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Mary and Pixie go Naturist



Have you read the account Pam wrote of the time we met up with her and Wendy at the naturist resort? I thought you might be interested in my side of the story. I have never written before so please excuse any mistakes I make, but Pixie and I had such a good time, I want to share it with you.

Since Pixie’s dad left me, I have had a few affairs with guys, but I did not really enjoy the sex. I had never been with a woman but when I saw the advert from the Sunbeam Resort, I decided to give it a go. At least Pixie and I could have a holiday without being hassled all the time by horny men! The advert read:

“Come and visit our Naturist resort. We specialise in providing holidays for attractive women with active imaginations. Families are welcome. But no children under twelve and no boys over the age of fifteen. If you want freedom to indulge your wildest dreams, come and spend your holiday with us at Sunbeam Naturist Resort.”

Pixie was only fourteen, and this would be her first real grown up holiday. I am a redhead but my little girl is a natural blonde. I guess she gets it from her father’s side of the family. We were in a state of high excitement as we drove off to Sunbeam one sunny afternoon. The resort was set in a little estate fenced all around to ensure our privacy. The manageress told us she was called Shirley. “And here is a rule book, which I hope you will read, when I have shown you to your chalet.” she said.

Shirley was of course naked, and I felt quite self- conscious in my clothes. The chalet was close to the clubhouse, and consisted of a double-bedded room and a bathroom.

“Please read the rule book and come and see me in the clubhouse when you are ready.” said Shirley.

She left us and Pixie said, “Here goes,” and she took off all her clothes. I did the same and we took a few moments to admire each other. Pixie’s body is of course only just beginning to develop. Her breasts are budding, adorable cones of white skin with the cutest pink nipples. I am thirty and have a typical redhead’s body, full and freckly.

“Let’s have a look at the rule book,” I said. “Wow, Rule 1 says we should be naked at all times. Rule 2 says that Sex is permissible at all times, Rule 3 says Sex must always be in public and Rule 4 that an offer of Sex should never be refused.” I had not realised that sex would be so freely available, but speaking for myself that was most acceptable. I was not sure about Pixie though. She was still totally virgin, but I knew it had to happen sometime and maybe this was the best place if I could find the right person for her.

We gave each other a hug, before venturing out. Her body felt good against mine. Of course, it was the first time I had felt her against me naked since she was a child.

Shirley was waiting for us. “I am going to introduce you to a few other guests so you will feel at home. Tell me what sort of women you would like to meet.”

I told her that I had never had an affair with a woman, so would be interested in meeting anyone sympathetic.

“And Pixie, dear,” she turned to my daughter, “Would you like to meet the other boys and girls?”

“Oh yes, I would,” she replied, “Is there a swimming pool?”

“Yes, a lovely pool, let’s go there now.”

It seemed natural for Shirley and I to take Pixie’s hands in ours as we strolled into the gardens. Several women greeted us. I noticed they seemed to be interested in Pixie, stopping to look at her as we went past. Shirley took us to the pool area where she suggested we relax on the sunbeds and join the crowd in the pool if we wanted. She left us there.

I took out the sun oil and started to put it on Pixie’s body, as she lay on her front on the bed. I saw some of the youngsters leave the pool and come towards us. “Come and say hello,” I called out to them.

Two boys and three girls came over and sat on the ground beside us. “Can I do that?” asked one of the boys, a handsome lad of about fifteen.

“Okay,” I said passing the oil to him.

He put a generous measure of oil onto his palms and began to apply it to my daughter’s skin. Soon he had completed her back, and asked her to turn over. He seemed entranced to see her pretty adolescent breasts and gently applied the oil to them. Pixie smiled as two of the boy’s friends asked to share the fun.

Soon I was able to enjoy the sight of Pixie lying back naked with five pairs of hands caressing her body in the sun. The boys dicks soon became fully erect, and no wonder the way they were openly massaging her sexual parts. When I judged she had been oiled enough, I suggested she should go for a swim with her new friends.

I was left alone, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Shirley smiling down at me. “May I sit here?” she asked.

“I think you need some oil too.” She reached for the oil and poured a little over my breasts. With a smile, Shirley reached her hands towards me and started to massage the oil into my breastflesh. Her hands felt so good, better than any man.

I laid back with my eyes shut as her caresses grew bolder. She was using her finger and thumb to mould my nipples which I could sense were swelling. I felt her right hand leave my breast and trail across my belly to my mons. I felt fingers parting my red hair and slip onto my pussy slit. I parted my thighs to allow her easier access. Her index finger slipped into me up to the knuckle and she started to finger fuck me. It was so enjoyable and erotic I never gave a thought to the fact that I was being fucked by a woman in the open air with anyone who wanted to watching.

I opened my eyes. Grouped around us were the youngsters. My own daughter was in the front, only a foot away from her mother who was wantonly lying with her legs wide with a woman’s hand deep inside her. Only an hour ago, she had seen me naked for the first time and now she was watching me being fucked! On either side of Pixie were two boys unashamedly wanking their pretty little cocks.

The children were giggling together and pointing to my cunt and breasts. They seemed especially interested in my erect clit which had long since left its fold. Shirley skilfully brought me off, and as the climax took hold of me, I saw the lads stand up so as to get their dicks over my breasts, where they shot their creamy loads. “Welcome to Sunbeam,” laughed Shirley, massaging the boy’s jism into my flesh.

“Was it good, Mummy?” asked Pixie as she helped me to get our things together. “Do you think anyone will do it to me?”

“Oh yes, baby,” I said, “But I do want your first time to be with someone who really cares about giving you a good time. In the meantime, enjoy playing with your new friends.”

We went back to our chalet to get ready for dinner. While I was in the shower, I heard a woman’s voice asking Pixie if she could come in. She told us her name was Fiona and her son, who was with her was called Sam. He proved to be one of the boys who had come all over me that afternoon. Fiona laughed as she told us that he had not stopped talking about me ever since.

“Look at his dick,” she told us proudly. Sure enough it was in full erection. For a boy of about fifteen it was quite impressive.

“Mary, I hardly like to ask, but Sam is so excited and I want it to go down or he will not enjoy his dinner. His sister and I have tried to give him relief, but all he wants is you. Would you mind giving him a quick fuck?”

I remembered Rule four and agreed. Besides he was very attractive and it would be fun for Pixie to see how a boy has sex. I love the casual way people treat sex in this resort.

“Sure,” I said, “Shall we do it here?”

To my surprise, she sat down and asked if I minded if she gave Pixie a cuddle while they watched.

“We will be able to see better from here,” She said sitting on the edge of the bed.

Pixie went to her and sat on the older woman’s knee. I lay down on my back and called to Sam to come over to me. Now that the time had come, he had gone shy on me. I folded his slim body in my arms and kissed his young mouth. He tasted good and soon grew in confidence. He moved down to suckle at my breast. Fiona and Pixie were watching avidly, and I could see that Fiona was caressing my daughter’s tiny breasts. Soon Sam wanted to eat me.

I wondered who had taught him that.

I let my legs part so that he had easy access to my pussy. He was good. He popped my clit, which he took between his lips, so that he could tease the glans with the tip of his tongue. When he had me going, he plunged his tongue deep into my hole and fetched me off. I felt my juice flow into his greedy mouth. I hope he enjoyed it.

Now it was his turn. I lifted him up so that his penis, now bigger than ever, was pointed at my cunt entrance. I held my lips open and nodded at him. Sam plunged his six inches straight up me and began to pump. Pixie and Fiona cheered him on until with one mighty ram he flooded me with his sperm.

“Thank you so much,” said Fiona.

“Anytime,” I laughed.

We agreed to meet Fiona and Sam later for dinner.

“I want you to meet my daughter, as well.” she said.

“Did you enjoy that, Darling?” I asked Pixie, “Was it good to watch your mummy being fucked?”

“Oh yes, Mummy,” She replied, “I love it when you go all pink and your bits swell up.”

“I bet you want it to happen to you, don’t you?” I said, “Just be patient and I will find someone for you.” I was determined that her first should be a woman, but I did not think Fiona was the one. She was altogether too voracious in her appetites.

When we had showered and were ready to eat, we went to the clubhouse. Shirley was there. She suggested we go into the sun lounge.

“I think you will like what is going on there,” she said.

We went into a large room, comfortably furnished with chairs and sofas. In the middle of the room was a curious piece of furniture. I consisted of a platform surrounded by benches. Sitting on the benches were three women, one of whom was Fiona. She called me over when she saw me. “Mary, I have been looking out for you. We are waiting for Shirley to bring in a rather special girl.”

“And what will happen then?” I asked.

“Why, Mary, don’t you know? This is the altar. We use it every night to give some girl the gang bang she deserves!”

Just then, Shirley entered the room leading by the hand a girl of about twenty. In contrast to everyone else, the girl was swathed in a blue robe. Shirley brought her over to the altar and swept off the robe. The girl was delightful. Tall and slim, with full breasts. I heard Fiona whisper, “I told you I wanted you to meet my daughter!” Shirley laid the girl down in front of us.

“Bon appetit!” she said and left us to enjoy the treat she had served up for us. I seemed to have the place of honour, at the girl’s feet. I saw the woman at the head dip her face to the teenager’s mouth. The two women on either side, one of them the girl’s mother took a breast each.

Soon her nipples were swelling and glistening with spit. As for me, with a groan of lust, I took possession of the cunt so close in front of me. I was conscious of Sam and Pixie, beside me keenly watching as I used my fingers to expose the pink cuntmeat. I pulled her clitoral fold sharply upwards, so that the pearly pink clit was displayed for me to enjoy. I sucked it into my mouth and agitated it with my tongue. I sank my index finger into and up her vaginal hole. It was warm in there and very wet. By now the girl was rolling from side to side in her ecstasy.

She was only prevented from rolling off the altar by the four mouths working her body. One drinking from her open mouth, two suckling the opulent breasts and mine buried deep in her cunt. Of course no girl could long withstand such stimulation. I tasted her juice flow into my mouth and redoubled my efforts to suck as much as possible from deep inside her. We four held onto her and rode her climax, making her come like a train.

All too soon, she relaxed, and we sat back licking our lips. Fiona leant over to me and kissed me deeply. “I just adore to taste my own girl,” she laughed. Let’s go into dinner.”

Dinner was served on the terrace. It was a festive meal, all the guests and waitresses were naked and the candlelight glowed on the fresh skin. There was good food and a lot of flirting. The youngsters especially got into the mood. I saw Sam climbing onto the table, where his dick stood up like a mast. The girls decorated it with cream and fruits and then sucked their dessert off it.

After dinner we all trooped off to the chalets, and I noticed that several went to bed with different partners to those they started off with! We were getting into bed when there was a knock at the door. Sam stood there looking sheepish.

“Come on then,” I said.

So I spent the night with my Pixie cuddled up on one side and Sam on the other. Twice in the night, Sam climbed onto me for a quick fuck. He was so randy. In the morning, when I got up there was warm spunk dripping out of my cunt.

Pixie and I spent a lovely morning fooling around at the pool. The group of youngsters took Pixie off, so I spent my time swimming and admiring the girls. Fiona joined me and we had a laugh together discussing the girls we saw. “Look at that one, Mary,” she said. “I bet those nipples get hard. And look at her clit.” She pointed a young girl lying in the sun with her legs apart. “I bet that is a horny book she is reading.”

Sure enough, we saw her clit emerging and her nipples swelling. “I think I will put her out of her misery,” said Fiona, strolling across to the girl.

I was treated to a live sex show as Fiona fucked the stranger. As soon as they got into it, the gang of youngsters appeared as if by magic. They quickly formed a circle and watched attentively as the older woman made lesbian love to the younger girl.

I realised that this was the very spot where Shirley had done me the day before. This seemed to be where the exhibitionists liked to put on their shows. I had confirmation of this, when at lunch, Fiona whispered that her daughter was going to perform with her best friend at 2pm. She advised me to get there early so that I and Pixie could have ringside seats.

When we arrived at the pool, there was already a small crowd. I had to hold Pixie up so that she could see properly. The two stars of the show were just commencing their foreplay. “Look, darling,” I whispered to my daughter, “See how they are duelling with their tongues.”

The girls seemed very familiar with each other’s bodies moving effortlessly into a classic 69. Just then a woman came up and tried to see what was going on. I made room for her. She looked so handsome, I felt an immediate rush of desire.

I introduced myself and she told me she was called Pam.

“Is there somewhere we can sit and get to know each other?” she asked.

I pointed to a little summerhouse and we strolled over there, Pixie between us. When we got there, I put Pixie onto a beanbag and lay down myself. Looking up at our new friend I felt a wave of affection. “Come here, Pam,” I invited her.

My Pixie took her by the hand and led her over to where her mummy was waiting. I saw her whisper something, and Pam knelt beside me and gave me a deep refreshing kiss. As her tongue entered my mouth, I pulled her down so that I could feel her body against mine. Keeping the lingual contact, Pam took hold of my breasts and gently weighed and caressed them. She seemed particularly to like my creamy skin. Pixie was kneeling beside us and I could see her pretty face delighted to see her mummy being fucked once more.

By now my nipples were swelling. I realised that my new girlfriend was a skilled lesbian lover. I was so pleased that Pixie was there to witness and learn the sweet nuances of what one woman can do for another. Pam was working her way down to my pussy. I hoped she liked what she saw and that she would enjoy eating me. I felt my lips part under the skilful mouth of my lover. Her tongue entered me and I heard the lapping sounds as she drank from my open cunt. Still she had not touched my clit. And I thought that I was going to have to orgasm without that extra stimulation.

I should have trusted Pam however, for sensing I was going to come, she popped my lovebud and took hold of it with her lips. I exploded and she rode my climax with her fingers deep in my cunt. I loved the way Pam had involved Pixie in the seduction of her mother, making sure the little pet could see everything that was happening.

As I came down Pam enfolded me and Pixie together in a warm hug. I began to think that Pam might be the one to initiate Pixie into the ways of lesbianism! Pixie went off to rejoin her friends and Pam and I lay there chatting.

I was wondering how to bring up my ideas for Pixie, when to my surprise, Pam invited me to come, later in the evening, to the chalet she was sharing with her daughter. I was glad I had kept Pixie cherry up to now, for I knew that Pam and her daughter would do the right things for and to her. Tonight would be the night my baby became a woman!

Pam went off to find her daughter, so I went to the clubhouse to have a cold drink. I found Shirley there looking like the cat that had the cream. “What have you been up to?” I asked her.

“I have just had a wonderful fuck,” she said. “It was with a new girl called Wendy. She has a body to die for and the sweetest nature.”

She went on to tell me that she had had her right there on the clubhouse sofa. Apparently, they had finished each other off with a wild, totally uninhibited 69 in front of an appreciative audience. I too have just been fucked by a woman who came up to me at the pool. Her name is Pam.” I said.

Shirley laughed, “Like mother, like daughter,” she said. “I had the daughter, you had the mother!”

We both laughed at that and Shirley said that they would both be welcome guests at Sunbeam anytime.

It was very hot outside, so several people were drifting into the sun lounge to seek shade. Four of us women started to play cards. Someone suggested we play for money, but obviously, since we were all nude, this was impractical. “Why don’t you play for forfeits using the toy cupboard?” suggested Shirley. I was told that the cupboard contained lots of toys which were numbered, one to twenty. So it was decided that the winner of each hand would choose a number. She would then use this toy on the loser in any way she wanted.

The first hand was dealt. I had a ten. The winner, a statuesque blonde had a King and the loser a girl of about twenty-two, a four. “I choose toy number seven,” said the winner.

I went to the toy cupboard and found that number seven was a long slim black vibrating dildo.

“Oh goodie,” said the winner. “Kathy, lie down here,” she said pointing to the altar. “Girls hold her legs open for me.”

We two took the loser’s legs and held them up to her chin and wide apart. The blonde woman spread Kathy’s cuntlips and eased the dildo deep into her pink hole. She turned on the motor, and the toy vibrated, while she thrust it in and out of Kathy’s quim.

Her tormentor diddled her victim’s clit and Kathy rewarded her with a full writhing climax. I lost the next hand and Kathy used toy number three, a tiny handbag sized chrome vibrator to good effect up my anus. While it buzzed in my back passage, she tongued me on the clit. I came with a rush surprising her with a mouthful of juice. I won the next hand and chose toy number eighteen.

The loser was a tiny woman of about twenty-five who seemed quite shy. She had a shock when Kathy went to the cupboard and brought back a banana shaped strap on. The other women laid Anne on the altar and having put on the harness, I approached her.

Luckily for Anne, she was quite wet so I was able to feed the banana into her without any problem. This was the first time I had ever fucked a girl man style, so I took a moment to adjust. Soon I had the rhythm right and was pumping my lover like a real stud.

As she came I kissed her quivering lips and she sobbed her way through her orgasm with our tongues deep in each other’s mouths. We played cards until it was time to get ready for dinner.

I found Pixie in the chalet. She had had a fun afternoon playing with her friends. I gathered that she had seen Pam again, performing her magic with a group of youngsters. Maybe I had a rival for Sam’s affections! I told Pixie we had a date with Pam and Wendy later, but I did not tell her why. “Are you and Pam going to have sex again?” she asked me. “Would you mind?” I wondered. “Oh no, I love to see you doing it, I just wish I could as well.”

We went together to the clubroom. There seemed to be a bit of a commotion going on around the altar. Fiona was there so I asked her what was going on. “There is a new girl just come in and some of the women want her on the altar.” “Is that a problem, surely Rule four applies here. She cannot refuse.” I said.

Fiona told us that was not the problem. In fact the girl was only too keen to be the centre of attraction. “The problem is that all the women want to do her. They cannot agree who are to be the lucky four.” Fiona laughed. “As if it matters. Tomorrow anyone who wants her can have her. I for one will be round at her chalet after breakfast.”

We went into the bar. Spread-eagled on the altar was the most delicious young woman I have ever seen. She seemed to be about sixteen but with the body of a twenty year old. My eyes were drawn to her breasts which were high and firm. Her muscular thighs were parted to show a fine tight young pink-lipped cunt.

Just then, Pam appeared and asked me what was going on.”

I don’t know who she is,” I whispered, “But she is a real nympho! As soon as she came in, the women noticed her and brought her to the altar. That is what we call it. We use it most nights to gang-bang some young talent.”

Pam laughed, “That is my daughter. You will meet her tonight when you bring little Pixie round for her initiation.” So this was the lovely Wendy. We watched as Wendy was gang banged to a sensational orgasm. I knew she would be in demand as long as she was here, not least from me.

When the women had finished with her, Pam and I helped Wendy to her feet. After Pam had introduced us, we took her off to wash the traces of her lovemaking from her lush body. We all sat together for dinner. I found myself staring at Wendy and I know she had eyes only for me.

It is true I wanted her body, but I felt more than that. She looked so desirable sitting there in the candlelight, with her opulent figure and smiling face. Each time our eyes met, I felt myself to be a little bit more in love. I was eager to get the meal over so I could keep my promise to go to their chalet. I had to remind myself that it was meant to be Pixie’s night and not mine.

After what seemed an age, I found myself leading my little darling to Pam and Wendy’s chalet. They welcomed us with kisses. Pixie was not sure what was going to happen, but I could tell she was very excited. Pam said “Pixie, dear, tonight is your night. Wendy and I are going to show you exactly what sex between women can be like.”

Then I spoke, “Just do whatever Pam asks you to do, my pet. I am sure you are going to have a wonderful time. I will just sit here and watch your initiation.” I pulled a chair up to the side of the bed and settled down to watch whatever was going to happen to my baby girl.

Pam sat back and invited Pixie to come and lie on the bed. It looked as if they had decided to let Wendy have her first. I admired the way Wendy’s supple body looked as she began to make love to my daughter.

At first she concentrated on the budding breasts, while her mother was whispering encouragement in Pixie’s ear. I was delighted to see the tiny adolescent nipples swell as beautiful Wendy gently caressed them. Her mother was kissing Pixie and I saw my baby open her mouth to allow the older woman’s probing tongue to enter her mouth.

Wendy had decided it was time to move things on, and I saw her ease the trembling thighs apart. I saw my daughter’s quim close up for the first time. It looked sweet, with its hairless labia majora and strawberry coloured labia minora. Wendy dipped her head so as to be able to split the lips with her tongue.

I noticed that Wendy, ever considerate held her face and hair to one side so I could see her tongue enter the inside of my daughter’s hole. She seemed to make her tongue long and hard so that it penetrated deeper. Soon this stimulation relaxed Pixie and Wendy changed her way of seduction. With a soft tongue she washed the whole vaginal area.

Pam reached down and with two fingers she pulled back the virginal clit fold and I saw Pixie’s clit exposed for the first time. Wendy touched the tip of her tongue to the little pink organ. That exquisite sensation was enough to start my pet on the road to her first ever orgasm. I saw the tiny swollen breasts flush.

“Look,” I said, “She is coming!”

Wendy quickly dropped her head and opened her mouth so as to catch the virgin spendings of my lovely girl. Pixie sobbed as her body was wracked by her lovely come. Wendy looked up at me as if to seek my approval for her kindness to my daughter. Her lovely face was streaked with the girl’s pussyjuice.

I was so glad Pixie’s first seduction had taken place in such loving circumstances. We all shared a loving hug and then I took my little sex angel off to the bathroom to clean her up. When we returned, to my great delight, Pam invited us both to stay the night.

Imagine how I felt, when Wendy took me by the hand and led me to her bed. Pixie cuddled up to Pam, and I know she was diddled to orgasm several times in the night. As for Wendy and me, we made love passionately. I knew I had found someone special, she was so selfless and giving. And she tasted good. What more could a girl want in a lover?

For the rest of the holiday, we went around as a foursome. Of course, we all had other lovers, for variety is the spice of love. Once it got around that Pam loved to give sex, she was in great demand, especially among the younger set. Fiona and Sam still sought me out and Pixie proved a big hit. Sam was her first boyfriend and one night she was selected for a turn at the altar gangbang.

Much as I loved her, I could not have Wendy for myself entirely. She was too beautiful not to attract attention, so every day, I was treated to the sight of her beautiful body blossoming under the lustful touches of all the horny naturists.

However I was the one who got to sleep with her each night. Pixie and Wendy said they liked nothing better than to watch us making love together. “Real love is so rare,” said Pam.