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Penny x Niko – Teach, fuck off !



Walking into her apartment, Penny felt like cursing and would have if she hadn’t been a religious person. Her day ended with the altercation in her last history class of the day, where she taught at Woodland High School. School had been a bitch all day for one reason or the other and a few students had tried their best to hinder her teaching during the last class of the day.

After several minutes of being interrupted and having text books thrown at her by three male and two female students, she finally had enough of the disruptive students. Penelope “Penny” Ann Gleason pushed the button that alerted security she needed assistance in her class room.

Penny, as she was normally referred to by those who were close to her, had ordered the five to leave the class room and report to the office. They laughed at her and the leader of the group, Don Hawkins, threw his world history book at her and told her, “Teach, fuck off and you go to the office for me, as I’m busy.”

Within a minute three school officers arrived in he class room, along with vice Principal Mary Sheline. The officers entered the room quickly and unexpectedly, and in time to observe Don Hawkins throw another book at her, which struck her in the face and broke her glasses.

Moving quickly the officers took the Hawkins boy into custody and placed in him hand cuffs. One of the officers called the Patterson Police Department and asked for back up officers, as he had observed the other two males and two females starting to throw books as he was the first officer to enter the class room.

The other two male students were placed in cuffs, and then two female students were cuffed and the five ordered to sit on the floor facing the wall. When Hawkins tried to escape from the officers he was warned to stop and not resist the officers. Instead he spit, cursed and kicked at the school police officers. Finally they told him to stop resisting or he would be tasered. Once more he kicked the office when he approached him, and the sergeant used his taser on the large two-hundred pound six foot lineman on the school football team.

“Students, those of you who weren’t involved in this ruckus, please leave your seats and report to the office with me,” Sheline Patton instructed the students, “and follow me, please,” and left the office with the eighteen students. Walking past the police sergeant, she spoke so only he could hear her, “I’m going to have them write statements of what occurred. I will also ask Coach Doug Watkins to come to this room as the male students are on the football team and he can be immediately apprised of the situation. As of now and until further notice those involved are suspended from school.”

Once the five students removed from the school by the police and they had obtained the statements from the other students and Penny, the five were transported in separate police cruisers to the juvenile detention center. The exception being Donald Hawkins who was taken too central booking as the sergeant discovered he was eighteen and considered an adult under the law.

After the school nurse treated Penny, she was taken to the emergency room by ambulance to have stitches put in because her glasses had cut her face directly below her eyes, after they were being broken by the book hitting and breaking them. “Penny you need to have your eye checked to ensure no glass got in there, and I have cleaned the wound around the edge, but you must have it checked,” which the para-medics on the ambulance crew agreed with.

Now she was home and could forget the day Penny thought as she walked into the kitchen of her apartment and decided she needed a cup of coffee to help settle her nerves. The amiable and captivating twenty-four year old teacher looked through the eight or ten different flavors of coffee she kept stocked in her pantry. Finally settling on the chocolate-hazelnut blend she had recently purchased after the sales clerk had she had fixed for herself. “So today I will try you out, and see if my friendly sales associate Selma was correct that you were an excellent brew.”

Dumping enough of the raw beans into the coffee grinder, she pushed on the container and watched as listened as the beans were ground to the texture Penny believed was correct. Measuring out enough coffee to make two cups, and decided to make it a strong brew after her horrifying day at school added an extra scoop of coffee grounds to the pot. Pouring distilled water into the coffee maker, the young woman felt so anxious to taste the coffee, she placed the tip of her finger in her mouth, and after it was wet with her saliva, touched it in the coffee grounds that were left from grinding it moments before.

Once her finger tip was covered with the freshly ground coffee, she slowly moved her finger to where she could touch it with her tongue. The immediately sensations of the coffee on her tongue gave Penny a feeling of pleasure. She didn’t know if it was real or her imagination in an attempt to ease the strain of today’s confrontation in her class room.

Waiting for the coffee to brew, she walked into her bedroom and removed the jacket of the pants suit she was wearing and then eased the slacks down and off her legs. Reaching up she unbuttoned her blouse and hung the pants suit on its hanger. After deciding the blouse couldn’t be worn again unless it was laundered, she carried it to the bathroom and placed it in the clothes hamper in the closet that contained the washer and dryer.

After using the toilet, Penny washed her hands and looking in the mirror, looked closely at the small bandage covering where the emergency room doctor had placed three stitches. “Oh I hope they don’t leave a scar,” Penny spoke aloud, although she was the only one present.

The mirror showed the flawless smooth creamy skin of the alluring young woman, and her face contained the same lovely skin that covered her total body. “Why did this happen to me?” and she remembered the police sergeant saying that the five had evidently smoked crack only moments before entering her class room.

The police had borrowed plastic sandwich bags from her that she kept in her desk in the event she needed then for some reason. Penny hadn’t believed they would ever be utilized to place the drugs in as evidence, but the police found crack cocaine on each of the five students. During their search of the students back packs, they uncovered a crack pipe on one of the girls.

Joyce Wooleaver had always been such a sweet girl and was a 3.7 honors student; Penny was shocked that a crack pipe was found in her back pack. The teen was crying and saying she was only carrying it for Don, and crying uncontrollably said to the police, “It’s not mine, I’m only keeping it for Don… please don’t arrest me. This is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this, let me go please?” and the girl cried constantly as she was taken from the room by the police.

“Miss you show evidence of having used drugs, and this is a plastic baggy with crack cocaine in your pocket, and you gave us permission to search you things. Plus you have been read your rights, so you can explain it to the judge, I don’t pass judgment, I only investigate.

Why did she become evolved in drugs, and she and the other four were immediately suspended from school for the remainder of the year? Penny knew the girl didn’t understand the severity of what the suspension meant in her drugged out mind, but she wouldn’t graduate, nor likely receive any scholarship one she did complete her senior year of school.

Walking from the bathroom, Penny unhooked the front closure of her bra once she was in the kitchen hung the garment over the back of a chair at the table. Taking a large cup from the cabinet, she poured the coffee in the cup and moving it the hot brew to her lips, sipped a tiny amount into her mouth. In another couple minutes, she thought that she needed to thank Selma for suggesting the delightful tasting coffee.

Setting at the table in her kitchen, Penny thought she would go out for something to eat, even though she was wearing the bandage by her eye. Then remembered she needed to find her old glasses to wear until getting a new pair from her optometrist. Moving to the desk where her computer was set up in the bedroom, Penny looked in the top right drawer and searched through the various items that had been discarded for one reason or the other, but she couldn’t stand to throw away. After all, she reasoned, they might come in handy some day.

Not locating the glasses in that drawer, she opened the top left drawer and repeated the search amongst the many things she’d accumulated since being in high school. Then spotted the glasses in the back of the drawer and speaking aloud as if to confirm the approval of saving what she knew was junk, “See; now I have a pair of glasses and it proves some things shouldn’t be thrown away as someday they might come in handy.”

Slipping on the glasses, Penny laughed as she could hardly see though the dirty lens, and walking to the kitchen sink, washed them and then dried them with a paper towel. Once more she placed the glasses on and picked up her cup and took a long drink of the hot coffee. Setting the cup down, she refilled it and then carried it to the dinette table in the kitchen, sat down and enjoyed the coffee.

“So do I go out for dinner this evening?” She decided that was exactly what she would do.

When her coffee cup was empty, she refilled it and carried it to the bathroom where she started filling the tub. Once the water level was deep enough in the tub that Penny was able to soak her body up over her breasts if she scrunched up her legs, she was soon relaxing in the tub.

Settling into the water and moving so the water was over her breasts, Penny enjoyed her coffee while trying to forget all that happened that day. Thinking this was her third year teaching at Woodland High and before today, pleased with how she reacted with the students. Plus the students were kind and followed her instructions.

Stepping from the tub, Penny dried off and carried her cup to the kitchen and poured the remainder of the coffee in the cup and pulled out a kitchen chair and again sat down and her mind again returned to her students.

Penny’s mind wandered to one student in particular and she thought how she’d observed his watching her walk. Smiling while recalling the day she was seated on the edge of her desk and Rashad was seated at the desk in the front row before her. Every so often out of the corner of her eye, had caught him looking intently at her legs. At first Penny didn’t think too much about his checking her out, and knew her body was one man enjoyed seeing. Then it dawned on her that something must be captivating his attention and she wondered if her skirt was revealing more than it should be while she sat on her desk.

Placing her hand down onto her thigh, she could feel there was no skirt covering her leg at least half way up her thigh. “Good grief,” she had thought at the time, “my skirt is more than half way up my leg and I’m setting in front of the boy and he must be looking up my skirt as I’ve got my legs somewhat open.” Knowing her face most likely had turned red, she looked down and her eyes confirmed what she had thought, and knew he was likely seeing all the way up to where her legs ended at her torso.

Easing down from her desk turned out to be another problem as her skirt rode up her legs as she slides her hips down over the edge of the desk. This caused her skirt to ride up higher and she knew that the elastic top of her pantyhose had to be showing. “Rashad, forgive me for being so un-lady like, I didn’t realize my skirt was so high and…”

“No problem Miss Gleason, nothing was showing.” Rashad changed the subject in order to protect her modesty by asking, “So you’re saying you believe the United States military troops didn’t loose the war in Vietnam? But the White House and the generals played body count games, and the worst offender of them all was General Westmoreland? From what I have heard from my grandfather, who served in Vietnam, you are correct. He was a captain and still laments the officers that cost him the lives of so many of his men. The next time he is in town, would you like me to invite him to speak to the class?”

From that day onward, Penny had watched the teen boy check out her legs. One day he was starring at her breasts while asking about the special credit assignment he was working on for a chance to bring his GPA to a possible four point. When she was alone, she looked down and discovered the top two buttons of her blouse were undone. Penny knew the push up foam bra she was wearing had given her 34-A breasts additional fullness and the inside of her round glands were not only on view, but the darker pink color of the edge of her areolas were showing slightly from the sides of her bra cups.

From that day on she didn’t hinder his viewing her, and in fact would make slight move that either showed off her legs or her breasts when they were alone. That she was violating all the rules on personal conduct between a teacher and student didn’t stop what she considered innocent teasing.

One day she had ran into Rashad at the mall and they had enjoyed a sandwich and soda together at the food court. That day she was wearing a pair of shorts and a long tub top covering her upper body. She knew the top was more revealing than the student likely imagined his teacher would wear, but she could see he was enjoying the shape of her breasts under the top. Penny knew her prominent nipples were pointing against the material of the top and pushing outward indicating they were excited. Until she had joined Rashad in the food court, her nipples had made only a slight rise in the material of her top, but now they were in full display to his approving eyes.

Sitting in her kitchen and drink coffee, Penny discovered she was rubbing her sex through her panties. In fact one finger had wormed its way inside the leg band of her panty as she thought of the handsome male student. “Ho – I’m masturbating to the idea of Rashad and me…”

Her attempt to remove her finger and not bring forth her emotions about the young student didn’t work. Penny slide forward on the chair and with her legs outstretched and spread wide, she slide her hand inside her panties and masturbated her sex furiously as her fingers teased and brushed against her hardened clitoris. When her climax rolled through her body, she sobbed out, “Rashad, oh Rashad I’m coming for youuuuu!”

When her senses returned, Penny realized she had never fantasized about any one person when she masturbated. In fact the attractive young woman believed she was still a virgin, even after what had occurred in Nice, France when she was thirteen. During her early teens when her friends were squealing out when loosing their virginities in their bedrooms, in some tall grass or in some cases in the back seat of the boy’s car. Penny had listened as the girl told about giving it up to an older teen while she questioned if she had sex when Maurice stuck his small penis in her.

When she was fourteen, Penny recalled speaking to the girl who lived next door, Debbie Brooks, who told how she’d lost her purity at age twelve with two boys she meet when she skipped school. During high school she missed out on some dates because she wouldn’t give out. By the time she reached college Penny was somewhat of an outcast when she wouldn’t hook up in random acts of intercourse with any boy who was around in a dorm room, or at some fraternity or sorority function.

The closest she had come to giving up and going to bed with a male, was with a full professor at a Greek week function she had been invited to attend at the University President’s home. For the first time in her life the college senior drank an alcohol drink, albeit it was champagne and she had three fluted stemmed glasses of the bubbly and found herself on a bed with Professor Mankowski, the dean of her college. The man had such credentials that he was made the dean at the age of forty.

Being impressed that the man wanted to be with an undergraduate; Penny didn’t resist his removing the cocktail dress which she had worn when crowned homecoming queen. Even his fumbled attempt slipping off her pantyhose and lastly her panties didn’t cause her to stop what she knew was soon to be the end of her self imposed and what she considered her virginity. Feeling the man touch her breasts and hair covered sex between the long legs gave Penny strange, but welcomed sensations.

The fact was, Penny had turned twenty-one a week before and other than her own fingers rubbing her clitoris, and never inside her sex, was the limit to her sexual experiences except when she was traveling with her father in Europe. When Professor Mankowski rubbed her clitoris in a rough way, she knew that wasn’t the way men touched a woman. Then she knew a moment of fear as the professor moved over her and settled between her thighs.

“You gonna’ let me fuck you pretty girl… I’ve been told you’re a virgin, is that true Penelope?” and eased his cock to her slit and she felt it slip in about an inch. When she felt the dean moving his erection against her sex and didn’t enter her fully was actually a disappointment. Penny had resigned herself to accept his penis, even if he was drunk and became impatient with his playing around. Then she was amazed when feeling him press his body flat onto hers, and lay perfectly still on top of her. In a few moments Penny discovered Dean Mankowski had fallen asleep or passed out as he was entering her.

Penny was frustrated at the time and reached between then and moved his cock so it would enter her sex. Instead she felt it shrinking in her hand. Using it to rub up and down between her labia, she finally settled to rubbing it around and around on her clitoris, she felt him shoot his stuff on her clitoris, which caused her to climax extremely hard, knowing it was the second time in her life she felt semen splashing on her body.

Getting up from the bed, Penny knew it was likely the bedroom of the University President and she tossed her panties onto the professor’s face. After she was dressed, Penny returned to the party, and left about a half hour later. There were rumors the president’s wife discovered the dean on her bed with a pair of what assuredly was the panties from one of the young students who had been at the party. She was furious finding he had gotten his semen on the bedding and even where the imprints of some girl’s hips had lain.

No one had considered it was Penny who had been with the dean. Everyone assumed Penny was a virgin, and more than anything else, would never give her undies and virginity to any man until she was married, while discussing who the girl was that had bedded the dean.

The climax she had obtained fantasizing about Rashad had drained her emotions enough so that Penny had forgotten about the assault in her class earlier in the day. Now Penny felt at peace and knew she must stop her flirting acts with Rashad. For the first time she admitted what she was doing with the student was flirting, which she knew was what she had been doing all along, but had always considered it nothing more than innocent teasing. Yet in her mind she was trying to determine how she could dress to show off her body even more erotically when she saw Rashad tomorrow. I will have him stop by to see me after the day’s classes are ended about some part of his extra curriculum project.

Penny was an above average intelligent adult and knew she was treading on dangerous grounds, but she could limit and control the situation between her and Rashad. Moving to her bedroom she slipped on a long dress and didn’t bother putting on a bra, and feeling brazen slipped off her panties. For the first time ever she was not wearing panties or at least pantyhose.

Walking through the mall she entered the nationally known woman’s chain and sought out the bras. After selecting three different ones, she took then to the dressing room and tried them on. They fit her perfectly and they brought her breasts to a fullness that she hadn’t seen before. Each one had a different cut and the lace on the top and part way up the straps added the right touch to what she wanted with the idea of how she would dress tomorrow. Unable to determine which bra she liked best she decided to take all three and when dressing tomorrow morning would try each one with what she planned on wearing to school.

Penny walked to the hosiery selection and picked out a pair of suspender hose and knew that without panties, her sex would be on view. Selecting another pair, and then some sheer hose that would add to her long legs, she took them to the cashier and paid for the items she selected.

After paying for the lingerie items, Penny wandered the mall until she came to the small restaurant with a bar. She noticed the crowd was sparse and not what she wanted to help her to continuing to forget her day now she was in a good mood.

Driving home she saw a restaurant with a nice bar that some of her fellow teachers spoke about going to for a nice meal or even to have a couple of drinks. Since the time of the Greek night, Penny hadn’t drunk again. Now she wanted some excitement in her life and pulled into the restaurant parking lot and after locking her car, entered through the door of the restaurant where a hostess greeted her.

Telling the young girl she was just going to the bar, she thought the girl looked familiar and she heard the hostess speak to her, “Miss Gleason, I’m sorry to hear what Don did to you today. Oh my, is that where the book hit you?” the girl asked in a way to indicate she was sincere in her question and concern.

Knowing the girl attended Woodland, she looked at her name tag and saw it read, “Georgie” and recognized the girl was Georgie Edmunds, and a junior at the school. Suddenly Penny tied the hostess to Joyce Wooleaver and knew they were the best of friends and hung around together.

“Hello Georgie, I didn’t know you worked here. And you’re a four point student aren’t you?” she asked in wondering how the girl could be in so many organizations and clubs, work and still get straight A grades.

“Oh hi, Miss Gleason – you look nice this evening. Then again everyone thinks you’re so nice and always dress like those of us who are students believe a teacher should look. Are you having dinner with us this evening?

“Yes Georgie, I’m eating light this evening and will sit at the bar… but you mustn’t tell anyone you saw me hanging around in a bar,” and Penny chuckled as she made the comment.

Laughing at her teacher’s comment, replied, “Gee, if I told about seeing you hanging out in a bar, they would know I was in a bar or wouldn’t have known you were. Guess I must keep my trap shut about where you hang out, huh?” Then Georgie asked, “Could you help Joyce, I know she was set up… by someone she turned down…”

When she heard Georgie speak out Joyce being set up, Penny didn’t consider the comment other than a teen’s attempt to help out her best friend. Penny then asked, “Tell me dear, what would have caused your friend Joyce Wooleaver to become involved in drugs, or is this something she’s done all along? I have trouble thinking she would mess up her 3.7 GPA for drugs, do you have any knowledge you could share with me. I might possible help Miss Wooleaver with her problems, although the police watched her start to throw her book at me?”

“Miss Gleason I have no idea, but she has never done drugs before, and my parents know about the incident in school and I’m not allowed to speak with her. They wouldn’t release her from custody according to my mom, and she works at the juvenile detention center, so she knows all about the problem. She grilled me for an hour about drugs and made me empty everything in my room onto my bed. She never looked at any one thing, just made me dump it all out for her to see.”

“Your mother has a concern for you and sincerely hopes you don’t get in trouble is her reason for dumping your purse.”

“Yeah I know Miss Gleason, but Joyce is in deep trouble according to mom. She told me the prosecutor wants to set an example of school violence by getting the five committed to the max time under the law. Mom said the kids will be tried as adults, the same as Don. That means Joyce could be sentenced to as much as three years in the women’s state prison.”

“Yes, that would be the ruination of Joyce, and she seems so innocent, and I believe that’s because she is so small, and her long blonde hair makes her appear so sweet and naïve. I wish there was some way I could help her, but I’m at a loss as what I could do for her under the circumstances.

Georgie looked at her teacher and once more said, “I know someone is trying to set her up because she turned him down… Miss Gleason, Joyce is my best friend and now I can’t speak with her makes me wants to cry. But she’s a v-virgin and he’s trying to get even for her not letting him do…”

Penny listened to the girl and knew she was most likely trying to assure her that some male had wanted to have sex with Joyce and when she wouldn’t; he had the situation set up somehow to have her be involved in the disruption in her class room yesterday. That seems fairly far out, Penny thought, but decided to speak with the girl in more detail before leaving the restaurant.

After telling the girl she would speak to her before leaving, she walked to the bar and ordered a virgin Bloody Mary. Looking through the appetizer menu, she ordered a combination of Mexican foods and for the next hour had fun visiting with different men who tried to pick her up. Guess the guys haven’t learned any new lines since I was in college. And around ten o’clock she left for home. When she asked about Georgie she was told she had left.

The next morning as she was slipping on the suspender hose, Penny looked in the mirror at her image and wondered if she should trim her bush? It had grown down the sides more than she liked, especially when she wore her bathing suit and hang out the sides if she didn’t keep it trimmed. But with summer over and the pool closed she hadn’t thought to trim her dark brown hair covering her sex.

Deciding to leave it alone and shave it when she next bathed, Penny took out the suit she had purchased a week or so before, but had never worn before. Now she slipped on the skirt and loved how it had a nice kick pleat and slit on the left leg that was rather high. When Penny had purchased the suit she had loved how it seemed to be tailored by the way it hugged her hips. Sitting down on the chair by her bed, Penny crossed and uncrossed her legs and wondered how much she was exposing of her body.

Standing up, she moved the chair over to the mirror on its own stand and repeated crossing and uncrossing her legs. Penny found if she hiked her skirt an inch the insides of her thighs were visible and when unintentionally crossing her legs and easing the skirt just a small amount, the skin of her thighs became visible. Needing to know what would happen if she held her legs open slightly, she discovered if she was standing and then sat down and used her hands to pull her skirt up on the sides, and then sat down with her legs parted, her pubic hair became visible.

Trying on each of the three bras she had purchased last evening, and then slipping on the suit jacket, Penny first tried the red bra, then the black one, and lastly the violet colored bra; with deeper lavender colored lace trim as the one she would wear with the suit. She’s discovered when trying on the suit before purchasing it, that leaving the top button undone on the jacket revealed the center of her bra and chest.

The image she thought of when trying on the bra at the lingerie and clothing store was revealing as she desired. The lace trim and the top sides of each cup showed. In additional the cups were padded at the bottom and pushed up her breasts to a lovely fullness.

That morning when she checked her mail box in the school office, Penny found a note from the school principal Thaddeus Adkins. The hand written note asked if she would please stop by his office when she had a free moment. Seeing she had another fifteen minutes before her first class, Penny walked to the principal’s office and was greeted by his administrative assistant, Rea Worthington.

“Good morning Penny, let me check to see if Principal Adkins can see you now. He was alone before, but sometimes he has someone come in the other door. Be right back,” and watched the attractive older woman walk to the door with the gold lettering, “Principal Thaddeus Adkins,” and tap on the glass.

Rea motioned for Penny to come into the principal’s office, and after she had entered the office, the door closed behind her. She listened as the school principal spoke and watched him stand as she walked toward his desk. “Have a seat Miss Gleason. I hope your fine this morning after the horrific situation with the students yesterday.”

“Thank you Principal Adkins and it was an experience I still have difficulty believing it happened. You wished to see me according to your message, how may I help you?” and she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like what she was in the principal’s office to hear.

Principal Adkins said, “The hospital sent us a fax regarding your treatment, and review of the protocol they treated you for, indicates some scarring is likely from the cut and stitches they had to put in to close the cut. I have been informed your glasses were broken and the glass shard was what cut you. Security has provided me with their report, and they also obtained copy of the Patterson Police Department’s report. Miss Gleason I must ask you if you have consulted an attorney and considering action against the school, this is necessary before I can continue my conversation with you about the incident. Sorry, but with the litigation that occurs in today’s society I must ask the question.”

“Sir I hadn’t of such a thing, if I have anything legal to speak about in the matter, it would be about Joyce Wooleaver. I spoke with another student who indicated the girl had never been involved in drugs previously, and she is a 3.7 student and I feel she needs some slack,” Penny said in a firm voice.

“That is a matter for the police and court, and I must tell you not to become involved in any of this matter unless the school’s attorney is present when you speak about the case to anyone. That means anyone, Miss Gleason, and I’m certain you understand what I’m saying. That will be all Miss Gleason, I will contact you if anything further develops,” Principal Adkins stated in a voice to indicate he was speaking to her in a superior position.

Penny understood exactly what he was telling her, and it ticked her off. “He spoke to me like an abusive father to a child, and that is not correct.” Walking to her first class of the day she spotted Leonard Jackson and stopped him as he passed in the hallway, “Len, I need to see you about something, and as the union rep how about we speak at lunch, provided you have time?”

“Certainly, see you in the cafeteria over lunch.” Len replied and patting her forearm added, “Glad to see you weren’t injured to badly.”

After selecting her food from the serving line in the school cafeteria and selecting a diet cola, Penny walked across the dining area and knew she was being watched in the suit that highlighted her perfect shape. If only my breasts were one or two cup sizes larger, I would be happy. Once again she thought of having a breasts augmentation procedure done at the start of the summer break.

“Hi Penny,” Len and asked loudly enough so the others around her would think they were sitting together by chance, rather than an arranged meeting. Len had thought her request to meet with him was likely about the assault in her class room the previous day, and he listened as she returned his greeting and confirmed his thoughts.

“Nice seeing you Len, may I join you?” and Penny sat down across from him, which put her back to the wall of the dinning room. Getting directly to the point, she explained the threat Principal Adkins made by informing her not to discuss the matter with anyone, and in effect killed her idea trying to help out the Wooleaver girl. “Len, the girl carries a 3.7 and unless I or someone can help her out in the mess she made, her chances for college are ruined. Joyce is an excellent student, and until yesterday had no black marks against her. I’ll admit she screwed up big time, but I was told by someone who knows her well, she had never used drugs before. Never!”

The look on the union reps face was such Penny couldn’t decide if he was laughing at her or the set of his face was showing he wished to help her. Penny knew without the union stepping in with her fight to assist Joyce, she had no chance to do anything, but let the girl sink in the cesspool of drugs that Don had created for her. Never before had Penny been an activist and she waited for Len to make some comment. Instead it was like he was letting her swing like a horse thief hanging on a rope from a tree limb in the wind.

With a sound of disgust in her voice, Penny asked, “Can I not get the courtesy of a reply? Why does it seem to be such a problem – what is wrong that the first time in my life I asked someone for help I’m getting told to shut up, or ignored. I apologize for bothering you with a problem Len, and…”

Penny watched a smile form across Len’s face and heard him tell her, “You cute when you get pissed. Has anyone ever told you that Penny? Have you ever heard any rumors about the girl, and I mean even the most vague of comments?” and he leaned across the table and whispered lightly, “Not to sound like I’m trying to pick you up, but we need to meet away from the school. Can you stop by Flanning’s Grub & Suds – do you know where it is?” he asked. Len handed her a note written on a piece of paper he’d taken from his briefcase.

“Flanning’s I was in last evening, and that is part of my reason for wanting to help Joyce. I have an after school consultation, but can meet you around four- thirty. Does that work for you? Sorry I became a little brusque when you didn’t reply immediately.

Just before she was getting ready to leave the table, Vice Principal Sheline walked up to the table, and in front of Len remarked, “In the event you haven’t heard, Principal Adkins has asked the police and prosecutor to only charge Donald Hawkins with a misdemeanor charge of assault. Yet he has informed me the other students will still be charged with the felony charges. I thought you should be made aware of this matter. Sorry I didn’t greet you before, but hi Len.” Mary said before walking away.

“Son-of-a-bitch, maybe things are true… it is even more imperative I meet with you this evening Penny. Gotta’ run, see you around five.”

During the second class after her lunch time, Penny noted Rashad was aware of what she was wearing. Penny walked around the room to ensure there was nothing to indicate she was showing special attention to Rashad and as the class ended she asked him, “Could we meet after the last class to discuss you extra credit assignment? I just need to update my records and to review your project?”

After her last class, Penny unbuttoned the top two buttons of her suit jacket, and decided she had to close one of the buttons as it would be to obvious if both were unfastened. Penny reached inside her bra and adjusted her breasts so they were more exposed than they would normally be by the cut of her bra.

When that didn’t satisfy her, Penny reached in her desk drawer and took out a couple of facial tissues and folded them and then placed them in he bra so the outside area of her breasts were pushed up and out from the bra. Satisfied she had as much exposed as she dared.

Penny sat on the edge of her desk and knew from the way she was seated, her legs were parted and there was no doubt her pubes would show if she spread her legs apart another inch or two. Picking up the folder that contained Rashad’s work, she leaved through the pages and was doing so when he walked in and took the seat in front of her.