking lady.

I was lost in thought the whole time we were driving back to the office. I walked Betsy to her office, and said “See you later” as she went back to work. I went back to my office, and starting reviewing the budget. I had trouble concentrating on work, and I was glad when the afternoon had passed and the clock read 5:15. Everyone in the office had already left, and I was finishing up a status report. I locked up the office at 5:25, and met Betsy at the south entrance. She didn’t smile or say hello. “Follow me”, she commanded. She turned around and started walking to the parking lot. I followed her to her car, a Mazda Miada, which she unlocked electronically. “Open the door for me”. I stepped around her and opened the car door for her. I held it open as she bent over and got a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold from the rear seat. “Turn around.” I turned around, and put my arms behind my back. I could feel the handcuffs locking on my wrists, and the blindfold being put over my eyes. I felt her leading me around the car, and heard her opening the door. “Get in the car.” I ducked, and felt for the car seat. I slid in the car, and heard my door shut. A few seconds later, I heard her door shut. She started the engine, and I felt the car moving.

I rode for what seemed to be about thirty minutes. Betsy didn’t say a word the whole trip, and I didn’t say anything either. I was interested in what she had in mind, although I was uncomfortable in the car seat with the handcuffs digging into my back. My left shoulder was hurting from sitting twisted to keep the handcuffs out of my back. Finally, I heard her turn off the engine and open her car door. My car door opened. “Get out the car.” I squirmed and got out of the car and stood by it. I heard the car door slam, and I felt a collar being put around my neck. I felt a tug, and started walking. I followed the direction of the tugging. When the tugging stopped, I stopped walking. I felt her unlocking the handcuffs from my wrists. I heard the command, “Take your clothes off.” I was still blindfolded, so I just dropped the clothing as I removed it. After I had taken everything off, I stood there, not knowing what else to do. After a couple of minutes I heard, “Remove your blindfold.” I reached behind my head, found the buckle, and took the blindfold off. I was standing in a living room, and Betsy was sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette. She was wearing a black leather bra and panties. “Pick up your clothes, put them in a pile in the corner there, and return to where you’re standing.” I picked up my clothes, folded them, and put them in the corner she pointed to. I returned to where I had been standing. I was naked, except for the collar. My cock was hard as I wondered what I would be doing.

“Good. Now put your arms behind your back and clasp your hands. That’s the position I want you to stand in while you wait for my commands. Now, get me a beer.” I looked around, and went into the room that looked like the kitchen. I found the refrigerator, and opened it. I got a beer, opened it, and returned to the living room. I was about to set the beer down on the end table by her, when she shouted, “Idiot, I don’t drink beer from a can. Do I have to tell you everything!” I returned to the kitchen, and looked through the cabinets until I found beer glasses. I poured her beer, found the trash can, threw the can away, and returned to the living room. I found a coaster on the end table, and set the glass down near her. “That’s better”. I returned to my position and waited for her next command. I didn’t have to wait long. “Get the feather duster from the hall closet, and start dusting the living room.” I walked to the hall, found the closet, and found the feather duster. I returned to the living room, and started dusting. Mistress directed me to dust various objects in the room. As I walked around the room, I could see out the windows, and realized she lived in an apartment. I spent the next couple of hours fetching snacks, drinks, and other things for her, and cleaning the apartment, while she sat on the sofa smoking. I was standing in my position watching her finish a cigarette when I heard her command, “Clean this ashtray.” I walked over, picked up the ashtray from the end table, and walked into the kitchen. When I returned with the clean ashtray she smiled and said, “Good. You are learning how to please me. Put your clothes back on.” I put the ashtray on the end table, and walked over to where my clothes were folded. I put them on, and she came over to me and put the blindfold on. I felt a tug on the collar, and I followed the tugs. I felt her removing the collar, and then I heard the car door open. “Get in.” I slid in, and heard her get in the car and start the engine. We rode for a while, then I heard her say, “Take the blindfold off.” I took the blindfold off, and saw we were in the office parking lot. She didn’t say another word, and I got out of the car. She sped away while I was closing the car door. I got into my car and went home, amazed at what had just happened.

The rest of the week went by, and I found myself thinking often about Betsy and what we had done. I knew that I enjoyed serving her, and wanted to keep serving her. I wanted to see her more than once a week, but I dared not call her. Finally, Wednesday rolled around again, and we met in the lobby for lunch. I opened the door to the building for her, and her car door. When we arrived at the café, she waited while I walked around the car to open the door for her. I held the door open for her as she entered the café. At lunch, we talked about the usual office things, although I wanted to tell her how much I needed to serve her. I was waiting for the check when she handed me a note. I opened the note, and read “Meet me at the south building entrance at 5:30”. I nodded yes, and we returned to work.

I met Betsy after work, and followed her to her car. I opened the car door for her, and she got the blindfold and handcuffs out, and put them on me. We drove to her apartment just like before, and soon I was standing naked, except for the collar, in my position before her. She was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette, and had on the black leather bra and panties. “Come here”, she commanded. I walked over to her. She picked up the handcuffs, and locked both ends around the base of my cock, behind my balls. The chain hung a couple of inches. “From now on, I want you to put the handcuffs on like this when you get undressed. Look over on the bookcase. Do you see the weights? I looked over to the bookcase. It was a half height bookcase, with three cylindric weights on top. I had seen them before, and thought they were a display. Each weight had a snap hook tied to the ball on top of the weights. “Yes Mistress, I see them”, I replied. She continued, “The smallest weight is two pounds, the middle weight five, and the largest weight ten. After you lock the handcuffs to your cock, choose one of them and hook it to the handcuff chain. If you choose to wear the ten-pound weight, I’ll take off my bra and panties, and you’ll have the pleasure of serving my naked body. If you choose the five-pound weight, I’ll take my panties off. If you choose the two-pound weight, I’ll remain in my leather outfit.” As much as I wanted to see Mistress naked, I didn’t know if I could handle ten pounds hanging from my cock for two hours. I walked over to the bookcase and chose the five-pound weight, and hooked it to the handcuff chain. I let go of the weight, and the tug wasn’t too bad. I walked back to my spot, and put my arms behind my back. Betsy stood up, slipped her panties off, and sat down. I noticed that the hair around her pussy was neatly trimmed. I spent the next couple of hours fetching things for her, and cleaning the apartment, as she sat on the sofa watching. I had to walk slowly to keep the weight hanging between my legs from swinging too much. She smoked as I got her drinks and snacks, and cleaned the ashtray she was using. Every time I got close to her, I just stared at her pussy. Finally she smiled and said, “Good. You have pleased me. I hope you enjoyed looking at my pussy. ” She tossed me the key to the handcuffs. “Take the handcuffs off and put your clothes back on.” I took the weight off the handcuffs, and unlocked them. I put the weight back on the bookcase, along with the handcuffs and key. I put my clothes back on, and she put the blindfold on me. She drove me back to the office parking lot, like before. I got into my car and went home, horny as hell.

Next Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough for me. Betsy and I had lunch, and I met her after work. We went to her apartment, and soon I was standing naked before her with the ten-pound weight hanging from my cock. She sat there and took a couple of drags on her cigarette before she put the cigarette down, stood up, removed her bra and panties, and sat down. I stared at her breasts. I knew that they were large, but now I could see that they were well rounded, but her nipples were rather small. I spent the next couple of hours fetching things for her, and cleaning the apartment, as she sat on the sofa watching. I had to walk slowly with the ten-pound weight hanging between my legs. Every time I got near her, I just stared at her breasts. Finally she smiled and said, “Good. You have pleased me. I hope you enjoyed staring at my breasts. ” I got dressed, and she brought me back to the office parking lot.

The next week I was back at Betsy’s apartment, naked, with the ten-pound weight hanging from my cock, waiting to serve her. She sat on the sofa naked, smoking a cigarette. “Get me a beer.” I went into the kitchen, and brought her a beer. I stared at her breasts as I put the beer down by her. “Would you like to eat my pussy?” “Yes Mistress, I would”, I eagerly replied. “You must earn the privilege of eating my pussy. Stand by the dining room table.” I walked over to the dining room table. Mistress got up, picked up another pair of handcuffs, and walked over to me. She handcuffed my wrists behind my back, and reached under the table. She picked up a rope, tied the rope to the handcuffs attached to my cock, and then to the handcuffs attached to my wrists. “Kneel down”, she commanded, and I got on my knees and watched her. She stepped in front of me, her pussy inches from my face. “Smell it”, she commanded. I moved forward a little, and savored her scent for about a minute. She turned and walked away from me. She stopped, and bent over to put her panties on the floor about three feet in front of the sofa. She then walked to the sofa and sat down. She lit a cigarette, took a drag, then commanded, “Crawl over and eat my pussy.” I started crawling towards her, then felt a tug on my cock when I was about six feet away from the sofa. I turned my head, and saw that my cock was tied to a 50-pound barbell weight laying flat on the carpet under the dining room table. I leaned forward and pulled on the weight until I thought my cock was going to be yanked off. I felt the weight move about a quarter inch. I stopped struggling and caught my breath, and I saw Mistress lounging on the sofa stroking her pussy. She was watching me. “I’m horny, come eat me”, she cooed. It took me about fifteen minutes to drag that weight a foot. My cock was sore, both from trying to drag the large weight, and from the ten-pound weight swinging between my legs. I was sweating, and wondering if I could drag that weight any further. I slumped to the floor, and my face fell into Mistress’ panties. I could smell her scent and the scent of leather. I lay in that position for a couple of minutes. I probably would have stayed there sniffing her panties, but I heard Mistress’ voice command me. “Get up.” I struggled to get back on my knees, and I saw Mistress lounge on the sofa fingering her pussy. I struggled for about another thirty minutes until I was close enough to the sofa to bury my face in Mistress’ wet pussy. I licked and nibbled on her clit for about fifteen minutes, and I think she had two orgasms before she commanded me to stop. She untied the rope, and unlocked the handcuffs from behind my back. “Put the weight back under the table.” I slid the weight under the dining room table, and then returned to my position. I spent the last thirty minutes fetching things for her and staring at her. Finally she smiled and said, “Good. You have pleased me. I hope you enjoyed eating my pussy. ” I got dressed, and she brought me back to my car.

The next week I was back at Mistress’ apartment, naked, with the ten-pound weight hanging from my cock, waiting to serve her. She sat on the sofa naked, smoking a cigarette. “Get me a beer.” I went into the kitchen, and brought her a beer. I stared at her breasts as I put the beer down by her. She took a few sips, then asked me “Would you like to fondle my breasts?” “Yes Mistress, I would”, I replied. “You must earn the privilege of fondling my breasts.” I wondered what she’d have me do, remembering what I had to do to eat her pussy. She stood up, and brought me near the kitchen doorway. She hooked my collar to an eye that was screwed into the wall. I was standing with my back against the wall, unable to bend or move. She walked into the bedroom, and soon returned. She was carrying a pair of five-pound weights. She handed them to me, and commanded, “Clip these weights to your nipples.” I saw the binder clips on the ends of the weights. I winced as I clipped my left nipple. When I let go of the five-pound weight, to have both hands free, I almost screamed from the pain. I hurriedly clipped my other nipple. As soon as I got the clips on both nipples, I grabbed the weights, one in each hand, and held them. Mistress was standing in front of me. “Do you still want to fondle my breasts?” “Yes Mistress”, I answered quietly. “Then let go of the weights.” I let go of the weights. The pain in my nipples was sharp at first, then dulled a little. I could only stand the pain for about thirty seconds before I grabbed the weights again. The pain from the clamps was nothing compared to the pain from the weights pulling on my nipples. After about a minute, I let go of the weights again. This time I was able to stand the pain longer, and after about a minute, Mistress stepped forward, and whispered, “You may fondle my breasts now.” I reached up and felt the softness of her breasts. Her nipples stayed small even as I played with them. I squeezed her breasts for about a minute, until the pain in my nipples was too great. As soon as I grabbed the weights, Mistress’ stepped back. I rested my nipples for a couple of minutes, and let go of the weights again. After about a minute, Mistress stepped forward. I fondled her breasts for a couple of minutes until the pain in my nipples was too great, and I grabbed the weights. I rested my nipples for a few minutes, and let go of the weights. After a minute Mistress stepped forward and I fondled Mistress’ breasts once more for about a minute. Again, the pain in my nipples forced me to stop fondling and grab the weights. My nipples were hurting too much for me to let go of the weights again. We both stood there for about five minutes until she commanded me, “Unclip the weights.” I unclipped the weights from my nipples, wincing as the blood returned to each one. She put the weights in her bedroom, and returned to unhook me from the wall. I spent the last hour and a half fetching things for her and cleaning her apartment. Finally she smiled and said, “Good. You have pleased me. I hope you enjoyed fondling my breasts. ” I got dressed, and she brought me back to the office parking lot.

The next week, I met Mistress at the south entrance. I was ready to follow her to her car, when I heard her ask, “Is there anyone in your office?” “No, I locked up”, I replied. “Good. Let’s go.” I followed her up to the door to the office. She waited as I unlocked the door. We walked in, and I locked the door. She followed me to my office. I opened the door and she walked in. I closed and locked the door. “Strip”, she commanded. I was a little nervous because the blinds were open, and it was still light out. I removed my clothes and put them in the corner by the door. She took out a rope, and tied my hands behind my back. “Kneel”, I heard. I knelt down, and she tied my ankles together. My wrists and ankles were tied together, and then tied to a file cabinet handle. I knelt there and watched as Mistress removed her office clothes. She was wearing a white silk bra and panties. When she was naked, she sat in my office chair, and rolled over to where I was kneeling. She got cigarettes and a lighter from her purse, and started to light a cigarette. “Please Mistress, don’t smoke in my office”, I pleaded. A wicked grin came over her face, and she took the cigarette out of her mouth. “Very well. I won’t smoke for now. Eat my pussy.” She spread her legs wide, and I moved to bury my face in her pussy. I felt a tug, and the rope kept me from reaching her pussy. I stuck out my tongue and started to lick her clit. She let me lick her with the tip of my tongue for a couple of minutes before she moved the chair closer to me. I dived in and started sucking on her clit, happy to be serving my Mistress. I licked and sucked for about twenty minutes, until my jaw started to get sore. I stopped for a minute to rest my jaw. I looked up at her as she picked up the cigarette from the desk and put it in her mouth. “Eat me, slave, or I’ll light the cigarette.” I watched her pick up the lighter from the desk with her left hand. I leaned forward into Mistress’ wet pussy and resumed licking and sucking. I heard her put the lighter on the desk, and I could hear her mewing as I sucked on her clit.